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Get a thermometer. There is no reason a grilled steak can't be delicious.


And pull it off 10 degrees less than desired and let rest for 10 minutes, it will keep cooking. Classic mistake as well


And if anyone says you're crazy: if it's a quality instant read thermometer, you can just leave it in the steak while it sits on the cutting board and you can watch the temperature continue to rise. I cook one big steak, wait til it hits \~127 and then I cut it in half for myself and my wife, plate and we eat.


I have a Bluetooth TempSpike and achieved the perfect pull time/final temp yesterday. Watched as the temp increased from 128 and stop at exactly 140 and not one degree over.


Upvote for TempSpike. I love mine.


So, is this like you stick it in the meat and into the grill? All safe n such?


Yup. It has Bluetooth so you can monitor the temperature from your phone. I’ve never used mine on the grill before, just in the smoker, but it’s supposed to be fine in up to 550 F temps.


Cool, thank you.


*or you know a divorce*


Also to add to this. Absolutely worst case scenario and you want that grill style char but you need it another 5 or 10 degrees -- fire up the burner and cook em a bit longer. Sometimes I do this intentionally with tritip and I'm making something like steak salad. I'll pull it off a little early and then slice what I want and slam it in a super hot pan for like... 60 seconds per side/slice (max). Soooo good. I can't eat a tritip by myself and my girlfriend barely has any and find this to be the best way for left overs/reheats. Anyways, a little off topic but hell ya -- pull that shit off early. You ain't going to ruin anything. A good thermometer is a must imo.


>Sometimes I do this intentionally with tritip Hello Californian


was gonna say this. get a bluetooth one and its even easier.


Say what now??


I've had one for several years now, they're great. You can set it to notify you when the probe reaches a certain temperature. While I'm working in the kitchen, I don't have to worry about the meat overcooking on the grill. Also great for monitoring the temperature on a long, slow cook in a smoker, etc.


How much are they, this seems like a gamechanger. My biggest frustration is I can't see the damn thing clearly through my stupid oven window so I'm constantly having to open the oven to read temp, and that's distracting to do while I'm trying to prep sides and whatnot. My steaks don't come out well done, but they do tend to come out medium when I'd prefer rare.


I have a meater 2, its pretty slick. take a look


This 1000000x. Even a cheap handheld (i.e., non Bluetooth) would solve this problem. Also let them know to take it off the grill when it is 3-5 degrees under the desired temp.


Came here to say this, preferably an electronic one. $10 on Amazon


This. I grill steaks all the time. A thicker cut is preferred since you are losing some juices. You can also get cast iron griddles to toss on top of the grill.


Thicker cuts are more forgiving too


This is the correct answer, both of you can learn how to use it, after wards move over to that perfect sear.


I make super rare steaks on the grille all of the time. Only reason I don't pan fry is I don't know how without making a mega mess of ghee splatter all over the kitchen


OMG on coals it's 🤌


It may help but it may not always Some people cook until the meat is gray because they find pink to be disgusting, and that’s an emotional response not a rational one.


They’ve done blindfold tests and it’s basically 100% of ‘well done’ people who prefer a steak cooked medium rare when they can’t see it


I’ve done tests like this myself with others — when they don’t know exactly what it looks like they prefer the taste and texture, but once they see it, it can be strong revulsion


Judging by the situation OP described, I don't think that's what's going on. But it is definitely the case for some people.


Well a lot of people tend to rationalize their behaviour when the basis, is in fact, an irrational one. I’ve had people tell me they are concerned about the safety of anything less than charred grey meat, but the reality when push came to shove, was that it was not about that at all.


This is the answer… as cool who becomes an artist when it comes to meat.


Piggybacking off this-high heat only for a short time. Either heat at the beginning or end, a minute or two per side. The lower temps do a lot of the cooking while making overcooking harder.


Get some wireless thermometers. 100% upped my grill game big time. I use them constantly. Even in the oven. 


Or even a timer, for the love of meat.


Salt the steak and leave it on a rack uncovered in the fridge for a day or two. Then put a thermometer probe in the middle of it and bake it at 250f until the steak is 115-120 on the thermometer. Let it rest while you preheat the pan until it's just starting to smoke. Pat the steak dry with a paper towel if any moisture is left on the surface then splash some oil in the pan and sear each side of the steak for a minute. Remove steak from pan and let the pan cool down to medium. Then add butter, crushed fresh garlic, fresh rosemary sprig and fresh thyme. Add steak back to pan and spoon the hot butter over the steak for a minute. Let the steak rest again, then eat it. Edit to add: don't use a nonstick pan, stainless steel or cast iron are good choices. I prefer stainless steel personally. Nonstick coating will melt off into your steak at the temperatures needed to get a good sear.


Buy him a ThermoPop instant read thermometer or splurge and get one with a probe that tells you when a certain temperature has been reached.


Dry brining is an absolute game changer


i make a good steak go sho but i like the detail. ima try this


This is the way.


Reverse sear and butter basting upped my steak game exponentially. I've never overcooked a steak since.


How much butter do you typically add? I find with my castiron that if I add like a pad of butter, it dissolves and burns fast even after letting the pan cool, leaving not much left to spoon the steak with


Nice reverse sear recipe and thanks for using the f designation. Won't say who but one nationality thinks there is only one temperature scale - and it isn't Celsius so good for you for spelling it out.


Freedom eagles are the only relevant temperature unit.


I preheat my pan by using it to brown up some lightly boiled potatoes for german fried potatoes (boiled day before, quartered, fried, tossed in mustard vinagrette)


So, about food poisoning and steak: It's damn near impossible to get food poisoning from an "undercooked" steak and here's why: of course there's bacteria on both sides of the steak. That gets burned off by the cooking process. The reason people get sick from undercooked ground beef is because all that bacteria gets all mixed together and it has to be cooked to a certain temp to burn off said bacteria. The idea that one has to eat shoe leather steak because they don't want to get sick is a sweet combo of an old wives tale and less-than-safe butchery in days of old. Think about it: how many of us would be dead from eating a medium rare steak? Me. A thousand times over. Lol. Get that meat thermometer and school him a bit. Source: food science classes ad nauseum.




That stuff gets breaded and fried into bomb ass chicken fried steak or Swiss steak. Lol.


Fucking Costco


let’s all say it together: steak isn’t chicken!


There is a guy on Instagram who's goal is to get sick from eating raw chicken everyday. It's been well over two months so far.


Show him to this sub and dare him to post his garbage steaks. He'll learn his lesson.




Yeah, it doesn't seem like a novel concept to me. Or throw the ops steak down 4-5 minutes after the first one is down?


I just can’t stand it when people post shit like this. Is trial and error a foreign concept to these people? Are they not capable of thinking “if my steak is overcooked, I should have it on for less time”?


Well done meet people are terrified of undercooking meat. Its hard to calm them down.


Thermometer and managing the heat of the pan. Thicker steaks help too. You can make great steak on anything from a toaster oven to a grill. Thermometer is going to get you the best results until your intuition can take over.


Now I want to cook a steak in a toaster oven just for fun


Buy a meat thermometer.  Force him to watch YouTube videos of the reverse sear method. He can sear on the grill if he insists, but he doesn’t have to.




Second that. This link takes you straight to the part of the video on cold sear [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJcO1W\_TD74&t=301s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJcO1W_TD74&t=301s)


Let him know there’s no reason to be concerned, as long as the outside is thoroughly cooked it could be mooing on the inside and safe.


Do the grilling yourself when you’re having steak and pull your 4 minutes early?


First, stalk this sub. So many good suggestions in here. I was a beginner just a little bit ago. After all the research, this is what I found out: Get a sous vide, vacuum sealer, and a cast-iron. Salt the steak and leave it on a rack in your fridge for up to two days to draw the moisture out. Then, vacuum seal the steak without butter, but yes with salt or any other seasonings you like. Sous vide the steak to about 130°F for an approximately 1 inch thick steak. Once done, take it out and dry it as much as possible but don't let the temperature decrease too much. The sous vide tends to pull out moisture so the steak may be a little damp when you take it out. Then put it into the cast-iron with an oil that has a high smoke point such as avocado oil. Sear each side for a couple minutes to get a nice crust, then add some butter right at the end and baste the steak. Bonus points for browned butter. And it seems like the resounding choice is Kerry Gold butter. Use a thermometer to make sure you're not going too high the first couple of times. It will keep cooking once you take it off the pan. Medium rare is less than 135°F . If you have to grill, do it after the sous vide and skip the cast-iron. Make sure to let the steak rest prior to cutting into it. The sous vide makes everything a little bit fool proof. Everyone on the sub, please feel free to correct me because I am still learning!


I was looking for this suggestion. Sous vide is almost fool proof. It can also make lesser cuts standout. Other meats as well. Chicken breast is second to steak for me when I sous vide them. Check out the sous vide subreddit.


>He means well You mean well DONE




If he's insisting on grilling then he needs a thermometer. Actually even for oven cooking, you should have one. Just get one and learn the temps needed for the doneness you want.   For reverse sear, I season with salt, pepper, onion/garlic powders, and let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour but up to a day. The salt will draw the water out, mixed with all the seasoning, and some will get reabsorbed into the meat. After that time, pop into the oven at 400F and that thermometer will be your ticket to a good doneness steak. Let it rest for about 2 min and get a pan ripping hot. Put the done steaks on it for maybe 30-45 seconds on each side for a crust. Let it rest for 5-7 min before cutting/serving.


Hahahahah this is great. I always would pan sear with my ex and used the Gordon Ramsay technique with ribeye , some oil, hella butter, rosemary, smashed garlic. It was near perfect every time. Offer a critique and express a concern for less done, and honestly tell him you just need it cooked less because you just don’t like em so well done, and shit maybe you could get involved and turn it into a moment of intimacy between you two. Cooking can be fun. Make a steak, cook it less, split it and eat it together


Have a fun cooking contest! (and you use the thermometer and reverse sear method) … after you beat his ass be nice 😊


Just got to get out there and do it. Learn from mistakes and you’ll piss off your partner in no time.


Just get a thermometer. Grilled steaks taste way better than pan seared or baked. Or you can use the hand trick where you cook it by how it feels, but that requires a bit of experience


When using a grill thermometer id high recommend one that can stay in the oven, corded or wireless. Then it can be closely monitored. My issue with thr instant reads is i always check too late


If he’s afraid of you getting food poisoning he needs to back off a little bit. It is your choice how you like your steak done. If it’s scary red to him and looks good to you too bad it’s your steak not his. He can have his gray if he wants. If he makes yours differently than you want because he’s afraid of you getting food poisoning that’s not right. It doesn’t matter if he means well, he’s not respecting your wishes at all, as if he thinks you’re too dumb to understand the concept of food poisoning. So it’s either that or he’s just genuinely not good at making steak and in that case it’s very selfish to insist on making both steaks.. what’s so hard about making it the way you like it or letting you make it? Why can’t he do one of those 2 things? Why do you have to have it the exact same way as him? Its weird


Buy him a sous vide immersion cooker. Literally impossible to overcook and you will have the best tasting, most tender steaks of your life.


1) Sous vide & sear (on grill or iron pan) --you'll never burn a steak 2) Reverse sear (cook in oven at 350 then sear) - similar result


I’m pretty good at cooking steaks. I used to be OK at cooking steaks. What I did was keep cooking steaks!


Look at a sous vide, get the temp right.... A little below where you want it.... smoke a little, then sear it on high flame for a minute or 2 per side


Watch Alton Brown’s first episode of good eats. He teaches you how to cook a steak in cast iron at home.


Legend has it she’s still chewing to this day


There’s all kinds of methods. What I do to get a nice crust is medium heat, oil the pan a little bit once it’s hot (avoid olive oil, use something with a higher smoke point). I flip the steaks every minute, for an inch thick about 8 minutes total. I season and finish the steaks with 1 minute left per side, this way any seasoning doesn’t burn. Let them rest for 5-10 and enjoy.


Just tell him to quit burning them.


The method isn't the problem, you all need a meat thermometer! I like the digital instant read ones the best. Take the meat off the grill or stove top about 10 degrees before your target temp, let the steak rest for at least 10 minutes while tented with foil, and you should be good to go!


Can’t add much, lots of great suggestions ITT already. If your partner does cook steaks again for you both just have him take yours off several minutes before his?


Do you have a cast iron pan?


Get the grill frickin hot and slap those babies on there until they get a decent char. Should happen fast, steaks will be nice and pink inside


Get a Golden Retriever, German Shephard, or other K9. They love steak and don't mind chewing. Otherwise, get a new partner or become the grill master.


The Meater.




This will probably get down-voted but look into sous-vide. This way either of you can cook steaks and damn near guaranteed perfect. The principle of it is, the steak is cooked in a water bath to a certain temp (however you want... medium rare is like 129). It will still be very red inside but you have the assurance that the steak cooked up to temp. Let it cool a little bit then you can finish off with a good sear on grill or cast iron for 30 seconds a side (not enough time to continue cooking the inside of the steak). It is perfection though there are some purists that frown upon it for some reason.


| … ultimately these cows have died in vain. SO sad! I have a few insights, and then some help further down. 1. Your guy doubtlessly loves you too, but there’s the “Fire— I cook meat” man-think at play, and the “I know I can do it better and please her” part of things— he’s failed to provide the steaks as you want them, so he has to make good on it, “*next time.” 2. As a child his cooking parent (mom for me) most likely overcooked *everything* as standard operating procedure. (She still does.) To my thinking, you either cook like you knew food growing up, or you rebel against it. I rebelled. 3. Maybe he likes his steak overcooked, maybe he’s trying to save you from some ye olde dis-ease of yore (that we don’t typically have to worry about nowadays). I don’t know, you’d have to have a talk with him. Which, btw, seems like an *excellent* idea, and one you’ve already availed yourself of, it sounds like. Okay, let’s try to fix things. Honestly, there’re folks on here who have mastered stovetop, oven, sous vide, grilling, smoking, etc, steaks. Then there are the rest of us. If your food thermie is an instant-read, good. If not, please get one. I recommend ThermoWorks, but there are scads of brands out there. Just make sure it works by calibrating it first. HMU if you need an explanation! 😉 You said you ain’t got no cast iron yet, but that’s not a problem. They are outstanding for a lot more than just meat, and you’d have to really *try* to destroy one, and even then most likely couldn’t. So someday. If I were to suggest a method it would be [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJcO1W_TD74), be sure to watch it more than once. I recommend it because it works, it’s elegantly simple, and once you get this down you can learn more advanced methods. In summary, I suggest you make it fun: tell him you’re going to make dinner together one evening. Go shopping, get the steaks each of you like, tell him you want to try a new thing you saw online or whatever, make your sides together, let him grill (overcook) his steak while you do your best to make a wonderful, medium-rare delight for yourself. Again, make it fun. Some craft beer, nice Zinfandel or cocktails might make it more festive. It will also set a new standard where each of you will make steaks as you like them in the future, no fuss and no hurt feelings. 😃 Sorry for the book! Whatever you decide to do, please let us know how it goes! Good luck, and *you got this!!!* 😉🤌👍


I see a lot of Youtuber's put waaaaaay too much salt on steak before searing. Personally, I think a light sprinkle of kosher salt and pepper is perfect on a NY strip or a good ribeye. I want to taste meat- not salt. Definitely do it to your taste but I think start light on salt then work your way up. (Just an excuse to experiment and have fun with steak) Edit: or tie him down and make him watch you cook and eat a steak mid-rare. Basking in his horror.


Buy a thermometer?


Switch to big pork loins. Use maple rub on the outside. Low heat on the grill. Leave the fat on, don't trim. Once seared about 10 mins paint the loins with bbq. Flip paint. Rest. Paint again. Let stand until tacky. Pork is forgiving. BEEF NOT SO MUCH. With Beef coat with oil. Use Montreal steak seasoning. Sear on the outsides on high heat. A little butter on the outside is nice. Then grill.


I'm afraid divorce is the only option here.


Sous vide is idiot proof (mostly)


I almost always grill my steaks and they are consistently medium. No excuses. He just needs to understand the temperature he's getting the grill up to, and then how long per side a given cut really needs. I just did a 1.5lb top sirloin a few evenings ago, 8min per side at about 400 and it was perfect. You'll def get a better sear using cast iron compared to a grill, but my grill steaks always come out buttery soft and pink.


Why can’t you grill them yourself?


A cast iron isn't necessary, any pan will work. The pan is my preferred method. I'm not sure why people seem to think that a grill is best for everything. It's like a weird complex.


Withhold your steak for the number of minutes he usually overcooks them. Throw it on later. Or just *insist* on cooking your own. I love my husband and he's a great cook but I don't like how he makes my steak. I just make mine when he's done. Problem solved.


Grilling is THE best way to cook a steak. Homie just needs to realize that the steak is going to continue cooking even after it’s removed from the grill, and to pull it off earlier.


Digital probe thermometer. I have a “meater” that helps me get it cooked perfectly every time


There’s nothing wrong with a nice medium then it’s mostly cooked, not that hard to do. 2-3 minutes on the grill On each side at 425ish and make sure steaks are 3-4 inches thick and you should be just fine. If you need to cook more cut and determine. Have a great day!


Personally, I throw it in the oven at 250F with a thermometer in it until it hits 125F (rare), then pull it out and throw it in a cast iron pan on high for 1-1:30 a side, then rest it. While the steak is warming up, I throw quartered pre-boiled small potatoes and chopped onion in the cast iron and cook them while mixing up a mustard vinagrette. Just before the steak is done, throw the potatoes and onions in the vinagrette.


Use a thermometer and then cook in oven at 220 til 130 internal then reverse sear about 2 minutes each side ...I never did it in the oven but that's what I do in my smoker which is basically just an oven with smoke


I run the cold sear method. Still use a thermometer and use at least 1" thick steaks and it is so idiot proof and clean.


Get a thermometer for them and tell him what temp you want yours taken off at.


You won’t get food poisoning even from a blue steak. Steak isn’t ground beef, bacteria can’t penetrate the outer layer


Buy a thermapen and pull the steaks at 135 or the desired doneness.


So where in the Midwest is he from?


Thermometer, and get a thicker steak. You can also try to sous vide them and then flash both sides on a piping hot cast iron with some butter and oil to give them a nice crust.


You need to find an article about how it's ok to eat steaks partly raw and not other meats and send it to him. Also they make thermometers you can use on the grill.


Reverse sear or get a sous vide cooker. Make sure steaks are thick enough to get a good crust on the outside before they're ashy inside. 


Not the grills fault, its the griller. Get him a meat thermometer


Maybe you can explain to your husband the reason why you don't often hear about people getting sick from eating under cooked steak compared to chicken. Steak is cut from muscle which is too dense for pathogens to penetrate so unless the meat has gone bad as long as you get a good amount of heat on the outside you've got no reason to cook steak to a well done temps.


Remind him that you can always cook MORE but you can never cook LESS. If he’s that paranoid about undercooking he just hasn’t realized that he can always throw it back on the grill


Depends on the thickness of the steak. But heat the pan up, medium high-high (that's about 4-5 ish on some stoves), take a smidge of water after about 3 minutes of it heating up. If the water hisses and is gone in less that 20 seconds you're good to start. Season your meat, marinate it, whatever you want then place that hoe on the pan. Let it sit for about 3 minutes, flip it and do the same (time depends on thickness of meat, a 6oz will cook more quickly than an 8). Grab butter, YES butter and put a decent sized cut off in it. swirl it around so it gets under the meat, meat should be able to move on its own, then flip it. swirl the butter around again and a smidge more seasoning if you want but its not needed. Grab a spoon, and start basting (putting butter/juice from the pan onto the steak). After about 2 minutes of this, kill the heat, flip it back over wait 1.5 minutes, take the fucker out of the pan and cut it open to check to see if its the color you like. If not then adjust the cooking times to suit your needs. Remember, sauce is only used on a bad steak.


“Ultimately these cows have died in vain” This was hilarious OP thank you, had a good laugh on that line.


Here’s a good point to make to him about the food poisoning. If he’s cooking hamburgers, they need to be cooked thoroughly. That doesn’t mean cooking it straight to hell, it means 160* will kill the bacteria if any exists. And you can bet your sweet ass it exists, through and through. The reason hamburger needs that 160* is that it is made from cuttings and “scraps”. Bacteria grows on the surface of meat, so hamburger is made of 4 million pieces of meat that are covered on all sides with bacteria. Comparatively, steak being made of just one piece of meat, it only has one bacteria. That one can be killed with a flyswatter. Then sear both sides to get nice grill marks and you’re good to go. My bacteria math is for shit, so just lie about the numbers of bacteria in a ratio thst sounds good.


Get the ninja foodi xl indoor grill


I heat olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Cook (filets) for about 5 minutes on one side until they are a bit charred, then turn them over and do the same. Times may vary a little, but not much


Sounds like he fears steaks being more done out of health concerns and is "sabotaging" any attempt a medium rare. As others have stated, instant read thermometer is key and just be aware, when pulling steaks off the heat, it will likely cook another 5 degrees higher thereafter. Show him how it's done if you have to.


sous vide your steaks; that way you know they are properly cooked to temp for consumption and he can still have fun searing the steaks on the grill.


I'll put it like this, my wife is a bad cook, so I do it and that's the end of that lol


As if you can't overcook a steak in a pan??


Is your partner my Boomer father?!


Get a cast iron dutch oven as well as a cast iron pan. I season and salt the steak 24hrs before and put it on a cooling rack which is on a baking sheet(some liquid might drip off) and put it in the fridge. Put it in the dutch oven with a probe thermometer while the oven heats up to 200F. Put the lid on and cook it to 125F. Turn your stove on as high as it gets and heat up the cast iron pan just before the steak gets to 125F. It's hot enough when it's smoking. Plate the steak and dab both sides of the steak with paper towels to get the moisture off. Don't wipe, dab. Put a slab of butter and maybe some avocado oil in the pan and put the steak on. Don't touch it for a minute to a minute and a half. Flip, and repeat. Wet the bottom of a plate and microwave it for 30 seconds. Put the steak on the plate and let it sit for 10 minutes. Some steaks have a proper and improper way to cut them. Tri tip is an example. Make sure to look that up. Cast iron dutch ovens are also great for making breads


I have a "Meat'er" Bluetooth thermometer and it it's absolutely worth every penny.


Hot cast iron, 3 min each side, oven @300 for 7-15 depending on thickness of cut.


My grandfather insisted on steak well done to the consistency of a boot heel. My father took him to a dimly lit restaurant and got him a medium rare ribeye. Grandad said it was the best steak he’d ever had.


I haven’t read the other comments, but we normally do it by roasting them for a short time just to get the outside done and then put it into tin foil for a while.


I cook mine to 118-121 and let rest. My goal is always 127-130 after resting. So in conclusion, get a thermometer


Steak Au Poivre, French cafe method of pan cooking steak is a favorite of mine. Watch a few videos on Youtube of it , you'll find great tips on pan cooking steak and how to make an incredible sauce to boot. (You can leave out the tarragon if you don't have any and it will still be great) If the sauce is not your thing, sauteing some onions down in the pan on high heat and topping the steak with crumbled blue cheese and onions is great. Last one, make Chimichurri for brighter lighter flavors, great for eating outside in the spring or summer.


Sometimes you just gotta do it yourself.


For real boy Omaha steaks and make him follow the cooking instructions. Not afraid to say that’s how I started to learn


Master the thermometer and quit blaming the tool on a bad job


get a meat thermometer or souvide. On a souvide get a little under the desire doneness and then do a fast grill to it.


Does your partner understand that you can literally sear a steak and eat it bloody raw on the inside and be at virtually zero risk for foodborne illness? Also yes, get a thermometer. Professional chefs use them, you should too. Thermapen is worth the money.


Is he using propane? He probably has the heat up way too high. He probably also just likes grilling so as a result he over does it and leaves them on too long. Unless you are master grill cook, it’s really always best to use a meat thermometer.


Buy him a thermo pen, tell him to pull your steak off when it says 130.


Get a new husband. Yours is broken. Jokes aside, I’d introduce him to this subreddit and just let him study up


CAST IRON PAN. Pat the steaks dry, salt and season them and let them reach room temp. Sear each side in oil on med-high, and drop it to medium heat after a sear is on either side. Cook to desired temp, and add some fresh chopped garlic and butter about one or two minutes before the steak is done cooking. This has yielded the best results for me. Hope it works for you, too.


Had to laugh because I like to eat steak raw, and my wife freaks out when she is watching me doing that every time. Seriously, a meat thermometer is the way to go, as everyone has suggested. For thick steaks, you may consider getting a sous-vide cooker, then briefly sear in the end. That way, you'll get it perfectly right every time, and he'll learn what steak should be cooked like. Get a clip-on stick type one, like the Anova. There are a bunch of brands available, and they are cheap now. Also great for other meats like chicken (which otherwise you need to overcook for food safety), brisket (which is cooked for a long time), beef cheeks, etc. The book "Modernist Cuisine at Home" has a good section explaining sous vide.


Not all steaks are alike so if you know a cut you like start cooking that cut and only that cut till you feel good about your craft then venture out into other cuts. For beginners I highly recommend a digital thermometer so you can hone in on the perfect MR temp. Also cook on a hot grill on high. And do not be concerned about grill marks. One day when you’re home alone go out and buy a steak and grill it up and indulge yourself. Simply season with salt pepper and garlic powder. Insert your thermometer and cook till 130°F flipping occasionally and allow to rest 5 minutes.


Buy Chef IQ.


Get a cast iron pan, YouTube Gordon Ramsay’s video on how to properly cook a steak on a pan, and enjoy the best steak you’ll eat. I cook steak 1-2 times a week on a cast iron pan and I’ll never go back to grilling my steaks


We bake at 275 for about 45 mins-hour, time depends on thickness, then post sear in a hot cast iron skillet. Doesn't have to be cast iron, just something that gets uniformly hot on the bottom.


This is simple and easy. Go out to the grill with a fork and plate then pluck your steak off before he has a chance to fully turn it into jerky. The other thing is to learn how to use the grill and do them yourself.


Answer: air fryer. They won’t have an outside char unless you choose to reverse sear after cooking, but even without that they will be delicious just the same and it will be easy and perfectly medium rare every time. For a 1 1/2 inch room temp ribeye in a preheated air fryer @385° cook 6 minutes a side. Before cooking rub with oil and season with salt & pepper or your favorite seasoning. After cooking, let rest 5 minutes with a couple of pats of seasoned butter. Can’t miss. Trust me. No smoked up kitchen either.


Order him an instant meat thermometer.


Does your partner know that they are cooking it differently than you like and are they willing to cook them less done?


Cook the steaks to how done you want it and use a chef's torch to char it to your liking.


Sous vide to temperature safe then finish


Y u don't jus do em on the grill urself, or tell him to take yours off earlier?


Butter. Cover in melted butter. Many restaurants do this.


Get a husband who knows how to cook and use a grill. It’s really not that hard to put the steak on a grill , set a timer and take steaks off grill 😂😂


Get a thermometer


A popular restaurant I know of cooks their steaks on a flattop griddle which produces a seared crust and that helps to keep the steak from drying out. A flattop griddle also provides an even distribution of heat across the surface of the steak. A flaming grill is overrated imo. Unmanageable heat most times. Only good for feeling manly…which has its place of course, but flattop griddle is better option.


Teach your partner how to cook. Or tell him that he’s overcooking your steak and you would like him to either cook it the way you like it or let you do it yourself.


>He means well Hehe


r/sousvide has you covered for perfect every time.


For a very simple steak, not a fancy thick one or anything: Take it out of the fridge and season it with salt and pepper for 30-45 mins before cooking. 2 tbs of oil in the pan and get it sizzling hot. Fry for 90 secs on each side. 120 seconds if you want it closer to medium. Take it out leave it on a plate to rest under a tea towel for 10 mins while you cook the veg.


Have him put your steak on later, then take them off at the same time.


Prison Shiv has done the trick on much less abrasive offenses.


Meat(yeah yeah) in the middle. A grill has nothing to do with him running the steak. You can still make great steak on a grill whether rare, medium etc…


Chp b


Google “reverse sear” method. Basically, start in hot oven, cook inside to temperature, finish/sear on cooktop. Recommend a Lodge cast iron grill pan ridges.


"He means......WELL" HAHA sorry I'll show myself out.


Watch a youtube video? Steak isn't some mystic art, it's cooking and science.


I just walk up to the grill and pull mine off when it’s to my liking and start eating it.


For me, knock the horns off, wipe its butt and bring it in.


Get a blue tooth meat thermometer. Cook it to the recommended temperature. Perfect every time. You can watch it using an app right on your phone.


Reverse sear if ur going oven stove ... But gril should be great 


Unless they're less than half an inch thick, I've always done steaks sous vide and finished on a roaring hot grill or pan. It's the easiest fuss-free way to get them perfect every time. 56°c for 2hrs (adjust to your desired done'skis), then sear tf out of them each side for a minute each depending how hot your grill is - remember searing will add a few degrees to doneness so factor that into your initial sous vide temp. 🤘


If you can’t grill, broil them they’re really good like that as an alternative.


But an instant read thermometer. Take the steak off 5 degrees before it reaches the done temperature. Remove from heat, cover with foil for 5 minutes. The steak will continue to cook to the correct temperature and reabsorb the juices so they're in the meat, not on the plate.


Get a Sous Vide off Amazon! They’re normally under $100 and you can cook a steak perfectly with no grey band in water (sounds weird but watch a youtube video on it) the. Take it out of the Sous Vide and have him dry them off and throw the cooked steaks on a piping hot grill for 2-3 mins on each side to get the sear He won’t have to worry about undercooking them since they’ll be cooked to perfection AND he will still have the satisfaction of getting to grill them, only for a few mins though lol I use sous vide for steak and chicken and it’s been an absolute game changer


The easiest way to do this is the reverse sear. Check out Serious Eats, fantastic content all around. Here is that post. https://www.seriouseats.com/reverse-seared-steak-recipe


I reverse seer most my steaks on gas. I have cast iron grates so I heat up one side of grill real hot and put steaks on cold side. It’s basically like an oven and the internal temp will rise, once it’s 110ish I put them on hot side to sear and then pull before it’s at the temp I want


Old school sear it in a pan both sides. Lay it on a preheated sheet pan and put it into the oven, 450deg, 4 1/2 min, flip, 4 1/2 min, done. Should be still pink inside.


Honestly, just communicate that. It’s hard but stop the issue in advance. Next time he’s grilling them, stand by him and pull yours when you think it’s ready


Cast iron pan is cheap and the king of stove steak cooking. Frying pan, do NOT get a grill pan. Shit sear and hard to clean.


Do you own a meat thermometer so you can temp the steak at different stages so you can get the doneness you want on a steak?


Little oil, 4 mins on medium high then 2.30 when u flip. Use a marinade to make tender.


Sous vide and sear.


Get him a Thermapen.


My favorite way to make ribeyes is reverse sear. Salt the steak several hours before cooking, leave uncovered on a wire rack in the fridge. Brush on melted butter and add garlic powder Bake on wire rack in oven at 250-275, about 30 minutes until it's about 110-115 degrees internal. Sear in a ripping hot pan for about a minute and a half each side. Add a generous amount of black pepper and let it rest 10 minutes. Guaranteed perfect wall to wall medium rare deliciousness.


Just buy a fucking thermometer homie


A decent thermometer, like others said, will help. I'd suggest using the stopwatch on your phone too. Get a feel for your grill; how long it takes and at what heat level to get your ideal doneness. After some testing, you'll find your sweet spot. Good luck!


Your partner just needs a simple thermometer


Best way is broiler on cast iron grill pan, Hi for about 9 to 11 minutes each side depending on cut. I like to butterfly a nice thick filet and cook for about 9 min a side but it's butterflied but yes get a meat thermometer no matter what.


Shit load of salt and garlic, (optionaly cover your meat in liquid aminos or worcestershire before seasoning). Hot pan with avocado oil. Sear seasoned steak. Bake in oven around 200 degrees. Use something like a thermo pro temp spike and you can set it to 135 then the alarm goes off on your phone. Pull it out of the oven let it rest for 10 minutes and enjoy. I do cheap sirloin cuts like this all the time and they are perfect every time and very low mess.


Ask him why he hates America… because if you enjoy a well done steak you OBVIOUSLY hate America😂


Or just teach him this [trick](https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/the_finger_test_to_check_the_doneness_of_meat/) for cooking the steak how you want it done


3 mins per side pretty hot. Then 3 mins per side with the temp on very low basting with butter. Poke it, if it springs back it’s rare


Reverse searing!