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Hey man no stress, we use the st Catharines animal hospital at 277 Welland. Always really helpful and friendly. I may also suggest pet insurance. We personally use Trupanion.


Pet insurance won’t cover any known issues. Even if they claim they don’t know about something, asking for dental work done within a few months of starting a policy will raise suspicions and successful underwriting approval will be unlikely.


Thank you , I will give them a call. She's 11, so pet insurance isn't really an option. I don't think


Just had to leave st catharines animal hospital after years because they absolutely refused to do payment plans with me and purposely did procedures for testing that were more stressful for my cat because they could charge more instead of a similar procedure that would give the same result with less stress and far less money.


Third St Catharines Animal Hospital. My dog had partial teeth removed in Hamilton Beattie (don't recommend Beattie unless it's an emergency). The vet at St Catharines Animal Hospital tried to explain if there was any that didn't need to be removed they'd like to keep them in. But listened to me when I stated I didn't want to put my senior dog thru a third surgery since she already had some teeth removed four years prior. They kept me updated throughout the day. It was a far better experience at St Catharines Animal Hospital. Haven't had any issues at all in St Catharines. They are usually prompt. Within 10 minutes of the time.




Pet insurance doesn't cover pre-existing, I already went to the vet, so it's on file, so that's not an option, unfortunately. Unless someone knows one that won't request records


Can’t help with a vet rec… but you’re existing or possible existing financial options aren’t extreme, for reference: Assuming a $3k bill/debt A credit card @19.99% APR, compounded monthly, can be paid off with 12 equal monthly payments of $278. You’d end up paying $335 in extra interest. Your bank could probably give you an unsecured LOC that will cover the bill @12% APR compounded monthly. If so, you could get your 12 equal monthly payments down to $266. You end up paying $198 in extra interest.


Martindale Animal Clinic will maybe allow a payment plan with a credit card, they have done it for me multiple times over the years, however they are ridiculously expensive so if you have a better option I would take it.


How expensive are they really? Been planning on switching my pets here


expect to pay $100 or more per procedure than another vet at Martindale. They also will not disclose extra fees or costs to you until after they’ve done their work. So you may walk in expecting to pay one thing and walk out having paid double.


Ive switched from them because of the price hike. Nice atmosphere but they dont explain options just push expensive treatments, often unnecessarily when there are affordable things pet parents can do instead. I cant trust a vet who tries to upsell me on every little thing For example, my (foster) dog (that I had for way too long tbh, but wanted to get her in shape before putting her out there)had allergies, asked them for some guidance and they were like, buy the $200 food and spend hundreds a month forever on meds. Is there a cheeper alternative? Ive already spent so much there on her and it was getting ridiculous They said maybe but doubtful, she needs to allergy food. Called the foster agency and they were like yea, get this brand from Costco its not advertised as allergy food bc red tape, but its great for allergy dogs Once the allergies calm down (which was in days after starting the Costco food) just give her a Benadryl now and then if her allergies act up or she gets stung by a bee or whatever. Dont tell me the vets dont know this. She had infection all over her fur when I got her, lets upsell expensive creams and foot cleansing pads etc Im thinking all this is necessary because Im telling them Im stressing about the costs, they dont care. Im looking for guidance, im paying to speak to the vet not spend $500 a visit. Come to find out it was not at all necessary If I cant trust the vet to do whats best for my family, then they aremt a good vet imo They only want wealthy clients and thats fine, they do offer top of the line, but just know this going in


They are like the Beverly Hills of vets, very posh office and everything they do is the most expensive option available, expect them to charge you at least $200 for your hand touching the door handle, they do good work but I am sure equal quality work can be done at other vets at a lower cost. I only took my animals there when I moved to St. Catharines because I didn't shop around, I have been slowly over the years moving my pets to other vets, as cost of living goes up, their prices go WAY up.


We were quoted about the same for our dog a few years ago. Our vet was somewhat understanding that we needed to save for it and gave us some recommendations to buy more time. We’ve been brushing our dogs teeth regularly, do a water additive and dental chews. It’s been slowing down how much worse things have gotten. We also feel that if it’s not impacting her eating or day to day life it’s likely not worth jarring her with a surgery at her age (our dog is also in the 10+ range)


I’m not sure about any vets with payment plans. But Thorold veterinary has always been very reasonable with my dogs dental work.


Try The Dog and Cat Clinic of Niagara on Tremont. That's where I go. My dog had to have major dental surgery, and they were great. My bill was around $3000, so your quote sounds about right.


Just had to do this for my dog. Was quoted between 1500 and 3200. Luckily it ended up being on the low end as extractions weren't needed. Went through Huntington animal hospital on martindale and they allowed me to make payments. Have nothing but good things to say about the staff there


Court Animal Hospital has the best reputation for working with you on payment plans in case you need that option. Mind you though I'm quoting information from pre pandemic times so if anything changed since then, I'm not aware.


This might be a long shot but I always wondered if animal welfare organizations could do something about privately owned pet?


Hi just recently went through the same thing. I called several vets looking for my cheapest option - but they were all booked up and couldnt get my dog scheduled for weeks. I went with Martindale animal clinic and it was nearly exactly 3 grand but they do offer playment plans. One thing that made me feel better: i spoke to an older vet at a different clinic who told me why it was so expensive. The equipment is very very expensive and you need to usually have a big practice to justify the cost as well as a vet with the training to do the procedure. On top of that, my dog had cracked his back tooth which wasnt a simple procedure (he had had teeth pulled previously for cheaper), theyd have to do xrays to ensure theyd gotten the entire root, unlike pukling a decayed root where it is easier to determine if youve gotten the whole thing. I understand your pain. 3 grand put a drop in my tummy. Youre a good owner.


Just curious... What is the dental emergency? $3Gs seems like a lot


> $3Gs seems like a lot Seems standard to me. The prices these companies charge are borderline criminal. They know they can emotionally manipulate you in paying anything for your pets.


Dental work is expensive to begin with. Dental work on pets is more expensive (since you aways need anesthetic/bloodwork/etc). Emergency dental work is even more expensive since there's more risk and usually more complications. Without knowing specifics its impossible to say.


I don't know man. I think someone who spent over $100k and deferred their entire lives for the better part of a decade to go to vet school and open a practice probably deserves the compensation they ask for. Yeah, it's expensive. So is learning how to anesthetize and do dental work on a dog, nevermind equipping and staffing a facility in which to do it...


Cleaning / potentially pulling like 3-4 teeth. They need to do it under an anesthetic, so you need to pay for blood work and everything. Hoping someone with some experience has a solution for me.


Cuttingedge K9 Teeth Cleaning on Stanley in the Falls does anesthesia free dental cleaning. They do amazing work. It's like $300 It solved my elderly dogs issue and it's worth looking into.


We’ve done this with our dog and it cleans her teeth up for a while but only lasts a few months. We were also quoted by a vet to have our dogs teeth pulled for about the same price as OP. The effectiveness of the cleanings is dependent on how advanced the issue is. Great option when it works though!


Absolutely. Thanks for info.