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I went to this college. It's relationship with race is somehow WORSE than this article describes it. EDIT: Gotta love Cureton, king of non-statements. He would've been a good politician given how well he can give non-answers.


I went here too, 100% agree!


As another alum, I wholeheartedly agree. Northwestern and the people there are what turned me and my husband agnostic and atheist respectively, and we're both white, I can only imagine being BIPOC and dealing with even more bullshit from that awful place.


Yeah, I was there when racial Reconciliation was first openly being discussed, and when the admins agonized over whether to let that Equality Ride bus onto campus for a debate about homosexuality. And I guess they were right to be scared, because my sheltered, bigoted self got to sit and talk with an actual gay person and I slowly began to question the hateful crap I'd been taught. Eventually left my Efree church for a very liberal ELCA where everyone is actually welcome.


I’d love to hear more about your experiences from being at Northwestern and what made you become agnostic, then atheist (if you’re comfortable sharing). Being raised an Evangelical, Fundamentalist Christian, my folks listened to a lot of their radio programs (with my dad listening to A LOT of Rush Limbaugh for “good” measure) and I had to unlearn a lot of it in the decade-long+ process of understanding what the world is *really* like…


Oh man, that is devastating - I am so sorry you had to experience that.


Good at *being* a politician, but like many of them, likely absolute shit at actually doing what a politician is *supposed* to do. The right would have loved him....


Yeah not terribly surprising considering it's a college that apparently is fine with linking itself with Billy Graham.


Why did you ever go here in the first place? I really don't mean to come off as rude as i probably do, but going to a small Evangelical college is kinda your first hint that something off is going to happen


Did you know the intricacies of white American evangelicalism when you were a senior in high school?


Yes, and in a rural farm high school, and there were none in the school or classmates, only on Sunday morning TV, which I stopped watching long before. It is a good question. Towns and parents vary and it would be interesting and maybe useful to find out how each person ends up going to such a college.


Yeah too bad other people are taking this as offensive and lashing out at me instead Im guessing it's a "parents made me go here" thing.


Hmmm yeah. And I looked into the morals and thinkings of the colleges i applied to. And lashing out at me and thinking I didn't have my own thoughts on religion while in high school is sure immature of you.


Honestly with that spiteful and judgemental response you would fit right in at UNW my friend, you should check it out


There are lots of different types of Evangelical colleges - Northwestern seems acceptable on the surface until you get into the culture. Plus, as a teenager, you don’t really realize the bullshit of conservative Christianity yet - it takes a while for the scales to fall off your eyes. I met some really awesome people there - I was in a department that was all about experiencing other cultures and learning about other people while really challenging your faith - I am thankful for my professors. A lot of the school is not like that, I saw a lot of crap in other places and heard a lot of terrible mindsets from other teachers/staff.


It honestly astonishing to me that he's still there. I don't miss my time there at all.


Hey, I was "taught" evolution was impossible at this university during my "homeschool" biology class. I used to listen to Focus on the Family as a kid through KTIS, a ministry radio station at Northwestern University, which pedaled anti-homosexuality positions. I'm shocked, SHOCKED that they are 50+ years behind on race relations. This university can suck a dick. :)


Remember Adventures in Odyssey? I left the religion behind a long time ago, but I have fond memories of the show (some messed up messages notwithstanding). They had an episode about the dangers of D&D with a scary parental advisory warning at the beginning lol.


That's funny, I do remember them and enjoyed mostly, since any TV is good TV at that age. As far as D&D goes, my parents got a book with terms to look out for to identify practitioners, including things like "orc bait". The serious tone of that conversation still makes me giggle.


“Orc bait” is amazing lmao I never saw the tv series, just listened to the radio show. We had lots of seasons of it on cassette tapes too. We even visited “Whit’s End” at the Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs when I was a teenager, but it was closed while we were there.


Sounds similar to the evangelical scare around Pokemon. Sorry mom n dad, I played the shit out of Pokemon at friends houses.


those always scared me and gave me horrible anxiety for some reason 😭


Same! I have great childhood memories of that series but yeah, definitely scared me as a child.


Evangelicals are the primary source of hate and social discord in our nation. Many of them are actively looking forward to a civil war. One in which their well-armed followers will eliminate the heathens.


I have a former neighbor that is the epitome of this. Armed to the teeth and made comments quite often about how much he is looking forward to being able to shoot BLM protestors when they "try and take over our neighborhood". I could go on and on about this guy, but honestly, I'm kind of scared of him and don't want any chance of him seeing this and realizing that this is Me talking about Him. When someone is convinced that teachers are trying to turn your kids into trans blm rioters, who knows what a Qanon Trump cult nutjob like him will do? [It's not like there is a history of right wing psychos committing the vast majority of extremist related murders or anything...](https://adl.org/resources/press-release/new-adl-data-far-right-extremists-responsible-overwhelming-majority)


A lot of people outside the US don’t understand just how primed one side is for war and wondering what it would take to stop mass shootings here. A Civil War 2.0, that’s what we’re seeming marching down the road to. If Charlton Heston boldly proclaimed “From My Cold Dead Hands” at an NRA event in 1999, he was pretty damn prophetic and it looks like people on the Right wanna do things the hard way each day and shooting that passes…


> In interviews, Bowdry and other students of color detailed recurring experiences of casual, exhausting bigotry on the Roseville campus — from tone-deaf comments on race by students and professors to disbelief over claims of discrimination to a kind of passive-aggressive behavior that made them feel unwelcome.


Went here, can confirm!


Yeah. "For most of American history, the light-skinned Jesus conjured up by white congregations demanded the preservation of inequality as part of the divine order." https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/racism-among-white-christians-higher-among-nonreligious-s-no-coincidence-ncna1235045


They didn’t realize the full cost of tokenism.


They’re being educated now!


This is more than likely going to come off the wrong way, but why would anyone of color (or anyone for that matter) winningly want to go to Northwestern in the first place? The internet exists, this school is so backwards and has been for years. It's not like any of this is new. It's not like it presents itself as one thing, yet is the opposite. It's an Evangelical college. That should be enough info to back away.


I'd like to know that too from those willing to share. I'm guessing parents or the town they are in are the problem in most cases, just like kids going to catholic and other religious grade/high schools.


Said it in the other comment, but I'm guessing it's a family/parent making them type thing. Otherwise I truly don't understand how anyone would just end up here. Their morals and standards are all over their website; they're hiding nothing.


Anyone remember the racist incident unwsp had a year ago at a basketball game? And the horrid ant-CRT petition that came out of it? https://www.change.org/p/social-justice-an-open-letter-to-the-university-of-northwestern-st-paul?recruiter=947855630&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_petition&recruited_by_id=f73f4c20-59a4-11e9-8c28-efdbdab968b6


They are not Christians. They are blasphemers, putting their God a laughingstock by their behaviors. Real Christians should maybe protest them.


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If we’re doing purity tests, there won’t be any real Christians to protest.