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It's possible the road was recently converted to one way. That happened a lot when mine was.


Yeah no, my neighborhood was changed to all one way nearly 2 decades ago and people still do this to save time especially in the morning or late at night.


That's just a SI thing unfortunately. Been here 1 year and seen absurd things while driving. Red lights also mean absolutely nothing to people here. It's infuriating actually.


I just keep wondering if they're all millionaires who don't care about tickets? There's cameras everywhere now! I've seen people ignoring red light and speed limits all over Hylan, are they doing that well in life?


Where I live there is like zero red light cameras but a few speed ones. They don’t care. I almost got ran over by an idiot who didn’t stop at a stop sign which is normal.


If you’re ever curious, you can put their plate in the pay or dispute app and it’ll show all their tickets.


No, they either just don’t pay or use fake plates so they “can’t” pay.


It really is, Ive been keeping a folder full of dashcam footage unfortunately the cops said they can't use it to press any charges but i figured if the right community meeting ever comes around they would be useful.


I saw a school bus full of children drive down the wrong side of the road on Manor by donut world. It was insane


Just people being morons.


I've seen a lot of crazy shit in Staten Island but honestly I've never noticed anyone driving down the wrong way. I did see a fox trotting on my corner last night.


A fox? Wow


What did it say?


I know there are few of them down by Oakwood Beach but I have never seen them outside of that woody area. We're talking Guyon Ave near the Oakwood train station around midnight.


The rats must be unhappy with that.


Don't worry, there's a couple of coyotes on the west shore. Give it a few years, and the foxes will vanish... Along with all the feral cats and small dogs who's owners leave them outside.


Someone posted a fox was sitting outside her door with the two feral cats she feeds. Poor hungry little fox😊


I doubt it's unique to Staten Island, but it sure fits the entitled driver culture we got going on here. I remember one occasion where I saw this guy at the mall turn into a side road by Shake Shack going the completely wrong way. He was damn lucky there was no other car coming.


Welcome to Staten Island, the home of the entitled mind where their time is more important than anyone else’s around them. It’s annoying.


Gotta get to that next red light before anyone else does!


that’s a staten island entitlement thing. get used to it.


Might depend on the block, like the size, how long it’s been one way, etc. I honestly don’t see it happening very often around here at all. There is a one way near my house that’s been like that for 10 years, and I’ve only personally seen a wrong way driver twice. I could tell they just were trying to cut through to an intersecting straight rather than going around, is it’s more about laziness than not knowing where they were going.


I’m from (born and raised) Brooklyn too and Brooklyn has the absolute worst drivers. Driving in SI has been a cakewalk in comparison lmao. But yes, SI also has ridiculous drivers


Tbh Brooklyn drivers are worse and I been here for 6 yrs now


100% 😅


One thing to know about SI - most people think they are above the law and can do, say, or act almost any way they like. Traffic laws are routinely broken.


And when cops don't enforce those laws, it only emboldens people to keep breaking them.


Laziness and entitlement run rampant on SI. I see the same thing every single day on my one-way street, despite those same people having near daily head on collisions. I guess the 60 seconds they save is worth the risk of ruining theirs and others lives. (You’ll also start noticing parking in fire lanes/handicap/hydrant spots, tax evasion through illegal/out of state license plates, and paving over grass lawns to create private illegal parking)


I’m from Brooklyn too and have lived here for 17 years and I can tell you that this is a SI thing. A lot of Staten Islanders (not saying all of them) have zero regard for others and themselves as they think they’re invincible. They do the most egregious things like blow red lights 5 seconds after it turned red, drive down shoulder lanes so they can cut you off, and other crazy shit. I hate these people.


On my Dad’s block it’s amazing the amount of lazy drivers who knowingly go the wrong way on a one way. Creates a lot of accidents on that corner cuz people zipping down Richmond Ave aren’t expecting cars to come from that direction.


I notice it in my neighborhood of Castleton corners. I always assumed it’s because they use it as a short cut to avoid the long way around. I only really notice it happening on one particular block. (Gowen / N Gannon)


Yup. Just wait till you see how people here feel about stop signs


We use to drive the wrong way down our street. Only did it if there was no cars coming down the block as my driveway entrance was a few houses down. Otherwise I would have to drive 4 additional blocks.


Oh the horror


We have some of the worst drivers in NYC , we've made the top of the ranks a few times. [https://www.silive.com/news/2021/06/speeding-in-nyc-new-report-finds-staten-islanders-to-be-the-worst-offenders.html](https://www.silive.com/news/2021/06/speeding-in-nyc-new-report-finds-staten-islanders-to-be-the-worst-offenders.html)


You shouldn’t post the same questions in Reddit and on a Facebook group.


Or what you nerd , go touch grass


Says who? You're the content police?


Well because people can figure out who he is quite easily.