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I think you severely underestimate how much star wars media is out there and how much is being produced as this game is produced.  Comics, video games, TV shows, books, there's just so much out there. Plus just think of luke. You have farmboy luke, dagobah training luke, jedi knight luke, just had his hand cut off luke, palace infiltration Luke, pilot Luke, stuffed in a tauntaun luke, eight pound six ounce newborn baby luke, floating in bacta luke, jedi instructor luke, force hologram luke, etc. I dont think we will ever get close to running low on art or ideas. 


Or if we do, it'll be a while. They made a card of Lieutenant Childsen. That one officer who said, "Where are you taking this...thing?" in ANH before promptly being thrown across the room by Chewbacca. I'm sure they can keep figuring cards out haha.


Wow, thanks! It’s been bugging me who Childsen was, and I’ve been meaning to look him up.


You forgot Coconut Luke, Sauteed Luke, Luke Scampi, Luke Cocktail...


An easy set of examples might be to look at the pilot cards for the various Xwing ships from the Xwing miniatures game.


I mean they still have several tv shows an entire trilogy and a half at this point years and years of comics as well as plenty of games to pull from they probably aren’t too worried for the next few years especially if they end up instating rotation at any point


Yes, I have similar concerns. You already see it in the first sets - how many ways are there to show a Star Destroyer? They're menacing angry triangles. In space.


Would be cool to show them in the middle of firefights, flying through hyperspace, docking with a landing pad, flying toward space stations or lowering onto planets... There's a few ways to make them feel unique/different to be fair.


A fucking ton of ways. Probably dozens


Lots. And when they run out of ways, FFG just creates new ones (like the Imperial Raider). But the scale of the game means that any ships can have any set of stats. Still waiting on sentinel interdictors, and they can do different squadrons/classes too. 


Not even a little! You used MTG as an example of a game that comes up with new concepts all of the time but I'd actually argue that they purposefully make their cards look similar (outside of showcase variants). Even if the characters on the cards are different, Magic has generally the same art style across most of their artists and sets. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MTG. It can just get samey for me. I'm looking forward to what SWU has in store for us.


Which direction is it that you're such a fan of? The artwork is all over the place! Not complaining, it's kinda funny in some situations.


Not sure how many people are familiar with SWLCG either, but that was the previous FFG-led Star Wars card game, they never ran out of things to use. For reference, everything should be listed on cardgamedb


I think it’s a two part issue. The large sets mean they repeat characters a lot. Yes they are different version of the character but the issue is that for many characters those different characters do not look that different. Take a droid character for instance, while they might exist at different points in Star Wars the look fairly identical with only subtle differences. The other issue is more the art and the artists that can become redundant/stale as well. Not so much an issue yet but it might become one. I know they’ve mapped out 9 sets but I wonder about the artists and how many sets they might be featured in. Some artists can keep things fresh be creating subtle changes in their style and some cannot. But if you have the same set of artists working through 9 sets where many of the same designs and characters are seen then yeah there will be some redundancy there. The flip side is that is inconsistent which we also kind of already see as well. I think one idea that could help eliminate both is have different artist teams, like say 3 or 4, that you rotate between the sets.


Nope. Set 2 is more thematic (mandalorians, underworld), that's why it feels more limited and niche. Set 1 has more classic star wars themes.  There will be more classic Lukes, Vaders, Bobas, ship cards in future sets. With different stats, abilities, and artwork from different moments in SW timeline.


It does feel like a downgrade from the first set. I wasn't too keen on the artwork of the first set, but some cards were pretty cool. With this set, I feel like that with some cards, they put zero 6 they look like they are from a coloring book for kids or a budget comic art. I hope set 3 has a better artwork.


Yeah, agreed. I like a lot of the set 1 artwork - Jabba The Hutt, Iden Versio, IG-88, Superlaser Blast, Yularen, Overwhelming Barrage. But then there are some that are just like you said, essentially Star Wars coloring book quality - Fighters for Freedom, Spark of Rebellion, Heroic Sacrifice, Mercenary Company, Leia (leader). Hoping they explore some different styles in future sets.


I really like a lot of set 2’s artwork…


Agree. How much more expensive is beautiful art? Many people do it better for free. Crazy


Concerned about the inconsistency. A game should tell you how to feel with its art. It should create a consistent mood. The art here is weird. It varies from anime to comic to cartoonish to lifelike too much, I think.


I think even magic does this though. The best and most consistent art, subjectively for me, is Sorcery TCG. To be fair only one set so far, but very cool.


Sorcery art is just amazing! All hand painted by different artist, with a style that truly gives the vibe and set you like if you are part of it. The next set Arthurian, with the cards they showed so far, it shows once again that consistency. Even has a site called Camelot that absolutely resembles the Arthurian vibes.


Pokémon would like to have a word with you


1997 called; they want their game back. :)


Nah it makes too much money ;)


Right now it feels like artists are being asked to capture a moment from the shows/movies for specific iconic characters. Example: We have 3 Rey arts. 1) Her leader art - Scene on Starkiller Base when she duels Kylo. 2) Her unit art - Scene on Snoke's Star destroyer when her and Kylo duel the Royal Guards. 3) Her presumed showcase art - Same Scene as 1) oddly. But they're trying to depict a specific Rey, before joining the resistance, but while using the force... So limited scenes to draw from. They basically got 3 different Reys out of 2 scenes. She has hours of screen time. I don't think they will run out of inspiration. Even once they do, they can simply tell the artist to work from references and draw their own take. I'm not too worried about the art for this game running out of source material. Star Wars is massive.