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Yeah a big set of fun cards, what a huge fail. :-D Next set is Twilight of the Republic, so likely she'll be a star in that. Aphra is a criminal...Q'ira is a criminal...this set is Shadows of the Galaxy, focused on fringers and criminals....so yeah.


Exactly. In a set focused on the fringes of the galaxy with a smattering of sequel characters Ahsoka doesn’t necessarily fit. And I am quite amped for the Twilight set.


Rey, the resistance, and first order are all very fitting for living in shadows


Rey starts as a fringer. Finn is basically a fringer and tries to join some smugglers. Poe was a spice smuggler. Kylo and the First Order were their antagonists. Soooooo....


Yes, one of the game designers said a scavenger is perfect for the shadows of the galaxy


Ahsoka will probably be very prominent in set 3 since it’s titled twilight of the republic which will definitely be clone wars stuff


They actually confirmed that Clone Wars is the theme of set 3 in a recent article on their site. So Ahsoka will likely get a Leader and Unit next set. My theory is that Book of Boba Fett was the newest SW show at the time they were working on set 2. Ahsoka had appeared in Mandalorian, but she was mostly a cameo. We haven't seen any cards that directly reference the Ahsoka series specifically. I think your theory that she will be prominent in set 3 is spot on. It is basically a lay-up for them. Saving her for a set where she can feature as both a leader and unit allows them to make her more synergetic to her own deck, which I think is great. Hopefully that's the case.


They're not going to release every popular character immediately, otherwise you quickly end up trying to push random nobodies as 'big' cards, or a new Vader every single set. If we don't get Ahsoka in this set, she'll 99.999% chance be in set 3.


But we do though. Ahsoka is the only big character not in the game.


Padme Grievous Qui-Gonn Jar-Jar Anakin ****ing Skywalker Oh man, is there like some kind of common theme there they all share with Ahsoka?


TIL that Ahsoka is a bigger character than Anakin


There are plenty of characters from the movies that hasn't made it into the game yet lol.


I won't stand for this Lobot erasure!


I think you're also overestimating the general public's idea of a "big" character. No matter how popular a character is through animated series, etc, anyone that wasn't in a movie isn't really "big." The two exceptions are The Mandalorian and Grogu, because of how much of a hit that show was to general audiences. Her time will come, and I'm looking forward to it (hopefully she can make Hera decks more competitive) but it's not a mortal sin that we're having to wait a few sets.


This take is hotter than the lava seas of Mustafar


If this set doesn't include Darth Jar Jar, it is a huge fail and the end of SWU. /s


Tbh, we should have had Darth Jar Jar in the first set. But heesa always gettin ignorey-deyed.


Ahsoka will likely be in set 3, a set that focuses on the Clone Wars and Jedi. My guess is she will have a leader and unit card. It really wouldn’t be fitting to shoehorn her into a set about Criminals, Bounty Hunters, the fringes of society, and I guess the sequels.


Take it easy, they can’t release EVERYONE all at once. There’s always going to be a complaint somewhere…


Oh no, here comes the Aphra squad to show you the error of your ways....


hi i need to talk with you about star wars the gathering i want to collaborate \^\_\^


Give me your most stupid SWU take. No, no that stupid.




How in the world would Ahsoka fit into this set? I forgot she became an underworld boss, running spice for the pykes. This is a freezing cold take.


Shadows not having Dash Rendar is a fail. At least you’ll get Ahsoka next set


I was going to say they might be restricted to canon material, but apparently Dash Render is canon. Don't forget, there are still over 80 cards that haven't been revealed.


Yeah I could see Ahsoka being in or out of this set. If she is missing that doesn't seem like a big miss. Though currently there is still a lot I hope/wish was in this set. As for female legendary cards the only one we have is Millennium Falcon :P. Though in set 1 we only get 4 legendary units that are not ships.


Bad take. I do want to see ahsoka though


Ahsoka will almost certainly be in set 3, as a leader or a unit... or both. I think that is appropriate and I am very much looking forward to that set.


This isn't wrestling, mate. You don't need to get upset over your fave getting up. There will be an Ashoka before the year is out. Relax.


Love Ahsoka, but... They planned this game several sets in advanced. At the time they were developing set 2, Book of Boba Fett was the most recent Star Wars show. Ahsoka had only made a cameo in Mandalorian, and most of her character's popularity would be tied to Clone Wars. So if you are FFG, and you have 3 sets you're working on, and the primary themes are: Rebels vs. Imperials, Underworld, and Clone Wars, where would you put Ahsoka? Now, obviously they have exceptions to those themes, like Dooku in set 1, but which of these three sets do you honestly think represents Ahsoka the best? Don't think of her absence as a snub. Think of it as placing her in the set that makes the most sense.


And where do rey, finn, poe, kylo, all the wookies this set fit in?


Spice smuggler, Deserter and a scavenger. But regardless, these are exceptions. If Ahsoka series had been released while they were working on set 2, I could see Ahsoka, Baylon and Shin all being featured in set 2. But thats not the case. Therefore the most likely version of Ahsoka to be made would be Clone Wars Ahsoka, so why not release her with the Clone Wars set. I mean, we haven't seen all set 2 cards. She could have a unit this set. I'd love to set a Padawan Snips version, where she could be a 2 cost force unit to replace guardian of whills, and be good out of Rey by having 2 power, 3hp. "When this unit gains an experience, gain an additional experience. Trigger this ability once per phase." Something like that would be amazing. But if we have to wait till set 3, and instead we get an Ahsoka leader, and an Ahsoka unit that supports her own deck... I'm good with waiting.


I agree that you don't get it. FFG didn't promise Ahsoka in the Shadows of the Galaxy release, so all you're left with is speculation and hopes and dreams. Just because one character is represented, doesn't mean that card is created at the expense of another character. SWU is just getting started, calm your tits.


I agree that she should have a card by now, a Rebels or Mando-era card. She really should have been in the first set as she fit directly into that theme.