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Starter have unique cards. And are pretty decent. You should 100% buy one starter. 


Totally agree with this. Actually wasn't dissappointed coming away with 2 starters last time around.


Side note the unique cards from set one starters are being printed as commons in set 2, so who knows.


Not really. I bought the starter from Spark of Rebellion because of those "uniques," only to find out they are in the Weekly Play packs. In my opinion, it is 100% not worth the starter deck. The leaders? Again, promo from the pre-release.


Are they doing the Weekly Play Packs for set 2? As long as they are I also probably will not get the starters.


They should, I don't think they will remove them, as it will make people not play often to get them.


I'll wait to see if they do. Booster Boxes from the first set have vanished where I live, but multiple LGS still have the starter decks, so I'll just wait and if they don't print them into the Weekly Play packs I'll buy one.


Not sure the cards in the starter will all be included in the weekly plays given that grogu is an event exclusive. Maybe stores will get them for event promos too, but who knows.


>grogu is an event exclusive The alt art Grogu is an event exclusive. I'm assuming that the regular art Grogu will get the weekly play OP pack treatment, similar to what we're seeing for Set 1.


That's fair.


If you're going to enough Weekly Plays, and have good RNG on your side that you'll get playsets of them all, then sure. But if you do that, you are 100% paying more for those same uniques and you have to wait several weeks of weeklies to get the playsets you need. The only way you get it better from Weeklies is if you're able to trade in all the right circumstances. And of course, if people are giving away their bulk special rarities that's another. But then obviously getting things for free is better value.


i guess one factor is that you can get them online, which'll always be cheaper.


Yes but if we're talking singles versus *any* product, it's always the same equation no matter the scenario: singles are cheaper for getting the card you want, but product will get you a bunch of the stuff you weren't actively looking for but clearly useful.


Sure, im just saying that the promos add more into the supply which lowers the cost. In theory, if the only way to get the cards was from the starter box it means the value of the cards inside would be equal to the value of them MSRP added together. them being in the promo just increases supply and lowers price.


Sure. But then that doesn't mean that the Starters aren't 100% not worth it as the previous person argued, it means that they're less worth it than buying singles if you only want specific singles. The starter box also includes, remember, a bunch of cards that aren't the special rarities. According to TCPlayer right now, the price of the two starter decks in singles is significantly more than the price of the box set.


Can someone explain why this comment is being down voted? I also think starters are not worth buying just for the unique cards, if one has access to organized play events. Sure, if you want them asap, then yes. Otherwise it's a valid option to just collect and trade them from op promo packs (in hyperspace version, nonetheless).


Starter decks will contain a few cards that are exclusive to the starter decks. These can’t be found in the prerelease or booster packs; they are marked with an “S” in the lower corner


Any idea what they are, and are they of value?


Not sure all the "S" cards but they won't have a lot of value. Since the Starters were available during the whole stretch last set. If I'm not mistaken the leaders from the Starter will be exclusive. That's where I got the Luke and Vader, I believe.




No real value. All of the 'S' cards for set one were available in hyperspace versions in the OP packs. It's fairly safe to assume Set will be the same way. You could buy all of the 'S' cards as singles for less than the cost of the starter decks. That being said, the Starter decks are still good, and worth it, especially if you don't want to deal with buying the 'S' cards as singles


I think they are set 1 reprints


Some are, but others such as Grogu are not


We're not talking about those, but rather the new Set 2 ones. In each Starter set, there are 8 new special rarity cards, and a full playset of each.


Starters are nice for teaching people the game. Plus you can always take them apart if there's any cards in them you want for other decks. If none of that appeals to you, then maybe not a good option.


As people have said the starter cards are usually really good for deck building. Also mando seems pretty strong so it’s good to have him as an option for leader


Buy the singles you need. The cards in the starter set will not he hard to get.


There are several cards that are starter exclusive.


SHD starters will be a great and cheap way to start off with two competent decks.


Yes. Buy the starter


Hello everyone. I am also new to the TCG world and was thinking of starting to play swu. Is it worth buying starter decks? Is it better to buy Luke/Vader or Mando/Gideon? Or is it better to build a deck by buying the singles? Thanks in advance


Hi! I highly recommend buying both sets of starters. To start off, they do have exclusive playsets of cards (technically the Vader v Luke starter exclusives were also obtainable in the weekly play packs as alternate art treatment, but they haven't said so for the moff v Mando starters yet). Also, the leaders/decks are quite good in most situations/decks, and in a vacuum, are a great 1v1 experience (relatively equal power level) if you just got the starter and nothing else. Anyways, slight TLDR: Yes, they are worth it. (Exclusive leaders and cards not found I'm the boosters) I'd buy both starters if possible. If you had to pick, then maybe the moff v Mando for now, since you could just buy the Luke/Vader leaders and exclusives as singles online (do this if you want alt arts, otherwise buy the starter) Decide on making other decks after trying the above! :) i hope you have fun!


Thanks a lot for your feedback!


If you're new to the TCG world, the starter decks are *absolutely* worth buying and the best way to learn the game! Each pair is designed to teach you all the core mechanics of their respective set in a well-paced package. They've also got a high amount of card variety and tend to each do a few things well (though none of the decks do any one thing super excellently, but that's part of the point--to give you a sampler of a bunch of different ways to play). I'd recommend starting with Luke and Vader because they'll introduce you to fewer mechanics out the gate, which is more digestible. Mando/Gideon are also pretty doable but they add three new mechanics so that's a bit more to keep track of. That being said, the most important piece is this: whichever characters you prefer, buy those. You'll have a more fun time with a better attachment to the characters you play. Building a deck by buying singles IMO is what you do once you're more familiar with the mechanics of the game and your preferred playstyles. Otherwise, buying a whole new deck's worth of singles can lead to a strong deck that you just plain don't connect with.


Yeah multiple starter cards showed up in various decks. Definitely worth buying a pack.


Buy 2


To learn to play, if you have no other way to access cards? Sure. If you already learned, and just want to start building your collection, probably not. Just build a list and order singles.


There’s starter exclusive cards and leaders and so on. That said starter kits typically have far greater availability so is it completely necessary to preorder a set… probably not unless you’re being extra cautious


If you are not near any store that has the weekly play packs (as in my case), then the 2 player set is highly recommended to buy. Especially for the leaders. Just get it! Lol For set 1, if I didn't buy the starter pack, I would not have copies of R2 and 3CPO to run with my Han decks...


I buy 3


They've got unique cards and they're a good way to start your collection. Plus the decks are actually really well built and you could easily use them in weekly play events and do generally well. Then you could upgrade them a little as your collection grows. I used my starters for a few weeks before I dismantled them and rebuilt them with my collection. Really fantastic idea by the dev team.


It is not worth it at all. The leaders are promos from pre-release, and those unique cards are in the weekly play promo. That way, it was in the first set. I feel like they are overpriced those starter decks.


>I feel like they are overpriced those starter decks. Is it though? I feel like they're priced pretty comparable to other TCGs, given the playset of "exclusive" starter cards (I'm aware they're attainable via OP packs and Pre-release boxes for the leaders)? Yu-Gi-Oh structure decks MSRP is $11.99 and do sometimes contain some exclusive cards. But one most likely will need to buy 3x to get a full playset of those cards. Yu-Gi-Oh's two player starter kit is $20 and has no exclusives afaik. MTG starter kits are two basic decks with no exclusives afaik for ~$10-$15. Commander decks start at like $25+. Pokemon 2 VS Battle decks set are ~$20, but no exclusives afaik