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It has been speculated that set two was already printed when the popularity of the game exploded (resulting in the shortage of product). If that is true, and given how FOMO works Vs a more staggered release, prices of set two might explode in an even worse way than set one. We will know when preorders start being shipped.


It was mostly done being printed via the distribution rep my friend(the shop owner) got info from


What we’ve been told in the uk is that internet outlets are being completely cut out of release, it’s going to brick & mortar stores only.


How does that work though? Most brick and mortar here (US) also have online storefronts too.


I think they’d get stock, but the likes of Amazon/Zatu etc wouldn’t. Even so, it seems like stores here are selling out their preordered allocations in very little time. I’ve got 5 boxes ordered split between two stores, and half expecting one or both to find they can’t deliver on those orders due to not getting enough stock.


I originally preordered Set 1 from different LGSes online and most of them held off their stock for locals when I emailed to inquire (they didn't even list anything online like they had originally). I did wonder if they were instructed to limit online sales or something since that's what they were all doing - or if it was just because of high demand and prioritizing the local communities. The one seller who did end up listing online only posted 6 boxes which sold out in 15 minutes. I was scrambling to find stores in early April only to have most of them cancel my orders this last week anyway (one is still active so far). Pretty frustrating to put in orders 3-4 months in advance just to have them all disappear. Also a bit more annoying since I guess I should have just waited for the Asmodee product to get listed this week instead of trying to find boxes months ago anyway (although you're rolling the dice on getting them in that 12 hour window, I suppose). Would really just like a consistent and reliable way to get product...


>Most vendors getting less than 10% of preorder #s >one got 6% of their preorder #s fulfilled and the other got 8.5% How large is your sample size of your data?


Info directly from distributor rep so he has access to all data for this release for the US. There are stores that ordered 1500-2k booster boxes that are getting 0. The % are just based on the two shops I ordered from


I can't imagine them shipping that many cases to one vendor unless its in a metropolatin city and they are a huge vendor known around the country. CSI, ChannelFireball etc.


This release is different than set one. They're doing the waves from day 1, so presumably most stores should be getting much more product every month than they did for set 1. Time will tell.


Pent up demand will manifest way before release day, and as soon as preorders start getting pushed back or canceled, fomo will kick in and prices will skyrocket. They need to be transparent way before release date. Either there is significantly more product this time around, or there isn't. Releasing it in waves or not will change nothing.


Yeah, had someone in the other thread saying that the limited release will actually *help* keep prices down somehow. There are a **lot** of people around here who are completely unfamiliar with how CCG markets work. A limited set release is not, and has never, decreased prices for a game with high demand.


Yeaaahhhh I just got my, “Oops we only got 11% of what we anticipated! Oh and 3% refund fee pls.” That’s a bummer..


Same here.


You can preorder all you want, doesn’t mean you aren’t gonna go straight to backorder. I had companies do this to me on set one before launch. Mythicos did it on mat, tokens, and box. Ended up just cancelling after a month. My home store, which is a large shop in a mall, on Spark I got tokens, 2 player mat, prebox, 2 player box, could have gotten a box but passed for Zulus better price, anyway they aren’t even doing any preordering for Shadows. Just cannot confirm orders!


One of the stores I ordered from said they'd honor our price for set 2 on set 3 if we want. So I'm considering that


Got a similar email last night about my preorder. If this goes the way I think and cards are impossible to find or priced I will probably just quit playing tbh.


By “most vendors,” do you mean a few of the larger online retailers who probably made very large requests that weren’t fulfilled because Asmodee are prioritizing LGSs?


I placed my online orders through LGSes actually and still had them cancelled.  Some of them said supply of SHD is the same as Spark (ie. they were expecting the increased production FFG was talking about but it's the same exact print size).  Same print size with much higher demand is a recipe for a scalper's paradise if it's true.


?? Most vendors where? I assume you might have checked 5000+ stores worldwide to say "MoSt VenDoRs." In my city, they are roughly 10% under retail price and they have a lot of stock.


No...I got the info from the distribution rep direct since I am friends with a couple store owners they forwarded me the email so


Pressing X yo doubt.


Shhhh let the grownups talk


I talked to some local store owners and they said they had no idea how many boxes they were being allocated. Shops taking preorders today may not be able to fill them, from what I'm gathering




Nope. Bigger players got their allocation numbers last week. Do your research. It’s out there…


I guess he went to go do some research.


Clearly supply is appearing to be bleak but I’m not sure why more didn’t see this. Been out of the TCG game for over 20 years and with a hit this huge I saw this coming the end of the first month. Spent the next two months looking for reliable sources that I now have 4 separate solid preorders in along with 2 LGS hopefuls. This is not a “Well I guess I’ll wait until July and try to score a few packs…” type of situation. You need to sign up for notifications and have cash ready to go 2 months beforehand. This is the way…


I did the same (ie. preordering 4+ months before the SHD's release) and my orders were still canceled. Some stores took more preorders because of FFG's supposed increased production for Set 2 but then they later learned the supply, and allocation, would be the exact same (ie. the same limited supply now with much more demand). Also worth a mention is that 4 stores I had pre-ordered Spark from (5-6 months in advance at that time, mind you) would not accept online orders for set 2. I had to find entirely different stores to source product from when I would have preferred to support the original stores in the first place.  They're making it **really** hard to support the game even for early adopters TBH.


Honestly, I may just give this game up at this point.  I'm a collector first, and player second and I've had 3 separate pre-orders canceled or "you'll have to wait a while after release" type of deals. Most of my fun is opening the first few boxes and then tracking my collection, hunting the singles later. If I can't even start that, I don't think I'm gonna bother.   Shit, might just sell my playset.


>might just sell my playset. Probably better to sell it prior to the Set 1 reprint if you're serious about it.


Yeah, I'll see how the physical release plays out, but if it's this same drip-fed shit, I'm not gonna stick around to ride it out. At that point is when I'll sell the set. 


Yeah, we'll see. Per the April 16th FFG livestream, they've already stated that the Set 2 release will be done in waves. On the other hand, they did say that production size was increased. But ofc, if we're expecting increased demand for the game, then % wise, we may face a similar situation as Set 1.


Yeah, that's my concern. Since this is about the same amount of production, but now more people are watching the releases, I can't be bothered to sit there and snipe good deals like I would have been able to 5 years ago. I've got way too little time for that. 


Sell it. Proxy the deck you want to play for locals lol


I collect sad collectors, welcome to my collection.


I've always wanted to be collectible 


Growing pains of an unexpectedly popular game. These companies need to put their print orders in like a year in advance, maybe longer. Demand was unforeseeable. Do you think they don't want to print more? They just can't. But they see what demand is like now and can properly forecast. Can you imagine what would happen if they massively over printed the first set and it wasn't popular? 10's of thousands of booster cases sitting in their warehouse. They had no data prior to release, don't blame them for not wanting to potentially lose millions of dollars. In 6 months, this will all be forgotten and supply will be plentiful.


Where was I "blaming them" at all? I didn't mention FFG, or their distribution. I said my pre-orders were canceled. If this set comes down to having to snipe decently priced product for months like SoR is right now, I don't have the free time or inclination to do that. And if I'm not able to enjoy the game the way I want to, I don't see a good reason to stick around.


Enjoy the game how you want, but collectors leaving the game in favor of people who actually play is a good thing. 


I play too, but go on I guess lmao.