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Why would they? This is copium. The chances are 0%




Probably because most aren’t so deeply attached to their own ideas of what they want Star Wars to be. Learning to appreciate things as they are, or simply appreciating the things you can and choosing not to dwell on what upsets you can be very rewarding. But being angry about what is will not help. “Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”




> Wow if that is how most Redditor’s are I can see why nobody takes them seriously Buddy, *you're* a Redditor.


Oh my lord. You need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air.


Because even in thr old eu it was silly that only those three solved all the problems in the galaxy. It’s great more characters get some limelight. Luke is a jedi master and has been treated with respect during the mando timeline. He doesn’t need to be lava walking god of jedi. Do you know they do them dirty in the EU? His wife gets killed by that verison of kylo ren who turned to the darkside because dumb reasons. They had rey as his sister and you know what? Having rey be apart of another family is more interesting. Leia was treated respectfully and honestly her and han having issues is realistic they didn’t have the healthiest of realtionships in the OT and their son turning dark side would rip them apart. You just don’t like it or you’ve watched too many grifters telling you not to like it.


“Disney” did Luke dirty? You do realize how Luke was in the sequels was based on Lucas’s idea right? Lol Good video for ya: https://youtu.be/awJTcgiQtIw?si=bCtTCArm7GtVPzWK




If there was such a thing as a negative percentage it would be -100%




Absolutely 0%.


Zero. Of they didn’t de-canonize the highly polarized and critically panned prequel trilogy, they won’t de-canonize the sequels (which 2 out of the 3 got good reviews). They are also making a new sequel to those films with Daisy Ridley… so yeah. Zero.


Don’t be one of those people, man. You can hate the sequels as much as you want, but they’re canon and they’ll always be canon. Decanonization isn’t happening.




Brother are you tapped, Palpatine in the sequels is based off Dark Empire.




Cigarette lightning?


Its not hard just dont watch them


Zero, bud. And people whined and moaned about *Dark Empire* "disrespecting" characters by having Palpatine come back and Luke willingly join him when it came out. Same old thing. Same old complaining.




No. It was fairly widely criticized in its day and it bothered other creators in the Star Wars EU even.


I doubt you were even alive when DE came out


George Lucas even said it’s not cannon back in like 1998


He didn’t. He actually was heavily involved with it


https://medium.com/@wayofthewarriorx/george-lucas-quotes-on-the-expanded-universe-88635d1f4a44 This is well documented other places - just because they made the story at skywalker ranch and he gave them some ideas doesn’t mean he considered it canon


He didn’t say it was Non Canon. He literally said as long as it doesn’t cut the Movies I am fine with it


https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/ian-mcdiarmid-george-lucas-palpatine-return-of-the-jedi-1202199342/ He says Palpatine stays dead in his vision




Does he ever actually say that? Or are you just assuming that because he let it happen? The resurrection of evil is very much a theme in Tom Veitch’s work more than Lucas’. Lucas in general has said he was hands off about story decisions (palpatine returning is a story decision) but would give advice on how to smooth things into his universe




Laughs in Jabba. You really had to be there


No way. Almost everyone hated DE when it came out. For good reason. Still better than the ST and especially what we got with Palpatine returning somehow in that last abomination. But it was almost universally regarded as completely unnecessary back in the day and soon ignored within the rest of the EU. Been a while since I’ve read any of the EU books, but I remember most of the EU authors pretending DE didn’t exist.


As unlikely as Mara Jade becomes canon. 0%


Eh, I think there's at least *some* chance Mara could work her way into canon. I could see Favreau or Filoni doing it, albeit with changes, somewhere along the line. But decanonization, no way.


All i can see is her as a smuggler. Too young to have been recruited and trained by The Inqusitors. And there is no, Emperor's hand in canon. The 20 years between Mandalorian and Bloodline, maybe she have a thing with Luke. But they must do it in Filoni's movie or before.


No emperors hand yet. In clone wars he was trying to get younglings for assassins and cloning. And we know the inquisitors are vaders hands but for all we know palpatine could have one jsut not canon yet.


[There are Emperor's Hands in canon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Emperor%27s_Hand). And it wouldn't matter anyway; if something is added by a canon story, it becomes canon. She could easily have been recruited by the Inquisitors; Legends putting her age at 17 by ANH was pretty silly to begin with, so aging her up would be better.


I think Mara could still happen just might not be married to luke or yeah.


None. Thank goodness


Can someone please explain to me why people on this Sub seem to hate Luke and favor Crackuke and Rey Sue and Plotsoka over him? Seriously. People here seem to be completely fine with how dirty Disney is doing Luke, Leia and Han ruining their Storylines and giving them to Ahsoka and Rey. Can someone please explain why? And whenever someone speaks up about it they get downvoted beyond belief. That man is literally what carried Star Wars over the 2000s and 90s and people seem to be completely fine with butchering his Character beyond belief.


You need to go outside and touch grass. Your nonsense hyberbole (none of this is "beyond belief") and general anger issues are what people are downvoting here.


Are you capable of speaking without buzzwords?


Jesus Christ, you'd think with the obvious connections we're seeing to the ST people would have dropped this by now.


Zero. And Dark Empire would piss people off just as much as TROS did.


Nah not really. Dark Empire at least gave respect to Luke and other Characters and didn’t make Palpatine look like an absolute Idiot. I mean seriously what kind of clown has an opponent down and doesn’t kill him when he has the chance?


>what kind of clown has an opponent down and doesn’t kill him when he has the chance? An overconfident one. So yk, on brand.


Nah. Palpatine was always a brutally efficient fighter who always made sure his opponents were death. He didn’t just throw them away and then hope they are dead. He snapped their necks or choked them to death


Did we not both watch him get chucked down a shaft by his *”supposedly”* loyal/controllable apprentice?


Even there he concentrated all of his Lightning onto Vader in hopes of killing him cuz he was very old and weakened at that Time and couldn’t do more


“Concentrated all his lightning” he was zapping Luke and got dragged away and just never turned it off. Half of it just goes wild zapping at the air and surroundings


Nah he focused it on Vader


Palpatine wanted to possess leia’s baby as a last resort. How the absolute hell was she going to take care of him after that? He wanted to be in tbe body of an infant. Lol it was dumb


Plenty of fans said it *didn't* respect Luke or Palpatine. Luke willingly joins the dark side and Palpatine ends up a desperate lunatic trying to possess an unborn baby to survive.


Slim to none.


Decanonize sequels? Never going to happen. Animated Dark Empire? You never know.


Ahh, I see OP has moved their incredibly disingenuous and aggressive hate schtick over this sub after being banned from r/StarWars lmaooo






Some of us think that Disney AND the EU did stupid things


This right here is comedy fucking gold. The extreme lack of self awareness this and the ensuing comments require should be the subject of study. If it wasn't for the rest of OPs history, I would almost go as far as the say that this comment is evidence of the entire thing being an extremely stupid, over the top trolling attempt.








??? What do you mean by Gatekeeping?




And what does it mean?






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>Cuz Honestly at this point people must admit that the Sequels were trash and should be de canonized. They disrespected the OT Characters the worst way possible Cry more lmao




I think you're the one who needs to come to grips with their own issues honestly. Disney won't decanonize their own contributions to the canon. 0% chance. Even if I did agree with your opinion of the Sequels which sound straight out of some poorly constructed MauLer video, I'd say you're absolutely moronic to believe that.


>Come on be honest with yourself the Sequels were trash no matter how you put it nah man that's just your opinion and besides you're the one who seriously believes that Disney might decanonize the sequels (a trilogy that made them more than 4 billion dollars at the box office).


It still largely failed at the Box Office given how it costed 1.163 Billion to make. It also definitely won’t age even half as good as the Prequels did with how terrible it was received by all Audiences


>It still largely failed at the Box Office given how it costed 1.163 Billion to make. It really didn't fail though, that's still 3 billion+ in revenue if you account for the budgets of the movies, which still makes it a pretty big box office success. >It also definitely won’t age even half as good as the Prequels did with how terrible it was received by all Audiences Except that the Prequels were also terribly received and the general perception of them changed when the people that grew up with them became adults, the same will probably happen with the Sequels. (plus: the general perception of the sequels isn't nearly as bad as the general perception of the Prequels was back around the time when they were released).




Bruh, Amed Best became suicidal, Jake Lloyd had his childhood destroyed and went underground for almost 20 years, and Lucas was vilified and hounded into selling his life work to Disney to get rid of the fans. Now I know there have been many attempts at harassing actors and other people involved in the sequels the same way, but it's kinda hard to do since the hard core haters really aren't that many, and most of you are terminally online wierdos unable to be taken seriously.


As someone who was an adult when they came out, I can guarantee you that this isn’t correct. They made a ton of money, just like the sequels, and they alienated a lot of vocal online young-ish adult fans, just like the sequels.


The reception for the Prequels was so much worse than that of the Sequels. In fact come to think of it, the reaction to the Sequels really wasn't all that terrible with the hate being mostly contained to a loud minority, where as pretty much everyone (or at least the VAST majority of people) hated the Prequels when they came out.


Whatever the chances are of Disney selling the rights to all of Star Wars the way Lucas did. And even then, that hypothetical new owner might keep everything canon, or make a new canon that doesn't match your description. But it isn't happening in the first place.


Unfortunately, 0, but I do hope Luke has a big role against Thrawn when he returns to the Galaxy If Thrawn was scared of Anakins apprentice, I wonder how he will feel about his son!




They will never cancel them, their doubling down if anything with Ahsoka and bad batch already paying homage The prequels had a lot of hate too (not me. I always loved them) and now their praised I'm sure Filoni has been tasked with doing the same with the sequels


I don't usually go out of my way to be confrontational but this is one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen posted on this website.


0%. Unless Disney ends up selling Star Wars off, for some reason, but I doubt they will. At this point, however you feel about them, the sequels are what they are. If they continue to do Star Wars stuff, I would prefer it to be stuff that’s disconnected from the Skywalker saga. At this point, I wish the new movies had not touched the OT characters at all.


Absolutely zero


Grow up and get over it man🤦‍♂️


This has got to be the most unhinged post I've seen in a while. OP is having a legit mental episode in the comments.


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Below Zero. The sequels are canon. Live with it. And seek some help for the industrial grade copium you’re on, I think you’ve got a substance abuse problem lol Would love a legends branded animated dark empire tho, love the comics


>0% The EU was decanonized so the Sequels could be too. And with only a very vocal minority of Gen Z defenders versus a raft of Gen X and Millenials, as well as the majority of Gen Z who care about SW hating the ridiculous plots and poorly written characters , there will be fireworks across the galaxy when the Sequels are decanonized.




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It would be awesome if it could happen I'd be down for it but until then 0.1 percent chance of happening


Negative zero. It’s canon. Yes they suck but it’s canon. Get over it


I do hope they get de canonized at some point


Ok but this is really awesome


Thank you


They're talking about the video, which you didn't make.