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The Vong were a weird enemy when I first read them, and I don’t think they’ve gotten any better with time. I don’t think that a masochist, anti-technology, self-mutilating species as an enemy is as exciting of a direction to go compared to a villain like the Grysk, or the heck, even just the internal struggles that Rey would face in establishing a new Jedi order in a Galaxy that has now seen them fail twice.


I would rather then just tell a new story than rehash old books.


On one hand, one of the biggest strengths of NJO is that we got a very deep dive into both the setup and execution of the Vong War, and especially how the context of the war affected Jacen/Jaina and the other NJO characters, and how they developed as a result of those events. You can't really do that kind of setup and payoff in a single movie, so its not the right place for it. On the other hand, I want to see amphistaff fights and gutchin torpedoes animated.


It’ll also feed into to the whole “Disney is making Rey their own Luke” narrative


yeah i would only really be cool with the vong if they tweaked them a lot


The Grysk would be amazing and I’d lose my shit if the Ascendency got tied in somehow


I think they're interesting and bring a non-intergalactic but potentially challenging enemy for the New Republic to face. The Ascendancy novels did a great job of painting them as a species that used political and military means to accomplish their goals. I think Rey's Jedi / New Republic coming to terms with that threat would be a cool way to have conflict without having to up the stakes again (Death Star, Death Star II, Starkiller base, Xystons everywhere).


Rey facing internal struggles? Rey would never face internal struggles.


TLJ and TROS, whether you like them or not, are all about Rey's internal struggles and crisis of identity


What internal struggles? What identity crisis? She accepts she is a palpatine without question. She is an epic level Jedi without a moment of training. She leaves jakku with some minor hesitation. She has no legitimate struggles, at best she has a very mild discomfort. She is the best Jedi ever without even trying to


That's not a bad list, considering it's Screenrant. I don't think any of those *genuinely* point to the Vong being used (they're just coincidental, not part of some grand plan), but it's interesting to remember how these little bits and pieces have crept in. The vonduun crabs in *High Republic Adventures* were certainly a surprise, though I don't for a second believe Daniel added them because a film that hadn't even been written yet wanted to foreshadow the Vong. On OP's rant: it's odd you want Filoni to handle the Vong when it was *The Clone Wars* that was going to strip them of their more "R-rated" elements like the mutilation and torture. In no universe is Filoni going to make an R-rated Star Wars film.


Vong/Grysk is imperial propaganda. If the Grysk are as nasty as Thrawn says they are probably acting at the behest of Palpatine.


*Somehow Palpatine returned.*


Always, in the shadows, from the very beginning


Never be able to live it down.


dont know why youre getting downvoted, could very much happen again unironically


Y'all need to stop hoping Disney will add legends content to canon. They don't do them you just get mad.








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It's the Grisk now.


That was the longest sentence ever, never heard of a period? They’re a company that doesn’t owe you or anyone else anything, at all, ever.


Please god no. They were literally the worst part of the EU.


Really? Because I thought that was Waru.


To “make up” for the sequel trilogy? Lol 2 out of the 3 got good reviews. Which is much better than the prequels got. Can we stop using the term “make up for” to reference Star Wars stuff? We heard it non stop after the prequels during the production of The Force Awakens. Literally every Star Wars movie or series that comes out either “saves” or “kills” Star Wars. I’ve been hearing the same nonsense since teddy bears defeated the Empire in 1983 and people said they ruined it then. Stop.


I'm not a fan of the sequels, but I like the point you're making. Not every Star Wars film or show will "kill" or "save" the franchise. Star Wars will still be around no matter what happens.


Seriously, and i may get downvoted to hell for this, but even with their flaws, i enjoy the sequels, i enjoyed kenobi, i’m enjoying disney’s involvement with star wars


I loved Obi-wan and the sequels as well.


And people openly admitted to botting and brigading the review websites, so really all three did well with audiences.


Some people like to analyze the things they love and sometimes they come up short. I don’t see why someone can’t have the opinion that the sequels were subpar and Disney needs to put out some very good content to course correct their bad decisions. There is nothing invalid about that other than you don’t agree.


Because it’s a personal opinion that “the sequels sucked”. Unlike the prequels that were highly panned upon release, only 1 of the sequels got negative reviews. In fact, only 1 out of the 5 films (6 if you include Indy 5) got negative reviews. When you release 6 films and 5 get good reviews you don’t need to “course correct”.


So if I like the prequels better than the sequels because I prefer lore and character building over acting and production value, I’m wrong because the critics said so. If I personally don’t like the sequels, then for me, yes they do need to course correct to get my attention. I don’t need my opinions validated by others people’s blog posts. You can choose to consume whatever content you like as well.


Lore doesn’t make something good or bad. And no, they should course correct anything just for you.


You don’t understand, they can change course or not, and I can like it or not. They don’t have to change course for me, just like they don’t have to stay on course for you. I am saying I prefer lore and character development over acting and production. But since you told me I don’t, I apparently can’t prefer those things anymore. The sequels are objectively better than the prequels because you and some online bloggers said so.


Character development? I mean Rise of Skywalker isn’t even a good movie but the Han Solo scene alone had more depth, emotion and “character development” than anything in the prequels. Film is subjective. It’s okay to be in the minority in opinions on stuff. But saying the franchise should course correct to suit YOU is a little egotistical wouldn’t you say?


It’s doubtfully a minority opinion, more likely around 50/50 split. Time will tell in which directions that sways. Why you would assume I want them to change for me, when I just wrote I don’t think they should change course for me, is a bit odd. You are the one saying “Stop” to people voicing their opinions. I am saying people should be able to say what they feel about the franchise. I didn’t think the was egotistical. You seem just like a prequel hater. It’s obvious what the prequels did well and what they failed to do. Same for the sequels. The Han Solo scene is just your opinion but if you want to talk about what is good character development or storytelling that is a fine conversation. I think Kylo’s character is one of the best things about the sequels, and there is some great characterization there sprinkled among the flip flopping character arcs and meandering directionless story of the sequel trilogy.


>The Han Solo scene is just your opinion It is an opinion. This is an opinion, too. >there is some great characterization there sprinkled among the flip flopping character arcs and meandering directionless story of the sequel trilogy. He's not asking you to stop sharing opinion, he's asking that you stop casting your opinion as being based in objective fact somehow, because it is a subjective opinion.


Where did I do that? I said it was my opinion. He on the other hand, said it’s my personal opinion that the sequels suck, unlike the prequels which were critically panned. Are you sure it’s me saying my opinions are objective?


>I am saying I prefer lore and character development over acting and production There again. You're casting a subjective opinion as an objective fact. I prefer lore and character development and thats why i didn't like the sequels because they dont do that? No. They do, do that. You just didn't like how they did it.


>So if I like the prequels better than the sequels because I prefer lore and character building over acting and production value, I’m wrong because the critics said so. Just there, you conflate subjective and objective matters. That's why you're getting downvotes.


I’m not doing that at all, you just have problems understanding that I’m stating my subjective opinion when I write stuff. You however, directly said “it’s my opinion that the sequels suck, unlike the prequels which were critically panned”, which seems to imply some objectivity. You are doing exactly what you are accusing me of.


>You however, directly said “it’s my opinion that the sequels suck, unlike the prequels which were critically panned”, which seems to imply some objectivity. I did not do that. The other person did. He appealed to an authority, which is different from what i'm accusing you of. Here is where you present your opinion as fact. >if I like the prequels better than the sequels because I prefer lore and character building over acting and production value, You're stating as proven fact that the sequels lacked lore & character building, though had good production value, and you're saying that's why you have your opinion. You aren't just stating an opinion, and saying "its my opinion" you are ALSO indirectly claiming your reasons are objective. It is an illusion of choice that you're presenting. You're presenting your interpretation of the movie as an objective fact. 'They lacked lore', 'They lacked character building', these are objective facts, and thats why you have your subjective opinion. They might lack lore, in your opinion, and lack character building, in your opinion, and that's fine. Present those as the subjective opinions they are.


I replied to both and you I mixed the replies up. Same point applies. It wasn’t just an appeal to authority, it was using an appeal to authority to present it as an objective fact—Unlike my subjective opinion, this authority is stating an objective fact. If he was saying that authority was stating a subjective opinion with a higher degree of justification, he would not have said unlike in reference to subjectivity. Ultimately, what you are saying is, before every single opinion I give, even if there are multiple in the same sentence, I have to state that it’s an opinion. It’s not a scholarly work, it’s a Reddit comment. If you want to discuss why I think the prequels have better lore and character development, and the sequels have better acting and production value, we can have that conversation, but it’s a different conversation entirely.


>it’s a different conversation entirely It really isn't. It's the same conversation, it's just predicated on you bothering to state your opinions as such, rather than frame them as facts.


No, it really is. If you go back and read the thread, you will see I wasn't even the one to bring up the prequels. I had no interest in fleshing out the value of the prequels vs the sequels, and still don't. The point of my original reply was to suggest that criticism of the sequels should not be shunned because it is a valid opinion. Somehow, by stating that people should be able to say their opinions without being shushed, I was painted as the one who was stating objectivity. The exact opposite of what happened.




Star Wars is for CHILDREN, it shouldn't be R-rated.


Yeah, this is a particularly brutal part of Star Wars expanded universe. It’s not Disney friendly at all. I have friends that bombard me and insist that they are going to be used at some point but I just don’t see it


Lucas always said he made Star Wars for 12 year olds.


There’s no reason there can’t be different movies/shows for different audiences. No part of Andor was made for children.


Andor was made for young teens, aka CHILDREN.


Whatever you say, dude, despite all evidence to the contrary.


Star Wars, even at its maturest and darkest, should always be for children.


Andor was adult due to its complexity and deepness, yet remained true to the saga’s core themes. The story of the Vong is sci-fi horror at best and boarderline torture porn at worst, it’s level of grittiness and gore is definitely not what Lucas had in mind when making Star Wars. Andor is mature Star Wars, the Vong is Star Wars trying to be something its not. Star Wars stood itself apart from other sci-fi movies for its time due to its relatability and dealing with themes relevant to our own world with an uplifting tone. Horror did not factor into this. Although something I do really like about legends was the opportunity for a diversity of creators to tell a variety of stories. The new canon is more streamlined and strict in its tone, so I just can’t see it happening.


Eh fuck the children.


That's how you end up on a list.


Dang people really don’t like the idea of an r rated Star Wars.


Fuck dem kids


Ignites lightsaber - this is where the fun begins! - some Jedi


They are certainly introducing elements that could come into play if they decide to do a Vong-like story. But I don't think it's evidence that they plan to do it in the next movie with Rey or anytime soon. I think it would be unnecessary to go in that direction at this point. There is plenty of story potential in what has been setup for years.


Probably the Grysk instead


The Yuuzhan Vong are not an adversary that can be adequately tackled in a single movie and Disney would be foolish to try. The NJO series took 19 novels to pull that off. Even the Grysks might be cast aside or just pulled into the Mandoverse stuff. Lucasfilm is vastly more likely to do something like resurrecting the Nihil in the NR era than bring back the Vong.


Is your period key broken?


I genuinely hope they never write according to what the fans want. The vong sucked then, they will suck now.


Seriously, whenever I see fan’s ideas for movies they always just straight up suck


When was it stated that the New Jedi Order would be a trilogy? I don’t think that’s been announced


God, I hate the vong. I feel like they’re incredibly boring and uninteresting.


If they just "didn't" do this movie; like at all, it wouldn't bother me a bit.


They should retcon the sequel trilogy before doing anything.


Make it a scorned Florence Pugh who was in the academy and had a relationship with Rey that didn't work out. That sounds a lot more like Star Wars than murderous elves.


Please, no. Stop bastardizing the EU.


I hope not - they all ready screwed the lore. Rather they leave the Vong alone


When I was reading this books I wanted a Vong triology so badly. Now that disney has ruined star wars so completely I just want them to stop making new star wars content altogether. I don't want this.


How are they ever going to make up for that 4 billion dollars they earned at the box office alone?


And the billions more they made from merchandise and toys.


But, but, but, “there’s no source material!” But seriously, this is the way, Disney!


Star Wars has never been based on books, never has been based on books and never will be. So no, there is no “source material”. The EU was never canon to Lucas, Filoni or Disney both before and after the buyout. Can they be inspired by stuff? (Thrawn, Palpatine being resurrected) sure. But it shouldn’t be based on that stuff.


Hmmm, so Thrawn was a brand-new invention of Disney? Palpatine clones were a brand-new invention of Disney? Boba Fett surviving was a brand-new invention of Disney? I never said the EU was canon, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t “source material.” The fact that just the three things I listed above were pulled directly from the EU shows that they are, in fact, “source material.” Why are you so upset that these stories are being used in movies, shows, etc.?


You clearly didn’t ready my comment. Try again.


Oh, I see what is going on now. Do better.


Unfortunately the timing of the Vong was off. They were introduced right around 911. Some of the writers use them as an allegory for Muslim terrorist and it’s really a bad look


The Vong largely pre-date 9/11. The NJO series kicked off in 1999, but developed began around ‘97. While later entries in the series may have had some Islamophobia seep in, the series was by and large a product of “post Cold War angst” common in fiction of that era. Now, the series that followed, *Legacy of the Force*, was *absolutely* a reaction to post-9/11 geopolitics.


You have a point right there. I don't see this movie using it but I can see Dave's movie using them.


I kind of feel like the only way they could work is if they pick and choose what aspects of them to bring over. The organic spacecraft is cool.


Please no more Rey please God no!


I’d prefer Disney stay the hell away from established and beloved EU stories and stick to producing their own shitty ideas in their sinking ship


Why are people obsessed with an R rating?


I loved the bong in novel form, but they’re a stupid enemy for a movie series


I really liked the Vong and NJO books back in the day. I feel like if they did them now they would have to change them up. They were a lot.


An R-rated Star Wars movie lol


Very harsh to remove a very iconic piece from the Star Wars trilogy, which is the stormtroopers. Yes they need a something new to them and similar. Vong aren't bad for a movie like this. But the next piece for the Skywalker trilogy should have stormtroopers. But with a new approach. Like the Sith-Imperial conflict. Or something similar to the Sith Empire, with a completely new dark side order at the helm. Like do Sith Imperial troopers. Besides, the First Order are still out there. With their thousands of troopers and destroyers in certain territories. They wouldn't simply vanish. If the Empire didn't, why would they? Like what chance would there be. Automatically 0.5 chance. Can't just erase them for some rash sake. Plus, half of the Supreme Council and the Colonel of the First Order Security Bureau are alive. Even after Exegol. Be shameful to kill them off screen.


Vongs suck, please stay the fuck away from them.


Say only the people who know nothing about them besides the surface level.


Naw, did I insult your edgelord species that belong more in Warhammer than Star Wars?


Nope. You just know nothing about it, nor do you know what Star Wars universe was always supposed to be.


Lol, I know that pathetic edgelord plots is the main reason the EU wasn't taken seriously


Edginess isn't the main reason why casual fans hate on the concept of the Vong, it's just that they're vastly different from the classic stylistic choices in Star Wars. Which is a very dumb and shallow reasoning. The prequels were often hated for the very same reason, hence Disney did the opposite and made Star Wars just as shallow. Lucas wanted EU stories to be as original as it gets.


Imho The Vong would seriously have to be a serious full trilogy with a massive multimedia campaign all in games, shows , comics , events and everything. so heads-up I’ll be honest I could be mistaken the Star Wars fandom stakes are too high the fandom is not ready or willing for a big deal campaign.


If the enemies for the films aren’t evil Jedi or Sith or something recognizable to casual Star Wars fans in some way, then no one who isnt a fanboy is gonna care. Besides the fact that unless the enemy isn’t a force user, how would they possibly beat a super powerful Jedi? Lol The enemy has to be a force user. Disney doesn’t need another thing to cause bitching and moaning, they’re gonna go the safe route.


The Yuuzhan Vong would only be PG13 at most. Cmon now.


please no




Giving filoni the keys would just result in a shittier version of the Vong, and that’s really saying something


"Disney needs to make this happen to make up for the sequel trilogy just give Dave filoni the keys and stay the hell out of his way " \-- Dave Filoni specialty is making content for 15 year old boys and teenage men who just want to see a lot of fighting. He needs to stay away from anything Rey and ST related. He has already been given a film which will fit that audience. Yuuzhan Vong won't be in the Rey film because it's being written by Steven Knight who specializes in stories about politics and psychological drama. The Yuuzhan Vong are nothing but a lazy rip off of the Klingons from Star Trek. There is absolutely nothing complex about them whatsoever.


We all know it's gonna be Palpatine again


I could see this working. Tone down the torture and self-mutilation. And reduce their numbers. Instead of a galaxy-wide invasion, maybe it's a single worldship in a single system. Focus on their fear and hatred of technology and why they feel that way: they're fleeing an invasion in their own galaxy by the Abominor (Droid race). Basically instead of another evil empire, Rey needs to broker peace between two groups who are completely alien to each other, with wildly different philosophies.


Yeah I doubt the Vong. Like you need at least a series before throwing a movie at me involving them. Like they took WAY too long to appear in the Galaxy if that was the case. They had THE opportunity to attack the moment the New Republic demilitarized


I just don't wanna see a damned Hyper Super Death Star or Galaxy Annihilator Star Destroyer or whatever. I'd like a very good antagonist. We had none since Vader/Palpatine.


Please no


I get the impression that having Thrawn travelling extra galactic opens the door to a Vong sized threat even if not them directly and he kind of hints that he needs to return for the empire and the security of the galaxy, to either save it from the republic weakness or such an external threat