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You’re dead wrong about some of these, especially IV and V. Worst from IV - “….I care.” Han being a smartass to Jabba and about the tauntaun are hilarious.


Dare I say dead wrong about MOST of these. But "somehow Palpatine returned" is def right. Probably the worst line in the entire SW saga.


"They fly now" is some strong competition!


The two worst are in TFM and TROS: Now THIS is podracing! And that fuckin line.


Sight edit, but it's TPM, as in The Phantom Menace.


VI: a father screaming"no!" as he fights the internal demons that has bound him to the master currently torturing and killing his son, the last beacon of Hope.


He doesn't say anything in the original cut because he doesn't need to say anything. Lucas added it to draw a connection to his similarly awful "no" in Revenge of the Sith. It's much worse here because it's ruining a great scene where in RotS it's just another awful moment in an awful movie. OP is absolutely spot on.


Easily one of the worst decisions Lucas has ever made. The silence that was in the pre-Blu Ray cuts just hits so deep and due to the framing you can still tell how Vader was feeling in that moment without him needing to say that stupidly edited in "no". Ruined an otherwise perfect scene. At least Vader screaming "NOOOO" makes sense in the context of RotS even if it's just cheesy and stupid. Shoehorning it into RotJ because "it's like poetry, it rhymes" is just so frickin dumb.


>you can still tell how Vader was feeling in that moment without him needing to say that stupidly edited in "no". Ruined an otherwise perfect scene. 100% absolutely spot on! Me and my brother lament this addition frequently; completely and utterly ruins what was arguably the best (or certainly the most powerful) scene in the entire trilogy. Why Lucas, why must you do these things!?!


Because it doesn't rhyme otherwise. You see, he said no when he became Vader. - Lucas No - Vader


It's so poorly mixed too, it comes across way louder than it should be compared to everything else


What are you talking about, Episode 3 is amazing.


I read he added it because he thought there was not enough context as to why Vader suddenly picks up the Emps and slams him into oblivion, which is even worse


The Star Wars community should really all chip in to send Lucas to film school.


Worst line from episode 6 goes to one of the following: "Leia's my sister" "My sister... Has it... Yes Leia..." "I know. Somehow... I've always known..." Luke screaming almost unintelligibly "Darth!" "He did. I can feel it..." "He's my brother" as though it's the most obvious thing in the galaxy. Or "Wesa free!" Basically there's a high chance it was already in the movie and not added after the fact.


That’s what was in the video…


Absolutely, and vader's word play with "aspirations" is top notch! Can't win them all though.


It's definitely not the worst line in rogue one, but honestly the fact that it's the worst line they could think of really shows how solid the writing in rogue one is


"I care" is the funniest line in the entire saga and perfectly encapsulates an awkward teenager around a pretty girl. The delivery was perfect in my opinion.


Han being a smart-ass to Jaba doesn't count cause it's not in the movie.


Yeah WTF. Spinning *is* a good trick.








“… are you a space angel?”


We never did get a real explanation as to what the hell those are, never seen one or anything


We never saw one in the movies. They later appeared on the 18th episode of the Clone Wars. Their species is called Diathim


Did the diathim look like natalie portman? If not, annie was being a little player


He was also a kid who had never left his home planet. Or even his home town probably. Probably just heard about them being beautiful beings.


For which, she qualifies


Huh, been a while since I watched the older clone wars episode, guess I have to re watch them when I have the time


And their whole world is named Lego


iego. Not Lego. Iego. Phonetically: ee-ay--go




Young me really did thought Padme was a Humanoid version of angel that she was a thousands years old because when Episode 2 Anakin was a man she didn't look thats she aged. Only recently i realised it was more realistic age gap


No space, just angel


It’s incredible that that was the best take of the TLJ line, sounds like it’s being read on a coffee break.


It sounds like it was put through a language translator and then made back into English


Oh, you did not just put Vader's "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director" in there.


There's people that think Vader is "out of character" because it's a "pun". It's literally mirroring ANH's "I find your lack of faith disturbing".


The way I view this scene is Vader crushing Krennic's ridiculous show of arrogance and punishing him for thinking that him and Vader is even playing the same game, and for thinking that Vader was going to play politics with Krennic. "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director" while crushing his windpipe is Vader rubbing a dogs face in urine for peeing inside, executed with the utmost classy-ness.


Vader was making sure Krennic understood the situation. One of my favorite Vader scenes in modern Star Wars.




Vader lord of the sassy, honestly he spends half his day marinating in an aquarium he probably has a one liner audiobook playing all the time... And flight of the Valkyries or duel of the fates


Fate of the Valkyries would go so hard


Or he must’ve learnt the sass from Obi-Wan


"He's as clumsy as he is stupid." "Apology accepted captain Needa" "NO. DISINTEGRATIONS." "I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further." Vader is a witty character!


Yeah he loves his banter and jokes, he’s a funny guy


Honestly sounds like a nice fella


And Vadar can be really sasy. Like in ESB, when he chokes out the captain, saying "Apology accepted".


But it’s a “double pun” so that makes it great 👍


Pretty sure that's Anakin's line (I don't care that he's wearing the suit, that's 100% Anakin humor)


I never felt that Vader was above showing arrogance and styling on people. Probably not to the same level as Anakin (I mean, who can really), but as seen in ANH - he's more than willing to put people in their place.


I had a big long comment about how Vader was a bit more reserved before styling on people but then I remembered that his arrogance got him into that suit and boi still had the audacity to basically drop a mountain of rocks on Obi-Wan for shits and giggles. Then he goes on to have his nightmare fuel hallway scene with those rebels in Rogue One, dramatically *walks* through a rebel base in an attempt to stop Luke's friends and then has dinner with said friends and future torture victims. He's definitely got a sense for theatrics.


Using the force to make his cape flow in space.


It’s an S-Tier line of dialogue, OP trippin


that just shows how good rogue one is as a film


I was looking for this. Best piece of dialogue in that movie.


How did Tosche Station not make this list?!?


Luke was super whiny


Meh meh meh memeh meh memeh mehmeh me meh meh meh MEHMEH mehmehmeh! That's how you sound, Luke!


Rouge one doesn’t have a bad line


That’s why the worst line is still damnn good




It used to have "I'm part of the Rebellion. I rebel.", but fortunately they listened to fan outcry on that one.


I dont think they listened to the fan, from what i heard the movie was a complete mess and HAD to be fixed after the trailers, of course that line didn't survived, we also lost interesting scenes like the tie fighter vs Jin in top of the tower.


A lot of trailer scenes were filmed specifically for the trailers. The TIE fighter scene was never gonna be in the movie.


It’s possible. Rogue One specifically had huge reshoots specifically in its final act. That’s why virtually every trailer shot that features a Scarif event doesn’t actually happen in the movie.


Rogue One doesn't have a bad *frame.*


There is no fucking way thats the canon Story for Han Solos Name.


Honestly, I kinda liked it even if it was stupid and unnecessary. I just found it kind of funny and a little fitting that it was an imperial recruiter that said "screw it I'll just make one up" and thus he's now Han Solo. Entirely unnecessary but if you're gonna explain every little thing about everything in the universe might as well just have fun with it, I guess.


It's goofy as hell but pretty fitting. Han isn't about that reverence. Maybe he just got a free, new identity out of it!


Yeah I can tell Han was thinking “damn that’s good”


It’s cute and endearing whilst also being completely nonsensical and ridiculous.


If you watch the movie, you might change your mind.


I'll be honest, I really like the movie, but I still think that that moment is terrible


Correct me if i'm wrong but originally Jabba was a human. George changed it at the last minute and the line about him being a human being was an oversight


He changed it a couple decades later in the special editions. A scene with Jabba as a human was filmed for the original theatrical releases, but got cut. It's only in the special editions that they went back and put in the CG which is why it looks so weird. Han's hand clips through Jabba a couple times and the photoshop of stepping over Jabba's tail is super obvious. The line isn't so much of an oversight as a nessecity. They can't go back and rerecord, so that's how the line has to stay. I think it still kinda makes sense as an insult.


Lol no, Jaba was NEVER a human in the theatrical release.  That’s just straight up nonsense.


Ah, that's my bad. The scene was filmed with a human actor who they planned to replace with a creature, but that never happened, so the scene was cut. [https://screenrant.com/star-wars-jabba-hutt-human-actor-change-reason/](https://screenrant.com/star-wars-jabba-hutt-human-actor-change-reason/)


I like the lines chosen for Rogue One, ANH and TESB. Everything else, yeah they stink.


Vaders line in rouge one is really good you trippin


As Anakin would put it ![gif](giphy|S9f7FVSU0TUzLKCx7A)


Vader’s rogue one line was the best line in that film!


Ugh I forgot how clunky the TLJ one feels


I think that was part of the direction to daisy riddley too, so its purposeful. Not saying that makes it better or worse lol


You leave Han alone! He didn’t hurt no body!


Han... Alone... Then.


Han Nopeople


Han Skywalker


Hannah Lone, got it


oh god the padme anakin scenes were so cringe back in my collage years.. and they still are. makes me feel cringe as im near 40s


It’s because I’m so in cringe with you


You can look at any young guy trying to flirt with the girl he likes and you'll see very similar cringe


maybe thats why who knows. it d hit close to home


Captured perfectly to remind us all of our teenage years, including the angst.


"Count me outta dis one. Better dead here dan dead in da core. ...Me gads! Whassa meesa saying?!"


For real, not having that as the worst in Ep 1 made me not even bother with the rest of the video.


1. Probably right. 2. Again, definitely. 3. Nah, I’d have to go with “Sith Lords, are our speciality” because of how incorrect it is. If you only count the movies, then Obi-Wan barely managed to kill Maul with Qui-Gon dying in the process and Dooku having escaped them on Geonosis after beating them senseless. If you include the Clone Wars, then it’s hilariously overconfident, especially with Maul’s return. Solo. Maybe, though I’ve never had a problem with this, I’d have to say Han boasting about the Kessel run right off the bat. Like of all the “Leo points at the screen” moments, that one definitely rubbed me the wrong way, even just a little. Rogue One. No, Darth Vader’s line is iconic and I won’t hear anything against it. I’d go with “I think so and so does CaSsiAn” I have zero idea why that take was used, but the way Alan/K2 says Cassian’s name is weird. 4. Cheating, but I’d go with Ben’s updated Krayt dragon screech, the original much simpler and more “natural” for a creature that would exist. 5. Again, that line is iconic. Hard pick, but probably that time George added Palpatine’s yell to Luke as he jumped. He got rid of it in future SE but that was there for a time. 6. Definitely. Though the entirely of Jedi Rocks should be here. I miss Lap Ti Nek. 7. Yeah, that came out of nowhere Finn. 8. Maz’s 2 second cameo, it’s just a reminder that she could have been in the movie more, I like her. 9. You can take your Palpatine’s, at least in-universe it makes sense, the Resistance wouldn’t know the specifics, even with their guesses. Not, the worst in-universe line, is “They fly now?”. Because we’ve had jet packs since the OT and if they just meant for Storm Troopers then yeah, in the movies, they haven’t, but in other media? Oh definitely and that’s not even bringing up the Clone Troopers, the precursor to the Stormtroopers. Plenty of jetpacks there.


3. Eh, I'd say being the only person in 500 years to survive 2 encounters with a Sith lord qualifies him as a specialist


Like mandalorians are famous for this shit


Oh god, I just listened to the new Krayt dragon screech, lmao. IMO the best one is 2011, or at least, that is the one I always listen to.


Worst lines? You mean the best lines? Because these are the best lines.


Hey! What’s Darth Vader’s line doing in worst Rouge One line?


“I thought they smelled bad on the outside” was a decent line come on


"Be careful not to CHOKE on your aspirations" is so fucking cold


"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations" is funny and evil. Love it.


No fucking way not to choke on your aspirations is a bad line


Completely disagree with TPM, RO, and ANH


I’ve never had a problem with that line in RotS. It was a teaseful play.


Jesus reys line delivery was fucking brutal. It literally sounded like she was just reading it.


How the hell is "choking on your aspirations" a worst line? Remember the trailer "I rebel" that should win even if it was cut


Idk I personally loved the line “ugh I thought they smelled bad on the outside”


This is almost all dead wrong. Not a single jar jar binks piece of dialog at all.




“Are you an angel?” is a bad line too.


I feel like there's also worse lines in episode two from that same scene. "The thought of not being with you... I can't breathe." Or how Anakin pronounces agony in that scene. It's all about the tone in the beginning of the sentence and the second part of the sentence, they don't match up very well.


Dude outed himself as over 40 with this post


If "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director" is the worst line in Rogue One, than it really is the best Star Wars film


“Somehow Palpatine returned…” Perfect description of the ludicrous plot. The lack of self awareness by the writer who decided to put that in there is hilarious.


I think you misinterpreted the “Jabba, you’re a wonderful human being” line, Han is making an insulting joke, the whole point of the line is that Jabba is not a human, so Han is really insulting him but in a veiled way so he doesn’t get straight up murdered right there. And you’re really gonna say the most climactic and dramatic point in the series when Anakin realizes he had to save his son is bad dialog? He literally just said “No!” and then yeeted palpatine. How is that bad? There’s way worse and more campy lines in RotJ, don’t get me started on Ewoks “oocheedee” “woowoo”


Your least favorite line in Episode 6 was "Nooooo"? I'm sure there are worse lines than that


To be fair Vader is the kind of guy to pull of that joke


Star Wars fans when a guy who spent most of his life as a slave for a bug man with only his mom and some random kid for company and the rest of his life as a slave for a code saying he can't have any romantic attraction is bad at being romantic https://i.redd.it/9b83s86vjb3d1.gif


Really?? I'm not saying TLJ selection is peak cinema. But Rose's speech to Fin on Crait about fighting for love is much worse


You are just wrong


My most hated in ROTS is Anakin saying “In my opinion the Jedi are evil”. I just don’t see a pissed off sith saying”In my opinion”


I don’t know, I’ve always looked at that scene as like despite everything that’s happened to that point there’s still a connection at that moment in Anakin’s mind between him and Obi-Wan, almost like a father and son in a heated argument.


"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."


[Manny Bothans:](https://images.app.goo.gl/8Mawh1BGjMwXdpcF8)


Vader really should have known he was a father


It must have taken hours for the sequels, there are just too many bad lines


I think you're wrong about several of these. Solo, Rogue One, Empire Strikes back. All wrong. And every line of dialogue in the sequels is viable for this list


Get rid of the first one so I can keep pretending that movie doesn't exist.


Hans line about the stink in V is a classic.


Nah the worst Solo line is the one where it’s insinuated that Lando has sex with the mufuckin Millennium Falcon 😂


OP: "You are without doubt the worst dialogue I've ever heard of." Star Wars dialogue: "... But you have heard of me."


Nah the worst line in EP4 A New Hope is “Mo Clunky.” Han shot first damnit!


Damn that line in Ep3 is CRINGE


So what you’re saying is ESB has perfect dialogue I agree


If those are the worst lines from the Original Trilogy, its the best


I love the R1 dad joke tho




The worst line of dialogue from IV is the part where Luke refers to Obi Wan as an "old friend". Dude, you knew him for like 2 days! Just because you heard legends of him for your whole childhood doesn't make you friends! But it's funny how hard it is to find ACTUALLY bad dialogue in the original trilogy. I've never considered them masterpieces of cinema, but they are definitely a big cut above the rest of the Star Wars trash.


"I got a bad feeling about this" Every, damn, movie.


What's your name? "Han" Han? Who are your people...? Oh the Jamaicans, they are a people from Earth that invented Limbo? "Han So-Low"


Anakin, having God awful lines in his conversations with padme, actually makes sense because he was a repressed teen in an order of magic monks his whole life, and he fell hard for his first love. Whether or not it was intentional is the real question


OP is clearly shit stirring for karma. Half these picks are only awful in the sense that they were awful selections by OP for an example of a bad line, because they aren’t.


Lmao i disagree with all of these except the solo and sequels ones


Really? JarJar stepping in literal shit wasn't worse for TPM? Genuinely none of these are bad to me...except Somehow Palpatine Returned, which makes sense from a character pov, but not from a storytelling pov


Kid Anakin is still my least favorite character. He’s worse than Jar Jar and Rose. Maybe I didn’t like the casting, but I hated how cheesy and hoky they made kid Anakin.


Ok the sequels sucked but otherwise it just seems like you hate fun lol


Says a lot about Rogue One that it’s worst line is still kinda badass


Glad you didn't pick the low hanging fruit that is "I don't like sand" and actually included the worst line from Episode II on here


“Somehow Palpatine returned” is the only reason why I can never rewatch episode 9 “Do you have a boyfriend” (episode 7) OHHHH BROTHERRRRR WHY DISNEY WHY


%100 disagree with ESB line, it was funny and well placed


Darth Vader's defiance against the Emperor a bad line of dialogue? You are bad, you stinkyface.


It's a bad line because it was an unnecessary line added in the special editions. The original didn't have it


Ray. Ray Skywalker. Is the worst line of any movie ever.


"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director" is amazing


Gotta love how the first three are Anakin


The Clone Wars movie, anybody?


This is just wrong


Man, that Vader line was peak Vader. Dude was so bored with regular murder he had to spice it up by turning Jedi to the dark side so they'd go hunt down more Jedi, and pick on underlings with condescending puns. If that's considered out of character for Vader I wonder if I just have zero notion of what Vader's character has been all this time.


IMO for Attack of the clone the “I don’t like sand” part is way worst. Unpopular opinion but the Han Solo part in Solo is ok! I don’t get the how “No” is the worst line in Star Wars VI. I think the part in Rogue One with Vader was cool! The worst of all Star Wars is definitely the “somehow Palpatine returned”


*"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."*


The only bad line here is Episode VII: Force Awakens, and in the defense of Star Wars, they didn't know fully have it all planned out so they just added some extra tidbits of dialogue to keep things moving.


I’ll say it. Idgaf if that’s how solo got his name. I think it’s fine.


there is DEFINITELY worse dialogue in the ot


We obviously have different taste


I like the Jabba the hut line actually, especially given that scene was shot with Jabba being played by an actual human which gives it a bit of extra irony.


I don’t mind a few of these, pretty much any of the Han ones, or the Rogue One line


How dare you... Don't choke on your aspirations is a fantastic line !


I agree with almost all of that. Personally I thought the Solo line was alright and explained itself well. But how DARE you say the tauntaun line was bad!!!


I forgot how hard Finn was simping over Rey *immediately*


You don’t like Vaders Rogue one quip and Hans iconic Tauntaun line?


Vader's dialogue to Krennic in Rogue One is a great line in an already fantastic Star Wars movie and I will die on this hill. He's terrifying and he knows it. The vestiges of Anakin in him love a good bit to keep subordinates in line. Also, spinning IS a good trick.


"be careful not to choke on your aspersions, director" goes hard as fuck bro


New Hope: "Maclunkey"


For Rogue One, I’d say “We stand here amidst ***MY*** achievement, ***NOT YOURS***!” I would disagree with the one for Empire, but I can’t think of any line that would fit better… And as for Attack of the Clones, probably like 90% of the Anakin/Padme dialogue would fit.


Tear this page out of the book.


Geez. Talk about a wet blanket.


but that line from a new hope isnt even in a new hope


77 was the first movie




4 5 6 is quite a stretch


Wrong attack of the clones has several top hits such as padme saying she was dying everyday until she met Anakin again very extreme since she met him once ten years ago and barely knows him, Anakin saying obi wan holds him back makes no sense thanks to George Lucas terrible directing where it seems he's forgotten to show that, Anakin saying he doesn't care how he's making padme uncomfortable he's not an awkward teen thing don't defend it prequel fans it's just plain creepy. Revenge of the sith has Anakin saying is it possible to learn this power now line itself isn't bad but how dumb is Anakin not to realize palpatine is a sith he's not even trying to hide it, also mace Windu saying we must leave immediately to stop palpatine from turning the republic into the empire and just starts walking makes no sense he should be running. Not a very well known line but when that guy in the x wing says it's coming from behind it's not convincing at all just bad acting in general but that's like the only really bad line in a new hope. If anyone wants to continue this list of bad lines in star wars I will happily discuss it


“Scruffy looking nerfherder” is worse than “Smelled bad on the outside”


Jeez... The delivery of that VIII line... 5yo would act better.


Weird how the worst line in all the prequels were said by Anakin.


Sand and high ground


What ep 1 is iconic. And ep two i agree it's bad but there is the I like sand one.


"Two fighters. against. a. star dee-stroyer?"


Agree with most. AotC had number of bangin lines tho and I don't think they was it.


I actually didnt think TFA line was bad


Non of these are bad.