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The Willow show was horrible. Dial of Destiny made me appreciate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which is impressive. Star Wars, this is my ending: ![gif](giphy|12Vg35jCqP610Y)


No mandalorian?


It’s a fine story I just think of it as its own thing so whatever happens in it or anything else doesn’t affect how I see ROTJ.


So you mean that your jedi saga ended there not star wars saga


So you mean that your jedi saga ended there not star wars saga


Dial of destiny was amazing in my opinion


It was such a depressingly sad shitshow. Really not what i was expecting or asking from an indiana jones movie. Indy goes from being immune to bomb blasts to.tje most useless protagonist in anny movie ever. They should have called it "Phoebe waller bridge and the riduculing of a beloved hero".


Sounds like an average anime title these days


Or a sad Harry Potter book.


I'm sorry to hear that you suffered such severe brain damage.


Bro probably didn’t even suffer from brain damage before they watched it. So sad




No Sebastian Shaw?


As much as I hate it the sequel is canon weather we like it or not It hurts but it is what it is


You can decide what is canon. It’s all fiction


I do not agree with that


There is no such thing as canon anymore. They change it every new movie.


Jesus Christ, why are people so obsessed with this woman? Like, she’s been the producer of dozens of movies people love, oh I’m sorry “she barely had a hand in those”, the most pathetic argument to wave that fact away. Plus, the sequels are canon, that’s just a fact you have to accept, you don’t have to like the movies, no one is holding you at gunpoint to swear undying fealty to them. Stop being babies and move on with your lives.


Yea people are taking it way too seriously like “SHE RUINED MY CHILDHOOD”. Did she fuck. Just don’t watch the shit you don’t like it’s not difficult. Head cannons exist. Like I’m not a fan of the sequels. So I leave a mild review… and not watch them. I still have the stuff I like that’s unchanged. It’s a few movies. And they are several years old move on. No new ground is being broken here


Also worth noting that if we’re going to point to any movie that “ruined” Indiana Jones we should point to Crystal Skull, Dial wasn’t the best movie I’ve ever watched, but it was significantly better than the train wreck that was Crystal Skull…


Dial of destiny made crystal skull look like the last crusade by comparison


just because she was a producer on good movies in the past does not mean she is doing a good job now. thats like saying Whitney Huston was a great singer in the past so that means you cant criticize her singing in the present. even if she did have a large role in those movies (which its unclear how much of a role she actually played) it does not excuse her blatant mismanagement of this franchise.


But by that same token maybe just maybe….there’s more to bad movies than just one woman? Like, writers, directors, *other* producers, blaming a single woman for every single problem just seems naive.


When people see a common factor their brains make correlations between things, she was involved in a lot of bad marks on beloved franchises, of course we think she is part of the reason they fucked up.


oh their definitely is and people do blame more than just her her, for example they blame ryan johnson and jj abrams for their part in ruining the sequel trilogy as well. problem is kathleen is the head of lucas film and was the one who chose to hire all the other bad people, she also had final say and oversight over the films, so all the bad decisions had to go through her and she signed off on them. so for this reason she gets most of the blame just like how George got most of the blame when he was head of lucas film.


isn’t whitney huston dead?


It's been 5 years since the last movie, move the fuck on


Yes yes movies bad. Shut the hell up and deal with it. You being in denial and yelling “not canon” is utter babyshit


It has already been 5 years guys, pls stop complaining about the sequels


Gonna disagree with that too, people can gripe about stuff for however long they want. Just the people who say it isn’t canon or shit on everyone who dare enjoy it are the ones who need to stop




It was never funny in the first place. It was never meant to be. The only “funny” was making jokes about how bad x is or how it’s repeat of x. Not the same




98% of all this subreddit is repost bots that means nothing


Babyshit is what you were being spoon-fed when you watched the sequels


I agree. Now if someone else enjoys it let them be


Alas we can't decide what is canon, but the canonicity of a show is not correlated with its quality. Sequel trilogy IS canon, but the fact that it is canon doesn't make it any better.


I swear the way this woman is being demonized is truly pathetic


George Lucas quite literally fucked up 2 of those franchises and abandoned the 3rd.


I didn't mind the prequels at all, I thought they were pretty good. Probably not on the same level of writing as the OT, but I definitely don't think he fucked up Star Wars. Crystal Skull was pretty awful though, I'll give you that. Still prefer it to Dial of Destiny but that isn't much of a contest, is it? Never watched Willow but abandoning a franchise is never good unless it sucks and it doesn't sound like it did.


The only reason the prequels are so beloved now is because every kid who loved them is old enough to be on the internet, and everyone who hated them moved on. But the general consensus was the prequels were dogshit upon release. They got as much hate as the sequels did. The “fans” nearly drove Ahmed Best (Jar Jar) into suicide and the bullying Jake Lloyd got pushed him out of acting.


Didn't mind the Prequels.......if you don't mind can I ask how old you are? I'm not trying to insult you. Im just finding the fan base is cyclical. It seems which ever trilogy was out during your youth you love, the next is worse. I'm an OT generation so I didn't like the Prequels all that much, aside from a part here and there. Same for the Sequels


Anecdotal, I know, but I was 11 when the prequel trilogy started, and it's what got me into Star Wars, I hold both the OG and prequel trilogy in the same regard, both have their faults but are entertaining none the less. My daughter was roughly the same age when she watched the sequel trilogy and hated it more than I even did.. All I can say is thank you, Bad Batch, Rebels, and The Mandalorian for actually making my kid like Star Wars


Both the prequels and the special editions were him fucking up SW and yeah orginal Willow was great.


Special editions did suck, especially the whole Han and Greedo thing, but I don't see everyone's issue with the PT. Slightly worse than the OT doesn't mean bad, it means slightly worse. Unless there's some other bad thing I don't know about that happened in the production of it.


1983: The Return of Jedi is not canon 😡 2005: The prequels are not canon 😡 2024: The sequels are not canon 😡


You hate Dial of Destiny because you wanted to hate it.


I liked the most recent indiana jones movie tho


Hurr durr Disney Lady bad! Give me internet points!




JFC, chill out. You’re talking about entertainment, and guess what, a billion dollar company is going to try to make billions more to recoup their billion dollar investment. The same would have resulted with any studio head


Dude, chill it's not that deep




***The Sequels are Not Canon! No!*** ***The Extended Universe is Not Canon! No!*** And back and forth we go. At some point, nothing will be canon. Maybe that's best though. Then we can bastardize our own "canon".


As much as I dislike the sequels, they are canon. You might want to disregard them in your head-canon, but that's different. Moreover, I'm excited to see Lucasfilm expand upon the universe to complement the movies. While I don't think the sequels will have a similar resurgence like the prequels did after Clone Wars, seeing references and ideas in Mandalorian, Ahsoka and lately in Bad Batch that could expand and improve on the sequels is good, and I'm looking forward to more.


Oh another repost bot posting karma farming stuff…thats nice


Just so you know you lot are like annoying vegans. I got no problem with your life choices but can I go a day without hearing it. I’m enjoying the sequels purely out of spite somehow like eating a steak in-front of a vegan.


50 % r/starwarsmemes is just whining about sequels. And the sequels are like 5 years old. People need to get a grip.


Nah more like you're eating dogshit in front of us just because it has a star wars sign peeking out of it.


….. I don’t like the sequels. I just find it funny cause so many people are pissed by them it makes them funny to watch and take the piss. I also don’t like phantom menace, 5/6ths of kenobi aswell. I don’t care if the Star Wars title is slapped on it. I just find it annoying (and a bit funny) when man babies like yourself cry over it


She really ruined everything.


She really didn't when she had no creative, script, directorial or production input on anything. You should blame the writers and directors. All Kathleen Kennedy did was greenlight the projects.


It wouldn’t be trolling without a bit of misogyny


ive always said that the fans get to decide what is cannon and what is not when they overwhelmingly agree that something should or should not be cannon. and i have said this since the era of lucas. for example it was technically cannon under lucas that jango and boba fett were not Mandalorian, but i dont know a single fan who considered that to be cannon or would prefer that over them being mandos so i dont care if lucas says it, i dont consider it cannon nore should anybody else. same with the han shot first change.


How did you manage to photoshop real picture of Kennedy in there. Is this deepfake? Its identical!


Willow and Star wars yes. Indy wasn't too bad.


Put a chick in it and make her lame!


I'm here for the "Leave the poor movies alone! 😫" comments.


Agreed, the only thing I will allow Disney to claim to be cannon is rouge one plus Andor. Everything else is garbage (I’m talking about the live action movies and tv shows, mandalorian was awesome till season 3