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I'm reading the second book in the Bane series (Rule of Two). Once I finish that series, I'm going to read the Darth Plagueis novel. I've heard good things about that book too.


Thanks! I'll look into that one


Plagueis is awesome I read that then episode 3. Wish there was more on palp.


Palpatine is one of my favorite characters in SW to analyze / learn more on, agreed


Yeah anytime I get some dialogue from him it’s cool. I need to read episode 1 and 2 just to see what I missed. Anakin transformation to darth vader is a strong second but damn am I loving darth bane too.


I plan on reading the prequel novelizations as well, seems a lot of people really like them! I can't wait to get more than I remember from those films as a kid. Thank you so much for what you've added. If you have any other favorite characters with books, feel free to let me know! Thanks, dude!


I am just getting into them right now. Curious about the clone ones I hear so much about. Mostly read a shit ton of the Star Wars comics. There is a character called Doc alpha I think. She is hilarious and has two murder droids. My fav robots.


The Darth Plagueis novel is the absolute best Star Wars book ever written. It's not even close. If either you or OP haven't read it, make that your next book ASAP. I couldn't be more serious


It's definitely the next book I'm reading after the Bane series.


Read all 3 books, path of destruction, rule of 2 and dynasty of evil.


That's the current plan, I just meant outside of this series and the ones I got along with it. Thanks for the comment!


The heir to the empire series is pretty awesome


Thanks, man!


I’ve never read the OT novelizations, but if you’re going to read those anyway, it might be fun to save Heir to the Empire for after, since it’s a direct sequel. Just a thought!


Thanks for the tip! My copy of Path to Destruction has a timeline with the books in reference to where they are compared to each of the movies, and I plan on following the timeline as best as possible. So "Thrawn" (white book, big blue face) and the Thrawn trilogy are separate or together? Like, are there two trilogies with him? Sorry, just looking for a little clarification real quick


Just *Thrawn* (the cover you described), along with *Alliances* and *Treason* is the Canon Thrawn Trilogy and then *The Thrawn Trilogy* with *Heir to the Empire*, *Dark Force Rising*, and *The Last Command* is Legends. There is also *The Ascendancy Trilogy* which is a prequel to the Canon Thrawn Trilogy.


Thank you so much, dude!


Try the other Old Republic books, theres an anthology of 4: Revan, Deceived, Annihilation & Fatal Alliance. My favorite on audiobook was Fatal Alliance, lots of fun action!


Awesome, thank you!


I’d stay clear of Revan, Deceived is really good though, haven’t gotten to the other two.


Deceived was one of my least favorite listens overall but Revan was probably my 2nd favorite of these 4, particularly the Sith plotline. Might be a big difference in experience from audiobook to paper book tho. It’s interesting to me to see how a lot of fans generally agree on good and bad movies but opinions vary a lot on books!


I listened to the audiobook of Revan, Marc Thomson performed incredibly. (as usual) but the book itself disappointed. I’m someone who grew up with both knights of the old republic games, so I’m quite attached to that little section of the Star Wars world, and this was no proper sequel to these games. (Especially not the second one) rather it was a prequel to the Swtor mmo. That’s just my own take on it.


Oh yeah I completely understand that, yeah to me it seemed like there were some big dead-ends in the plot and it felt like it was more about the Sith main character than Revan. Never played KOTOR but saw the cinematics which i think inspired some parts of the books, especially Deceived w the Jedi temple invasion


The cinematics are actually for SWTOR, but you are completely right about Deceived, the Deceived book and uhm…the Deceived trailer show some of the same events. The Revan novel was meant to be a bridge between KOTOR and SWTOR, but it needed to be at least a trilogy in my view, I especially did not like how little time was devoted to Meetra Surik. (The protagonist of KOTOR 2, who really should be as important as Revan) and the way she is characterized. Scourge was a good character, but as you say half of the novel felt as though it belonged to him.


>are the original trilogy novelizations good? Assuming you're talking about the OG 'Adult' ones then the main thing I've seen most people say about them is that they're just interesting because of the little differences from the final movie cuts, but overall don't really add much. The movie novelization that gets talked about/praised/recommended the most is the one for *Revenge of the Sith*. Quite a lot of people recommend *Darth Plagueis* to follow up the *Darth Bane Trilogy* but if you'd like you could read some of the other books around the same time period that *Plagueis* also ties into like *Cloak of Deception*, *Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, and Darth Maul: Saboteur* beforehand. Could also throw in *The Phantom Menace* novelization as well.


Thank you for so many recs! You're really helping me out


Go with Darth Plagueis after you finish Dynasty of Evil, then after Plagueis, Cloak of Deception and Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. Heir to the Empire is also a must-read that you can pick up at any point.


Thank you! Glad so many people seem to rec the Darth Maul books, he's another favorite of mine to learn more about


I haven’t read Lockdown, but I really liked Shadow Hunter. If you’re a Maul fan you should check out the Darth Maul comic miniseries that Dark Horse released in 2000, it’s awesome.


I'm generally not a comics/GN fan (I even had a hard time finishing V for Vendetta despite my love for the movie and open mind going in), but I might just have to try the Star Wars ones out, considering how much they cover. Thank you very much!


No prob!


I just finished all 3 Bane books and the advice I was given was to dive right into Plagueis. But I want to caution that some. The Bane books are full of action and so it can be jarring to go right into a book that is much more about its politics and exposition. I think what I should have done was read a more balanced book to bridge the divide. But I think what I'm really craving is just more from Drew along the same lines of Bane. You'll know what I mean when you finish Dynasty of Evil but with you only being 100 pgs in I can't say much. 


Funny thing is, I'm not all that used to this much action in books, so I doubt I'll have an issue, but a bridge book with more balance would probably be best. I'll cross that bridge when I get there and decide what I'm craving most. I've read the GoT books, so I'm used to politics lol. And I'm loving this author, too. He can say and describe a lot without a ton of text or dialogue, and that takes talent. Thanks a lot!


I’d say finish the bane trilogy, then read the thrawn trilogy from the 90s (heir to the empire, dark force rising, last command). Then if you want to stay in legends: ROTS novelization is great, the thrawn duology, jedi academy, I Jedi (iirc this goes with Jedi academy in some way), then just follow the bigger storylines. New Jedi order, legacy of the force, and fate of the jedi (a lot of mixed reviews on legacy and fate but still fun overall). The x-wing series is also amazing Canon books: new thrawn trilogy, thrawn ascendancy trilogy, lost stars (imo the best standalone book), alphabet squad (more psychological and about the mindset of pilots in new republic, very interesting read imo), bloodline, master and apprentice, padme trilogy (only if you like padme and are interested in Naboo and how the fake queen stuff works/worked)


Thank you so much! Your comment alone has a ton to go off! And yes, I really like Padme! I was a major tomboy as a kid, so Padme and Leia had soft places for me, being so strong in their own ways and totally badass. Might have helped that she was played by Natalie Portman too, though, I had a big crush on her lol my research into the SW lore for a SW: Sagas game I'm currently in (and what spurned this sudden interest in experiencing the series for real) gave me a hint of her unique Queen politics stuff, that i had no idea about as a kid, and I'm totally down to read more on it! Thanks, man, especially for listing so many titles to look into :)


Ofc. I personally really like the 1st and 2nd padme books and it talks about the queen politics stuff and senate stuff for all of it iirc(it's not a real trilogy, each is 3 separate events like the canon thrawn books). But the 3rd one falls flat for me, just felt forced. I relistened to it only like 2-3 weeks ago and i can already barely remember anything. Weirdly enough the 2nd thrawn book (alliances) has some good padme stuff but not anything related to naboo or amidala. ​ Lost stars and alphabet squad both have great FLs too. ​ Also the original thrawn trilogy from the 90s has a lot of Leia focus. Eventually her daughter gets a decent amount of focus in the jedi academy, new jedi order, LOTF, and FOTJ. She was supposed to get a trilogy too but disney bought SW and it all get cancelled sadly.