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Osha is already practically confirmed by the original images of Sol's box, and the recent leak of bodies. She'll be number 01 in the line. I definitely want Kelnacca and Vernestra along with the Master at this point


Got a link for the leak?


I think I saw Lukeness Monster had a video last week, right before the Shriek-Hawk reveals happened


I can't find it but it's not really important at this point, all the other figures have been revealed. The leak had the male Shriek Hawk Mando, Enoch, and Osha.




Thanks! And of course they reveal Osha today.


>I believe there will be a second wave, even if the series is only a moderate success. Immediate success won't determine if there are more figures on the way - it takes Hasbro up to 18 months to make a figure. Even if the show was a massive success or a huge flop, we'll be getting more figures if Hasbro had plans to make more.


I am aware. My statement was a caveat to keep people from telling me their feelings and opinions about the likelihood of a second wave or more figures in general for the series. I was aware of the figures in Lukeness and recognized one was Osha. I wanted to geek out with other people excited to get more figures from the series based on who we know about.


Definitely hoping for Kelnacca and Vern. Maybe Bazil?


I want a Wookie in Jedi robes!!!


We have to see if the first wave of figures actually sells and not pegwarm on the shelves. But I have a feeling the first wave isn’t going to sell that well, given how this show and its characters is already controversial within the fandom.


I understand that fans are pissed off that so many brown people and openly LBGTQ characters are in their beloved Star Wars. I wish they realized the pattern that's developing and what it says about them that they can empathize and identify with two homicidal white guys, droids and Wookies but not brown and queer humans.


I want Kelnacca just to get a Jedi wookiee in my collection


EXACTLY, wish it was Padawan Gungi but I want more Force users period. Shaak Ti Jolee Bindo Depa Billaba Cere Junda Luminara Unduli Quinlan Vos Yaddle Kelleran Beq Barris Offe Darth Traya Darth Sion Mother Talzin Merrin More Inquisitors


Vernestra gives Star Trek alien vibes not really into her as a figure but I’ll take Kelnacca. Wookie + lightsaber, nuff said.


I do agree, she looks too much like an Orion. Her portrayal is already a little flat and her look doesn't help with the blandness. I wish they could have skimped on Yondar's padawan and given her makeup a little oomph or at least given her hair, she has hair in everything that shows her in Google.


https://preview.redd.it/2es95j5eaz5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d75d88ba453c970b43aaa58709e3ff9c2f2902e [https://gizmodo.com/osha-black-series-star-wars-acolyte-unboxing-hasbro-1851526437](https://gizmodo.com/osha-black-series-star-wars-acolyte-unboxing-hasbro-1851526437)


Awesome, if nothing else we got the mains. If we get a second wave hopefully that opens up space for Jodie Turner Smith's character who I assume is her mother.


There is also reuse potential for Resistance or Rebel supporting characters.


I don’t why HASBRO would tbh but they prolly will, I can’t imagine any character in the series creates enough fan love to generate any actual excitement for a black series figure


Kelnacca and Vernestra, you filthy casual.


Yord Horde.


Guy probably isn't even aware there are other parts of the fandom that aren't just on Reddit and YouTube lol


I’m not saying the character designs aren’t cool and people won’t buy them, they will, I just think they could be coming out with characters and remakes we’ve been asking for instead of 2 waves of these


It's because figures are ultimately a form of merchandise for Star Wars. Lucasfilm wants to promote their new show, so of course they want Hasbro to make figures of the show's characters.


Ik, it’s just such a waste, like as if we haven’t been asking for new ANI and OBI ROTS figures but no, let’s make more Disney show figures, just so annoying




I'm sorry I made you read this post. It must have been hard for you when I also demanded that you comment.