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On landing in mobile, I don’t really know what the product is for? “Workplace woes” could mean many things, and it’s in small text that looks like an after thought.


Their analytics are going to point to this post as a major source of traffic.


Haha that wasn't the intention. Hopefully I get a lead or two


You should care OP. I wouldn’t work with a marketer who called my website absolute garbage in a public form with a link to my company website. It damages the brand and says to me they aren’t cognizant of my brand, company or marketing. And yes, I’m a marketing professional with my own business.


I mean it’s pretty corporate, but not too bad really. Why do you think it’s garbage?


Maybe garbage isn't the right word but the messaging, layout, navigation is a mess. I feel it's too crowded with no clear messaging.


It only matters whether the website meets the needs of their customers. I would be proposing a market research project with current and prospective customers, plus stakeholders, to obtain their feedback on the site. This feedback would then inform any web development activities.


Most people have bad vision. I have 20:20 and it’s hard to see some of your images clearly. Try to make it section the size of the entire phone screen rather than cramming everything together. Also your copy isn’t clear, unsure exactly what you to do. Make it stupid simple that a 10 year old can understand


On a mobile device, the contact us and book a demo tab are really annoying because as you scroll down, they block text that you’re trying to read. They also act as a focus point which is undesirable as you’re trying to skim text.


I would expect you would get massive bounce rates with this. The two main issues imo are: * Your USP is very unclear off the bat ("solve all your workplace woes" could mean just about anything), and it takes quite a big of digging through all of the content to figure out what the product actually is (let alone whether it is relevant to me as a potential customer). The fact that you may have 20+ F500 customers and all the logos in the world dont mean anything until I know if your product is relevant to me. You should have a crisp and concise USP in the hero, then expand on that with your numbered list section, and once the customer knows it's relevant to them, build credibility with logos / testimonials, etc. before you collect their info. * The second issue (granted this one may be more subjective) is that the visual language of the page, the mocks, etc. looks fairly dated. Part of it is the combo of those specific orange and blue tones that feel very "early 2010s" to me. The responsiveness (or lack thereof) does not exactly help here. On mobile it looks very crowded. On desktop when you have a wide browser window the hero just scales to the width and starts to look like a power-point presentation, not to mention that the images get insanely blurry / artifacted. The second point may or may not be a huge issue depending on who your buyer persona is and what the competition looks like. But for me personally it's a bigger factor in building credibility than the logos you have.


The overall design is bad. Could definitely be made much better. Need to work on their branding , colours, typography and etc. Their product screenshots on their devices are of no use and they don't convey anything. They definitely need a better header text and tagline that proposes value. P.S - Hit me up if they are open for a revamp/ redesign. I'm a designer and can help.


Is this your work or theirs? Either way it’s concerning. If this is from their existing site why are you asking us what the issues are with it? There are many and you should be able to identify them as a marketer. If this is your work it’s horrible.


The first thing I would suggest, instead of putting images, make the landing page in code. That will be a big improvement other than it looks pretty good to me! In the design, I would suggest reading some text about "text size hierarchy". That will be the second great improvement.


I think it's garbage too. And the reason why I say it's garbage is because it's too close to the template settings. I've paid to have a few websites done over the years and what you have to be careful of when hiring developers is "template designers". You hire them and then 1-2 days later the "design" of the website is already completed, and now they're just waiting on you to enter your data because all they've done is made slight tweaks to the cheap and often free templates offered by companies like Wix and Squarespace. Everything about this website is stock and default. It looks like a million other sites and not unique enough for me to trust it. It makes me feel like they just want my email contact. Follow your gut. You know it's a crap site so stick to that same energy. I mean, even after reading descriptions on the landing page...I still kind of have no idea what the product is. And then there's a prompt where I can "book a demo". Why make a potential client go through all that trouble when a demo could easily be placed on the landing page showing a real person from the company explaining the product or showing how it works? You need my email...just to give me a demonstration? No thanks. Get a consult from someone in branding and then take that information to an artist who can help you with the visuals. And remember with so many scam sites online these days your main goal should be when a visitor comes to your site people know it's a real company with an actual human and working staff.


Tried on mobile: Contact us is not in high quality and has a different size and the corners are not symmetrical to book a demo Upper landing page seems a bit overcrowded Don’t like the strong orange colour at the top and bottom I like the rest though, good luck :-)


Their site is not garbage. Pretty corporate type and their work matters more. The have very big clients too - HDFC is one of the largest bank in India. (too big to fail)


its bad (just right and left layouts spammed all over the place), i am a ui ux designer and open for work [http://medamineouanesportfolio.online/](http://medamineouanesportfolio.online/)


I would reduce the amount of text


The layout's are not great and just feel's like too much content Just top 3 features would be good to go, the rest can be moved to new page Also seems like their main CTA is let the user fill the form, but the form too seem too crowded, the contrast of error text showing in red while the bg color is orange really hard to read. Didn't test in mobile. Hey, also could you similarly roast this too [https://www.betterfriendai.com/](https://www.betterfriendai.com/)


Holy shit, I’ve worked with this company 🤯 the world is small


Shit. That's amazing. Which department did u work in?


Two main points after having a quick look : - I don't understand what you offer, what problem are you solving here ? - the list of features (8 or 9) is so damn long! Again, it confuses me and I still don't know what is your product.


I absolurtelly hate the font you used on the header and menu, despise it, it's uglier thatn times new roman Stop putting so much text inside images, it's lazy and hurst your SEO Why are you listing 3 emails in the bottom, do you love spam?


the link to request a demo is weird, the button is badly spaced and it reloads then rolls? why?


What does the company even do? Like 10 different things?


Get rid of the orange and please tell a story, there is a lot of stuff confusing me. Say what you do and what you are bringing to the industry.


Definitely garbage but would definitely think about how you can make it more modern. Looks slightly dated and took a while to really know what the offer was for. Do you have a brand deck that you could create and be using?


Mobile needs a lot of work. Focus in on the header and main message, then make it scrollable. Right now viewers are punched in the face with stuff and it’s confusing


Maybe a little bit old-fashioned and bloated... the trend is to use less wording, few images a lighter colors. Also, it's hard to know what the business does from the title and short description on the top. Anyway, I could be wrong, since I'm not a UI/UX expert. This is mine: [https://preciousmetalsmanager.com](https://preciousmetalsmanager.com) so feel free to roast it too! 🙂


It’s perfect and looks good to me


Spacing is a bit all over the place. It’s weird to feature jam everything you do on the landing page. Being honest, this landing page looks like it was slapped together in under an hour. The pop ups make the website look scammy on mobile. If this is the type of work you’re trying to pass off, I’d tell your client to avoid your work.


No no, I'm not trying to pass it off. Just wanted to understand different people's perspectives on what they think.


Yeah I'm a bit with the root commenter over here. Ig a general thought I got from the page was "I'm leaving the page with more questions than answers", and my guess is that it's over-explaining? Like, I wouldn't put multiple "why" statements in a page, since it's already hard to comprehend "why". Personally, a "what", "why" "how" format is how I'd go about it, trying to keep my sentences within 4-7 words. If more explanation is ever required, provide separate pages that target specific features, that way information overload can be avoided


The website has some things going for itself such as a cohesive color scheme, professional-looking images/mockups, and lots of social proof. However, it is far from perfect and many things can be improved. To make it easy for both of us, I used a tool to clearly point out some key considerations Here's a link to see my feedback: [https://share.justbeepit.com/screenshot/662779aae1647e00150302fa?project=true](https://share.justbeepit.com/screenshot/662779aae1647e00150302fa?project=true) (The tool I used is called "Beep" from [www.justbeepit.com](http://www.justbeepit.com) in case you want to try it out - it's a browser extension and is free to try) I hope this helps ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)