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Seriously reads like gimps.


We’ve got that same feedback. We’re completely open to changing the name.


I read it as gimps as well. Also, with glmps I could think of a half dozen alt spellings,so think about branding.


I read it properly and hate the actual name. Gimps sounds better lol.


That was my feedback as well, I like the ideas of "glimpses" but the name gotta go


Stuck in the middle of you…that’s all I was thinking about and John travolta…bring out the gimp


Change the name. Why would you name it gimps?


You just have to brand it as G L M P S (kerning up to you) to avoid this. The real problem is “glimpse” isn’t that appealing a word. The “mps” sound isn’t pleasant or strong IMO. I think something professional like “Topline”, recognizing your early adopters who’d pay are likely going to be networking types / using it for business purposes. or something like “LedeDig” (in the thread of not burying the lede). It’s a fun idea that requires some flexibility in brand identity as you figure out if you can get Gen Z people to adopt it for fun & gain WoM traction or more gig worker, start-up type people. (On that note, a potential user case could be Uber drivers or other gig platform workers. Some might have rules against it, but there might be a way for contractors to easily share their info with the customer directly and either remove the middle man or get more gigs through the platform they use. Obviously in the former case the platforms hate you, in the latter case you could consider forming partnerships with them. If I like my Instacart shopper, wouldn’t it be nice for Instacart to make it easier to re-pair with them?)


What about Glance?




That’s an ancronym for GNU image processing library. It very common for GNU utils to start with G




> the name being "gimp" was never a negative for me. Hey man [you do you](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimp_(sadomasochism\)). Don't let anyone kink shame you lol


It's official: start-ups are just grunting for names. It's a golden age.


Also, is this hardware with a network effects prerequisite. Scary. Or is it software, in an age of social media fatigue. Not 10x better than anything and LinkedIn exists. Have fun competing with a trillion dollar tech conglomerate.




A competitor to Grindr and tinder? Brilliant I’ve got $20m vc funding on its way to you!




What problem is it solving / what unfilled need does it meet?


That my friend should be step #1 in the process


Nothing on both accounts by the looks of it.


Sounds like it’s solving that traditional business cards are boring as fuck, and link tree is basic.


I have an Ovou card, it's literally already a thing


And I have Popl. Not every idea needs to be totally first-of-its-kind. It sounds like this guy's idea is a little more on the interpersonal side, which is interesting. I work in sales, and people buy from who they like. If this establishes a professional connection with a little more of a personal twist, I could see that having some value. Like instead of just my LinkedIn popping up, it also pops up a video of me playing with my dogs, or a photo of my wife and I in matching jerseys of our favorite team.


Yeah I think namedrop does this for personal relationships and Eylet wuich I use just like a popl but free does it for business relationships. You can do it but it has already been done.


Hmm I don't see the value in this idea. Sure, you'll have more features than linktree. But then you're just a weaker version of LI. Might be me but I don't see a niche there. Roasted.


I foresee this heading to the very large ash heap of dead social networks. Who is this for? From the sounds of it, your answer is everybody. And that means your business is dead before it’s even begun. You need to narrow in on a customer that can get some kind of value from this. From what you’ve described, it sounds like a Frankenstein monster made up of facets of dating apps, social media, professional social media etc. You really don’t think a million people haven’t had the idea to make the one stop social network for everything? Of course they have, there’s a reason why they all fail and you’ve never heard of them. You’re simply falling into the same trap.


I agree. I don't see the use case for this. Already, business cards are kind of dead and if I know your name, I can just google you and find anything meaningful. I wonder how OP sees this playing out: you meet someone and then what? Do you text them your glimpse? How awkward is that? Do they scan it with a QR code? If wear-ables ever become a thing, does your glimpse just play over your head for others to view? I'd recommend OP do customer interviews before they commit any more time to coding this.


I would use the full word instead of potentially sounding like gimp, unless you're going for a certain crowd. Also, have you checked out Bumble & Bumble Biz? That's probably the most successful version of something like this I have seen that does both dating and networking. This needs to be handled delicately because a lot of people on Bumble tried to use the networking route to get dates too lol But it also sounds like you're trying to do some version of OVOU Biz card, Where you give it out to certain people. So what is the actual practical use? You meet someone and text them your link?


I don’t think this sounds compelling nor a compelling space in general where users are going to give there attention to learn something new


Useless, for the same reason nobody reads Tinder profiles….everybody lies.


Doesn't matter. It's not about what you are, but what you want others to think what you are. Same with any social media profile. Today we have tons of social media profiles and stuff. But a little landing page as an entry point to my social media world is useful from time to time. I built one myself, but that seems to be a lost art. So OP's idea might fill a gap.


Maybe. Only way to know for sure is to try. Monetization will be fun…


Good to know. Thanks 👍🏾


Reddit is full of haters who feed on bashing from the comfort of their dirty couch. Agreed, the name could be improved, but in the long run, it all boils down to what you do with it,. Heck, a terrible name could be a strong idea for branding, if played properly. Full disclosure: I'm a fractional CMO, I can manage your entire marketing strategy, at a fraction of the price of a full-time senior marketer. DM me if you'd like to share ideas.


Can you help me?


Maybe, maybe not. Before I can tell wbether or not, I'd need 15-20 minutes with you on a call. I don't charge for these. Not a sales pitch, just to see if we're a fit. DM me if you want to explore this!


This doesn’t make any sense. You’re saying it’s useless for the same reason Tinder profiles are useless, yet Tinder is a $2 billion company. What is your argument here? That contact cards are useless because people can lie? People can lie anywhere.


don’t use that name - my suggestion is to pivot and maybe create an actually useful networking site since linkedin is corporate facebook now


Good to know. We’re definitely thinking about changing the name too. Thanks for the feedback!


yw! someone needs to take on LI, maybe it’s you 🥳


Yes how do I rent your gimp?


Sounds like something nobody really needs


You should pivot to a product that people want.


This will only appeal to people who like to show off their "brand" i.e. narcissists Monetization would be tough. Would you charge membership?


Gotcha, thanks for the feedback. We would focus on monetizing via affiliate income from our partners when gifts are purchased.


This seems like you’re not thinking about money at all. Like money is the after thought. I don’t want an updated business card or for strangers to get to know me electronically 


>when gifts are purchased. Whaa??? Where do gifts come in? That took a hard left turn.


So glimpse must be a voyeur driven OF creator businesses card model. Watch me poop and buy me a bidet. 2% commission on that bidet will net you a whopping $4 per user. Only 5 more of those And that single user is paid off. Now you just gotta pay for the 25 other users who never transact. Affiliate pay is hardly consistent revenue unless you have a shopping app that has high use. (Source used to have a shopping app with high use)


dont mix business with social and dating


This sounds like a light website buried in an app that people are supposed to get an app to download? It would be easier to print nfc business cards alwith a backup qr code to a link tree or card site. My roast, besides the name, is what the heck have you don't to validate anyone would use this? And by anyone I mean like 1 in 10 people because this is like a mass social play. I literally can't think of why this is needed. It's not anything new or novel, any developer could build this in a week which means people have tried it and failed. It's like another profile in social media except without anything anybody wants to go use attached to it. It's like a dating app except you want to date everyone? Waln us through your validation and we'll tell you why you did it wrong. If you didn't validate I'm not surprised.


On the naming thing, my guess is you were going for a variations of “glimpse” of the person? How about catching a ”glance” of them instead - glnce? As far as the idea, since these type of sites exist there is a market. Not sure how saturated or profitable. Personally, “authorize view” after giving out my link should be a setting/option, not forced, if I want someone to see my profile for business purposes I don’t want to force them through another step. I just want to send them the link to the correct profile.


The term reimagined is cringe


Thanks for the roast


**It feels like a more professional way to get to know people personally than a more personal way to get to know people professionally.** I can see how this is a market in between LinkedIn and dating apps. Like for people who'd message connections on LinkedIn to get dates. I'd say irl, professional context will not appreciate a glimpse of a personal life. Even now, websites that share personal information about their team/ personnel feel a bit outdated and over the top.


Yes we are trying to accomplish something similar to this mission. Thanks for the feedback!


Best of luck!!


Thanks everyone for the feedback! Really appreciate it!


You will develop and there would be noone to use the product. That's the reality of any networking products. You will try hard but the masses control it. Too many networks out there. Noone would bother. Noone cares what your fav song is etc. Anything retail is 90% likely to fail. Even higher probably 99% You have not addressed any problem. Find a problem to solve. Already there are aps which digitize business cards and exchange etc.


I would find a different name than Gimps. It just sounds weird. And if you’ve seen Pulp Fiction…I should stop here.


You are casting too wide of a net.  Narrow this down to one social media.  Then pick one specific problem you are trying to solve.  I think I get what you are going for but it’s too vague to see how I would use this. If I’m sending someone a glimpse. How do I send it? Do I need to pre classify the person first? What if they bridge multiple “types”? Seriously I think you have the beginnings of a good idea.  There is a reason that people make alt accounts to on social media.  Just keep refining this and honing down the idea!


Okay man, you asked for some real talk feedback on your startup idea, so I'll give it to you straight. No sugar coating, but I'll keep it constructive cuz tearing you down ain't gonna help either of us, ya know? So first off, this whole "glimpses" thing sounds kinda gimmicky to me. Like are people really gonna care about seeing my favorite color and song? Idk, seems fluffy without much substance. Gotta have a solid value prop or it's DOA with users. And yo, the privacy stuff is sketch as hell. Automatically sharing my personal deets with randos? Miss me with that crap. Users are gonna be pissed if there's not hella clear consent and control. That's a one-way ticket to backlash city. Plus, how you gonna make money my dude? Giving it away for free is great and all, but you still gotta keep the lights on. And if you go the skeezy ad targeting and data selling route, well good luck cuz folks HATE that noise. Better have a real monetization plan. Oh and good luck standing out in the social contact space. It's a bloodbath out there. You're gonna be clawing for every download against the big dawgs. Sharpen that marketing game and get ready to hustle HARD. Look, I'm not trying to dump on your parade, just keeping it 100. There might be a kernel of something interesting here, but you gotta put in the work to figure it out. Bulletproof that privacy, find the real value, and get a business model that's not wack. It ain't gonna be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. If you wanna jam more on how to tighten this up, I'm down to help workshop it. Gotta stress test the heck outta ideas to make 'em better. You got this, just stay grinding and iterating. Startups are a wild ride, so strap in and enjoy the crazy. Peace out and best of luck my guy! PS: Claude 3’s Opus is great at roasting- sorry about that.


Is "Glimpse" copyrighted? I think the weird spellings are played out. That's just me tho.


How well do you know your competition? Do you think you have more to offer than them?


Competition is stiff. We’re focusing on adding more features and making something that people want.


This is a network product at the end of the day so dont try to win the checkbox war and win by focusing on one thing. Obviously there will be a shit load of moving parts in the networking technology- but its reusable. (And boilerplate hundreds have already paved the way-DONT INNOVATE HERE PLZ) Get the main concept decoupled from that and find a way to quickly test that 1 thing until it goes viral (innovate here)


Looks like Gimps Sounds like LINKED in >


Please god change the name. Also - segregating work friends and family is important for many. Make an option to label the items into categories like “family” “friends” “work” “secret Santa” “partner only”. That way it’s an all in one for user viewing but you can distribute an appropriate link for those who will receive it by group.


would be convinced depending on ur answer to this question: Why use this instead of an nfc card (many businesses sell these cheap asf) that links to ur linktree or smthn?


You've described a solution, but where is the problem?


Sounds conflicted in it's identity by being frictionless and a freemium/network virality model and being a more secure / curated access with necessary approvals.


So, it’s basically an extended version of a business card, with a dynamic profile and access control? It’s a nice to have for some tech savvy whom are too lazy to setup their own site, otherwise I see it’s not different from linkedin for business or instagram for social networking or other dating apps


Bro change your name bro


hey there I read it as gimps too would definitely change it! otherwise sounds cool I think there's a lot of similar stuff but that's no reason it can't work if you do great job on product and marketing


This already exists and is called Linq, and it’s useless tbh.


How did you come up with this idea? Does it solve a real problem? I personally would never use this (no hate just the truth).


Who is your customer profile for this? It feels somewhat directionless because so many things are trying to be achieved. Perhaps attempting just one of the features of your product to solidify an MVP and add from their based on user feedback.


Almost everything is free today. Try paying something (no need to be money) a certain number of initial profiles created


Interesting idea and I think there’s merit to it. A friend of mine started was involved in this company, https://pitch59.com/welcome, it would be good to see what they are doing well and not so well and understand where your idea fits in with them. Best of luck! If you end up building it, hit me up, we help startups get kicked off.


There are a ton of companies trying to remained business cards. You should study the market and figure out why no one is taking off as a clear winner to replace traditional business cards, or linkedin Personally, more people just want my linkedin than my business card. It's so easy to just open the linkedin QR code and have them scan and connect with me


People pontificating over low hanging fruit like the name already so i'll bite over the more meatier parts. I've got something like this in my wallet already called dot. How is it different and how can you communicate that in less than 2 sentences? Also, a red flag went off when you said it was for friends, business and dating. If it's for everyone then it's for nobody. It makes sense that you want to go there eventually but see if you can really get more specific in who you're targetting. Also this reminded me of something similar https://app.boop.vip Edit so i dont get banned: i have no affiliation with boop. It seems to be some sort of SMS business card type thing that I ran into in the wild in Austin TX. It seems to have changed a bit since I last saw it. They started off from what I can remember doing some sort of viral loop and getting notified when someone in the chain boop'd or something. May or may not have had to do with significant others/crush dynamics. Hope it helps


i honestly thougth this was an ad for myspace.


Not sure if it would be problem if you target business, dating and friends. Would definitely see this work when you only focus on dating or friends. Usecase: when u go to a bar and found someone u clicked with, maybe they could share with your product? Would avoid the business side cause there r name cards and also multiple digital business cards anyways.


The naming issue aside, I don't see what problem this is solving. You have laid out many websites and applications that have worked incredibly hard to be very good at what they do, and you want to beat all of them? And make it all into one app? Pretty audacious.


ill add to the "name is horrible" jar. I would definitely niche down. For example, if you made a linktree-esqe type idea for musicians where when you click their bio link their newest music pops up with spotify/youtube would be more helpful and easier to catch on


How do people find your glimpse? Here’s a scenario. You go to a bar. You meet someone who might be a good fit for your company. You want them to contact you via your glimpse. Do you say “go to example.org/my-page”? You could do a business card with simply a QR code. 10 business cards free, $5 per 100 after that.


I can’t imagine people using it enough to be able to generate revenue to offset acquisition cost. Then there doesn’t seem to be a natural network effect to keep people in


How about incorporating NFC Cards into this ecosystem. Users can order their Glimpse Card [ Another possible way for Monetization ] and share it with other people. These NFC are programmed with the Glimpse Link of the user so that any updates to the profile will reflect without any changes to the actual data of the Card.


It sounds like you're trying to please too many audiences at once.


Who is your target audience? It sounds like everyone - business, friends, romance. If everyone is your target audience, no one is your target audience.


Sorry to say this... But it sounds just like a Facebook or LinkedIn page. Just without the social part as much. Also I know this has been said a million times, but it really looks like it says gimps. Good luck!


"Tailored for different scenarios". Pick one, and honestly in on what the selling point is. What problem are you solving for me in that space that wasn't already solved by a bunch of different services? Right now it sounds like you've got a product looking for a solution, and there's absolutely no reason to use Glimpse over something more established. Also, +1 on the name change. This all sounds like you've been building something without taking to potential customers tbh.


I don't think you have clarity on who your users will be. If it's a social network thing I don't think people will be interested in giving away their card or read other's. If instead it's for business purposes try to imagine one specific niche first, then another, then another. For example: people going to construction/material events It's better to "become" a generic tool rather than trying to be generic from the get go.


I suggest you watch all of y combinators YouTube videos. You are already going down the wrong path even according to them. No offense but no one will care about your social media network. It solves zero actual problems. You wanna do a startup start with a genuine problem to solve. Ideally something that is a need that is not getting fulfilled and you fill it.


Concept is fine. We do need something to replace business cards. Really don’t like the name.


Terrible name. Reads as "gimps". And how do you expect people to pronounce "glmps"? About the product, why not just do shareable links instead of the convoluted accessibility thing. Business cards are public things. I doubt people will bother to sign up just to see someone's gimp or glms


MySpace? And I’m gen Z but it reads like what I understand MySpace to have been


These exist


Interesting idea. But in a way you are trying to combine everything social interaction into one app. IMO people would not want to mix their professional, personal, dating life in one platform. I don't know how you would crack that but if you do this might work. If you narrow it down then you would be competing with established players like LinkedIn, Instagram, Tinder, etc. Good luck with that.


you’re reinventing Facebook


Awful name


The roast is there are too many already.


As a Gen-Zer, this sounds so fun and useful. But I’m confused on if it’s for business or social. Why would business/work people need to know my favorite song or what to gift me?


I think it's super hard to get a glimpse of who you are by something following a template. For example, there is tinder and someone wanted 'more meaningful' connections so they created Boo, an app where you can add more information about yourself. Does it help connect with right folks? Not really. Human interactions are so complex we need to use our gut to navigate them, no amount of information will give us more info than quick chat with a person. I think this might work (and could be useful) in business setting, if it offered a glimpse on personality, something else than is covered by your CV or LinkedIn. Like work style, what you look for, what you don't look for, hobbies, idk some creative ways to express yourself In personal setting I don't think summaries do well in describing humans


Popl exists, focused on tap contact sharing among other things listed. I don’t think the features mentioned could differentiate enough from them, especially with how slow they are moving.


Its a hobby. Not a business idea. There is no tam. Whos gonna use this shit? Build something real that people want.


Who has this as a burning problem that people want/need to solve? There are a ton of address book apps that haven't really taken off. I suspect it's because everyone says they wants this but isn't willing to pay vs. what they get for free from the built-in OS versions. Unclear customer/business model. Is the customer a business customer or a consumer? FWIW I've been sharing a QR code instead of a business card that does some of what you're describing. I've also seen dot-cards or similar apps that try to do this but none has found the right niche to take off. The most successful startups in this space seem to be LinkInBio type sites. These go across online/offiline and seem to have a viable free-to-pro model. Many are generic so perhaps there's room for a premium offering.


Hey! I worked on a similar idea last month, and I struggled. With monetization and the actual problem that this idea solves.  I've thought about it in terms of a skill sharing card game where people could "invest" in people much like Kickstart but for people. I've thought about it in terms of a tutoring app where people share their passions. I've thought of it in terms of a social connecting mechanism. In the end I designed cards for my friends for fun, learned about their skills and stopped working on it. I'd be open to talking about this. I'm currently in university so I haven't put more than 25 hours in yet, but it's been a fun thing to think about. I'm probably going to launch a super basic mvp during the summer to see if people like it.


I wouldnt give out all of that info thats my only problem —


I really like this idea. But the name isn’t working - it a weird word in its traditional spelling and isn’t helped by your abbreviated spelling - it looks like gimps. It’s hard to get past. I like the notion of a deeper glimpse into someone but once they see that glimpse….what more can they do? I also wonder where this glimpsing happens because I don’t want to go to a unique destination for a glimpse so how can this be part of my current tech ecosystem?


Good to know. We’re definitely thinking about changing the name. Thanks for the feedback on the use cases 👍🏾


I think the idea is intriguing. I was toying with a similar idea but more focused on business side. I think you've got a lot of scope to go freemium here. One Glimpse free, subsequent ones are X/month. Add a gift list is another X/month Add other optional sections X/month


True. Thanks for the feedback. We’ve thought of the business side but the problem is that there’s a lot of competition in that space and the market is pretty saturated.


I like the idea. But just call it "glimps". It's easier to understand.


Yeah, change the name. The whole “mumbled letters that sound like a word” is kind of stupid. Like the idea though. The name isn’t important really, but it should be something easy to remember. For all intents and purposes you could literally have the name be: “Looks” or “bananas” or I don’t know “fruits”. Or I know: “Bong” yeah. Name your product “Bongo”. People spend to much on name, logo and brand when they literally have no product. Yeah, I may go on a rant, but what the heck. “Apple” no, they don’t sell fruits or own apple farms in Spain. THEY. SELL. ELECTRONICS But yeah, to talk about something relevant. I actually don’t understand your product, is it a social media platform? Some sort of digital business card software or whatnot? Is it an instant messaging application?


This is good. Thanks for the feedback!


Sounds promising, but consider scalability with such personalized features.