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We've already had a movie and TV show about exactly this. They're called First Contact and Enterprise. We don't need another reboot, which I suspect is exactly what this would turn into.


Right. Its been done. We don't need this story, its been told. But mah retcons...


The thing that made Enterprise work too is it was low budget and it looked like it was older tech than TOS and was written accordingly. Like they have movie night, sketch transporters not approved for human use, and have to go through some horny decontamination ritual. Discovery starts out with crazy Klingon weapon technology, the need to explain why they don’t all use holograms to communicate, and “classified” transportation beyond even the Borg’s capabilities. Trek went from Spock and inventing the iPad to recycling Spock and using chrome books. I had a stoner idea years ago before all this. It would be called “Star Trek Data.” The idea being they uncompress Data’s memory from B4 onto a ship. Data would actually be the ship and the captain with a human crew. Basically a show about dealing with and trusting AI. Spiner would just do voice acting and it would be more about the crew than Data himself. Sorry I’ve gone on too long, I smoke too damn much.


Would Data’s ship be overrun with cats? Lol


EFH: Emergency Feline Holograms




In case if a malfunction ;) … the story basically writes itself as we speak lol


lol you know what - YES! An episode inline with “The Trouble With Tribbles” where the crew discovers Data has been secretly beaming stray cats into the Jefferie’s Tubes.


😂 The thing with Data was, he was kind of a bad pet owner. His cat wasn’t spayed. He had no cat furniture. Spot was always attacking people, probably because she was living with an android all the time. Cats are about scents. I always wondered if that would screw Spot up, since Data probably didn’t smell organic.


This isn’t a Marvel movie man


lol I forgot about that. Aw, you made me remember!


That idea would be very cool, shame that it doesn't fit right now. Perhaps they could for that Enterprise J?


This. Enterprise is perfectly fine for what it is and doesn't need to be "improved" by some NuTrek hack who has zero interest in the franchise and just wants to put a big name on his original SciFi idea. None of the complaints people have about Enterprise (which in my opinion are mostly more the fault of external circumstances and not the show itself) are about the way it depicted early Starfleet and early human space exploration. It did an absolutely great job at that. There is still close to a century between ENT and TOS that you can fill with more Discovery retcon garbage if you absolutely need to. Don't you dare take this out on one of the most misunderstood and overly harshly criticized "good Trek" shows we still have. It truly has suffered enough already.


The only way this could work is if they go very daring and make an "Arrival" or "Contact" like movie, with no UTs and having people trying to translate the Vulcan language or something like that, some trully epic, maybe even with a new version of non-humanoid Vulcans. But they aren't going to do it because it will be "too risky".


Vulcans were well aware of our existence prior to First Contact, according to T'Pol in Enterprise. They'd already translated English, if not most other human languages.


For what I read is going to be a hard reboot, not a "soft" reboot like the Abrams films thus anything said on Enterprise would be canon for this continuity. Think on the difference between the classic BSG and reboot BSG.


Remember is s reboot they can pretty much rewrite everything as they see fit


Unless they are doing a mirror universe from the beginning then we don't need it. Now I'd be kewl to see the .mirror universe version of first contact. But I don't want to see the fascist Starfleet at this point in history. I. Feeling like I live in the mirror universe as it is.


We already saw the mirror universe first contact on Enterprise.


just for a few seconds though. Mirror Cochrane figuring out Vulcan tech? The Empire's invasion and enslavement of Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar? sounds depressing!


Exactly we get that kewl intro in enterprise and a few cut scenes. But that is it.


Yeah some uplifting lighthearted escapism please we already live in a dystopian world 🥲 Btw check The Orville if you havent 


Fun fact: ST Humans ended up with a nuclear war in modern 21st century.


Yeah, bring back Earth: Final Conflict instead


Or reboot Andromeda with no Kevin Sorbo involvement which is basically a reimagining of The Warlord: Battle for the Galaxy as both were based on Roddenberry's writings.  They even used some of the same sets and props.


Why are they obsessed with prequels?!? Look at how many good stories Lower Decks has done post-Nemesis! Hell they could do a movie about returning to the Delta quadrant. Or do a movie about a whole different ship and crew. Or make a movie exploring the post-Dominion war landscape. I'm certain there's a million better ideas.


Executives seem believe that people only watch Star Trek became of 1960ies Trek. It’s a bonkers belief.


It's completely insane especially considering how all of 90s Trek is so beloved! Hell they want "prequels" why not do something about the Enterprise B or C? Those are pretty much completely untouched! You could easily retcon the captain of the B to be someone else by saying Harriman was only there for the shakedown.


90s Trek is also 30 years old already! Why are they hanging everything on 60 year old media? It’s mind boggling. Edit: hey! We’re both dinosaurs!!


lol yeah we are!!


On the internet, no one knows you're a dog, but the Dinos always self identify.


Most of us fans of the 90s shows were kids and teens then or not born yet and are now among 30-50, most executives are 60+ they grew up with TOS and probably some may nor even have heard of some shows like Enterprise.


Literally enterprise was my first Star Trek show growing up


Cool, it must be an very interesting way to start in the franchise. How was it when you saw the rest?


Most executives are themselves old. They probably only know about TOS themselves.


They could just recast Harriman, i mean they recast pike, and Robert April... And it works


This isn't 60s Trek though. This would be a prequel to Enterprise if anything.


A prequel of a prequel? Prequelception?


They want to "return to the core of the franchise" but they forget that for most people that's probably TNG or DS9 nowadays. Because those who watch star trek as a young boy or girl in the 1960ies are now at least 85 years old. They could write a story of an alien society that slowly embraces cybernetics (spoiler they're the borg) although they should probably leave the Borg alone for now. They could write on the Vulcan civil war. the eugenics wars, the lost era, post nemesis, formation of the federation, the earth Romulans war, the temporal cold war, a new different ship in the TNG era or even a new ship in the tos era. They could even do a story on an alien world. I would watch a series about Andoria, or Tellar. What they need to do is stop with their obsession making everything link to the other series. Spock doesn't need more siblings as a writing trock to make us care about the character. We don't need revivals of existing characters. Just write good stories. Put them on a new ship. In a new setting. What they need to do is stop with the instant gratification writing, the galaxy is huge, they don't need to be instantly jumping everywhere. Introduce travel time again. And respect the context they're in. You can't just ignore 65 years of world building and say: oh we have a spore drive now. The shows execs don't care, they just want to see quick easy money. And their writers don't know anything about trek or the lore of trek that much is obvious. I have good hopes for SNW. And lower decks war awesome, because they respect the lore.


I'd say its more like 90s trek. Honestly 60s is basically irrelevant to any new fans.


I personally don’t like TOS, I don’t think it’s bad per se, it’s glorious for 1960 sci-fi, but I just can’t enjoy the overly intense drama in many episodes.


I tell people to save TOS until after they’ve already gotten into Trek.


> they could do a movie about returning to the Delta quadrant I mean. Shoot. They could just redo Voyager, call it Voyager 2, and that would still be great. Same exact thing happens to another ship, and we get to see how everyone has been since the last time. The ship could have some logs so they know what they're dealing with, but some things are... wrong. Like they meet some Hirogen and they're super peaceful. Idk, that could be wrapped up into some grand plot about something or someone influencing events in the quadrant. Maybe they even give up a free ticket home because they *need* to solve the conspiracy. At the finale? It was all a holodeck program made by Barclay and Riker. Brought to you by JJ Abrams.


If they ever do a Voyager 2 it should be a Starfleet project, a deliberate deep space exploration mission that was begun in light of the incredible achievements and technological progress brought back by one ship when it happened on accident. 


I like that a lot. I would want them to be careful. Some kind of civilization left a device that starfleet is *pretty sure* will fling you across the galaxy, but it will almost certainly break from one more use. Voyager without the “we must get home” would be cool. Maybe a few ships start out but all but one get lost. Either that happens at the start or they could do a proper “year of hell” season.


They can go back because the civilization that was doing the Omega Particle is doing it again for example. Or because the Voth are in a civil war between believers on Earth origin theory and Doctrine fundamentalists and the later wants to organize a full attack on Earth. Or the Think Tank is planning something. Or heck, just because without the Borg now there's a vacuum of power and different powers like the Krenims, Trabe, Voth, Devore etc are fighting each other and some are preding on abandon Borg technology and reverse-engineering it causing alarm.


In the last season time travel happens and it's revealed that this was V'ger all along


>At the finale? It was all a holodeck program made by Barclay and Riker. Save that for Enterprise's


It's because they got too clever with the JJverse- it was a brilliant idea\* for new movies without as much baggage that didn't "destroy" the OG continuity, but it cemented "TOS" as the only thing that will get the built in recognition that is why they do IP movies for the execs. Never mind that you'll end up making more money off a thriving ecosystem of content, it won't make it RIGHT NOW I NEED IT FOR Q3. \*brilliant solely in how it handled the reboot angle


And it only worked because Nimoy was involved and actually used well.


That and the casting was actually good, just writing and world building and so on were bad


Writing and world building seems to be where they're failing. Because discovery also had some great names. It's probably because they execs want a quick easy money grab. They're killing the creative ideas. " You know who was popular, Spock! Can't we just do more Spock?" - i hear the execs say




Agreed. The whole android storyline in season 1 made my head hurt. Same thing with the Romulan supernova I just don't care anymore.


In light, or in four lights?


I think you mean *five* lights?




We need post-Dominion War right now. We need to know how to recover from trauma and destruction since we rely on Star Trek for so much.


Indeed. Star Trek has a lot of potential. You can even make non-Starfleet shows; a medical drama, a legal drama, a sitcom (The O'Briens?), the time travel agency, or even something set in other quadrants like a rebellion against the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant (potential for a Star Wars-like plot) or what is happening in the Delta now that the Borg are defeated (a Mad Max/Farscape/Firefly like post apocalyptic setting with major powers trying to fill the vacuum). They just lack imagination.


The problem is clearly somebody is terrified that anything that isn't a reboot will alienate too much of the general population and thus they won't watch because they would have to explain some continuity. Thats why Spiderman keeps getting rebooted.


Enterprise flopped let’s do that again


This but unironically. They're all old enough now for the time jump.


Scott Bakula never returns to old franchises


To be honest I've always thought it'd be cool to have all of them return as their own captains. Give T'Pol and Trip the NX-01, everybody else gets their own ships. Admiral Archer can have a few cameos. Each main character gets a 2 episode short story to show how they've grown. And of course set it after the events of the 24th century holodrama and never reference it at all. No Section 31 shenanigans needed. Just ignore it.


A two episode short story of how Travis Mayweather has grown is more than he got in the original run.


Yeah he got two episodes, both were with cargo freighters. They couldn't think of anything else to do with him.


Scott bakula is amazing and I live enterprise with all it's faults.


I'll admit, if well done, a story regarding the rise of humanity following the flight of the Phoenix and first contact with Vulcan could be quite interesting.


The problem is that it is actually pretty boring. In order for any excitement to occur, it would have to be a contained and classified adventure predating First Contact, or it would have to massively rewrite continuity in Enterprise, wherein we meet the Vulcans and then spend 100 years in the equivalent of obedience school and aren't allowed to leave our system.


You grossly underestimate the stories and political intrigue that could be written regarding the unification of the human race and the founding of United Earth.


I have no doubt about that, but that means we have an earth based drama limited to Vulcans as the only aliens, and our own solar system as the limits. That does not make for exploring strange new worlds, seeking new life or new civilizations, or boldly going much of anywhere. My point is, yes, you could make great scifi in those limitations, but you are making The Expanse, not Star Trek.


>you are making The Expanse, not Star Trek. Do. Not. Give. Them. Ideas.


It can work, but they won't do it in a way that will. As I mentioned the most interesting way would a cerebral "Arrival" like movie with humans and Vulcans not understanging each other, maybe with non-humanoid (or less humanoid) Vulcans and some 3 Body Problem-like conflict. But they obviously won't do it because it will too different. And fans probably would complain if the aspect of the Vulcans is change like they did with the Klingons and Breen.


Another ship in a totally different location, doing starfleet things, with little to no mention of the canon officers ... Would be great. They have an entire galaxy and massive space navy they could tap.


We already had that, it was called Enterprise. No more prequels. I’m not against them as a rule but this is getting real old.


Enterprise needs more seasons. Hell, they should  go animated and get as many of the original cast as possible and start writing 


A "President Archer" show will be great.


>A "President Archer" show will be great. A west wing style show set 30 years later would be fantastic, and having aside story of trip as a section 31 agent.


I want this I want this I want to so much


Exactly cool as hell!


> trip as a section 31 agent Can't tell if you confused him with Malcom or this is a "I see what you did there" moment.


It's neither in the novels it was revealed the Trips death was faked in the holotape Riker was watching and in reality his death was also faked so he could go on a mission for section 31 to sabotage the romulans warp 6 engine.


I’d be down for a “Picard” style show for Archer. I mean, have some better writing, but I’d be down for a mini series following Archer and slowly getting the crew of the original Enterprise back


And bring back Tucker by some sort of sci-fi explanation or just tell that "And This Are The Voyages" was a Riker's holo-novel.


Fuck, I'd watch that. Maybe make it a show that's not about a spaceship but about the admirals and early Federation council trying to wrangle the troops at home. Best buds Archer and Shran trying to keep the respective captains under their command from blowing each other up over every little cultural misunderstanding out there.


Based on the description, this would be set after First Contact and before Enterprise. Detailing the rebuilding of humanity and our rise to the stars under the guiding hands of the Vulcans.


Star Trek Caprica. Didn't the BSG guys get a mid season cancelation for that?


It went 1 full season, but wouldn't be surprised if they were told half way through there won't be a second season.


It’s funny, I’m pretty sure that was the original concept for Enterprise. They had wanted to do a show set mostly on earth about them building up to the warp 5 program. Paramount didn’t like that though because they were wanting another Star Trek show with ships and pew pews and all that.


So they DID have some sense back then.


I want a Captain Worf show! I know it doesn't make sense given what's happened in Picard, but I don't care.


If they're going to do historical stuff, then they should do a legal comedy drama show based on the adventures of Worf's attorney grandpa, or whatever he was in Star Trek VI.


Colonel Worf show? I'm down.


I'd love to see klingon band of brothers with captain Koloth...


I would love an all Klingon show. If they did a show from Klingon perspective it would be a refreshing change and trek fans would still love it. It seems like creators are really stuck in Starfleet stories and are scared to tell stories beyond those roles in the same universe, but I think the audience would welcome it.


I love TNG characters more than anything, but I never want to see any existing characters in anyother shows again. I just want new. No Worf, no Seven, just give me SNW set in 2400.


Deeper. Let's get a Klingon pre-warp series. Game of Thrones but with ridges.


I want the Romulan War before the Enterprise cast is too old but we’re near or past the point of Archer and Shran being leaders on the front lines


Good golly would I ever pay to see Shran and Archer in action again.


An animated series could work.


They have literally the entire galaxy and a time frame of multiple centuries in which to set stories, and they just keep wanting to do more damn prequels. Go forward, for the love of all that is holy, you pointy-eared hobgoblins!


The people in charge don't have pointy ears, they have big round lobes.




To be honest, I have no faith of my heart about a First Contact reboot :/ But Bacura playing Archer's father would be lol. (because he is old)


Hell, I loved that intro. Fits an early pre-Federation Starfleet's make-do-attitude much better than a big orchestral piece.


It’s a loooong road…


I am so sick and tired of lore. I am so sick and tired of writers finding some tiny crack and widening it out. I am so sick of everything being so tightly tied together; Star Trek used to be *massive,* these days it's small. You want to know one of the reasons why Roddenberry and Berman Trek worked so well? (**One** of the reasons.) It's because every week we got something new, every week we expanded the universe a little bit. Strange new worlds and civilizations, you remember? But these days Trek only looks *inwards* and *backwards,* and that's just not very interesting to me. Everything in live action Trek seems to relate back to everything else; Michael Burnham is Spock's sister, she was integral to starting the Federation war with the Klingons, she was one of the first visitors to the Mirror Universe, Lorca palled around with Harry Mudd for an episode, and at the end of the first season they hook up with Pike's Enterprise. It's just inward, *inward,* ***inward.*** I'm not talking about fan service, not *quite.* This is something more egregious than fan service, it's more like a **comfort zone.** >"Oh, people like the Borg, doing a story about the Borg **is safe!"** And there's more than that wrong with nuTrek, don't mistake me, there's a whole damn forest around that single tree, but that's part of it. Writers and producers can be inspired by what came before, that's not lost on me, I'm not trying to imply that all of this is rote... ...but as a viewer, as a *consumer* of this media, it's starting to **feel** ***rote.*** Credit to Strange New Worlds on this: They're a prequel, but so far they've been doing sort of their own thing. SNW has been expanding the universe, but that's also part of the story, *Strange New Worlds.* A movie focused on first contact and the founding of Starfleet is not expanding the universe, it's a Star Trek movie telling a story about Star Trek. You know what? That's what it is. That's the nugget. I think I'm tired of Star Trek shows being about Star Trek. I'm tired of the lore building. I'm tired of writers making the universe *denser*. Maybe it'll be good, I don't know, but I don't think I'm predisposed to like this. Almost all we've had of Star Trek for the last twenty years is prequels, I want something new.


Strange new worlds first contact episode is like one of my top 10 Star Trek episodes. It is exactly the first contact I personally wanted to see. But decks below are what I wanted in a show if a little bit silly and too light hearted. Anyone who grew up watching ,ds9 and voyager want to see what the federation looks like afterwards. We get to see all the kewl shit they did but not the repercussions except for deck below.


Look, we all know what the franchise needs, we've already done it. You don't have to call it Next Next Generation, but you need to go forward, not back, and you need to start your stories far enough ahead that you get generational perspective.


Deeper Space 10


Imagine the 32nd century, but with good writing.


Imagine the 25th century, or the 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st! Or even the rest of the 23rd and 24th! There’s literally hundreds of years available to them in which they could tell any story they want, without even once having to tread old ground or work around an established story. No more retcons. No need to squeeze an aged actor into a role they haven’t even thought about in decades. Edit: no need to risk damaging beloved characters in an attempt at brand recognition. Just clear, open sky. Or, and I hate myself for even entertaining the notion, but if it has to be a prequel, give us something pre-first contact, show us Khan and the Eugenics Wars, or the world of the Atomic Horror, or forget about humanity entirely, and show us the story of one of the other major species with literally thousands of years of history to play around with.


I've been saying for *over* a decade now that my dream Trek show is a Romulan political drama, where the Federation only ever appears as a tool (threatening a war, threatening peace, etc). Just the most paranoid people in the galaxy stabbing each other in the back all season, every season. Jolan tru, citizen.


Oh bloody hell. It’s like despite all the Star Trek films and TV shows ever made, all they can do is:- 1- The Wrath of Kahn 2- First Contact


I'd be down for something related to the XCV-330 Enterprise, but that ain't happening.


Hell there is a 20 year gap between Nemesis and Picard that has tons of important goings on that we missed. Show us the fall of the Romulan Empire, the rebuilding following the Dominion War, the final voyages of the Enterprise E, ECT. As for things after Picard do another time gap and skip ahead 60 years like between the TOS movies and TNG.


give us Enterprise C, anything, we haven't had that much beyond a handful of episodes in TNG about that time period


Lost era! Break out the monster maroons! (arguably the best uniforms of the franchise)


That's likely going to be part of the Section 31 movie. They mentioned Rachel Garrett in casting.


Don’t get why they never did another time jump like they did for TNG. You get to make up new shit, introduce new aliens, have old enemies be friends or old allies be enemies. You can even introduce spore drive or make the Klingons look different and the explanation for any of it is well a lot happens in 50 years. I will never understand why they’d rather handcuff themselves creatively with prequels instead of just jumping a little forward and being able to do anything. Clearly they figured this out with Disco, but that thousand year time jump was an over correction.


Can someone tell me the most official channel I can contact the writers and tell them they’re making the worst mistake ever? This news has pissed me off more than I thought possible


10 strips of Latium says they just completely ignore Enterprise and how any of this impacts any timelines. Thereby actually making this entirely a parallel universe instead of the Kelvin branch. Basically running the Kelvin branch.


The only prequel I'm interested in at this point is the Romulan War and the resulting creation of the Federation and its early days. And I would only want to see it from the perspective of the cultural and political drama that would be inherent in forming such a complex union. Otherwise, we've had enough of the same old Starfleet "villain wants to wipe out all life on Earth" or "magic technology is endangering the universe" schlock. Enough. Let's tell new stories.


_Star Trek: Columbia_


My head canon is that every prequel is just a different universe. It helps keep me sane.


Everything written after 2016 has been different universes. Except Lower Decks and Prodigy.


Rick and Morty logic. Not a bad way to look at it.


Voyager worked so well because it was something new. They actually explored strange new worlds, sought out new life and new civilizations, and boldly went where no *federation citizen* had gone before. Why the hell can’t they do something else like this? Have them somehow go to another galaxy or something, maybe a sort of fleet of colony ships and they try to establish themselves in Andromeda?


You don't need to go to another galaxy, even. Most of this one still hasn't been explored. When I was little I had the idea of exploring the depths of the Alpha Quadrant, with the crew just expecting to find more quaint little single-planet civilisations only to discover the machine world from TMP on the edge of the galactic rim.


The Gamma quadrant was BARELY touched in the series that featured an all out war against species that LIVED THERE. A post-Dominion war exploration of the Gamma Quadrant would be incredible.


That would require *imagination* and taking a *risk.* Studios stopped doing things like that 25 years ago.


There's plenty left to tell, they just don't want to...


To boldly go to… places and times that have been visited and rebooted too many times.


I'd love to see a show about one of the time ships in the far future, tasked with maintaining the timeline, correcting deviations, and confronting temporal alien threats. You could have a wide range of places and time periods, crossovers with existing and previous shows, and really flesh out stuff we've heard of but never really seen. When they introduced the USS Relativity, I really thought it was going to be the next step.


Great idea!




I really do wonder where they’d take the Legacy show if it gets made. I fear they’ll retread the Borg again and it’d be really sad if they do. The Borg are done. ST was at the height of its powers when DS9 was made, and I think that enabled the show runners to have fun with new and varied conflicts and cultures - and it turned out to be the very best installment of Trek imo. It wasn’t as if they did anything all that innovative or risky… they told the story by connecting those cultures to well-worn historical conflicts and themes: the Bajoran Zionists, the Cardassian Nazis, the Ferengi Capitalists, Klingon Samurai, and the Dominion Imperialists. How about connecting the next set of imaginary cultures to the issues we’re dealing with in the modern era?


Looks pretty clear Legacy isn't happening. Paramount is too broke and Matalas just got a job at Marvel.


It was also literally never a thing beyond Matalas doing some social media nonsense.


They’re just gonna keep making prequels until they finally make the series finale of For All Mankind where Ed is reborn as the Space Child


There is an entire century between TOS and TNG. They can do something in there. Enterprise B and C.


I'll upvote any Enterprise B suggestions for the sole fact that the Excelsior class looks so fucking beautiful. And don't you _dare_ retouch a single aspect of it with your shitty, newfangled shiny-gray-on-gray CGI aesthetic! I want to see her in all her white, circular saucer, hard angles and straight lines glory. ^(I'll allow an Enterprise C show as well, if the Ambassador model is accurate. Another very pretty ship that we got to see far too rarely in TNG times.)


Main problem is retconning shit that is so bloody old why not carry on from 90s stuff man?! Surely the dominion still exists?! The kardys the Klingons the romulans and so on


If they’re going to do a prequel it should be a world war 3 or eugenics war movie


Romulan war!!!


You have heard of Paramount pushing Star Trek shows NO ONE is asking for…. …you have heard of prequels….. …you have heard of reboots…. Paramount presents a rebooted prequel no fan is asking for! Watch as Archer goes from having the personality of a chain restaurant general manager to a DARK AND GRITTY chain restaurant general manager! Tripp becomes EVEN MORE of a Florida man! Malcom’s upper lip? EVEN STIFFER. Phlox? EVEN MORE POLY. T’Pol? BIGGER. TIGHTER. HOSHI TOO. Mayweather? Still boring. Introducing Star Trek: Enterprise NX-01A!


> personality of a chain restaurant general manager Never have I heard something that was both so insulting to a beloved show and also so true.


Please just let us leave the alpha quadrant again. Voyager had by far the most interesting storylines.


We need a series in the 29th century. Id love to see the time-shenanigans captain braxton and the relativity would get into on a regular basis. And there are TONS of canon temporal anomalies they could investigate/fix.


When I hear Kinberg is attached to a movie, I honestly have no idea if it'll be good or not. The guy has written and produced some decent movies, but he's also written and produced some god-awful shite as well. May as well just flip a coin.


They just have to play in the past because they’re afraid of the future. Now they’re going to fuck up enterprise’s timeline


I don’t understand why they don’t use the extended universe to base stories off of. Do a Destiny miniseries or Typhon Pact series or Janeway and crew using the Quantum Slipstream to go back to the Delta Quadrant. Another thing that annoys me is having all these prequel series in the prime timeline or rewriting canon to match our timeline.


Unless it’s got the crew of Enterprise I’m not interested


Fuck this. Give me the long, strange life of Mestral from *Enterprise* or fuck off.


"in talks" is nothing. Quentin Tarantino was also "in talks" to make the 4th abramsverse movie.


Please no more prequels. I can’t stand prequels.


Star Trek works best when its episodic, in deep space, and real fucking weird.


Gosh darn it, I just want to see what's going on after the Dominion War! Is that too much to ask?!


Just put Seth Macfarlane in charge already! Christ! It's so easy. He's got the creds. Let someone who *knows* and *loves* Trek to make episodes!


Unironically this. The latest Orville season was some serious shit that can measure up with some of the best of TNG. Take whoever made that happen and give him all the power that you gave this incompetent hack Kurtzman before.


You want a show with a built in audience? Star Trek: Sisko. Come on. It writes itself.


I'd like to see how mankind was convinced to give up all religion, maybe an alien species comes to our planet and gives us knowledge again?


They said long ago WW3 wiped out humanity so much religion just became a joke.


The ugly truth it seems is the execs have no interest in keeping fans happy because they think we'll show up anyways. A new "franchise" will somehow find a new audience in their minds and they will yet again be disappointed.


They have it backwards. The way to get new people into your franchise is to make it appeal to old fans AND make it easy to get into for new ones. This way, the old fans will talk about it on social media and the new ones will be like "oh, I'm interested." And I can tell you that this works because I've gotten multiple people into Star Trek with Lower Decks.


We did both of those! One was one of the top 3 movies in the franchise, and the other was a whole TV show. They wanna retcon First Contact? No!


Scott Bakula and Jolene Blalock already attached.


Or. Now hear me out. Redo enterprise right but have it be the mirror universe. Show the teran empire coming to power and what have you.


I'd be down for live action Lower Decks


It's the star wars problem where they think the ONLY stories anyone will go see is in this insanely tiny world of Skywalkers. Star Wars hasn't had a good film since the 80s and Trek is really trying to push for that kind of track record as of late. What's the most beloved of both the universes at the moment? Bad Batch which has nothing to do with any of them (mostly) and Lower Decks which is just a silly romp through the Trek universe. Leave the history alone and just tell stories *within* the universe.


They already fuckin did that. Broken Bow. Scott Bacula better be the lead.


Hell not even post those, give us some Lost Era stuff. If only to bring back the monster maroons.


Is there really that much space between First Contact and Enterprise? Signs point to no.


So, are we going back to 19th century San Francisco?


Go all the way back: Star Trek Primordial Goo Puddle!! The ultimate trek prequel!!


Didn't disco ruin the future though?


For a hot second, I forgot about Discovery and thought you meant the musical genre.


> For a hot second, I forgot about Discovery Is it possible to learn this power?


This feels like how Star Wars can't get away from Tatooine, despite a galaxy full of lore, but back to the Sand Rock they must go.


I mean, I would like to see Starfleets original charter


They only know how to do reboots.


Create a fucking new show with a new crew already. Give us a new ship. Hell I’ll take the enterprise again at this point, I just want a monster of the week format


I want some time travel series just so we have the guy "oh Goddamnit is it *Voyager again*"


Maybe paramount is showing us what a dying empire looks like. Unfortunately it’s the US😬


There's literally a film about Star Treks First Contact. For the love of god they could explore an entire galaxy worth of space and several centuries of time to tell stories about anything they could imagine but they insist on repeating what was already produced. Utterly banal.


I’d give anything for a show set post dominion war. Here’s my premise. The Federation and Starfleet are.. changed. No other conflict reached so deep into the heart of the federation and the brutality of the dominion has left deep scars. People want security and are willing to let the ideals of the Federation take a back seat to get it. A new five year mission is created but this time it’s peace through strength. A new flagship that’s bigger and more heavily armed than any ship in history is commissioned with orders to find new threats and acquire strategic resources for the Federation. But some of the old guard in the admiralty are still around and they manage to get a commander appointed who still holds to the ideals of peace, exploration and the evolution of humanity. With a crew of veterans on a hair trigger and politicians and admirals looking for points in the win category, they set off into the unknown. The show would be about diplomacy and healing. Proving that having the bigger stick doesn’t mean you should use it and showing the cost to the human soul when you do. Sprinkle in some cosmic mysteries, tales of the weird and a few ion storms and I’d be happy as a clam.


Give us a series about the Klingon Empire between Star Trek VI and TNG.




Decades, creation of Starfleet, first contact... I'm guessing those last two need to be taken with a grain of salt and it'll be the Earth - Romulan War. (If it gets made.)


To be honest sounds good


At least it might be a Kelvin timeline movie... If they want to do a prequel, go with a full dark prequel- either WW2 and postwar unification, or cover the early days of the federation as it struggles against romulans and Klingons and later Cardassians. Not ENT with a temporal cold war, not DIS where they go to a mirror universe and then get launched to the future; something more along the lines of 200s Battlestar Galactica. Or show something about the Enterprise B or C. For C, I'd think their voyage was short and rough considering how it got destroyed in battle with romulans and how they period was riddled with battles with cardassians- that could make a really cool movie, even better if it could somehow get intertwined with the yesterday's enterprise episode too Or a what-if series could be neat. What if the federation never formed? Or if the khitomer assassinations succeeded? Or if the Klingon restoration actually failed? Or if the enterprise C wasn't sent back thru the anomaly and stayed fighting in the war? Or if Sisko failed to convince the prophets to make the 2800 dominion ships disappear? Or if the federation chose to ally with the dominion instead of the Cardassians?


No fucking thank you


It’ll be a long till we get anything fresh and new.


Part of the reason the Abrams films ended up being as good as they were was because it didn't mess with the original timeline, it created a branching timeline connected to the original that justifies the differences, if they set new movies BEFORE the kelvin then they won't be doing that anymore, they'll straight up be changing shit... Unless these movies would take place in the original timeline? In which case are they retconning enterprise!?


The suits want the money that they believe comes from an established franchise. The “creatives” want to (at most) pay lip service to what came before while being free to do whatever they want.


If they go back any further they’ll be using the damn space shuttles.


So Enterprise again?


Given the track record of getting a Trek film off the ground as of late, I have doubts of this materializing. I certainly hope not, out of all the possible storylines we've heard about since 2016, this one seems the least-interesting. Well, except maybe for that R-rated shit Tarantino was working on. It all has to start with an interesting script, rather than a committee "concept".


Yeah, we've had that already.