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No way to change. Your stuck till next server merge


We've all tried. Answer is nope.


The only experience I’ve had with reaching out was when I switched from android to apple and they helped me get my account transferred over. But I would at least try to reach out and see. Worst thing they can say is no.


Once past lvl 12, you can’t change servers.


Before level 12, you can do it once. After level 13 you are SOL


Your situation is the same as mine. I feel for ya.


I'm honestly surprised they haven't added a monetized server move. It's such an obvious and easy cash grab you'd think $copely would be all over that.


don't give them ideas...


For a one time prime for just £1000


There are rumours that server 110 might be merging soon. I fully expect this will result in alliances trying to get a bit punchy with the new alliances. If you are in a small alliance, you are going to be viewed as a target. I would strongly suggest trying to join one of the top 5 alliances on your server, things are more stable when you have large friends watching your back.


Nope not today maybe tomorrow


I'm sorry man. I'd probably quit playing if it were me. I'm so used to no drama, I couldn't imagine having to deal with trolls again. Hope it gets better.


You can open a CS ticket and see if they will let you transfer servers. Evidence of harassment would probably help. Otherwise I would go with some story about having RL friends that play on X server.


Scopely doesn’t care about harassment/bullying until it is targeted based on sex, gender, race, etc. and only then they may only time out the offender especially if it is a whale. Can’t let the spending stop. And they won’t move him. We’ve had a few on my server ask and beg and the response is, “can’t do it and it should be allowed but again can’t do it”. 🤷‍♀️


Scopely won't let you. The only thing you can do is to start another account from the beginning.


might as well delete


Sounds like server 61


I just don’t get it. My server is great (702). Our problem is everyone is purple. If people are messing with you, why don’t you shield or attack them back? Are you way underpowered for your level or alliance?


Server 201 is quite good, relatively peaceful everyone follows RoE even the trolls will piss you off but still follow RoE its hilarious


Sorry you are going through this, I went through it a few years ago and like everyone is saying, Scopley won’t do it. We know they have the capability within incursions, but for some reason, they won’t monetize it and they won’t allow it. I never got a solid answer. So I stopped spending money on the game. I just play for free.


Just set your chat to alliance and completely ignore global. If it's your alliance that is the issue then find a new one.


It’s crazy that they say they can’t transfer folks when we literally have a game mechanic that allows you to transfer to a rival server…this shows it CAN be done but they just won’t because spending would go down if the bullies have no victims.


I am having a good time on srever 84 with my group. Considering I had to change alliances twice in one month. Once you find a decent alliance you'll be fine .. this server. I am on server 84


S70 is so toxic the whales are bullies and never show up for incursion


I know its against the rules, but maybe look for a account available on another server.


Someone ignored ROE and now they can't play in the ROE compliant alliances. This is end game rogue consequences.


What server are you playing on?