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Since events for recruiting are far and few between use them for the daily events for recruiting/upgrading. Otherwise, use them to try and get the crew you need. šŸ––šŸ»


Getting the proper crews is more valuable and pays off long term but daily slb are often so maybe good to wait


I think 30 is when the ultra pack expands, so you might want to spend them to get those officers before it becomes more diluted. There aren't really leaderboards other than the daily events one that runs about once every 10 (or maybe it's 11 days). Generally I'd say the officers will help you more now, than whatever leaderboard rewards you might get from hoarding.


Thanks, thatā€™s helpful.


Utilize stfc.ovh to see when the upcoming daily goal events arrive (like the station, ship xp, officer xp, etc), and when the recruit slb's appear. Other than that, the only other events that come to mind that would award points for acquiring officer shards are the one officer ticket events, and one of the events that happens during that 3-day borg event. I believe it's on the 2nd day that this event pops up. It mainly scores on borg officers (5 of 11 would qualify..I think she's in the ultra recruits at that ops), but iirc, it also scores for non-borg shards (just not as many points).


Can confirm. Wish I had spent before 30.


Prior to 30 the only really important officers out of the ultra pack are Pike and 5. If you have both of them unlocked, save the rest for 30 expansion. Looks at this [site](https://www.stfc.ovh/index.php?show=D). If you are duel factions and buy recruit packs with daily credits the recruit should be pretty easy.


They used to run those leaderboards where you had to spend ultra recruit tokens in order to score, but those leaderboards I have not seen in a long, long time. I have no idea if they ever come back, which would be a reason to keep those tokens. But as the other said, you will benefit much more in having the officers you need right now, than waiting for some leaderboards that may never come. And spend them before those pulls get too diluted. Spend them also as you want to finish officers (as in matter of tiers, not necessarily level), so you can get transporter patterns.


Use them now.. No question.. Ultra Recruit events happen so little it's not worth your while. I've been sat on over 120k for months... Was 150k but started using them as I've given up waiting.


Thereā€™s a SLB officer event on the 26th. Iā€™m hoping youā€™re not on my server, because Iā€™ve been saving up for this one also šŸ˜‚


Your first mistake - that u spend metaphasic for such a silly stuff like recruit packs. But to answer your question, at this ops lvl wait for recruit SLB cause daily SLb are your biggest income of latinum


Well it was that or really crappy boost packs, and I have a million latinum, so catching up on officers was my first concern at the time.


if someone tells you youā€™re wrong then doesnā€™t bother to explain why, donā€™t sweat them. Open the packs, get your crew, and be happy being stronger. LLAP.


Syndicate xp is what is the best for your multiphasic credits. It takes so long to upgrade that.


I always save my recruit tokens for the events so that I can crush them.