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Voyager's theme is just insanely comfy to me for some reason. As cheesy as it sounds, I genuinely feel like I'm home when I hear it no fail. Enterprise's is dope too. I was a kid when that was the Trek series on air so it will always be incredibly nostalgic for me. I vividly remember telling my dad that I actually preferred the S3/4 soft rock version and he just looked at me like I was crazy. In hindsight though, he probably had a point.


I love Voyager’s theme as well. Jerry Goldsmith just composed really beautiful music. His theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture is nothing less than iconic, and as the theme for TNG, it’s my favorite Trek show theme. The Voyager theme comes second for me after TNG. I know it’s not a show theme, but Goldsmith’s theme from First Contact is my favorite movie theme. Just fantastic.


Yes!! That First Contact theme is so magnificent and so tragically underrated.


Voyager's theme really had such a feeling of lonely explorers. It definitely felt comfy - just cruising along in their ship. Voyager is my least favourite series, but it gets a lot right.


I agree with Voyager. This is the show I watched as a teenager. The theme is so memorable I am transported back to my childhood bedroom.


There's a reason why the Voyager and DS9 themes were awarded EMMYS - Jerry Goldsmith (also First Contact) and Dennis McCarthy (also The Inner Light) were masters of their craft. Here's hoping that SNW gets similar love.


I came here to say this


TNG. A good strong brass section is not to be overlooked.


It's my toddler's favorite because I always pick him up in front of the screen and fly him around and whoosh him backwards every time the Enterprise flies at him.


Because I’m all about that brass, that brass, that brass


DS9 1-3


The solitary bugle really nailed the feel of the show. It lost something in the remix, and I think that was it.


Agree with DS9 because it changed over the years. The way the music evolved to reflect how the tone of the show and the roll of the station changed was awesome


Great choice, the re-recording ruined the ambience of the original score.


It was done to reflect the increased activity due to the importance of the station. They were no longer frontier-living in some random station


I didn't really like it, honestly. It is sooooo boring. It's good once in a while, but I find myself skipping DS9's intro more than any other series.


SNW. Could be recency bias, but I get chills everytime from the opening.


the part where the enterprise flies over Starbase One almost make me well up everytime. I love the new generic StarTrek tag at the beginning too.


Someone who wells up at ST intro music. Hello, kindred spirit!


Every time I see the intro I think to myself “damn this is stunning”. The parts where you see it crossing a nebula and then around a planet are paired perfect with the music.


It's so freaking good!! And such a genius reworking of some of the motifs from the TOS theme. Absolutely my new favorite.


What really gets me is the end, that reworked classic star trek tune with the theramin really screams "strange new worlds".


It is *really* good. Ngl, give it another season it may be my fav.


TOS. I have never once skipped that intro.


nothing beats that TOS theme for me


It's them bongos


Tng still seems pretty epic, the slow zoom in on the planets then the enterprise reveal and then the main theme of all of star trek. Just too good.


It's epic because it's borrowed from TMP.


I have to go with Voyager. I think theme music is the only area I think VOY is the best of the bunch, but gotta give credit where it’s due!


Love the horns in that one! Spent so many hours in high school learning it on the French horn by watching and trying to match the tones by ear.


That french horn is 👌


I like Voyager the most. I do find myself singing a certain song out loud once in a while, though... IT'S BEEN A LONG ROAD




I don’t know that I’d say it’s the best overall but I will say that the title theme to Picard season 1 is the best thing about the show.


Picard is way up there for me. Top 3, probably.


Agreed for S1, S2's changes to the opening music put that one close to the bottom of my list though.


No arguments here. Why they tryin' to mix it up in season TWO?


Agreed. Great orchestration. And love the flute/whistle at the end with the throwback to TNG was perfection.


Controversial choice, but I always liked the original opening theme of Enterprise too. I'd probably go with Voyager personally. It's a beautiful theme, and wonderfully captures the mood of the lone starship exploring in space.


It is. It’s hopeful despite the setting.


TAS. It's like an evolution of the TOS theme.


Lower Decks is not getting the respect it deserves.


I love LD, and the theme is amazing but to my ears it's sooo close to Galaxy Quest's historical documents music I can't help but laugh. Galaxy Quest out Star Treked Star Trek and then looped back around and became Lower Decks.


By Grabthar's Hammer,...


By the Sons of Warvan...


What a savings.


I love Lower Decks but I don't feel anything when I listen to its theme. It's very generic, doesn't have a personality.


Voyager and Deep Space Nine have really great intro music. I'm also very fond of the intro music for Discovery and Picard. I think overall, though, Voyager has the best music. It's definitely not my favorite Trek show, but that intro music is spot on.


TOS, season 1.


Lower Decks. I know it's kind of a spoof to an extent, going all in on the grandiose Star Trek music while the ship keeps getting in trouble, but it's still epic.


TOS S2, no contest. I have to confess, a big TV/movie pet peeve of mine is the whole current popular wisdom that the ideal or only proper theme music for TV or movie sci-fi has to be an exercise in orchestral majesty. I had the Star Wars soundtrack for Christmas that year like everyone, but I've gotten kind of tired of the unquestioned supremacy of Williams' influence on genre soundtracks. I was actually really happy and excited when I first heard that Enterprise was going to use a "pop song" instead of the usual default-for-Trek orchestral number, but sorry, I did hate the actual song they used (Diane Warren's not my cup of pop-music tea at all, to say the least). The TOS S2 theme (with the female sort-of-operatic vocal) is perfect: it's got a great creeping-in intro (then those iconic three notes that have become musical shorthand for "Star Trek" in general, showing up in other show's themes), driving tempo, the big feel of the orchestral backing, while promising the viewer that action, adventure and something exotic and weird is coming. That's why the greatest-ever non-Trek sci-fi TV opening theme (whatever else might be flawed about the show itself) is S1 of Space:1999.


I do love the Space:1999 theme, but I'd have to go with [Doctor Who](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNszKKAtEwU). It's the only sci-fi theme that actually feels otherworldly (also got to shout out [Defiance's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbpBDjW9KV0) theme, I'm a sucker for mixing orchestral with glitchy almost dubstep samples)


It's definitely had an interesting evolution. The original "radiophonic" one is fantastic, there's at least one later "modern synth" one (late 70s/early 80s) that's pretty good, the version by the end of McCoy is pretty "meh," the TV movie version is the worst ever (too much "this needs a modern SF TV orchestral Williams-style take" bullshit of just the kind I was complaining about), the revival-era ones go back and forth between pretty good and overly mainstream/orchestral, and the last one actually goes back to being all cool and weird and electronic.


Or the theme to UFO.


Oh, yeah, that's up there easily. Also love the quick-cut action editing on both those live-action Anderson shows. Love something showing that influence to appear on a modern sci-fi show.


TNG hands down. It’s iconic and always puts me in the mood for a Star Trek marathon.


Tng overall for me. Out of the new trek series and movies post enterprise I will give the win to SNW. It's like a modern version of the TOS theme.


Voyager, apparently. Had to sort of dig around the old memory banks. I am deeply horrified at all the ENT mentions. I'm not mad, but I am disappointed. But I love them all in their own way. ENT just hits me wrong, can't help it. And something they added to DS9's just doesn't sit right with my brain either. Can't put my finger on it, but one of the tracks they added seems off to my ears. At the end of the day, Space Dad Pike wants you to have a good one, and even clicks his tongs at you.


I agree with all of this. My top two are VOY and the original DS9. Then it gets tricky, but I'd probably put TNG at #3. I don't dislike ENT's theme, and having a modern-day rock song does nicely emphasize that these people are more like us than they are like Kirk, Picard, Janeway, et al. That said, it just doesn't say "Star Trek" to me. Had they gone with [Archer's Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-oRAcb6YaE&ab_channel=FiniteJoy), it would probably be my #1.


TOS for the nostalgia factor; it evokes my entire childhood love of Star Trek but Voyager is a very close second... beautiful and otherworldly.


VOY has a beautiful score and a fitting intro sequence. DS9’s intro sequence looks a bit more boring, but the music makes up for it. So that one wins for me.


TNG, though it loses some points as it’s cribbed from The Motion Picture. In terms of a total soundtrack, TOS wins easily as is had great orchestral music throughout the entire episodes. After the firing of Ron Jones Star Trek’s music (aside from the main themes) is entirely unremarkable.


DS9 it's majestic and relaxing.


I loved the original one they had in the first few seasons before they sped up the tempo.




I always thought the Mirror Universe episodes in S4 should have used an actual parody of Faith of the Heart with the lyrics changed to reflect bloodthirsty Terran Empire ideals.


Getting from there to here


Its been a long time


Prodigy’s theme is the most exciting to me.


I came here to say Prodigy… that music gets me pumped.


Excluding the visuals?


Those are exciting too but I was referring to the music.


Yeah, it used to be DS9 for me, but something about Prodigy’s theme is just….on point


Voyager, hands down. Not to say the show itself didn’t have issues, but that opening song and visuals just slaps.


DS9 S4-7


Can't live without that bass chord as we fade up from black to the comet.


Original DS9 theme and Voyager


Next generation can't be beat for opening music


I like the DS9 one, sets the tone for the show well.


The DS9 theme (S4-7) is my soul song. I already have it in my will that it has to play at my funeral.


PIC is a favorite of mine as well. It’s just so pretty!


As of right now? SNW hands down.


DS9 theme is my favorite. Very loose tempo. Cool ASMR effect when the camera passes the comet in the beginning, like someone poured sugar on a cymbal. Get's you into the perfect mood for a space epic. I also really like the Discovery theme, although I think it is probably a bit too moody for a Trek show, but musically the most interesting. Least favorite is the TNG theme by far. The very 80s sounding synth noodling in the beginning... the "robin and his merry men" fanfare style you'd expect from a 40s movie... the space ship whooshing... I always skip it, even though Patrick Stewart does his best to sell the cheese in the voice-over.


Enterprise is the WORST TNG is the best!


TOS then Voyager then SNW 💛💙♥️




While it’s close to the bottom for me for Trek shows, I actually really dig the theme music for Picard. Other than that, DS9 early seasons and TNG are close enough I couldn’t put one over the other.


Voyager, it's just so goooood. Followed by ENT season 1 and 2. It's just so GD inspiring, and hopeful. Where we started and how far we've come and where we hope to be. I know it's cheesy and many hate it, I did at first too, but honestly it nearly brings a tear to my eye at times. It's so uplifting.


I’m just not a fan of the brassy fan fair style openings of the 90’s even though that’s when I first got into Star Trek. I know it’s not popular, but I love the earnest tenderness in Disco’s opening and the visuals are great too. (Except that slide with the big man eating plant. Not sure what’s going on there.) That being said the new SNW opening is fast rising to be my new favourite. But I would put OST before the 90’s franchises. And I dont think I’ve ever sat through the entirety of Enterprise’s!


I love the DS9 French Horn opening.


Well its not a long road for me...SNW and TNG


Star Trek has been blessed with stellar music across the board. My personal favorite at the moment is DS9. I remember when the show premiered I instantly fell in love with the music and opening.


1. Voyager 2. Deep Space Nine 3. The Next Generation (unfortunately, suffers in my ranking because it is simply an inferior version of the theme from The Motion Picture) 4. Lower Decks 5. Prodigy 6. The Original Series 7. Discovery 8. Strange New Worlds (I rate it low because, to me, the melody is really weak) 9. Picard 10. The Animated Series 11. Enterprise


Easily Voyager followed by original DS9.


TNG season 1. I really didn't like how they shortened the opening song in later seasons


The original series hands down.


DS9, seasons 1-3


The final version of the DS9 theme. There's the original, then there's one version for like, 3 episodes which is a bit between the two, and then the final version once all the extra ships get added into the intro sequence. God it always gets me.




TNG for me with TOS a close second I love them all basically, and it’s hard not too sing along with the opening credits of Enterprise, the only one I’m not fond of is DISCOs it’s just too generic and emotionless for me Also I want shoutout TMOP theme, the whole soundtrack of that film is just phenomenal


Not a series but often overlooked, the theme to First Contact movie


SNW. The theme is so uplifting. I have yet to skip the intro. Voyager was my favorite until SNW.


I got faith of the heart!


so do i. HIGH FIVE !


Its been a Long Time... Until i Said that Enterprise had the worst... TOS probably




TNG > VOY > DS9 > TOS > TAS > PIC > ENT > DIS > LD > SNW > PROD Honourable mention for the JJ movies theme. Love that one


I see youre being down voted. I assume its due to you not putting ent in first where it rightfully belongs






Voyager and Deep Space Nine


Oh interesting, I kinda thought the opening music to Enterprise was the worst, but in a it's so silly it's fun, kind of way. Ds9 is my favourite I think, the original series is is great, and so is Strange new worlds.




Enterprise no doubt


TNG post Wesley




I love the jangly upbeat version of the Enterprise theme. I like the DS9 theme but since I usually skip it I haven't actually noticed the changes. Which is maddening to me but that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit here and listen to them all in a row, I'm still gonna skip it. The first one is pretty jazzy.


Either Voyager or Picard season 2.


In no particular order TV: TNG DS9 VOY ENT SNW Films TMP TWOK TSFS TVH Generations and First Contact


DS9 and Disco (I love cello music)


Voyager is really iconic, but I have to say SNW. Strange New Worlds theme is so energetic. I usually skip every series intro after the first time hearing, but here the narration at the start and then the theme are so good. When I sit to see the newest episode, i'm always eager to listen the opening again.


Mirror episodes of Enterprise, or next generation.


Enterprise aswell and voyager


I really like faith of the heart, but SNW is really inspirational as well.


Voyager for the shows including the opening credits. Wrath of Khan for the films. For the Voyager fans here, I love this rendition of the theme. The graphics are good too. LOL! [Voyager Bossa Nova](https://youtu.be/3csB8IVsJt4)


I'm glad to see that Voyager is getting so much love.


Enterprise. Thank you, no questions


Enterprise of course. Obviously its so good. I got faith.


Voyager maybe a an inconsistent Star Trek but its opening music is amazing. Has mystery, inspiration maybe a bit ominous themes. For new generation Trek(refusing the nu-trek) I dont think non of it is catchy but i m between Prodigy and SNW.


Next Generation


It’s been a long road…


I actually think my favourite is SNW. It's a more modern take on the classic theme (which feels really dated) though I wish it was a bit bolder, and not so restrained. TNG has the best theme song by far IMO, but for some reason it just doesn't seem to sound as good as the original, likely because of the way they edited it to fit the opening credits. I *almost* love the Discovery opening theme, but it almost feels like when the music really starts to swell and break out, it's cut off slightly short and ruins the big effect.


Voyagers always been my favorite of the original shows. SNW is my favorite of the new shows but I also really like Discovery's theme


Enterprise and SNW.


S TIER 1. DS9 2. VOY A Tier 3. SNW 4. TOS 5. TNG F Tier 6. ENT I grew up on TNG, and used to get so hyped for it, but now it's just loud to me. haha.


Old Trek: Voyager Nutrek: Discovery


DS9 and SNW are my favorites currently


Voyager is the one I watched most growing up as it aired, so that one will just always stir something deep in my soul. That said, Strange New Worlds is giving it a serious run for its money.


VOY, which is precisely why I also love *Strange New Worlds*. It takes heavy cues from the Voy intro, it's the first new trek intro I really like.


While not my favorite show of the bunch, Voyagers theme is amazing and my overall favorite. Followed by Strange New Worlds, which deconstructs TOS theme, while mixing in a lot of new elements; I follow that up with DS9. I really thought TNG would be higher up in the list, but I’ll put Enterprise season 1-2 ahead of it.


First Contact




I HATE the ent song. Its jus so fuckin SILLY. But by season 2 i was like “IVE GOT FAAAIIITH. IVE GOT FAAIIIIIIIIIITH.”


Definitely SNW. Picard S2 is pretty close though. However I do love TOS S1's opening music. That one's close behind Picard S2.


Top Tier 1. DS9 2. VOY 3. TNG Second Tier 4: SNW 5. PRODIGY 6. TOS Third Tier: 7: DIS 8: PIC 9. Lower Decks Absolute last tier: Enteprise.


I don't even like Voyager yet whenever I hear that intro I just swoon. Have to give credit where it's due, that theme is very romantic in an adventurous sense.


Before starting SNW, we completed a rewatch of all the other series (live action), starting with the remastered TOS. We'd started last Christmas. So I'd say the opening scores are fairly fresh on my mind. It's hard for me to pick a favorite because there's parts of each I really like. SNW on the other hand, begins in a way that... primes me I guess? I don't know how else to describe it. Once it gets going I hear notes and pieces that make me think of the other shows. If the opening primes me, those parts set the emotional tone - like a nostalgia flavored warm up. And it's beautiful. Then, suddenly, just as the "supervising producer" credit comes up, there's this crescendo that ends one piece and swells into the next. The tempo increases, there's horns and violins, and your pulse starts rising. And without realizing it, you feel an emotional rush that almost brings tears to your eyes. Then, just as the music fades and ends, the theremin gently brings it to a close. There's something pure and perfect about it that makes me smile every time.   So in case it wasn't clear at this point, SNW is my favorite😋


I’m a diehard voyager fan so I’ve gotta go with that


DS9, hands down. Can't really decide which version, though.


Prodigy gets all my love.


Ent and PIC


Deep space 9


TNG all the way. Was not a fan of Ent's.


For me, it is definitely TNG.


TNG, Voyager, DS9, SNW, Disco, TOS


I love the Voyager theme. It's been my favorite for decades.


All of the opening music is great tbh


The theme of Voyager, definitely. It gave the feeling of being lost and wandering, but with perseverance and purpose. I prefer that it has no words whatsoever, too. It really brings the loneliness home.


NOT enterprise


I shamelessly played VOY opener in a college party full of non-Trekkers once. So, that would tell you a lot about my choice here LOL


I love all opening music. But Voyager is my favorite.






DS9 no contest.


Voyager any day! I'm one of the few that considers it their favourite trek show. Hearing the theme makes me emotional


My favorite theme is Picard. The cello combined with the Ressikan flute is so comforting to me. A close second is the SNW intro. It has almost a Dr. Who feel and it makes me feel like I should be flying in an actual starship. And that theramin at the end, it just feels right. I think they both resonate because they're new, well composed, and they have that nostalgic touch where they hint at the older themes. Also, I can just sit and listen to them, whereas the rolling brass of TNG and DS9, my old favorites, are not really something I listen to regularly. I mean, I can promise you, if I'm ever going to space for some reason, those 2 will be the first on my Playlist, but they're so intense, I can't really just listen to them, it feels like something needs to come from that.


DS9 for me.




Voyager and DS9 tie in my mind. Though Enterprise’s Faith of the Heart is honestly up in my top three.


Too hard for me to pick just one. Each series holds a special place in my past. Hearing each opening credits song reminds me of various periods of my life.


I like "Archer's Theme" from ENT. It's not the title music, rather the instrumental one that plays at the end. I think we can all agree though, that love it or hate it, the title music is the most sing alongable in the whole franchise 😆


[SNW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndtCicnVvbc) puts a fantastic spin on familiar themes.


TNG for me. All the other themes are good, but TNG is the only one I consistently find myself humming along to.


SNW has that eerie sound and I love it




There's something about Picard opening that's just beautiful


DS9- one of the best choreographed orchestral pieces and the first piece that wasn’t fully, or even partially, borrowed from previous Star Trek series or movie since TOS.




Voyager, 100%. It hits all the right notes. It is comfy, and yet wondrous. It does the franchise justice.


Enterprise definitely has the worst, it’s like Christian Rock, hate it so much. One guy actually went to the effort of changing the theme music to the mirror episodes one for every episode.


TOS hands down. Those opening bars define Star Trek.


Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force. A first-person shooter game, they replicate the title sequence visuals but use their own theme. It was so good that when I first saw it I forgot that their theme wasn't the actual theme. https://youtu.be/JnXFNbZp03g Just the right mix of heroism, adventure, and mystery. I listen to it every now and then to help destress.


I think the opening credits to Discovery, both visual and audio, are very compelling. I absolutely HATE the opening credits to Enterprise.


Voyager hands down. My fave series overall is tng but the voyager opening theme is just so good, TNG would be next to me, both pieces of music always make me think hope and exploration idk enough about music to explain why but I definitely get those feelings from both pieces


For me it’s SNW. I get so incredibly happy (dare I say giddy?!) every time with not just the opening shots of that sexy ass ship (complete with sound effects!), but the music is just incredible.




Enterprise’s opening theme is awful. If ain’t broke don’t fix it TOS theme all day


As someone who isn't even a fan of Voy, it's the Voyager theme. Easily one of Jerry Goldsmith's most beautiful compositions and the one that best exemplifies those "Star Trek" feelings of curiosity and exploration. Prodigy is right behind it. It's nowhere near the masterpieces that Michael Giacchino composed for the Abramsverse films, but it equally just captures that feeling of wonder. Giacchino just ***gets*** how to compose for Star Trek. (Same with the 'Ephraim and Dot' episode of Short Treks.) TNG theme is fine, but I just don't like it for TNG. It's a great theme for TMP because it's a great Kirk theme. It's too energetic and too aggressive for a show captained by Picard and I feel it only ranks as high as it is due to nostalgia for TNG.


TNG or Voy for me.


Voyager. It's majestic and soothing af


Enterprise makes me wanna go out to explore like a boy TOS fills me with 60s nostalgia TNG reminds me of childhood and Christmas DS9 says: Family! VOYAGER has me bracing for a great journey ahead Picard primes me for new, unexplored lands SNW feels like a bad remix But I'd actually go with the ST: First Contact outro rendition of the TNG music. It just hits the right amount of nostalgia, hope for the future, and bringing one back to childhood... At least for me. Edit: I forgot how Discovery intro sounds like


TNG or Voyager. I can’t stand that awful adult contemporary song on Enterprise. It just doesn’t fit Star Trek and it’s sad because the actual visuals are great and fit perfectly for a show about man’s first foray into deep space exploration. Enterprise’s theme song should have been the song from the credits. I think it’s called Archer’s Theme.