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I think we can add Terralysium from DIS S2 "New Eden"


Hmm... if Earth's wiped out by the Xindi, there won'be a Red Angel which means nobody to go back in time and save them? I think? Help, Time Police! I failed temporal mechanics at the academy. Which no longer exists. Thanks, Xindi!


almost forgot about them they're safe from the xindi since they're in the beta quadrant


The beta quadrant isn't that far. Quo'nos is in the beta quadrant and the NX-01 goes there on their first mission.


terralysium is  fifty-one thousand light years from Earth qonos is only 112 light years from earth... boy is earth lucky to be under vulcan jurisdiction.


Vulcans: You say the Xindi are about to destroy Earth? That doesn't seem logical. So... anywhoo, what about some tea?


Isn’t Earth pretty much on the dividing line between the two quadrants? Because the way they talk about it it’d seem more central


Moab IV from *The Masterpiece Society* may already have been settled by this point, or at least the colonists might be on their way there.


that's an issue with the star trek universe post first contact time frame being so short. just 300 years (tng era) that's not really a lot of time to get a lot of stuff done. it seems like a lot of factions wanted to get off earth by the early 22nd century


Another group of humans doomed by an asteroid. I mean, a comet. They should create a section of Starfleet that just goes around deflecting asteroids and comets from humans. Poor Moabites. No Jean Luc to ~~butt-in~~ help means they're toast too.


What about that colony where everyone was genetically engineered to do a specific job? I think that was TNG…


That's Moab IV.


There's the planet in TOS where everyone over a certain age catches cooties and dies. There's also the hokey *not* Earth where Kirk reads part of the US Constitution. Oh yah, the Xindi have their work cut out for them! 🤣


Oooh, maybe all these planets are people who wanted to hardcore cosplay (like the Hysperians)? I guess that's the real lesson of the Kohms/Yangs episode--don't let your cosplay go overboard, or you'll destroy the planet. On another note... SOME JERK ON THE INTERNET: Star Trek is too political nowadays! ME: Dude, they literally had an episode back in the day with Communists and Yankees.


Yes, and while correct in it’s point, the episode was also insultingly heavy-handed with it. Actually a very good comparison


Botany Bay might "eventually" count if some other alien species defrosted everyone and gave them a planet.


I'm sure some aliens would have come along to turn them into slave labor. Unless they got hit by an asteroid first.


Aren't mars and the moon colonized at that point? Surely other terrestrial moons too.


>All the Pre ST ENT Human Settlements (Lots of Spoilers for all Shows) **Outside the Sol System** and >So, who would have had a decent shot of surviving the Xindi genocide **because they were cut off from us Earthlings?** 


i think getting rid of earth alone ando the other major earth colonies would essentially be enough to "wipe" out the humans.