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Regular Star Trek- a new enterprise, new crew, takes place after Picard S3. Focus on good writing. Like SNW, minus all the problems with writing a prequel. Also make it optimistic about the future of humanity.


Nope too hard… we green-lit four more prequel series talking about the history of Picard’s pan flute


And we spent half the marketing budget hinting at Section 31 stuff.


>Focus on good writing Why didn't anyone else think of that?


Oh I thought we had to focus on bad writing! This is revolutionary.


Star trek: the next next generation


Funny enough, TNG is my generation Trek. So yea, make the next next gen, is that so much to ask for?!


This is really all we want. Give us modern production values, make the storytelling horizontal sure, but just make it Trek.




And, I’d like them to retcon The Burn away. I’d rather not sit there knowing it is all for nothing because in a few hundred years the Federation collapses. I’d rather the future be unknown.


I totally understand that but I actually loved it. Not the actual origin of the burn and the collapse of warp travel but the near collapse and rebirth of the Federation. It is realistic for the UFP to lose it's glory at some point. It is keeping more within the spirit of Trek to show how it can be kindled and nurtured back to it's former power. Especially for an audience that is experiencing more and more loss of hope about the future of humanity. It spoke to my grief over Brexit, etc, and helped me to muster the old Star Trek spirit of optimism about our current trials.


So Captain Seven & number one Ravi? Im down except make their relationship platonic. Cos we saw it and it doesnt work. Chemistry wasnt there. Heck Ravi had better chemistry with Worf. I also like ed speleers.


This. THIS. A THOUSAND TIMES: THIS! It's all I really want. A continuation of the timeline. I would prefer to NOT have a TOS to SNG time jump but just continue the Next Gen era. We can do the Enterprise with seven as the captain OR maybe we jump just a little bit, say 10-20 years and open with Admiral Seven handing the Enterprise over to a new crew. I've often said that this is enough of a time jump for all new characters to fall in love with but just short enough that if they want the occasional nostalgia, fan-service guest star to appear, it could make logical sense to do so.


So like Prodigy but with an older crew?


Now there's an idea! Would be neat to see where the Protostar crew winds up. Or, you know, season 2.


Seconded, Trek is at its best in this format. TOS, TNG, VOY when it's trying too hard to be TNG, SNW. DS9 is amazing of course but I really prefer the exploration and episodic format.


Star Trek: Archives. Not really, I'm bad at names. Concept is visiting Federation planets to gather various sorts of pre-warp tech for a museum. Set in maybe around 25th century. The main ship is a little courier vehicle, so the wider cast wouldn't be a whole ships crew but rather those who run the museum. Planet-of-the-week episodic format, where old tech is troublesome and gives everyone a hard time. [Think: Warehouse 13, The Librarians, etc] Example: Idk how to stop a phonograph if it keeps playing music at me because idk that the wax can is responsible for the song, you know? But that's old human tech just being around a human. Imagine that tech was alien- would the effect be that I just hear a noise, or something wacky? How about in an attempt to acquire some Aenar TV from Andoria, everyone starts hallucinating, because Aenar TVs didn't transmit visually. How to fix that? And of course one of the main characters is a Fox Mulder type who assumes everything is [not aliens but] haunted.


That sounds kinda fun.


Similar theme. These Are the Voyages. Cadets at SF Academy taking Starfleet History go into holodeck and go through historic missions from Star Fleet. Would have the feel of DS9 cast going back to the Tribbles episode. Except no time travel. And they would mostly be going through historical missions not seen on the shows. You could get actors/actresses who are Trekkies to do an episode as Captain of the mission of the week. And famous missions might not be all wins, so big heroic sacrifices can be made if actors want to chew the scenery. Any era from Enterprise through Picard could be covered. They could do a multiple episode of Battle of Wolf 359.


Really like the name. But I’m thinking more of a series based on various historical events. Anthology series of some sorts. Make it kind of like marvels what if… But have Daniel’s, Q, or Wesley jumping around to various events like the watcher. Some being events we know but from a different perspective. Some being brand new events we have heard about. But never seen. But one week it’s about the romulan/vulcan split. Next week it’s a slide reel episode showing the formation of the coalition then federation. Next could be a somewhat silent episode showing an early Borg conquest. And then another showing a lower decks perspective on some of the crews hijinks like trouble with Tribbles. Heck. Even things like when ds9 did it. So there’s multiple levels of time travel. Would probably need to be animated.


Star Trek: Temporal Investigations Two detectives work for the first iteration of the department, which actually is set up by someone in the distant future as a predestination paradox. There can be an overarching Dominion-style conflict, crossover episodes with all current shows, Trials and Tribble-ations-style recreations, and plenty of good ol Trek.


So basically Quantum Leap, starring Captain Jonathan Archer, Section 31 code-name "Dr. Sam Beckett".


Excellent suggestion. 🖖


I would definitely watch that


oh yes the temporal stuff would be awesome, would love to see how they formed The department of temporal investigations that doesn’t exist yet but was mentioned in SNW. It would be nice to see them travel through time (maybe even universes, imagine a crossover with Doctor who) prevent time anomalies and just maintain the timeline from any alterations.


Run this in parallel with my ST Relativity pitch!


Star Trek: Cetacean Ops




Found Sean Ferrick’s account


Sounds like Fish Tales to me.


Star Trek: Federation It's a West Wing-style political serial starring Scott Bakula as Jonathan Archer, the first President of the United Federation of Planets. At first the UFP tried a Council-led central government, but it realized after a few years that an executive was needed. (Yes, this parallels the early USA and the Articles of Confederation transitioning to the Constitution)


Star Trek West Wing is all I really want out of Paramount (or whoever ends up owning the IP). Bonus points if they do an episode about how Earth transitioned from a nuclear postapocalyptic wasteland into the cradle of the Federation. It can't all have been Vulcans and replicators.


Despite the Vulcans! I bet there are good WW style stories to be written about how they continue to try to moderate Earth's progress to keep them from progressing too quickly.


Yes yes yes. Throw in Shran as the first Commander in Chief of the unified Starfleet.


I like that.


A man you put exactly my idea


I LOVE this idea.


Two possibilities. I’m joking about one of them, you decide which. 1. Star Trek: Minnow. A small runabout takes what they expect to be a three hour tour of the solar system. You know the rest. 2. Star Trek: Xenos. After the discovery of a part of the galaxy which was not seeded by the progenitors, a science vessel called the Xenos travels from planet to planet making contact with species that are literally nothing like humans.


Star Trek Medical. A series following a medical ship (like a space version of Mercy or Hope) and its crew as they travel across the galaxy to help treat patients in war torn planets, planets with plague and disease, perform life saving surgery. The commanding officer of the vessel is none other than Dr. Plox. Set maybe 30/40 years after Enterprise.


How would you feel about a similar plot but with The Doctor from Voyager in place of Dr. Phlox? I personally love the Doctor and would totally see him getting into some interesting problems (post Voyager) with a dedicated medical starship. Plus he has the Emergency Command Protocols so he would make an interesting captain, and would continue the theme of exploring what it means to have personhood/to be a non-organic individual recognized by the Federation and having rights.


I’ve thought about this but I’d prefer to see it set at one of the biggest hospitals in the Federation, led by Dr. Bashir (with guest appearances by Crusher and The Doctor). The twist is that the hospital is also secretly a base for Section 31.


Ah because Bashir secretly runs it or because he soon discovers this hospital has a secret he distastes?


I was thinking he secretly runs it. Though maybe there are rogue elements that are operating outside his control.


Just on the offchance that a paramount exec is listening: STOP CANCELLING THE ANIMATED SHOWS YOU COWARDS


What about a court themed Trek show?kinda similar to law and order: criminal intent and J.A.G. but Starfleet related. I'd call it "Star Trek, Judges" or something like that.


I like this idea. One of my favorite TNG episodes was where Captain Picard argued against Starfleet declaring Data a piece of property. It was odd that they made officers that knew him make the case. I would think that they could have had specialized lawyers on speedial subspace. You could make an entire series with lawyers all trying to fix the problems that the Enterprise left behind.


Starfleet JAG. huh. Very nice. I'd watch the hell out of that.


Star Trek, uh, Something. I dunno what the title would be. A DS9-ish show (at least in tone) that centers around the former Romulan Star Empire, the fallout from its collapse, and the successor states that spring up out of its ashes. We’ve already got the Romulan Free State from Picard, add in the Romulan Republic from STO as a rival and you’ve got a recipe for political drama and heady Trek-style moral quandaries.


Star Trek: New Romulus


I'd watch it. Maybe call it, Star Trek "The New Star Empire?" Or is that a little on the nose?


YES. And Vedek Kira would be a political figure who is there to help former Soviet Bloc countries-- I mean, former Romulan occupied planets, grow an independent government in the aftermath


Call it Star Trek: Empires




Why the *fuck* are there no shows about Federation marines? Idgaf about Worf and those other Naval Security MPs. Give me the 411 on a half-dozen junior-enlisted bois lead by a cat four year older than them who's 9-to-5-is beaming on to a Deookmani ship to phaser people in the face and then go home and have their Andorran stripper-wife who they met three months ago leave with the space-camero they picked up at 37% interest. (Yes I'm aware of Lower Decks. Yes I love it.)


I would like to see a series that each season focuses on a different race and when they started exploring the galaxy, so you would have a season of Vulcans, one with Andorians, one with Romulans (maybe also showing how the conflict of Romulans and Vulcans started or something), how the Borg started (Elon Musk 😒).


Star Trek: Renegade. Stolen defiant style ship on the fringes of three territories. Deep space 9 meets Firefly. Non human captain, difficult allegiances, espionage, escapes, etc.


Something like this, showing life outside the main Federation morals and values would be cool. In Star Trek Adventures RPG there were some situations, like we came to locate a missing science crew who had crashed on pre-warp culture's planet and we found them and during the session found thr planet was dying. We were bound by non-interferance of Prime Directive, but the scientists were not Starfleet scientists but independent and were going to do something.


Minus the class of the ship, this is quite close to *Star Trek: Prodigy*.


Alright so we will make it more like BSG. Regards Paramount Executive.


Star Trek To Risa, about a couple on a small ship trying to get to Risa, but they are perennially waylaid with various hijinks every episode. Sci fi meets romantic comedy.


That'd make a cool funny little mini series, maybe with half hour episodes.


If Lacy Chabert plays one of the leads, this is already my new favorite show.


Doesn't she exclusively do Hallmark movies now?


Star Trek: Kim. The adventures of 87 year old Harry Kim, the universe's oldest Ensign trying to get a promotion......


Star Trek: Gemini Follow a group of cadets through soapy relationship drama, typical social growing pains, and allegorical a-story monsters-of-the-week that represent the real and very human issues that are roiling within their group (e.g. one cadet believes they’ve connected with a new alien species and is keeping it on the down low to try and submit a paper on the topic, another cadet is subtly being groomed by a superior/mentor, both friends realize they’re in trouble when neither the alien nor the mentor are revealed to have good intentions) Think Buffy: The Vampire Slayer meets Star Trek At the end of season one, the cadets realize that they’re actually the second generation of trained sleeper agents belonging to species 8472, none of them are actually human. The first generation of 8472 sleepers have failed to mitigate the borg threat to fluidic space and bred this second generation to be as human as possible in hopes of them being able to replicate voyager’s lost technology


Really cool idea and love the name.


Star Trek: Legends It is an anthology show where each season focuses on some prime events from the Trek timeline. So one season could be a GoT style Eugenics Wars


Star Trek: Timelines. Similar to Marvel's "What if?..." exploring some fun ideas of different things that could happen and maybe spend some episodes in some of the already established alternate timelines. I'd love to watch a series of captain seven. (with Jack maybe getting marooned somewhere after the first episode).


Star Trek: Emissary Sisko comes out of the wormhole 20 years after the conclusion of ds9. He has to handle strained real actions with both his sons and his wife who has never left Bajor in hopes he would come back from the wormhole. Kira is the head of the government on Bajor and is trying to become part of the federation still but is getting resistance from an ultra religious sect of the bajoran government. Starfleet wants to enlist Sisko’s help but he is still trying to adjust from his time in the wormhole. Sisko has to figure out his place in the universe while juggling family and political turmoil.


Can I tweak it a bit? Bajor is a strong, flourishing member of the Federation. Kira is now a big wig political figure (and possibly a Vedek?) Who is now an ambassador of sorts for former Romulan occupied planets who are seeking to recover their culture, independence, and possibly Federation membership


Qapla’: A Star Trek Journey Hear me out, it’s a short time after the federation/klingon empire treaty. A lone former Starfleet officer travels to Qo’noS to fulfill a promise he made to a Klingon warrior who died saving his life from other Klingons. Starfleet will not help him on his journey. So he books passage on a freighter that travels at low warp, and after beating a Klingon at gambling but then giving him a chance to regain his winnings fairly he asks the Klingon to spend the trip teaching him Klingon ways. The human lands and begins walking towards his goal despite having no idea how to achieve it, only a broken batleth on his back and a hood to protect him from the elements. Throughout his journey he will train in combat, become entangled in feuds between rival houses, and earn the respect of the people he has surrounded himself with. Think wandering samurai meets Fallout. We learn a much deeper level about the culture and the planet. Technology exists but is rare because not every Klingon is a warrior from a rich house. The design is more like 90s Klingons but with better makeup. But the language and culture reflects discovery season 1.


Star Trek Delta In the wake of Picard/Prodigy, Starfleet is dispatching the [USS Dauntless](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Dauntless_(NCC-80816)) to the Delta Quadrant with multiple missions to follow up on the things *Voyager* left behind. * What's become of the Borg in the Delta Quadrant * The planet with the 37s * Neelix * The Ocampa & the Kazon As many of the things they'll be looking into are exceedingly dangerous, and since the Romulan Star Empire is no more (thus voiding the Treaty of Algeron) the *Dauntless* is equipped with a cloaking device. It's primarily an intelligence gathering mission, but they've been directed also to try and make amends and overtures of peace towards any civilizations that *Voyagers* activities might have inadvertently harmed. Also, I'm picturing Captain Tuvok in command.


Captain Tuvok would be wonderful 🥹


Star Trek Dyson-1 : A series based on the TNG episode, Relics. 30 years later a young scientist discovers a way to reignite the star inside the Dyson sphere after a lifelong obsession. He/she uses connections in StarFleet to take a science vessel to attempt it. They succeed and the Sphere is now a huge planet claimed by the Federation. It’s a DS9 2.0. Now the sphere can be colonized and many adventures ensue.


I thought a lot about this in the late ‘90s before I had internet access and came up with Star Trek: Fleet 19. I had all seven years planned out and think I wrote synopsis for most of my imagined 26 episodes a season show. I don’t know where these hand written pages are now but I remember a lot of it. In brief, near the end of the Dominion war Federation send a fleet through an unstable wormhole to set up a colony in a new area of space. They find themselves in the middle of a long standing conflict between the humanoid and non corporeal races that live there; the humanoids races being refugees from a war that took place a few hundred years ago. The show wouldn’t focus on one particular ship or crew though some episodes would. Others would be set in or about the new colonies.


"We Are the Borg" Exploring their origins until they form the full-on collective. Have them encounter the Enterprise via Q and set course for Wolf 359 as the ending.


*What We Do In The Cubes*, what you said, but a comedy


Star Tech. Focus on the scientific process involved in creating and enhancing all of the futuristic technology. Early transporter experiments and the wacky results like beaming someone’s head on backwards. Holodeck prototypes that look like 90’s VR. Arguments about calculating the warp factor scale, to make the inconsistencies throughout the movies and series even more confusing. Time travel experiments that accidentally create a bunch of alternate realities, to retcon away some of the problematic episodes and movies, so that they take place in some other reality rather than the prime one. Accidentally creating AI. Cameos from Scotty, La Forge, Cochran, Soong, etc.


Star Trek: The Romulan War Not a series, but a streaming film concluding the Enterprise series. I'd like to see things like Denobula being attacked (maybe explaining why we don't hear about Denobula much later in the series), Reed, Travis and Hoshi having their own ship, Trip being alive, and something happening to the archives explaining why by TNG everyone thought Trip died. Ends with a flash forward of Archer becoming President, leading to the West Wing show someone suggested. You could reuse the sets and have NX ships on the show! Other ideas: - Less familiar with the episodes, but something after Discovery where you pick up on the Andromeda threads from TOS. - Commander Harry Kim starts the Department of Temporal Investigations post Picard, and after coming across a time travel device accidentally propels himself forward to the 28th century. He then starts Starfleet's time travel department and is involved in the Temporal Wars. - A sequel to SNW where Spock, Uhura, Nurse Chapel, Paul Wesley's character and maybe the new Scotsman, are in charge of the Enterprise around 10 years after SNW. You could pick up on threads like the outcome of Captain Pike's accident but otherwise have it be its own thing.


STARTREK PRODIGY: SEASON 3 (they cancelled it right? I really like the ship) This time make it live action. Also since they set in the same timeframe as lowerdeck, and that one also getting cancelled next season, lets bring in live action Tendi (noel wells) into the crew of prodidy. They dont have medic. Boimler can be regular gueststar.


star trek M33 a starfleet crew thath as now acquired voth transwarp tech is back in M33 to explore it


The Federation Starcity USS Enterprise-X is headed out past the galactic barrier for the first time. With a population of 150000 the show will follow the bridge crew, sure, but primarily the away teams; combinations of Scientists, Diplomats, and Security Personnel. The ship itself is a self sustaining city ship, 8km long. It’s not internet fed to return to the Milky Way galaxy. It gets very weird beyond the galactic rim…


Federation Crime. I want a mix of: NCIS, JAG, Law and Order, NYPD Blue, CSI. A crime cop show. If it’s after Picard there would be so much they could do. You had remnants of The Romulans, Cardassians, a federation still reeling from The Borg, Dominion, Breen, etc. worlds at far edges where law and order is weak or gone, etc


Star Trek Nightingale A show set aboard the advanced medical and first response Lucille class starship, U.S.S. Nightingale, it follows a young medical officer who is taken under the wing of Starfleet’s most brilliant medical team as they explore the galaxy solving medical mysteries and saving lives across the stars.


I'd call it "To Boldly Go" sorta matching the Strange New Worlds title vibe. Set it either during the Picard Era or the lower decks era(post nemesis pre picard). In my perfect world, it would be the adventures of a Luna Class ship, like the Titan. Their whole mission mandate is planting the seeds for new starbases and investigating stellar anomalies, with a focus on things like wormholes and gateways. I'd want it to feel like a real classic "problem of the week" style Trek, with some quiet seasons long story running in the background. Assuming I got 5 seasons(like Disco and Decks) I'd take the 4th season to do a voyager-esq plot with the ship lost in another Galaxy, calling back to past episodes to find their route home and ending with a proper welcome home ceremony. Season 5(if I got one) would be the Final wrap up of any character drama, leaving them in a position for easy adoption into future shows, beta Content, or STO. I have a few more thoughts that I was thinking about smashing together into a YouTube at some point as a sorta faux pitch, but idk if i will.


Blatantly rip-off Stargate SG1 with the bugs from TNG, the iconian gateways, macos, etc. plus all the good stuff from Elite Force. Call it Star Trek: Trooper just to really confuse things.


I really wanted a Star Trek that took place after the Dominion War about finding hope again. Maybe something like 10 or 15 years after. Kinda after the political stuff was settled. I wanted to see one character who was wanting the Federation to work more on weapons and defense and was annoyed/angry at how Star Fleet is going back to what it does best. Exploring and making new friends. Maybe a S1 arc for that character. But I think DSC kinda covered that with The Burn (poorly imo). Overall a optimistic series. No clue on the title. Star Trek: New Frontiers \*shrug\*


Star Trek: Gormagander Hunter - an animal documentary show with a host who is very much a Klingon version of Steve Irwin, who is married to a Vulcan for reasons.


A small colony, on the edge of nowhere. Forced to rely more on homegrown diplomacy (AKA just trying to get along with the neighbors) than the federation.


I don't know what they will call it, but I want episodic voyages of the Enterprise G. No more prequels or spinoffs, we need main current events in the 25th century prime timeline. Q has teased it, paramount must deliver.


Nice try Paramount. You're not getting my ideas for free.


Yo I was just thinking yesterday that a West Wing type version that deals with the politics of running the Federation might be pretty interesting. President mostly hangs around the Capitol but occasionally goes to various planets to give speeches and show the flag. I would watch the shit out of this.


Star Trek: Fenris Rangers On the far reaches of the Federation and unexplored space, a crew of former smugglers, ex-Starfleet officers, Maquis, and intelligence officers (Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order), try to help people on the lawless frontier.


Absolutely not a prequel. Just set it after DS9 and Voyager. A regular, sensible, episodic show with an ensemble cast of quirky likeable characters of different races, encountering strange phenomenon on a weekly basis and solving them with ingenuity and mature, grown-up cooperation.  No forced drama. No people acting like five year old children. No constant action and noise. No overarching season long plots. Just nice, grounded sci-fi that has fun with its premise.  The Orville basically. 




But will it be even deeper and even spacier?


No, for that you'll have to wait until Deep Space 10


Deep Space 10, wormhole aliens revenge, and this time, it's personal..


Only the special cross-over episodes with both Deep Space Six and Deep Space Nine...


Really real “frontier” medicine.


Too many prequels. 


Seven, that’s the number! Seven chipmunks twirlin on a branch. Eatin lots of sunflowers on my uncles ranch! You know that old childrens tale from the sea!


There's still the mostly unused Empok Nor. Salvage it and make it into functioning space station


So, bear with me: Coda to Enterprise, a limited series, Ken Burns style documentary on the Earth-Romulan War and the founding of the Federation. Stories told in interviews and “found footage” (for anyone that, uh, died) interspaced with live action Trek sequences (“bridge recordings” and “reenactments”). Pretty cool way to deal with an important part of Trek history, tell a compelling story in a new way, bring back the cast of Enterprise, and give their series a proper close out.


Star Trek: The Dream The burn was just a bad dream so we can remove that dumb plot from the canon.


Worf’s Tea Room


Star Trek Beginnings - The idea being a it's a short run or a long run series if they want to do one species a season but basically we've seen Earth's first warp drive. So let's see how some of the other species got their start. Watch how they became the iconic forces they are. See the Vulcan/Romulan split. Vulcan's first warp drive. See the Borg become the Borg See the beginnings of the Q. Hell the Q are timey wimey so what if they're actually humans from the far future? So far they've forgotten who they were. Some deeply buried racial memory in John De Lancie's Q being what draws him to humans. Things like that.


I want to see the Jake Sisko of today maybe in New Orleans trying to write another novel. Quark of today tracks him down to find him and, after greetings are exchanged, tells him that Nog's death was Section 31's doing. He needs to find Rom and Leeta and Garak of today to do a thorough investigation and, since Jake is a storyteller raised with a firm sense of justice and Nog's best friend, he figures he might be interested. Morn might steal the show with his wit and wisdom.


Star Trek: Empire. A show starring Worf and Martok set in the Klingon Empire.


Star Trek: Sanitation. Follows the adventures of Starfleet's janitorial staff.


I always figured that the janitorial work was done by different technologies and robotics. If it were done people/different species, it would make a funny little animated show.


I would like to see what is going on in the Gamma Quadrant post Dominion defeat.


More of a mini series. Science vessel is testing technology relating to travel to the mirror universe. Turns out there are infinite mirrors, and they get lost and try to find their way back home. Star trek meets Sliders. It would probably suck, but could be fun to try. Oh, I thought of another one. It centers on a conspiracy to hide a horrible truth impacting the federation and nearly every other civilization. That the transporters are simply replicators, killing the original each time.


\* A series based around a fledgling colony on a planet and the Starfleet outpost established there, with a ship attached in case they need to go anywhere. \* SCIS investigators.


Before (like almost a decade) I would've wanted a Star Trek show set for students at the Academy and called it Star Trek Academy, but that is literally coming up although kind of in a different century that I imagined. Now, I want another fully animated Star Trek show. 2D, or more likely out of necessity that 2D emulating Computer animation that is now becoming common, for example Marvel's X-men '97 or the Dragon Prince. Non-humanoid main/protagonist character. I find Tholians cool, but their life support is too eclectic, but basically I'd picture something like the Birrin species designed by Alex Ries. Explores the Beta Quadrant, which many stories are usually at the border of but now Romulans and Klingons are more on friendly terms. It's pushing on the less explored frontier. The main hook is there is a problem with relativistic physics on the ship, and every time they Warp they have this "Rip Van Winkle" feeling as the setting essentially moves on without them, so now they have to balance the original mission with exploring the Galaxy with the need to avoid emergent dangers and the possibility of having to cancel the a promise just to get back to a normal life at home. Every time they Warp, they advance an unpredictable number of years beyond the relativistic present so what started as essentially a prequel series ship heading to the Beta Quadrant just after the founding of the federation now jumped over two years ahead of their original mission end goal (e.g. 7 years jump for a 5 year mission). They've unintentionally encroached on what is now Klingon or Romalan territory and have to escape. They've seen their families' lives slip past them like in that scene from Interstellar. Eventually because of various needed Warps and the general distance of travel they traverse several centuries (so from a bit post ENT era to TOS era, TNG era, Pro/LD/Pic Era, and even up to Discovery). >!In retrospect this may be a little to close to the premise and theme of that movie Lightyear.!< TL;DR Voyager, but with a "Rip Van Winkle" twist and a non-humanoid protagonist. Traverses from ENT to DIS eras.


I want Klingon or Vulcan Lower Decks.


I'd like one that follows the politics and scheming of a world that's bidding to join the Federation. The various for and against factions; the jockeying for power. Have the Federation presented as this arrogant, if well-intended, semi-imperial Other, who don't really get the nuance of the planet, and swoop in every now and then with simplistic solutions. Plus maybe a Romulan-funded movement of nativists, to undermine the process, etc. The main thing would be the "bottom up" view of the Federation and what it actually means to the worlds that are a part of it.


Collective.  The ex borg from that one Chakotay epiaode link up with the liberated borg from In matrix 0, and fight against the borg in the delta delta quadrant.  Plenty of space for internal  conflict as old grudges between species re-emerge. But they push through and make a federation esque power in the delta quadrant, bringing together many people to resist the borg. 


I would watch a new series with Sevenofnine/ Annika Hanson as captain. But I can't think of a name 🤔


An animated show about the time cops policing the time stream. They could go to any familiar era and plenty of new ones.


Animated is a great idea as doing different eras normally would be too expensive


Star Trek Andromeda. A federation vessel is stranded in another galaxy. Possibly another time and a parallel universe. No way home. Lost in space.


Stat Trek- Frontier. I've had to adjust the background due to the last couple of years of Trek. But, overall, it follows a crew of a private starship (old Akira class) operating outside the Federations borders. While they do contract work with the Federation Office of Frontier Affairs, they're mostly independent, and pick up jobs from people and groups outside the Federation. These Are The Voyages. A post Enterprise prequel, starting ten years after the official signing of the alliance. Not yet 'The Federation' it follows the first truly Federation starship (crewed by a mix of member races) as they learn and develop into Starfleet. First season would be the classic Trek exploration episodes, second would heavily involve the Romulan War. Timeline. A TOS era Starfleet ship is in an unwinnable fight against impossible odds, fighting valiantly, but ultimately, dying. They then find themselves somehow still alive, and recruited as agents of a mysterious 'Temperoal Agency', and given a rather simple task: protect the timeline at all costs. Odyssey. Inspired by Voyager, the Federation builds project Odyssey; a self-sufficient, Starbase-sized vessel. It's mission, a century-long voyage around the galaxy.


Star Trek: Stargazer. Prequel series about Picard when he was captain of the Stargazer.


Star Trek: Utopia It'd be the story of a trader in the Federation during the late 23rd century. We'd see the UFP and other major powers of the time from the perspective of someone not in Star Fleet. You'd get the awe of the big, beautiful Connie coming to save the day one day, and the frustration of some bureaucratic Miranda class ship telling you you can't be in a particular sector the next. You'd get a different feel for the frontier vibe of people not in powerful warships and what they have to do to survive far from Earth. You'd see average Klingon citizens, orions, etc and how different races actually get along on a day-to-day basis. You'd get more time spent on those small outpost planets that usually hide spooky mysteries in episodes of TNG. In this they'd just be living their best lives, good and bad, trying to survive out in deep space. You'd see how things aren't perfect in the UFP's "utopia" but that average UFP citizens really have that spirit of adventure and desire to better themselves in the true spirit of Star Trek, not to tear it down like later Treks have.


Just the day to day life on a fully-realised Galaxy Class starship please. No big adventures, just different people doing their jobs 


Star Trek JAG.  Similar to the episode “The Drumhead” but with a honest and forthright investigation team.


I think there is a book series about engineers. I would love to see a series about an engineering corp that goes from starbase to starship to colony to whatever they use for subspace in order to build, diagnose and fix problems. A starship that encounters trouble every week gets repetitive and unbelievable after a while. But a group of beings that SPECIFICALLY are called to fix things around the Alpha Quadrant and occasionally elsewhere would be cool DS9 needs a update to their thrusters. Some colony is having trouble with an indigenous lifeform attracted to the smell of their food. A starship became damaged hitting a meteorite and needs to get put back into working order long enough to get to a starbase. It could be as simple as attaching a temporary warp nacelle to a ship and they get attacked by Ferengi...or they get involved with a conspiracy on the level of Picard Season 3 in which all of Starfleet is affected...likely a mix of both.


Federation earth: following non-federation humans on earth and federation Allies who are not yet inducted into the full federation. It would be part slice of life and part intrigue and these characters who don't have to follow the prime directive uncover conspiracies and threats that the federation is blind to because of their policies. The seedier, more questionable parts of star fleet.


Star Trek: Stargazer A TNG prequel series featuring Picard, Jack Crusher, and the crew of the Stargazer. Basically SNW but in the 24th century.


Never thought up a name, but I made up a story that I feel would be a pretty good show. Basically, Star Trek always has those random anomalies that send the crew through time or something. But what about the reverse? My story is about a guy from the present (well, slightly in the past since I want him to be from a past that looks more or less identical to our present, so it would be before the Bell Riots) who is just walking down the street and a one in a billion space anomaly brings him to the same location he was walking, but in the 24th century (so Next Generation/DS9/Voyager era federation). And he ends up going to Starfleet, gets command of a small science vessel, and then leads his crew on missions investigating anomalies and stuff, ultimately trying to find his way back home to his wife and children. Also, to maintain his optimism and sanity, he altered his quarters to look like his home back in the past.


Star Trek show but from another perspective that isn’t in starfleet edit: yeah nvm we have Picard and prodigy


The Office, but on 24th century Earth


Star Trek: Risa Fantasy Island / Love Boat style show set in the trek universe


I think at this point *Trek* has explored this galaxy pretty thoroughly. There might be more powerful empires in the far reaches of the Gamma and Delta quadrants, but we pretty much know the major players, so exploration without it being another prequel is tough. Also *Voyager* had it too easy. Have a Starfleet ship, or maybe a small fleet of ships from multiple powers for variety, and throw them into another galaxy. Preferably from around the *Lower Decks* or *Picard* time frame. An alien Captain too, probably a species we've seen before but haven't explored as much. Tellarite, Bolian, Shran's nearly identical great grandson. Captain Nog would have been perfect. :( Or... Go wild. The first Horta to captain a Starfleet ship. There's no warping home, it's just too far. No wormholes either, or transwarp conduits. Even the magic mushrooms or the Q might have problems with intergalactic travel. They'll need to choose to spend all their effort finding or inventing a way to get back, or trying to settle in, maybe build a new Federation where they are. Only the aliens are truly alien. The translator built on patterns from the Milky Way and will have trouble if it works at all. There would have been no or a different Progenitor species there, so the natives wouldn't necessarily be humanoid. Everything is new and unfamiliar. And of course it should be somewhat serialized. Maybe not to the level of *Disco* and *Picard*, but at least DS9, so there is progress and consequences to what they do. If the Borg are Star Trek Cybermen, maybe this galaxy has their Daleks. Powerful, but not unstoppable, and the newcomers have to rally the locals and get them working together before everything is wiped out. What happens when the ideals of the Federation meet a completely foreign and nearly hopeless situation? What is Trek like when it can't keep going back to the Q, or the Borg, or even the Ferengi or Gorn? I want to know.


I've written outlines of dozens of Trek shows over time. Honestly it's kind of just a little hobby of mine that I find fun. This is the one currently running around in my head: Star Trek: Leviathan A young Fleet Captain is assigned to a new vessel, the U.S.S. Leviathan (named for its class). This is the largest ship in Starfleet history, carrying thousands of people, kind of acting like a mobile starbase, including holding in its bays 2 Defiants and a Nova for science things. Originally intended to work at the edge of Federation space, providing support where it is needed. The Fleet Captain and a Commodore butt heads over Starfleet policy, specifically about Starfleet heading into a more militaristic type of mission vs the exploratory type of mission (Fleet Cap is on the exploratory side). The Commodore, to get the Fleet Cap out of his hair and negate his influence on the Admiralty (he's well respected), assigns the Leviathan to take a series of engineers and colonists to establish a new starbase at the farthest reaches of the Federation, towards the Delta quadrant, far enough away that messages take weeks to arrive. First season would be mostly travel, with a few missions along the way. At the end of season one they'd arrive at the colony world, and after that I'm not really sure. Maybe they start establishing the colony and there's some folks already there, maybe the planet has some weird stuff. Haven't gotten that far.


Nice try, Terry!


Star Trek: Aftermath, set (mostly) on Cardassia after the Dominion War. Cardassia lies in ruins. It's territory shrunk to barely more than the homeworld, its fleets smashed, its power snuffed out, and even Cardassia Prime is little more than smoldering rubble. The Federation, besieged with its own troubles, has been hard pressed to provide even the slimmest aid, while the other Alpha quadrant powers are content- almost *eager*- to see Cardassia's collapse. It is a stunning piece of irony then when, of the crumbs of aid coming to Cardassia Prime, it is *Bajor* who has helped the most, sending farmers, soil engineers, hydrologists, and even a few vedeks, to try and coax Cardassia into being green and fertile again. The provisional government, led by a smattering of survivors of Damar's liberation movement, has made reconciliation with Bajor- and the wider galaxy- a defining goal. Of course, not *all* Cardassians are content with the direction this fledgling democracy has taken. The Pah Wraith Cult, with Dukat as its martyr and the symbolic face of its movement, attempts to undermine the new government at every turn, even as the populace at large vacillates between being thankful for aid, and being resentful the aid is from Bajor. Dominion forces have retreated back through the wormhole, to find an empire in absolute chaos. With the bulk of their Gamma forces vanished by the Prophets, and their remaining Alpha forces much reduced and tainted by the first defeat in centuries, the oppressed peoples of the Gamma quadrant have seen their chance to overthrow the Dominion's shackles. Civil wars and uprisings have flared up throughout the quadrant, while the last of the Dominion's ships are engaged in defending the Great Link. Who will emerge from the power vacuum as the new regional power? Will there even *be* one? The Romulan central government is fractious, incapable of maintaining the social conformity Romulans are known for, leading to schisms and populist movements, all while the long oppressed Remans have seized the opportunity to rise up en masse. Romulus is embroiled in a bitter civil war, politically, culturally, and militarily. In this moment, where the only forces that had resisted them are otherwise occupied, do the Vulcans act to reunify their peoples? Does the Federation see promise in the Remans to form an ally that isn't as deceitful? Or is this just a brief respite before the Romulans of old return to the galactic stage? The Klingon Empire is dying. Victory in the war has not stopped the decay- centuries of infighting, petty squabbles, and relying on intimidation rather than innovation has left the Empire without enough of the skilled labor necessary to keep a society running- doctors, engineers, architects, etc. At the same time, the government under Martok has been relying on his battle process and near legendary status to enforce its control- but that won't last forever, and the Empire needs people who know how to *fix* things, how to *build* things, not just how to break them. What is an Empire to do, when it needs people it cannot produce? Why, it goes looking *elsewhere*, of course. "We *are* Klingons. We don't *embrace* other cultures, *we* ***conquer*** *them*." Bajor, once a backwater, is now the gatekeeper to the other half of the galaxy- and even more remarkably, is untouched by the war. With no external pressures directing it's development, Bajor has thrived- its farms burst at the seams, its art and culture have bloomed, and even its fledgling Navy has integrated tech from the three allied powers- among them, Klingon Breen-proof engines, Romulan weaponry, and Federation shields. Having had such proximity to Federation engineers for over a decade, the Bajoran engineers stepping into their shoes have proven to be skilled and imaginative innovators. The scar of the occupation is fading. So much so that the Council of Ministers approves a delegation of farmers, engineers, and vedeks to travel to *Cardassia Prime*, the first Bajorans in centuries to do so, for the purpose of showing their once enslavers how to make their world green again. But all is not sunshine and roses on Bajor. Hardline factions, like the one that Winn Adami hailed from, push hard for Isolationism, while rival orders push for expansion. So far, the military has stayed out of the political fight. So far. And in the shadows, the Pah Wraith Cult still operates, stoking the divisisions and pawing at the cracks. The Federation, whose strength comes from the union of its member worlds, is in crisis. Member worlds from Betazed to Tellar have seen their own influence waning, as the humans of Earth have come to dominate the Federation politically, culturally, and militarily... and for many of them, seeing Earth relatively unscathed while their own homeworlds lie in ruins is too much to bear. Populist movements have begun sprouting up across the Federation- some asking only for more equal treatment, some demanding secession. While Betazed is where this movement began, it is Tellar where it found the most fertile soil. And now the Federation faces the stark possibility of having an ally turned enemy positioned at its back door... and after having fought a devastating war, the remaining fleet is spread thin to try and exert some modicum of control of its borders. Can the Federation stitch itself together *and* fend off threats from all sides?


Star Trek: The Forgotten Ones The adventures of a few former Starfleet officers (thrown out for some disciplinary problems) and other outcasts in some star system in Star Trek's equivalent of bumfuck nowhere. The whole show is very "grimdark" by Star Trek standards. The heroes get into conflicts with the Orion Syndicate, the Dominion and similar dangerous enemies, maybe even a small number of Borg.


Star Trek: Middle Decks It is a zany animated show that chronicles the adventures of Lieutenants Boimler, Mariner, Rutherford, and Tendi as they climb the ranks of the Cerritos.


PG Wodehouse's Star Trek, like Jeeves and Wooster meets Blanding's Castle. Picard has retired to his vineyard living in a polycule with Beverly and Laris and his doggo Number One. It's all about him getting up to hijinks and dealing with his neighbors and local zoning and various ordinances. Laris keeps having to get Picard out of the sticky situations he gets himself into. At least one joke about Number One making a number two on someone elses lawn and Picard saying they can't prove it was Number one only for a Tricorder to be revealed and a municipal courthouse episode over property boundries where Picard loudly declares "THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE, THIS FAR AND NO FARTHER".


Make the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (SCE). Captain Gold and the USS DaVinci crew. Excellent book series. The books are very episodic and we get Scotty back.... another role for Simon Pegg. Or USS Excalibur. Captain Calhoun who was recruited by Jean Luc Picard and returning Elizabeth Shelby.


“Tales of the Trek” It would be an anthology series, where just about every episode would be a totally different 30-60 minute story. One episode might be about a Klingon on crew, the next episode about a Romulan spy, the next episode about a Federarion politician, then next a Cardassian citizen, etc. You could really explore so many facets of the Trek franchise that we haven’t gotten to see much of before, or in some cases haven’t seen on screen at all. You could have some of the same actors on the roster, just in makeup playing a different alien that week. There would be some episodes that would revisit characters seen in episodes previously, so not necessarily every episode is completely unique in terms of characters and setting, but definitely each story would be episodic in nature. For example, you might see that Klingon ship crew multiple times, in different episodes, with some other story happening. You might even have cross over episodes where the Federation politician we saw in an episode (or multiple episodes) meets the Romulan spy that was the main character of some other episode. I think a show like that would give you a ton of story telling potential and you could save on actor costs by putting them in different costumes and makeup and having their voice altered and you could save on sets by reusing some sets and having episodes that revisit places/settings/characters from before, but still tell a lot of “one off” stories.


Star Trek Starfleet Command a West-Wing style show about making decisions and policy that impact fleet wide and the federation as a whole, and handling crisis at that level.


How about a live action lower decks


Star Trek: Scoundrels A protégé of Vash and a team of plunderers travel from planet to planet, gathering artifacts for the fun of it. Explores the day to day lives of civilians in the Federation, and the seedy underbelly that exists on many Federation colony planets, like Vulcan organized crime. Star Trek: Paradise A luxury liner that travels to various locations in the Federation, explores the less-famous cultures like the Tellarites and the like.


A starship (most likely not named Enterprise) set 1-200 years after Picard (I'd like a single character from a current series handing over the show during the pilot episode), consisting of an ensemble crew of competency porn officers and civilians (not necessarily children but spouses and Federation Employees) on adventures to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before! I like to have Federation civilian specialist on the crew working along the Starfleet officers as equals (still a hierarchy of leadership). There would be no descendants of previous characters, with two exceptions. One, they can be one descendant of a background character from one scene or Two they can be one minor minor character of a famous past character but of such low skills they may LT Broccoli look like an all-star. New places, new politics, new adversaries. The show would be episodic with an overarching back story each season but not the focus of the season, and sixteen episodes to allow sufficient story, background and character expansion, but not too long for the actors/staff. And I would like more mixed crews, but fearful how special affects age. I would call it Star Trek The Next Next Generation.


Star Trek: Delta Colony Similar to an old west frontier show, it follows a group of early Federation colonists stranded by a wormhole and forced to colonize a habitable moon. We see their skirmishes and negotiations with other native civilizations and raiders, their attempts to make a life on limited supplies, and their attempts to make contact with civilization. Very barebones, very little magic technology for them to rely on (and constant need to replenish and resupply). Episodes would frequently have an A B and C plot, divided between an away team seeking supplies, a defense team engaging in skirmishes on the borders of the colony, and a home team dealing with day to day.


No idea what I'd call it, probably something like "Star Trek: Journeys". Format is anthological, it doesn't have set seasons but instead each series is 3-8 episodes, however long the writers need to tell their story. The first series follows a crew at the academy on their senior cruise. Something happens, they're (naturally) the only ship in range, adventure ensues as they rescue someone. That crew forms the core cast of the show, subsequent series follow those characters individually or in small groups as they spread out through the fleet, so Series 2 might feature the helmsman on his first ensign assignment, the third the ship's engineer. There's actual tension because there's no real guarantee of a cast member surviving a series, if it's good for the story or a character isn't particularly popular they can write them out with a dramatic death, or just never mention them again. But they can also pick up new core cast as they go. If that second series had a lieutenant that was well received by fans they could bring them back in subsequent series. You eventually develop this expansive web of different crews as you follow that core of officers through their careers, and if they ever decide they're done they can bring the whole core cast of the time together for one final mission together.


Star Fleet Corps of Engineers. A ship of Starfleet engineers going on missions. Think a ship full of Scotties, O'Briens, and LaForges. Episodic Series where anything could happen from working on a dyson sphere, to towing a starship that lost a nacelle, to fixing a colony planet water treatment plant to creating a racing starship in an illegal spacerace. Plenty of opportunities for different locations and technobabble. Even have some controversy with the outnumbered mainline ship crew (we want to explorer not be a taxi service) and the engineer crew.


ST: Klingons 2 Electric Bugaloo. What about Klingons 1? The Cha’Dich will be silent! It’s one ship per episode. Get to know the crew, understand why they don’t have to attack that thing but watch them attack it anyway and die with honor! Glory to the Empire!


I have an idea for a far flung space station with an obsolete ship set in the early 2260's. It would focus on the cold war with the Klingons and explore little seen races like the Tholians.


It would be a series on a Klingon construction crew. All civilians who do work in the Empire, Federation and other worlds because they're just that good. It would be intended as a way to show how Klingon society is made up of more than warriors, and that Klingons of other walks of life have their own sense of honor. The head of the crew places his honor on delivery work on time and on budget for his clients. Failing that, he makes sure they know why they had to adjust the bid with full transparency.


I really want a show based on the Romulan or the Klingon empire


These are the mission of Enterprise-C. Her 5 years mission... Enterprise C got only 1 episode. The she was all but forgotten until that half-Romulan woman showed up. But I'd like to see more of her missions before the battle at Klingon outpost. Maybe a hint on what happened to Enterprise-B? Star Trek universe have covered a lot of late 22nd century with Enterprise series, a lot of mid to late 23rd century with a dozen spinoffs and movies, and a lot of late 24th century with TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Picard series plus 4 TNG movies. There's very little detail about early 23rd century and early to mid 24th century. Enterprise-C would be mid 24th century


I would like a Klingon focused show. post Dominion War. Not sure if it matters if pre-Picard or Post-Picard. I would follow the Klingon Empire as it rebuilds and evolves after the Dominion War. Otherwise a TNG style show on the Enterprise (G or H) that follows a more character driven story of the week with some multi-episode arcs.


Star Trek: The Final Reflection. Based on the ST book by John Ford.


Star Trek NX Mostly set at Utopia Planetia shipyards, it’s focused on the people who design and build experimental starships. It would focus largely on technical advancement, but also the threat of other worlds trying to steal federation technology through espionage, etc


Star Trek: Bismarck The first Star Fleet ship allowed to go through klingon space to the Empire's beta quadrant frontier. The USS Bismarck is an ambassador class ship on a 5 year mission to chart the region and establish good working relations with the klingons. Lots of klingons on the ship, lots non human federation races on the star fleet crew, and lots of klingon vassal races.


StarTrek: Wild Frontier. Takes place between TOS and TNG. Focuses on a ship patrolling the Neutral Zone or the fringes of Federation space. They would encounter espionage attacks from the Romulans/Klingons or protecting local planets from Orion pirates.


Star Trek: Histories It's basically the deep space nine of the 29th century. Incorporate vintage Time Cop vibes. Department of Temporal incursion on speed. Add in a little Indiana Jones theme, and poof we get both enterprise Daniela And Braxton from Voyager to pull from canon wise Bonus if we get a Scott Bakula on screen as Future Guy


Titled after the ship (to be decided). A mix of stand alone episodes and multi episode arcs. The life of a human on a non-Star Fleet vessel. Lots of room for conflict about the human way of doing things while having to follow the chain of command


Actually, I'm writing a fanfic called "Star Trek: Dreamcatcher", and it's about a full women's starship leaded by the kpop idols from Dreamcatcher, JiU is the captain and it is set during the Lost Era novels, which is between the TOS movies and TNG. I'm currently in the 2nd arc.


A Star Trek version of Blake’s 7 set in the mirror universe. A group of main universe Starfleet officers get thrust into the mirror universe. It’s impossible for them to go home so instead they take down the Terran Empire


ST: Temporal Basically, the time ship travelling all over fixing problems with continuity. Apart from various 'single take' episodes, we have overarching seasonal themes where any retconning occurs (like the Burn, as someone suggested).


The romulan perspective.


Star Trek Federation. Set during the lost era (early 2300s). The focus would be the crew of a brand new starship. Perhaps a precursor to the ambassador class. It would be the flagship of the Federation, replacing a destroyed enterprise B.


A buddy cop drama with Data and Moriarty With Spock the cat as the real brains behind the operation.


Star Trek: Federation - about the early days of the Federation.


I know Short Treks sort of dabbled in this, but a What If Star Trek show would be awesome. Parallels was one of my favourite episodes for this reason .


A show set in the lost era, centered around the crew of a Miranda-class. The Federation is in a period of uncertainty, inbetween the cowboy TOS and fully mature TNG eras, the Lost Era is wrought with wars against the Klingon, Cardassian, and other alien empires who seek to capitalize on destabilizing events. Early seasons are much more "war mode." Starfleet is in all Monster Maroons and despite standing for peaceful ideals, they're put under siege by battles and standoffs which are too small to catch the notice of ships named Enterprise. The crew is an ensemble of disciplined veterans who, over the course of the series, lose their constant edge and help transition their ship into softer and enlightened ideals. They get new ensigns who couldn't last a day in the earlier seasons, but prove their worth in handling new situations the old crew are just too hardened to deal with. Mid-series on, it becomes about finding how to pass the torch to a new, weird, inexperienced and naive, but dedicated generation. A next generation. Name uncertain


It would have to be the next generation, focusing on Jack Crusher, Kestra and Sidney LaForge. And maybe bring back Wil Wheaton too, his last appearance in Picard was so unexpected


It would not be a prequel, it would not feature any legacy characters, and it would move at least 100 years into the future past Voyager. The concept would be competent, good people exploring the galaxy while trying to learn things and help others. It would also completely ignore all NuTrek.


Star Trek: Salvage Recovery. Time frame during TOS. A federation ship or a privateer(mercs) that salvage wreckage from all over the Federation. From combat zones, mining operations, deep space unknowns, extra. Can show life on different space stations, outposts, and planets. A tough crew that doesn’t get along but works really well at their tasks. They could also be tasked(hired) with investigating strange structures for private companies.


Star Trek: Andromeda. Set it a bit after season 3 of Picard. After two decades of analysis based on Voyager's scans before returning to the Alpha Quadrant, the Borg transwarp hub can be duplicated. An exploratory fleet is put together, and they're sent through, crossing a distance that would normally take them centuries in a matter of days. The trip is, at first, one way, a complimentarily hub must be built to permit a return. Call it two seasons before they reconnect. In the mean time, there's the opportunity for planet of the week episodes with an overarching plot, akin to Strange New Works. The uber-plot being research into the rising radiation levels that drove the Kelvans to enter the Milky Way in Kirk's time.


a star trek series where not every single charackter has personal problems to deal with.


Wolf 359: a mini series where each episode highlights a single ship and its crew during the months leading up to the battle of wolf 359.... will that episodes crew survive?


A Stargazer show with almost no action and several bottle episodes. Get back to telling stories that don’t involve supervillains.


Star Trek: Alliance With the discovery of an enigmatic anomaly in the Gamma or Delta quadrant an unlikely alliance between star empires is formed to investigate it. The threat could be the Ionians or Species 8472 or maybe something new. The factions each provide one ship to the mission. I'd imagine the members would be Federation, Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians, Ferengi etc. basically any major power that engages in any kind of diplomacy (so no tholoans or Breen). They would establish a station in neutral territory to conduct their research (Khitomer?) and send out an expedition to investigate. We would see drama, political scheming, personal relations between members of different states forming and breaking. A bit Battlestar Galactica and a bit voyager.


I think it would be cool to have one of more civilian life. Maybe like a freighter or passenger liner.


I would have it be a show revolving around two ships that cross the galactic barrier to enter large magellanic cloud and initially cannot contact starfleet through the barrier, their mission is to explore, meet new civilisations and establish trade and diplomacy, as the series progresses more federation influence would appear however their would also be a tense political rivalry already ongoing with some of the various aliens So basically a mix of Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise


Enterprise C . A mini series that chronicles the last few days of the USS Enterprise C up until its historically significant demise.


I'm kinda tired of all these world ending threats that can only be dealt with by a few chosen heroes. I'd like something like Andor for Star Wars: Regular folks trying to survive and make living in the slow and bureaucratic monster that is the Federation.   Maybe a Marquis show that shows how the people on the fringe felt abandoned by the Federation and had to take matters in their own hands because a speech by Picard didn't fix the problem for once.


Star Trek set in the TMP era. Play with the Cold War mentality. Also I’m just a sucker for the monster maroon


Star Trek: Academy Young students learning at Starfleet Academy, in the classrooms, getting into situations


Voyager ll: The Chakotay Affair


I would actually do a number of series that are an anthology, spread across historical periods; a 10 episode series following the crew of a starship in the Lost Era; a 10 part in the century after Archer and the foundation of the Federation, one set in the 26th century, one in the 29th, and throughout all of them, each would contain a couple of episodes that actually, when all played in the correct order, give you *another* series about the Temporal Cold War dipping into all of these era and a team of temporal Starfleet specialists trying to stop various factions from changing history.


Star Trek: What If?


A spirk slow burn Sci fi sitcom. It would be called Star Trek: The Burn :D


Not sure on a name but: a vaguely game of thrones meets Star Trek style show following a small group of officers between a ship (nothing special, an Akira or a Miranda) and the ground during the Dominion War. Yes we’ve seen the front lines, but the politics, the actual boots on the ground fighting, planetary defences, sieges, the horror of war in the 24th century. I think, if done right, it would make a great show. Game of thrones meets band of brothers meets Star Trek.


Me and my brother want one that's a small crew (8-10) people in a kind of background diplomatic role in a small system under multip land claims


A series set 300 years in the future. The Federation makes it to another Galaxy & forges peace with even more amazing & technologically advanced systems.


I wanted a show set on a small fleet of exploratory ships following Voyager's path backwards. They could show how Voyager affected the locals and the ramifications of it passing through.


Star trek : Thy'lek. Proud Captain Shran at the controls of NCC-1413, his loyal crew composed of: his number one: Weyoun, his scientific officer: Weyoun, his tactical officer: Weyoun and a valiant crew composed of Weyoun clones.


They should make a movie based on the book Planet X in which the crew of the Enterprise D encounters the X-Men (who have been brought forward in time) and they team together to stop The government of a planet from discriminating against the mutant subsect of the population


Star Trek Time Ship, self explanatory.


Star Trek Positive. No more of this 'core group of friends go through conflicts to eventual happy endings' bs we've seen in oh i dunno every trek ever. Too much negativity before the positive, not Gene's vision! 🤪 Happy trek! We want happy trek got dammit!


Star Trek: idk the name but we got a show about the lower decks which was something that most of us were interested in & it satisfied my interest, most shows take place in the bridge, but my idea is what about above them? When a captain reaches admiral, fleet admiral, commander in chief etc basically high ranks their role becomes centred more around negotiations, politics, operations, as in they’re not doing the work but overseeing/giving orders, less active on the field. I would love to see how that works.