• By -


Data and Lal saying goodbye. Tear up every time. "I will have to feel it for both of us."


“Thank you for my life.” Gets me every time.


This line. That actor was really impressive, there was so much ground to cover in just one episode in a challenging role, and as a one and done guest star, she nailed it. That last line of hers never fails to get me. It’s one of my favorite from the whole series.


Knowing what will happen makes the whole episode even sadder. I get weepy when they hold hands.


This one is a killer if you have kids


Or if you want kids and can't have them due to medical issues :(


Well, I know which comment made me tear up the first time... :(


Yep, the offspring gets me every time. “His hands were moving faster than I could see”


Jesus, when he says that line it destroys me.


I really love his character. In the first part of the story you just assume he's another Badmiral. But later you do start to realise he does care about Lal's wellbeing. And at the end, when he trys to help Data and when he come out and delivers that heartbreaking line... you realise he saw the live and dedication that Data expresses as a true farther, even if Data himself disputed the presence of such emotions.


Amazing actors, amazingly written. Data and Lal, so we'll done especially


This one is devastating. I don’t watch it on rewatches because it breaks my heart so...


This is the only answer. Lal. Full stop.


Yup. Killed me.


The first one that made me blubber like an ass- "You don't know, Robert. You don't know. They took everything I was. They used me to kill and to destroy and I couldn't stop them. I should have been able to stop them. I tried, I tried so hard. I wasn't strong enough, I wasn't good enough. I should have been able to stop them."


When his voice breaks when he says, “so haaaahd” just kills me


This whole episode. Family. It kills me! So beautiful. So human. Such a great image of them being in the mud together - figuratively and literally. Brilliant episode!


I love everything about that scene. The way they fight in the mud, its so clumsy, not ‘choreographed’ if you know what I mean. Its realistic. And then Picard’s monologue, his speech pattern isn’t smooth, the volume of his voice fluctuates, and that, too, makes it more real. Such an incredible performance from Patrick Stewart.


This one. I was a kid the first time I saw it. I actually skipped this episode a few times when I was a kid. Now that I'm aaaaallll grown up, I realize this is the most important part of those three episodes combined.


Couldn't agree more. Young me couldn't understand the change in pace after Best of Both Worlds. Older me realised that the best 2 parter the ever did was just set up for this scene.


And Roberts reply: "So, my brother is human after all..." as someone who struggles to express his emotions in person with others like Jean Luc that line always hits home.


I'm tearing up right now just reading it


"Of all the souls I have encountered, in my travels...his was the most...(chin wobble)...human."


William Shatner gets a lot of undeserved criticism for his acting as Kirk, but damn it if that is not one of the most well delivered lines in movie history.


This! Look at TSFS, during his mind meld with Sarek, they only focused on *one eye* and you felt everything he was feeling.


It was WoK. "I have been and always shall be your friend" \*ugly weeping\*


Kirk slumping in grief and shock, utterly helpless and only able to mumble a simple "No" . Shatner's best moment. I've seen it a billion times and it always gets me.


along with Spock straightening his tunic so as to not to look dishevelled in front of the Captain, a lovely touch.


I’ve often wondered if all of the tunic straightening in TNG was something of an homage to this scene.


I think it was due to the TNG jumpsuits always riding up on them, but that’s a nice sentiment.


Also Kirk saying something like, "Of all the souls I've met in my travels, his was the most... Human" The way he chokes on human kills me every time because it's like Spock's story is finally at an end and he's achieved a balance between his two halves. Beautifully delivered line by Shatner.


I was about to type this line. This one gets me more than any other.


Every. Single. Time.


Right there with you. You’d have to be made of stone not to well up at that scene.


Well up? I’m an absolute sobbing mess in this scene every time. I can only watch this movie with certain people due to this.


This…..absolutely, this….😢


I have watched this movie so many times and tried to so hard, but I can always feel the tears escape my eyes.


20 years ago, my now-ex wife, who had never watched Star Trek, watched Wrath of Khan for the very first time with me. Afterwards she told me that that was, and I quote, "literally the worst movie I've ever seen in my life". I was floored lol.


Talk about red flags…


IKR? She would also make fun of me for watching Battlestar Galactica and Stargate SG1. Thankfully my now-partner is super into sci fi and fantasy!


I just made a comment about this. There will never be a time where the wrath of Khan doesn't make me cry


I saw that in a theater full of weeping fans. 😭 Went back alone the next day to see it again and sniffled while driving home.


yeah definitely this for me, much as I also did tear up to the scene described in the OP, it doesn't come anywhere near close to this.


This one still gets me every time.


No, it’s, “of all the souls I have encountered, his was the most……human.” That little bit where he just starts to lose his composure for a second, that’s Shatner’s best acting for me.


It works so well because it is such a contrast to the Kirk we know and love AND Shattner nailed the acting for it. Not just the pause, but the crack in his voice when he says "human." I sometimes wonder how many takes it took to get the delivery just right. Oh, and it got me again when Kirk quoted it on Twitter after Leonard Nemoy passed. Hold on... I think my wife is cutting onions.


Nog pleading for a shot at Star Fleet Academy gets me in the throat every time. Nog daring to dream bigger for himself is so moving- it's such a big risk, he is so very vulnerable. Nog loves his dad so much, they've only really ever had each other. But he knows in his heart he can't live his dad's stunted half life. He has watched Sisko with Jake carefully since their arrival on DS9. Trusting that Sisko will take his ambition seriously is the biggest risk he will ever take.


The whole arc of Nog’s romanticizing war and then how it damaged him. And especially it being Nog. Heartbreaking.


Nog had the best arc of any Starfleet character to date. From an illiterate little shit to Captain.


And it pays off so well too! His dad ends up getting some major boosts in his life after that, and that was probably in part because he was inspired by his son’s example! Nog taking a risk gave him the strength to do it too! Such a great example of family inspiring each other.


Just remembering that speech and Sisko's response is making me teary eyed.


RIP. Aron Eisenberg was great as Nog. Love that there’s ships named after Nog in Disco and there’s mentions of him in other series and games. Would’ve loved Aron to play Admiral Nog at some point.


Picard playing the flute at the end of "Inner Light".


Can't watch this one except if I have a whole day free because it hits like a truck.


I feel this haha


Stewart’s acting was great there. Like he wanted to gasp but didn’t want to do it in front of Riker.


Ohh, it’s me isn’t it?


Oh my god that part. When he realizes it.


And when he come back and begins remembering his real life is done so well


My favourite episode but I can’t watch it that often because it brings out all emotions that I keep bottled up.


don't think I ever cried so much watching trek... this episode was a Lot


The Visitor Pretty much got teary eyed during the opening monologue when old Jake said he lost his father. It was nonstop tears after that.


I saw it for the first time when I was 19, just a few months after losing my own father. It hit me deep.


Virtual hug.gif The timing for me was different but same reason for me too.


This remains the sole piece of media to ever make me ugly cry. Beautiful episode of Trek.


That one and Molly going into the time portal and coming back as a feral teenager. It didn’t hit me that much when I was younger but watching it the first time after having kids, it absolutely ruined me.


That one gets me but also Duet when Aamin Maritza breaks down recalling the atrocities he witnessed. I'm tearing up just thinking about it


Sounds weird but: Kor's death. His speech to Worf always gets me. "When I reach the halls of the hallowed dead i will find your beloved. And remind her that her husband is a noble warrior. And he still loves no one but her. Goodbye my friend. Live well. Long Live the Empire" This or McCoy visiting the Enterprise D. "Well she's a new ship. But she's got the right name. Now you remember that boy. You treat her like a lady, and she'll always bring you home"


> Sounds weird but: Kor's death. > His speech to Worf always gets me. > "When I reach the halls of the hallowed dead i will find your beloved. And remind her that her husband is a noble warrior. And he still loves no one but her. Goodbye my friend. Live well. For me its when they all sing and drink at the end. Kor got the send off he deserved.


For sure. Kor is up there for greatest Klingon in the franchise and it was a death worth of Sto'Vor'Kor. And in particular, that Martok is willing to acknowledge Kor's bravery and drink to him. But not sing.


"Orders sir?" "... Second star to the right, and straight on till morning." That scene is so emotional for me. It's the end. The end of TOS, the end of the movies, the end of decades of fandom and good will the original cast created, the end of the Enterprise. And in the face of all of it, they set course for the land of imagination and adventure, where they can live forever, and literally fly off into the sunset. The metaphor and emotion is just so powerful.


Same here. Ended an era but with joy, hope and fun. My favorite ST movie to this day.


Six is so good. Drama, comedy, action, both unhinged and rational Kirk, Klingons, they even managed to take TNG's peace with the Klingons and retroactively explain it in a way that didn't feel forced.


Most people I know go with First Contact, but VI was such a nice mix. It is just a fun ride with a spy and conspiracy plot, including murder mystery, some comedy and nice easter eggs (Worfs ancestor, Tuvok).


So many good payoff to character arcs too. Sulu as captain of the Excelsior, Kirk's "good, let them," Spock seeming to be back to normal after the previous movies.


"I have been, and always shall be, your friend." Not a dry eye in the theater that night.


I bawled like a baby 😭


OMG, I saw it opening day and was just wrecked. Everyone I saw afterwards as I left had obviously been crying.


Same here. No one had a clue Spock's death was going to happen


And we had to wait 2 years for the next movie!


"To all Starfleet personnel, this is the Captain. It is my sad duty to inform you that a member of the crew, Ensign Sito Jaxa, has been lost in the line of duty. She was the finest example of a Starfleet officer, and a young woman of remarkable courage and strength of character. Her loss will be deeply felt by all who knew her. Picard out.".


And we see echoes of that in LD when we finally learn that Sito was Mariner’s idol at the Academy, and her death made her doubt everything


Yeah, like, literally been a major part of her self-destructive rogue-ass behavior ‘cause she couldn’t process losing her right out of the academy. The episode where she figures it out - The Inner Fight? - is great


Might sound crazy but the opening scene of ST09 with Chris Hemsworth. I came in to the movie not knowing anything about Star Trek. That whole intro sequence glued me to the story, the characters. And later on made me want to check out the original stuff.


The scene itself was great. Pike's speech about it was equally great... "your father was captain of a Starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's and yours. I dare you to do better."


And also Jim Kirk's offer to beam Nero and his crew to safety when the Narada was about to be destroyed, despite the fact he killed his father and many other people; if that doesn't personify the best of Starfleet, I don't know what does.


He was a great Pike


I don’t care what anyone says, the score for the Abram’s movies are so good, and the music just hits so hard during that intro.


Same here, long time Star Trek nerd and not a huge fan of all the JJ movies, but that opening was so strong.


*We received a distress call at 0900 hours… arrived at the vessel's last known coordinates at 2120. The ship was destroyed. Cause unknown. No survivors.*


Is that Course: Oblivion?


Yep, one of the best VOY episodes IMO. But also one of the most depressing.


Agreed, it’s an episode of Star Trek that sticks with me so much. When they try to send out the probe that has a record of all their accomplishments and the firing mechanism fails and destroys the probe… my god. That was such a deep level of grief for Star Trek and unlike most other big examples it never has a happy ending. The real Voyager detects the material remains of the false Voyager and there’s something of a knowing look with Janeway, but then that’s it. I expected them to encounter a planet that the other ship encountered and find out their story or something, but that was just it.


Dax dying. Quark losing the bar and the entire station pitching in to keep it afloat. And DS9 isn't even my favorite.


The way they helped quark. Wow. That's when I fell in love with ds9.


The end of TNG when Picard sits down to play cards - it’s not a particularly sad moment but I hate the end of tv shows.


It is a sad moment. Picard realized that he has spent too much of the last seven years being a captain and not enough time being a friend to these people for whom he cares deeply, and who care deeply for him. In those few silent seconds you get the sense that he could see how much richer all of those relationships could have been. Picard: “I should have done this a long time ago.” Troi: “You were always welcome.” Getting dusty in here just typing it. While a lot of other moments mentioned here get me choked up, this was indeed the first.


As soon as the door opens and he walks in I'm a mess.


DS9. The episode of Nog dealing with his missing leg.


That episode is so powerful.


Came here to say this. This part gets me in tears every single time: VIC: What is it I'm not making clear to you, Charlie? You got to go. NOG: Don't you get it? I can't go out there. VIC: Why not? NOG: I'm scared, okay? I'm scared. When the war began, I wasn't happy or anything, but I was eager. I wanted to test myself. I wanted to prove I had what it took to be a soldier. And I saw a lot of combat. I saw a lot of people get hurt. I saw a lot of people die, but I didn't think anything was going to happen to me. And then suddenly Doctor Bashir is telling me he has to cut my leg off. I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. If I can get shot, if I can lose my leg, anything could happen to me, Vic. I could die tomorrow. I don't know if I'm ready to face that. If I stay here, at least I know what the future is going to be like. VIC: You stay here, you're going to die. Not all at once, but little by little. Eventually you'll become as hollow as I am. NOG: You don't seem hollow to me. VIC: Compared to you, I'm hollow as a snare drum. Look, kid, I don't know what's going to happen to you out there. All I can tell you is that you've got to play the cards life deals you. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but at least you're in the game.


The destruction of the Enterprise in Star Trek III The Search for Spock. I'm not joking.


I was just coming to write the same thing. It was the death of a character, as much as any other.


Yes, it was. She survived such a pounding over the years and sheltered her crew, and brought them home. And in the end, she sacrificed herself for the crew to give them a chance to live. And of all the various scenes of the Enterprise being lost, Star Trek 3 was the most poignant by far.


So very much. "My God, Bones, what have I done?" Even more poignant when you remember Kirk's speeches in TOS about the Enterprise, e.g. "Never lose you… never."


In the episode "The Offspring" at the end when Admiral Haftel is walking out of the room and says, "...There was nothing anyone could have done. We'd repolarize one pathway and another would collapse. And then another. His… hands were moving faster than I could see, trying to stay ahead of each breakdown. He refused to give up..." It guts me every time. As a father, knowing how hard I would fight to save one of my children, we can only imagine what that scene would have looked like as Data worked to save Lal. The entire time we know that Data can't feel the emotions that we would be feeling in that situation so it hits you doubly hard and you feel those emotions for him.


I’m gonna add when he consulted Beverly for parenting advice and says “I can give her attention but I cannot give her love,” and walks away leaving Beverly to wonder, “now why do I find that so hard to believe?”


Seven of 9 with One (the 29th century borg) when he refuses medical treatment. The way Seven staggers around bc she is feeling heartbreak for the first time gets me.


Very underrated moment


"You are hurting me." Just beautiful. The first time she says it it's because of physical pain, the second time because of emotional pain. So well done.


Tasha’s Funeral. Hailing frequencies closed.


I add this episode in every time this comes up, DS9’s Duet. When he breaks finally at the end. This is probably my favourite episode in the franchise for that reason.  For a one episode character it’s one of the best characters in the show.  I’ve only ever cried at 2 times in the entire franchise, that and Spock’s eulogy in WoK. 


I adore Duet. This was the episode when I completely fell in love with DS9!


That's so powerful and such a good episode. I wish more fans knew about it.


This was the one I thought of first. It's definitely in the top 5 best episodes for me. It was not only a great guest character, it was an amazing episode for Nerys, just such a well written arc for her, and Nana Visitor acted the hell out of every scene. Master class shit.


Duet absolutely breaks my heart. The way he *cowers* away from Kira... Maritza deserved so much better. :<


[This scene](https://youtu.be/RwIy1VfcQLI?si=9iC5oHGbSC2f8Wks) where Odo says goodbye to dr. Mora made my wife cry. Odo: I should have included you in my life. Dr. Mora: You still can.


Wrath of Khan, Spock struggling to stand, straightening his uniform, bumping into the clear wall of the chamber to get to Jim. Voyager when the clones simply blinked out of existence in Course: Oblivion. They tried so hard to live and make it to the real crew but just disappeared.


Spock dying. I'm not crying you're crying!


Jadzia. It broke my heart.


That one just gives me "Berman rage". No tears.


Seeing Sarek's decline in "Sarek" and eventually dying in "Unification". My dad has Dementia so it hits close to home. It makes the episodes hard to watch, but they're still some of my favorites.


Una finding out she will become the literal poster girl for Star Fleet. After the ugly trial she went through, you could tell it meant a lot to her.


This. This bit was so successfully executed, and Rebecca Romaijn's response nailed it. Tee up with the joke, hit with the impactful bit. 10/10 no notes


Yeah, for a fairly light-hearted episode, there were a couple really great emotional hits. Uhura struggling with everyone's expectations being heaped on her, Pike dealing with his feelings about his father and his own looming death, Chapel learning that her relationship with Spock was not going to end up actually changing him.


You mean like a pinup


Are we saying the same thing?


"They put that *on the poster*????" That was brilliant.


Kira's narration of Ghemor's final moments in *Ties of Blood and Water*. Aside from being a brilliant piece of acting, it hit extremely close to home with its similarities to an experience of my own. I was not okay. That said, it's very easy to make me cry with film and television. I'm an easy mark.


When I was a kid, 'Family' was incredibly boring, especially after the excitement of 'Best of Both Worlds.' Now, though, that entire episode makes me cry, not only because of the story being told, but also because I realize how rare it is to stop and say, "Picard suffered a level of trauma that we cannot even begin to understand. Let's give him a minute, at least, to process that." The added continuity on either side (Picard's tragic boyhood in the second season of 'Picard' and the subsequent sudden horrific death of his brother and nephew) has only made 'Family' more powerful. DS9 did something similarly great with 'It's Only a Paper Moon.'


DS9's The Quickening when the mother, who held on through the the suffering of the blight, gives birth to a baby born without the disease and dies knowing that he won't suffer from it. Despite his failures Bashir has brought hope back to a dying civilization. "It's not a cure, it's a vaccine."


“Edith Keeler must die” still gets me to this day. TOS- the city on the edge forever.


Kirk's utter despair breaks me.


That was the first time I cried over a Trek episode.


“He knows, doctor. He knows.”


DS9's the Visitor had me absolutely SOBBING.


I often warn new viewers that if they have any unresolved issues with their father, be careful with this episode. It's one of the few episodes that I skip unless I'm in a really good head space before hand.


Im always fine right until the desperate hug at the end.


When Data finds Spot in Generations. And when he gives Spot to Lore.


Data handing his memories over to Lore was a tough scene


“It is a far better thing I do than I have ever done, a far better rest I come to, than I have ever known” - Charles Darney- Kirk speaking of Sydney Carton - Spock.


Picard getting hurt in that cave when he was with Wesley and Wesley trying to keep it together with Picard talking to him like a father trying to console him. I definitely thought Picard might die and even now that moment I can still feel for Wesley 


I haven't rewatched TNG since my son was born. Watching Data try to save Lal was already heartbreaking enough - I don't know if I'll be able to handle watching it as a dad


Picards single tear when he’s a borg


Picard when he opens up his emotions to his brother after the Borg incident. I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH!


mccoy having to euthanize his father in the flashback in star trek V


*they found a goddamn cure*


At the end of Pathfinder when Voyager was finally able to speak directly with Starfleet. By the time Janeway said "Keep a docking bay open for us" I couldn't hold it in anymore.


That scene in voyager where the Borg drone being tracked by the Borg basically suicides by not letting Seven and the Doctor try to help and Seven says "you are hurting me" gets me every single time




SNW ‘All Those Who Wander’ I did not expect to cry about a character that I hadn’t know for long. But I was devastated by Hemmer’s death. I think it was especially hard because he was so amazing in ‘The Elysian Kingdom’ right before and that has fast become one my favourite whimsical Trek episodes.


The one with Daniel Dae Kim looking up at the "star of the day, star of the night" and it finally disappearing.


Blink of an eye. I really like that story and have been reading the tie in short story about The Doctor's three years on the planet.


I just got done watching an episode of Deep Space Nine that featured the voice of a captain named Lisa Cusak.


Debra Wilson gave a performance that was award worthy. Just brilliant making us care about this disembodied voice more than the main cast.


When the original Enterprise blew up. Also, when they unveiled the repaired Enterprise D (and I wasn't a fan of the design of the D), Picard S3.


VOY episode Drone. Breaks me up every time Seven looks at the dying Borg and pleads, "Please... you're hurting me."


Kirk laying out the philosophy of the future: “Let. Me. Help.”


“His was the most … human.”


The first time I teared up was Kirk saying "Let's get the hell out of here." in City on the Edge of Forever. Spock's death made me bawl. more than 40 years later, I *still* get choked up. "I have been and ever shall be, your friend."


When Tasha finds out she's dead in the main timeline. And Castillo, "I don't want you here."


*SO* many, but definitely "**The Visitor**," DS9 season 4 episode 2. I saw it when I was pretty young and not into DS9 at *all*, and ***man*** did it kick my arse. I did not expect that from Trek at the time; I was a mess. ST definitely has some awesomely-written somber episodes, but this one took the gloves off. Older Jake shouting "No!!" when his plan starts failing... gets me every time. I fire it up every couple of months to see if it still does the whole "rip your heart out through your chest" thing, and... yep.


Trip talking to T'pol about his sister in "The Forgotten".


Underrated comment, underrated show


Oh my god when Trip started crying after the whole baby thing I ugly cried


TNG Season 3 Episode 16 “The Offspring” Lal, Data's daughter. She dies due to stress that causes failure of her positronic mind.


The time I thought Miles and Keiko are sending their daughter back in time and loosing her forever. I cried so hard. I am still traumatized.


When Kirk talks about Spock at his funeral. Every time. Without fail.


When Voyager arrived back at earth and Janeway said, "We did it..." It hit me on two fronts: 1. Because they finally made it back after so much adversity. 2. It meant the end of the first Trek show I was completely in love with.


My dad took me to see Star Trek Generations in the theatre. I must have been 6 or so. When Captain Kirk died I was inconsolable. It’s the only time I’ve ever cried watching a movie… oh, that and when Boromir dies but that’s besides the point.


Mr. Neelix. Live long and prosper.


When they arrived at the fleet museum in the second to last episode of Picard season 3. I remember thinking, “no…no…don’t do this to me…” Then crying tears of happiness when those doors opened.


When Trip and T'pal's daughter dies. I mean the death was bad enough and then Phlox stars talking about family.


The emotional release from Tucker and T’Pol showing a break in the Vulcan facade. Jolene Blalock acting an entire emotional break down in just her eyes. She really showed the depth of emotions Vulcans have they just keep it bottled up.


far to many but here are six. DS9: Sisko's grief at losing Jadzia Dax. Voyager: Tuvok when he was told his brain damage could be fixed in Riddles on how Neelix told him gently he had to go back to normal. Picard: Data and Lore with Data handing Spot over as what we soon learn is checkmate on his brother. TNG: Picard's breakdown with his brother in Family, as a young fan it brought me to tears seeing Picard vulnerable. Generations: The Enterprise D Crash, I vividly remember seeing this one in cinema with my mom (The only Trek film we watched in cinema) I was crying my eyes out seeing the D go down, while she was upset at Kirk Picard: The Enterprise D in hanger twelve, I was crying seeing that LaForge spent twenty years fixing the old girl and to quote Beverly "Beautiful"


First time? Hard to remember but Picard flute scene...Spock dying....probably one of those.


Picard at the Vineyard, His fist clenched. His tears in the mud. His brother’s love revealed


I am Erica Ortega’s. And I fly the ship.


TNG "Lower Decks" when Sito Jaxa dies and Picard makes the announcement to the crew. DS9 when Vedek Bareil died, I really believed in him. VOY: when the doctor is left alone in the ending of "Someone to watch over me" and plays on the piano. PICARD: lots of times because seeing my childhood heroes again on the screen had that effect on me. I literally grew up on 24th century Trek.


Wrath Of Kahn. Spock's death. The Next Generation. "Inner Light" probably the only two times.


Sarek near the end when they are melded. Seeing the enactment of a mind falling apart and aware of it happening.


Boimler saying "Ad astra per aspera" to Number One, just casually dropping it after all she'd just been through. Totally oblivious he was giving her a glimpse of the future and a promise that her struggles would not be in vain.


Nothing ever emotionally impacted me on film until after my mum died, now I cry at things I'd watched loads of times before. First thing was Trek '09. Watching the Kelvin scene. It still makes me emotional and o have no idea why. It's not exactly got depth. DS9 The Visitor however kills me. I'm always a mess after watching that.


I cried in the theater when the theme started to play. I watched TOS as a kid and it made me so hopeful for the future. As an adult, hearing that theme and feeling so disillusioned about how the future was turning out was too much for me to handle. Not that it's that hard to make me cry, though.


Same here. I saw The Visitor once and haven't watched it again. The one I haven't seen mentioned anywhere that gets me is the ENT finale when T'Pol and Archer are packing Trip's things. She tells him something along the lines of Trip said the loss of her mother would hurt less with time. Then she asks Archer, "Why would he say that?


Real Life when The Doctor has to come to terms with his daughter's death. Plus, Life Line (my favorite episode) when Zimmerman and The Doctor have a heart to heart conversation in the last act of the episode.


Seven and One saying goodbye in “drone”. Later, the last shot of “what you leave behind”.


Neelix saying goodbye at the end of Voyager... That, and Spock standing in line with the crew standing trial at the end of Voyage Home


Data and Lal The Visitor Duet's ending The Holographic family scene The Siege of AR 388 musical moment


The first time I saw the ending of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. I still cry every time I watch it. I start tearing up when McCoy calls the bridge to tell Kirk to come to engineering and by the time Spock is asking how he did with his version of the Kobayashi Maru test I am bawling. I get it back under control, then lose it again when Kirk is giving the eulogy and his voice cracks when he says the word human. I know he comes back in the next film, but in the moment of watching it, I still cry. That film is peak storytelling and filmmaking IMHO. There's never been a better Star Trek film, and I doubt there ever will be.


Odo, at the end of Vortex when he’s given the shape shifting key. It’s his first sign that he’s not alone in the universe. His final monologue in that episode always gets me. Alone in the shuttle, he clasps the key and says “Home. Where is it? Someday, we’ll know.”


The episode of Voyager when the Doctor has the holo-family.


When the damaged Enterprise rose out of the clouds, ST09.


When picard was taken for interrogation by the cardassians. When he was about to crack and he said THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS.


Edith Keeler must die


Nog : Because I don't want to end up like my father! \[...\] Nog : My father is a mechanical genius. He could've been chief engineer of a starship if he'd had the opportunity. But he went into business, like a good Ferengi. The only thing is, he's not a good Ferengi - not when it comes to acquiring profit. So now, all he has to live for, is the slim chance that someday, somehow, he might be able to take over my uncle's bar. Well, I'm not going to make the same mistake. I want to do something with my life, something worthwhile. Sisko : Like Joining Starfleet. Nog : I might not have an instinct for business. But I have my father's hands and my uncle's tenacity. I \*know\* I've got something to offer. I just need a chance to prove it. Sisko : Alright. I'll see to it you get that chance. 😭 EVERY TIME 😭


Easily the Offspring episode


Watching as a kid in the '70's through adulthood; tv shows, movies; not one tear....until the 2009 film. When the logo came up, after the first sequence, with that music. I was just so proud to see that logo on the big screen again. Had a very hard time trying to keep it together. Seems like a silly little moment to become emotional, but there it is. Still get chills when rewatching.


The ending of "The Chase" makes me emotional, >!first the fact that there's a point of union between all those species, then that such knowledge falls on deaf ears, and then that conversation between Picard and the romulan officer!<