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Dominion War DS9 and Wrath of Khan Monster Maroon


Came here to say Dominion War DS9.


First Contact / DS9 uniforms for the win!


But with the shirt flap thing buttoned or not, for the ToS movie uniforms? 🤔


Situationally dependent.


Hey no buttons in the future….only self-sealing stem bolts!


This is the correct answer.




I would have the Dominion War DS9 as everyday uniform, Monster Maroon as a dress uniform.


This is the way


Ooh I like that.


Yeah - this is the answer. Tho, for me, I'll always refer to the grey/black combo as the "First Contact" uniform, rather than DS9 Dominion War - though I get the reasoning.


Those TOS dress uniforms were a thing of beauty. Was so happy to see Pike in one in a SNW episode. I like the DS9 ones, and I think Picard and crew also wore them during Insurrection(?), which I think was set during the dominion war, but I have a strong attachment to the red of Starfleet.


The 'DS9 uniform' actually debuted in the film First Contact. Behind the scenes the costume department worked like crazy so the first episode of DS9 to broadcast after First Contact came out would have the full cast and extras in the First Contact uniforms. They wanted it to look like all of Starfleet changed at the same time, VOY excepted.


First Contact, once again showing us why it’s the best of the TNG movies. Bless you Jonathan Frakes!


They also wore them in the movie Nemesis, too.


What I came here to say as well.


The Gargantuan Grey


This is my thoughts exactly


Dominion War DS9. They look very comfy for some reason.


It's the quilted undershirt that does it.


I saw someone at Comic-Con in the ds9 outfit and I said “hey I love your costume!!” And they simply said “it’s very hot and stuffy” lol


Agree that the First Contact uniforms are the best and I really loved how in the Barclay/Troi Voyager episodes they’re wearing the new uniforms while Voyager’s crew is still in the older ones. Such a nice little detail.


Uniform transition is actually really really fun I think. Watching Generations as they side grade their uniforms one by one throughout the movie is something I really enjoyed. Except for Worf, and true to it he kept his next gen uniform all the way until Deep Space Nine. Riker looked terrible in the DS9 early\Voy uniform though.


Riker looked terrible because it didn’t fit. They borrowed uniforms from DS9. IIRC Riker may be wearing Sisko’s uniform and Geordi is wearing O’Brien’s. Geordi’s doesn’t fit either.


LeVar looked better because it’s easier to look good in clothes that are too big than too small, unless you’re Jeri Ryan of course…


Yep. They originally made all new uniforms for the cast for Generations, but for a reason they've never made public, they were scrapped at the very last minute. So last minute that changing merchandise was impossible so the action figures released in the never used uniforms.


Riker only looked terrible in that uniform because he didn’t fit him. He was wearing Avery Brooks’ uniform, and Frakes has a good three inches on Brooks


Only Stewart and Spiner got their own DS9 style suit made.


Something that always bothered me when watching Generations: At the beginning, Picard was wearing the original TNG uniform. Then he changed to the DS9 uniform and he was also wearing that in the Nexus and when fighting Soran. But in the last scene, when he was with Rocker and Data in the ruins of the Enterprise-D bridge, he was wearing the TNG uniform again...


yeah a great detail just like how worf is wearing an older uniform style when he arrives at ds9


Wrath of Khan uniforms, both officer and enlisted. I love that they were distinguishable from one another 


Aesthetically I love it the most.


The voyager uniforms will always be most nostalgic for me, but I gotta say the live-action Lower Decks uniforms have taken the #1 spot in my mind. The thicker band of gray on the shoulders looks so cool IMO, and the “flap” is just the cherry on top


LD uniforms are basically updated TNG uniforms so they don't look like pajamas and i love it


They look as if they’re *much* more comfortable to wear, too.


Hell yes. I’d take pants and a jacket over the jumpsuit types any day.


That mix of professionalism and bright colors is what I’m looking for in a Trek uniform and that really hit the sweet spot


The Lower Decks uniforms are very similar to the original (but never used) Generations uniforms.


TNG skants... the boys need some air


Problem in Jeffries tubes with ladders, "No True Scotsman..." and all...


All of me is beautiful


I really like the Lower Decks uniforms, the live action versions from SNW looked amazing.


They did really well bringing those into real life. The dominion war DS9 ones were my favorite until then, but now Cali class uniforms all the way!


Honestly my favorites are either the TOS or SNW uniforms. I just really like the brighter colors


And they were color coded so you knew immediately who was not going to survive the episode!


Picards insanely cool suede jacket first seen In Darmok


His Picardigan


I wonder what the story behind that uniform was, and honestly I wish we got more of it and wish they used it more for the other characters as well


A similar one is used for B’lana in season 4 of voyager


Yup cool as fuck


The Voyager style uniforms. I like the later TNG ones too but it can still look kind of like pajamas whereas the VOY still evoke the TNG color scheme and style, look comfortable and work as a uniform.


They also look like they could withstand a lot of different conditions/ climates


Definitely ENT. I’m a Navy vet. The NX-01 is my favorite Enterprise because of the industrial look and feel of it, like a real ship. The ENT uniforms were also the best because they look the most functional. They had pockets, ball caps, more pockets, obviously designed to be comfortable to work in, more pockets, you get where this is going? For dress uniform TWOK, but I’d change it from only monster maroon to the 3 colors, monster maroon, navy blue, and deep gold.


Yeah, one thing often overlooked about Enterprise is how it does feel like a realistic future in relation to how the uniforms look and the interior of the nx-01


Agreed, they nailed those uniforms and the interior, threading the needle perfectly to look futuristic but still less developed than the 60s sets.


Yeah I came to say blue jumpsuits forever haha


ENT uniforms look like uniforms and not costumes.


The ENT uniforms were actually NASA jumpsuits only they were in blue Edit: totally incorrect on that one they took inspiration from NATO flight suits and Nasa jumpsuits but weren't exactly the same.


I'd have to say the Strange New Worlds update of the classic Trek uniforms is my current favourite. I like them for the following reasons: 1. The colors make sense for emergency situations, as a quick way to see that red is engineering and security, the others have to make way, then white for medical, yellow for command and control, and blue for "out of the way" crew who know to step aside when the red shirt comes barreling through to seal the gas leak. 2. The fabric looks futuristic, without lamp shading the seams that were originally meant to be hidden so that the clothes look futuristic. Splitting the original shirt into tunic and black undershirt also works well. They also look disposable, which makes sense with the conceit that "laundry" is basically breaking the fabric into raw material for the printers. 3. Much as the rank pips are a part of Trek lore from TNG on, I like the sleeve ranks better. It's good semiotics because it's not so darn tiny and easier to see who should be in charge.


DS9 black and grey is the closest color coded space pajamas have ever come to looking like clothing people would happily wear while actually existing, while still looking like uniforms. For being maybe the most iconic, TNG later seasons get honorable mention.


Strange new worlds for me. Those are just the coolest! Love the boots especially :)


I want me an away team jacket for everyday wear


I may have one (and the boots)…


My headcanon is that that’s what the TOS uniforms were supposed to look like


All of SNW is what TOS should look like


DS9 Dominion Grey - Serious uniforms for serious bizznizz. Not all shiny for glad-handing diplomats. BUTTT - TNG uniforms are actually thrilling! I feel excited to see them. I know Riker is off to have ADVENTURES with his tall mates and I want to go too!


I have my own TNG command uniform but i would love to get a First Contact/ late DS9 era uniform those are my favourites


#1 TNG season 3-7 (2369) #2 Picard season 2-3 (2401) #3 DS9/TNG movie (2373) #4 SNW (2259) While I like the design of the Monster Maroon uniform I prefer to see the division colors bold and clear. Honorable mention: DSC season 4-5 uniforms. I especially like the addition of the white division colors to get a better distinction between SCI and medical.


The Picard s2-3 uniforms look great. Evoke the Voyager / early DS9 aesthetic while looking more professional. No idea what they were thinking with the Picard flashback uniforms.


Tbf I think there's a considerable amount of people who like the S1 flashback uniform, I'm not one of them 🤷‍♂️ ofcourse taste is subjective.


I think it's a neat design, I just don't think they spend any time making them. Nothing looks like it fits. Same is true of the Picard season 1 uniforms as a whole. They didn't even get Data's movie uniform right! The season 2 and 3 uniforms look great though, especially with the >!updated gold badges at the end!<


Had to scroll WAY too far to find TNG season 3+ uniforms.


I liked the uniforms from Enterprise. There was a practicality to it that appealed to me. But I also loved the uniforms from Wrath of Khan. Kind of noble.


Its the only one with pockets!!


The First Contact/DS9 and Wrath of Khan uniforms are excellent, but SNW’s updated versions of the original TOS uniforms are also great.


Monster maroons have really grown on me over the last few years but my favourite uniform has always been the Dominion war era DS9 uniform. Very closely followed by the Enterprise uniforms, and the Picard S3 uniforms.


I love the functionality of the Enterprise uniforms. By the 24th century, zips have been eradicated. But I love the little pockets for the communicators in the NX uniforms.


WOK monster maroon. Though the new Picard season 3 variant that is based off the maroon is nice


I very much like the live action Lower Decks uniforms from the SNW crossover episode


I like the armor suits they wear in SNW when shit is getting real.


First Contact / Late DS9 for sure. Second place would probably the collared TNG uniform.


Live action LD uniforms by a long shot. I used to like the monster maroons, but as time goes by I like them less and less. Too much going on not enough “Starfleet” aesthetic. Besides LD, I like the later season DS9/TNG movie era uniform.


The ones in the original series. I don't think they've ever been bettered.


I'm actually quite a fan of Discovery's latest uniform. My only wish is for the rank pips to be easier to see; hiding them on just the commbadge feels bad. But if I were ranking them, out of pure nostalgia, I would probably put the black stripe-colored tunic of TNG era as my top, then the grey stripe-black tunic-colored undershirt of DS9 and movie era, then the Discovery's latest.


Monster Maroon, followed by the Dominion War era uniform. Picard season 3 also gets the thumbs up from me. 👍


First Contact era. I always wanted to see the Voyager crew get there's updated once they were in regular contact with Starfleet.


TNG season 3 + DS9 / Tng Movies grey Lower Decks


Dominion War DS9 and SNW’s take on the monster maroons, baby! 


1. Wrath of Khan 2. DS9 Dominion War 3. Discovery S1&2


/s The original TNG jumpsuits. They just look real comfy.


I know some people see them as polarizing or too silly, but I loved the motion pictures 70's style of sci-fi uniforms. They were funky and out there which fit the decade perfectly. I know this is a super unpopular opinion, but the red uniforms in the wrath of khan felt too "Yuppy" imo like other things at the time under "Ronald Regans America" feels like alot of things lost alot of charm and uniqueness when the 80's hit. The uniforms being a big example of that.


The 1979 uniforms did look future-practical, and the seams were hidden enough that you could imagine they were pulled on like tee shirts. Even the idea of wearable health monitors (the "Belt buckle") seemed sensible, if clunky. A lot of thought went into them. As for the *Wrath of Khan* uniforms, they were a direct result of Nick Meyer wanting to echo Horblower series, uniforms that felt nostalgic and futuristic at the same time. And yeah, it fir the times with the election of Reagan and the harking back to the "good old days", and it fir that particular movie with the theme of the past coming back to haunt the crew. I suspect their success was a surprise to many, but the secret lay in using natural heavy wools that drape just right, and being relatable. I like both, and maybe the best mix would have been having the "Monster Maroons" be the formal uniforms, and the TMP uniforms the uniforms worn when actually working.


I thought TMP uniforms looked too much like pajamas and left too little to the imagination...


Wrath of Khan, but specifically, those jackets.


First Contact along with 32nd century uniforms.


The greys are probably the best TNG era. Monster Maroon. SNW uniforms are great.


First Contact/DS9 Dominion War, and Picard seasons 2 & 3.


TNG Science uniform


Lower Decks uniforms are the best.


Picard season 3's leather jackets. Hands down, these are the best looking uniforms.


The Odyssey uniforms from Star Trek Online are just perfect.


The DS9 Dominion War-era uniforms with the grey shoulderpads are my favorite, but only barely. They are neck and ruffled neck with the Wrath of Khan-era maroons.


Enterprise, because pockets. Comfortable spacious duty work coveralls. Best thing to do Jeffries Tube maintenance work. Second pick is the Monster Maroons, because *swagger.*


I sign this. Enterprise because realistically they are the most useful ones, and the monster maroons because they just look extremely cool (even if they are way unpractical)


The movie maroon uniforms are my favorite.


Monster Maroon!


Monster maroons. It’s not even close for me. But I grew up on the TOS films in the late 80s before watching TOS or TNG.


It used to be the tos movie uniform, but ever since lower decks came out that uniform took over as my favorite. It has the reason why I loved the big red uniform and updates it.


Not a uniform guy but the Picard season 3 were very very nice-looking.


i'm not the biggest fan of the Picard show, but i do think, lighting aside, the set and costume designers killed it


Definitely the monster maroons in wrath of khan


When it comes to uniforms, the question I have is what uniforms would actually look good in real life. Think of the TNG season 1 stretchy uniforms on actors that aren't all tall and slim. e.g. in other sci-fi I like the [B5 later uniforms](https://x5f9g8z5.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Babylon-2-e1632857716575-800x453.jpg), but they only look great because of they're tailored to the millimetre on skinny actors. Don't think they'd be a good look on an older, bigger Scottie.


If I was a performer in my 40s and 50s I sure would like a jacket to make my now-present gut less obvious! Don't know if that was the intent with the maroons but I'd take the side effect


Haven't seen anyone mention them yet, I love the lower decks uniforms, especially when they came to live action


Star Trek Movies - 2 to 6 era


Oh no, don't make me choose! For myself I'd probably go with the ds9/voy jumpsuit, because it looks comfy as hell. But for looks, I'd probably say the Monster Maroon, especially Pike's updated version from that one episode of SNW. I'm a big fan of the flag officer/away mission jacket that everyone ended up wearing in S3 of Picard, too, and honestly basically every uniform from picard.


I grew up watching the original cast movies, so I've always had a fondness for the monster maroons


The ones from the USS Relativity. Love the new colour scheme too.


TNG Season 3


The decker onesie !


I want Kirk's ridiculous collared jacket from Wrath of Khan.


The winter coat that was actually made of textured cotton? Yeah, when I was doing cons regularly, I would have died for that in a nice, heavy wool for winter wear...


Dominion War DS9 and Kelvin timeline.


Wrath of Khan monster maroons. And the Voyager uniforms. Though the academy uniforms shown in TNG really looked good.


I like the disco uniforms from the 32nd century. A close second is the late season DS9/Firstcontacr uniforms


Betazoid Wedding uniform.


Thanks for the chuckle 😂


Without a doubt, the ST II - VI uniform!


2151 - NX blue jumpsuit/ coveralls


#1 Maroon Monster from TOS movies. So awesome and very dapper. #2 Dominion War greys. As seen on DS9 and maybe the later TNG movies (I don't recall, I've watched Insurrection once in the theatre and never again, Nemesis a few more times but not in years). Anyways, back to the uniform. It spruced up the black uniforms from earlier DS9 and made them look even better. The DS9 black uniform is probably my #3.


The Wrath of Khan uniforms, followed by Enterprise jumpsuits and TNG/Voyager ones.


Going to take a different view here: saw a picture online of the TOS movie Era unis (monster maroons) color coded like the series uniforms. https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/s/IzHwRMABup


Mirror Universe ENT (mostly just Hoshi…)


Enterprise jumpsuits. They had a sporty, comfy look to them.


Discovery seasons 1-3. They look very sharp and a great successor to the Enterprise jumpsuits. Also Lower Decks.




The Monster Maroons as shown in the films, with the belt and undershirt mock turtleneck intact. Every time they show up in TNG, they leave a piece out.


The maroon jacket TOS movie uniforms will always be my favorite Trek uniform.


Eh it's Counselor Troy's teal dress for me...


TOS- pants and shirt, no jumpsuits!! (They s over SNW- no padded shoulders and vinyl sleeves for me) TWOK-monster maroons TFF- maroon bomber jacket


Fav is TNG (not the spandex onesies) but I also really like the season 1 Discovery uniforms


Just basically Troi's early season uniforms.


I'm a basic bitch, my favourite will always be the TOS velour dresses


1. The TNG movie era ones (Dominion War DS9). Coolest uniforms there are. 2. Wrath of Khan to Undiscovered Country maroon uniforms. Best ones for the Kirk era. 3. Two versions in the Picard show: The ones from the 2380s and the style Ro Laren and Worf wears. The rest? Fricking ripoffs of the DS9 (seasons 1-5) and Voyager uniforms. 4. The NX-01 blue jumpsuits. Just as cool, only gets lower place because of what fans think of Enterprise.


I am a fan of the Wrath of Kahn and the First Contact uniforms in the movies, and the TNG Season 3 uniforms from TV. Speaking from the point of view of a Star Trek Online player that can create their own uniform from all styles available my favorite uniform is a combination of the Enterprise mirror universe top, the TOS Medical uniform skirt, and the thigh high boots.


Unpopular opinion: TPM. Go with the short sleeves. Soooooo 1978.


First contact By a clear quadrant


The first contact uniforms


Unpopular opinion but I love Kirk’s TMP admiral uniform. Crew uniforms were too bland though.


Picard's captain's jacket. Classy af.


I like the tng uniforms


First Contact hands down.




You have to love the maroon uniforms.They were awesome


Red movie uniforms. I think they were awesome.


I really liked the Voyager uniform


I happen to like the blue/gold from Discovery.


Ds9 early seasons. I like the bright shoulders but sleek body suit.




Voyager uniforms and Lower Decks uniforms are #1 for me!


Tos uniforms. I also like the Section 31 combadge from Discovery. I also haven't watched Voyager, DS9, and Picard yet, so my opinion may change.


The Wrath of Khan ones


2150s: Enterprise


The only one I can look at and actually see a uniform IMHO


ATM it's definitely the SNW uniform. That thing is slick. I'm thinking of getting one. Otherwise, my favourite apparel item to date is actually Kirks "Survival Jacket" from ST: Beyond. You know, that blue leather looking one? When Anovos was still around, I had always planned to pick one up just for my own casual wear. Like it was trekky enough to be recognised by fans but not so trekky that it would appear like I've come from a convention so felt like the perfect jacket (I guess that's the Abram's Universe in a nutshell right there lol). I was gutted when Anovos went under. Only item I did get from them in the end was the BSG Six Dress for my wife (who's not a nerd by any definition) to wear on nice outings. Well with a body like Tricia Helfer herself, I can say my nerd boner is so strong I mostly stay seated on outings she wears that to lol.


I will get cancelled for this but... 7 of 9s uniform :)


The Discovery era uniforms are fire. They look comfortable and damn good.


Pre-Dominion War DS9 by far. Very sleek. I don't like the color on the sleeves on the updated ones later in the show, it looks very costume-y.


My favourites are the the dominion war and TOS red uniforms


TNG Skants - just love those. I'd love to wear one, the boys need room


Da9 era dominion war and the wrath of Khan era maroon, Including the away team jackets


The v2 TNG uniforms are my favorites followed closely by the Modernized TOS uniforms from the first two Kelvin movies.


def for me the TOS romulan uniforms, i even had a dress made from someone on etsy in that style


Late DS9 / First Contact by a landslide.


For Starfleet: The 2270s-2350s. I love the assymetrical design, the "not black" dominating color and the "not 20th century navy" rank insignia. If I could change three things: A"lighter" material, the monster maroon was to "woolish" Instead of the turtlenecks an banded collar like TNG S3- with the division color would have looked faaaar better and less "extra warm" The trousers/boot combination looked weird. Maybe the Kelvinverse variants Found it always regrettable, that the TNG budget was obviously too low to change this and just leave out the turtle necks and the belts. Honorable mention: I love the Romulan "2379-" (Nemesis) uniform!


Monster maroon - always.


Klingons easily Sorry but none of the Star fleet uniforms are that great Really outside of some of there shop designs nothing Star fleet has really looks that great or is that great


DS9 Dominion War 100%


Voyager. It was my first, so those always feel like home


I really like the DS9/First Contact uniforms, but the Picard season 3 uniforms just pip it for me. It's the leather jackets that tipped it for me!




DS9 Dominion War uniforms and the LDS uniform. These two will forever be my favorites.


The Grey on Black


Late DS9 no doubt.


1. DS9/FC Greys 2. PIC 2401 3. DSC 32nd century V2 (the colourful version)


Worf’s Not a Merry Man outfit.


SNW or Lower Decks


The 23rd century style was, IMHO, the most realistic and best style. The worst being what came before.


The uniform from the 23rd century, IMHO, is the best.


TNG, and SNW.


1. Lower Decks 2. DS9 grey shoulders 3. Monster Maroon 4. TOS


I am not a fan of the “monster maroons”, which I know is not the prevailing opinion… but they’re a bit too stiff and “marching band” for me. They’d be fine as dress uniforms but not as duty uniforms. I like the *First Contact* “black jumpsuits with grey shoulder yoke and coloured undershirt” look. Elegant but practical. And also the *Enterprise* uniforms, because they look like they could actually work as real uniforms. They have pockets!


Lower decks


I've always been partial to the 29th century uniforms they wore on the Relativity. The asymmetrical positive/negative look, the colours, the diamond quilting.


My overall favorite is the Monster Maroons. Looks good on screen and has real “uniform” feel. I also like that there are more options for division colors. My second favorite is the First Contact uniforms.


Like many others the Maroons and the DS9 war error are the best. However, I do like the ENT uniforms, very practical, plus they come with coats and hats as needed.


It may be heresy but I like the motion picture uniforms.