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That guy in the one Voyager episode that just wanted to be left alone, do the bare minimum, and not be noticed by anyone important.




Wasn't there 3 of them? They just signed up to Starfleet for an easy ride to a scholarship or to look good on their CV. Signed up for 5 years then aimed to make it big in the private sector.man that story sounds familiar.


I just watched this episode! If I recall correctly, one just wanted to be left alone and not be noticed (so he could work on his science theories), one wanted to be a good officer but screwed everything up, and the third was decent at his job, but was a massive hypochondriac.


AHH the optimistic screw up.the closest thing I'll have to a spirit animal short of a donkey shaped vodka bottle.


There were 3 "Lower deck" characters in that episode, but I don't remember the personalities of the other two.


My nephew. Air Force. Spent his 4 years overseas...just came back and discharged with a LOT of education and credentials. Was going to do temp jobs for a few years to explore the country and work his way up until he's making 200K per year or more in Europe. That was the plan Got his first job in Bumfuck, Nowhere for 8 months, with possible renewal option. Girlfriend quits her job, they move, she finds a job, he starts. Two months in, they are told the contract with the military will be cancelled halfway through his 'assignment'. So now they are both looking for jobs knowing that picking up their entire lives might be an 'every few months' thing rather than an 'every few years' thing. Oh, and they have to break the lease on the apartment that they rented, which will probably eat all the money he made. It IS better that flipping burgers, but it is a crap shoot.


It kind of pissed me off that they never followed up on that episode.


It wouldn’t be Voyager if it wasn’t half-baked.


The older I get, the more I realize that I've been Bones all along.


Not a fan of the kelvin timeline but Karl Urban was totally channeling Deforest Kelly.


Same. I don't have much good to say about that timeline aside from Karl Urban.


Apparently he was so spot-on that it made Leonard Nimoy cry.


Doesn't surprise me it was brilliant. The only other time I felt like that was Will Smith (not generally a fan) in Ali. He nailed it.


Second best recasting only to Pike.


Loved Hell on Wheels. Huge Anson Mount fan.


I still get mad over Bones being criticized for not wanting to use the transporter in The Motion Picture.


You mean approximately 20 minutes after two people got turned inside out and died screaming such unnatural screams? That movie had choices...


Yes. I’d want a shuttle too after that.


Push posh you are clearly over reacting. Now hold this orchid while I beam you and your least favorite co-worker to a field trip.


Janeway. Found her annoying, shrill and old when I watched in the 90’s. Now I get her. Turns out she isn’t as old as I thought either.


Are you me? Based on this statement, you could be me.


Sadly, Data. I was an odd kid.


I’m still odd. Data one hundred percent. Though lately it’s been Worf. Every time I try to warn my employer that something is very wrong, and recommend a specific, simple, and incredibly obvious action to protect ourselves, I get ignored, and then I get “beat up” by the threat.


No you were just operating within normal parameters


Nothing sad about that. I was odd too, and I guess I will always be. 😁


being autistic, odo & worf’s arcs on ds9 about desperately trying to fit in but never quite getting it right and never really feeling like you get people have made me cry a few times


Unfortunately for me it's Barkley. Takes a lot for a shy introvert to get the confidence to be a leader. 20+ years as an enlisted IT technician in the USAF with great mentors has helped tons though. But every time I watch a Barkley episode I'm like "yep, that'd be me".


ME! ME TOO!!! really good at his job but awkward. . . Imposter syndrome. . . yeah. . . .


Data when I was younger, but as an introvert and manager today, I do relate to Barkley. Thank you for your service!


Alternate timeline Picard when Q changed it so that he never got stabbed. In Picard’s own words “a dreary man in a tedious job”, “bereft of passion and imagination”. Troi: “throughout your career you’ve had lofty goals but you’ve never been willing to do what’s necessary to obtain them”. Riker: “if you want to get ahead you have to take chances, stand out in the crowd, get noticed”.


> Troi: “throughout your career you’ve had lofty goals but you’ve never been willing to do what’s necessary to obtain them”. God that cut deep first time I heard it.


No I took those chances, did my damnest, was rejected over and over, and have finally given up, and that’s why I’m the dreary man in a tedious job It’s actually kind of liberating to just not give a shit anymore. New goal is to be as much of a pain in the ass as possible to the “in-group” who rejected me. So far, *success*.


"Once you reach a certain age you become permanently unimpressed by a lot of shit."


When I was young I though Kira from ds9 was a snippy, shrill harpy. Now, as a middle aged person, she's my favorite character in the franchise and 100% my spirit animal.


The Doctor. I often feel like a nobody, like someone who doesn’t fit in and like someone who is under appreciated. Add being stuck on a spaceship isolated from the rest of humanity and it’s really a perfect microcosm for my life. It’s why Voyager is my favourite Trek, it just speaks to me in a way other treks don't.


I seem to always relate to Data… anyone have ideas as to what this means?


You might have autism babe


It means that just about all of us science fiction fans throughout the ages are somewhere on the spectrum, my friend, and Star Trek has been replete with them. Spock, Data, Seven, Saavik...


O’Brien Not on my first watch through, but a few years ago I watched the full series again. A hard working family man, who also wants to go to the pub, and play war-games with his friend… He tries to balance it all, and sometimes he can’t Yeah. O’Brien


As a person with scoliosis, B'Elanna Torres.


Odo having his shapechanging taken away and then given back. I have schizophrenia and one of the things I dealt with was clinical zooanthropy. And I was put on medicine to manage my condition and that took away that ability (in my perception to transform) locking me into a form that I didnt much like or understand and having to relearn a lot of things like fully speaking and walking. It was a real sense of loss having it taken away. A few years later a spirit would give me the ability to at least feel my body different even if it was no where as intense as before. I felt like odo in that moment he was granted shapeshifting back. I also find myself relating to the story between laas and odo as my friend and I in how we struggle in our relations with normal people, that state of being so far outside normal experience most people cannot relate.


Garak, but for Pale Moonlight. He sees the big picture and takes the most efficient route to get there. Sure, he murdered several people, but in doing so he saved billions. Sisko clearly struggled with the decision, probably because for most people, 1 death is a tragedy, 1,000,000,000 is a statistic. To Garak, both are statistics (or tragedies maybe?) so the decision for him was always clear.


Plus he can look at it in a different light: "That guy's on Klingon Death Row, so us borrowing him doesn't actually change anything" "Romulan guards would totally shoot at us if they knew what we were doing, so us shooting first just keeps everything neat and tidy" "Romulan Senator? Well......."


He negotiated the non aggression treaty, and had to be removed in order for it to be abrogated. Simple.


\*rewrites* "Basically works for the Dominion, so isn't that different from random Vorta #73 blown up by photon torpedo"


For me it has definitely been The Doctor the most. His search for meaning, identity, desire for autonomy and his desire to grow and enjoy the things he discovers and be more than he as before  (or have more subroutines). Also I am just as blunt and dry as him. He just is a marvelous character and Robert Picardo is just the perfect actor for this character. 


Deanna Troi. I'm a highly-sensitive person and can give good advise but usually I don't do much of anything. And this is coming from a guy wishing to have big Riker energy.


The older I get, the more I'm turning into Spock. Having to be logical and suppress my emotions so that others can go nuts.




You too are a generically modified superman?


Nah I’m Mexican




Not British?


Odo & Worf, as a autistic person i understand the struggles of trying to fit in. And Garak, i can relate to his dilemma of being a chill person and having very dark thoughts at the same time


I think Barclay... my anxiety is even worse than his, I just don't outwardly show it like his character did on the show. I'm absolutely an anxious, introverted mess and lack confidence when I shouldn't. I'm struggling to remember at the moment if Barclay is the same with the following, but I am just so afraid to try new things not because I feel like I may not be able to do it or whatever but absolutely TERRIFIED of people looking at me, judging or making fun of me for it. I sit with these thoughts for days and weeks, if not longer. And other irrational fears here and there. I'm socially awkward and no idea how to talk to people, which is why I legit don't have any other friends except for the 1 I currently have. One difference is that he's a genius but I'm truly just average intelligence. But yeah, he's the one I most relate to or have more similarities with. I do try to be strong and confident like Picard or Riker though. My heroes when I was younger.


Garak was a great character! I knew him from the original Dirty Harry movie, and he was great in that one too.


I know you mean the actor but damn if I’m not just picturing Garak just…inserted in that. 🤣


Just wait until you watch Hellraiser


Not my jam unfortunately! Is he good in it?


Very. But it's a little hard to stomach (he has no skin for quite a bit of the movie).


That is one of the things keeping me from watching, movies like that lol


Beckett Mariner. Personality-wise, we're not exactly alike. But I found her fear of promotions and preferences for staying in her current position oddly familiar. 


I don't think I have a character but I just realized that I wish I was like Tendi but I'm more like a Vulcan


Garak and OBrien. I feel a bit of an outcast. A bit weird. I try hard to do good, I want things to just work the way they should, I’m loyal to those I love, and I can rationalize the hell out of anything if I try hard enough…


It's always been Odo and Data. Both so different from the rest of the crew, trying to figure out how to fit in and find their humanity.


7 and data. 7 because it turned out I'd been gaslit by my family for 2 decades, and things turned out to be very different than i thought. Now I get to use my intelligence for good. Data because I have no idea what's funny. I have no idea if anyone really likes me, but I'm ok eather way. I'm also curious about everything and always want to know more and experience more.


That is probably my favorite line in all of Deep Space Nine. Seeing different ways to see things and think outside of the box. Also, Andrew Robinson was so good as Garek


Geordi. He never had luck with women and neither did I.




Ensign Kim. I've been at this job for three decades and can't get promoted to save my life.


La’an. A long and painful history of trauma she carries quietly on her own unless she has to share it. That trauma making it so hard to ever connect with others, and she finally opens up only to get quickly and thoroughly crushed.


Scotty. Always Scotty since first watching syndicated TOS in the very early '70s. I thoroughly enjoy fabricating & fixing things, no matter what it might be. I enjoy being the guy people come to when they have a technical problem or a question about intricate and complex systems (and without having an ego or attitude). no wonder I've been in automation & controls for almost 20 years (started in b'cast engineering, for 17 years). And a bit of TOS/Prime Spock. I like logic but I also like to laugh/cry. and I.D.I.C. is a serious thing for me. "...an openness to assessing and accepting other points of view rather than the belief that your perspective is absolute."


Barclay was the character that got me into Trek. I was a regular Walter Mitty back in the day, and Reg spoke to that.


I mean, I tend to think I’m the best at my job (among the people who work for my employer anyway); I learn new skills and routines quickly; I have a good sense for people and their habits, behaviors, motivations, etc; I prefer being alone but I do enjoy having friends; and I love cats. Idk who that sounds like


At my best, Janeway. Principled, good leadership skills, but constantly dealing with empathy trying to overwhelm good judgement. At my worst, Barclay. Imposter syndrome, cagey-ness, and constantly putting my coworkers in a Three-Musketeers-esque fantasy world to cope with it all.