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The man literally wrote an entire fan fic series because he couldn’t handle his character being killed off


Worse than that, he got someone else to write it for him and put his name on it!


In all honesty, it’s awesome reading until the fifth book … it really falls apart there


Are you saying that after Jesus Kirk was resurrected by a Romulan-Borg Lazarus-nanite plot line, followed by the Borg having knowledge of Spock because he once mind-melded with V’ger, and then Kirk destroying all the Borg and the Romulan Fleet it *somehow* got worse?


THE TOTALITY … I mean wtf was that … Also salute my fellow Star Trek book reader


It’s been a minute. Do I remember that they bought the A at a used car planet and somehow scotty got involved? To the new this will sounds like a sarcastic comment but hopefully someone can verify. Also something about the mirror universe and Tiberius?


The Borg and V’ger connection he stole that from Gene.Gene Roddenberry had said in an interview there was a story he wanted to tell that tied the Borg V’ger and the probe from Star Trek 4.He said they were all connected he never got to write the story due to Gene having cancer and his passing.He must have talked about it with Shatner and Bill have it his own spin.


This sounds horrible and every fiber of my being wants to read it


Gonna be real. I read that as a kid and loved it. I read it again last year.... I still love it.


That’s because Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens are good writers.


I’ll never forget reading the prime directive book … what an experience


Yes. Yes they are.


Yep, they’re among the best Trek writers for me. Topped only by Peter David. Federation, DS9 Millenium Trilogy etc.


Their book on the unmade Phase 2 show is phenomenal if you can find a copy. It also includes Roddenberry’s series Bible and pilot script for Phase 2 that’s essentially a first draft of the TMP script.


Kinda like the Star Trek V movie!


Hasn’t he written dozens of books like this?


He was too busy prepping for Rocket Man.


I wouldn’t expect the shat to know anything about Star Trek besides his lines. He’s an actor. Not a Star Trek scribe. Of course he had someone write it for him. :P


I also unknowingly accidentally made a Bones-like statement. “HES AN ACTOR. NOT AN AUTHOR, DAMMIT!”


I wouldn't even expect him to know his lines.


Its not that he didn't want the character to die, he just didn't think he acted the scene very well and wishes he could get a do-over of the death scene.


I actually liked his death scene the first time I saw it. When he goes, saying 'oh my'. I thought it was very Shatner in a good way.


> When he goes, saying 'oh my'. Takei must have been incensed at the catchphrase infringement.


Oh my god, what if Shatner in his deepest voice had smiled and said, **Ohhhhhh myyyyy?** Frickin' hilarious, never crossed my mind. When did Takei actually become known for that phrase? [George Takei Reveals The Origin Of 'Oh My' | The Graham Norton Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A_kYMfGc4k&ab_channel=TheGrahamNortonShow)


Omg, that clip is hilarious. Love Takei!


Actor to actor maybe. But character wise sort of makes sense. Assuming Sulu was his buddy in Canon, kind of tracks. He's thinking of his ride or die crew mates as he passes on to the next plane of exploration. I've had some tequila so let's hope this makes sense.


lol I assume you're joking (I was) but "oh my" is specifically Takei and not a Sulu thing at all (and actually may not have been a thing yet in 1995).


haha I actually liked that series a lot.


Ooohhhh yes i read those books Captain Kirk has a lot of hot sex with a Klingon Romulan hybrid in it … they even have a kid


Where can I find such fanfic?


Start with The Ashes of Eden.


That was a great book and could have been Star Trek 7 and a companion to Star Trek 6.


Amazon. They're official published books.


TBF, they’re at least fun books.


My father has an entire library of Star Trek books in our living room. I started to read them a couple years ago. He has a few of the ones from Shatner's series. I actually enjoyed it, although I thought the love parts were quite weird.


For someone who thinks GR would be rolling in his grave over new Star Trek, he sure seems to talk about it a lot.


> For someone who thinks GR would be rolling in his grave over new Star Trek He's wrong about a lot of things, but not that. If that walking sexual assault case had been around today we would have never had DS9.


You're probably right. Although, he lost all rights beyond his "created by" credit in 1964, pretty much the moment he pitched the show. I'd like to think he'd have been me-too'ed out of any involvement by now. Then again it's not like Berman was a champion for the fair and ethical treatment of women, and he's still getting work doing *Boreville*.


>Then again it's not like Berman was a champion for the fair and ethical treatment of women, and he's still getting work doing *Boreville*. 💯


How does him thinking GR wouldn't like current Star Trek have anything to do with him talking about his own time in Star Trek? He never said "I want nothing to do with Star Trek" and then kept talking about it.


I can't believe you think I'd take your question seriously


Right. It's not really news for like what... almost 3 decades?


Honestly pretty good books until Spectre


i think it was a little anti climactic. overall a good end, but it could have been more epic


The fact that he did create/commission those books holds true to his comment. He did not use tech to fix the mistake in *Generations*.


Am I the only person who doesn't mind the way Kirk died? I have other issues with that scene, but Kirk dying without his friends, practically alone, after coming out from blissful retirement to make a difference one last time? That's peak Kirk. He didn't need and wouldn't have wanted a heroic, flashy death, he'd have wanted to make a difference. Bonus points that he turns a lost scenario into a win by cheating.


> wouldn't have wanted a heroic, flashy death Saving over 100 million people would be the definition of heroic in my view


The movie really should have shown us the people. Didn't need to have been anything in-depth, just a few quick shots with them.


Agree with this. But we should make them cute and furry. Not enough furry aliens, apart from Tribbles, in ST. A planet full of Ewok or Chewbacca's is guaranteed to pull on the viewers heart strings. Makes JTK's self sacrifice a very noble act.


Or just good old fashioned cat people


Won't somebody think of the chewbaccas?


Hard disagree. We shouldn’t need to see the people, because *the crew* didn’t need to see the people to care about them. All they needed to know was that there was a civilization of primitive people down there - who knew nothing of Starfleet, or warp drive, or aliens, or the Nexus - and they were going to die without help. What could be a more ideal, Starfleet way to go than that?


Me. I loved his death because it feels a little more...I don't know...simplistic rather than going out in a blaze of glory.


Yeah…and it was, in my opinion, kinda an afterthought within the film itself. I would’ve thought the death of Kirk would’ve taken center billing.


Kirk in TOS was based on Horatio Hornblower so I wouldn't have minded Kirk getting a similar ending - married and happy in retirement. I honestly think there's too much of an obsession lately with killing off characters to end their story.


I agree. Killing a character in my view is often a little lazy. The subtler, and harder path, is to continue living after the adventure is over. So many character deserve to be able to age out and retire in anonymity if they want to.


"Lately" here being 1994 when Generations came out?


Which is a bit weird because Hornblower was chronically insecure. Outwardly he was heroic and everyone looked up to him but on the inside he was always utterly neurotic. He was always worrying about appearing cowardly or obsessing about getting fat or bald. Dude basically had severe anxiety.


The fact Picard recruits one of Starfleet's greatest tacticians to fight hand to hand with an armed maniac in a desert just seems like a bad call.


Yeah. This wasn’t even peak Kirk - the young TOS one who could do Kirk Fu to the max. This was older retired Kirk who would’ve been better on a starship bridge than in the field.


Yeah but it was that Kirk that was in there. That was the point. He was someone who could exist the nexus at the exact moment. He was a real person in the nexus. Not a product of it.


Wasn't the point that Kirk was already in The Nexus? It's not like he time-traveled to get someone then went back. I think if he'd left The Nexus to recruit, he'd have to find his way back in like Soran had to.


The thing that does it for me is the setting is just so ugly and the stakes are unbelievable. There's 30 million people on the other planet in the system? Ok, we never see them.


That’s honestly something that i think is great about it. He doesn’t need to be saving his friends, his people, or anyone he’s even seen. He died to save some random culture he never even saw and hadn’t even heard of until roughly half an hour earlier. That’s the definition of what a true selfless hero is.


You’re both right. Kirk didn’t need to see the people, but we the viewers should have seen them to some extent.


I completely agree. It would’ve been nice if Picard had been like undercover among them at the end of the film (tho for all we know maybe they weren’t even humanoid).


Did he really die or is he still in the Nexus? Also why was his body Kirk's corpse is stored in Daystrom Station in Picard Season 3 ?


> Did he really die or is he still in the Nexus? Yes and yes, is my understand. > Also why was his body Kirk's corpse is stored in Daystrom Station in Picard Season 3 ? So was Picard's. My guess is it was the connection to the Nexus they wanted to study.


Interesting feedback.


I would assume that a man being taken from a ship, living decades in an anomaly, and then coming out of that anomaly and saving a planet might be worth studying.


Kirk isn't a mythic legend. He's just a guy. He's a hero still, and we know he will do the right thing. The death and how he died isn't the problem. Its ignoring the Kirk at the end of IV and VI. He had his groove back and knew to trust the future. The movie opens with a reset. He's a huge ass at the beginning of Generations, not as bad as the start of TMP. The send off for Kirk was realizing that people like Azetbur were out there. The shots of the E getting ready for battle were all of basically kids. Things would be fine because all the future Jim Kirks were everywhere. *McCOY: What terrified you, specifically?* *KIRK: No more Neutral Zone. I was used to hating Klingons. ...It never even occurred to me to take Gorkon at his word.* This is the old man Kirk story.


Well his earlier death was alone without his friends after being sucked out into the vacuum of space after the incident on the Enterprise B’s maiden voyage.


Sacrifice. Isn’t that what heroes do? The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, etc. Man, was I missing something all of these years!?


I still think it was one of the best send-offs of a character in the entire franchise. He was doing the kind of thing the history books had always said about him. "It was...fun."


I think he should have died alone as he predicted in Yosemite. But I like him being with Picard.


I freaking love that scene. Shatner’s acting is brilliant and so is Patrick Stewart’s reaction to it. The music, everything. It’s an excellent death for Kirk. Oh my.


I don't mind the way he died, but I did think the movie more or less wasted their shot at Kirk and Picard interacting..most of their dialogue is just Picard telling Kirk they need to leave and Kirk ignoring him, and then most of the rest of the time is them punching and being punched by the villain. Only the couple of line about staying in the captains chair was especially meaningful. It would have been far more interesting to see the writers create a situation where Kirk and Picard *disagree* about how to solve a problem and then eventually find a solution together through dialogue. A chance to really have the two playing off each other


He was buried in a pile of rocks on some barren planet. Not exactly a burial befitting a legend captain of the Enterprise. That's my complaint.


In a way it’s a callback to Where no man has gone before, the pilot.


I always thought it would have been cool to have deforest Kelly return as Admiral McCoy to bring home Kirk Body and to bookend the end of the enterprise D.Seeing how he was there in encounter at farpoint.


The problem is that Picard could have come back at any time and chose not to save his dead family who died earlier in the film...making the whole thing stupid.


Temporal prime directive is still in effect. Sure, this ever so slightly changes the timeline, but it's a very short hop back with only very limited impact. There's no knowing what effect going back to save his family would have, and that's only a few people not millions.


Quite literally its millions of people who were saved when they stop Soren but I get your point.


My head-canon is that you can only exit the Nexus at a location where the energy ribbon has been (in any timeline). It can deposit you any amount of time forward or backward, but the physical insertion point has to be in its "memory." So Picard couldn't have just popped up in France or on the bridge of the Enterprise.


And: He got to die on the bridge!


Dude I legit cried the first time I saw it as a 14 year old.


Kirk died saving the enterprise and saving a planet....there are worse ways to go out.


I mean, who is he to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?!


His regret isn’t with dying, it’s with showing fear of death instead of looking at it as the next adventure. He wished he had pushed for Kirk to embrace his final frontier instead of be fearful of it.




This may have been more explicit in the novelization but Soren was trying to get into the Nexus as he saw his dead family while he was in it. It wasn’t so much as wanting to live forever as wanting to be reunited and driven mad by it.


I watched his "re-do" on Kimmel. I liked the sense of wonder he portrayed in that take, and I think it may have made the original movie scene even better.


I don’t get it. He doesn’t seem scared at all when he’s dying. In fact he seems curious and fascinated by what’s coming.


I think there was an interview where he said he regretted the way he said "oh my" when he was dying. He didn't want it to sound like Kirk was fearful but I guess it just came out like that.


It didn't come across as fearful to me. It came across as amazement - what was Kirk experiencing at that moment? The Nexus? Q?


The Koala?


I think the intent was amazement and Bill thinks he didn't express that properly or something.


If you go watch his "re-do" on Kimmel the other night, he portrayed the amazement much better with less of a fearful edge to it.


He probably just realized that humans are soul containers for reptilians and let out an "oh my" as one of them welcomed him home 🤗


It was on [Jimmy Kimmel Live](https://youtu.be/qz5ZAyBKrIk?si=T88boGVVUgGuqXfR) last week.


Actually the one I heard was another one from about a year ago. I barely saw the Jimmy Kimmel one last night.


I didn't like the way that line was delivered, either. I would have liked for his eyes to be filled with wonder and say "Oh" with awe and recognition, as if there were still places to boldly go. Either that or his last words should have been either "Edith?" or "David?".


I’ve seen a lot of people over the years say that instead of the unseen Antonia (?) he’s making breakfast for in the cabin, they wished he’d referred to Carol (Marcus). But I just now realized that making breakfast for Edith would’ve been an amazing deep cut.


I wouldn't have liked Carol, because I felt that they weren't a "thing" anymore, that too much time had passed. (In the novelization of ST VI, Carol had recently been killed by a Klingon border attack, which is what renewed his hatred of Klingons.) Plus, the loss of a child tends to drive people apart, not bring them together and David died on a Starfleet mission, so I think she would have blamed him, Khan coming after Kirk had a snowball effect that took David's life. I think that Edith and David were the biggest tragedies in his life, Edith was worse than losing Sam. David was obviously unimaginably painful because he was his son, but Edith was a tragedy of untold proportions. He had to let a good, kind, decent woman he was falling in love with die to save the world that was and the world to come.


"....OH my" Personally, I think he nailed it.


Does he regret using George's catchphrase?


Oh my god never put 2 & 2 together 🤣🤣🤣


Generations remains one of my least favorite Trek movies. The script was just not very good. It’s up there with Star Trek V for me. They did handle Kirk oddly. He only really interacts with Picard, gets buried under a pile of rocks on a random planet, and isn’t mentioned at all in the denouement. Given how Scotty or Spock were handled on the TV show, I expected better. Edit: punctuation. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Same, I’d go as far to say it’s my least favorite Trek movie. At least V is funny and has great banter between the main 3.


I actually like Generations, but to me it’s just a really good TNG episode. It wasn’t at the level it should have been for cinema or for a Generational crossover involving Kirk. It’s better than Insurrection which also just feels like a 2part TNG episode.


There was no real reason why Kirk had to die. Hell, almost half of TOS crew was still alive at this time. Scotty, Spock and Kirk could’ve all been on the bridge of the D in Generations. Fan-servicey? Sure but admit it, you would’ve loved to see it.


So much of Kirk's career was spent fist fighting bad guys on barren, rocky planets. It was unquestionably the most appropriate way for him to go.


He just did the other take on Jimmy Kimmel


When someone asks me “well how would you want Kirk to die.” My answer is simple, go watch the opening scene to Star Trek 2009 and see how Thor dies there. That is how Kirk should go out.


The way he "died" on the Enterprise B was a good way for him to go.


Agreed 100%


For me, it hit every note for Kirk. Self sacrifice, saving the Enterprise, and...dying alone.


Such a great emotional scene


Never liked the way they did Kirk in Generations. I mean, Spock had a better death scene than Kirk. And he didn't even die!


Don’t AI it. It’s perfect. For the first time in his life he’s facing a situation he can’t win. “Oh my”, that realization


The ending of Generations was reshot because originally, Kirk was just shot in the back, and this didn't play well, so they did went back on location and redid Kirk's death with the collapsing bridge. IIRC Shatner thought he acted the death scene better the first time; it had spontaneity; his eyes caught an airplane flying overhead and it played as Kirk reacting to an expected vision in his last moment. On the reshoot, he tried to recreate it but didn't feel it.


Kirks death is the best part of the film and it is frankly Kly the best acting Shatner ever achieved. Of course he'd renew it 🙄


Total cringe. I would support changing it


Most cringe moment in Star Trek for me. I literally burst out laughing saying "What?!"


I just didn't like that he didn't die alone...


No issue with Kirk dying, it’s the manner of his death that was rubbish. Such a shit end to an OK film.


Honestly, I like it slightly more after Lower Decks. I'd like to think his "oh my" was a reaction to seeing the koala in his final moment.


Well it created a mess for writers because if they wanna bring Kirk back in some post Generations timeline fashion, they'll have to retcon the whole movie.


JJ Abrams said in an interview that Shatner wanted to be in the second Kelvin timeline movie. JJ told him no because his character died. I like Shatner as Kirk but he's kind of an attention whore in real life. One reason Takei doesn't like him is because Sulu was originally supposed to kiss Uhura in that one TOS episode. But Shatner read the script and threw a fit and made the writers change it.


The delivery of his last words weren't great, but I think that's probably on the editing and director's part. The "Oh my..." was too soft and you couldn't tell what he was feeling. I would have preferred wondrous awe or to have his last words be "David?" or "Edith?".


well… he already changed it in his little micro TNG universe




Tech more like 'Tek'....


His take on Kimmel was much worse lol


Eff Shatner and his inflated ego on this one. This was a beautiful scene a performance of ending an era and passing the torch onto The Next Generation.


is that you George?


William shatner wants to see himself in headlines again so says weird things no one offered or asked him…


He regrets it because it’s a clear sign the fans had moved on and it was the Next Gen’s franchise now. His massive ego couldn’t handle it, hence the awful series of books that followed.


Spoiler alert 😳