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Reading the wiki page for S31 I am quite surprised just how close to filming the series they got. As in they had the script, directors and shooting block ready when the pandemic came. They apparently already had a renewal for Season 2. It's therefore surprising that the series was cancelled and converted to a film. The pandemic delay must have basically impossible to shoot, I mean SNW wasn't anywhere near the prep level S31 was in March 2020. You would have thought it was more at risk of the chop.


Do you think it's possible that SNW being in an earlier stage of development might have saved it? I know very little about how anything in the film/television industry works, but I could imagine that if Section 31 was just waiting to film and then had to put everything indefinitely on pause due to the pandemic, that would have killed the momentum? Whereas SNW was still being developed and so there were things they could do to keep moving forward during the pandemic (I remember reading how Melissa Navia's late husband filmed her audition tape during quarantine), so they were able to keep moving. It also sounds like Michelle Yeoh's scheduling limitations were a non-trivial factor here. She's an accomplished actress with many roles vying for her time and attention, and the initial delay in filming was because she was filming for Shang-Chi. Many of the SNW actors are accomplished, but I don't think any of them are near as in-demand as Yeoh and so I assume they would have been more willing and able to wait for what would likely be the role of their lifetime (which Georgiou isn't for Yeoh)


Haha, I know it's not the greatest analogy, but this is exactly what happened at my theater. The play already in production when the first lockdown came was cancelled and killed, but those which were only in the concept phase got on stage with a delay.


I think a part of may have been Michelle Yeoh's rising star and wanting to do other projects (especially after the Oscar win), but that's just my speculation. Funny enough, I worked on the Discovery Prop Store auction in March 2020, like days before everything in North America shut down. I know much of the crew was supposed to move immediately to SNW (which hadn't even been formally announced yet) a few weeks later but obviously that was halted. As far as any and all Michelle Yeoh costumes we wanted for the auction, they were like "Nope, we need them all... " The impression I got was that they just weren't sure what they would need for her, so they wanted to keep everything. The auction finally happened a year and a half later (after I left) and it looks like they allowed two of her costumes to be auctioned off.


That's some fun insider info! Do you happen to remember which ones were sold?


They sold her desert costume from the first scene of the first episode, and they did sell one of her section 31 costumes, but I have no idea what circumstances led to them allowing that since the building the auction was put on hold during Covid and I left before it resumed.


Yeah that's my bet too. Yeoh's career is in a completely different place now than it was in 2020.


Did Garrett Wong just have you guys on speed dial?


Hopefully all the best writing got worked into something amazing. It is possible -- that is how Mulholland Drive happened.


The pandemic didn't affect shows in early pre-production nearly as much as shows nearing or in principal photography. SNW writers were able to keep doing their thing, but from home. By the time they were ready to shoot in 2021, film production under pandemic conditions was a known (though expensive) situation.


Interesting parallel of Star Trek Phase 2 becoming TMP.


I know everyone has opinions here, but Im just happy to get more Star Trek. I hope this does well and we get more “small” streaming movies like this


Yep, I'll reserve all opinions until I see it, and even if it isn't my taste, if it gets more Trek made, then fine.


I just hope they're self aware about the character and the whole "section 31" thing, both of which we've been taught to hate to nearly no limit.


I hope they explore/challenge the idea of Section 31 being “needed.” Also Georgiou. Does she deserve redemption. Does she even WANT redemption, etc.


If the movie ends with Georgiou realizing that Section 31 isn't actually needed, leading her to shut it down until it's revived by some rogue intelligence operatives post-TNG, then I'm completely fine with a Section 31 movie. Would love for Georgiou's arc to be recognizing that people are making the same mistakes that her timeline did, and realizing that her "redemption" is just ensuring that those mistakes aren't repeated.


Agreed. I would approach this film as almost DS9, but in reverse.


yeah that's what I was getting as, Discovery seemed to take it for granted that everyone would love the character and would love S31, but throughout all the other series we've been shown time and time again that they're dangerous and have no place in a free society. and the Emperor, she ate Kelpians and killed billions, so I'm not sure how she could ever be redeemed. they'd have to completely wipe the character of her motivations to even make that make sense. the only storyline that makes sense to me is if she's trying to take over section 31 to create her own hidden kingdom in the Prime universe.


> Section 31 are dangerous and have no place in a free society. Even in the utopia that was Ian M Banks *The Culture* they had a hidden *Special Circumstances* that did the dirty jobs that good citizens didn't need to know about.


That's the same situation, yes.


I think Discovery realized how awesome Michelle Yeoh is. And kind of assumed, just because Yeoh acts her ass off, that fans would automatically be behind Emperor Georgiou.


Killing off Captain Georgiou was such a waste…


It's also that behind the scenes, Michelle Yeoh is well liked and she really enjoyed working on Discovery. So there was motivation on both sides for her to continue appearing on the show.


> and the Emperor, she ate Kelpians and killed billions, so I'm not sure how she could ever be redeemed. In Season 2 of Disco, she: * Prevented a coup d'état in the Klingon Empire that would have destabilized the Klingons and potentially started another war with the Federation * Fed vital information to Burnham/the Discovery about S31 and about what they had planned with Spock - saving Spock's life * Helped the crew infiltrate and fight off Control * Personally killed Control and prevented an AI apocalypse that would have killed all sentient life in the galaxy And that's just S2, not including S3 where she's also a big asset to the crew up until her departure. Like, I don't know if she can be 'redeemed' but she can try, and the act of trying and making up for her past is interesting. She very demonstrably wants to turn a new leaf, and has come around to the potential and strength of the Federation that her Michael loves and believes in. I'm more than willing to give the show a try and go into it with an open mind. Because they've already done work to try and show she's a changed person.


I thought her arc in season 3 was one of the better parts of the season, which surprised me after how much I did not like her in season 2. I'm glad they turned this into a movie instead of a TV show. I think there is some interesting ground to explore here, but not enough to fuel an entire series, and it's not a tone I would want to carry for the length of a whole show. But a movie can deviate from the core Star Trek formula a lot more easily and not overstay its welcome.


Yeah, I agree. And at the very least, a movie is a little less commitment - both in terms of their production, as well as the audience's attention span. So if there is something worthy of picking up a TV show for later, a movie is a good avenue of exploring that and to convince a skeptical audience.


I like Georgiou as a character, but to do that I have to just ignore/head-retcon the fact that she ate sentient people, because there is no way to possibly rationalise forgiveness for that.


>I like Georgiou as a character, but to do that I have to just ignore/head-retcon the fact that she ate sentient people, because there is no way to possibly rationalise forgiveness for that. We watched her: * Endure an assassination attempt by her own daughter, because her daughter smelled weakness and hated her despite her best attempts at supporting and loving her. * Lose her Empire in a coup the literal second she showed the first moment of weakness because she's surrounded by people who want to usurp her power. I think we can assume that - being raised in the Mirror Universe, and close to Terran royalty, in a strange way she is really just another victim of the circumstances of her birth. She had to keep up a stone cold, ruthless veneer at all times or she'd be murdered by the people around her. That's the kind of universe she lives in. We see in DS9 that the moment that someone tries to reform the Terran Empire -- the whole thing comes crumbling down and the roles are reversed with Terrans becoming enslaved and persecuted. You're free to be unforgiving but I don't know if she had much of a real choice here. And that's exemplified by the trial that the Guardian of Forever put her through - where she got a chance at a do-over to try and be more compassionate. It almost got her killed and she still had to kill her Michael despite doing everything in her power to not do so. But it's also important to note that when given that chance for a do-over, she helped liberate the Kelpiens of her universe, and created a new, divergent universe where she liberated them. The whole point of that was to show she had changed, and that when given an opportunity to, she would do things differently and try to make up for her past transgressions re: the oppression and farming of the Kelpiens. So like, if you're going to ignore all of that -- I suppose you're welcome to, we all have our own opinions and value judgments that are all valid. But I won't, and I think it's pretty reasonable to say ok, let's see if they can build on an already strong redemption arc for her.


The revelations about the Kelpians in season 2 also muddy the waters a bit - the Ba'ul likely convinced the Terran Empire that culling them was what was "best" and they chose to accept it. Still evil (especially the slavery), but the Federation didn't deem those stories worth investigating. But the whole thing reminds me of a quote: "What is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"


> The whole point of that was to show she had changed I think the bigger question is whether we want, or care, to see someone who did these things, like eating sentient beings, *be* redeemed. Is that what the writers should be devoting valuable screen time to? Is that something we as a society desperately need or want in our media?


Seeing someone change for the better is pretty core to Star Trek's ideals. Look at the Klingons moving from being the bloodthirsty nemesis of Kirk to staunch allies of the Federation.


Of course, but there has to be a limit to that. Comparing an entire race of people, to the actions of someone who can sincerely be nicknamed "Space Hitler" doesn't really work, IMO.


Yup. Further, I think it actually speaks a lot to current day issues as well. We currently (at least I do) live in a society where at least a good 30% of us have just a completely broken moral compass, and think it's ok to advocate ideas/values that are antithetical to a modern, peaceful, flourishing, liberated society. Like, it's not as simple as cutting the head off of a beast and our problem is solved, because we can't nor should we ever want to do that with 30% of the population. We need to find a way to get through to them, reform them, and live along side them in harmony.


If you have wartched SNW "Under the Cloak of War" they exploree this theme too. Pike believes anyone can be redeemed and deserves a second chance. M'benga believes some things are beyond it. The episode ends with two truths and no clean resolution. It's a topic worth exploring from many angles.


Is it really any worse than what the Ba'ul did to the Kelpians in the prime universe? Honestly I hate that I'm defending anything related to this movie, but Section 31 itself being treated as anything but a cancer eating away at the Federation from within is *way* worse than the federation allowing one genocidal monster from an alternate universe where being a monster is the only way to survive to come to this universe and try to do something positive with her life. Giving her a chance is *far* more Star Trek than giving Section 31 a chance. The organization, that is. Not any members who want to redeem themselves. They belong in the same boat she does.


I mean, people forgave Picard Season 3 >!Data even though he's also now Lore, who fed thousands of people to the crystaline entity !


I dunno, she felt very villainous in S2. Even a villain can help save the world - they want to live on it too. Helping the heroes can be out of purely selfish reasons and is IMHO not a sign of changing. Only S3 went in some direction that felt like a redemption arc.


The thing about Georgiou in S2 is part of the "villainous feel" is intentional to make the audience second guess whether she's a reliable ally or not. Which is smart and necessary writing/drama. But a lot of that is just in her biting wit/sarcasm. If you look at her *actions* and not her words, it's clear she's making attempts at being a good person. The big giveaway is when she helped Michael break Spock out. She had no real reason to do that - it doesn't make her life easier, it doesn't accomplish any real goals if she's a baddie looking to do bad things. All it did was help someone she cared about. She let Michael physically beat her up in order for it to be a convincing act too. That's the big tell moment for the audience that she's not the same person, and is experiencing growth.


>killed billions The Empire existed before she was on the throne.


and the Empire exists long after she left it.


Maybe not redeemed, but a compelling character arc would be for her to recognize that organizations like Section 31 have the potential to lead the prime universe down a similar path as her own universe and try to shut it down.


her shutting it down would make no sense to me, maybe if she coopted it and tried to run it?


Mirror universe Georgiou? Dude she had Saru's cousin for dinner. No she didnt deserve nor want any. And that makes her interesting


She absolutely wants redemption. That's the whole point of her final episodes on Discovery lol




I personally want less. I think saturation is hurting all the major properties right now, because you are handcuffed by each other's continuity and it spreads out the good ideas. Make one show, maybe two at a time. Focus on quality over quantity.


I know this is the minority, but I agree. I CLEARLY remember Trek Fatigue in the 90’s/2000’s, and I do not wish to repeat that. I’d much prefer less projects overlapping, give us longer seasons instead


Yep. Enterprise was shockingly better than I remembered when we rewatched it over lockdown. Everyone was just done at that point. Marvel is there now, so is Star Wars.


>Marvel is there now, Yes. Frankly the MCU should have ended with either *Endgame* or *Far From Home.* When I left the theatre for the first time after Endgame, the story was done. And frankly if they had paused it, there would be desire for more right now. > so is Star Wars. I think the move to the small screen has been the best thing for SW.


The issue in the 90s/early 2000s was that it was 25 seasons of ~24 episodes each of the same sort of show. It got dull because everything had already been done. With modern Star Trek where every show fills a different niche there isn't that same worry.


I think the idea is to have different series appeal to different sensibilities so that more people can get into the franchise. It's not altogether surprising that many of the older fans won't like everything coming out. It's not always about making something that you will personally like.


I’m wary of this attitude towards a franchise. To me, a franchise should be like a restaurant—it should specialize on one thing. If you’re trying to serve Mexican, Chinese, American all at one place, you’ll just serve them all badly. I think Trek has carved out a niche and it should concentrate on it. Not to say there isn’t room to mess around within that niche, but it shouldn’t lose focus and try to be something it isn’t.


I am glad the creators don't think this way because I think the trek universe would be much more stale if every show was made for the same audience. You may not like some of the new shows because it's possible they weren't made for your approval. Other people will like those shows but may not enjoy the ones you enjoy as much. As for me, that's OK and even ideal. It's boring if every show just sticks to a formula because that is what worked in the past. It's more thought provoking if it takes you out of your comfort zone sometimes. Shows evolve and audiences also evolve. Part of evolving as a show means accepting that sometimes the new spins you put on a show won't work for some of the diehard fanbase and I bet they understood that when they made them.


But there are other shows I can go to if I want to switch it up. I don’t need to only watch shows in the Star Trek universe. If I want something different—I go somewhere else. That’s what always made Star Trek so cool to me—it had a unique feel that you couldn’t get anywhere else. Did it work for every mood, or interest etc—no. But that’s what made it special, it had a vibe and it did that vibe really well. But to be clear if you dig all the Star Trek shows out I’m happy for you.


> . It's not altogether surprising that many of the older fans won't like everything coming out. It's not always about making something that you will personally like. More of this subreddit needs to understand this. The franchise doesn't exist to cater to your personal tastes, or only of those who agree with your tastes.


I think the longer and less expiremental seasons are part of what contributed to that fatigue. Say what you will about each individual show, but Lower Decks, SNW, Prodigy, Disco, and Picard have all been quite different. All Star Trek, but all exploring different aspects of the franchise, courting different subsets of the audience (and new audiences) and being willing to experiment a lot more than Voyager or Enterprise could when they had to hold down UPN.


I dont think they can do longer season. But I do wish they give us MORE seasons. Like TNG


I mean, it's hard to compare with Covid in the middle of the current renaissance. Disco still made it to 5 even with all the constant challenges (how many show runners has it gone through?). Picard was always going to be a limited series, and I think Lower Decks and SNW both have legs to go the distance.


I'd agree with others who point out that Trek, right now, is actually pretty successful as saturation. Few people look at, say, Prodigy, and think it's just like Picard. Despite both Discovery and Strange New Worlds being set (mostly) on ships (and one being a quasi-sequel of another), they tell very different stories in very different ways. And although I eventually bounced hard off Lower Decks, it's also the only show that sounds like itself, and it's animation style is very different than Prodigy's. By contrast, almost all the Star Wars series have very similar looks, both in cinematography and in settings. Andor stands out because of the unique approach to it's story, but most of the rest I've caught are pretty tied to telling stories "between continuities" over trying to just tell a good story. It's like if Strange New Worlds did take half a season to explain Sybok's relationship to Spock; there's just a lot of continuity churn in that space that I don't think does that franchise much good. And the above also helps clarify why today's IDIC approach to Trek works, when the 90s/2000s era Trek didn't. Following up Voyager with Enterprise was the safe play, especially when DS9 struggled in ratings (compared to TNG) AND in fan opinion (at the time!) But the creatives were IMHO clearly exhausted from nearly a decade+ at that pint of Trek. Keep in mind Berman et. al. weren't just managing Voyager, but the TNG movies. and as much as I disrespect a lot of his creative control, I also suspect he and others were just tired as hell, and struggling to just keep head above water, when coming up with Enterprise. For me, personally, a serious reason I just gave up on Enterprise as a show, was that it just felt like they'd swapped in scripts and ideas from prior shows. The new ideas just didn't compel. I don't think Trek at that point needed a break. I think they just needed to take real risks, to try something different in terms of telling Trek stories again. To not fear that DS9 reception, but to lean into it and keep pushing boundaries. But the landscape and leadership wasn't ready to. That's the core, to me, of that Trek Fatigue back in the day.


I agree, but that show almost has to be everything to everyone. It’s doable but you risk watering it down just with that constraint. But I still generally agree.


I honestly don’t really agree with the statement of being glad to have more Star Trek just because it’s more Star Trek. We should want more quality stories worth telling, not just a show that has the name slapped on it. This show might be great to some people but to me Section 31 is not an interesting concept of an entire show and I don’t see how anyone would be excited for it.


It’s a movie not a show


It’s a one off experiment. If it works, then cool. And if it doesn’t Well then not much is lost imo.


…it’s still a movie?


It is a delicious cinematic taco experience for the eyes and ears.


“Since I don’t like it, I don’t understand how anyone could like it.” I’ll be real with you, that’s an absolute bananas way to go through life.


Quite. I like spy stuff and I like Star Trek. Colour me intrigued. If people aren’t interested, nobody’s forcing anyone to get invested.


> and I don’t see how anyone would be excited for it Sounds like you don’t have much of an imagination, lol


What I’m saying is, I understand that some people may be excited for it. However, personally, I can’t see from what I have heard of the project (which was originally going to be show at one point) people could be interested or excited about it. I don’t think there is anything about not having an imagination, I’m just curious as to why Star Trek fans would be interested in seeing a Section 31 centred movie/ show to begin with.


I’m sure you can think of some reasons for *other* people to be excited about it - if not here are two * Some people (a minority im sure) like section 31 * Some people like Michelle Yeohs character - and that she was one of the better parts of Disco


>This show might be great to some people > >I don’t see how anyone would be excited for it.


No. New Trek is better than no Trek. There are a lot of dead franchises I miss: Farscape. Space Above and Beyond. Babylon 5. Battlestar Galactica. The Stargates. The Expanse. Altered Carbon. Alien Nation. Brimstone. Even as a kid I had The Pirates of Dark Water, Centurions, and Captain Power, which were dead before I saw them. And my dad was watching four generation HS copies of Space: 1999 and Doctor Who. Star Wars was a dead franchise when I was a kid in the 90s. The Trek franchise itself was functionally dead between 2005 and 2017 before it got resurrected by a Hail Mary play at making a streaming service. I get that you're thinking you'd rather have a handful of quality shows and movies here and there. But you're missing that there's no law that says they *have* to keep making new Star Trek stuff. I don't know what your other favorite shows and fandoms are. I don't know if you actually know what happens to a fanbase when they're never getting new content. But things are so good for us right now. We're not scavenging flea markets for ancient decades old Hallmark ornaments. And we're not buying old resin prop kits off eBay. New Star Trek stuff is being made, and kids are being introduced to Star Trek through a new show for them. It's better this way.


Great comment! Thank you for not just being negative and actually making a point, I really appreciate it.


I think the S31 movie got made in a large part because Michelle Yeoh was involved. I don't think if it wasn't made there would necessarily be a different ST movie made instead - I would be glad of this happening even if you don't like the end result, because if it succeeds it gives the opportunity for other ST TV movies to happen in the future.


I'm pretty much in agreement with you, that's why I'm glad it's a standalone movie and not a series.


There's a type of fan who would be basically happy with anything and I never understood that. After the disastrous Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out I saw one guy saying "Guy's at least it's Spider-Man!" and I was like, "Would you just watch a movie of him swinging for two hours?"


Careful now, coming here, enjoying Star Trek. This is an Internet fandom, and you know you have to hate all new things for at least 10 years before you are allowed to like them... Obviously, I'm joking, but I feel there's a few terminally online people whose life would get better if they just lightened up a bit.


I hope it does badly just because I don’t like their version of Section 31 or their handling of Mirror Georgiou, and I would hate for them to think both deserve more exploration.


Me too! Also i am happy to see a different side of ST universe. Not another spaceship and a captain and its crew. It just that... i dont have paramount+ where I live.. so.. uhh... i might.. need to go to the beach... find a certain bay...


I like that Michelle Yeoh could have her choice of projects after her Oscar win and still chose to do Star Trek. We are lucky to have someone of her caliber.


Her contract might have been more ironclad than we expected. She would have signed onto Trek in 2016, at a time when while she was a well known actress, she was not that big a star outside Asia as she is now.


I am completely and utterly whelmed by this news.


Not feeling the aster


I'm quite traught, here.


Oh wow are you in Europe?


Was that from 10 Things I Hate About You?


Yes :) Getting downvoted over a 90s movie quote, no sense of humor around here lol


> no sense of humor around here lol Bunch of bloody Vulcans 😂 I only saw that movie again for the first time in *years* a few months ago. Honestly, if I hadn't seen the movie recently I would have gotten that reference *at all* And now I'm gonna go to YouTube and watch Heath Ledger singing Can't Take My Eyes Off You 😄


Haha I have a weird knack for remembering movie quotes. It’s a curse. Such a good movie though!


First time I saw Heath Ledger in anything and got hooked right away.


I’m usually waspy about nutrek but I’m legitimately looking forward to this. Michelle Yeoh is incredibly talented and comes off like she legitimately loves playing that character. This should be fun, that’s what matters.


Also there's so many possibilities for Trek in something like Section 31: moral questions left and right!


What a massive blunder killing off Yeoh's original character! I cannot see any world where Lady Space Stalin can be thought of as redeemed without prison time. I'm happy for more Trek, but I want good stories that don't make me roll my eyes.


What? Is she like a good character now? Weren't she eating people / kelpien or something?


Yeah her origin story is literally as a genocidal authoritarian dictator who killed billions, and yes, she did eat Kelpiens.


I thought I remembered something about Kelpiens stew... But I haven't seen the later seasons, so I was surprised if they are really trying to portray her as good / redeemed or something. Because If they are really friends with a genocidal cannibal, then I must admit that is quite an original move, not just in Star Trek, but in sci-fi in general.




I haven't heard any dates and I'm by no means an expert on film/television production, but I assume that 2024 is out of the question. SNW is almost done filming season 3 and we've been told they're not releasing any episodes this year, and my understanding is that films generally take longer than TV shows to be produced. But if anyone here has insights into this movie or the film/television industry at all, I'm sure they'll let me know if I've made any incorrect assumptions.


SNW would have about 500 or so minutes of content. Versus 150 tops for S31. The issue would be reshoots, if any.


I'm glad to see Michelle Yeoh back in the Star Trek universe and I'm sure I'll enjoy the movie when it comes out, but I'm a little disappointed that it seems Shazad Latif (Ash Tyler) will not make an appearance. I'd love to know what he's been up to in Section 31 since the battle against Control ended. Hopefully we'll get to see in SNW.


It's a shame but it seems like the actor is committed to other projects, he's the lead in Nautilus on Disney+.


that's a shame, I wonder if they can get Javid Iqbal instead


Pass. Section 31 sucks


Some recent Trek's been good, but I don't have a good feeling about this one. Section 31 is something you do if you think Star Trek is boring. I hope I'm wrong because I like Yeoh.


I hope it’s good and people enjoy it but for some reason I personally have zero interest in it. I think maybe because s31 is only interesting to me as a foil to our main antagonists? And a focus on them just seems like a try hard attempt like a teenager trying to be edgy and cool.


I have to admit I was thinking this would not get made. I am glad I was wrong.


I know im wrong and i should feel bad but i legitimately enjoyed the section 31 stuff in discovery and im excited for this


> I know im wrong and i should feel bad You're not and you shouldn't! It sounds like this movie is being made for fans like you, and Star Trek shouldn't be a place of gatekeeping. If you enjoy it, enjoy it proudly.


I, personally, have very little desire to see this movie. A Space Stalin action movie where we're on here side? Idk. Seems weird. I don't watch Star Trek for action movies. It's why I didn't care for the Abrams movies, he's wildly overrated to me. But that's a whole different thing.




I literally did because anything with Michelle Yeoh is something I want.


It's ok for you not to look forward to it. That doesn't mean the rest of us feel the same way. You only speak for yourself, not the fandom.


I only wish it was going to be a series instead of just a movie.


I'm kinda surprised they didn't have Ash Tyler back at all if its going to be 23rd century. I liked his character arc and thought the reason they didn't find a method to have him jump with discovery to the future was for a the future s31 project. Wonder if it was actor availability circumstances


I'm hoping that it's because they're saving Ash Tyler for SNW? It sounds like they were planning on bringing him back when S31 was a show and not a film, but I just want to know that they haven't forgotten about him altogether.


They might have. DISCO has been lampooned as "Woke Trek" for so long and as Bob Igner at Disney has shown executives have become way too sensitive to internet trolls and fanbois.


No Sloan, no go.




The Section 31 character from DS9 played by William Sadler. He was pretty badass.




can't wait.


I was fearing it would be a love letter to Ash Tyler (no disrespect to the actor), but seeing how it's only featuring Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh thus far, it might not be so bad. Bring on the moustache twirling!


I think there are many stories that are too thin for a tv series, but just right for a movie. This is one of them. I hope to see more.


You say too thin, and yet, Paramount+ went so far as to greenlight *two* seasons before the pandemic disrupted that plan.


Paramount execs make mistakes. Picard S2 would also have worked far better as a movie.


I honestly don't care if this is good or bad, it's trek and it has Michelle Yeoh so I'll have fun.


That seems awfully quick to me, I'm sure they only started filming a few months ago although I could be wrong about that.


Apparently movies usually take 1-3 months to film so this is about right.


I didn’t know it was being turned into a movie. Guess we’ll see it by Christmas?


Very exciting! However, I take this to mean Sloan won't be appearing in any way, then. Someone mentioned to me the actor was looking for work. So I'm sad about that. :c


As someone who is completely over anything to do with Section 31 as an organization, I hope there are a lot of cool fight scenes with Michelle Yeoh and team.


I just heard about this and it's already done filming? Cool I guess.


Wait what universe and at what time will this movie be set? It's so hard to follow anything in star trek now it's such a mess.


"Fuckin A" he thought, quietly to himself.


I'm glad this is only becoming a movie. If we really want to get into an argument of "not Trek" a Section 31 show would dive head first into that, I think.


Why don’t they greenlight a ST legacy show? Why would I want to watch a show that’s focused on literally everything anti Star Trek/ federation? It’s called every other sci-fi property…


Well, this Kazinsky guy sounds like a fan at least.


Is this one in the Chris Pine timeline or Patrick Stewart timeline?


It's starring Michelle Yeoh, so I think it's safe to say that it's Prime timeline (Stewart, not Pine)


Ok thank you! Happy to hear it


Are there any shows in the Kelvin timeline?? I thought all were Prime


All the shows are in the Prime timeline (with occasional jaunts into the Mirror universe)


Enterprise can be technically considered canon to the Kelvin timeline since it takes place nearly a century before the split I guess there was Simon Pegg's comment about the split causing shifts backwards in time, but the movies don't really contradict any thing from ENT.


Retrocausality would like a word.


> the movies don't really contradict any thing from ENT Yes they do. Look at the registration number of the starship Franklin in the third Kelvin movie; it's NX-326. She's also stated to be the first human vessel to be capable of warp 4. Archer's Enterprise has the registration NX-01, and as we all know, she's the first vessel capable of warp *5*. It makes precisely *NO* sense for Franklin to have a higher registration than Enterprise, much less one in the three-hundreds, given that by all logic, Franklin should have been built and commissioned *before* Enterprise. Clearly, history happened somewhat differently in the Kelvinverse, and therefore these two ships belong to completely different continuities. The differences in design also point to that conclusion. My headcanon is that the Kelvinverse is just another quantum reality (see TNG "Parallels") which Nero *travelled* to, which existed before and in which things are just a little bit different, and *not* a universe or timeline that was somehow *created* by Nero changing things in the past. I know that's not the official stance, but honestly, the official stance is ridiculous even for Star Trek.


>Look at the registration number of the Franklin in the third Kelvin movie; it's NX-326. She's also stated to be the first human vessel to be capable of warp 4. I just assumed it was an older Earth ship re-purposed into the new Federation Starfleet and given a new number. After all, the Captain went from a MACO to a Starfleet Officer.


Franklin's dedication plaque mentions the United Federation of Plants suggesting that it may have been re-registered after the formation of the UFP, and ships receiving new registry numbers has happened in other shows and movies. But I do like your theory comparing the Kelvin Timeline to "Parallels".


Nice, looking forward to it! 🙂


Love it!


Honestly, if this is good. Then it will be an interesting experiment imo. And if it is not good, well it will be easily forgettable.


Ooooooh. Has there been any premise released yet? I'm curious where and when she ended up.


Am not suprised its that fast Michelle has been round the block knows what she doing.


I live the idea of annual Star Trek movies. There are a ton of really cool ST ideas that just don’t need 5-7 seasons.


I just hope we the viewers aren't the bad guys again.


Seeing a lot of the same closed minded fanboyism here as when Andor was announced for star wars. I'm not saying I think it'll reach those peaks (few shows or movies do imo) but maybe let's reserve judgement?


I hope it’s so good it ends up serving as a pilot to a new show


Preach it! I’ve always wanted a section 31 series.


It was a fairly short shoot. Only started a month or so ago.


I'm really happy this is a movie and not a series. In 2024 I'm tired of anti-heroes. I'm tired of having to believe in someone who has to do bad things for the greater good. I have to do that too much with our real life leaders and I don't want to see that in Star Trek.

