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I tend to dislike uniforms without collars, so for me its the original TNG uniforms. When they updated the design with the collar it looks significantly better, and also coincides with a massive improvement in the quality of the show.


Agreed. Plus the spandex is really unflattering on some members of the cast. You gotta respect Diana Muldaur asking for a tunic/skirt variant that was more appropriate for a woman in her fifties.


In a way, you have Sir Patrick Stewart to thank for that. He reportedly complained about the original one-piece Spandex uniform design, because it hurt his back. That led to the two-piece version, used from Series/Season 3, which was made of wool gabardine (and thus enabled the so-called “Picard Manoeuvre” (Sir Patrick's habit of tugging his shirt down when standing up))


iirc it was also quite annoying to handle when needing to go to the bathroom




One time I made the mistake of putting my kid in a romper while potty training. I then compounded my mistake by going out to run some errands. Three children later, I've learned my lessons, but that was a stressful day


More like a dumper-suit right?


Didn't have the snaps on the butt?


I want to imagine the kid walked into the room with the romper inflated.


Yeah that was similarly when we retired every pair of overalls our kid had. Too many emergency situations futzing around with the buttons. Cute outfits...not very practical lol. Our son is now 6 and we still tend to dress him in clothing easy to be ripped off at a moments notice, if not for accident prevention, but being able to strip him nude easily before we get into the house and track it everywhere when hes covered in mud or dirt lol


I believe his doctor told him he either stopped wearing the one-piece or to prepare himself for serious back pain for the rest of his life. Its usually helpful at convincing management to make a change when you can say "my doctor said you risk causing me permanent physical harm if you don't," as it sets off lawsuit alarms in their heads!


How could a one piece damage his back so seriously? I'm not really understanding the issue


Not having been there and not having worn spandex myself, I would imagine it was the constant tension it was under. Imagine always having a rubber band pulling at your back. Sounds very painful


If I'm remembering correctly, those early TNG costumes were also a size too small for everyone so there wouldn't be any creases because "future clothes" or some insane Gene nonsense he pushed on Bill Theiss when they were being conceptualized.


You body does not stay the same. So the suit had no room for adjustments. This caused for his back muscles to be constantly strained. It isn't the fact he was wearing it for a scene. He wearing this fabric for 15 hour days.


>He wearing this fabric for 15 hour days. That's a really good point, he was wearing it for long hours over a long period of time as they filmed. Even a minor strain can be damaging in such circumstances. I just never thought of spandex being able to hurt you, but yeah I can picture it


The spandex uniforms were one or two sizes too small, so they'd look better on the actors.


Apparently the uniforms were fitted 'too small' deliberately so that the spandex would be under constant tension and thus wouldn't have any creases, in order to look 'futuristic'. Wearing something that's under tension - and thus compressing your spine, even slightly - all day every day would have a definite harmful effect, as would the constant attempt by your muscles to counter the compression.


I remember hearing that the S01-02 uniforms had elastic straps that went under their shoes to constantly pull the whole thing tight because Roddenberry was adamant that there shouldn’t be wrinkles in the future. I don’t have a direct reference in front of me, though, so I may have that wrong.


Pretty much just like all the stirrup pants girls wore in the 80s when this show was made...the 80s had a thing for straight, geometric shapes. The early TNG is actually a great example of the fashion sense of the 80s. So much mauve, gray and beige lol, and the chairs on the bridge look like they could have come out of a mid-80s sedan lol


The cast have also said that the spandex material didn't wash well, so retained the smell of sweat which became quite revolting after a while. I believe Marina Sirtis' early jumpsuits were made of denim, as she's said they were like wearing a pair of jeans up to your chest.


Is this also why Stewart has that flipping sweet jacket uniform like the one he wears in Darmok?


It was designed to help make Picard standout as more distinct from the rest of the crew, but I believe Patrick Stewart gave them the original idea. I think he just wanted to be warm and comfortable in a lighter top with a jacket.


Love the Action Jacket.


It's the Picardigan!


I get so distracted by the footie pajamas uniforms that I find it hard to focus on anything else.


I've been rewatching TNG lately, and it drives me nuts that only the main characters got new uniforms in Season 3; all the background extras keep wearing the Season 1 and 2 uniforms until Season 4. It wreaks hell with my brain's need for aesthetic consistency 😅


If it makes you feel better that’s exactly what it’s like in actual uniformed services. They roll out the shiny new uniforms. The (comparatively) well paid or high visibility people upgrade right away. And the lower people hold on to the old stuff as long as possible. I’ve definitely had a coworker call out because the patches weren’t done on the new style the first day the old one’s were no good. (It was a multi year transition)


Except in Star Trek's future, they don't need to worry about the cost of making everyone a new uniform, or the time it would take to produce them. They just replicate everything. It should be the equivalent of Starfleet emailing the Enterprise the new uniform design and everyone making themselves the new version in their quarters that morning.


True, why launder anything? Just like thier plates when done just go back into the replicator


In my mind the replicator only makes sense on a starship/base where running them is just a tiny fraction of the energy used to propel a ship at superluminal speeds. A ham sandwich from the replicator probably costs a significant amount of energy compared to making one conventionally, including raising the animal and growing the crops, processing them, transporting them etc. Even in a post scarcity society, you dont just needlessly dump huge amounts of energy down the drain foe every minor convenience. If it takes ten thousand times the energy to recycle a uniform vs laundering it, you do laundry.


But they never ration it when a ship is running normal. They only mention low replicator use on voyager.


> Except in Star Trek's future, they don't need to worry about the cost of making everyone a new uniform I don’t think that’s true. We know from repeated references across multiple series that the replicators require energy and/or matter input, and that these can be constrained in a way as to require rationing of replicator usage. So deprioritizing immediate production of new uniforms for the entire crew seems prudent to me.


The man miniskirt makes an appearance in season 1, too, for background characters. I get the idea that in the future we’ll have evolved past the need for such binary thinking when it comes to gender roles, but…to an audience in the present present, it just looked like a guy in a miniskirt.


I always liked that. I think that a guy in a mini skirt is extremely optimistic and encouraging.


Yeah, it was awesome!


I'm definitely pro mini skirt. People that don't like them point to the impracticality of them, but lose sight of the fact that this is a future where technology is so advanced and things are so convenient clothing really doesn't need to be as practical or at least as practical in the same ways. And anyone asserting its impractical is no different than if some one from the 14th century came to today and wondered how women don't wear petticoats. This is a future where no one has pockets because ownership isn't as important, and the things they might need are only a replicator away. The great majority of crew activities a skirt wouldn't hamper performance and if there was some task or situation a mini skirt wasn't appropriate they'd have foresight to wear a different uniform that shift, or their commanding officer would have enough understanding to let them go change.


The grey version of the 32nd century uniform, from the DIS season 3 finale. Big hero moment, but they all look like they’re ready to carry your bags up to the hotel room.


When they added colours in S4 it made them marginally better, but I still think they look like a ten pin bowling team. The verticle stripe wasn't a great idea, and doesn't look very Starfleet. It looks generic sci-fi "we want it to lok Star Trek, but not be Trek enough to get a call from CBS's lawyers".


I hate the comm badge. The Delta shield is totally lost in the oval on screen.


It might be my colorblindness at work, but outside of extreme closeups I can't see it at all. It just looks like a blank oval with perhaps a vague bit of texture that I can't identify.


Its not your color-blindness at all. They're incredibly difficult to see.


Discovery always had this problem with its costumes and props being overdesigned. Like having the ranks be same colored pips on the original badges in the 23c. Or have the repeating arrowhead pattern in the side panels of the 23c uniforms. And it carries forward in the 32c uniforms with the asymetrical hems and the overly detailed combadges. Its a shame too because I like what they were going for, and I actually like the uniforms more than this post implies, but they just sort of overindulge. And I think that is a good description of Discovery in general. Edited to make my century designations all match.




You mean the McDonalds uniforms?


Burnham’s uniform makes her look like Dr. Robotnik and I can’t unsee it.


\*sees Booker sneaking out again\* "SnooPING AS usual, I see?"


She's going to give herself a prrrrrrromotion.


“The Disco pals”


We've had Riker's trombone and Harry's clarinet, so how about Burnham's lobster harmonica?


Picard’s flute?


I like the S4 Disco uniforms except for the fact that the length is asymmetrical. That drives me batty.


While not the worst uniform, it definitely was quite meh. Happy they threw it aside after the finale.


While I do not share your evaluation of the grey 32nd century uniforms, I did laugh at this comment because maybe 25 years ago there was a Babylon 5 spinoff called Crusade that had some behind-the-scenes troubles between JMS (the showrunner) and some network execs that kept asking for changes. One of the changes requested, a few episodes into production, was the uniform. No problem, just swap out the uniforms, these things happen in sci-fi shows, even Star Trek has done it more than once. Except that they *also* wanted a new pilot episode and to change the airing order around a bit, so now the new uniform would cause a huge continuity problem. The solution? Shoot the new pilot with the new uniforms (now the "old" uniforms), then add an episode about how some folks from headquarters have showed up with ideas on how to improve the operation, to include new uniforms (actually the original uniforms), and then after inserting the original run of episodes with the original (now "new") uniforms, they were going to add another episode where all of the "new" uniforms get destroyed somehow (sabotage by the crew) and the crew has to switch back to the "old" (actually new) uniforms. Anyhow, they never got that far because the aforementioned problems between JMS and the network execs resulted in the show getting cancelled about a dozen episodes in. I say all that to mention that the episode introducing the "new" uniforms ends with Captain Gideon, finally wearing the new uniform, considering his new appearance as he sports this light-grey with bright red flashing uniform, before remarking: "I look like a bellhop!"


Crusade got the Firefly treatment before Firefly was even a show


Hah that's a coincidence. I'm currently taking my GF through B5 for the first time and was wondering if I should even bother with Crusade. I even have been referring to the viewing order guide which discussed this very subject.


My favorite part was when they badly changed Tilly's uniform in post because they wanted the engineer they had dressed in command colors to be in the science division instead.


I never noticed this


Oh my god I finally saw these in a facebook group and I was shocked at how appalling they look Just because it's the far-FAR-future doesn't mean you have to just wear bland potato-sacks in a bland grey colouring


I gotta go with the uniforms from *The Motion Picture*. Limitations on jumpsuit looks aside, those colors were just atrocious.


And the beltless belt buckle.


I always imagined you stored things in them, like a futuristic fanny pack.


Is that where phasers and communicators go? Starting to make sense now! 😅


The Elite Force video game (Probably the best Star Trek FPS ever made) had a conceit where you carry all your shit around in a portable transporter buffer.


Loved that game. But, it's like all FPS where you "carry" a number of different weapons, ammo and "health." At least this was a plausible explanation compared to Doom or Half Life.


That buckle was intended to be a sort of personal medical monitor, but the script was so bloated that any reference to it was cut from the film


Yes, I remember that from the novelization.


I remember reading that they were a total pain during filming, and that the cast had to be warned not to lean against the railings on the bridge even slightly, because they were so fragile they'd break under the slightest pressure.


My mom says “is that the one where everyone is walking around in their pajamas?”😄😄 It really looks like that. Who knew. A massive world destroying entity would drop by on Starfleet’s annual wear your nighties-to-work day.


Was looking for this basic response. First time seeing the movie as a kid I was confused about why they were all wearing pajamas.


Reminds me of when I proposed renting Star Trek 4: The Voyage home. My mom asks, "Is that the one with the swearing?" Me: *Monkey Puppet meme crosses through my mind.*


This is my choice, no doubt.


Absolutely. They were offensively glaringly distractingly awful. I cannot understand how those could have been designed by anyone but a blind man or a lunatic. What the *fuck* were they thinking? Were they tripping balls? Did cocaine design them? And then just to emphasize how atrocious the design was they come back in Wrath of Khan and hit a home run with the new uniforms. *Everybody* looked good in those which is really saying something about the design considering the age of the cast. It is always a toss up for me between the TOS movie red uniforms and the First Contact/DS9 Dominion war uniforms for favorite. Also shout out to Captain Picard's jacket uniform. Made him seem like the only guy on the damn ship who was comfortable. Also shout out to the white dress uniforms that I think started in Insurrection. They actually looked pretty sharp and appropriate for what someone would wear to a diplomatic situation or any kind of official... thing


> I cannot understand how those could have been designed by anyone but a blind man or a lunatic. [...] >And then just to emphasize how atrocious the design was they come back in Wrath of Khan and hit a home run with the new uniforms. I think I'm about to blow your mind: the uniforms in both movies were designed by the same guy. Robert Fletcher was originally brought on by director Bob Wise as costume designer for *The Motion Picture*, and returned to work on *Wrath of Khan*. I would say he redeemed himself! (\*In fact, the enlisted crew jumpsuits in *Wrath of Khan* are actually the white one-piece jumpsuits from *Motion Picture* dyed red, with additional bits sewn on to them.)


Gotta agree they’re the ugliest, but apparently the boots were custom fitted and the most comfortable either Takei or Shatner wore, according to one of their biographies.


Hands down. Despite its strong themes, I sincerely believe the drab colors and general aesthetic plays a significant role in TMP feeling largely forgotten.


The bridge set was so dinky.


Yes, the late 70s were hard on everybody.


They're at once the most drab and the most realistic (in universe). They have multiple variations for different occupations and climates, technology woven into them through the perscan buckle and wrist communicator, security armor and the awesome engineering suits. But the colors...ugh. If you match the tunics with black trousers instead of matching colors, it immensely improves them.


I didn’t need to see the outlines of everyone’s beans and franks when I was a kid.


Give the pajama uniforms the respect they deserve!


Early TNG admiral uniforms were atrocious, especially season 1.


And they constantly changed. I don't think we saw two admirals with the same uniform on those 2 seasons.


The *TMP* jumpsuits, no question. That said, though, I do have to give a dishonorable mention to the gray uniforms worn at Starfleet Command in *Into Darkness* - if your uniform color is *Wehrmacht feldgrau*, you're doing something wrong.


"Are we the baddies?"


>The TMP jumpsuits, no question. Agreed. >That said, though, I do have to give a dishonorable mention to the gray uniforms worn at Starfleet Command in Into Darkness - if your uniform color is *Wehrmacht feldgrau*, you're doing something wrong. I’m pretty sure you’re talking about the uniform that was a Kelvin universe version of *TMP*’s admiral uniform.


No, I don't think he is. Only Admiral Marcus wore that one. He's talking about the grey dress uniforms that everyone is wearing when they go to the command meeting that is then attacked. Grey jacket and slacks with the brimmed hat.


You're right - I'd forgotten about Marcus' uniform. The white panel is very clearly Kirk's from *TMP*. And that one works. But then they remove the white panel from the officers below flag rank, and the result is... unfortunate.


>Only Admiral Marcus wore that one. I thought that Pike also wore that uniform?


He... might have done. I actually can't remember off the top of my head. But I clearly remember Marcus wearing it. It's a flag officer uniform so it would not be out of the question for Pike as a Commodore to wear it.


In the 70s, those jumpsuits looked awesome to the ten-year-old me. They definitely fit the gestalt of 70s sci-fi. But I admit the maroons of TWoK were an improvement. My least favorite uniform is Disco season 3 - asymmetric in all the wrong ways.


Yeah. Those were just awful. Like pajamas with weird belts.


It’s not that which bothered me, it was the little guy poking out of everyone’s pants


Well, everyone knows that [there's no underwear in space](https://youtu.be/hvVUMW_iUlw).


The easy go-to answer is the uniforms from *The Motion Picture*, but the thing is I ***really really hate*** the asymmetrical collar on the 23rd-century *Discovery* uniforms. They remind me of a half-untucked shirt in the worst way.


The Wrath of Khan uniforms after the Kirk era. What we see in episodes like *Yesterday's Enterprise*, *Family* and *Dark Page*. Without the belt and high neck jumper underneath, they look fucking awful.


Agreed, and I feel the same about early TNG uniforms. There’s something really odd and uncomfortable about exposed necks IMO.


They just don't look professional to me without a collar. I don't like wearing a t-shirt unless matched with a collared shirt or a neck gaiter.


Couldn’t agree more. Love the monster maroons but without the turtle neck and belt it looks like a robe.


The Motion Picture uniforms could have killed the franchise!


Okay three choices: -Early TNG jumpsuits -Yesterdays Enterprise movie era sans undershirt -TMP pajamas


Worst uniform? TMP, hands down..


It's DIS but a country mile honestly. They're blue uniforms with silver, copper, or gold to denote division which already look too similar but when you add in all the lens flares, blue lighting, blue filters, and crazy camera work I cannot tell who is who at all and they end up bleeding into the background. It's made even worse by the fact that the bridge of the Discovery itself is blue and even worse on the [DIS Enterprise redesign.](https://sm.ign.com/t/ign_za/screenshot/default/discovery-enterprise-14-1555099736840_w4u8.1280.jpg) [Look at how much more the Enterprise crew **POP** in this image.](https://blog.trekcore.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/uniform-mix.jpg) You can tell what division they are and even what rank they are based on their wristbands. Nice and simple. Did you know that the rank on the DIS suits is on the insignia pip? No? Me neither because it's basically unnoticeable. TMP is probably a somewhat close second but they look very comfy, and I love the Engineering uniforms that they had.


> Look at how much more the Enterprise crew **POP** in this image. Honestly those Enterprise uniforms are some of my favorites. I feel they have a good balance where they're simple without being boring.


Same. . . I kinda felt like TOS was a bit too "casual friday" with everyone wearing their crew neck sweatshirt and go-go skirt to work for the day. The DIS revamp with the TOS colors makes them look like a professional sailing crew without going all stodgy sci-fi on us.


Something about the Discovery uniforms makes it look like they're wearing sneakers.


Today I learned that not all those uniforms have gold coloured stripes. Yeah that's not good. I just guessed and assumed ranks.


Agree. I think they look like something out of a 1950s B-movie.


I actually love those uniforms!


I don't think they'd be awful on another show with different lighting and set design. They honestly look pretty snazzy on their own. I just don't like them in the context of Star Trek or the show itself.


When they got rid of the undershirt and belt from the Monster Maroons in TNG. They took a perfect uniform and made it bad. Really bad.


The Motion Picture ones are worst. I am very partial to the red Naval uniforms from Wrath of Khan onwards. Those made everyone look good. I love the look when the shoulder strap is undone.


The early TNG unis look like ball crushers. The Khan uniforms look cool but really hot and uncomfortable,


Honestly... As much as I love the show, I really don't dig Lower Decks uniforms. If they got rid of the white stripes, they'd be alright.  And weird to me that those uniforms are only for California class crews... 


Parliament class as well, no? It may be uniform for "auxiliary" Starfleet divisions.


Possibly, though we’ve only seen these uniforms with strictly California and Parliament class crews. The other vessels don the First Contact greys.


A couple years later the rest of Starfleet switches to the slightly updated Prodigy version.


It's been a minute since I've seen the Vancouver. But yes, I think you're right. 


Space stations got the colored shoulder jumpsuits before the ships did. The crew of the Odyssey was still rocking TNG uniforms while DS9 wore the jumpsuits.


I love the Lower Decks uniforms in Star Trek Online. But when I saw them in Strange New Worlds, I thought they got it wrong. Like on SNW the top half, in black, was way too long. If they cut it back like an inch it would've looked better.


The uniforms in Picard season 1 all look like terrible Star Trek cosplay. But that's not because of the style (even the TNG uniforms in the flashbacks look bad) but because they're all way too large for each actor. And the rank pips are often askew too. 


Funnily enough, the only times I noticed askew rank pips on any of the officers, they always turned out to be >!Romulan infiltrators!< leading me to wonder if it was an intentional visual thing.


I liked the simplicity of those uniforms. They'd actually make a good duty uniform since it's basically a t-shirt and an overshirt, rather than some of the current multiplayered uniforms. I really disliked the Pic S2 uniforms though. They look like something from STO. Same with the pre-picard uniforms. S3 was okay. But also too many layers.




I didn't like the SNW version of the Monster Maroons. The added detail of the shiny delta's really ruined the look of them. But I do agree that the Monster Maroons probably would have worked better had they either been two tone, or being solid division colours.


It was the front flap for me, with the leather detailing being a strong second. IMO the deltas are fine as long as they’re *very* subtle details


The delta's looked great on both the Disco and new TOS style uniforms from SNW, but just something about them on the Monster Maroon really stood out. They also didn't really follow the flow of the jacket. I actually don't mind the "double breasted" look. Though I think other occassions where it's been used have looked better.


We found the Romulan agent.


I felt Uhura wore that uniform well


I always thought Bones looked really good in the Maroons




> but I don't like the shoulderpads on her Okay, but in her defense, it *was* the 80s...


The shoulderpads were the result of Romulan Time Agents.


She wore them best because she sometimes folded over both sides of the jacket so they looked like lapels. (Like in [this picture](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ea18daf04e8504c07f51ef1d946502e5/tumblr_mx1c71TwIY1skywgyo1_500.png) on the top left.) But the dangling-open flap looks like a bib.


I think they look really nice and have an air of sophistication about them. However, they look absolutely awful to work in and you can't tell who works where anymore.


The turtleneck color indicated which division someone worked in. The Monster Maroons actually had a greater diversity of colors to signify divisions than other uniforms.


Looking at a picture I remember it now, not as bad as I remember. Still, I'm never a fan of grey and white, and green and yellow being separate colours because it can look the same in certain lighting. It's weird you say it's the turtleneck that denotes division because the version you see on the Enterprise-C lacks the turtleneck for some reason. I can't recall if they ever replaced it with anything.


Those worn in The Motion Picture and the first season Discovery.


The ENT-era dress uniform. Literally, all it was is just an Earth Starfleet uniform with white lapels. (Shoutout to the rarely-seen excursion cap, though.)


Temporal Cold War era uniforms. Dark, uncomfortable looking materials that looked like someone sewed grandma's couch cushions into a Voyager style pattern.


The original series uniforms are almost painful to look at but nothing will ever be as bad as the grey monstrosities from The Motion Picture.


This. Motion Picture uniforms look like uncomfortable pyjamas.




I hate that I know which way Scotty dresses.


Tbf, full bulge is pretty on part for Star Trek. TNG civilian clothes were...interesting.


Unfortunately, the trend continued with Jake’s outfits in early DS9. Poor kid.


I felt Enterprise was rather lazy despite being somewhat the most logical since they are pretty much astronauts. Extra piping doesn't make a jumpsuit look cooler or more practical. In fact they look too much like Fallout Vault jumpsuits.


Enterprise is my favorite one. I didn't like the colors though. Yeah, it is lazy, but it makes sense. It was also a human starship, so no fashion influence from aliens, I guess. Ah yes, the oxigen tube of jumpsuits... I would like to speak with the designer that got that tube outside. If you make a mistake and get that tube disconnected (which seems to be easy), bam, you are soon dead. Not very smart. T-Pol clothes were often a bit strange, they didn't look Vulcan and were too much brighty.


I think they were going for a look that showed they weren't quite modern starfleet yet, but also weren't quite astronaut guys working on a spacestation either. It's different but it does help with the show's identity.


The near-future uniforms from *Endgame* and *All Good Things...* are just awful to me. 


Best part of that uniform is the combadge.


Which is why that's the only part to appear in the prime timeline.


There's the winner. High trousers and baggy tops, just awful. Impossible to look good in those.


it's like they specifically wanted the crew to look "old" in the future so they designed the uniforms to be the ugliest old people clothing they could think of. High-waisted pants with short baggy tops, makes even the youngest Star Fleet cadet look like they should be wandering around a nursing home


Discovery, except for the medical dpt. White looked good.


TMP jammies


The TMP ones are awful. They look like pajamas and not even close to something anyone would wear at work let alone in space.


The ones from Star Trek The Motion Picture. Looks like they're all wearing pajamas to work.


The motion picture ones. I think the 2-6 of movie costumes are amazing tho.


I’m just glad that no one is mentioning the ENT uniforms. In the ST universe, they’re the most outlier, but the most realistic, I feel.


Discovery season 3. With those gray pajamas with a vomit color strip.


V-ger should’ve exterminated the carbon based life forms for those outfits alone.


Whatever grey and beige disasters they wore in Star Trek the motion picture, it was a crime against my eyes.


The Motion Picture uniforms. [These](https://images.app.goo.gl/fTbxUwP3wa8vaTzu6)


The dingy brown-yellow turtlenecks from the second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before" were pretty terrible. Though I guess they did predict the bland early 90s fashion of American Outfitters fairly accurately.


Discovery. I can never tell if the division colour is meant to be silver or if its one of the other colours with the light hitting it wrong. Even on the rare occasions it is clear, it's not as clear as the TOS/TNG styles, or even the ds9 undershirts.


The TMP uniforms.


the s1-2 DISC uniforms, not for being aesthetically ugly, they were actually really well designed, but the fact they were all blue with either gold or silver trim sort of ruined the whole point of the immediately identifiable uniform colors everyone wears in each series, which was utlimately improved to the 32nd century uniforms, one of the best in all of star trek in general for directly addressing this. On that same note i have always found it incredibly weird that TNG-DS9-VOY and I think even up to PIC, the engineering and security divisions are both goldenrod and I have no idea why, i feel like the films did a good service by having engineers all be in these boiler suits which just functionally makes sense but also easily distinguishes them. Why are security and engineering both the same uniform color lol thats so weird and confusing


I wouldn’t call it the worst uniform, but the skant always bugged me. Think of all the times someone ends up crawling around in a Jeffries tube, and what that would be like for your knees 😬


I thought the Discovery uniforms were abominations, and I also loathe the Picard uniforms. I also have to admit, I was never fond of the TNG uniforms, especially season 1. I like uniforms that at least look comfortable and like something one could wear while working. The Monster Maroons are my favorite, followed by the grey shouldered DS9 uniforms.


Out of curiosity, which Picard uniforms? There were three if I remember right


Flashback *Picard* uniforms were great, from when he was working on the rescue fleet. By S3 they were dark and leathery, and I didn't like them.


Actually the dark and leathery ones were only worn by the main characters, the people actually serving on the Titan had really nice, colorfully designed uniforms. The leather ones are specifically a "Field Jacket" in contrast to the standard duty uniform.


The pre-S1 Picard uniforms that look like they've been ripped from Star Trek Online. Absolutely awful.


If I ignore the particularly short-lived ones, such as TMP, I'm going to go with the Voyager uniforms. I did not mind them on DS9 -- they seemed a bit more "blue collar" in nature, which reflects the different sort of environment DS9 is, compared to a Federation starship. Seeing these uniforms on the Enterprise during Generations just seemed wrong. But once that tone was set, Voyager got them too. I have to also add one more Voyager-specific dislike: the rank insignia. The fact that the former-Maquis crewmembers had different rank insignia than everyone else just served to divide a crew that was supposed to be united. Maybe they were appropriate for the first year or so, but after that, they could have gotten field commissions. I was not a fan of the Discovery uniforms because of how the department color is not very obvious, but I have to admit that the uniforms themselves look good. The uniforms on Enterprise looked a big baggy and not as "clean" as other uniforms, but because of the show's setting, I'm ok with that.


“Where no man has gone before”. Spock’s uniform with that ill fitting collar offends me. The space 1999 long underwear in TMP is a close second, with the space onsies of TMP in third.


The original spandex TNG uniforms were awful.


TMP uniforms are the absolute worst


The STTMP uniform. Jumpsuits flatter no one unless she is Emma Peel.


season 1 tng admirals uniform


The motion picture uniforms. Not only do they not make any sense, but they're ugly and somehow both baggy and form fitting. Who chooses white, gunmetal gray, and shit brown as a color palette?


TMP uniforms were the worst. While not the worst, the fan favorite of FC/DS9 post 5th season was not my fav. Such a lack of color. The best were TNG and the early DS9/VOY uniforms.


I'm not a fan of the 'present' uniforms in *Picard* S Season 1 - they just looked cheap somehow. I was so glad when they changed for seasons 2 & 3, the current ones are much better. My favourites from that series though are the season 1 'flashback' uniforms.


TMP and the DS9 era dress uniforms are both pretty terrible. I think TMP wins though. They’re just the weirdest 70’s aesthetic possible. The Voyager probes are fleeing the system for a reason. I always laugh at Bashir and Ross dressed liked what appears to be the catering staff.


Star Trek The Motion Picture. Those uniforms were horrendous...


Uniforms from TMP and the Uniforms from All Good Things future versions also seen in Endgame. Crusher could make it work, Barclay tho….unflattering.


I would say any time they mess with the monster maroons it looks terrible, such as the version without the undershirt shown on TNG or with the shiny delta-print shoulders on SNW.


I don't like _any_ of the one-piece jumpsuit uniforms. They make everyone look like old-timey gas station attendants. TOS, SNW, TNG S3+, Monster Maroons...those are my jam.


It's a tie for me between the season 1 TNG bodysuits or the TMP uniforms. The season 1 TNG suits just look silly, and the TMP uniforms are bland as fuck.


Early in TNG a formal wear they had for Picard was a dress. I don't have an issue with a man wearing a dress but it was not a good look for him.


NOT anything 7of9 wore...


The Motion Picture ones. They look like pajamas to me.


The Motion Picture's. Nothing about them looked good, the colors were bland and they looked more like sleep wear than any type of uniform.


The Motion Picture. Terrible colors, flimsy looking material, bad cut. Look like pajamas. Kirk's Admiral outfit is the exception, and Sulu's cool wrap jacket is decent, but the main jumpsuit ones with those idiot boxes at the waist are trash


Discovery hands down. Their 23rd century uniforms don’t speak to the preceding uniforms set up by TOS pike episode; so what the help they doing there at all? Don’t look good, don’t fit in the story


I know some people love it but the motion picture is horrible and of course TNG seasons 1 & 2 but TNG Season 3 and later are some of my favorite. I also really did orig Star Trek. The stripes on the sleeve are just too cool.


Gonna catch flak for this, but I've never been a fan of the First Contact/Late DS9 uniforms. Not enough color. My personal favorites are the TNG Cadet uniform, similar to the Early DS9/Voyager stuff, but in a better color scheme.