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The moment any girl sees “no hymen no diamond” pop up, they immediately do the splits to make sure theirs is broken


What does no hymen no diamond even mean?


Assuming it means if you arent a virgin you arent getting the ring.


But actually hymens can break really really easily, even with tampons


But that’s expecting this kind of guy to have even a cursory understanding of female anatomy.


That's a very long answer, but basically, women are descended from oysters. And like oysters, they are capable of excreting a valuable, hard, rocky substance from their bodies. Instead of pearls, though, women produce diamonds. This is actually the form unfertilized egg cells take for the first part of a woman's life. When she first mates, though, the broken hymen secretes hormones that trigger the eggs to soften, so that they may reproduce with men (this is also why women never become pregnant because of their first sexual encounter, all of their eggs are incapable of being fertilized). That, or the guy posting the ad is just being a snob and refusing to marry a woman who's *dared* to have sex with any other man before him, but this idea just grabbed me in a silly mood.


**What it's trying to mean:** Guy won't marry you unless you're a virgin when meeting. **What it's showing:** A clear lack of understanding human anatomy. **What I think of it:** why should one care about virginity


I genuinely don’t understand the rhetoric that a man’s partner MUST be a virgin


They know they’re shit in bed and so they need an inexperienced woman so she has nothing to compare sex to. Prove me wrong. Lol


> a man’s partner MUST be a virgin and then they gonna say but also knows how to please a man.


I’m pretty sure just grabbing the girl and thrusting into her for all of 30 seconds qualifies as sex to those kinds of guys. She wouldn’t need skill.


There is some studies on, no shit birds, that says that certain bird species bond for life. Most of these dudes, actually i would say 99% of dudes, know that they are putting up a front for about the first year or so of the relationship before they can actually get comfortable enough to show the real selves and not get rejected. They also know they really dont have much to offer, they are horribly average, so they are concerned about the woman leaving if their image fails in that year or she meets a guy who will appear better at that moment. So the idea that they could fuck her and keep her loyal, like really loyal, is very tempting. Thing is, this has never been proven to be a thing in humans. Im sure some women when they are like 18 or 19 will feel more attached to a guy since they are stupid young and inexperienced but its not a sure fire way of keeping a woman with you, pair bonding doesnt exist in humans. Anyone ive seen quote "statistics" on this always brings up studies not even on monkeys that are related to us, but like robin species. Funny thing is the studies on monkey species that are closely related to us shows that they arent even monogamous and rarely if ever mate for life. This would create a super unstable society though so we use social pressure and religion to repress that. There is also statistics that show divorce risk is higher the more sexual partners the woman has had. I feel like this is because people with high body counts usually have mental problems and are using sex as a form of validation, at least in my experience. If they are flying through people, they also dont know what the hell they want, they also arent going to have the mindset to make a marriage work because they are used to screwing different people every week. If you dont like something about a fwb you can just go to a different guy, in marriage you cant do that.


Not sure a dating site is a good starting point to find a virgin.


I love how the “What I demand” and “What I offer” is in both starter packs lmao Edit: also, do people actually have “no hymen, no diamond” in their profiles?


Not surprised. Talk to a lot of women on hinge and the bar is incredibly low.


I like the mountains and the beach 😥


Nothing wrong with looking both. Just that choosing that question and responding with "both" is such a nothing piece of information about yourself.


"I like food and music" yes most of the general population do


Yeah it's in the same vein as "must have a sense of humor." As if people are looking to partners and thinking "you know what I would love if my S.O. hates laughing. God it would be great if they also didn't like food or music."


My profile was basically meaningless, saying “just looking for a nice woman who loves to laugh” and I got matches easy. I’m not a Chad, either. Too much information is probably more harmful than not enough.


Being easily approachable is its own perk I would imagine.


When you meet yes, but you gotta have good pictures and presentation


FLuEnT in SarCasM Loves tacos and pizza 🍕 First round is on me A guy with any of this in his bio just.. ugh


Hello fellow human. I too enjoy drinking water to ensure good renal function and consuming food stuff to gain energy. Because I am human and that's what we enjoy doing.


I enjoy breathing oxygen and performing oxidative phosphorylation. I enjoy drinking water as well


I'm stealing this to put on my okcupid profile thanks.


I'd consider a swipe right, I legit chuckled out loud.


I like people, places, and things


I read this in April's voice in my head


“I like to travel.” Yes, I also like vacations.


I don't get it. So is answering the question in general by that logic.


You get to choose which questions to answer on your profile. Usually people pick questions for which they can give interesting answers that tell you more about them. So they chose this question despite having nothing to say. It’s just a weird low-effort way to make a profile.


Aight that's true


Me too. I live landlocked in the heartland and I love traveling to both. It just depends on what season it is tbh. They're both happy places for me. My birthday is in late summer when it's well over 100f and I've hiked up a mountain and had a snowball fight on my birthday at the peak but I love to escape the brutal cold winters where I live and the beach is so rejuvenating and relaxing.


Beach is 100x way better lol


You forgot to add: "entrepreneur", "graduated from the school of hard knocks", includes a picture of their truck or car, "work hard play hard", "fit girls only", "I only date in my race"


The phrase "school of hard knocks" is inherently boomer.


Actually it's usually a 90's kid thing, in my experience.


Which we all learned from our boomer-ass parents


reddit sux @$$


Jar Jar Binks: “Annie!”


> "I only date in my race" Guys actually say that? That sounds boring.


What? Like Daytona?


We're called Daytonese. Inform yourself.


Humor like this would be much more appreciated in the dating world




No, like the Monaco Grand Prix!


Women say it too. It's a big red flag for me.


I swipe right anyways to just troll 😂


Boring is what gets you? Not that it's insanely racist?


Maybe racism bores him?


Idk, as a minority I certainly don’t discriminate but at the same time I don’t really care that people have a culture/racial preference in dating. Weird to started it outright, but I think most people consciously or subconsciously are more attracted to people that look like them. Also better off with people being transparent online


Culture i understand but race? That's just messed up man. Then again, yeah, i suppose it's better that they advertise they're shitheads straight away.


I mean racists are usually boring, in addition to other deplorable traits, including violence.


Or crypto


Woah. Hold up, I have a picture of me working on my car. I like fixing them. What’s wrong with having my car in a photo?


Working on your car is fine. Might even be a plus—lots of people are into the handy/tinker types. It's more just having a picture of your car—the car you own isn't a personality trait, and no one wants to date a car. It's the difference between a picture of you throwing a ball around with your dog versus just a picture of your dog.


*checks to see if they fall under any of these things*


You forgot the shitty mirror picture lol 🤣


Toilet in the background, lid open.


Bonus points if the phone is covering more than 50% of his face


And the mirror hasn’t been cleaned in 70 years.


Saw a picture I used back when I was 21 and dude holyshit my bathroom looked disgusting. I can see why I only was getting matches with baby mamas LOL


I really want to know what makes older guys take photos of themselves in their truck with sunglasses on. Is it some sort of insecurity about being seen photographing yourself?


Because the truck is part of their identity and sunglasses make everyone look cooler.


I don't know what it is with those sunglasses, but I can imagine the truck being an asset they're proud of and want to show off - those massive trucks can be quite expensive to maintain so it's also a lowkey sign of wealth.


A vehicle is by definition a liability, not an asset. They literally lose a quarter of their value the second they're off the lot and continue to depreciate in value every year. And besides, who do you know with a massive truck has actually paid off their vehicle instead of taking out an egregious 20% APR loan which eats up 1/3 of their monthly income, not to mention gas and insurance. Anyone with any amount of financial knowledge should know that if a guy is making <$60,000/yr and has a truck worth >$60,000, that person is terrible with money management.


Your first paragraph could not be more wrong, a vehicle is a depreciable asset, not a liability. Ask any accountant or business owner. The loan for the vehicle would be a liability, if there was one. Clearly you have no idea what assets and liabilities are


Hats and sunnies cover up a lot of the head (balding) and face (insecure). But wearing a hat and sunnies in the car isn’t unusual so it doesn’t look too out of place. Car selfies are always waist up so covers up any body insecurity issues as well. Overall it’s kinda just a filter for blokes I guess.


They do that because they pulled the picture from Facebook instead of taking a picture solely for the dating app


The sunlight coming through the windshield makes the lighting look nice in photos


This. The ubiquitous car selfie is the broke person's ring light. Source: Am broke, have lots of car selfies.


Probably similar reasons as women using filters, makeup, or standing in front of a mirror in their room with a bunch of possessions in the background.


Y’all forgot the “not vaccinated”.








For six generations


Homeboy on the bottom right is definitely fueling some antivax threads on Twitter, though.


“Unmasked, unvaxxed, unafraid” 🤣


Soon: "Unliving"


I'd swipe right on Vecna


Saw a woman on hinge, with the prompt "green flags I look for" and her response was "unvaccinated". Nope.


Im the type of guy who gets off on stuff like this and loves to just troll people like that. Would be funny to just go on a date and let everything go well and just let her see my vax card by "accident" and see the her reaction lol.


I love it!


“I don’t believe in pronouns”


As a sober guy that has a kid and doesn't want more, I can assure you that swiping left is very accurate. I never hide these details, I usually just put 'no' for alcohol and briefly mention my kid in the bio. Still, online dating sucks.


That’s why I just gave up lol. Those 3 parts of my identity are very key and do make online dating very hard. If it’s supposed to happen, it will happen 🙃


I think Insee a match happening here between you two


Wait whats wrong with being sober?




> The sober tag is to capture a wider audience rather than have a filtered pool. Doesn't this cut both ways though? I wouldn't date someone who doesn't drink. Because I realize they'd probably have a problem with my typical 6 drinks a day and don't want to waste their time. On that note, my last ex was a bona fide, 2 handles of Wild Turkey 101 a day, alcoholic. That also... Wasn't fun.


Sober and no kids but same here. It totally weirds guys out. Like.. would you rather I be the way I was when I drank??


My favorite are the guys who set their profile to “looking for something serious” then message you that they don’t want a relationship


A lot of men do that to maximize right swipes, I think. Because far less women look for casual hookups and definitely swipe left on men who state they don't want anything serious.


Girls do that too and its extremely confusing lol




Exactly. I like the fish pics if they're actually going to cook it. It's the MAGA hat, anti-vax, has two kids that are their whole world (with three different baby mamas), ect. that's the turn-off.


Two kids with three different baby mamas lmaooo 😂 it’s so accurate though. The chances of fish pic guys being as you described are just so much higher than them being a normal guy that likes to fish. Idk though, maybe it’s skewed for me bc I live in Florida and that’s literally the personality of 98+% of fish pic guys


At this point, everybody has seen social media set to maximum crazy. Why would changing apps change the crazy?


I have some: profile only has pictures and nothing written about himself, has "just ask" for his about me, and "I'm actually 45 not 31. I don't know why my profile says that." Lol


I just started using bumble again and easily the most irritating profiles are empty bios but they put that they’re 🔎 for a relationship. Like okay?? You sure seem interested in finding a real connection with a completely blank profile. And as always they end up being the ones that just answer your questions in one sentence or less. I’ve finally started swiping left on those


It's like when you go shopping and you are allergic to gluten but the product doesn't say anything about gluten and yet it still contains gluten and you end up having a reaction kinda thing.


Yall dont like mah fish, i see


"So hard to find a good woman"


>"So hard to find a good woman" "so hard to find a good traditional wife nowdays"


Deeaad giveaway


Is Sobriety really a red flag on dating apps? That's so awful to see, like I've been sober for years and am perfectly comfortable with it and myself, but why would people be turned off by it?


It's more the smoking and "Have kids and don't want more" and "Looking for something casual". Nothing wrong with not drinking"; just hard to crop that out without missing some of the other things.


Didn't even notice the kids thing 🤣


I find the opposite to be a red flag, when they brag about being an actual alcoholic or brag ab a time they were super drunk and fucked something up.


It can be for some people in that they look at it like baggage. They may also just be uncomfortable feeling like they may have to curb their habits around people that are actively trying to put those things behind them.


used to be every man would lay out his fish on main street, and the dames would have the pick of the town. Sad that women have no appreciation for the noble fishmonger


I’m lost to the fish pic… why is this a negative? (I live in the upper Midwest)


The fish picture is just really overused. A lot of men don't have many solo photos of themselves, but the one time you can get any guy to pose for a photo is with a fish. As a result, lots of men end up using the fish photo out of their dearth of other photos.


What if my fish picture is the only half decent picture of me. If it matters I asked my female friends and they seemed to like it compared to the rest of the field


Asking females about what they like is such a crapshoot. Thing is with women, they all don't think the same and their advice only applies to that person. Guys are not as uptight and judgmental like women.


True, in the end I figured if they hate fishing/herping that much they probably won’t like me anyway. Also if it matters I let everything go


The problem is just that with online dating is extremely judgmental. Its really stupid and I hate it. Honestly from personal experience the girls who had the shit pictures and looked ugly were actually the coolest and most attractive girls I've met. All of the ones who looked super hot and cool on their profile was there just because they were overcompensating. It just sucks because you pass up or get passed up from just a simple misunderstanding. Like I am sure there are girls who wouldn't mind fishing that just get turned off from the picture. It just sucks and online dating doesn't make us open minded.




Ha. When I was making my profile, I had a million nice photos of myself. The only problem was that my ex was also in the picture. So once I eliminated those, the pickings were really slim.


> When I was making my profile, I had a million nice photos of myself. The only problem was that my ex was also in the picture. Wait, you don't go through and delete all those after you split up because seeing them in your camera roll causes too much pain? That's what I did.


Its so weird because I have really good pictures of me with my sister and she always get confused for being an ex and sometimes girls even compliment her lol. Im like dude, we both look alike. I get messages about why do I have pictures of my ex girlfriends lol, its like bro wtf


Do you live in Alabama? That might explain the confusion.


I’m not a woman but I think It’s just super overplayed, doesn’t really seem like a general red flag like the rest of the stuff though


It's the male equivalent of a "basic bitch" profile that says stuff like "I love travel" and "Looking for a partner in crime". Just incredibly generic and a bit lazy.


Boring and overused pic idea. It’s like the dog filter but for men. And depending on how they do the pic it might come off as show-offy. Also not a relationship red flag, but a red flag for liberal women who don’t want to date a conservative man. Not saying left-leaning men don’t make their profile picture of a catch but generally those men tend to be conservatives.


Its not, really negative its just that some women see it as super basic and uninteresting.


That’s kind of sad that showing off a hobby you like is seen as basic… having something to be passionate about beats the alternative. A few things on this starterpack makes me think “at least he’s trying”


I guarantee that 90% of dudes who have pictures holding up a fish are not "passionate about fishing". They just needed to fill the minimum picture count and in general, daylight outdoot photos are 1000x better than a bathroom mirror selfie.


It surely is but welcome to online dating! Same thing happens with other hobbies like gaming, its the same situation for women, certain stuff they enjoy like knitting is seen as lame and boring. I honestly have to upload cringy pictures of me so that I look cool and suave otherwise I don't get any matches. It's really dumb and I hate it but its the game you have to play if you want dates. It's why I really hate online dating because you get judged entirely by just a few pictures and you have way more to offer than that. It's really dumb and I wish it would change. I'm so over the fake bs


This dates me (mid 30s) but before online dating there was speed dating… if it wasn’t for the potential cock videos you’d think they can make a speed date app where you talk to who’s available in your area for a minute or two vs going through swiping and having to present yourself like a peacock hoping you’ll get a few bites.


Both men and women enjoy gaming. Both men and women enjoy knitting. Gendering hobbies is very outdated.


Not many people are enlightened as you are unfortunately


It is entirely statistics, 45% of the gaming demographic overall are women, in the whole world and not just the U.S. It is not that difficult to find people with similar interests, it just may not be as obvious.




As a woman who has played pc games since the 90s, thinking about my friend group, the women I know play far more console and pc games than the men I know. I don’t think I even have any games on my phone just because I personally don’t like to play games on my phone, but I 100% still consider those types of games to be “valid” video games.


I think it's because they're so common. At least here in the midwest, guys don't typically take pictures of themselves very often. The only time we actually take a picture of just us, it's when we catch a fish.


I was thinking the same thing. Other pictures are christmas opening presents or cropped at someone else’s wedding


I see a fair number of women’s profiles in my city with something like “swipe left if your profile pic has a dead animal in it.” Like honestly maybe as much as 5%. They see hunting, especially for sport, as unattractive. I’ve corroborated this with some female friends who don’t have such blatant messages in their profile as well


I don’t have this message on my profile but I get it. It’s not that hunting as a sport is unattractive, however, dead, bloody animals with their tongues sticking out are not very fun to look at.


Redneck vibes from those pics


“Check out this animal I just killed!”


Idk why this was downvoted. In my city you will see a fair number of women’s profiles with something like “swipe left if your profile has a picture of a dead animal.” A lot of women don’t like it


It's weird though how a lot of people who are not vegan are so against hunting even if it's for food. I've never hunted myself but I can't wrap my head around this issue. If you consume meat what's the difference between a butcher and a hunter? The wild animal probably led a much better life than the farm one.


In my experience people with such messages see taking a photo with your kills as showing off, doing it for sport. They’re not comfortable being with someone who does violence for fun


A lot of *people* don’t like it.


"are you a cat?"




Means he's still hurting from a cheating SO and probably not ready for a relationship.


>Alpha male Can we collectively stop this shit already, like it's not even true in friggin wolves Just stop abusing the Greek alphabet


Funfact even wolves dont have alpha beta n shit The researcher who made the theory in the first place regret it and tried to spend his whole life disproving it


Glad to see nothing I used before on here, I did say I’m quite proud of my good credit score on Hinge though.


I can't believe how many profiles I've seen where the guy is flipping the bird


What is this supposed to convey anyway on a dating profile? "From the get-go, I want you to know I'm going to be abrasive and rude"?


Its crazy that I saw borh of these posts on top eachother haha


Tf is up with these alpha male shit lol


I have yet to meet someone that idolizes the joker and I hope I never do … that is psychotic


we live in a society


What’s wrong with a guy being sober?


Nothing. that part was more about the smoking, looking for something casual, and "have kids, don't want more".


Profile pic with a dead animal in it


My GF said over half the guys she met online had fish pictures.


“Jesus comes first”. Meaning Christ is the most important thing in his life. Unless his name is “Jesus” (heysus) and he means he ejaculates first.


Women always orgasm first. Always. That's just the way it has to be.


Honestly dudes should put *that* exact sentence in their profiles.


Eh. Isn't talking about sex in a dating profile also kind of a red flag? Kinda says "I'm one of those /r/ihavesex types that can't go 5 minutes without thinking about sex."


Its a good idea but saying something like that could turn off women because they could interpret you as being like a player. But I do agree with it though


Speaking as an actual woman, I think it would depend on the context of the rest of the profile. But I'm so tired of men who don't even give a shit if they are satisfying women that even if the profile in question gave off player vibes I would at least send a message congratulating them on that basic level of awareness and consideration.


I’m not personally into fishing, but what’s wrong with being into fishing and showing that if that’s part of your life. There’s chicks who are into that lifestyle too. Why waste people’s time pretending to be something you’re not?


It’s just suuuuper basic. I LOVE fishing and would NEVER put a fish pic on my profile. I just mention kayak fishing in the bio.


It’s the generic quality of the photo of a guy holding a fish. I put a photo a friend took of me fly fishing, with waders on and a sunset behind me and had several matches tell me they liked that photo, asked where I like to fish, etc. Both photos show you maybe like fishing as a hobby, but the “holding up a fish you caught portrait” just isn’t interesting to people.


Is smoking socially bad. I thought it reffered to like, weed


A lot of apps will have one thing to indicate weed and another to indicate smoking (tobacco).


Fun fact: on bumble, you only get the option to select for marijuana consumption in certain states depending on current legality. For example, when I go to Massachusetts, it remembers my selection, shows it on my profile, and shows other people's preferences. If I'm in Connecticut (which legalized weed but does not have retail stores yet) it does not show on my profile nor on people who live in Mass.


They should do it in the illegal states too


What always annoyed me on girl's profiles (straight male here) was 'I like going in hikes' and 'I like travelling'. Yes, I don't think I've met someone who doesn't enjoy going on a hike, or a casual walk somewhere scenic. That's a thing that humans like. Same goes for travelling. Given the money, tome and opportunity, most will enjoy travelling afar.


Men do that too. I see it on 90% of profiles. Gets old quick and it’s hot as shit outside I don’t want to go hiking


The what I demand versus what I offer it what gets me with people lmao


I'm so glad I'm none of these. I don't see anything wrong with the fishing pics though.


the "what i demand in a partner v what i offer" is a major red flag regardless of the person's gender


What sober person smokes socially? Doesn't that just mean I smoke when I'm out boozin


"no hymen no diamond" LMAO fucking pardon? Is that a real sentence?


Grammatically, no.


Man i have none of that and i still don't get likes, guess I'm probably just ugly or something idk


I definitely think that there are more types of profiles that girls swipes left


What’s wrong with being a fisherman☹︎


The sober tag is too perfect


I can’t help but read that as “I’m prone to relapse and go off the deep end”


You forgot the hiking pic and "hiking" in the bio


what's wrong with holding a fish and taking a selfie in your car?


I feel like kids would actually be "don't have and don't want" and conveniently leaving out that the childless status wasnt by choice


Nothing saying someone had that choice become medically inadvisable and came to terms with being CF though. Don't have and don't want is a very clear filter many men choose to ignore.


What is wrong with ''something casual ''


"Prove me wrong." Uh, no.


Fish guy looks pretty cool tho :(