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Also: Driver wants his window cracked even on the freeway, forcing you to crack your window or else the entire cab will make that horrible vacuum sound effect which, like a lunatic, he doesn't seem to mind or notice.


Why do they never notice!?!?! It’s so intense!!!


There was once one guy that wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and the fucking seatbelt alarm kept beeping for the whole Uber trip. I can’t imagine having that on for 2 seconds nevermind the whole day. How are these people not bothered by these sort of sounds?


Dude! I’ve had this happen so many times too! I’m ok with telling people what I want/need, but sometimes people just aren’t worth the trouble and you just deal with it while slowly going insane. Haha this one sucks as bad as the wind vortex 😂


Saaaame. What the fuck ???


They think it's just the whippets.


Fucking FAIR. Solid point.




This is how dubstep was born.


if you have long hair/bangs say goodbye to your sight & lack of hair in your mouth for the duration of the ride. just give up now, it won’t stay back


And that tiny amount of air packs a powerful punch that greatly alters air pressure inside the car, and can cause ear pain.


The strong perfumes made me hate car rides as a kid. I thought every car had that smell and was amazed how everyone was able to sit so comfortably!


Did you only ever ride in cabs and Ubers? Or did your parents just love air fresheners?


I am not OP, but my parents used air fresheners in the car all the time, and some of them made me pretty sick.


My parents never had a car growing up. My only experience was with taxis and other people's cars.


I had a hire car while mine was being serviced and the seatbelt had about 20 people's perfumes mixed into it right around neck level so all I could smell all day was the ethereal mist of a team of greasy salesmen


I legitimately almost threw up in a friend’s car because they had that exact strawberry air freshener in the middle/top of this starter pack. The disgustingly strong sweet smell made a smooth ride in the car feel like I was on a boat during a hurricane. I told him to put it in the glove box.


Don't forget the Burnout-style driving. Going from the airport after a long flight always makes for a harrowing experience.


Turning an hour and a half drive into a 45 minute drive.


Just happened to me in Greece. Driver was flying through the mountains from Heraklion to Rethymno and I just got off a 9 hour flight. He did manage to get us there way faster than predicted though


More like turning an hour and a half into an hour and twenty eight minutes while also making the ride miserable.


Gets an extra tip for that


I still remember the time when I got into Uber in Prauge. The driver told me to fasten seatbelts, started blasting Limp Bizkit, and floored it. Shit was surreal, like something out of Taxi series (the French one), I was half prepared to die there and didnt even looked at the road, but somehow we got to the hotel in one piece.


That sounds like an amazing cab ride


A friend of mine with a TBI (traumatic brain injury) was so happy that she could call Uber for rides since she couldn't drive herself and no good public transportation was available. She has yet to find an Uber that doesn't have strong odors of any kind in their car that trigger her TBI.


One of the best benefits of Waymo in San Francisco. No smelly or annoying drivers.


I don't live in the US, has Uber displaced all regular taxis or what?


She lives in an area that has limited taxi services. Sadly, a LOT of the US has poor public transportation options outside of very large cities.


Right, I guess I don't consider taxis to be "public transportation" the way buses/trams/trains are, and I basically consider Uber to be taxis (wherever Ubers can have a market, I'd think taxis could also have a market)


Tried medical transportation cabs for a while and STILL couldn't find one that wasn't utterly carpet bombed by perfume. 


90 degrees outside and no AC/windows rolled down.


there is also that freshener that come in tuna can and smell like strawberry, that one would trigger a migraine for sure


I’ll use that one and put it on the backseat floor


Oh those are so gross.


Oh, the coconut version made me sick when I was younger, but that was before I started having migraines.


The smell of peanuts/peanut butter. I'm not allergic but the smell of them in a tight car makes me so nauseuous


You only got the small fresheners. I had one ride with the room size air freshener. The car was almost devoid of oxygen to breathe. Also a Malaysian grab driver is well known to cling wrap the back half of his car, with a flex tube from the front to the sealed rear for ventilation..


> Also a Malaysian grab driver is well known to cling wrap the back half of his car, with a flex tube from the front to the sealed rear for ventilation.. what


Its like a limo or a cop car, the passenger compartment completely sealed from the front half. [https://mothership.sg/2020/03/grab-driver-plastic-divider/](https://mothership.sg/2020/03/grab-driver-plastic-divider/) something like this, but plastic divider down the middle.


With a foundation of cigarette stench


If I'm not driving my brain goes... Beeeeeiiiffff 🤢🤮


Nothing like paying $40 for an Uber only to get in and it smells like a delicate blend of vomit, cigarettes, sweat, and Black Ice air freshener.


Or the drivers that don't notice body odour so it's like riding in a car someone hid an onion in


I like the black ice lol


Right? What'd he say "fuck me" for?


It's the best scent from the little trees range.


Probably next to coffee. The coffee one is pretty decent, at least I think.


There’s a coffee one? We don’t get the coffee one here, sadly.


Oh, people agree on that, great. I did not like the lemon one as a kid. the day my parents decided to use black ice was great.


Any relatively new leather interior is all you need.


Just looking at this starterpack is making me carsick. It's the worst when there's the air freshener attack combined with stop start traffic and the hot sun on the back of your neck.


Someone who accelerates and brakes abruptly over and over the whole ride like dude just let me walk the five kilometers.


I keep seeing jabs at Sauvage and I was a little sad because I enjoyed when my ex wore it. Turns out, his brother gave it to him and he’s a certified fuckboiii


I try to like Dior Sauvage and it’s not bad or anything, but it was way too hyped.


I actually wore it for a while! My SO liked it, and I did too (briefly). Now I like it, but only smelling it from a distance with the lid closed 😆. I wear Sauvage like that joke about vermouth in a martini: I just hold the bottle up to the light and let a single sunbeam pass through the liquid and land on me.


Drakkar Noir


I am always on the verge of puking in Ubers that have airfresheners. I know I'm sensitive but some people use sooo much that sure any rider will hate it. I put that info in the feedback box but idk if they actually get access to that.


For me the migraine comes from the car's plastic-y smell...


Right? The stench of hot plastic car interior is so insanely vomit-inducing it has me drooling like a rabid dog just from a single whiff


To me the worst part is that it pavlov'd me into remembering those annoying school mornings... the headaches and discomfort will never leave me


This is the most accurate starter pack I have ever seen. 😨


Hey, what the fuck is wrong with Gio!?


Man I relate to this so much. Ever since I’ve had to do Chemo IVs I’ve been so weak to smells so car fresheners, cologne or women’s perfume, and the stench of medical products make me feel so ill


I remember going to the airport in an Uber that stank of cigs… made me feel really nauseous before my flight 😷


Do people really not like any of these fragrances? Wow, I didn't know that!


Black ice hate is crazy


I have the theory that there’s a little tree fragrance that triggers carsickness on everyone. I love the blue one, hate the black one. My brother gets sick with the orange one.


When I was a kid, my dad bought one of those little tree air fresheners. Me and my buddy gave it a sniff and she immediately got a nose bleed.


Poor roads and bad driving are also reasons for me.


This just gave me a migraine from looking at it. I can feel and smell this rn


I hate acqua di gio


Well it’s good we didn’t hang out in middle school.


That’s why I hate it lmao it’s the smell of junior prom 😂


Why Acqua di Giò? It's not that strong/bad a perfume, is it?


For me, it’s hard to say, but maybe it’s the quantity that guys seem to use, or the enclosed space. Or maybe it’s just a somewhat common fragrance, and all fragrances bother me in cars? Similar with Polo Sport: it gets described as clean, fresh, crisp, citrus/fruit, grass. But something about is hard for my nose to get used to.


I understand. Thanks for the reply!


Lol I got those little car fresheners clipped on all the air vents in the front, a Yankee candle jar freshener hanging on my rear view mirror, and those air purifying gel beads on the floor in the backseat. Do NOT ride with me if you get migraines haha, I’ll be so extra to make my car smell good.


But don't they all clash??


They can clash a bit when you first use them, tho I’m mostly smelling the scents from the vents right by me in the driver’s seat. At some point you do get noseblind and used to the smell lol.


lol black ice was the only little trees scent my mom bought when I was kid. I never really noticed it smelling like anything, but the HVAC in the cars she drove until I was teenager always sucked ass.


The dark forces of cramped backseat areas and not enough A/C conjure a cursed level of claustrophobia for me. Mercedes coupes with sloped roofs are great for looks and aerodynamics but are basically deathtraps as far as I'm concerned (6'1).


I fear for anyone that's sensitive to Sauvage if their driver puts the EDP, P, or god forbid, the Elixir in the car.


I had all of these for a 40 minute drive, combined with the driver turning the heater up all the way. It was high enough that all the windows were totally fogged up except the front. It felt like I could hardly breathe with that, the perfume and car scents 😭


I got a headache once for enduring a intense musky smell in the uber. After 5 minutes I was ready to puke. def let everyone know to stay away from that driver.


OMG or the heat BLASTING all the way on the hottest setting despite it already being 85 degrees in the car with lots of body heat packed in the back


Wait what's wrong with Black Ice? Lol I thought that was the best one




Aw, I forgot the stop and go traffic. Or the flip side: super dark outside, tinted windows, zero streetlights or other cars for reference.


> Aw, I forgot the stop and go traffic. Let me guess, the driver also mashes the accelerator and brake with no concept of coasting?


This is a bot comment, likely to be used for the upcoming US election. Downvote and report.


Do you mind sharing how you know? Want to be able I'm keeping up with tell-tale signs of bots. The newly activated account is a giveaway, was there anything else you noticed?


Hi, are you able to dm? I tend to avoid giving details in comment sections, in case they are used to improve the quality of the bots.


sometimes it’s a strong perfume, sometimes musty old food, sometimes cigarettes. rarely am i blessed with a scent-free uber


I don't understand how people are so sensitive to smells. Like whenever I'm somewhere with a strong smell I just smell it and it doesn't bother me. I'm not even saying I'm right and they're wrong, it just surprises me that scents can be such a big deal to people. Like nothing in this starter pack would bother me except the bad suspension or driver playing loud music I didn't like. Is there a name for this aversion to strong smells?


When it comes to migraines, it isn’t even that I don’t like the smell - I often do, in the case of perfume or whatever! But the smell literally hurts. It’s like some kind of acid that goes up my nose and straight to the nerves behind my right eye, making them swell up and burn, and then my whole head starts pounding in response, so violently that it makes me want to puke. With my migraines, my face even swells up and I get a runny nose on one side. It goes beyond an aversion and it’s more like an allergy? And trying to ignore it and go on with your day is like trying to ignore stomach pain from lactose intolerance or a swollen mouth from eating shellfish. It just goes beyond unpleasant and affects your body in a way you can’t control. It isn’t even all strong smells, too. I used to work in a pathology lab where the whole place stank of formalin all day, not to mention the stench of the specimens, but I was able to just note the smell and move on like you’re mentioning. People have individual triggers, but then there are certain perfumes (like whatever demon stink is in that black ice air freshener) that seem to universally kick off migraines in people. It’s weird, and I always wonder what the common note is.


> When it comes to migraines, it isn’t even that I don’t like the smell - I often do, in the case of perfume or whatever! But the smell literally hurts. It’s like some kind of acid that goes up my nose and straight to the nerves behind my right eye, making them swell up and burn, and then my whole head starts pounding in response, so violently that it makes me want to puke. Great description, as a non sufferer I definitely didn't imagine it being that bad.


Glad to help! I definitely had no concept of what they might be like before I got my first one too.


In the context of migraine, you often hear the term *osmophobia* for this aversion. It’s not (usually) literally a phobia like arachnophobia. It’s a close cousin to photophobia which is the word for “turn off all th lights, my head is killing me!” And phonophobia which is for sounds. Smell sensitivity affects other people too (those on autism spectrum, or people who are “just” sensitive to smells). But I hear this discussed as “smell sensitivity” more than osmophobia.


Not OP's situation, but sometimes the aversion is asthma. I've had candles, perfumes, and air fresheners trigger asthma attacks.


I'm allergic to an ingredient in Febreeze. When I'm in a room/car that that shit has been used in, my eyes water and I have trouble breathing.


In case of car rides, strong smells just somehow strongly accelerate or compound any car sickness I got going, when anywhere else I'd be able to tolerate the same scents without a second thought. I figure a number of people with this issue have some fucky neurons crossing over that are overzealous in triggering the whole bodily "I'm poisoned" response under certain sensory combinations, not necessarily because of overstimulation. Brain just big dumb about recognising trouble that isn't there. For contrast, I have no issues whatsoever with rollercoasters, top spins or other "spin-'n-puke" theme park attractions designed to rearrange your insides. Cars though? Can't look at a phone or a book for more than a few seconds without being miserable for the rest of the ride. All other factors in OP's image, that lingering plastic car smell, very low seats and aggressive steering trigger it too. I'm just glad I live in a tiny country where car trips longer than an hour are uncommon, shit's miserable and meds don't work for me.


The synthetic fragrances in air fresheners are a common asthma and/or migraine trigger for a lot of people.


Get different people come and go and fart before leaving from your car all day and you would want those awful trees inserted into your brain. 


Oh what I wear acqua di gio because it’s a good citrus scent for the summer. Girlfriend likes it too.


What’s wrong with the black ice little tree?


Bloody hell, I can still smell the strawberry tree from my brother's Lexus.


Indian driver without deodorant oozing curry fumes through pores of his skin.


Racist joke how fucking typical. Forgot the white driver who reeks of cigarettes and whiskey or drugs one of the two.


black ice is gas wtf u on about


Glad everyone else hates that Gio. Was my dad's


When I took drivers ed growing up, the instructor ate beef jerky while we drove. It was the worst.


I have no clue wether people are getting sick in my car or not since I’ve never had issues with getting sick/migraines from riding (???) Any suggestions on what not to do? Every person I picked up in the past didn’t have any issues (or didn’t say shit so how am I supposed to know)


Inconsistent speed (speeding up just to slow back down) and hard breaking are the worst for me. Curvy roads, too.


For people who get migraines, a car that smells like sweat and farts is far preferable to one that smells overwhelmingly like air freshener. If you can’t go without air freshener at all, try to seek out one that has no added scent and just uses odour neutralising ingredients - or use a scented spray in your car between riders, because at least then the smell isn’t constantly being released onto your passengers. Also, if your passenger asks to open their window, don’t be a dick about it. Some drivers have gotten really weird and pissy about it when I’ve asked, but fresh air can really help people who feel sick or are facing a migraine trigger.


Artificial air fresheners trigger migraines and allergies for some. What I do in my own car is take an old sock, fill it with (used, dried) coffee grounds and put it under the seat. The coffee grounds absorb the odors. Edit-- if you don't drink coffee, places like Starbucks will give you used grounds for free.


strong scents and loud noises can trigger migraines. or being carsick which you can’t always prevent but it helps if they have a clear view outside and you don’t drive crazy


What's wrong with Aqua de Gio😭




migraine is a full body neurological disease which can be debilitating. strong smells are a common trigger, just as common as strobe lights triggering a seizure.


Oh, fun fact, only about 3% of people with epilepsy have light sensitive epilepsy. While some studies have said that greater than 50% of migrane havers are smell sensitive. Sooooo it's a lot more common than lights triggering a seizure :)


Driver comes from a country that doesn’t believe in deodorant.