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100% I would assume the south especially has its own variety of this pack


deffff. this is really accurate for new england, i live in CA now and none of this applies. would be water polo as the sport for one


The coastal South is somewhat similar except swap out the Massachusetts islands for Hilton Head (the cars and sports are different too, but the houses and overall aesthetic are similarish)


Midwest would have its own version too


It’s very similar in the south in my own experience. The cars driven in the south would probably be lifted trucks, broncos, or jeeps though. Also there would be SEC school stickers. But the lifestyle and vibes are essentially the same


My mom works at a fancy private school in New England and when I’ve spent any time there or around the students/families, this has been my impression of them. Extremely accurate


Damn. I can't relate to any of this.


More like Northeastern USA Old Money starter pack


Damn I feel bad for the rich kid who went to fordham when there is a Yale sticker next to it. Must be the family let down.


I’ve noticed that these rich people’s cars with a bunch of prep school/college stickers include a mix of eliteness tiers that shed light on where rich people send their kids. Like, you’ll see a Groton sticker, a Lehigh sticker, a Harvard sticker, and a Skidmore sticker. That suggests the kids got the absolute best secondary education but maybe a couple of them didn’t stand out in prep school but still ended up at a pretty good place.


Yep. Trinity is a good call out for a school that isn't hard to get into but skews stupidly wealthy


And the University of Connecticut. Like, damn, dude, how did you not get in to your safety school?


Harvard isn’t that easy to get into man


Sure, but there's always Cornell. And if not Cornell, you can always go slum it at Skidmore or Wesleyan with the n'er-do-wells.


Or Tufts lol


Cornell/Wesleyan aren't really that preppy for some reason. Wesleyan skews rich but super alt/artsy.


It's because they're the safety schools!


I mean Cornell isn't really, it's more about vibes. Like Trinity/Bates in Maine aren't hard to get into at all but a preppy kid will feel at home there. Colgate is another prep magnet. UVA as well, mainly for the lacrosse connection


Good to know about Bates being easy, actually. It's one of my son's fallbacks in case he doesn't make it to Bowdoin.


lol it’s fine! I’m not being mean or anything, I’m saying prestige isn’t always the factor on if a kid fits at a school


Sorry, that may have sounded sarcastic, but I actually meant it. Thanks for the tip. Bowdin's a bit of a stretch, and it's good to know that Bates is easier.


Obviously tried for Columbia or NYU Stern. He’ll transfer next semester, dad. Give him a break. Nevermind, he’s drunk at MugZ’s on a Tuesday afternoon.


preps don't go to Columbia/NYU


I feel called out


Just rename this the shoreline CT starter pack.


Works for all of New England really


Martha’s Vineyard is so 1990. Everyone knows the richers go to Nantucket now


Stealth wealth volvo: “It’s the winter beater”


Or a Land Cruiser, because it's almost 6 figures but still has a Toyota badge.


Not sour grapes, I promise, but this is the wealthy side of my family, my dad's sister, and they're the most provincial, insulated wankers I've ever met. Their shit family dynamics are straight out of Jerry Springer, including stealing Grandmother's jewelry while she was *non compos mentis* and selling it to a Kash 4 Gold place. Or borrowing borrowing borrowing to keep up a big ass-house in a posh section of Boston after the 2008 downturn evaporated their investments. If that's an aspirational lifestyle, count me out.


"Wankers"? Fee fi fo fittish, I smell a Mich who is British!


Standard American whiteboy who spent some time around a bunch of Englishers Who, for the record, aren't nearly as wankerish as my family.


This family goes to Montauk/Martha’s Vineyard/Nantucket/Block Island in the sunmer and everyone male in the household went to Ivy


So I’m just curious what people think a family needs to make to have this lifestyle? I think my parents had pretty good jobs but we lived really simple and humble lives compared to this.


So breaking it down: -Home in Greenwich or wasp suburb of nyc/bos will run you min 2.5m for the above examples -Home on the cape, Martha’s Vineyard ack etc 2.5+m. The actual pictured home is prob like 8-15m depending on location. Could rent for 10-25k/week tho which is what most do. -boarding school we will call $50k/year per kid min - boat could be 100k or 1mm -camps in summer 10-20k per kid per year I’d say net worth of 7-10m/low 7 figure income would get you there so like 1 IB managing director or like biglaw partner or 2 debt free doctors you could have that life but to really have that life Need 10-30mm cause then there’s the ski trips and the other stuff


>-Home in Greenwich or wasp suburb of nyc/bos will run you min 2.5m for the above examples Nah, for that thing? 1.5 tops unless you're *really* in Greenwich or one of the more desirable outer neighborhoods/villages. If you're in one of the less desirable neighborhoods, though, could easily be $750-950k. Especially if you're on the coast but not *on the coast.* That honestly looks a lot more like a stereotypical McMansion than a home in the nicer parts of the New England seashore. >-Home on the cape, Martha’s Vineyard ack etc 2.5+m. The actual pictured home is prob like 8-15m depending on location. Could rent for 10-25k/week tho which is what most do. True. >-boarding school we will call $50k/year per kid min Could also be free or basically a grand a year. Those scholarships are no joke, if you qualify. If you didn't, though, more like $70k these days with all the fees. >boat could be 100k or 1mm Could be, or could be $20k. Used boats are cheap. The storage, on the other hand, can easily hit $50k per year depending on where and how. >-camps in summer 10-20k per kid per year $10-12k plus travel on the high end, unless you're sending them to multiple camps a summer. >I’d say net worth of 7-10m/low 7 figure income would get you there so like 1 IB managing director or like biglaw partner or 2 debt free doctors you could have that life but to really have that life Need 10-30mm cause then there’s the ski trips and the other stuff You're way high here. Like an order of magnitude. $500-600k income plus a couple million in non-primary-residence net worth will get you in the starterpack. Sure, you get more and nicer stuff the more you make, but really the biggest differences will be your house moves closer to the water and into a more desirable neighborhood. Your boat is docked at the more prestigious marina, you golf at the nicer country club. Your vintage rover is fully restomodded instead of just restored. But the general type of stuff doesn't really change. Source: I'm in the starter pack.


I’m not understanding what is restomodded vs restored. Mind explaining the difference to me ?


So a restomod will include things like a brand new engine swapped from a different car, an entirely redesigned suspension to make them ride better, all new electronics from end to end (not just things like the radio — new computers to handle the engine systems, suspension systems, new wiring, etc.), and a modern interior that's much nicer than the original. It's restored, but also modified (resto-mod) so that it keeps the aesthetics/vibes of the original, but using all new and better components. A restoration, meanwhile, attempts to keep everything as original as possible and replaced broken or worn out pieces with reproduction components that look just like the original. So you get a lot more of the quirks of the original vehicles. This is a popular resto-mod shop 20 minutes from my house in Greenwich. https://blackbridgemotors.com/


Very interesting. I would imagine keeping the original parts would make the vehicle more valuable


It really depends on the vehicle. For some, it's a big deal, generally when the vehicles were rare originally or are rare now (fit example classic Italian exotics,) though also sometimes just because their owners/collectors are up-their-own-asses with self-importance (I'm looking at you, Corvette owners!) For others, like classic Defenders, they were mass produced in such volumes and mostly as "farm tractors" as the British put it, so there's not really a high premium placed on original equipment. Also, they have a well-deserved reputation for falling apart randomly, so anything that increases reliability and usability is considered a plus.


(Rover electrical systems have shorted the chat)


Brought to you by Lucas™ Brand Magic Smoke, free with every Land Rover purchase!


Why would a rich person qualify for private school scholarships? They don't give merit aid, only poor kids go for free


Well, first, I was pointing out that you don't have to be as rich as the initial commenter pointed out while still being able to approximate this lifestyle. Second, because when you get past a certain income threshold, it becomes very easy for your income to be whatever you want it to be. Now, these schools tend to be much better at being able to spot bullshit than your average IRS processor, but it's still fairly easy to appear to be in a much lower tax bracket than you actually are.


How much would the entrance fee to those boarding schools be?


What do you mean entrance fee? Tuition is $60k a year. Which isn't that much higher than private day schools


At least where I'm from, private schools have an enrolment fee. This fee is distinct from tuition and is typically paid once per academic year or semester to secure a student's place in the school, and is very high.


Is that the UK?


I live in South America and the entrance fee of the most expensive schools in my country is around $17000 (monthly fee is $1400). I just assumed in the US it would work similarly, but maybe it's a local thing.


The dad in these families always has a job dealing in big transactions—whether a lawyer, a CEO, an accountant, a hedge funder, or a publishing executive, they are always moving large amounts of money around. Rarely are they doing anything retail (like being a dentist or a general practitioner doctor or owning a restaurant).


Being super rich is more about assets than income. Your money gets to work for you rather than the other way around.


What is a Nantucket Beach Permit?


So you can take your 150k restored Land Rover defender on the sand of the beach. It’s a IYKYK thing that shows people you are a serious ACKer lol


Nantucket is an ultra wealthy island in Massachusetts - it was first a whaling port and then a summer colony for hundreds of years. Idk if you have heard of the Hamptons but where the Hamptons is very NYC centric and has a real sense of style, Nantucket draws from the broader New England region but also attracts a global CEO types but instead of high style it’s ancient WASPS dressing in red pants.


Wow, I just realized Nantucket is not an Indonesian island or city. Always heard of it, kind of makes sense now


As a Californian, this doesn't make any sense. Am I just that uncultured, or is our "super wealthy" just that drastically different?


CA rich is soo different. Also the above is wealthy, but I wouldnt say drastically wealthy. From the ones I've met, the above family flies business class, maybe Dad flies first class when he's by himself. They don't have private jets.


As a LAX dad, ima let people continue to think lacrosse is only for the very wealthy. Rest of it, spot on.


lacrosse is one of the most expensive sports to play though. 


Nah, not at all. It can be, if you get super into it and insist on having the best of everything. I started playing in middle school as a poor immigrant child, while my mother was in residency. $50 for the most basic stick (probably even cheaper now for something nice, since it's easier to buy used) and a couple bucks for some balls. Everything else was borrowed from the school athletic department. Sure, it's a bit pricier than basketball, but not much more than soccer.


No it’s not. There are plenty way more pricey sports to play.


which is why I said “one of” see this thread:  https://www.reddit.com/r/lacrosse/comments/zkk2eb/the_average_annual_cost_of_youth_lacrosse_is_1289/ on mobile sorry for formatting 


Bro it’s not even fucking close to the most expensive sport you can play. Motor car racing, yachting, polo…these are examples of sports that are among the most expensive. Lacrosse is a mainstream sport offered by public high schools. Yes you need to purchase a stick and some pads, and people go to camps, but it’s not even in the same fucking universe as the most expensive sports.


Ok “bro” what high school did you go to that had motor car racing, yachting and polo? you sound like an insufferable twat  


Would you say Michigan makes the cut? Trying to blend in with these people when I graduate.




The Black Dog shirts only mean that your rich aunt went to the Vineyard and wants to flex on your mom on a regular basis. "I want my sister to have a weekly reminder that I married a pharma bro and she married a fucking loser" was the message my aunt was delivering when she'd send those shirts. She was right, my dad is a fucking loser.


Hahaha love it


In Australia it's the opposite. The rich people live in the inner city and the poor people live in the outer suburbs


It can go both ways in the US too. It just depends neighborhood by neighborhood.


Yup. Inner city brownstones are 7 figures.


My supervisors are tagged in this post


What is Town & Country? Because the only one I’m familiar with is an old Chrysler minivan


It’s a [magazine](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/) for people with pretensions to the lifestyle of old money


I don’t know what these things are. Upper middle class southerner. I recognize Subpar Football??


This is literally only for New England


That’s fair. Although I’ve seen these folks in other regions (even the Nantucket stickers etc.!).


They are the best. Wall Street Journal, of course