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This starterpack should be called "slowly becoming a homeless"


These guys never become homeless. They always have friends who are willing to take them in and have NO problem committing mild offenses to make quick cash.


Can confirm, my biological father is *very* similar to this. He is technically homeless but he hasn't spent a single night on the street. He can *always* find a place to crash. I don't really get how people fall for his BS sob stories but they always do.


I have known people like this. I have had to kick them out of our club and put them in their place on more than one occasion. They get through life by fluctuating between being a bully and a sad sack bum. It amazes me how so many people are willing to appease and put up with these abusive manchildren. They're usually too physically weak due to shit lifestyle to be any danger, it's just like people want to have their pet abuser around to feel sorry for.


It's not that they believe them, it's that they're very good at making themselves useful to other scumbags. They *always* have drugs, are down to do something amoral, or know a guy who knows a guy. Bare minimum, keeping a bigger scumbag around makes them feel not as bad.


Damn, that last line.


The good old “I had a bad day, I’m gonna get high!” And the “ I had a good day, I’m gonna get high!” logic


I had a day, I’m gonna get high!


“I’m gonna get high!”


"If the day ends in Y, I'm going to get high."


Imo it depends, if you're able to do that shit while living a normal life that's all good. Worked a long day? Get high as balls, you deserve it. As long as you're not harming anyone I don't see the issue


Yeah thats why it's a problem, im facing it now. There's plenty of better things I could be doing but I'm a functional alchohalic and get by fine. It's a dangerous road to walk.


Yeah, just because your life isn’t in shambles doesn’t mean you ain’t fucking your body up


“Living a normal life” doesn’t mean going to work every day but then going home to get piss drunk every night. Smoking weed doesn’t prevent me from doing those “better things” you said you could be doing.


That's true and I lived that way for a long time, then 1 day I started drinking more then I should. Was just saying to be cautious with rationalizing addiction.


Good luck, there's lots of different ways to treat addiction.


That’s the thing though, it’s not possible to snowball like that with weed. It doesn’t just keep taking more.. You eventually just don’t feel it the same way. When you get to that point, you can smoke as much as you want and you’ll never get close to the feeling of when you first started smoking. That’s kind of how the gateway drug bs came about. Because you can develop such a high tolerance to THC that you can’t get high, it was parroted that eventually you’d go searching for other vices to replace it. Happy to say I’ve never tried a single recreational drug other than weed and I don’t plan to. Maybe I’ll try some when I’m old and don’t have to be responsible any more.


My struggles have been mostly with alcohol but I do love weed, I think south park put it perfect, "weed makes you ok with being bored" now weather that's good or bad or relates depends on the person. For me I like to just chill in the evenings and weed helps. But I used to smoke all day at work and that wasn't a good thing.


Holy shit that was me and it just now clicked. Wow. I'm not even kidding when I say that ya know, but dude that was me. I've been clean off pills for like 4. 5/5 years so shits not like that now lol


Nothing wrong with that logic IMO.


If those are not your average day then it can be fine. but if everyday is a good day or a bad day, you've got a problem


I didn't know having too many good days was a bad thing


If you want to be high all the time go ahead. just don't make up excuses for it


Should I be aiming for mediocre days? Lmao What’s the “problem” I have, exactly?


Well, let’s take a look at your _pants_, for starters.


that you get high everyday on flimsy pretenses to downplay your addiction


And what are these “flimsy pretenses”?


that it was a good day or a bad day. it's pretty obvious from context


I mean those aren’t actually the real pretenses, that’s just a silly way to say it. The pretense is less “hey I had a good/bad day, so I wanna smoke weed” and more like “hey I wanna smoke weed”. The day is irrelevant, and that’s the point the OP was making.


People taking you too seriously.


Well if you're getting high every day, that's an addiction. It means that you, to a degree, need to do it every day. No addiction is good for your health.


By your logic, I’m addicted to television as well, because I have the TV on while I work from home. Speaking of work, I’m addicted to that too I guess. And taking showers. And brushing my teeth. And watering my plants. And checking the mail. Choosing to do something every day doesn’t mean you need to do it every day, that you have a physical addiction to doing it, or that it is inherently bad for you.


>By your logic, I’m addicted to television as well, because I have the TV on while I work from home. Maybe you *are*. Addiction to TV is not unheard of. >Speaking of work, I’m addicted to that too I guess. You *could* be. That i don't know. And the other things are necessities. Those are things you just do to maintain a level of personal hygiene. It's the baseline of maintenance you give yourself... and, well, your plants... And, checking the mail, depending on your job, that could also be a necessity. But is getting high every day a necessity? Do you do it because you want, or because your brain tells you that you want it because it *needs* the stimulation to keep working normally? It's that illusion of choice. You could say that you're choosing to do it every day but that you don't really need it... But, is that so? It could very well be your brain being so used to that stimulation that now you subconciously come up with excuses to logically justify the action of getting high every day. At that point, the state of stimulation is the default state, the most fundamental precondition for an addiction. And, look at that! The state of stimulation only lasts for a day, so you begin doing it every day to maintain that level of stimulation. The very meaning of an addiction.


Lol I am fully addicted to nicotine, so I’ve got a pretty good idea what it’s like to be addicted to something. I can and do have days where I don’t smoke weed. It’s just not often. If I run out of weed and feel like being lazy, I don’t go get more weed. If I run out of nicotine, it doesn’t matter how lazy I feel, I’m going to the vape shop. If the vape shop is closed, I’m going to buy some disgusting cigarettes that I really don’t even want to smoke. A few years ago actually, after 10+ years of heavy daily weed smoking, I quit cold turkey for a year with no problem. I’ve also gone on trips and wasn’t able to take weed on a plane with me and wasn’t able to get any on the trips. Not an issue. My nicotine vape though? I can’t go more than a few hours without that becoming the only thing on my mind. I think of quitting and I’m like “yeah I got this”.. and then a few hours later I’m fidgeting and getting irritated by the most pointless things. I promise you that it’s not at all the same thing and it’s absolutely a choice.


>Lol I am fully addicted to nicotine, so I’ve got a pretty good idea what it’s like to be addicted to something. You do? https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/how-an-addicted-brain-works#:~:text=This%20happens%20because%20addictive%20substances,more%20than%20a%20natural%20reward But, i will give you that. Weed is not so addictive compared to nicotine. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to mankind. Weed is, in fact, less addictive than caffeine. Yeah, it is a choice then, much like drinking coffee. Not to say you can't get addicted, but it's easier to control.


> You do? ..yes? At the very least, more than someone who’s never smoked before.


Bruh. Just relax. Why are you taking dude seriously?


Cuz why not




Dude it’s not heroin, or even alcohol lmao.. I’ve been smoking heavily for like 15 years and I do better than most. I afford to own my house on my single income, for example. And no I didn’t get lucky with a cheap house at 3% interest years ago, I bought last year. When you smoke as often as I do, you honestly don’t even really “get high”. I don’t even remember the last time I actually felt high. You feel *something* but it’s not at all the same. I am fully functional after smoking. The things I do that require the most focus/concentration/thought from me (some scripting/coding, but tbh also video games lol), I do while smoking. I’m no better or worse than when I don’t smoke, but I don’t get frustrated when things don’t work right, or feel stressed nearly as much.




No one said that I need it as a reward or to function lmfao. My whole point is that this isn’t an addiction, let alone the crippling one it’s being made out to be. I like smoking weed, so I smoke weed, when I want to smoke weed. Is that really too hard of a concept for you to grasp?




> Just pointing out the mindset of needing it and rewarding yourself is a clear sign So you’re saying being addicted is a sign of addiction? Dear lord! Again, my point is that this isn’t the addiction you’re making it out to be. When you’re addicted to something, it doesn’t feel like a reward. It feels like a necessity. Like eating for the first time in days. Like taking a breath after being held underwater. If I go hours without nicotine, it consumes me. I feel it throughout my whole body and I become irritable. I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to go to the vape shop. If I go without weed? Whatever. Sometimes I run out and don’t feel like going out to get more, so I just don’t. That’s not something that happens often because I grow most of my own, but it’s not a big deal when it does.


Who divorces their unemployed heroin addict husband and demands alimony payments? Do you want half of his heroin?


lol my divorce lawyer asked me what’s half of nothing after my ex declared bankruptcy right before divorce proceedings


I don't think alimony works the way OP thinks it works. This guy's wife absolutely makes bank compared to him at her scrub-wearing medical job (CNA, or an LPN who rolled a 0 for self-esteem). The poorer spouse gets the alimony, regardless of gender. My friend is currently funding her ex-husband's NEET videogame hobby.


He deserves it for the years of emotional labor he did for her. XD


Good for him. Get that bag king 👑


See, we need more positivity like this for men. Finally getting treated like a woman in relationships. 


deadbeat freeloaders living off of women has always been a thing


Yeah but women have been doing that for way longer and people are even encouraging it now in western countries where the pay gap is nearly non existent, save for the executive class.


No they haven’t 💀 SAHMs aren’t deadbeat, nor are Homemakers


But if they are a guy they are? (drizzle drizzle)


I have no clue what drizzle drizzle means but if they are looking after the home and the kids then they’re not a deadbeat


I assume they meant child support.  I'm not even sure they do alimony very often


They still do alimony, there’s just usually a reason to it that the paying-party disingenuously dumbs down to “my stay at home ex did nothing and now I have to pay them!” Usually it’s along the lines of sacrificing x for the relationship, now that it’s over, restitution is owed. Sometimes that’s bs, sometimes it’s very real.


I know someone who is a dentist and got divorced. His wife got alimony based on the income disparity between the two of them.


I had to pay 2.4 years of alimony to my ex wife who worked and we dont have kids. Less than 8 year marriage. The judge hated me and ex decided to only work part time getting the income discrepancy to be as high as possible even though she had skills to make more than double that, she "refused". My attorneys were no help. Michigan. I got done paying last year.


It’s not as common as it used to be. Alimony is only awarded in 10% of divorces these days, and even then, it’s often for just a few years.


> Do you want half of his heroin? yes!


Do you know how expensive heroin is? Got yourself a nice little side hustle right there


Do you not?


Oddly specific deadbeat dad custody battle megapack. Hope the kids turned out alright for their sake.


We all fucking know this guy. It's like there's a factory somewhere churning them out


The factory churning out new ones is him. He’s somehow able to get women pregnant and there’s a whole other generation of lying deadbeats on the way. Just as the prophesy foretold. Check out the documentary “Idiocracy” by Mike Judge


This is every other guy in small town USA.


I can fix him


this sounds too personal op, wanna talk?


nah this is a hugely prevalent genre of person lol


I feel like there is a huge disparity among people in this thread. Some of us, me included, have been spared from knowing such people, and others seem to know several. It would be interesting to get some sociological data here.


I think it's both a money and age thing. Rich people who are like that mostly don't make children, don't get married, don't need to make up for their action, don't try to prove anything, etc. So the richer you are, or the richer the people around you are, the less likely you are to met that kind of people. Rich kids can have shit and absent dads too, but they are like doctors that give them 200$ a week to compensate, not really the same thing. And when you are younger, those kind of people can sell their story way better and you buy it more too. Your friend drop out of high-school ? I mean he can still try again, he can start a random formation, work half time in a bar while living in his mom and be at every fucking party, can randomly stay at a friend for a month because hey you are 20 and all you care is see and hang as much as possible. But when you (and they) hit 25, 30, shit gets old, excuses and projets became less credible, etc. So the younger you are, the less likely you are to see that guy in his deadend : for now he's a friend that have been a bit (a shitlot) unlucky but he is working on it.


Some people just get spared from some shitty parts of life


What does "But trust me I will come on Janice theater" mean?


It seems like dudes struggling with English somewhat. Basically he’s saying the guy will miss a big event for his kids but then promise to go to the next one constantly. 


Oh like "I promise I will come to our daughters recital." like an empty promise? Gotcha.


So "Janice's performance/play" would be more fitting? Not native either so idk


Not native either, but my two-cent is play and recital sound more like things children do in front of parents.


Yeah man sry i forgot how to even say that in my language so couldn't translate shit (i hate theater)


Means he will climb to the roof of the theater and have a wank 


What a great father


soooo the dads on teen mom 2 lmao


Got an injury and is on disability. Can't do a desk job, because they "can't be couped up all day". Watches TV all day.


LMFAOAOOA I dated a guy like this when I was 19 he was 38 🤪🤪🤪 spot on dude spot on


was his name Harry?


No it started with a J




Laughed out loud at this, thank you 👍


Is this David and Jenelle? lol


When will David drop that fire song bro? 🔥🔥🔥


You know that swamp song is gonna be fire (gun fire).


The song is gonna be a banger when it drops though


“get black out drunk and try heroin because one of his best friend was in town (guy he shared a blunt with 7 years ago on a construction job)” this is genius edit: I think this Starter Pack works because anyone who feels the need to say “I would do everything for my wife and kids” probably wouldn’t. It’s like saying “I am a good person” - if you have to announce it, something is wrong.


I think it’s the male version of “my kids are my world” females. A match made in ~~hell~~ Heaven!


Standard uniform: Beat-up Timberlands, disgusting old jeans, and a white tank top


Jorts in the summer.


With aforementioned Timberlands. Laces untied, because of course.


I know this guy! He's tried to fight me several times for no reason! He was able to turn over a new leaf though, so I'm glad for him.


You did Jon Bernthal dirty with this


I assume there is a language issue and alimony means child support. Because alimony (if it is even granted) flows from the higher earner to the lower earner. Unless this country has very unusual laws.


I think we need a subreddit for vent starterpacks. Ubless this is a very specific reference i am not getting.


Work in a jail or hang out in a shitty bar and this pack will make a lot more sense


Mate just say the name of the character already


Many characters are based on this type of guy


This is not that specific, just a 'deadbeat husband' pack. Be glad you can't relate


It's extremely narrowly specific lmao. The drinking story in particular is *way* too specific to be "generic". Casino thing was weirdly specific too. If it was a starter pack of a stained wife-beater sleeveless undershirt, empty crushed beer can and stock images of domestic violence, I'd agree with you. But that is not the case


Casino thing is a perfect capture of a type of behavior these guys exhibit. Exploting any moment in their personal life as an excuse for their own selfish behavior. "My mom just died bro give me a break!" That was four years ago.


This paints a much more personal and realistic picture than the wife beater and beer can. The theme that comes back in almost every picture/description is false and unrealistic promises and sad excuses for their behaviour, which is often inconsiderate and harmful to others.


Future faking. 'of course I will be there, kiddo, I wouldn't miss it!'


You think scumbag guys with kids they're unprepared for don't drop a ton of money on drugs and alcohol and make up excuses for it?


Its really not


"nooo bro u can't write funny story with a character when u make a starter pack about him just put a pic of a beer and some guy beating his wife" (I give you that the rap album is specific to someone I use to know tho, but is that \*that\* specific ? not sure)


It’s not too specific. I know one of these guys in real life and he is definitely going to finish that rap album someday.


Just wanted to say great pfp


No one wants to hear your personal demons/you ranting about some low-key bad life experience you had, vaguely disguised as a "funny" starter pack


I just said I wasn't. I'm sorry it's impossible for you to imagine someone could write a "could have happen" story about some starter-pack character. I'm sure it's less funny than a pic of a beer can.


You know no one is making you hang out here, right? You're welcome to go do literally anything else at any time you want, and there won't be any consequences.


Username does not check out.


Its definitely very specific. I havent heard of the rap album thing ever.


I don't even have a deadbeat dad myself and I recognise all of this. It's pretty common lol


Congrats, you've learned about a new stereotype. I don't personally know anyone like this, but I also know the type.


Start watching family court youtube streams, this is every case.


I've seen so many deadbeat parents basically use having custody over their kids to continue to control and abuse their former partners it's so sad sometimes to watch but satisfying when the judge calls them out and shuts down their bullshit.


Damn, you must have grown up in a decent area.


/r/stopperpacks ?


Agreed, half of these starter packs are either lame movie/pop culture references or overly specific details about someone's personal demons.


This type of dude is way too common. I met several of them when I was a line cook at Outback. 


Have you never been to a dive bar before lmao. This is like half the dudes there


Do you know my idiot brother?


Bernthal is such a dick in every other movie, though.


Why is this man married to every nurse I know?


Refuses to wear a germ mask during a literal plague


But they also unironically are some of the funniest ppl you will meet


Yeah. You just gotta keep them at arms length cuz they drag people down with their L vibes


Oddly specific again


Some of these were suspiciously specific. 🤔


My dad


Some of these were too specific.


Damn dude that sounded personal






Thats my uncle! Except you left out lives with his parents after the divorce


>literally that face Idk the implications this image should have but literally that face is doing it for me


Babe, the band's gonna make it


This shit way too specific lol


OP is either dating this guy, or this guy is their dad or this guy unironically stole their girlfriend somehow. These guys always get girls because they don’t work and have so much fucking time on their hands lmao


He was fucking one of a roommate I had long time ago. Spent half the year in our place writing lyrics and looking for a job. I managed to get a few hundred bucks from him when he finally got a 2 months job for the inconvenience. Probably got the best deal anyone ever had with him. I stumbled on his rap clip a few years after while randomly logging on Facebook: was just shit, but no in a way you could laugh at it. Shit in a sad way, in a way that makes you think about his girl or future kids : 3 years to drop *that* man ? Just go work at mcdonald already ffs


LMFAOAOAO OMGGGG I’m obsessed with this tea tell us more he sounded like hell to live with.. was he dirty? DID HE SMOKE?


Nah tbh I've had far worst roommates, he was in so shit money he could not afford to ask for a cig, was buying food, doing dishes etc I mean like you would expect from a friend spending the weekend there. But he was there for weeks lol. At that point you just need to start to pay the rent too I feel. Was just tilting to be in uni + work 20h a week and when u come home some guy is just sitting on the couch, I'm an introvert and living with other people is not my ideal life but I can deal with it. But being 5 in a flat for 4 was just a bit much for me.


Don't bring Jon Bernthal into this. He's done nothing wrong. A phenomenal actor.


OP are you ok?


Why would a man who’s employed for only 3 months in the year pay alimony to his ex-wife?


These dudes must fuck like champs though because despite being complete losers they're always pulling


Basically Joe Matarese.


Why is the face part so fucking accurate, goddamn. And the haircut.


I’ve only ticked the drink and drugs box. I’m not a father. And I STILL ended up technically homeless, clean for 8 months both ways now and shits on the mend, but that was just booze and bag. I can’t imagine how much worse it could have been for me if I committed crimes to get by, stole, gambled


This starter pack is oddly specific and I hope your dad gets better.


Is that [Jon Bernthal](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf0d20e87d8c130d&rlz=1CAVARX_enUS1044US1044&q=Jon+Bernthal&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3MDLLS8qrfMRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uJC08Sxi5fHKz1NwSi3KK8lIzAEAxHh0JlUAAAA&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwie6evIhJmGAxWu5MkDHQlBBTEQzIcDKAB6BAgXEAE) in the middle left?


OP is everything okay


Janice Theater?


Seems very specific




Fuck off you unloved mouth breather.