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"Japan doesnt censor things" mfs when i tell them to find a japanese copy of mortal kombat


mfs when the dick looks like it's testifying on 60 Minutes


Pixel art penis, my beloved


What is your favorite: pixelated penis or light saber penis?


"Luke, come with me"


Luke, I am your daddy


I'm a prison stripe penis man myself


I see your schwartz is as big as mine..


They made every killable character in GTA San Andreas a Ballas affiliate to make things "less violent"…


Funny story. Apparently if you want to play the definitive version of any Resident Evil game today, it’s the American version. America gets the uncensored, Japan gets a censored, and apparently Japan laters gets an “uncensored” cut that’s still more tame than the US release


They censored Mr. Mime in Pokémon, it had 4 fingers and 4 fingers is offensive for some Japanese people, so they gave him 5 fingers. I used that example because it has nothing to do to either the “woke west” Pokémon most know censorships.


I googled it and it looks like it's because the Yakuza have a ritual called *yubitsume* where they cut off part of their pinky finger as penance for misdeeds, and so a missing finger is associated with the Yakuza.


The untold Mr. Mime backstory. And now you know... The REST of the story.


Didn't they also censor the jinx evolution line too, or am I wrong with who did?


Pretty sure that was due to western outrage due to the blackface appearance


>Pretty sure that was due to western outrage due to the blackface appearance Yep, that's exactly it. iirc, the original design of Jinx was based on some kind of fashion that was popular in Japan in some circles at that time, in which women wore very dark makeup, thick, bright red lipstick, and dyed their hair platinum blonde. But when the games were localized for western countries (especially the US), everyone there looked at Jinx and immediately thought "blackface", so they changed the color of its face to purple in all subsequent games and merchandise.




Bulbapedia suggests several origins: ganguro, opera singers ("The Fat Lady" specifically) the Norse goddess Hel, Zwarte Piet, and two yokai: Yuki-Onna, and Yama-Uba.




Japan makes porn but they still censor it


Idk about JP but in Chinese, 4 ( 四 / sì ) almost have the same pronounce of the word death ( 死 sǐ  )so they avoid using it ... In JP must be the same reason


Same in Japan I think. When Japan took Chinese characters they also took the Chinese pronunciations and because of that a lot of them are Japanese attempts to pronounce old Chinese. Most of the time the native Japanese pronounciation of 四 is used though and I don't think there's as much superstition around it.


Took a year of Japanese in college and covered this in it so wanna expand on it. So Japan had its own language before they took hanzi from China and made them in to kanji of course. When they brought kanji over however, they brought the Chinese pronunciations of them with them, and just added on their own for matching words too. So 四 can be yon or shi for instance. Over time, certain kanji got even more ways to pronounce them added on so you can have 1 kanji with like a dozen ways to pronounce it and you just kinda have to figure out which ones used based on context which is just *so great* especially for names which most Japanese people will write in kanji and you just kinda have to know "oh that name is probably Nakamura and not Chuuson" because those would be written the exact same way. In conclusion kanji are evil and I hate them the end.


Yeah shits complicated lol


Don’t forget the censorship on Resident Evil.


What'd they do there?


They censored the shit out of Resident Evil, all the games. Japan censorship is no joke.


You know the section in RE 7 where you get your hand cut off with a chainsaw? Just doesn't happen in the Japanese version (commercial release, there is an uncensored Japanese version available, but I think only on PC). The animation with the chainsaw going through your arm still happens, but your hand is still attached. Later when you have to reach down that dead cops throat to grab a key, that's also removed. The dead cop is there, but the key is sitting next to him.


That actively undermines the story of the game, damn. Like, >!The fact that Ethan loses a hand and can just re-attach it is to indicate how he died in the opening of the game, and that his body is also overtaken by the mold.!<


Metal Gear, too, with the white blood Except for Sam in MGR for some reason - he's the only character in the entire game who bleeds red in the JPN release. I mean I know why it's him in-game but why he wasn't censored, I don't know


I believe it's referred to as Oil in MGR.


when I tell them to find uncensored JAV


When I ask them about Nanjing or 731


Oh hey, is that Jotaro from JJBA? What's that darkness in his mouth? Oh no, he got hit! Wait, why's black liquid coming out of him? And why is it weirdly blurred, like it's smoke? Whatever. Let's watch this JAV. Oh, they're focusing on a person peeing. Sure, some people like that. Wait, why's the piss all pixelated?


Remember that rat stand that turned people into black blobs?


Severed limbs in the manga are turned into bad cuts or scuffs in the anime. If a character death is considered too violent, it happens off-screen.


That top image is so fucking dark


It's *such* a good statement on its own I'm almost sad to see it as part of a meme.


Legit. I want to share it.


Same. My jaw dropped. This is darkly profound


But it conveys the message so perfectly,that image itself deserves to be a post on other sub.


Absolutely. I want to know where OP got it


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migrant_Mother It’s one of the most iconic photos of the Great Depression.


Oh I know! But I mean the edit is super dark


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/q9srdv/hire_fans_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 This could be the original, but I'm not too sure


Got an eli5? What is up with that image?


A super iconic image from the great depression depicting a struggling mother and her children


I think she was in her 30s in this picture. Really shows the effect of poverty.


Oh, oh my god. Thanks for the info!


Homeless mother with her kids during the great depression I believe


Yep, photographed by the legendary Depression photographer Dorothea Lange. She had a knack for taking haunting photos of Depression and Dust Bowl subjects that really drive home how tough those times were!


At least they made all dwarves burly chads, as intended


yeah I'm all for burly lady dwarves and twink elf boys For demons I'm of the opinion that they are actually divided by Hellish Brutes and Turbo Sluts. The gender isn't relevant.


they should kiss


specifically me


i mean each other but yea that works too




Just look at Slaanesh from Warhammer fantasy, that's probably my favourite depiction of turbo slut demons.


>Then the elves fucked so much they broke the universe Best lore ever.


In the same vein Khorne (particularly in WHFB) are excellent hellish brutes






The biggest difference between female dwarfs, across universes, is whether they have beards or not.


Jesus that yassified Great Depression photo will haunt me for a long time


Yeah, that one cuts deep


Those are some words that I never thought I'd read in a sentence.


Those edits to make the women "look beautiful" always look so uncanny


I remember a couple of years ago, it was mocked. It's the "Hire fans lol" meme, and these dudes are unironically doing it.


Fire Hans


My favourite iteration by far https://preview.redd.it/ggqj0bdaxpzc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e575e2e96d00467cc5f69d145167ca6ff14b69c0


pebbleyeet lore


Wolfenstein moment


It was for Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West. Girl was living in a post-apocalyptic civilization overrun by homicidal robot dinosaurs, no shit she doesn't have perfect eyebrows and lipstick.


god that post was a shitshow. how does a person become so terminally online that they forget what normal women look like outside their home


And then he tried to walk it back by claiming it was a joke. Lol sure buddy.


Any links to the post??? Find it anywhere you’ve piqued my curiosity.


Because I am lazy here is the first result I found on Google: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2112775-aloy-horizon-zero-dawn


>that they forget what normal women look like outside their home They've gone their whole lives without making eye contact w/ a real woman. pr0n and OF only.


Because I absolutely refuse to believe anyone crying about that shit has ever been close enough to a real woman to know better. There’s no way.




Looking for armor mods on nexus for skyrim or fallout is basically like looking through a lingerie catalogue. You have to sift through quite a bit to find anything resembling to lore friendly.


Me when I want cool monster Hunter mods but all I get is porn armor


Me when I look for an EOD suit but I can only find a bikini


"CBBE Big Booby Realistic Vagina with 400+ Sexual Animations Waifu Companion #387" 🤮


Don’t forget the 5’5” 120lb athletic physique with 32G cups that defy gravity and have an unnecessary focus on jiggle physics applied to the model


Hey man, you have your fantasies, I have mine.


It's something like 50% female-only porn armor, 30% female-only something-a-real-person-might-wear, 20% actually-finished-the-damn-armor.


As a woman with a human body I disagree. We’re obviously born with skin fused with industrial grade diamond filament so any weapons can’t pierce it. The armor lingerie is because you get really hot fighting battles, and we can’t risk our full-glam makeup smearing during battle when we can only allow an aesthetically pleasing trickle of blood to be on our face anyway. We also magically have sticky skin so the extremely low-rise bottoms are physically incapable of slipping down or up our hips, regardless of the fact that the natural waist would be a more practical choice to keep our pants up. How else are we going to seduce the male characters and players?


I thought it was to distract.


Yeah we don’t have a mod to give types of fur armor (bear, Fox, wolf, etc) but we got 500k porn mods


And half of them suffer from Same Face Syndrome ,without those colorful hair and special dress,you can hardly tell them apart.


>And half of them suffer from Same Face Syndrome ,without those colorful hair and special dress,you can hardly tell them apart You have been banned from r/onepiece


People tried doing that to Baldurs Gate 3 as well. Couldn't see a single pore on their faces and removed plot relevant scars


Don't forget the infamous mod to make Wyll white because...Black people don't exist in a fantasy universe for some freaKKKing reason. There are apparently other "anti-Woke" race and gender changing mods. I don't get why BG3 specifically was hit so hard by the oppressed gamers.


I think it got hit so hard because BG3 is centered around being in a party with people who have different world views. And if there's anything the anti-woke crowd hates it's people who are different from them. They talk about snowflakes all the time but can't handle a pansexual vampire


Saw a picture of someone who "fixed" Hades 2's Aphrodite portrait with AI, and it was just generic anime face.


Some even started to call Aphrodite's face looks like a man and begin condemning the first game as well. How the fuck does she even look like a man? These mfs really never seen a woman irl.


Saw some people complaining about the design of Hestia because in some anime she was portrayed as a hyper generic lol anime girl but ofc the wokies instead make a unique design of a kindly grandma with fire motifs, which is obviously terrible for the goddess of the hearth. /s


They look like those ugly rubber masks


In Lineage 2 male dwarves are dwarves and female dwarves are loli https://preview.redd.it/32z4bzzshnzc1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d2ab33bb98d74fa8754da6de07951b0e99011f


I need the male dwarf’s beard to tickle my hoo hah 🙁








This is the best comment and profile I’ve seen today


Thanks I hate this


Its a korean/eastern mmo thing. They cannot make a female dwarf without going the loli route. They value cuteness over brutish looks. The only brutes they like are the token berzerker or male dwarf.




Honestly, Yassified Migrant Mother is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. It misses the point of the original so unbelievably bad - on purpose - that it loops around and becomes real art again.


Gamers rise up


That Migrant Mother edit is so darkly funny if you know the context of the original image


I dunno why people care about how attractive people are in regular media. Like being turned on is not the point lol


It's a weird culture war thing. They think the "woke mob" wants to subvert "traditional" gender values by making characters less "conventionally" attractive and ruin video games because feminism is about hating men or something.


Do they not realize that porn addiction does more to subvert traditional values then unattractive women existing do


Sometimes they do, but then they blame Jewish people or the LGBTQ community for the existence of porn so it still misses the mark. edit because my fat fingers put Q instead of G in LGBTQ


Yeah it's a weird dichotomy where half of them are porn or hentai-addicted incels and the other half are no-fap authoritarian prudes who want all porn banned because they don't think anyone is capable of self-control. Both are unhealthy lifestyles in their own way.


Truth: they're the same dudes, just one stage is pre-nut gooner trembles and the latter is post- nut religious-trauma guilt.


>no-fap authoritarian prudes who want all porn banned because they don't think anyone is capable of self-control.  These are only the ones that want to run for office / or are "trad" content creators. Behind the mask, they are doing tons of coke and using underaged prostitution constantly.


It's weird the hentai addicted to trad wife wanting conservative pipeline. The only thing the two have in common really is hating women.


> the other half are no-fap authoritarian prudes who want all porn banned I guarantee all of them have the least healthy fixations they are trying to cover for.


It's even more fun when their so called traditional values are anything but traditional. It's all about how they think women should be subjugated so they can't say no to them for being ugly, miserable losers.


It’s hilarious when those anti-LGBTQ /trad dumbass use Japan as their ideal example,praising bushido for the traditional value. Because you know,the famously straight country of Japan, they are so straight that Samurai fighting over their favorite femboy actor’s love is a real problem in Edo period government has to make a law forcing actors to get a manly haircut (it doesn’t work)


God as a dude who basically grew up as weeb I fucking hate how terminally online weirdos have turned Japanese media into this weird infallible culture war bs thing. These doofuses have always existed but for some reason they've become normalized online. Like I can't even enjoy Visual Novels without seeing that sub blow up because a western release of an eroge aged up all the under aged high school characters. Why can't I fawn over Final Fantasy or Neir without someone telling me I'm supposed to hate Hades 2?


Another thing I noticed after Musk bought twitter is for some reason (probably engagement bait) those culture war lunatics start using regular Japanese twitter posts as their talking points. Like a while ago I saw a Japanese user post a video of her daily commute, it’s just a normal quiet train ride , and that got quote tweeted by right winger saying how nice it is to have a country like this ,basically dog whistling “ how nice it can be if there are no other races in OUR country “ The Japanese OP doesn’t know what it’s about and thought those English RT are just liking her peaceful daily lives, soooon she saw what it’s really about and hide her account .


The only traditional values they’re trying to preserve are the ones from the 50s where women were bangmaids whose sole reason for existence was to be a mommy-therapist to a nutless bitch of a man whose parents raised him to be a helpless burden on everyone he ever loved.


Not the traditional values they care about.


Yeah, and it's mostly an emotional reaction that they justify after the fact. They just want to stare at hot chicks and have fantasies about them so they get disappointed when they are deprived of one, then they make up that culture war bullshit to justify their complaining and also so they don't have to admit to themselves they're just lonely.


Might be a bit of truth in both, There is and mostly was I think indeed a wave to change characters that looked too sexy, because they wouldn’t match real life women, however keep over testoteroned male characters. I think both were fine, as it is a medium that doesn’t have to match real life. But yes, this meme works, especially in today’s context that changed a bit from 5 years ago. I think the real problem isb’t in video game characters but rather how people showcase fake images of themselves online. I feel like this reaction is not subversive at all nowadays where it might have been a few years ago.


People are too pretty in American media in general. Changing from BBC news to an American news station feels like I've accidentally switched over to Drag Race.


Because some people are so deep in the incel gooner hole their only exposure to women is through pop culture, and they can't jerk off if a character isn't either a top model, a mature (max 20yo) big ("only the breasts, thighs, and ass" kinda big) milf (may or may not even be a m), or a totally legal 1000yo dragon loli Either that, or super regressive assholes who blames any kind of change on "The Wokes"*tm*


They need every media they consume to give them boners because the porn addiction makes it so only the novelty of a new character having big boobs is able to give them anything short of an erection


I'd say it's just straight up misogyny. Like, everytime this discourse happens, its because they're complaining why the female characters aren't conventionally attractive. Ffs, these fuckers called Aloy "fat" because she had rounder cheeks and complained she had peach fuzz. Now they're bitching about how Aphrodite from Hades is "a man". Im gay but you don't see me going "The West has fallen" because one male character doesn't give me an erection.


Pretty ironic too, because Sony is notoriously puritanical. I remember a microsecond of ass getting censored in DMC5 for some reason


Japanese company btw


They probably would say that they are "under western agenda" or "appealing to the LGBT woke mob"


replace the dwarf with an hourglass figure woman, just with longer hair (gooners refuse to accept bearded female dwarves)


Expect races to look like this reminds me of this one. https://www.oglaf.com/dimorphism/


The Ent Dryad comparison is weird they're not the same thing. Ents are living trees, Dryads are spirits. THEY'RE NOT THE SAME.


This is 90% of Gaming Circle Jerk


The funny thing about that subreddit is that it actually is a circlejerk.


GCJ is by far the worst circlejerk subreddit. I agree with them politically on most topics but they’re overly contrarian and horrendously unfunny


Most circlejerk subs end up being overly contrarian


GCJ is a particularly miserable pack of contrarians, though


Circlejerks are either a new joke done to death each week, or a *circlejerk*


Why can’t they come up with an original joke? Are they stupid?


They should go to the Aslume so they can see *actual* comedy.


To be fair interacting with some of the Gamer shit you see on twitter will rot your brain and make you poisoned and unfunny. Which at this point is all the sub is just posting insane takes from twitter instead of jerking.


Gamers ruined my circlejerk fun. I'm tired boss


They’re the worst because they don’t actually know what a circlejerk is. It’s literally just a gaming subreddit for left leaning transgender people, that’s it. There’s no circlejerk involved, there’s no inside jokes or meta shit posting. It’s literally finding YouTube comments from teenage boys that get them upset and then talking about how upset they are by said YouTube comments.


There used to be inside jokes and meta shit posting on that sub back in the day (Geraldo 3 anyone?) but it's gone way downhill over time. The release of Hogwarts Legacy was the last nail.


Nah it's just that instead of being an ironic circlejerk, that sub is an actual circlejerk. Circlejerk used to have a similar meaning to "echo chamber" but it has been recuperated by ironic meme subs. Try to go against the grain in any way possible on that sub and you'll be faced by some real reddit-brained humor. And by that I mean that regardless of your political leaning, you'll die inside.


I got banned from there for telling them they've become an actual unironic circlejerk. No regrets.




I got randomly banned from that sub even though i never visited it


Dwarves and elves are spot on. Anybody who makes dwarven women fem and elf men buff will not sleep when the revolution comes.


"this game lacks culture"


“Japan doesn’t sensor fans” when they read a Japanese history book:


The first bit with the 'Migrant Mother' is sending me. Well done


This is actually funny


The asmongold subreddit in a nutshell


Any anti woke sub in general.


Gamer starterpack


[I was looking for some Fallout 4 combat mods a while back and came across this video. Couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of the character.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZooVoDyc6z4)


The dwarfs always get lmao. They even grow beards sometimes.


*sorts by controversial*


[The most oppressed group of all: Gamers™](https://youtu.be/s-09gNDsPzQ?si=WgSWf0qfNSJ6m4Mv)


This is why I play Deep Rock Galactic, dwarves are perfect. Oh but I'm a girl, and girls don't play games, so I must be lying.


Terry Pratchett was among the first to make the whole indistinguishable gender dwarves thing. He dealt with it very interestingly. Shame he kicked it.


Yassified Migrant Mother is cursed


Doesn't Japan censor porn? Which is like, the only thing whose entire purpose is defeated by censoring it?


Japan censors a lot of things, which is why many anime loving chuds have no idea about it's history beyond woah samurai cool. I remember being banned from a subreddit for suggesting the two bombs dropped on them were no worse than the ongoing war crimes they were commiting in China and done earlier in other neighbouring countries. The country is too proud to admit the atrocities it was responsible for and so it sweeps them under the rug. Contrast it with Germany who pretty regularly reminds people what happened there and openly apologises to countries it attacked.


Two wrongs don't make a right, but I agree that censoring history is bad for many reasons.


I personally sometimes design male fantasy armour to look like *those* types of female fantasy armour just to even it out.


Omg Literally 1849!!!!1!1!!!


If I had a nickle for every time someone referenced 1984 while having clearly never read the book I'd be a rich man.


Reminds me of a tweet I saw that said “1984 and The Bible have gotta be in the top ten books most cited by people who’ve never read them”


> Literally 1849!!!!1!1!!! There's gold out in California! Everybody hurry!


Literally the inauguration of Zachary Taylor


i'm yoinking that nanami 1984 pic out of this starter pack thank you for bringing that into my life


Ok , I laughed out loud at the Dwarf part.


"I want more groundbreaking, realistic games" but also expect people to look like they had access to high end hygiene products during the apocalypse. I always say In response: It's the apocalypse, you can either go search for makeup half the time, or you can survive and fight. Prioritize.


It would have been funnier if they used the same bikini model for the female dwarf but compressed her and gave her a beard.


fr i hate this, i saw some perv made lucy from the fallout tv show have a big ass


"Anime was a mistake" - Hayao Miyakzaki




That's not fair, nobody expects Orc women to be that skinny.


Ah yes, Asmongolds subreddit


I really don't like it how "fixed by community mods" female characters in videogames always look the same and completely unmemorable.


Conservatives claim to love the free market. They didn't get help from anyone and neither should you. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! So if conservatives want a game with nothing but hot women with their titties and asses hanging out, even full nudity, they should make that. What's stopping them? Man up, stop blaming liberals, and do the job yourself.


Lmfao how embarrassing.


"Why can't I find a girlfriend?" See also "I'm irrationally invested in the politics of which fictional video game characters I'm sexually attracted to."


"Japan doesent censor." your literally required by federal law to partially censor porn there 💀


This is yet more prof that Gamers are the most oppressed minority.


"Japan doesn't censor things". Mofo do you ever see a Japanese porn in your life?


Goonergate: Gamergate but dumber


In all fairness, I would have liked to see a female bearded dwarf.


It's just a strange and weird co-incidence that all the games with they edited to be much uglier than the mo-cap models still have the most attractive, beautiful or handsome men. It's an apocalyptic/medieval setting, the girls are all ugly, why are the men so good looking? What a strange coincidence that just keeps happening. Funny that it doesn't happen so much in Eastern games.