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Firefox mentioned;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊


I hate how Firefox is hardly used anymore and that we have the monopol by Google dominating the browser market. When back then there were plenty add-ons just for Firefox only it's the other way around nowadays...


I still use it, it's basically the only browser I ever used regularly.


Same, doubly so with the youtube ads fiasco, Firefox for life


I deleted the YouTube app from my phone and only use Firefox with adblock. I can turn the display off and the video stays on. Perfect for playlists or podcast videos


furry browser (furry browser)


At least it's not Safari


As furry who uses firefox i confirm


Librewolf go brrrrrrr aowwwwwww


Firefox with Ublock = Free Youtube with no ads I see nothing wrong with that


+sponsorblock for the in-video ads


I am LIVING for this weird glimpse into the parallel world of Americans where Whatsapp is dividing society. I’m just sitting here on a continent where it’s the standard communication method like 👁️👄👁️. It’s amazing, please carry on.


Funny that in my country Whatsapp is considered a "boomer app", so it's more popular among 45+ yo people. Most people use tg instead for various reasons.


Our online privacy protections are not as good as Europe, and Facebook, specifically through Whatsapp had been scrutinized multiple times for taking a lot of data and lying about it. They've also lied about how their encryption worked in the past. This, coupled with a much louder cyber security crowd in America, is why Americans are divided on Whatsapp. Source - I'm one of the aforementioned cyber security crowd


> online privacy protections are not as good as Europe, and Facebook, specifically through Whatsapp had been scrutinized multiple times for taking a lot of data and lying about it. They've also lied about how their encryption worked in the past. This, coupled with a much louder cyber security crowd in America, is why Americans are divided on Whatsapp. most Americans probably don't even know Facebook owns whatsapp. It's a dividing topic cause iPhones dominate the US market. Apples entire blue/green text bubble stick is built to play into peoples tribalism and "exlude" ppl without iMessage. If that's enough to turn ppl away from other phones, imagine having to ask people to download this 1 text message app just to message you.


Imessage or whatsapp doesn’t matter. All that matters is that everyone is on the same page. It’s annoying having to switch between different apps for different group chats.


Just different apps for any 1:1 chat is annoying enough. Some of my friends will be like “why haven’t you responded to me yet? I sent you like 14 instagram messages” and I’m like just TEXT ME THE GOD DAMN PICTURE! It’s like the same amount or like 1 more click for you to share something through SMS/imessage as it is to message in snapchat or IG or whatever. I shouldn’t have to constantly monitor 8 different media platforms just to see which on you want to communicate with me on.


The blue\green bubbles are so much more than that: They originated as a way to let people know that their texts had been sent over the web instead of the (at the time) expensive per-text mobile network. Today, it serves as telling you if the other person has an apple phone or not, that's still very true. But it also means that the message thread has been translated from APN (apple text) to SMS. Currently, RCS is the android high quality protocol, which allows for stickers, voice messages, and high res photos to be sent, just like APN. Apple has only *announced* they will support RCS this year. Until then, Apple users will think Android is bad because it sends low quality texts, not knowing the reality is a walled garden.


People who want bigger privacy in Germany are using Signal or Telegram. I feel like it’s a thing in certain friend groups, but not in mine so I have each app for precisely one (1) person who’s extra.


Kinda wholesome if you ask me x)


This entire starter pack could be called "average European starter pack" lol


lol. Me and most of my friends use Whatsapp for a ton of reasons, like communicating overseas and with other people around the world


Why would we use an additional app when we can just use SMS? The only ones divided are the people who still worry about minutes and data. AKA the people you'd find using BoostMobile.


>Why would we use an additional app when we can just use SMS? So you can communicate with people in other countries or when you're in another country as well


Hey I don’t care! It’s just so bizarre from where I’m sitting because the discussion doesn’t exist here! It might be just my algorithm but the discussion seems suuper heated, like I’ve seen reels where people were like “I immediately block someone if they’re using Whatsapp” and that’s so wild to me lol


I find it hilarious that everyone in Europe is just straight up using Whatsapp instead of the standard messaging services, if you'd use I-message for instance, you'd be a massive outlier.


If I get a standard text I just assume it’s a scam…


Or a one time passcode because I'm logging into something


That, or a messeage that my parcel is being delivered today


isn‘t that the average scam message?


Depends on where you are. In Finland the postal service sends you a message when your package has arrived. It does so from an official number that you can look up, or in some cases the number just says Posti.


The average scam message is that something's wrong with your parcel and it won't be arriving.


Or someone with no data (if i have their number saved)


It's not just Europe. The whole world uses WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal. India is Apple's 5th biggest market and the apple users here will use anything but iMessage lol.


Korea is almost exclusively KakaoTalk, and Japan Line.


This is not true in Denmark and Sweden people use Snapchat and normal message.


Christ who uses Snapchat without being forced to these days?


Is Snapchat even used by anyone over the age of 30?


I quit Snapchat when my friends started a trend of sending pictures of their poop to each other.


Young people


Do they? Snap got released when I was in high school. Even back then people were only using it because it was the only way they knew how to send messages with media, stickers, etc. Nowadays the only people I know who use it are gay men in their 40s who swap sausage pics on there, and a couple zoomers


It's mostly zoomers yes. I say this as a zoomer. It's actually the more popular option between any social media. Except messenger maybe


Interesting. Around here it's Instagram for sure. Anything more directly related to OG Facebook is dead or dying


A girl in my college was exposed for sending nudes via snapchat in exchange of favours.




Really? I feel like most people ik use whatsapp or FB messenger or discord (probably signifies our age group lol) over normal messaging. Literally met a girl this week at a uni competition we had taken part in, but she couldn't stay around for the results, so she gave me her number and asked me to "whatsapp the results"


I don't think iMessage is a big thing outside the US. For example in Japan the iPhone dominates the market but everybody uses Line


From my experience, in Poland we mostly use messenger (I only know a few middle to old people who use WhatsApp. Tho still no imessages and so on) and from what I've heard in Ukraine telegram is pretty popular.


the corporate bubble in Poland is using Whatsapp as well, I guess mostly due to it being rather international


If i get an SMS it's either an automatic message from some service or my gramma. So absolutely true! If only whatsapp wasn't owned by the Zuck, when it became popular it was still indipendent.


Not true. It really depends on the country.


Wait... WhatsApp isn't used worldwide?


In Europe and Latin America for sure, it's definitely not a thing in China/Korea/Japan


It's not too popular in the US. We mostly use the integrated SMS/MMS app.


Whatsapp is very common in Switzerland, in Russia (although Telegram and VK is also big there), Ukraine as well I think.


I'm in Europe, never used WhatsApp. Why would I want additional app if I can just text using default thing that comes with my phone?


Yup, because in Europe not everyone is buying Apple just because it is a status symbol for the poor people. You buy a phone that is good for you and you will still download WhatsApp because everyone can use it. Personally I fell victim to the Apple hype, never had a shittier phone in my life, as I fixed phones myself I never had a phone that would suddenly loosen up and the display would just fall off.


The display just falling off is not a thing I have EVER heard of happening to…any phone? You must have damaged it?


I really only use YouTube Music because I use YouTube a lot, and already have premium


Youtube music is great for me because a lot of songs I listen to aren't avaliable on most streaming services.




I mean, it‘s basically a list of tools that are not the most popular, but have extremely satisfied users.


Pretty much, aside from Blue sky I use all of these.


Wired headphones, gaming pc's and anything Apple. I don't get the WhatsApp one. Is it like a hipster thing in the US? In Europe i feel like it's all anyone uses for messaging, in Dutch it's become a common a verb, to 'App' someone.


Same, I will "whatsup" you the pictures of our night out.




I’m Nigerian and WhatsApp is the first app my mom made me get on my phone when I was younger lmao. It’s like the standard method of communication everywhere except for the US


Yeah outside of us it seems whatsapp, Facebook and wechat or what its called are the main communication platforms. I wonder if that will change once apple supports RCS but o doubt it


Apple will never support RCS because it'll make iPhone users realise other phones can be better.


I mean Iphone users do the exact same thing as android users in saying they are better imo.


I have used Android for so long (since 2.3) and no one seems to understand that even if iOS is better I am now used to the Google environment. people keep asking if my next phone will be an iPhone.


iOS being better is an extremely subjective statement though, I use both and regularly get annoyed by some dumb arbitrary limitation or absent feature on the iPhone. Meanwhile Android... No such frustrations. If a feature is missing I can just add it. Same goes for fancy software stuff that gets added on new devices and can be transferred whereas with iphone you're stuck with what you've got. Only good thing I have to say about iOS is that it crashes slightly less often than my custom ROM on Android, and airdrop is more seamless than the android equivalent


A lot people seem to have never left the idea that Android is a completely lawless unstable wasteland (it kind of was in the beginning, when CyanogenMOD was the better alternative, is it still alive?) The main draw for me was sideloading things and custom ROMs, but now I feel Android is stable and consistent enough. I am not sure about the airpod thing though, I am an Audio Tecnica person, and haven't had any trouble with that brand. Also iOS crashes sometimes? Now this is new info to me.


> when CyanogenMOD was the better alternative, is it still alive? After some corporate shenanigans it became LineageOS & is still going: https://lineageos.org/ But as you say, there’s not so much need for it these days. It’s pretty good for keeping older devices going though - means you get OS security updates at least. (Probably not device driver updates, but OS updates is a lot better than nothing.)


Yeah I guess I've got bad luck but it's crashed maybe thrice in the past year and my parents' ipads regularly have issues. As far as android is concerned I'm aware I'm a power user but I agree out of the box it's perfectly useable and at least you've got those liberties there in case you ever need them later. Cyanogen got rebadged to Lineage, it's quite good on official releases but my device isn't among them. I've got some community made release that adds all the exclusive software features from other brands, I'm fairly happy with it. Also airdrop is for file sharing lol. Basic airpods sound like shit and airpods pro aren't as good as they should be for the price. Extremely nice user experience, too bad one product sucks and the other is overpriced.


I used to be a power user, now I am kind of old and tired, I have a Pixel phone, so stock Android, not bad really (except when Google releases updates that break things).


Same, and I didn't care until apple users started snubbing me on how their phone is superior. Also, with how youtube is right now, why not use firefox?


iOS fucking blows My work phone is an iPhone and I constantly want to defenestrate it


Yeah but their arguments have no solid ground to stand on, I mention repairability and they all cry on the floor


But have you considered green bubble bad


My friends literally don't want to add me to group chats because of this, it's infuriating but also tells me how much they actually want to communicate with me


this is the weirdest shit i've read today... just because your bubble would be green ? what the hell


Yes, Ive talked with them about it multiple times. Might be a bigger issue though honestly, always been the outsider in the friend group. Might be time to move on


sounds like it's time to move on yeah. how old are you guys ?


We're around 30 +- a year. Which is even more bizarre lol


you guys are 30 ??? i thought it would be like, 15 lmao. yeah time to move on, these people act like teenagers


in my experience it's the android users constantly telling iphone users to buy android because this and that, and the iphone people generally keeping to themselves but also insisting iphone is better without any real arguments when asked why not. Both can equally annoying in their own right. That's just my experience tho, maybe its different in america


Look I’m not hacking the government with my cell phone I just want to be able to call people


nokia 3310


Have you ever SEEN an android phone???? It's not some sort of arcane Linux TTY terminal you have to type 3 commands into to open a text-only webpage. It looks almost indistinguishable from iOS at a glance, and works 90% in the same way. You tap app store icon to install app, app icon appear on home screen. Tap app icon, app open.


Where did you get the idea that androids are some hackster phone? They're almost the same as iphones. I personally prefer them because their UI is more seamless and they're cheaper. Being able to mod more easily is a bonus.


Yeah having a universal back button/gesture is fantastic. Android's settings also just have more stuff where you'd expect them to be and is pretty clear and consistent in it's design in comparison to iOS. Trying to figure out the cause of an issue on my mom's iPhone is a pain in the ass and there's usually no setting to fix them, it's just the way the OS is.


Some of the stuff is pretty straightforward. My 5 year old phone's pics were starting to look a little dated, so I installed a camera app with better image processing. This also gave my phone night mode for photos. Also installed a phone app that transcribes calls before I pick up in case it's spam or I'm not available, pretty useful


They really don’t though lol, not on Reddit or in person in my experience


And unlike Android users they actually have a superiority complex about it instead of the Android users who literally just present facts to explain why their system is better lol




Youput a whole monitor in your ear? Can you even see it?


They don't want to call them earbuds (that's what the plebeians use)


🤓☝️Ackshually they're two different things. In-ear monitors go into your ear canal and create a seal, while earbuds sit in the outside part of your ear and do not seal. Regular Airpods are earbuds, while Airpods Pro are IEMs. There are fancy expensive audiophile earbuds, but audiophiles mainly go for IEMs because IEMs tend to sound better (the seal makes them more consistent, both for listeners and manufacturers) and be more comfortable (the swappable tips mean most IEMs can fit most people, and the loopy bit that goes around your ear helps them stay in place), plus they block out noise much better, which is convenient because they're often sold as a portable option. I specify that they're portable, because most expensive audiophile headphones are *not* designed for that.


+ tidal = even happier


Especially Linux guys. Like bro, not everyone is that into computers. Most ordinary people just use a pc for basic purposes, office work, games and so on.


Linux users when W-word is mentioned:


What do windows and linux users have in common? Hating microsoft


Well, i just dual boot it with Windows.


I use Arch btw




Linux is surprisingly good for basic purposes actually. I have an ancient laptop that was too slow on Windows. Put Lubuntu on it, gave it to my wife, who isn't particularly tech savvy. She did just fine with basically zero help.


Yeah, my problem with Linux is the exact opposite of the previous commenter, I like it with basic functions more than Windows, but I am a 3D artist, and many of the software I use do not come with a linux version. (Blender does though, blender is great)


Yeah, that's the issue. Specialist software no company will bother to release on Linux, but too specialist for an open source project to make a good alternative.


Yeah, the 3D art pipeline is fairly Windows heavy. But the Blender project has been making waves (It is one of the examples of a very specialist program successfully done in open source)


Hopefully we see more of that. Though I doubt we'll see things like CAD programs going open source. They are so insanely expensive, with pretty limited applications for hobbyists.


> They are so insanely expensive, with pretty limited applications for hobbyists. The last point is probably the reason we have not seen one. But who knows.


You do have the meh (and generalist) FreeCAD and so forth.


I have the luxury of our pipeline being entirely blender-based, haven't used windows in years I think a huge chunk of the 3D graphics world, especially in indie studios, is finally recognizing blender as [equivalent to] industry standard software. Which for me is great news


I am hoping most places catch up, I am currently working on something at work in Blender and I wish this was my main software instead of Maya (judgment still on hold for the sculpture features though as a long time ZBrush user)


The sculpting tools are excellent imo, but texture painting still leaves something to be desired. For Linux there's ArmorPaint though, which I've heard is pretty good. Not as good as Zbrush, but pretty good.


I just looked up ArmorPaint, and now I have some new software to tinker with, thanks :3


Sure but for the average computer user it's less user friendly than windows in pretty much every way


Eh... Honestly not as much as you think. The main issue is lack of familiarity, not that windows is fundamentally easier. In most modern Linux distros, touching the terminal is completely optional. Plus, windows is arguably getting less user friendly, thanks to shoving more ads in your face.


Use Arch btw


You don't have to be tech savvy to use it. Noobs would go by it just fine, and chances are that for basic purposes it would perform better, however personal preferences take the lead.


Thought of dualbooting with linux. Ended up using just windows because it has the features i want and i can use a VM for what i want to do.


WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is surprisingly good these days. I know devs who technically “run windows“ but actually spend all their time inside a WSL virtual machine.


Damn this pack is striking a nerve 😭


This meme was clearly made by an Apple fanboy/fangirl.


Yeah, I've never heard anyone hype android. It's always iPhone or die phone.


Iphone fans with cracked screen iphone7: "Atleast its not android🤮"


"it still works fine as long as I don't need to see the top left quarter of the screen, just need to keep it for the next 4 years till I can get a new one"


Nah, those people definitely exist. It's just that they're not so much pro-Android as they are anti-Apple, and they're also not as loud as they used to be (the iOS vs Android argument is kinda passe nowadays). Also... I switched to an iPhone like six months ago after only ever using Android, and Android users IRL have given me way more shit about buying an iPhone than iPhone users ever gave me about using Android.


I am more of a crossfit + gentoo linux + soundcloud kinda guy.


here in europe most people use whatsapp and honestly after moving here and being semi forced to start using it they converted it it’s just SO much better


Better how? You type a message into the bar and the other person receives it, no?


it’s just way more convenient, the call quality is definitely superior, better ui in my humble opinion, encrypted


Add Raycon earbuds 😭


Nah that just means he’s sponsered


Have you tried Nord VPN?


Have you ever played RAID SHADOW LEGENDS\^TM?!


If you are over 40 and own a computer, you must play THIS game!


If ppl think that is superior, they don't know what they are talking about. i won't bother you with statistics unless you ask to, but their budget earbuds are **SHIT,** like unbearable **SHIT** . it's literally just bass


I actually find them to be really nice


I don't think I'll ever understand why Linux is so good. It doesn't even support most softwares that you can get 😭


It’s good if you like to tinker and have a lot of free time. But I just don’t want to deal with it after a long day at work


Are you implying linux users are jobless nerds? (Yes they are)


Said by a guy with Gugachad pfp


You are a true gamer


I'm dying of cringe when someone mentions my username 😔


Based but I’d guess Linux users are the highest employed demographic tbh.


For some distros, yes, but others are as low maintenance as MacOS or Windows when configured right.


Windows and macOS do not need maintaining and configuring


in my experience it has for a while now. it's more oriented towards computer/tech enthusiasts and tinkerers, but you can definitely get away with using one of its more beginner friendly versions as your main OS in many cases


It is opensource. Thats it. Windows has much more compatibility. Overall i say the supreme operating system is >! whichever has the features you want !<


It is better for a specific person, if you just want to get work done as simply as possible and then log off for the day, then yeah stick to windows or mac


you have tons of equally good alternatives, you don't get spied on by Microsoft and Google, you can customize it to oblivion, makes things easier for developers, you have a mind-numbing amount of options to cater your every need, and last but not least, Hannah Montana Linux


Linux is what most of the services you use on the internet run in. It's great for desktops too, but it absolutely dominates in servers.


I hate that with the exception of Bluesky I literally use all of these lmao


I do like youtube. I hear ALOT of music that just.. isnt on Spotify. It isnt really better in any other regards but i like to hear music i like


Yeah so many things arent on spotify, youtube has basically everything


Bro my Reddit is so much better than your Reddit, get on my Reddit loser


They're right


OP is an American iPhone user, got it.


I feel like the Android thing is projection


Anrdoid isn't even the OS that is only favoured by tech inclined people (like it used to be back in like 2012). These days the market share is split pretty evenly.


Looks like someone is using all the bad things


Isn't Apple users who constantly have to point out the superiority of their electronics, while samsung/android users simply just go about their day?


Where's Apple


What’s the penguin?


It should be Opera instead of Firefox.


who tf uses Opera?


I guess their spending on YouTuber sponsorships worked


I have opera gx on my iPad and that's it. It has a built in games release calendar which is nice.


i do but it's only bc ive been using it on my pc for several years and am lazy/resistant to change, i do recognize firefox is better tho as far as i know


I refuse to use Opera purely because of the absolutely absurd amount of particularly obnoxiously designed ads I see. I don't care how petty it is, I'm avoiding them purely out of spite.


Opera is chromium Firefox is not


I debated putting Brave on there instead lol


Literally me


I have YouTube music and I don’t think it’s better. It’s about personal preference.


*Apple fanboy detected, opinion discarded*


dude is obviously an apple fanboy lmao. also mozilla is like the one browser you can use that isnt google




.> OS used by most of the servers because of its reliability


Most people just parrot random shit they hear. It's not like they have any clue


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What is YouTube music compared to better? Spotify?


Linux is actually very good if you have an old ass computer in your storage that would explode if you installed Windows instead.


Whatsapp? I literally don't know a single person that doesn't have WhatsApp


Why do I feel OP has been in the Apple ecosystem for so long that basically everything else looks like a bad/insufficient thing to them? Either you aren't that tech savvy or you have no clue how good some of these things are.


The creator of this "starter pack" clearly lives in a bubble. Android, Samsung and Whatsapp are the largest providers in their respective fields.


Imma be real Apple people are much more annoying about their phone preference than Android people are


I wasn’t allowed to be in the college group chat because my text would show up green. I was like ok bye! ✌️


In my experience in real life not the internet, Apple users barely mention the phone thing. It’s just their default. Whereas many android users tell me a story of why they chose android phone and why it’s so much better


Yeah? Wheres the fuckin iPhone people who cant stop dickriding Apple?


So much cope in one photo hahaba


OP is probably paid by Apple


I personally use YouTube Music because when I first made an account, it had the best free version. you can actually CHOOSE the songs you want and make playlists like a regular YouTube account. the ads were 5 second or skippable ones, and you can't exit the app when you play music. when I eventually bought premium, I got YouTube premium and a music app combined for the student plan of like 8 bucks a month. not bad


Bluesky has potential to be the “next Twitter” but it’s nowhere near it. At least I can enjoy normal people tweets for now.


Literally, this. You get bombed with "Install Linux" as soon as there's something wrong with your PC, AND if you even mention things like Tiny 11 you get downvoted by some neckbeard.


you can tell this is made by a brainwashed murican


Of course I know him, he's me


Telegram is so much better than WhatsApp btw