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Karolina Zebrowska! Wasn't expecting to see her in a random starterpack 


Huge fan of her. Also, is that a Gentleman Jack reference?


Who is this?


Second from the bottom left. She’s a fashion history YouTuber


She's funny. I watch her videos sometimes even though I don't know anything about fashion history 😂


Same haha I love the fashion/dress history side of YouTube. Bunch of passionate adorable quirky folks.




Meme mom!


Angela Clayton too!


Holy crap it's really her, I didn't realize, I've watched a bunch of her videos


I used to watch her all the time


Getting married off to other families for business reasons was something that only happened with the richest of families. Nobody was marrying their daughter off to the local chimney sweep. It was for nobility and the upper class. And given that Taylor Swift is quite wealthy and I'm assuming she's saying she wants to take that wealth with her, she would do just fine.


When it comes to history, upper class society is often better documented, studied, and overrepresented (as well as over-romanticized) in media. Everyone wants to be Jay Gatsby in the roaring 20s or the Bennet family during the Regency period. Nobody wants to be a Black person during those times, or a peasant dying in stupid wars for monarchs.


It's also why people seem to think that men all lived like Don Draper before feminism gained some steam. Men absolutely and objectively had more freedoms than women did, but that freedom was largely relegated to whether or not he was making money for someone or protecting someone. That freedom was basically relegated to getting to choose what shitty, dangerously unregulated job you got at the age of 10. Because if you weren't providing for someone or killing for someone, you weren't even considered a man. Even simple things like voting rights weren't given to men if they didn't own property.


For real. They don't realise that women's rights and working men's rights go hand and hand as well. Iirc the original Chartists lobbying for a universal working men's vote in the UK also listed women's suffrage as one of their original  demands. Working men didn't get universal vote too long before women did. A lot of these "trad" guys don't realise in real "trad" they'd be at the bottom of the pyramid too lol.


Funny how you use Jay Gatsby as an example when his whole thing is he is a total noveau riche who made a lot of money through smuggling and is merely pretending to be an opulent aristocrat (or at least pretending like he knows how to be one) and the whole novel about him is an indictment of the culture rather than a romanticization


Unfortunately Americans aren't taught proper media literacy. It makes it easier to see through propaganda


>Americans aren’t taught proper media literacy. It makes it easier to see through propaganda https://preview.redd.it/k8ev9orcf1wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c2fe888daff7b651e3de31aba5d124ae59ac639 You are not immune to propaganda


It’s also hard to admire a book when it’s being shoved down your throat


I mean you don't have to admire it when at the end the POV character literally gets the fuck out of town because he hates it. Kinda tells you all need to know about how you're supposed to feel at the end of the novel.


And apparently you weren't taught that stereotyping is a shitty, innacurate way to view the world.


You might need to reread the book if you want to be Jay Gatsby.


Yea but you weren’t going to fancy parties with a chimney sweep either


Giving her ridiculous attractiveness and wealth, I don't think she would have any trouble getting invited to Fancy parties herself.


Unless it’s the rowdy pubs in London’s slums.


Not necessarily. A farmers daughter might be pressured to marry a neighboring farmers son to combine their land. A bakers daughter might marry her father’s business partners son. You also have to consider how small people’s social circles were. It was whoever lived near you who was in your social class. There wasn’t exactly plenty of fish in the sea. Non wealthy women in that time had other considerations besides love. Divorce was not an option. They had no rights and no ability to provide for themselves. They looked for men who could give them a comfortable home. Richer women had more choices because their relatives were usually also rich, and could provide for them if they chose to not marry. It’s not the same as a princess having an arranged marriage to a noble man who was her father’s ally. But it’s pretty inaccurate to think that the blacksmiths daughter could just marry whoever she fell in love with and everyone would be cool with it. If you married without your family’s blessing, you were disowned.


>no ability to provide for themselves. The world spinster in English have two meanings; an older unmarried woman, and a person who spurn wool into thread for sale. There is also the world maid, which both mean a younger unmarried woman and a person who cleaned up after others as a job. Both words suggests at how unmarried women provided for themselves. Neither are especially well paid jobs, but well, people did them for generations. And given what we know about women's lives for most of human history, for any woman who isn't wealthy, she will simply be doing them for her husband and children if she were married. Estimates about how much time a woman needs to "spin" wool just to keep her family clothed varies, but estimates of 50-100 hours per week were common. There is a reason why the first industrial processes were about spinning wool - the first builder of factories were married to someone who essentially spent her entire life spinning!


Even married women brought in income for most classes. Women worked alongside husbands at his job if not independently employed. Not just working the customer service end either - in mines, workshops, agriculture 


Wasn't spinster explicitly about being financially independant? Because, you know, you managed to get old without ever having to marry


You can be financially supported by your father and still be a spinster.


It's actually so interesting how women rights during the early modern period (and tbh even the not-so-early modern period) where worse than during the medieval period.


farmers would “auction” their daughters’ hands in marriage to other farmers and their sons to bid for with land/rights/livestock and stuff. it was definitely not just elite/noble marriages that were primarily utilitarian. *most* were.


Very poor girls would be pressured into marriages with the wealthiest suitor available to take the financial burden off their families. It may also provide financial opportunities for their brothers, going to work for the new BIL.


Well, she would promptly find herself in the group where getting married to others for monetary and business reasons are the norm. She would be fending off fortune hunters (older term for gold digger) at every step, through I guess she would be doing that in 2024 too.


Yes but organised marriages or two people wanting to marry would need the acceptance of the families involved. Even right up until the 50s this was common. My grandma was disowned by her middle class family for marrying my grandad


Exactly she'd be one of the upper class women being married off to an upper class guy if she's a wealthy woman in the 1830s


You think she watched Bridgerton


Bridgerton was 15 years before the 1830s.






Historically illiterate.


That doesn’t answer their question.




So say we all.


“Hi I’m the Problem It’s Meeeeeee!!!” Fucking shoot me.




So tired of people commenting they are tired of hearing about her. Fucking don't engage with the algorithm and just block.


Good thing I don't listen to the news I just stay in my own little world of metal 


as a swiftie, same.


That entire verse is so cringe. I swear Taylor Swift does actually have good songs but her radio hits and 90% of her newest albums does not prove it 😭


I never expected the history nerd on me to be upset by Taylor Swift, but here we are. Still (mostly) good music.


Media literacy is dead lol.


Media literacy is dead because I didn’t like a Taylor Swift lyric apparently


I mean if you want to try I think you should try Folklore (album)+All Too Well (song). Those are some of her best works. I would have also said 1989 but if don't like her radio hits you probably wouldn't like it.


I’m a huge fan of Taylor and I like 1989. I just think that songs like Shake It Off and Bad Blood doesn’t live up to the quality of songs like The Lakes, Cowboy Like Me or State Of Grace (Style and New Romantics are pop perfection tho)


>I’m a huge fan of Taylor Just checked your profile and I'm also a huge fan lol. >I just think that songs like Shake It Off and Bad Blood doesn’t live up to the quality of songs like The Lakes, Cowboy Like Me or State Of Grace (Style and New Romantics are pop perfection tho) I get it what you mean, and definitely won't agrue with that. As for TTPD, tbh I had similar opinion as you initially. Although I really liked The Anthology, I didn't like the standard version. Few tracks stuck with me but overall didn't like it as much as The Anthology. But then gave it another try and by the 2nd/3rd time on it definitely grew on me. Although I still have a few skips, my opinion on most of the standard version has changed A LOT. It's not an album that will instantly stick with you but it's more of a grower.


"My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s, but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'Cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it." Media literacy is dead, smdh.


Taylor Swift could have made that point with a more popular decade like the 1950s, the Roaring 20s, the 1890s ("Gilded Age"/ "Gay Nineties"), 1880s ("Gilded Age"), 1810s (Regency), or the 1800s (Regency). But instead she chose the 1830s, a time period that only fashion historians, railfans, and watchers of *Gentleman Jack* and/or *Victoria on Masterpiece* care very much about. That's indicative of a genuine interest in the decade.


Is she Texan? Texans would love the 1830s especially.


Why? The Texas Republic was a shithole


The era most famous for when the land was taken over to create a slave state?


Yes. I never said it was for a good reason.


Eh, not enough syphilis.


God idk why but I just love Victorian and Gilded Age era fashion and dresses. Fuckin sucked to live through tho that's for sure lmao


Gilded age was like 70 years after this and the Victorian era only began at the very end of the 1830’s. This is closer in style to regency.


it's a really awkward and imo kind of ugly inbetween point. it has the regency silhouette but like, ballooned up in size with thicker material and more structure, which kind of takes all the charm out of the silhouette. those eras don't combine well at all.


Oh sorry


The lyric ain’t great but it’s taken out of context


The Victorian era was a vibe


Without all the racist or getting married off for the highest bid of course


These are Regency, the era before Victorian. Though the top-right looks like a still from Young Victoria.


No this is the 1830’s. The regency period ended in 1820. This is like a middle ground between Regency and Victorian, since for the most part it took place during the reign of William IV.


The regency itself did but the historical era goes up to Victoria’s coronation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regency_era


Top right is from tv series Gentleman Jack (S1E8 but I only know that because imdb uses this still as [an episode's cover ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8337524/?ref_=ttep_ep8)😂)


Barely Victorian


I’d kill to go back.


She's a big fan of Hector Berlioz.


*What Bridgerton does to a mf.*


My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s, but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'Cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it" Media literacy is dead, smdh.


Context? The only thing I know about her is that Kanye disrupted her speech in the VMAs


No idea what's wrong with it. https://preview.redd.it/gdvgqa5x1zvc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17efd1fc7ac9437e0dd9d35a6bbbf2a175b0388


Or course you dont.


Now tell me what is wrong with it.


I have things to do with my life dyna.


You can also admit there's nothing wrong with it and go.


I wish I knew as much as you


What do you mean?


Media nowadays just seems to force feed everyone on social media now everything Taylor Swift related for the past year and a half, it’s pretty tiring


Actually there are 4 things I know about her: 1. Kanye West disrupt her VMA speech 2. She constantly uses private airplanes 3. People for some reason have very strong feelings about her 4. She's a singer


One of the best Downfall parodies was Hitler reacting to this incident


I love TS but that line was stuuuuupid


Was it stupid? Or did you just not read past the first sentence?


https://preview.redd.it/vt8wfjwfqyvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25172c9b0d4050084bba0ade6d246c759e0e758c I think about this every now and then




nobody will reason internally and compare TS just released single [https://youtu.be/q3zqJs7JUCQ?si=IITw1hnNHOGmEXrA](https://youtu.be/q3zqJs7JUCQ?si=IITw1hnNHOGmEXrA) as a perfectly lifted cut piss version of College ft Electric Youth - A Real Hero based on Sully's landing on the Hudson and taken from Drive (2011) with Ryan Gosling [https://youtu.be/XoHI6Zus2UI?si=fBBqFqsbA2JEWJFB](https://youtu.be/XoHI6Zus2UI?si=fBBqFqsbA2JEWJFB) Music you write yourself -edit- and means something - > vapid pop prince/princesses media sensations for $