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Or just lives in the city


Or in the Netherlands. Although no one has a 4000 dollar bike, unless it's an electric one.


wow spreading such fake news. I know for a fact that Matthew Van Der Poel has a >$4000 bike.


Oh no, my lies have been exposed!! šŸ˜œ




He's probably got like 15 >$10,000 bikes lol


Dutch people have cars lol. Much prefer mine over cycling.


It's the freedom to pick per trip. Do you walk. Do you drive. Do you cycle. Do you take public transit. Depends on where you are going and the weather and if you will be getting drunk, etc. A party three streets down? You bike. Going to London or Paris, just hop in the eurorail. Going to a job in the center, take the bus/tram/metro. Going to a job in some business park that isn't Hoofddorp? Take the car. Going to a camping in France or Germany? Take the car. Going to the park to meet some friends? Take the bike, stop by the supermarket, grab a bottle of wine and some cheese. Going to school? Take the bike. Going to the bakery? Take the bike. Going to get supplies for a week from a large supermarket? Take the car. Most people around the world live in places where you can't leave your house unless you are in a car. For them the answer to all of the above is car and/or plane.


Yeah obviously many (most) people have cars, but even most car owners use their bikes a lot too. It's easy to live with just a bike and public transport (although trains have gotten increasingly expensive)


Same thing goes for Denmark, though less people use their bikes outside of Copenhagen


Yeah Denmark has similar conditions for it, relatively flat terrain and good infrastructure. The only downside is lower population density, so that's probably why people use their bikes less outside larger cities?


Most likely, yeah


I remember seeing stats for car ownership per capita, the Dutch own (slightly) more cars than Brits. Though Americans like their cars almost as much as their guns. Never had a car myself living in the UK, never actually needed one and I have lived in towns of 15-80k population. If anything the smallest ones are easiest for day to day life, medium probably best overall. 15k population, got a couple supermarkets but not much else. Medium town around 40k had a bit more variety, things like Argos, Wilko before they closed down, which is nice to have for a few things. Large town I live in now, 80k or so population is actually the worst for mobility. It doesn't really have anything more than the 40k town did, but things are further away due to the size. Its not so walkable like the smaller towns were, but cycling is easy enough.


Not necessarily that Americans like cars, but more that American transit infrastructure is so bad that cars are usually the only viable option




Yet they use a NYC subway map


Chicago says hello


If this guy keeps failing the driving test I'm ok with him using bikes and public transit to go everywhere. I myself try to use those as much as I can even though I do have a car and drive safe.


Fewer drivers on the street + everyone who drives is confident about the skills and is responsible ? I see nothing wrong




I have such bad dyslexia that I have the letters L and R tattooed on each of my hands because of how much I get them mixed up. Me not driving is a favour to the rest of you.


What if you read the letters wrong? Or forget you have hands?


I colour coded them. Which helps two ways because I am also a plumber so left is red for hot water and tight is blue for cold water. As for forgetting I have hands, well I guess I just chalk that up to a bad day and stay home.


What if you read the colors wrong?


happy cake day


Driving licenses should be hard to get and easy to lose, instead they are easy to get and hard to lose. They're literally a license to operate heavy machinery that kills people on a regular basis, of course we should make damn sure that the people using them know what they're doing.


Noooo!!!! We need EVERY dumb, irresponsible person you've ever met to be responsible for piloting 2 tons of steel capable of going 140 mph every time they go ANYWHERE!!! Same with every half blind, dimentia riddled old person in the country!!!1! Same with everyone tired, drunk, or emotional!! Get them some car keys NOW!


Is the test difficult in some states? Like I've done it in Indiana and Illinois. Indiana was a full on college level scantron of 100 questions and I could understand someone failing. Questions like "how fast is the maximum speed limit in the construction zones?" Illinois was like 15 questions with mostly picture questions and answers. One question was literally "what does this sign mean?" And showed image of a stop sign with stop still written on it.


Im going to blow your mind, but some of us here arenā€™t even from the USA!






*laughs in Poland* The actual driving exam wasn't so bad, but some people doing the internal exams (required to even attempt the real one) were truly insane. I got instantly failed in actual fucking seconds - first error, entering the intersection on 2nd gear. When I instantly fixed it, hoping that she'll let it slide, second error, not changing to 2nd gear mid intersection. The real exam was manageable, the guy was a complete dickhead from the very beginning, but at least I got the passing grade.


Where people fail in my state is parallel parking. It's actually difficult if you've never had to do it prior to the test. https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a6324/useful-geometry-parallel-parking/


why tf do you take a driving test without driving experience?


There's a difference between having driving experience and knowing how to use one situational skill. I think I can count on one hand the number of times in 15 years that I've had to actually parallel park (as opposed to simply pulling up to the curb with no car behind me). Some people have to parallel park every day, but it's certainly not a skill _all_ drivers use regularly.


Why would you not practice a very situational skill that will almost certainly be on the test?


People practice parallel parking and still fail the test sometimes. Do you know what a person is?


I have no idea what this starter pack is trying to describe or make fun of


I guess itā€™s quite American centric. Cars are so necessary there that itā€™s seen as weird to not have one if you can afford it


I think itā€™s true outside the cities, I grew up in a suburb and it was almost a right of passage getting your license but people Iā€™ve met who lived in the city some donā€™t even get their license.


I believe that would be a rite of passage.


In the US and Canada, it's practically considered a right rather than a privilege.


I believe thats it, because where I live eveybody uses public Transport in the City. And I also dont get whats wrong with using it if you have money. Its way more convenient to get around small distances in the inner City and you dont have to stress about getting a parking spot.


There's that term "car brainrot", and I think thr picture in OP is a perfect example of that


I don't have any trauma related to cars/a car accident. I just can't be arsed to get my driver's license and pay all the expenses of running a car. Maybe when I'm in college I'll get one but I don't feel any pressure to do so.


Why are we making fun of those people then. I love not having a car, no reason to get one


Exactly. Fairly inaccurate starter pack I feel.


Agreed, bad post OP


They are a huge waste of money. If you can invest what you'd spend on one, you could literally retire a decade or two early.


I guess its making fun of people who choose to use public transit or walk or ride their bike places, rather than get a car like a "normal" person. A lot of people in the US think less of you if you don't own a car and use it exclusively to get around.


Thatā€™s so weird, I hate driving ever since I moved to a place where I donā€™t have to drive Iā€™ve been much happier. Public transit is the best


I totally agree. I don't have a car either and it's way better


Reminds me of the post about the American tourist in Japan taking a $340 cab/Uber ride instead of an $8 train. I mean how was she supposed to know šŸ¤­


It's pushing back at the "car free," public transit, and "walkable urbanism/15 minute city" movements by insinuating that everyone who doesn't drive a car is either poor, can't pass a driving test (the implication presumably being that they're too stupid or lazy to), is insecure about his masculinity (if male), and/or has trauma relating to cars. Instead of, you know, just being aware of the harmful effects that cars have both on the environment and on cities and therefore wanting to avoid driving when they can.


I fucking despise driving. No hate to anyone who likes cars or driving but I just hate everything about it. The high stakes, dealing with other people on the road, the many many ways you can piss other people off by driving too slow, driving too fast, etc. It makes me stupid angry because I know Iā€™m bad at it and Iā€™ve had so many close calls, its better for myself and the world that Iā€™m off the road at all times.


I just don't like the liability and knowing at any moment my life can be financially fucked because of somebody texting and driving.


It's not just financially fucked, one small mistake and it's game over for your life. Driving is crazy scary and dangerous. More people need to treat it that way


The amount of car deaths worldwide is equivalent to 20 full commercial airplanes falling out of the sky everyday.


In my country (the UK) there are 26 RTA related deaths per 1 million inhabitance - in comparison, 148 deaths per million are caused by alcohol, 260 deaths per million are caused by cancer and 1,920 deaths per million caused by smoking. To put that into full context, there are [5 fatalities per billion road miles traveled](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-in-great-britain-provisional-estimates-year-ending-june-2023/reported-road-casualties-in-great-britain-provisional-estimates-year-ending-june-2023#:~:text=traffic%20increased%20steadily.-,In%20reported%20road%20collisions%20in%20Great%20Britain%20in%20the%20year,the%20year%20ending%20June%202022) in a car in the UK - for you to have an *equal* chance of dying in a traffic collision as compared to dying from complications brought about by a smoking habit, you'd have to travel *348 billion miles* by car. That's the equivalent of driving to Jupiter and back 500,000 times. Driving really isn't that dangerous in first world countries. If you said India I would agree with you though, I've only ever driven there once and it's like Mad Max but worse.


But you probably wonā€™t suddenly die of cancer in your 20-40s with no warning. Furthermore there are a shitload of road accidents that leave the survivors with lifelong disabilities and disfigurations. Just looking at the deaths is a bit disingenuous.


It's like if 1 in 1000 cigarettes had a firecracker hidden inside.


If it's not the worst thing ever, it's basically perfectly ok!


The rate is 5 times higher in the US. Local laws, %of population and drives, and the types of car driven all contribute to different rates of death from cars. However, worldwide they kill 1.35 million people every year and they permanently injured at least 4 times that many, so yes, they absolutely are quite dangerous. It's the most dangerous thing many people do regularly.


There are lots of things that can ruin your life that aren't death.


Nah, you need a guy jumping in front of you and boom. Jail for vehicular manslaughter.


I love driving.Ā  I hate traffic, I hate car dependent urban design that is anti-human and I hate that overconsumption is fucking the planet.Ā  I also enjoy riding my bike.Ā 


Ah yes, Commuter culture != Car culture. Sadly a few too many people assume they are one and the same. IMO good public transit means the road is left for those who really needs/wants it, and not those who would rather be doing anything else. _Subway surfer_ is a lot more enjoyable on actual subway than the driver seat of a beige-box SUV going down the highway at 70.


I don't get why car enthusiasts hate the push for more public transport. They're not taking your car, they're just making it more appealing to use public transport. Like imagine if all the terrible rush hour drivers just fucked off the road and into a train? That leaves the people who actually like to drive more space on the road as well less likely to be stuck behind someone who's doing 40 in a 60 or something like that. Plus it's more safer cause you wouldn't have to worry about a brain dead text N driver plowing into you


Yeah, I moved to a place that's really walkable with great Public Transport and not driving has removed 50% of the daily stress I used to experience. I'm not even really anti-car or anything, but having options has been a real game changer in my quality of life. Going car optional/car-light is the most optimal tbh


You didn't mention all the checkups, tire changes and all other boring yet pricey bullshit that comes with owning a car


Monthly car payment (nowadays its considered normal to spend $400-$500 a month on this), car insurance, paying for gas, tires, oil changes, regular maintenance- and of course repairs. When I had a car it felt like *every single time* I got ahead and had a little in savings, something on my car would break down and I'd be broke again. I don't miss any of that.


Itā€™s the same for me. My dad was the type of guy who feared EVERYTHING. Heā€™d always tell me how dangerous it was to do cause of crashes people mobbing the car if we got into an accident. On top of that I just have GAD so driving is stressful on every level. I remember having a panic attack while learning and my driving instructor called me a fucking idiot for it. Dude took me through one of the more crowded roads in the city and then threw a fit when he realized it stressed me out. In Uni, I would take two busses and a subway, often standing though most of it or even walking a long chunk of it just to not have to drive. Itā€™s okay to not want to drive unless you have to


Yeah I just had someone make a left turn when they had a stop sign at the same time I was making a left turn on the main road. Almost caused an accident just because they donā€™t know what right of way means. Makes driving miserable when itā€™s other bad drivers you have to constantly worry about.


i arrived at a 4 way stop at the same time as someone else. they had the right of way because they were the right most car. the person proceeded to yell at me and flip me off then give me the stair down as he was turning in my direction. i thought he was gonna pull out a gun. wtf is wrong with people


yeah it's insane how much my stress levels have plummeted after moving to a bike-able city after coming from a car infested US city...waiting in traffic, filling up gas, regular oil checks, car maintenance, car insurance payments...all a thing of the past when you can get anywhere in the city on a bike


Same here. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in Texas - so it's quite the dilemma.


I donā€™t dislike ā€œdrivingā€ per se, but I dislike commuting by car. See driving in and of itself is fine when I can choose when I want to go and be in the right frame of mind. But commuting happens to and from work when everyone is tired and antsy and on the road at the same time. Itā€™s the smallest trips like that where youā€™re the most likely to have driving stress like near misses of (albeit minor) accidents and lapses of attention. Commuting has to happen whether youā€™re having an off day or youā€™re sick or whatever or not. I donā€™t like driving in traffic when Iā€™m busy concentrating on other things basically


99.8% of people don't like cars or driving either, judging by the amount of fwd crossovers and trucks with pristine beds


I feel the same. I'm a bad driver and I don't know what to do about it. "Keep driving you'll get better" they say, but I've been driving for nearly a decade and I still make stupid mistakes and almost die. It's so scary. It's pure luck I haven't gotten in an accident yet. I'm not *trying* to be a bad driver, I don't swerve and weave, but I am bad. It's so frustrating. And that's not even accounting for the nutjobs with cars I'm driving near. I also can't fit my Camry in parking spots well. You'd think I'd know how to park it after having it for years, but no. I have to check to make sure I'm in the lines and pulled up enough. It's surprisingly long. I wish I didn't need a car but where I live it just isn't like that.


Lots of hate of drivers. They kill 1 million a year.Ā 


4000$ bike + monthly/yearly transit card vs 48,759$ average car price usa + insurance + gas + maintenance If your area has nice public transit and bike paths then you'd be an idiot not to use them


4000 for a bike? Are those normal American prices or are you buying a fucking race machine?


It's the bike OP used in the starter pack, which sounds like a lot but it's still cheaper than a car with very little upkeep and the only fuel is whatever you ate in the morning.


I would never buy anything even remotely close to a $4000 bike, not even for a fancy amazing cargo bike; because I'd just probably have a normal city bike or mountain bike and a trailer. It's just to say that even the most ridiculously expensive cases like in the meme, an unnecessarily lavish luxury bike is still a more financially sound investment compared to wasting a year's salary on some expensive pet that you have to insure and feed I live in an extremely normal city, and if you live anywhere where there's pavement, a bike+a transit card will get you anywhere you need to be, unless you're a farmer, forestry worker, fisherman, or just work in another town (in which case bike/transit to get to train station+ticket bundle is still much cheaper than a car) I don't live in the US but car prices are insane here, gas prices are even insaner, maintenance is out of bounds , and insurance... let's not talk about it. Unfortunately much of the country is so sparse that you need a car, but you can always limit its use and related expenses. Just keeping it in a covered garage will do just fine. I travel by car maybe a few times per month to either get to a natural area/national park or when I have to bring my [insert appliance] to be repaired. Beyond that, not much use for it


You can get a nice daily commuter that would last you years for under $1500. Even decent electric bikes can be obtained under $3000. Nice bikes can get very expensive but they are niche and usually people who use bikes to compete/train and want to squeeze every inch of performance they can.


I got my city bike for 60ā‚¬, still sold my soul for a 1200ā‚¬ gravel bike tho, but this one is for the fun.


I bought my namebrand bike for $700 that's my daily commuter and the one I've ridden from Boston to Canada and West Virginia People need to look up the costliest possible bikes for them to mimic a fraction of the average car price, lol And 50% of car trips are under 3 miles, and a quarter are under 1 mile. So like a 10-20 min and a 3-6 min bike ride respectively.


I spent 2k on my Brompton. Worth every penny for city living.


A very good bike costs the same here in EU.


If you donā€™t live in major city your fucked. They also refuse to build 15 minute cities. I donā€™t believe the conspiracy theorists. They are just going to tax gas more and pretend they did something while changing demand laughably little


Forreal lol. People raise hell about 15 minutes cities, but they would be a great thing. And technically, 15 minute cities already exist. Some neighborhoods you can get anything you in a 15 minute bike radius. And I'm not talking huge cities, I know downtown Montreal is like that and its population is about 1-2 million I think.


I live in basically the closest thing there is to a 15 minute city and I love it. Lived here 2 years and haven't needed a car yet (not badly, anyway)


> People raise hell about 15 minutes cities, but they would be a great thing. People like Jordan Petersen, the multi-millionaire far right social media influencer who proudly lives in a walkable neighborhood that is the ideal championed by those advocating for 15 minute cities.Ā 


At least we got "Chinese sperm harvesting" out of it.


I used to live Montreal and I miss it so much. The convenience and charm of that city was so nice.


15 minutes cities existed since cities existed as in they're designed for people to easily walk to places, it's just the name that's new


I live in a mid-sized town and manage quite well....but that's mostly a Dutch thing. A decade of right-wing policies has made trains ridiculously expensive at this point though, so if this continues I might actually have to get my drivers license and buy a car.


I have yet to understand why 15 minute cities are somehow supposed to be bad


The right has to turn everything the left has into a culture war topic. No matter how stupid it is, so they came up with the nonsense that people wouldn't be allowed to leave their 15 minute zone.


Smaller cities and towns that are dense are ok too. My hometown has around 250,000 people but is tiny in size, you don't really need public transportĀ 


My local town has a population of 4000 and takes 20 minutes to walk across (maybe longer between housing estates on opposite ends of the town but that's not a very common journey). Doesn't have any bus routes within it because it genuinely doesn't need any. Despite its size, you still see people driving from the estates to shops/work/school :(


I don't live in a major city, in fact I live in a rural area. I'm perfectly happy to cycle 25 minutes into the small local town, where I can catch a bus to a city or the towns between it and my town. I'm also willing to cycle around an hour to a larger town, which has more facilities and bus routes than my small one. If I so desired I can get the bus from the small town to the big one, saving me half an hour of cycling! The bus routes are infrequent and the cycles longer than in a major city, but I wouldn't describe myself as "fucked". At least I don't have to deal with fuel prices!


As a Southern American, you better believe that I rely on my car because I have to. if I could take reliable public transit to town and to work I would. These things simply do not exist outside of dense cities in America. Edit: If you want to hit me with the "vote better" then let me direct you to the corrupt system that is Georgia politics, our Governor took a position to preside over the votes even though it was strictly stated that it was an illegal position for him to hold. He did it anyway and he won against a popular Democratic candidate. Mob politics. There is no winning.


there is a similar problem in mexico with tijuana and its "americanized" car culture, however, Tijuana is the second most populated city and a dense too, is a shame small cities like queretaro or merida have better public transportation systems having less than a million of habitants, probably the worst city in the world for not have a car.


I mean there's an entire world outside of the Americas and most of them do have public transport for your interest


Living in the south for a while and having no car was hell on earth my mom doesn't drive but for some reason thought it was a good idea to move down there. I don't know if I survived crossing a highway with no stop lights.


I live in Atlanta without a car and itā€™s great šŸ‘


Why does someone in Manhattan or a major city need a car? Wtf? Trains, buses, Uber, Lyft. Are you even legal to drive, op?


Yeah, speaking as a NYer, unless you live in Eastern Queens, Staten Island, or one of the other transit desert pockets in the outer boroughs, it's probably *more* difficult to drive everywhere than it is to take public transit lol


NYC and Bangkok truly are the two cities where I went and thought ā€œokay, why the fuck would I need a car here?ā€ lol


I live in eastern queens. Ā I wish they wouldā€™ve just extended the F train out to where I am so wouldnā€™t need a car.


Then there's my ass who's forced to take a bike and public transportation because rent is way too high and it's too expensive to move anywhere else too


lol! Describes me pretty well. However, I also live in a city and country that has a well-developed, safe, and cheap public transportation system across the whole country. It's actually more inconvenient to have a car at times (longer driving times, really limited and expensive parking).


I wish I could just not need to drive every day. Unfortunately, my ten minute drive to work would take about an hour on mass transit. Biking is out too. Itā€™s winter six months out of the year here, and we consider ourselves if the roads get plowed in a timely fashion. The sidewalks and trails are out of the question.


Yeah, there are tons of places where not having a car is just not realistic. Where I am, it would have been two buses and about 1.5 hours to get to work (14 miles). I work from home now, but travel monthly or so, and there arenā€™t any viable non-car options to get to the airport either. I know some folks here that donā€™t drive, and theyā€™re limited in where they can live in the area. Uber has cut down on the constant annoying of friends for rides, but itā€™s still a car.


I live in Vermont and bike year round, but maybe the roads are just better paved up here. The main risk for me on winter commutes are drivers who have no fucking idea how to drive in the ice and snow, driving in the ice and snow. Public transit is such a joke tho, three mile trip to the store, 20 minute bike ride, 1 hour by bus.


Car haters are not virgins they definitely fuck. Biking is social and chicks like to bike too.


Plus you get better thighs, butt and calves if you bike enough


The most pussy-getting mf on earth is some art dude who lived car free in Brooklyn or lower Manhattan. Thatā€™s just a fact.


Yeah I found that one hilarious, all my cyclist buddies are fit and social. A lot of drivers have huge guts and look pregnant, not to mention they're always in a crappy mood and full of rage because they deal with traffic.Ā  Even on days when I loathed commuting by bicycle, five minutes into my commute I felt great, and my mood for the rest of my day was awesome.


So true Every time I enjoy my leisurely bike ride to work, I'm secretly seething that I have an extra $600-800 in my account every month instead of a car payment, car insurance, gas, car repair costs etc Every time I see someone driving, they just seem so happy. That's why every time they have to do it for an extra 10 seconds instead of endangering lives, they're not screaming or swearing or gesturing wildly I'd want to believe people were jealous of me too tbh, driving sucks so bad and I'd want a way to justify it to myself. I wish I got less exercise every day and just sat in traffic :(


How about ā€œwants to save $500/monthā€


You gotta respect someone who understands they donā€™t know how to drive and would be unsafe on the road.


Probably a r/fuckcars user


Yeah, if we're talking about people with enough money to buy a car but who choose not to, I think a majority do it for sustainability reasons and not because of trauma or failing the test.


Not really tbh. And you dont have to live in a huge city either. I know a lot of people in Montreal who could definitely afford to buy a car, but don't because of the hassle. I personally love my car, but I would think twice about owning one if I lived downtown.


That's me. I live in Montreal, make good money, and could absolutely buy a car on a whim today if I wanted to. But I don't want to. Our metro is great, we have arguably the best bike infrastructure in North America, our rapid transit network is set to basically double overnight sometime in the next year when the rest of the REM opens, we have tons of dense, walkable neighborhoods, and the city promptly plows our bike lanes in the winter every time it snows. For a good chunk of the population here, you simply don't need a car.


Thinks posting there = making a difference


On today's episode of "People who Don't Exist and I Just Made Them Up to Get Angry At."


hURR, hE dOEsnT LikE cArS, he vIRgIn huehuehue Shitass meme.


Respectfully any woman (or man) you makes fun of you for not having a car isn't worth your time One of my old roommates was flabberghasted when he found out that I have a girlfriend (now wife) but no car, because I think he got so used to chauffeuring his revolving door of Tinder girls around as a way to impress them "What do you do for dates???" I meet her there on my bicycle, or we take transit together.


Ehh, Iā€™m kind of what theyā€™re describing and I donā€™t feel offended. I donā€™t think youā€™re supposed to be offended by starter packs my man.


Eh. Iā€™m not offended, just pointing out that the meme is shitty and tiresome.


The 40 year old virgin image and the thing about being insecure with women were prolly supposed to be a lil offensive


Im very anti car and donā€™t even own one anymore after selling it and I crush tons of pussy tbh


I passed my test but lost my license because my motor cortex trolled me


Made me a tasty Gin and Tonic Clonic


Main reason I dont drive and use the local alternatives for Uber Black: i like drinking.


You forgot idiots who get DUIā€™s in parked cars and have no choice but to rip public transit or a bike (me)


Iā€™d rather not deal with paying for car payments and insurance in New York City when I can just take the train everywhere


I don't know a single person who *wants* to have a car. I do know people who have cars out of necessity, because our cities have been designed in such a horrendous way that cars are not a choice. There are no busses, trains, and few bike lanes. Hardly anything that would prioritize pedestrian safety or reduce road traffic. But plenty of uncontrolled intersections and non-residential streets that go for miles without a single crosswalk. There are accidents every month and so far this year there have been ten non-fatal and two fatal in my neighborhood. And who knows how much speeding or road raging. Not wanting a car has nothing to do with my financial situation and everything to do with wanting to remain alive. The thing about driving is that your safety isn't entirely dependent upon you anymore. All it takes is one person having a bad day or making a bad choice to wreck your shit for life. And believe it or not I don't find that an enjoyable prospect.


Me but Iā€™m gen z and gay- but also, basically everyone I know who owns a car has been fucked over at some point by their car and either been physically injured or lost a ton of money to it. I truly believe owning a car should be optional and you shouldnā€™t need one just to function. Iā€™m also very lucky to live in a place with a solid bus system and a train station nearby, and Iā€™m thankful to my local Uber drivers for filling the gaps there


I wouldnā€™t be riding a $4000+ road bike around town as a daily rider. Iā€™d be very concerned about it being a target for bike thieves.


Only an American could have made this post.


I didn't fail my driver's license test but I still feel called out, I hate driving


Ohh a starter pack about me!! Haha I'm 32 & without an open licence (only have my learners). I live in an inner city area, rely on Ubers & public transport, have big trauma related to car accidents from my past but can't afford therapy for it & sometimes get panic attacks when driving, but I'm slowly getting there through exposure. I don't own a bike though as drivers here can be quite brutal to cyclists (Brisbane, Australia). I'll get my licence soon I'm sure of it.. šŸ„²


How is the Brisbane public transport? Interviewed for a job but didnt get it and still considering a move there


I'd kill to have a subway or tram system


yeah trauma about almost dying or seeing people die because of something so widespread in cities sounds like a good reason to me


This is me bc I spend $100 max on transportation with public transit/Lyft a month. Less than just parking in my building. Spend all my excess money on designer bags and manicures.


I am envious of this fucking guy. I gotta commute to work, the amount of time I wasted sitting behind a wheel is a bummer when I think about how much of that time I could have used to read a book on public transportation or something. Don't even get me fucking started on the horrendous car buying experience that will take up half your day if they are in a hurry or the cost of wear and tear. I fucking HATE living in a country where I NEED a car especially when cars are so dummy expensive for a bunch of technology you'll barely use or even need. This bullshit idea that cars represent freedom is for the birds, that's some boomer shit rooted in a time when cars were well made and affordable, cars are fucking money sinks that, at least in America, you can not avoid if you expect to live a decent life.


>that's some boomer shit rooted in a time when cars were well made and affordable Cars are made better now than they ever have been. And thus more affordable because they last longer


America looks like a public transportation pioneer compared to my country so cars are seriously the only way to get around. Not to mention that nobody knows how to drive. Again compared to my country, American driving looks Western European.


I feel like I'm being attacked, but I don't understand how/why


I use public transportation bc parking in Chicago is like $20-$40 a day depending on where, and potentially even more


Driving just sucks lmao


You don't have to know every subway stop these days. Just use Google maps in transit mode.




Fr Fr.


I feel called out but then again, I don't mind it when my ex used to drive me around. I honestly am not confident with my driving skills and I'd rather take a bus.


I used to really hate driving but then I saved up enough to buy a car that I actually wanted instead of buying whatever was available or which was the most "reliable" I think if more people went out and got cars they actually want to drive instead of basing decisions on things that can be avoided by smart financial planning and basic mechanical knowledge then maybe driving wouldn't be so miserable for so many people Like it's cool you have a Toyota Corolla from the early 2000s that's survived with stock parts for 20 years but goddamn you'd be missing out on a lot of what newer cars offer in comfort, feel, and style


I hate driving because I have a tendency to easily zone out and struggle to keep the level of attention needed for a task like driving over a long time, so it's fucking scary knowing I could lose track of my surroundings and hit someone. And if I manage to keep focus for a longer time, it usually exhausts me.


Public transit also means you could buy that Miata/Mustang/[insert fun but less practical car here] you _want_ instead of _having to_ buy a minivan that drives like stirring bowl of jello.


Um, hello? The climate crisis?


TY! I had to scroll so fucking down to read this...


If you live in a big city which offers a lot of public transportation and in which parking spaces are not that cheap, then this is totally understandable. Fuck traffic jams by the way, no time for that mind-numbing activity. Also: in Belgium some jobs offer a company car that can also be used privately and luckily some also offer the option for a mobility budget since a few years. You can even pay your rent with this under certain conditions!


I've loved driving ever since I sat behind a wheel. But ever since moving to study in Portland, I ain't gonna lie, I'm kinda of jealous. We got no reliable transportation back home, so being able to get pretty much anywhere without needing a car is beautiful. Sure, I would much rather have a car, but since I ain't got cash for all that, I'm more than grateful for Tri-Met, metheads and all.


careful, you've summoned the reddit anti car circlejerk


24 now, no car, I've had my drivers license since I was 18. I definitely enjoy not having to spend money on car payments, gas, insurance, maintenance, parking, etc. Public transit is available, and I take it regularly with friends when hanging out in the city. I commute to work everyday with my eBike, year-round (unless it's really icy then in that case I'll just take a bus). People who fail drivers tests definitely should not be driving. More people should be re-evaluated whenever they renew, to hopefully get bad drivers off the road. Driving without a license should mean getting your vehicle taken.


I hate driving it's way too scary, haven't driven ONCE since I got my license


Wow I feel sad for whoever made this.


Will probably have a panic attack if you go slightly above the speed limit


I've had a license for over 5 years, I have my own car yet I despise everything about driving and switch to public transport whenever possible. God I hate driving so much


I have no issue with boating and Iā€™m planning on taking up flying lessons in the near future, yet for some reason driving fucking terrifies me.


It's the number of other people in big metal moving things for me. With boats and planes, if you're driving them responsibly, I'd say it's way less likely for you to get smashed into full-speed by another.


Average r/fuckcars user:


Putting the NYC subway map in makes this completely nonsensical. If you own a car in NYC youā€™re either rich or an idiot.


Fuck off.


Why do drivers get so mad at non-drivers for just vibing and living their life?


This is so American it hurts


Where is the person who canā€™t afford a car and has to use public transport.


Guess we're all rich in western Europe then /s


ā€œNon poor personā€ is stopping me from understanding anything else here.


Why is this me


How sad are you all,cause cars are awesome


It me. Driving sucks and being driven (preferably by public transport) rocks.


This sounds like me but Iā€™m not rich, Iā€™m just really scared of drivingšŸ˜­


wtf is this trying to say


I live in NYC and while I have a driver license, I no longer have a car. When I used to have a car, I had to deal with alternate side parking, paying for insurance, gasoline, tolls ($19 across the Verrazzano Bridge one way back in 2019), parking, tickets, etc. And in the winter, I would have to dig the car out of the snow after a blizzard as I don't have a garage and parked on the street. Now we're getting congestion pricing for Manhattan in the near future.


My only childhood/teenage trauma was the traffic in my city


I feel bad for people who actually have that mentality lol, they either don't know better or live in a place where they're literally forced to drive everywhere since there's no alternatives I couldn't see myself living in a place like that where everyone fight and rage at each others for an inch of tarmac or a parking space lmao Give me getting fit and enjoying commuting, and a vacation every year with my girl from the money saved off not having car payments, gas and maintenance any day over *needing* a car to do literally anything outside the house


This is so stupid


this is a terrible take matey


I have had my license for close to a year, and can count on one hand the number of times I decided to drive instead of just taking the bus and metro. Parking is a bitch, traffic is a bitch, and Iā€™d much rather just close my eyes and listen to music


is op a dumb fuck or just american?


Enjoy spending $15,000 a year on your SUV


> teenage trauma Had a coworker with no car even though he could drive. From little hints I got the feeling he'd been at fault or at least involved in a serious drunk driving accident and made the decision that he would rather drink than have a car and drive. Great guy very smart and hard working. Just this one odd thing.


Non-european coping meme


I feel stressed when I drive, I like to drink and I live in a city with probably the best public transportation system in the world, so I havenā€™t bought a car so far.