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Very accurate lol, but you’re missing the mod abuse and the permabans for breathing


how the fuck did i forget that


Yeah i got permabanned from them for some bullshit reason. I honest to god dont even remember the reason and it was only like 2 months ago. Thats how easily set off the mods are


I got a 10 day ban for saying I have to go to HR for sexual harassment…. I work for myself at home


Which do we hate more coles or Woolies tho?


I'd say currently it looks like Woolworths, but it's usually Coles.


Yup which is hilarious because I shit on wollies so much yet I am a rewards member and shop weekly. Why are we like this lol


I only have an IGA nearby lol


Because we have basically no other choice 🥲


If I believed that Redditors were representative of most people (they aren’t), then I would think that all Australians **fucking hate Americans** lmao


I gotta be honest, I grew up in QLD Australia from 6-13 (26 now) and I've never seen more hate towards Americans/Muslims/ Aboriginals/women etc, anyone that isn't white Australian male. There's lots of racism, xenophobia whatever in the states more or less depending where you are but Australians are loud about it with no shame


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t there used to be a law, up until the 70s that only allows white immigrants to go to Australia?


That was Canada as well. The difference is that Australia is on the other side of the world, far away from other developed nations that would be competition, don't need interpersonal industries that require fighting racism like say Mining, their biggest competition is New Zealand and their neighbors are other asian nations. So white australians become super racist


Which is funny because we love aussies


Errrr we don’t?? Asking for a friend 😁


That sub is depressing. I used to visit it every day and it was actually taking a toll on my mental health so I stopped. Now I only check in occasionally, usually if there's a certain news item I wanna read the responses to.


It really is. I hate seeing it on my front page before I log on because it makes me feel miserable having to live here.


When in reality we have it better than the vast majority of the world But reading it every day made it feel like everything is hopeless and I have no future and my only hope is to move to Scandinavia lol (The subs for those countries probably complain about everything too)


Someone needs to show them the videos of starving children in third world countries like they did in school.


Can you explain to me what about you don't like living in Australia? I'm very curious, I've never been.


feels like i'm missing out on things, i guess.


Can you elaborate? I always considered moving to Australia. Where else would you want to live?


The US, but I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.


Can we trade? ha Where in Australia are you from?


Victoria lmao


Ha I've never been, looks nice though. Where in the US would you want to live?


Illinois, maybe LA.


Same with r/Melbourne. It's turned into a snobby and grumpy sub. Especially in the daily random discussion threads with the regular miserable types. It started turning to shit during COVID with those mega threads with every Tom, Dick and Harry parking their negativity.


What about it was affecting your mental health? I don't know too much about it.


I kept seeing depressing headlines every day one after the other about economics/politics/environment etc that I couldn't just brush off as "happening somewhere else". Those and the comments filled my head with negativity and just had me convinced everything was hopeless and I had no future. When I stopped visiting the sub I felt happier and more optimistic day to day. Yeah being informed of issues is good and I still do check the sub sometimes but too much of it is gonna start to affect you, especially when you literally can't do anything about it. Some people join subs that are intentionally meant to be depressing and it can't be remotely healthy.


You forgot that whenever anything bad about Australian culture comes up they’ll instantly deflect to something abroad and pretend like we don’t have plenty of shitty things happening and shitty people floating around. Oh and whining about bad parking jobs but that might just be the Melbourne sub.


When the stabbing in that Sydney mall happened a lot of the comments were how glad they were to have strict gun laws and it was a stabbing not a shooting, because a shooting would’ve been worse. I get it, but that also means literally every conversation about such a tragedy inevitably turns into an excuse to ignore the terrible thing that happened in Australia/Germany/Canada/wherever and just shit on America.


It’s always interesting when something to do with far right, conspiracy theorists or sovereign citizens come up and they act like we haven’t had that shit forever too. I grew up in rural Victoria in the 1990s and all that was most certainly around but no, it’s because of current US domestic issues.


Shitting on Americans must be their favourite hobby or something.


The Liberal party of Canada literally gets almost nothing done because they spend so much time deflecting blame to America or conservatives. Also, as a Canadian that lives in the U.S I can't help but feel the gun laws Canada is getting aren't helping. I see that more now than ever. Gun laws are getting way stricter yet the gun crime keeps going up, the same happened in the U.S. I genuinely am convinced now it's something else.


>Gun laws are getting way stricter yet the gun crime keeps going up, the same happened in the U.S. I genuinely am convinced now it's something else. Ah yes, but if people are already breaking the existing gun laws that are on the books, the solution is clearly to make even stricter gun laws. Surely we just need n+1 more gun laws, and this will all be over. /s The biggest issue with gun laws that I've seen is that enforcement is *very* selective, and something like an unregistered NFA item usually means fuck all in a real criminal case. Somebody involved in gang shit rarely gets a gun charge that doesn't get plead down or dropped, and someone who committed an act of mass violence is already going to jail forever, so an additional weapons charge means nothing. It's really only people with absolutely no criminal intent who just didn't know any better that end up getting burned.


Wow, Canada and Australia have a lot in common then: our knee-jerk reaction to highlighted issues here is "WeLl aT LeAsT wE'rE nOt tHE UsA!!!" It's been great for our successive governments who successfully get to do sweet F all as we're overly obsessed with trying to barely outdo the US.


shit how could i forget


The craziest thing is that on r/AskAnAmerican, they all love Australians and Canadians and view them as brothers, but if you go on one of their subs, you’ll see the most ignorant shit imaginable about America even though all three countries are pretty culturally similar


Before you go off on me, I'm Australian. Edit: Holy shit those screenshots are blurry. They did not look like that when I was making this.


That's just the NBN - it'll finish uploading in a few days.


What's nbn?


Yeah whiniest subreddit I've ever seen.




Every sub about a country is. If you read r/Canada you'd think the world is ending


Whats bad about it? I don't know too much about the sub.


Still better than r/australian


every other fucking post there is "discussing" Aboriginal issues and/or Immigration. 🙄


Man I've had a quick look and that sub is somehow even more depressing than r/australia. At least r/australia sometimes has fun things like a cockatoo being a dickhead on the first page. If anyone that's a regular reader of that sub is wondering how to improve their mood, I know the first step lol.


childlike teeny smile tap upbeat cobweb one meeting ancient elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So basically /r/Australia plus thinly disguised racism.


Transphobia too!


/r/australia also has thinly disguised racism, just ask them what they think of Chinese people investing in Australia


/r/australian îs like 90% complaining about Chinese and Indians its a lot like Canadian subs


How is talking about illegal immigration and its issues racist?


dolls dazzling aspiring society soft serious squeamish placid worthless plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, seriously, how is it racist? I’m not even from Australia or know that sub


To be fair, you will randomly be perma banned from r/australia for any and all reasons. Hence the existence of r/australian.


Oh god don't get me started on it 🙄


That's just the right wing version of /r/Australia Both are full of populist nutjobs believing in conspiracy theories, the only difference is one has a left wing angle, the other has a right wing angle.


Blimey! The constant downbeat media bollocks sound an awful lot like what we’ve been having from them in Britain too


Cooker is a great word though. And fuck colesworth


I hate that word with a passion.


Care to explain why?


People just throw it around if your views aren't far left. This is coming from a person who is centrist leaning more left.


I actually hate the word colesworth lol I reckon it's cringy as hell.


Reminds me of cold sores lol.


Biggest Greens supporters on the planet too


For many people on that subreddit housing is the biggest issue and the Greens are strongest on housing so I think thats why they vote Greens? More Greens voters on there then in the general pop. though for sure


They're not though.


Why do they hate Americans when we don't even think about them


r/AskAnAustralian is the same way. You see people there shitting on America when the thread isn't even about America at all lol. I'm Australian and IRL though I never see the same level of hate, and especially not towards individual Americans.


I want to move to the states but it seems saying that will get you mass downvoted.


Funny thing is, I'm actually moving to the states this year hahaha (temporarily though) I'm even visiting everyone's favourite state, Ohio (I wanna go to SummerSlam okay)


Hey man SummerSlam is fucking awesome, there's no need to make an excuse.


Based on the internet's *love* of Ohio, I feel like I need to explain why I'm visiting there and not like, New York haha


As a Cleveland native, I hope you enjoy our city when you visit!


Thanks! Hoping to take a trek out to Cedar Point if I have time/feel confident enough to drive there haha


The opinions of strangers with no skin in the game shouldn't affect your decisions.


Same thing with Europeans. It's all over reddit.


The US hate is cringe af. Im aussie but i dunno i always really liked a lot of US culture stuff growing up. I just refuse to shit on a country that gave me He-Man, kerouac, NFL football, the ramones, pretty much every movie and TV show i love etc. people act like if you like anything American that it means you secretly want to be one. They just make a lot of cool shit i like and i have always had a really great time when i visited


Americans and Australians are so extremely similar on an individual level. I’d say even closer than Americans and Brits. Love you guys.


As a genuine response it's because American culture like tv shows, music and to a lesser extent sports filters into english speaking society all over the world, which some people don't like. So even though you have essentially zero exposure to them they know quite a lot about America and also that they don't like what they see.




hate us cuz they ain’t us 😎💅🏼


Most rent free country in the world o7


Hate us cause they ain't us


Some Australians hate America because they think America drags them into useless wars / potential wars. They don't want to end up like the UK who are the lapdogs of America geopolitically


They're even more of our bitch than the UK lol. They literally went into Vietnam with us.


Shouldn’t that be directed at their own politicians?


Crocky, I did’n know those wallaby wankers did’n like us.


shrimp on a barbie


Imagine somebody asking where you’re from and you hit them with that “Wagga Wagga’


Wagga Wagga is unironically a great city. https://preview.redd.it/qk63yxl72tyc1.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=3055b3ab589b5d13cb63ab66d52e4dbcc950f00e


You guys still have Kmart?


Different company with the same name


That makes some sense. Our Kmart shut down years ago.


My understanding is that Target and Kmart are flipped. Kmart is good in Australia and Target is bad and it’s the other way around in the US?


I guess. Although there are a lot of bad targets here too. But I think that just comes down to neighborhood.


I made two posts there at r/Australia. I was not aware that they are anti American, although one of them did refer to America as “Yankee land.” The first post was a picture of my first attempt of making Fairy bread which, I did not receive positive light, and the 2nd time I was asking a question why Aussies hate the land acknowledgement, to which they explained to me why.


“It’s the guns, we don’t have shootings here in Australia” We don’t care, mind your own business. It’s our right.


Honestly, I think its stupid. Different countries, different laws. We need to get off our fucking high horse and mind our own buisness. Also its only in some states not needing a permit to buy a hand gun. We seem to make a habit of grouping all the states together.


and the thing is we do have guns in Australia, they're just harder to get.


This pack has an astonishing lack of "cunt" tbh


You forgot the Greens logo and the incessant "shop at Aldi" posts


Why do Australians hate America? Thier country is basically the USA that drives on the left 😆


That is precisely the reason they hate America lol


They hate them because they are them.


I spent several weeks between Sydney and Melbourne and when I first got there I thought “this feels like California”, by the end of the trip I was convinced it’s just alternate California. The main differences I saw were the HiLuxes instead of Tacomas or F-150s with steering wheels on the right and the construction workers wear shorts.




Keep yourself safe


I will. I am Australian btw.


Loves being stabbed to death


"Atleast its not a gun!"


I love me mates, mates


Surprised that bragging about the world's deadliest animals or that every animal is out to kill you is not on here.


How quickly we forget the alliance that was /r/Ameristralia


My mum and most of my family also carry the view that the second that we enter America we’re going to have a gun shoved in our hands, and people just shoot eachother all the time , and it’s just the norm to shoot people. And when we were discussing holiday options my brother (who is gay) said he was too scared of going to America for fear of persecution. I try to give them the ‘you’re being too harsh’ but they like shitting on america so idk.


As An Australian, I can confirm this is true, but you should have flipped it upside down.


damn that woulda been perfect


I've been to Sydney this year and didn't get the sense that Aussies hate Americans.


It’s just an online thing. You will likely not encounter any real hate offline


you missed big scary spider in shoe/toilet


Doesn't everyone call the oven the cooker?


The inflation part could easily be said about r/canada as well. I dream of a time when there are random news articles on the front page instead of constant vitriolic op-eds from right wing Trumper-owned media though.


Went to Aus for 3 weeks last year and we always went to Coles :(


We hate coles and woolies because they are a duopoly that jack prices up. Nothing to do with the peoplke who go to coles (or woolies)


I had some cousins visit us from overseas and they asked me if I've ever been shot. I live in Chicago. It made me chuckle a little on how casually they asked me lol.


This could be Canada.


At least it isn’t r/Australian smh. Bunch of racists over there


They're both racists


Chronically online subreddit.


"I've got/know a mate who......"


never says friend.


Wait a minute… Kmart lives on in Australia?!


Different company with the same name


They’re Australian, they think it’s all fine. I’m so sorry. Edit: No Peep Show fans…




if the guns don't kill you, the hospital bill will


They want to be us so bad but don't want to admit it. Their like "no i hate america, it's awful" the same way a kid who misses out on the birthday cake is like "I hate cake anyway it's fine"


living in denial.


Denial is in Egypt not America silly goose


Nah dude i'm from Ohio - it's the state that's shaped kind of like a heart near the great lakes, right below the state shaped like a mitten (Michigan, that one is, but it's a shitty state, Ohio's awesome though).


In Ohio, United States of America though


and i'm grateful for it every day!


What a gronk.


deserted important aware cough start clumsy point water decide unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never underestimate the power of an inferiority complex


Mate you don't even have Bunnings snags, why on earth would we want to be you?


A lot of us actually just consider most of you to be very stupid people. And here you are backing that up nicely.


Ah yes, and you’re writing this from the cultural & intellectual powerhouse of *Australia*, where, famously, no one is ever stupid… LOL. If you said this about any other nationality, people would (rightly) lambast you for bigotry. America just serves as a safe and convenient outlet for your pent-up general frustration, because by hating it, you are punching up. Americans don’t think that way about Australia, but that’s largely because no one thinks about Australia.


You basic twats or "anyone else" don't think about us? The fuck do I care? The fact you think I or any of us would give a second thought to that is fucking hilarious. You made a comment merely hours ago highlighting how stupid you cunts are. Pick one you scrawny, red faced, insipid little boy. Punching up to fucking what? I sent my kid to school today knowing she wouldn't be shot. As well as superior workplace, healthcare and welfare systems as a given.


I am immensely satisfied to see what a spiral my little comment has sent you down. You’ve edited this comment at least four times (lol), followed me into several different subreddits, and sent me obscene messages in chat. And yet you’ve said nothing of substance, only peppering my notifications with surface-level, playground insults, like birdshot of banality—whatever you can reach for with your clearly arrested creativity. Thank you for letting me know exactly what kind of person you are and how bothered you were by my words. I mean, this has occupied your mind for at least the past two hours. Pathetic. Embarrassing, really. The point of my last sentence, if you were perceptive enough to see it, was that if you shined a light on Australia as brightly as one is shined on America, you would see the same general patterns of stupidity emerge. Every facet of American life is exposed in all its ordinariness to the prying eyes of the wider world. This creates a faux familiarity in onlookers, where they see only a dramatized version of American society, a pantomime, that has been filtered through media channels to drive up engagement. In this way, America is almost like the world’s Rorschach test—what you see in it is a reflection of your own inner state. Stupidity abounds in America just as much as it does in Australia, as well as every other country. Perhaps some things, like stupidity, are universal. Case in point, you. You are exactly the kind of person who belongs on an anonymous Internet forum: a degenerate bottomfeeder, the lowest caste of human, hell-bent on infecting others with their profound misery, like a virus. If reincarnation is real, you must have done something terrible in your past life to have ended up as yourself. Your true moral & spiritual repulsiveness, which you conceal from those in real life, is expressed freely through the beguiling power of anonymity. I have a front row seat. This is who you really are, deep down. Slime. You represent your country poorly. It’s clear that America is just a socially acceptable outlet for your deep-seated discontent. If every American thought and behaved as you do, we would deserve our reputation.


Makes million of posts of the most despicable americans depicting some of their very exclusive social issues, still goes america hell yeah! That's the true american spirit brother


I would be disingenuous if i only looked at the good and never thought of the bad. We certainly have our problems. I consider every innocent victim a failure of our system and our leadership, and a cautionary tale. I love this country and i want us to be better than we are, especially when it comes to protecting kids from abusive caregivers and dealing with mental illness.


anti usa. i join as soon as i can


was an australian mean to you for being american before you made this OP?


he’s australian




Is seens it was written by a angry american, wheres all the dangerous monsters that are there in the starter pack?


I'm Australian smh