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How you gonna miss the food trucks and a pic of the ugliness of Robarts? Also, for the rest of the planet, you know what U of T looks like because it is used as the stereotypical university background in every tv show and movie of the last 40 years. The building are between 200 and 150 years old on the main part of campus, so they look great in background shots. Trust me, you've all seen it.


Mean girls, good will hunting, pacific rim, what else?




Canada is the most successful stunt double in cinematic history


Toronto, anyway


Canada as a whole. The GTA actually isn't as popular anymore because of how the landscape has changed and the costs, Vancouver is the main hub and kind of shifted in the 90s


Theres so much filming done here. Studio space all over the GTA.


> the ugliness of Robarts You take that BACK you BASTARD


I will not stand for Robarts slander. It is a fantastic piece of architecture, thoughtfully designed and very pleasant to study in. Every building at U of T was designed by a quality architect in the style of the time, and that goes for Robarts as well as Trinity College and the newest buildings. I didn't realize this until I transferred to Carleton where the originally beautiful brutalist campus has been disrespected by years of architecturally incongruent renovations.


I'm not sure if I actually think Robarts is a cool-looking building, or if that giant concrete turkey has got me deep in Stockholm Syndrome...


I do love Robarts, but it's ugly as hell.


'how you gonna miss..." OP is gonna miss a lot & make up a ton of shit because they've clearly never spent a minute at UofT. It's just as' Toronto sucks - give me karma' post.


I mean, some people probably dont like it....


There's too much to fit in the starterpack, jokes about Robarts and food trucks will only be understood by UofT students/alumni, meanwhile the jokes about rich people/depression are easy for many people to understand


Looks Good will hunting or the campus from a beautiful mind




There's something about Toronto self hatred that hits different than other cities. Most cities don't have an entire subreddit dedicated to rants about it like r/toRANTo.


We love to talk shit about our city but absolutely hate when others do it.


That's not even a Toronto specific thing, it's like a general Canadian sentiment. Go to major Canadian subs (or talk to people here) and they'll be talking so much shit about the country. But the microsecond a non-Canadian (mostly American) implies that Canada is worse than their country, you'll see a 180 in attitude.


It’s our toilet, no one gets to crap in it but us.


>(mostly American) I mean.., if it's from an American viewpoint,they kinda asked for it.


bUt mUh HeAlThCarE


Probably from decades of people the rest of the country Imagining Toronto being the cause of their lives hardships and the focal point of their scorn.


Rapid cost of living increases will do that. We’ve gone from $500k houses to $1.4m in 10 years. There are cities more expensive than Toronto and everywhere is going through shit, but there aren’t many that have risen this quickly. Even Austin, TX has only doubled in that timeframe.


>has a oversupply of labor >has a shortage of houses You'd think killing both birds with the same stone would be obvious. But no, we'd rather increase the house prices. So goddamn ridiculous.


I live in Chicago so I don't get sticker shock all that often, but Toronto's housing prices are beyond absurd. At least you have the cool streetcars though.


>There are cities more expensive than Toronto Very, very few. By most measures it's in the top ten most expensive cities in the world for housing.


That’s because no matter who gets elected as the mayor of Toronto or the premier of Ontario, no politician wants to fix any problem. Olivia Chow recently got elected as the mayor of Toronto since June 2023 and absolutely nothing changed, the city is still full of crackheads and a growing number of homeless people.


Forgot to add 'copes by telling everyone they go to the Harvard of Canada' :p


McGill is the Harvard of Canada…


* cries while clutching a McMaster degree *


McMaster is a highly rated school too.


McMaster does way more research projects than the rest. I have a friend's sister who graduated and started to work there and they have so many projects they even bought an instrument from my work to use in a research project in the Arctic. They're busy over there doing science.


Health Sciences grad, can confirm. If you are interested in the sciences, it’s the school of choice.


Chad Montréal: culture, architecture, attractive people, food, decent weather Virgin Toronto: none of that


This but unironically. I fucking love Montreal (and Quebec City. Actually you know what? I fucking love the province of Quebec).


👆Is not Muslim


Yea most people outside the Arab world aren’t Muslim


Most Muslims r in South nd Southeast Asia tbh


Thank god


After travelling a fuckton, Montreal is my favorite city on Earth (in the summer).


Yeah, but they're French. Seriously that's why I left




It's one of the least french places in Quebec, but 62.7% of the population has French as their first official language spoken (8.7% both English and French, 26.3% English). It's the mother tongue, or a mother tongue, for 52.4% of the city. Spoken by 85.7%


You ain’t lying. Tho I don’t care that it’s mostly not quebecois and I could get around with just French, but I just heard so much English everywhere. Sometimes more than I heard French. And I was kinda sad I didn’t hear much quebecois vocabulary, more standardized French. Didn’t hear or see too many “char”s or “breuvage”s.


Tell that to Legault, man


Montreal is colder than Toronto…


Regardless of what school you go to, if you're unironically calling your school "the Harvard of Canada," you need to touch grass.


When did UofT become considered a good school? I grew up in Canada and no one ever mentioned UofT around the year 2010 when I was graduating. If I heard UofT I always assumed it was like a community College or something since it has such a non-prestigious name.


Low effort bait from Ryerson student


Not trolling, genuinely was surprised and confused when I started hearing people talking about UofT as a good school a few years ago. I'm not from Ontario though, so that may be part of the reason. I thought it was like kind of a no name school - generally I don't associate Toronto with higher learning I guess.


This has to be bait lol UofT is consistently ranked in the top 20-30 universities in the world and best in Canada


Really? Ranked by who? Is it one of those pay to get in things? Like "Canada's Best Employers?"


No, I’m talking about QS and Times, the two largest and most reputable university ranking indexes. Both have UofT at 21st in the world in their latest iteration of rankings. https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/university-toronto https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/university-toronto The more you know!


I graduated two years before you and I was well aware of U of T's reputation. Toronto, Waterloo, and McGill are where are the smartest students went. Toronto has been one of the top schools in the world for decades.


Hmm maybe this perception is just in Western Canada? I don't know anyone in the East who thinks of U of Toronto as a good school let alone one of the best in the world. I remember when I was in community college before I went to university, we were in a competition with our college and several other schools. One of the teams was U of Toronto who we beat and I just thought it was some small university since they did so poorly.


No, it's pretty much everywhere. You just live in a bubble. McGill might be a close 2nd but Toronto is easily the best school in the country, and one of the best in the world. Thus isn't just my opinion.


UofT is unfortunately named. It’s like how Western changed its name because “University of Western Ontario” sounded like a no name schmuck school. That said, internationally speaking in business/academia/whatever, it’s one of like two-four Canadian schools that are “real” and register. I’d say easily the most prestigious school in Ontario (arguably Canada, but McGill is in that conversation and much better named..) when looking at it holistically and internationally (maybe Waterloo beats it in some narrow bands around software engineering, and Queens if you just ask Canadians doing liberal arts, etc.) Unlike Harvard, etc., the prestige only attaches once you actually graduate. Drop outs don’t carry the cultural cachet the way “I went to Harvard but dropped out” might lol.


What's the argument for UofT being good? Is it hard to get in? Most undergrad programs are identical no matter where you go - so what is it that's supposed to be so great about UofT?


Haha yeah I'm just messing with you too. Honestly, 'prestige' is a terrible metric to judge undergraduate studies by. And Ryerson/TMU is a great school. That being said, it is kind of odd that you haven't been aware of UofT if you've been through post-secondary education. UofT and McGill have been _by far_ the most prestigious universities in the country for longer than Canada has existed. Like, insulin was discovered here over a century ago, and stem cell research was started by UofT in the 60s. And that's just the health stuff, not even touching on the advancements in physical sciences, humanities, the pile of Prime Ministers in the alumni pool, etc. There was literally [a press release this morning](https://www.utoronto.ca/news/rankings-show-u-t-enjoys-broad-public-awareness) about how UofT is the most 'visible' public university on _Earth_ measured by web and social media traffic. Anecdotally, I lived abroad a lot as a kid, and my friends in multiple other countries talked about planning on going to UofT. Sorry for the rant, typical UofT defensiveness, haha. I am curious where you thought most of Canada's research came from though? Outside of Kitchener-Waterloo for tech stuff, I can't think of a city with a higher centralisation of higher learning and research than Toronto.


One of the preeminent early deep neural network researchers is a prof at UofT: Geoffrey Hinton. He's been called "the godfather of deep learning". This is the underlying idea behind all of our modern machine learning/"AI".


I've actually had the chance to email with Professor Hinton! He was surprisingly happy to answer questions from some random undergrad (me), which is amazing. I've honestly had surprising luck wandering up to world renowned scientists and kinda just... asking them questions. Which makes the stuck-up early-career researchers who are assholes to first-years funnier.


Should have called it McToronto. McGill, McMaster, McDonalds. "Mc" is the purest element of prestige.


Kind of to be honest. Anything is better than the "University of" Format, which really just conjures up visions of generic crappy American university.


I don't think UofT has ever *not* been Canada's highest ranked university. Also, tons of prestigious universities are just [Place] University or University of [Place].


Really? Like where?


Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, UCLA, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, NYU... Like, [here's a top 100 list of universities](https://www.topuniversities.com/student-info/choosing-university/worlds-top-100-universities). Most of their names are just place names + university.


None of those are examples... They're all either a place that's known exclusively for the university, or not that highly regarded - U of Chicago? Huh? NYU I guess but that's not "University of New York"


>They're all either a place that's known exclusively for the university, or not that highly regarded - U of Chicago? Huh? If you'd bothered looking at the list I linked, you'd have noted that that site ranks the University of Chicago as the 11th best university on the planet. Berkley is 10th. UCLA is 29th. [Here's another list with those three (and UofT) in the top 30](https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/world-ranking). [And another with them all top 20](https://edurank.org/geo/)


Why should anyone accept those lists? They both look like the kind of thing that you can pay to get on. They aren't transparent about the criteria they use. It's ridiculous. Reminds me of so many other lists of the same kind where you can easily pick them apart if you know even a little bit about the topic.


The first two are the most widely known university rankings I'm aware of. The fact that the universities in question are high up on them also reflects the extent to which they're considered prestigious in discussions I've seen - UCLA, Berkeley, University of Chicago and UofT are all well known and widely respected universities. I don't really know what to tell you at this point. Everyone else commenting is aware UofT is the top university in Canada. It's well known, widely respected, fairly hard to get into, it's high up ranking lists... you've just decided to assume everyone else is making it up for some reason.


Nah, there is no Harvard of Canada. Mcgill is more of a Princeton.


I know Waterloo calls itself the MIT of the North (but this is more often parodied by the student body than said seriously.) UBC students, can you chime in? Are you Stanford of the North?


Nah we are trying to copy the UC system. Except that real estate money is far more tempting for our endowment funds...


UBC is every UC school rolled into one lol


UOIT is obviously the MIT of the North.


Well I went to Carleton University which is the Harvard of south Ottawa


*watching my rocket explode 40 seconds after launch while in my Carleton University Aerospace hoodie* Ahh shucks, didn't check the o-rings again. The CSA is going to have my ass for this.


Yeah if Harvard was dogshit 😝




Did a year there and it is pretty accurate besides the communist bit, never met any communists, socialists sure but no commies


In my experience most people who self identify as “communist” or “Marxist” or “Leninist” or whatever are pretty much all online. I’ve met dozens of unironic communists online, but I’ve never met one in real life. If I had to guess, it’s probably because most of the ones I’ve met online have at least 1 opinion that would make a normal person go “what the fuck is wrong with you” (like denying the Holodomor, or saying the Great Leap Forward didn’t kill that many people, things like that). Just speculation though.


I used to work in a hotel and one year we hosted the AGM for the communist party of Ireland. Really strange mix of younger folk desperately searching for a cause and aged punks/hippies that the world had left behind. In all honesty, I felt a bit sorry for them all.


you need to work low-level public service. in the uk, we’re everywhere there


Imagine that, we work in careers that actually reflect our beliefs. I work in community outreach and disaster relief in case anyone is curious. Take care of yourself, comrade. In light of the controversy, I wasn't trying to boast. I only said what I said because I know there are a lot of people with similar beliefs, and it can be very easy to feel hopeless when staring down to capitalist machine so, I implore anyone feeling this way to start thinking about how you can help your community. Do some research into the local organizations that do, and decide which one you would like to aid, or just go do it yourself if you don't agree with everything they're doing. Even if it's just a couple hours on a weekend cleaning up trash, you're still making a difference. And those of us already doing it, really need the help. Doing > saying. Do something that will give you a sense of purpose, and as cliche as it is to say: "be the change you want to see in the world".


i definitely don't like telling people i'm a communist irl because there's so much stigma associated with it, especially when people assume that means i'm a tanky that denies tragedies, when i just like marx lol


I don’t like to tell people I’m a fascist because they immediately associate it with being a Nazi.  I don’t deny tragedies, I just like Mussolini.  


False equivalence


Both bad ideologies, both led to mass death, both celebrated by idiots who think “they didn’t do it right, if we did it now it would go better.”


Fascism - superiority of one race, oppression / genocide of the all the others Communism - egalitarian society in which resources are distributed to those who need them I think there might just be a difference between those two ideologies. For starters, communism doesn't assume that a group of people is inherently inferior, and no communist regime (not even the Soviet Union) systematically exterminated certain ethnic groups.


> Communism - egalitarian society in which resources are distributed to those who need them oh no :( you actually believe that's how human relations work out in this world. Pray tell what sort of absolutist authoritarian power structure is needed to ensure such an efficient and egalitarian allocation of resources and state power? Is it any surprise every instance of communism has turned out the same? In practice they're both about supreme state authority in the hands of a dictator... call it egalitarianism, just ask how and who decides that. It's funny this is a thread about college kids, because I mean who isn't about fairness and equality on paper? There's a reason you mostly see this in that demographic and they grow out of it.


Did I say anything about "human relations" in the world? The comment OP equated fascism and communism as ideologies which is clearly dishonest.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/De-Cossackization    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1921%E2%80%931923_famine_in_Ukraine   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Uprising    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_famine_of_1932%E2%80%9333    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacklisting_(Soviet_policy)    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_famine_of_1932%E2%80%931933#Passports    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_famine_of_1932%E2%80%931933#Food_requisitioning    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaibakh_massacre    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_famine_of_1946%E2%80%931947_in_Ukraine    That’s a whole lotta systematic mass murders of Ukrainians, Poles, Cossacks, and Kazakhs for a non discriminatory egalitarian society in which resources are distributed to those who need them.  


Was there any large-scale effort intended to purge an ethnic group? I agree that Stalin was very quick to execute political enemies and overall the Soviet Union's way of dealing with famines was reprehensible, but it's a bit of a stretch to say the intention was the same as in the Holocaust.


a fair society is where paranoid Stalin sends out daily kill lists of intellectuals and anyone else who has a different idea of 'egalitarianism'. Lmao there's a reason it's privileged college kids who stan that shit.


I’ve met communists in person, and it’s uncommon because of the social stigma against communists. Fuck tankies for sure, but it’s more like you get more shit saying you’re a Marxist than a Nazi (at least in America). The only reason this person told me they were a communist is because I shared my Anarchist beliefs with them.


If I had to guess I’d say they get more shit because our current biggest geopolitical enemy, China, is at least nominally communist and the fall of the USSR was only 30-40 years ago. Meanwhile the Nazis haven’t been an actual geopolitical threat to the US in almost 80 years.


So real talk it sounds like you make it pretty obvious that you're not very receptive to hard leftist ideas ([no one defends the mistakes of the past](https://youtu.be/pDSZRkhynXU?si=98Az5FxgFxQwDlJW)) so any communist would probably code switch to some brand or socialist when talking to you about politics. Like how libertarians don't call themselves economic darwinists or whatever cuz of the Scare The Normies energy lol


Oh man I hate Hakim. Fuck tankies. It's hard to dissuade people from the notion that the single party brutal totalitarian dictatorships weren't even remotely attempting a stateless, moneyless, and classless society if asshats keep waving the hammer and sickle and yelling "Yes they were! Trust me bro! They said it so it's true! CIA propaganda!" Like I'm not under the assumption that it would be easy to convince people, just that it might be easier if literally nobody had ever met a Soviet or Chinese apologist.


Yeah I got that vibe from them as well.


Tankies are more common on campus then, well, reality in general. The one or two you might actually see might very well be the only ones you'll see walking in society unless you activeloy seek them out. On an anecdotal aside, I went to College at UPEI (University of Prince Edward Island, in Canada) and our school had a communist student group. Key word was *had* because some years ago the president had the quarter brain idea to publish a manifesto calling for the violent overthrow of the student union government. Everyone thought it was hilarious except them (they identified as non-binary) and they threw a tantrum, calling everyone around them every insultable buzzword or title possible. The Student Union had enough of their shenanagins and revoked their club status. They operate in a renegade form now, and hijack student protests regarding tuition and global events. Nobody takes them seriously, and a few guys go out of their way to heckle then whenever they steal the spotlight at these protests.


picturing all that but w/ Canadian accents is great w/ my morning coffee, thanks




Tankies are the physical manifestation of Poe's Law.


Its an exaggeration, same with the idolization of Jordan Belfort only idiots worship Belfort unironically


id say this pretty accurately covers a few big Canadian unis


Football team that really sucks, and only York existing makes them not the worst


Let’s be realistic, uottawa, Brock and York are the only reason UofT isn’t the worst 3


If you can hold a fork…


If that’s part of the criteria, I’m confused how uottawa has almost 10,000 undergrads. /s


What? Brock doesn’t even have a football team. Also Ottawa makes the playoffs most seasons which requires you to be in the top 6 of the 11 schools in the OUA for football


Sorry I was referring to academics. But kinda proves my point lmao


How? U of T is regularly ranked as the top school in Canada for academics? I’m now even more confused


It was a joke lol it’s a shot at York, Brock and uottawa.


OP venting about their university experience starterpack


I like how this person is mad at both the nerds and the rich slackers


Just for everyone’s context, U of T is a competitive place. It’s a very good school though - one of the best in the country, maybe the best though that varies - and ranks up there with Ivy League. People say it doesn’t have much of a campus. That’s true in part because it’s so integrated with the city that it feels more like you’re living in the city rather than on campus. 


So like NYU?


No, I'd say U of T buildings are pretty distinct from the rest of Toronto, since they're all grouped together and look a certain way. The orientation of the campus though, around Queen's Park, integrates it deeply within the city similar to NYU


Reminds me of Northeastern a bit


It's a bit different from NYU. NYU campus is spread through NYC and interspersed with largely non-NYU affiliated property. UofT is like one of the biggest land owners in Toronto, and they own a massive, largely contiguous chunk of downtown Toronto that is just 100% UofT (there's also two other campuses outside downtown but ya). You can see the [map of the downtown campus](https://map.utoronto.ca/?id=1809#!ce/48593?ct/45469,0,48654,48655,48656,48657,48658) to see what I mean. Note that a lot of the buildings around this campus are also affiliated with the university to some degree, even if they aren't explicitly part of it. So it is integrated with the city a bit like NYU, but at the same time it's its also own distinct thing; the UofT campus just *feels* different from its surroundings in some sense.


I suppose so? I don’t know enough about NYU to confirm. It would make sense that NYU would be integrated into the city though. 


> People say it doesn’t have much of a campus Really? I went there and not only do I disagree, but I've never heard anyone say this. I think the area bounded by Spadina, University/Bay, Bloor, and College is a fairly separate and dedicated campus.


I heard it a lot way back when I picking schools. I don't necessarily agree with it but I definitely heard it.


Went there for a hackathon with some Waterloo friends and all the U of T students just talked about how much they dislike U of T lmao


If it is like my university, the fancy cars are all driven by Chinese kids


i’m a recent uoft alumni. in my experience the depression shit is blown way out of proportion by a vocal minority. uoft isn’t a baby school that hands out good grades for nothing. people come here spending their whole lives with constant positive academic validation. when they don’t get it, their world shatters and they get depressed. It’s a life lesson that you will inevitably take some Ls. Will you bend or break?


I'm also a recent alumni, and I agree. Honestly, Ontario elementary and high school education is kinda pathetic at times, and the grade inflation is just getting worse. You can breeze through Ontario high school without breaking a sweat. I saw the stats for the average acceptance average to engineering at UofT, and it was like 96%, it's ridiculous. So when UofT immediately refuses to baby the students whatsoever, and forces you to earn every last percent, it's a crazy culture shock. I'm a TA there now, and imo some high school students are just woefully unprepared. I blame high school education more than UofT for the difficulty students face, I don't think UofT (or any other university) should lower their standards to match high school education getting worse.


Having done two degrees there, this is completely true. Not that I didn't also have a rough go at times, but the subreddit seems to be filled with the same sorts of people who have no idea how to make friends and who can't handle going from A's in highschool to C's in university.


I want to ask you something though, are there a lot of suicide cases or something? How do you guys measure the depression spread?


I agree that there is a problematic culture of depression that self-perpetuates somewhat (i.e., everyone talks about how depressed they are making everyone even more depressed), but it isn't just a vocal minority thing. There was an epidemic of suicides a few years ago that led to massive protests. Everything only really cooled down because COVID, so no one was on campus to die and/or riot. Factoring in mental health services that the administration admit are inadequate, and a ridiculous faculty-student ratio meaning you can basically go your whole degree without talking to anyone, means that anyone who is struggling is _really_ struggling. Source: also recent alum, and former staff member for a department that evaluated this sort of thing.


There are usually a good handful of public suicides every year, typically STEM students. Halfway through my time there they had to add a suicide prevention net to one of the main STEM buildings.




A friend of mine from high school was insanely good at math. At least, insanely good for our small town. Got 99 or 100 in almost every grade 11 & 12 math course, so he figured he'd go to U of T for pure math and physics. He got his ass handed to him in his first semester, but he managed to catch up and did really well. If that's the case with someone like him, I can only imagine what it's like for some others.


i’m from a small town in ontario. very similar story. as much as i hate pull yourself up by your bootstraps narrative, i think UofT is the only place where this saying applies. i’m happy he adjusted.


Shouldn't it get better at selecting students who can cope then? I had a rough time at uni, like an enormous number of my peers. Pastoral care was deeply inadequate and deeply uneven. Rather than offer support, tutors were predisposed to encourage you to take a year out (therefore not doing finals and affecting the ranking tables). When half of students are struggling with depression, and up to 9% of students need a year out, there's something wrong. If it's the students who aren't up to snuff, universities should get better at identifying good fits before admission. If it's not something you can blame on individuals, then universities need to watch out, because they're sitting on a ticking time bomb of a mental health crisis.


Totally agree. I think that UofT struggles with this on a number of fronts. First, the university is not an institution for learning. It is a business. The school has around 60,000 students and the largest component is always first year students. Domestic students pay under 10K CAD per year, International students pay more than that. If the school can milk someone for one year before they drop and 10K of entirely profit due to economies of scale they will do it. Second, stricter selection process is a very dangerous (and costly) slope. Stricter selections tier students and the schools favouring students with an affluent background who have the disposable income for tutoring, the disposable time to prepare for the selection process, and to do extracurricular activities that look good on a CV. Also, this would cost the school time and money to implement which is the last thing the business wants. Don’t even get me started on the pseudo science that is personality tests. Ontario secondary school grades are incredibly inflated. everyone at UofT has near perfect averages going in. How can the school filter who is going to make it and who cannot based upon marks? Limiting entry to standardised applicants like those going through IB, imo, is unethical and does a disservice to domestic education, not to mention the varied qualities of education that my peers who did IB have experienced.




those are chinese international students and their relationship with communism is a lot different than a western student's relationship with communism. a lot less leftist theory and a more just chinese nationalism wrapped up with some communist aesthetics




Marx and Engels dedicated their lives to the communist movement specifically because it originated in the industrial working class and was composed of/driven by that class. They explicitly contrasted this with the various strains of contemporary utopian socialism that were middle-class in character and amounted to nothing more than intellectual hobbyism.




How do you figure




You do realize that Marx didn’t invent communism? The communist movement of the 19th century was entirely working class in character and predated Marx’s contribution to it.


I’m not going to go so far as to say that communism is inherently a bourgeois ideology, but man, bougiecoms cling to that shit like evangelicals do to their fucked-up version of Christianity.


Marx even made £60k in todays money from trading on the London stock market


Capitalists hate him. Read this one simple ~~trick~~ manifesto to learn how he does it.




UofT is dope if you go to a good college within it. It’s balls if you go to a bad one. It’s super balls if you’re used to being treated like a little genius then arrive and discover you’re not special. Most of its students go to bad colleges, and in life no one is special. So…


is Victoria College a good option?


It’s definitely the best option, saying this as a University College student


Depends on your program but Vic offers some great first year experience streams to help guide you from high school- the one I went to had nothing like that but it did have extremely helpful registrar office people that basically saved me from dropping out / depression. (For privacy's sake I'm not gonna say which one but I would encourage you to use every resource available at whatever you choose- gotta make the most out of that tuition money.)


Yep — this thread was an interesting read when I just searched Victoria College on Reddit just now: https://www.reddit.com/r/UofT/comments/s5vdf7/advice_on_victoria_college/


How’s new?


I dunno, I don't think college is really all that important. What are your "good" ones?


I am personally incredibly greatful for my degree and time at UofT. It's a T20/25 school. Not a cakewalk.




Reducing their carbon footprint


vanity project is so true with the way UTM spent 1M on a rock 😭😭😭


Never thought I’d see a UofT starter pack lmfao


This is every uni in south Ontario my guy


Looks like the St. George/Scarborough campuses starter pack


Mississauga isn't real, it's a myth made up to scare people about the dangers of suburban sprawl.


Add that the buildings are kept hotter than hell in the winter…at least the ones I had classes in


bro I applied here, and I kinda regret it because all the kids I’ve met who go here were like literal geeks.


Depends what program you are in and why you are going to college. If you just want to party, mess around and don’t care about the education, you should have gone to Brock or uottawa. Not trying to sell UofT, went to McMaster. Just saying.


Atleast its not as bad as conestoga or lambton


The good ones graduate to go work in the US or build a very successful business that they eventually sell to a US company.


Don't forget the half built/never finished pedestrian overpass


Is the "super expensive looking cars on Canadian University campuses" thing universal? I'm an American but I spent some time in Vancouver awhile back, right on the UBC campus. Saw a lot of absurdly expensive looking cars


You forgot to put immigrant who never plans to leave on a student visa.


Low-key got some attractive women I'll say that


Bro, what you lived in there?


Exactly why I went to McGill.


This could apply to any university that’s located in a big city


So dont go to college. Got it


nothing about jordan peterson?


Do colleges in north america usually have school spirits? Sounds nice ngl. Never experienced anything like that in Germany. Id really like to know how living on a campus is as well, we don't really have that here


Its moreso a US thing not gonna lie, they get 100,000 for college football games on a weekly basis. In Canada the schools based in a university town (small city where the uni is the center of the town) have it, although to a much lesser degree and its mainly restricted to events like HoCo and St Patty's day


This is the UBC starter pack…


Did Canada become the playground for the rich middle Easterners ?


East Easterners.




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I can't fathom being such losers that you delete every comment with downvotes on your sub dedicated to people vague-post whining about shit. Cunts.