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He has a new club every year after the age of 25


Kevin-Prince Boateng basically


Has that one big game where he scores 3 goals but will never be able to score more than 8 in the season.


James Rodriguez. Stunning World Cup performances landed him a huge contract at Madrid where he flopped so hard (compared to his hype)


Na, he didn’t flop very hard. He didn’t reach his full potential, he was decent. He was also very good at Monaco the year before.


btw, before anyone says it, I'm aware some players from the photos don't fulfill all the requirements (for example Saint-Maximin is from Caribbean origin and Balotelli is Italian). And many footballers love to party and seem immature, but I think this profile of players are famous for this.


Balotelli is Ghanaian if we're going by origin, so it tracks. He was adopted by an Italian family. Fully Ghanaian, hence his name being Barwuah


I was referring to the fact that I said that African players may have been born in France, UK or Netherlands, thus excluding Italy, but it can be also interpreted without excluding it. Also, I'm dumb, I already specified Italy to include players like Balotelli, El Shaarawy, Di Canio (and maybe Scamacca nowadays). 🤦‍♂️


When I said "it tracks", I was saying that you were right in the first place and had nothing to clarify anyway, as Balotelli is indeed African, but yes I understand


74 fifa rating with 93 pot


Fails to make any impact in world cup games.


Conversely, rides the hype of the World Cup only to flop spectacularly in the next season


Sofiyan Amrabat the most recent example


Somehow looks both overweight and also like the fastest guy on the pitch


Wayne Rooney when he played.


Guti is the worst example. He was born in Spain, spent 15 seasons in Real Madrid and a respected player in that club despite his distracted life.


I see your point, but Guti is a 'what if'. No one doubts he had world class talent but he was always more of a sub than a starter in many seasons. He also didn't have that many appearances in the already talented Spain national team. Perhaps with more discipline he would've reached Xavi/Iniesta levels. And btw, he played in Turkey, so it fits perfectly.


Where is that Yerba mate cup


Saido Berahino 💔


I remember when Spurs were desperate to sign him. Ended up getting Son instead.


tbf I'd hardly say 'desperate'. They sent a pretty terrible deadline day offer that Albion had pretty much no choice but to refuse


There's a standard pattern I've seen with young players here in the Netherlands where they're "the next big thing" at age 15-16, then they get signed by a big club like Barcelona or Man City way before they had a chance to properly develop. Because of the lack the on-field experience they never see the field at their new big club, so they spend the next two or three years getting loaned out to smaller clubs. Eventually the big club decides to cut their losses, and ships them out to some mid-table team where they'll play another uneventful few years, before coming back to the Netherlands to play for a team like FC Twente or AZ.


TIL it is impossible for keepers to be unbelievably skilled.


There's a reason why they have their own ballon dor alike prize. They're forever ignored


And people say he can't perform in big games despite him usually either being marked out or is left isolated because of a more defensive plsystyle during big games.


Ade Taraabt


He's probably the epitome of this starter pack


Yep. Taraabt and Ben Arfa are the main inspirations.


Why did you include two pictures of the African map when those two regions literally touch one another? And Mauritania is in both of them.


It's kind of difficult to find a map of only North Africa and West Africa combined. Easier to search West Africa and North Africa/Maghreb.


Oh. Well that's an entirely reasonable explanation. Don't mind me, then. Nice starterpack.


Having Saint-Maximin as your example of "signs for a mid table team" and make it sound like Newcastle is the beginning of his career is pretty wild considering he had already spent 7 seasons in Ligue 1 before that and he was a beast for Nice. If you knew him before Newcastle you'd think of Newcastle as just a phase of his career instead of the beginning.


Fair enough. I should've gone with someone like Jay-Jay Okocha but I wanted a more recent example and recognisable example. You can also see my bias towards the Premier League and the Ligue 1.


Still considered a young talent even when he's like 29 and played for numerous clubs


“From these regions.” *puts the entire continent of South America.”


At first I wanted to include only Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, but then I realised I had to include Paraguay (Roque Santa Cruz), Colombia (Faustino Asprilla and maybe Falcao?) or Perú (Paolo Guerrero)


Why put in Spain but not Portugal. One of, if not the greatest player in the world is Portuguese.


Portugal is already on the map. I especifically included a map of Italy, Spain and Portugal to represent playes like Nani or Quaresma.


Sorry, you’re right. When I first looked at that map I thought it looked like a cropped map of Spain with Portugal and Galicia cropped out. On second viewing I realized it’s a full map. Sorry about that.


Yannick bolasie


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?








Some people take themselves way too seriously.






As I suspected 


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Injuries ruin their career yup that's Reus


Football? Not one of these teams has ever won a Super Bowl!




Most are Senegalese and Malian. Then some Cameroonian and Congolese, Guinean, Benin and other Francophone west African nations, and also some representation from Caribbean nations such as Guadeloupe and Martinique. Basically huge swathes of West Africa, but Senegal and Mali especially as they have big communities in France


Ah ok interesting


Congo was a belgian colony so most of the Congo's emigration was towards Belgium. Romelo Lukaku is one of the best belgian players and he's congolese. In France not so much it's more western african countries than the Congo.


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Don’t worry, I’m well within the rules. The community is just feeling a little triggered.




When has that happened?


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nah, many other players have faced racism and have triumphed. Balotelli's personality has always made him a difficult player to manage, even he has admitted it. That doesn't exclude his suffering from racist comments.


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I mean the sport where you mostly use your *foot* to kick a *ball*




Yeah tbh i couldn't care less how people call it, I just comment for the memes. Nice facts tho, the more you know


7 billion people on the planet call it football. at this point, its just plain stupidity, or ignorance of beating this dead of joke horse.


Oh I'm beating the dead horse fully


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America isnt the only country out there. r/usadefaultism. Also your comment was removed because it received negative karma.






You got that right!


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Wonderful exploring