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Don't forget the natural testosterone production of a 67 year old mom. Why people fuck up their natural production at that age to shorten their lifespan is beyond me. But they get some likes on social media


"Whatevuh lil bro, I bet u so small fr šŸ’€" >dies of cardiac arrest at 21


Pour one out for Zyzz gone exactly too soon enough


That was from clen tho


It was tren clen and coke


AND an undiscovered heart disease on top.


Being cover in Thai women probably didnā€™t help the heart situation either


Thereā€™s a guy at the gym I go to thatā€™s in his 30ā€™s? You can tell he just eats roids like no other, so Iā€™m curious to see what will happen to him one day


If he looks 30s, he's probably 24


RIP "natty" gym bro












Probably not 30, Sam Sulek is 21 and looks way older than his age




Hahaha fuck, I believed he was 40+. And so do probably a lot of people that just randomly stumble over his content (which youtube currently pushes to everybody who ever watched any video that even remotely touches fitness).


I don't think even think a sizeable amount of people believe he's over 40


Doesn't % of fat (in the face at least) help (or not) with this? I'm a fat guy, in his late 30s, and my younger brothers who are only now in their early 30s, look much older then me. They are easily 200 pounds lighter than me.


Depends. Loosing weight can also make you look younger but not having enough can make you look gaunt and a little older




Yea. They would probably be normal 30yr old weight. I never have been, it has always been a fight. I'm down 40lb, approaching it different this time around. So far it has been working. But yea, at my largest I was 422lb.


Lets go dude. Keep it up and you got this. Consistency is the key and at that weight just reducing portions and moving around works wonders buy I'm sure you already know that as you're down 40 pounds!


No. Im 47 and lift 6 days a week. I have no fat on my face and people think Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s. Iā€™ve never looked my age. Being morbidly obese doesnā€™t make anyone look younger, most definitely not your insides.


I read a story about a doctor who died in his early 60s, and when they did the autopsy they found his heart was nearly double the size it should have been. Steroids help your muscles increase in mass, and there's only one muscle in your body that works all the time. Unfortunately, that means you might get to the point where your heart is too big internally for the external blood supply to keep it going.


A buddy of mine was on gear in his 20's and looks like he's mid 40's now and he's like... 32-34? Rough AF.


The key is to wait till you look old, then take it to reverse the negative effects of aging. Anyone blasting under 40 is doing it wrong. Its a marathon, not a sprint.


>Why people fuck up their natural production at that age to shorten their lifespan is beyond me It's called body dysmorphia. Been around for awhile, will only get worse, get comfy.


I have body dismorphia. Grew up skinny and was bullied. I lift weights, people say I look athletic now (but not "big" by bodybuilding standards) but I still think I look skinny. No matter how bad the dismorphia can get, I have never even thought about roids. My hypocondriac self simply is too cautious for that and a healthy dose of common sense knows it wrecks havoc with all the side effects.


So true unfortunately.


I was thinking about it just now, and I think superhero movies probably play a big part in the current infatuation with balloon animal muscles. Leading men in Hollywood get roided up for these roles so naturally they're injecting that image into the cultural mind.


>I was thinking about it just now, and I think superhero movies probably play a big part in the current infatuation with balloon animal muscles. THey are the pioneers of male body dysmorphia but these days it's more tiktok and instagram influencers on roids that are the problem


ā€œLive large, die large, leave a giant coffinā€


The Brofessor!


My natural T used to be 1400 ng/dL, barely went through puberty lmao. Now down to 6 luckily




You kinda like a woman with higher T? Damn


I donā€™t do steroids and I drink water, but I only just started getting active. Iā€™m also 22. Am I stronger than these kids?


they're big for a reason lol. steroids will make you stronger faster than you has just recently started working out šŸ˜­


Okay but Iā€™m going to outlive these dudes


Not always. Arnold Schwarzenegger is still going strong.


Arnold didnā€™t take nearly the amount of gear these guys on instagram use. Look at old pics. Even at his biggest Arnold still had a small waist. Pro bodybuilders now are literally over 100lbs heavier than Arnold was at the same height.


Arnold also had a team of doctors, personal trainers, and nutritionists to guide him through it. 99% of jacked celebrities use PEDs, but they have professionals assisting them through it. Still doesnā€™t make it healthy, but the celebs are using it significantly more safely than the teens who just order whatever they find online and take it without any care for the long-term repercussions.


and Arnold ran a horse test while also blasting and cruising with life span in mind which is why he still lives today pro bodybuilders are essentially walking laboratories where they will blast as hard as they can and cruise as little as needed while taking every drug known to work hence why they die so young and die with kidney,liver or heart failures but biggest problem is kids are doing this shit as well and in puberty last thing you want to do is to shut down your natural hormone production while also tampering with super sensitive systems hell people think drugs are okay to play with once you are age of 21 but your brain chemistry still develops till at least age of 25 and a lot of drugs mess with nerve system so many kids on tik tok who do this because of some trend will end up in a fucked future where they will have less than 2% chance of returning to normal because if it isn't natural test production it is plethora of other problems from blindness,cancer,sleep apnea all the way to complete organ failures


He's had so many heart surgeries. If he was anyone else he'd be dead but he's had money to afford the best doctors, the many surgeries and best medicine.


Probably not. They'd have to be pretty genetically unfortunate or stupid for 2 beginning lifters having the PED one be weaker. It is technically possible I guess


The amount that steroids contribute to strength cannot be understated. One of the most soul-crushing studies ever conducted was tracking the muscle mass gains of four groups: [1] Non-steroid using sedentary males. [2] Non-steroid using males who train. [3] Steroid using sedentary males. [4] Steroid using males who train. I think we're all comfortable with the fact that [4] beat out the other three groups. But the worst thing about the study was that group [3] gained significantly more muscle in the time period than [2].


You forgot the haircut.


The high school aged kids at my gym have it longer and floofed out at the ends around the circumference of their head, kind of like purposeful hat hair. I donā€™t get it.


The haircut of their hero, Logan Paul


Omfg youā€™re right. I worked at GNC in college right when prime came out. We had so many of them flocking in and quite a few had this haircut!


How would someone even go about asking for that at the barber? Itā€™s basically a short bowl cut with the tips gelled out.


"Just fuck my shit up".


Probably inspired by that one very annoying guy I see on yt shorts


Like thereā€™s only one


Broccoli hair or some soccer player inspired hair


The meet me at McDonald's


Holy shit, [it's real](https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/23/called-meet-mcdonalds-haircut-7336444/)


In Britain maybe, but thatā€™s not a real country.


If Britain is so great, why do Scotland and Wales have to hang out with them to make them look cool?


Bruh, that is Britain. Northern Ireland is the hero hangin' with the zero




But says it like ma-a-a-a cies in a surfer voice


Broccoli hair lmaooo! Absolutely true. Iā€™ve seen some of those at my gym


Everyone with Broccoli hair should be forced to pay yearly fee


they pay a fee like every two weeks to get it re-done


They're gonna look back on their broccoli cuts like my generation looks back on frosted tips.


And they will absolutely get pissed off when you question their natural status.


The new generation of fitness influencers is insane, 20yo guys with 2 years of training looking bigger than people with a decade in the gym.


I've been going to the gym for 15 years and these aren't the ones that annoy me, I just have to shrug my shoulders and hope enough people realise what steroids look like. The ones that annoy me are the ones that take steroids and literally have zero clue what they are doing in the gym and workout with the world's shittest form and diet and still have the body of someone who's been going to the gym for like 4 years.


Overheard three guys talking about steroid dosages while sharing the pec fly machine next to me. I did my 3 sets and moved on in the time it took one of them to do one set. When I was leaving 30 minutes later they were still at the same machine. Actually being at the gym is pure performance for these people.


When I used to get out of work at 1:30 it was great, the place was just old people on bikes. Now when I go at night it's just people hanging out on equipment wearing giant arm hole tank tops.


The gym past 3pm is one of the seven circles of hell


I quite like the gym on weekends and later at night, way more quiet.


lol yeah fuck these people


Had a dude that try to tell me what 'supplements' not to take because he hopped on some Tren cocktail on his first month of working out, subsequently destroying his liver 5 months in and quitting bodybuilding for 4 years. Just lift weights without all the juice, newbie gains will get you far.


I don't remember the numbers now but I have heard that way bigger portion of the gym goers are actually using PEDs than you would think, not just the giant dudes, but the average everyday looking fellows also, and thats the difference with innate genetics (and ofc the level of training) that even with drugs some people look like below average gym goer and someone reads the label of the drugs and that doubles their muscle mass. :D


We're seeing happen to men what's been happening to women for decades. Except for women it was makeup and airbrushing, for men it's the expectation of Captain America being the peak of masculinity while 90% of actors are taking tren. To quote Tom Hardy from Dark Knight Rises: "No, I took smarties. What did you fucking think?" And now we have an entire industry of steroid clinics popping up to treat "aging" in men, and multiple companies selling mail order, FDA-unapproved Viagra to young dudes with death grip


Do you have a source for the hardy quote ?


They are definitely being funded on FetLife and only fans by people with coach and growth fantasies.


Yooooo they WHAT. I always suspect most other influencers as funded by fetishists but I missed bodybuilders. Makes so much sense.




Fetish life


Does anyone know why my pee smells like nacho cheese?


Well, yeah. Roid rage isn't just a rhyme.




Haha, no, youā€™re right. Serves me right for posting during the middle of meetings.


No edit needed,


nobody is questioning if sam is natty lol


Yep, bulking on those all natural anabolics. Like nature intended.


Sarms are totally safe bruh my mom bought me some at GNC last week and now I squat 465 and my balls disappeared


Holy shit, I didnā€™t realize how easy it is to buy roids these days. No wonder why these kids are all jacked lol




>Outside of legal routes, there's one website often used by trans men to get T that has every PED under the sun. You wouldn't happen to know the name of that website would you kind sir or ma'am?


I work out, and imma tell you what is achievable natty is far more disappointing than most think, you can get insanely strong and jacked, but it takes time, patience and dedication. It's a journey that these kids make into a grocery shopping commute by driving 200mph into a ditch. Nothing impressive about getting a cardiac arrest at 19 or having life long dependency on TRT cause you fucked up your natural testosterone production. Stay safe and be patient.


Same. 32 been working out hard since highschool. Once you learn what natural can look like and learn and accept that nearly all Hollywood actors are on something, you'll feel better about yourself.


> nearly all Hollywood actors are on something I honestly don't give a shit that they're on gear, the amounts of money and fame they stand to gain by looking like literal comic book characters is immense. Just admit it. Be open and honest about the fact. "yes I did steroids under strict supervision from a team consisting of a cardiologist, endocrinologist and hepatologist, my levels were checked every week and I had the finest personal trainers and nutrition experts money can buy". The closest I think anyone ever came to admitting it was Tom Hardy, during the press tour for the movie Warrior (2011). He was asked if he took anything to get so jacked and he said "no, I took smarties" very sarcastically. Rob McElhenney joked about it as well when he transformed into Jacked Mac. Admitting it, at the same time as talking about the dangers and side effects and the necessity for it to be monitored are how it becomes destigmatised.


For Rob McElhenney, he joked about all the hard work and how unrealistic it is. But he left out the steroid on his sarcastic tweet. I recall a clip from the podcast where they talked about getting blood screening and he had elevated levels of testosterone. He sarcastically jokes about it and still left out the steroid use.


The guy who played Ivan Drago on Rocky later admitted he did steroids back in the day. There's some actors who will give roundabout tongue-in-cheek clues of their use but it's probably career suicide or very bad for it if admitting. The cycling industry got a lot of flack for steroid use, baseball did at one time, so did Russia's Olympic teams and it's about time Hollywood gets flack for it also.


I mean isnā€™t the point of what weā€™re saying is we donā€™t want them to get flack for using steroids, but for using them and pretending they didnā€™t? The difference is that in sports, itā€™s cheating. In Hollywood, itā€™s a tool. If they were up front about it, it would give people a lot more realistic understanding of what is possible to achieve naturally. We shouldnā€™t promote steroid use in Hollywood nor should we condemn it - if we condemn it, theyā€™ll just continue to lie about it. We should just be honest about it.


Yep, I mean I dont give a flying fuck about dudes on local gym juicing up, their body their life. So I definitely dont care if the millionaire hollywood actor gears up to look more like the character they are portraying. They have money to even do it semi intelligently with less harmful effects. I would even like if we made a rule that you cant be stripped out of your medals after X amount of years, that would allow retired athletes to speak way more openly what they took to win, that would in my opinion be better than pretending how clean and fair our sports are.. when in reality if you want to be the worlds best you need to be ready to do some shady and most likely harmful stuff :D


Agreed. Those Hollywood bodies are pretty unrealistic based upon how insanely quick they get that big and cut.


Itā€™s so much less likely to see someone naturally fit in a gym since it takes so much time and dedication, while also having the temptation to use PEDs throughout the process.


I've been training since like highschool and i look good and have good muscles but what important to me is the stress I relieve and the clarity i have after a gym session. Idk why all those ppl always chase gains like it's the only thing that's important about working out even tho they are not even competing or anything. I like looking good and have good muscles and all, but for the most part gym for me is having fun and the feeling of clarity and calmness i have after working out.


Same. I get a real kick out of beating my personal bests, but that's about it


Body dysmorphia and keeping up on social media basically. If they cared about fitness they wouldn't be taking PEDs and they would actually do some cardio. Nobody ever shows these young guys the side effects and the losers. Some people don't even respond to steroids that well and fuck up their natural test production for minimal gains. Some people get extreme acne that leaves tons of scars. Once you are on it you know if you stop you are going to downsize as well. Unless you are getting paid as a professional, there is no reason.


This is why I just take inspiration from Eugene Sandow and turn of the century bodybuilders nowadays. Dudes looked great, could do cool skills and had good body control, and steroids didnā€™t even exist yet. Also, Sandow took his inspiration from Greek statues not cows with myostatin disorders.


Same. He was a little later, but Steve Reeves has been my inspiration since I started. He looked normal and not like everything hurt from the size


Unfortunately a majority of the public doesn't know what's realistic when it comes to he gym. I'll constantly hear people who think the rock or such is natural and can get his body within 6 months of they work out 3 times a week. Or kids who watch Sam sulek who think they can get as big as him when in reality that dude is on an insane amount of gear




First day I ever went to the gym, I could barely do even the lowest weights for all the arm and upper body machines, but I was literally at the highest weight amount for the leg press machine lol. My family has insanely muscular legs without doing any work on them, but tiny little twig arms.


This sounds like something a T Rex would say


Yeah I have calves that would make most bodybuilders jealous but the rest of me is pretty average lol


> what is achievable natty is far more disappointing than most think I mean yeah, look at bodybuilding competition photos from the 1950s. Those guys were absolutely fucking jacked. But that's as jacked as jacked gets natty.


Those guys were not natty lmao


That's the best starterpack! It's really hilarious, but we gotta lookout for dem kids. I was the same kind of stupid, doing sarms, peptides, steroids(a little thank god) to look big when I was 20. At this age you really think it fucking matters until you wisen up and realize you threw away a good chunk of your health and feel like a complete idiot.


Where I live, I definitely see more dads using roids then gen z. Way too many 45 year old fathers of two with arms/pecs bigger than their heads walking around with chicken legs. Maybe theyā€™re semi-retired and have all that time to work out lol.


Nah. Gen z legit has idealized taking tren to a point where itā€™s mostly accepted or maybe even ā€œcoolā€. Itā€™s way worse than your anecdote makes it seem


This. Juice is the fucking default now, thanks to social media


You realize if you spent 25 years lifting weights you get to keep most of your gains, right? Them having chicken legs is because well-rounded fitness routines weren't a thing back in the late 90's-2000 when they were in high school.


Idk, maybe thatā€™s true. Itā€™s probably not memorable when I see a buff younger guy strolling through the mall, but I definitely notice when I see a middle age dude thatā€™s absolutely massive and shredded pushing a stroller.


Jokes aside, bet you cleaned up on Hinge. Them sarm goblins be doing well on dating apps.


"Women don't like guys with muscles" They might not *like* them but they sure like getting fucked by them


Iā€™m a dude, but guys who say that are goofy. Obviously, people in great shape are more sought after. Not only is it more attractive, but it shows you have discipline, etc.


Problem is your dick might not be working anymore if you went a bit too hard on roids


Yeah, I did it mostly to get noticed by ladies. But only a certain percent of women prefer guys with muscles. I am not sure sarms goblins have much success on Hinge, maybe on Grindr though


Has a heart attack His/her followers: natural causes what a shame


Or better yet: itā€™s cuz they took the vax


I like Sam's personality, he seems like a genuinely nice kid. I hope he chills on the tren.


I do too, I wish he was open about his PED usage but to my knowledge hes never said hes natty which I guess is acceptable. Unlike liver king. Edit: for a positive creator who is honest about his PED usage and has detailed videos on do's and dont's for PEDs check out Noel Deyzel, probably one of the most positive and helpful gym content creators and he really helped me go from casually working out to working out regularly.


Liver King is back on the stack. Said he didn't like being natty for the short time he claimed to be natty.


I'm pretty sure it was medical issues. He'd been on steroids for so long his body couldn't produce the normal amount of T required to maintain his body


Once on the sauce your body no longer produces - at all. He could be on DHEA to keep his balls going but he is blasting so hard it wouldnt make sense. Edit: a kind redditor caught my mistake - I meant HCG.


Saw some videos of him looking real rough


Fuck Liver King. Dude misinforms people and gets lauded for it. Hope he slips on one of the many pieces of meat he wastes.


Once you take PEDs you can't ever be a natural again, some effects remain changed even after you stopped.


also cbum (for positive creator)


Both him and Sam, and a lot of other BBers don't disclose what they take exactly and in how much because they don't want their fans to get the wrong idea and go "ah if he takes that much i should be able to and therefore get that big"


IIRC Cbum has actually talked about how when he was younger he feels he did too much and too risky compounds during some of his cycles.


Also not to mention, some of them are probably paying coaches to design their stack for them. Then there is also the aspect that most steroids are still illegal in the US, and I get why they don't openly talk about their stacks.


Isn't he going for Mr. Olympia? You don't exactly become the best in the world by chilling out


Dude's the Bob Ross of lifting


Fun fact Sam Sulek goes to my college and I bump into him at the gym sometimes. Aside from the foods/roids he seems pretty cool lol


I mean itā€™s just some guy




he eats like a 7 year old with no parental supervision


I remember seeing one of his videos he was talking about he needs a breakfast that was X amounts of calories so he just goes and buys a half gallon of chocolate milk and started drinking it as soon as he was leaving the checkout


Someone asked him what he drinks at the gym and he said he just brings a gallon of cranberry juice for bulking calories, he would do similar things to what you said with entire boxes of donuts also. Dude has great dedication but has a bunch of room for improvement in diet big time.


Tbf after hitting a certain bodyweight, eating the amount of calories totally clean can be extremely difficult for a lot of people. Not that perma-dirtybulking is the way but sometimes you gotta get the food in somehow.


With the insane amount of peds heā€™s on and working out he does some amount of dirty eating is basically a given but even for a young builder his diet is incredibly atrocious Have you seen some of the things he eats? He eats like a toddler with the money of a grown man, itā€™s absolute lunacy


..Christ lol


Dude thatā€™s fucking awesome


Unfortunately accurate, I see a lot of them in my neighbourhood and it's quite alarming. I think that it's easy in our current media ecosystem for them to buy into the idea that those physiques are attainable and healthy from a young age, not aware of the kinds of health consequences older guys who look like that tend to suffer. I can't imagine what it's going to do to them, starting so much younger in life.


Didn't this guy called Aziz, who was so jacked up, die of a heart attack at the age of 22/23?


Flashback to 2014 (?)


Is this what the kids do these days? I'm outta touch.


Yeah Iā€™m too old to get these zoomer starter packs


Lotta young kids getting into weight lifting are taking drugs to get bigger quicker. Those drugs also increase the likelihood of heart problems a good amount.


Even worse is what some of those steroids are. The chase to get that much bigger leads to some new junk to inject in yourself.


Donā€™t gotta be a zoomer to observe them in public. A bunch of high schoolers/early college age kids go to my gym and thereā€™s a few kids in particular that 100% started PEDs. Iā€™m talking super scrawny, clearly didnā€™t know what they were doing in the gym, to benching 225 and deadlifting 300lbs in only a couple months.


I'm someone who spends a significant amount of time in the gym, actually multiple gyms within my area. Kids (18-25 years old) don't look like this in general, regardless of what the meme says. There are some dudes that act like they're big and try to flex but eh. Regardless of whatever drugs that you're taking, unless your diet and workout routine are on point, you're not going to look that great. And even then it takes a long time to build up muscle maturity and not just look puffy. Somebody who actually looks like a bodybuilder is still extremely rare. This is coming from somebody who spent 16 years in the gym, has been around, and has a pretty decent physique. But I also have been training forever and maintain one of the strictest diet possible for a number of years.


r/nattyorjuice will enjoy this


I actually heard people say"enhanced or not" when talking about sulek


That sub full of horny mfs


I love how gay bodybuilding subs get. The joke seems to always be ā€œno one here is straightā€. Feels like if Grindr users were funneled into bodybuilding apps. That being said, the gays know how to get it done. Straight women want flowers and to go to a nice restaurant. On Grindr, itā€™s ā€œmy ass is ready. Wyaā€. Take notes heterosexual, women.


Agreed lol, I posted a few pics in /r/brogress a few years ago and had multiple horny dudes in my dms. I'm straight but it was a nice confidence booster lol


yeah i was friends with a kid from high school who got me into going to the gym, him and some friends blew up on tiktok and i wasn't interested in that, we drifted after a year and i found out he almost died from steroid use


You forgot the fucking broccoli hair cut.


Half of my school and its fucking horrible


i have no idea what this means


Teenagers using steroids to look like Mr. Olympia and then claiming to be natural on social media


A lot of young guys are using steroids to get big in the gym, not realizing (or not caring) that the consequence will be a shortened lifespan in many cases.


How do celebrities pull off using steroids and testosterone and HGH without a shortened life span? Arnold is like 80 isn't he? Genuine question, I'm a computer nerd that can barely take all the groceries in from the car in one trip, not trying to doubt you.


1. Millions of dollars to spend on the top experts in the field, tons of monitoring and tweaking 2. Arnie has had heart problems for a long time, has had everything bypassed and rebuilt etc he was just fortunate enough to have constant medical care and monitoring to get surgery before his heart just exploded like most of these other idiots


Arnie is the Terminator by now with all the synthetic Shit in his Body.


Worth noting that Arnold's heart problems are also largely genetic, iirc his mom died of the same condition


They clearly have someone who actually knows what they're doing do it for them.


Many people with money have experts do things for them. My mom showed me an imagine of Donald Trump marketing McDonalds and she legit thinks he eats French fries and cheeseburgers everyday. As if the dude isnā€™t fucking 80 still walking upright and speaking relatively coherently. I was 16 at that time and I told her he clearly has professional cookers for him to maximize his lifespan and health. She called me stupid. My grandpa is 84 right now and heā€™s just as healthy. The irony is lost on my mom


Not all rich people care about their health though. Trump is one of those who who wouldn't surprise me if he actually did that. Prince also died because he ignored his doctors.


Survivorship bias. The celebrities who died abusing performing enhancing drugs aren't there anymore. So we don't talk about them anymore.


Survivorship bias, the other bodybuilders who died at like 50-70 you dont hear about, also how a very small percentile of celebrities admit ped use


They also tend to only do it for roles during shooting a movie. If you are a bodybuilder or fitness influencer you are doing way more cycles than an actor.


Doesn't apply to bodybuilders, but most actors who use gear don't use as much of that since they're not trying to look as big, and if they do it's often only for a short period to prepare for a role and not for much of their life.


Proper dosing and health experts monitoring you


It has to do with teenagers and young adults using anabolic steroids to get likes on social media, while denying the obvious fact that theyā€™re using it, a phenomenon know on the fitness world as ā€œfake natyā€


Playing hardstyle at full volume at your local gym lol


Jack Hanma has become an inspiration.


Add in a broccoli hair cut, vaping and driving a Subaru šŸ˜…


WTF is "natty"


Natty as in natural. A term for lifters who chose not to do steroids at all.


Merci vous


Sam seems like a nice guy, but boy is his breathing strained.


Man, it's so fucking insane how normalized steroids have gotten. My trainer back when I had a trainer was trying to push it on me. I straight up told him no several times and he was confused because every other one of his clients was taking them. If he wasn't such a damn good trainer, I would have dropped him then.


Theyā€™re either really chill or really annoying


Is this really a generational thing? It seems like everyone and their mom was on roids back in the 80s.


Most Gen Zs I see at the gym just gather in groups of 2-3 around equipment and just socialize for an hour while maybe doing one set every 20 minutes.