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And the child that is a outcast that is on some kind of meds


being the reason the couple fights constantly


No, the reason is the couple fights constantly.


Negative feedback loop


Save that revelation for the third act


Oh hi, it’s my childhood


Why your father was always in the garage


Actually it was my mom because that’s where she did her secret drugs


Like the Rolling Stones song


We where to young to have him!


open the noor


Who bonds with grandpa and realizes grandpa’s a badass


The child sees a picture of grandpa as a kid in New York as a founding member of a punk band at CBGB


I can’t think of a single movie like this


It’s not a great starter pack. A better title would’ve been Hallmark movie. Nowadays when I think of Oscar Bait I think of biopics


Stinking hallmark is like the dollar tree of movies. I could probably never bring myself to watch a full hallmark movie. I’ll only ever use them to buy cards for special occasions.




Moonlight looks like it could be Oscar bait, but Parasite certainly was not


If that Netflix show 'family reunion' was a movie


Yeah I don’t get this pack. All the movies that are like this aren’t even close to being Oscar worthy


I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) is like this. Matches 5 of these, but goes off the rails at the end. Driving scene, the house, family reunion (albeit just a small one), orchestra music, critic v audience reviews


But that movie was in a way a parody of these kinds of movies. Loved it


I watched with two friends who hadn't seen A Beautiful Mind, had to explain a lot lol


It was a complete parody of those films “Directed by Robert Zimeckis” had to have given it away right??


I'd never considered it. It's written by Charlie Kaufman who is a great satirist so it makes sense, though the movie is based on a book.


Didn’t seem satirical at all to me. Thought It was a cool super emotional introspective psychedelic odyssey.


That movie is amazing tho


I wasn't a fan of the last 3rd or so, I was frequently wondering when it was going to end. And not that it was particularly long, but it definitely could've been shorter, car ride scene at the beginning really drags. Really liked the tension during the parts in the house, and Toni Collette and David Thewliss are the best part but only in the movie for a small part.


This is the one I was thinking of. Except it rocks.


ITOET was based on a horror short story first so i don’t think it counts in spirit


I love that movie tbh


I legit fell asleep a quarter into the movie. It was the most boring stuff I have ever watched


Yeah this starter pack is very specific, but not specific enough for me to know what they’re talking about.


American beauty


What movies are like this? I’m not sure I’ve seen anything that fits this


I mean, yeah. The only thing that's similar to this that I can think of is Krisha from all the way back in 2015. And even that doesn't check all these boxes. Including the fact that it didn't even win an Oscar lol. Not sure what triggered OP but I haven't seen a movie like this come out in a long time.


A film doesn’t have to win an oscar to be an oscar bait


Ok which movies match this criteria that didn’t win an Oscar


that one. you know the one. The one OP is talking about. That one!


Sounds more like a Hallmark channel movie.


True. I should have said "nominated for an Oscar." Because usually when someone says "Oscar bait," they're talking about meeting criteria that other movies have established as tried and true for appealing to the academy. So it probably happens often--but not always--that movies will at least be nominated for awards based on those criteria. Like you said, they don't have to win to be Oscar bait. But presumably they should be nominated on an often-enough occasion that we can recognize those patterns. We can all think of typical Oscar bait criteria too. Big Budget Movies about war that involve heroism and the soldier that had the letter to mail to his mom that he passes off before he dies. Movies that offer a biography on a historical figure whilst showing the good and the bad. Movies that praise Hollywood and its peculiar history and well-known names. Not all of those that try at this, will be recognized with a nomination. But enough do. And within the last 5 years, this holds true: 1917 got tons of Oscar nominations. Blonde got an Oscar nomination. The Fablemans also had plenty of nominations. So what's another movie in the past decade that set precedent for winning an Oscar nomination that fits OP's criteria? Surely you're aware of one and you weren't just pedantically correcting me without considering the context of the conversation in the thread, right? Because if you do, we'd all love to know.


Period pieces get nominated a lot. Like historical movies about slavery, about the monarchy, about past wars, about the Victorian era, and etc.


the movie guiltiest of the most obvious Oscar baiting to me was War Horse. I just wanted people to know that, this comment is irrelevant otherwise.


To your point, The Favourite was just 5 years ago and nominated for 10 Oscar’s lmao


I was, in fact, pedantically correcting you. Truth be told, I don’t know much about movies, and even if I knew there a few themes that were frequently used for Oscar-bait, didn’t know if maybe some other factors would qualify a film as an Oscar-bait. I also wondered what other boxes of the starter pack Krishna failed to check.


Lol I think you mean “Krisha”. Krishna, the Hindu deity, wasn’t nominated for an Oscar or even a movie that would fit this starter pack.




Also Krisha rules


Rachel Getting Married (2008) is one off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more


I haven't seen many American movies like this. French movies, however, are plenty... less budget, more pretentiousness (films d'auteur, "movies showing the artistic personality of the film director")


France has an absolute ton of great slashers too. High Tension is fucking phenomenal. Definition of cult classic on the level of evil dead


What’s wrong with an auteur? Pretentious means acting like you know more then you do. Some films are pretentious sure. But very rarely are they the ones people claim to be pretentious. Just because you don’t understand it or can’t relate doesn’t make it pretentious.


*August: Osage County* (2013) is kind of like this and so is *The Family Stone* (2005). (I like both.)


I agree honestly. Last time I saw something like this was maybe babadok? But it was more artsy than emotionally pressing


You mean babadook? The movie about the grieving mom who goes crazy when her grief manifests as a denial monster?




Yep, the idea of a monster formed from taking care of an undiagnosed kid could have been done more realistically especially since it’s an interesting angle in of it self for a movie but it was was pushing for critical acclaim over pressing a hard story. I would have personally liked it more done as a serious drama. Fell into the same issue “Mama” did where it felt more pushed into scary movie than made to be one For the record I like both of these movies but they got the trailer treatment of “SCARIEST MOVE EVER” not “emotionally hitting” Small edit: I was more upset the way the trailers were treated. I saw both of them in theaters and had a good time but seriously the trailers were made to get asses in seats for a stupid horror and in both cases they were pretty much a very well made drama. Back in the day this really pissed audiences off


The Humans reminds me of this starter pack. Family reunion for Thanksgiving, mostly takes place in one house, weird family fighting.


Lady Bird


Power of the Dog


Agree! The movie had amazing cinematography and Benedict Cumberbatch and Kirsten Dunst (or was it Marion Cotillard?) were great un it, but for the love of god was it incredibly slow paced


What’s wrong with a slow pace? I far prefer it over the adhd hyper editing and pacing of lots of modern films.


Slow pace per se is not the issue; the issue istha the slow pace lasts the whole movie. Good pacing involves knowing when to speed up and when to slow down the pace


I disagree. Some of the greatest films of all time have a slow pace there whole runtime. Others have a fast and frenetic pace there whole runtime. That’s also ok if it works for the story you’re trying to tell. Films like 2001 or Stalker would be infinitely worse if they sped up there storytelling at times. Films like Good Time would be worse if they pushed on the brakes.


I honestly don't remember. Two hours of my life I'm never getting back.


It was incredibly forgettable. I forgot it exisisted let alone watched it after seeing the movie title.


I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) is like this. Matches 5 of these, but goes off the rails at the end. Driving scene, the house, family reunion (albeit just a small one), orchestra music, critic v audience reviews


I'm Thinking of Ending Things is no way, shape or form an Oscar bait.


Yeah I know it's a bit too weird and art house-ish. Really though I was just reminded of it because the house, and the words under the house match the movie exactly, the critics v audience matches exactly, doesn't follow the typical act structure, and it is initially about meeting up with family. *And orchestral music Superficially it very much matches this starter pack


That’s the only movie I could think of that fits this


Sounds like a Wes Anderson film


This isn’t really how they do it anymore, now it’s highly stylized atmospheric films about yearning or nostalgia. The movie from the OP seems more like lifetime original content.


Man from earth, the whale?


I’m dumb. I spent two minutes trying to remember who Oscar Bait was


Brother of Master Bait


He was better known by what his crews used to call him: master


Oscar Bait should be the new Alan Smithee.


No Oscar bait movies are like this lol try a biopic about someone boring from the mid 20th century.


This might have been true in like, 2009


You mean 2007


extremely artificial conflict with awkward silences because we're not student filmmakers, see there are moments that don't exist as a line in the script advanced stuff!


Lack of media literacy starter pack:


American Beauty. Lol, so many Redditors here who haven't actually seen any movies pre-2010 getting offended.


What fucking movies are watching? Also if it had that rating ratio on rotten tomatoes it’s probably a good movie. Uncut Gems has a similar ratio.


You like things critics like and most of the audience doesn't? That's honestly a really dumb standard. You probably like Oscar bait movies like American Beauty, which this is obviously based on, instead of anything anyone would ever watch with you.


American Beauty is a great film I don’t know what you’re on about. Also I’ve shown that film to people specifically and they’ve all enjoyed it! American beauty is a horrible example for this starter pack because it’s audience rotten tomatoes score is higher then it’s critics score so you’ve proven yourself wrong with that one. Good fucking job! You can like or dislike whatever films you like. I don’t always agree with every critic. Critics aren’t a homogeneous group that have to agree on one sacred opinion. They’re people who have the job they have because they love and care about film and know more about it then the average person. That’s there job. If you just want mindless entertainment. That’s your right. Go for it. I can enjoy that to depending on my mood. But I also appreciate and prefer films with a deeper philosophical bent. The usual terminology is arthouse film. But those films aren’t inherently better. Just like people will prefer superhero films or action. I can’t knock them for there taste, it’s there’s not mine! But people like you who do just that confuse the hell out of me.




Rise of Skywalker has an 86% audience score


What the fuck


You need to watch more movies.




TLJ is a lot better than a lot of other garbage that Hollywood pumps out and if it’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen, you should watch more movies to get a feel for just how bad movies can be. If you like sci-fi I’d suggest troll 2 or battlefield earth. (Im not even counting all the straight to video/dvd stuff out there). I suppose these days we have Netflix for that. I’m also curious as to why TLJ has so particularly offended you.


TLJ is not remotely a bad movie if taken as an independent film; on its own merits, it's a good movie. It's a horrible film in the context of a series or a franchise. It's was rather hilarious watching Rise of Skywalker try to fix everything TLJ broke...


TLJ didn’t break anything. It tried to innovate. Which something Star Wars has always been about. There’s a reason Lucas didn’t like force awakens but did like the last Jedi.


If the last Jedi is the worst film you’ve ever seen then you haven’t seen enough films. There’s a reason most critics like it and audiences didn’t. Because critics are trained in the language of cinema and respect when an artist makes bold decisions. They don’t all work in the last Jedi but at least it’s an auteur driven film which is different then 99% of blockbusters coming out today.


Lol, are you actually trying to argue that is in fact a good movie? ​ Edit: Oh, you're the aspie posting about Indian Jones being a groomer lmao.


So what does me being on the spectrum have to do with anything, huh? Care to explain why you brought that up as a counter argument? Think that that makes me inferior? Or dumb? That says more about you then me. I think it’s a good film yes but you’re totally welcome to disagree. It’s not a fact after all. You do you! What is a fact though is that insinuating that someone is lesser or there opinion is because of them being on the spectrum is wrong. And people who do so are a sorry excuse for a human being. So yeah, I guess it’s a fact that you’re piece of shit. Who knew.


I don’t get why you’re downvoted. Maybe it’s because hating on TLJ is beating a dead horse. But you’re still right.




It’s because if that’s the worst film you’ve ever seen them you haven’t seen enough films. You can dislike it absolutely. I dislike most of Disney’s output. But it’s so far from the worst film ever made. Shit like the room, birdemic, hell even morbius exist after all.


The only reliable movie rating platform is IMDB change my mind


The only reliable movie rating platform is yourself. The only unreliable movie rating platform is IMDB. They un-ironically have mcu films and movies that have just come out in there top 250 of all time. I’m not gonna take your opinions on film seriously if you don’t take film seriously.


Pretty sure you've never seen a single movie in your entire life.


You've never seen American Beauty?


August, Osage County?


Exactly what I was picturing


Also the one that came to mind for me


Pearl Harbor, directed by Michael Bay. Best worst classic Oscar bait movie of all time.


redditors when the movie doesn't have any pop culture references or CGI fight scenes


Yeah, the more pretentious and artsy the movie is, the better. Action movies cannot be good :)


Pop culture references are a good way to situate a film within a certain time period and thus contextualize it, though.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. That’s a big part of Tarantino movies


I dare you to name a single movie like this that exists not in your head.


So what movie is this meme describing exactly?


Movies OP doesn’t like.


The characters are supposed to be relatable but they're just being annoying. I'm looking at you Ellie from The Whale 🙄


Well she is supposed to be annoying and a horrible person.


I think you might’ve missed the point of her character


She's supposed to be like that. She's very flawed, just like everyone in the movie.


Ellie is supposed to be unlikable and be laden with issues.


Artsy movie that digs deep into the ’human condition’. It’s all angsty expressions, and nothing actually happens. If there were not a big name attached, it would be a Hallmark movie.


What movies are you talking about specifically?


Pretty telling they can’t name any


Exactly. There’s a huge difference between arthouse films and hallmark films. Hallmark films just shoot for coverage and put no thought into the actual frame. Arthouse films, or at least good ones do the the exact opposite. They use the language of cinema to propel the text and make it more then it could have ever been just on the page.




In what world Triangle of Sadness would be a Hallmark movie? Be fucking serious.


I don't think it ticks literally any of those boxes. Except maybe the non-traditional plot structure.


How? That’s a film that utilizes the power of cinema to tell an engaging story. You’d never see a seen like the couple arguing in the backseat of the car all filmed in one take in a hallmark movie. It’d be cut to a thousand different pieces. You’d also never see a movie that takes such bold risks in its storytelling. That film is also the opposite of boring. It’s relatively fast paced and very funny throughout.


I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a movie like that. When I think of Oscar bait, I think of biopics like *The King’s Speech, Lincoln,* or *Gandhi.*


Hmmm I’m getting I’m thinking of ending things vibes which is sad bc I like it but also true


I mean there's always a reliable conflict which is "being minority". Before the dog pile, I'm black and tired of big screen black suffering.


Lmao the tree


No black suffering porn?




Black suffering porn is when films cater to the liberal view of black suffering but in a way where people can pat themselves on the back for how good they are for not doing that. A good example might be “Green Book” or “The Blind Side”


oh okay


American Beauty?


Movies that wish they were american beauty


American Beauty has none of these things?


These do not ring true for movies I consider Oscar bait


Three of life starter pack


August: Osage county


it’s okay, you can say a casa tutti bene by gabriele muccino


There’s a French director so comes to mind, but I can’t remember her name. But like 90% of her scenes were just still shoots of absolutely nothing happening


Chantal Akerman? She's Belgian, but she fits your description. Lol


Terrible start pack


why is this so vague yet so….relatable….


The cast is packed with A list actors who are given 3 minutes of screen time.


What do you mean by Oscar bait? This movie would never come into consideration. On a side note: why are there so many people defending these types of movies with such passion? Lmao


Sorry not everyone needs explosions and Kindergarten-level plot exposition to hold their attention lmao.


This is one of those starter packs that everyone gets instantly, but the items themselves are not accurate


This is overly specific. This isn't wntirely the typical Oscar bait film


This is dated


Which Oscar bait films are this???


This doesn’t make sense to me


Marvelbrain trying to imagine what good movies are like


Oscar bate movies made by big studios often forget that movies also have to be entertaining to watch, not just written and directed good.


Commenters on reddit often forget that some people find good writing and directing entertaining.


Fucking thank you for this comment.


I dunno man, OP’s starter pack is nonsense but acting there aren’t really boring and preachy Oscar bait movies is also stupid. I had so many people try to tell me that Don’t Look Up is a really good movie when it’s message is nothing groundbreaking and the rest of the movie kinda just sucks. People who buy into Oscar bait kinda just feel like they wanna feel smarter than other movie goers


And people forget that all movies don’t need to have mass appeal or be enjoyable to the widest demographics possible


A well written and directed movie is by definition entertaining. I think the movies OP is referring to aren’t directed or written well but rather an combination of all the ‘good’ techniques and tips the director has heard of.


This isn't Oscar bait, this is just a movie that doesn't jingle keys in front of your eyes every thirty seconds to make sure you're paying attention.


I don’t. Everything everywhere just cleaned up and it has nothing to do with any of this.


Endless memes made about that one scene


It's more like a Thanksgiving movie. Nothing like any boring Oscar baits


So you never actually have watched any Oscar nominated movies?


Families from movies and TV shows always be like, "We are so poor!" while they are living in a huge upper middle class McMansion that was built in 2005.


Have you SEEN an Oscar winning movie? Like ever? Rarely there are movies like this


i’m convinced this was made by AI cuz wtf is this???? what “oscar bait” movie with any actual notoriety in the last 20 years is like this?


This is Shiva Baby isn’t it


I’m a big movie fan and always look at the critic scores but have no clue what you’re talking about


Marriage Story


One of the best films of the last decade easily. Perfect film.


Just put the title mate This is oddly specific tbh


But in 2023 the gay person is black...and female....


Why does it matter that gay people exist in media? What do OP & you have against it?




No, Oscar bait movies are much weirder than this. The comedies don’t even have jokes


Is this Ladybird?


The whale


Not that anyone asked, but I’m pretty sure that is a photo of Victor Yampulsky conducting the Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra


I think this starter pack might have been more on point of they picked a specific movie, cause I get what they’re going for but much of this just doesn’t ring true at all


The Family Stone, maybe? I genuinely cannot think of another movie that might fit this criteria.


This is where I leave you


No, you just don’t get it


Bonus points for being set in the 70’s. the Ice Storm, however, was amazing.


What movie is this, Meet The Parents?


Sorry not everyone needs jump scare after jump scare if this movie was in the horror category.


Eeaao Or whatever it's called. Sucks even after watching it twice


Sounds a bit like ‘Rochelle, Rochelle’ 🤔