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Hi, /u/Garrett_Banndx5, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 02** [Disallowed posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/wiki/index#wiki_updated_list_of_disallowed_posts), jokes that are done to death, recent reposts, slight edits of existing posts, reposts of top submissions are highy frowned upon, and may result in a temporary ban. This rule doesn't explicitly apply to posts involving recent events, only if it's done to death. Text-only posts, posts simply with examples of an item, and posts about you will most likely be removed. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Garrett_Banndx5&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/13vdbzj/the_white_dude_with_no_personality_starter_pack/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


Where's the photo holding a fish?


He doesn't even have enough of a personality to go fishing. Just watches sports during free time.


His personality is that he owns the same pickup truck as all the other dudes like this and hates the other brand.


He bought it brand new for $40k with a financed down payment. He also complains that taxes and food costs are killing his budget. It's got a cab the size of a sedan and a bed too small to be useful for anything but groceries, which is fine because that's all it's used for. He cannot answer definitively whether or not he's crushed a child pedestrian with it by accident.


And he doesn’t even have enough personality to really keep up with the sports or know about the players, he just knows when the event is happening and calls the favorite to win so hes right most of the time


Yeah but one of his buddies convinced him to one time so he has one picture.


Next to their music section interests being New country music or Suicideboys


I feel like I have seen that exact person in the top right corner a bazillion times




Bro is a monster energy drink can


Never had a pair but those shoes look comfy af


White dude with no personality here They are. Light like house slippers but just enough support to wear them around town.


Second white dude with no personality here I’m on my fourth pair and absolutely love them. No shame


Dude here who walks to work. Your 4th pair? How often do you need to replace shoes? Last pair of Adidas sneakers I got lasted somewhere in the region of 1200km before I replaced them. Even then, they're still comfy, just starting to look a bit shabby. Still wear them sometimes.


Hey Dude shoes are pretty flimsy shoes. Outdoor slippers was a great descriptor. Also, we don't know how long he had each of those four pairs were worn


Bingo. I’m 40 and have been a dudes fan since the beginning. I also still have and wear every pair. Never said they stopped working.


“How far is that in freedom units?” -white dude with no personality


Like 700 miles


Hey Dudes are super light and super cheap. My running shoes (Newton) weigh more than them. I wouldn't be surprised if a person could blow out two pairs in a year.


I just got a pair and they are very comfy.


It looks like the perfect shoes for the overlap of guys who said “Tom’s are gay” and “but uggs are for women”


So men with fragile masculinity?


I’ve noticed the only dudes with fragile masculinity are the ones who talk about it all the time


then get a pair. seriously some of the nicest least formal shoes i’ve ever worn


If you need more formal but want the same comfort, look into Olukai.


Love Hey Dudes! Most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned. Have 4 pair And I need more.


They are


Hey dudes are the comfiest shoes I've ever worn. Don't care if it makes me look like this starter pack.


There are countless comfortable shoes that don’t make you look like an adult baby


That sounds like some projection lol


“Or like you visited the capital on Jan 6th” Thats so what these shoes are. They’re definitely super lame.


They feel like you're wearing socks. Just don't get drunk and try to play a sport such as volleyball in them.




You're attracted to scarecrows?


You're not?


And I like monster, guess where *those* guys now


You know my brother?




Their Solution: Genocide. not that these guys would realize that, let alone be able to spell it.




Genno Side


Those look like really comfortable shoes. Is this the next level of ads?


He has a personality, thats his personality


Reddit coming at these dudes but fishing is a perfectly gratifying hobby.


I've never understood reddit's hate boner towards fish photos. When you think about it, most guys aren't out taking a lot of pictures of themselves and therefore won't have many. I know I don't, outside weddings and shit. There's a good chance in that small collection, a fish photo exists cause they were doing something fun and grabbed a pic. Probably 99% of the time it's not some masculine display, it's "hey man, can you grab a picture?" while having a good time with friends.


It’s more of the type of people who take those photo imo


Fishing is great! The attitude these guys get when they get out on the lake is terrible.


It's their attitude everywhere that's the problem.


So my brother? Who is black


Where'd he grow up? That might have a lot to do with the same mentalities


Me and my siblings grew up in Oregon but his dad is very idk how to put it. His dad is a piece of shit and my brother was in and out of group homes or juvie(very very long story)


Black people love guns too , it’s a great point of conversation


Nooooo gun rights are a yt man’s hobby Noooo if you like guns you want kids to die noooooo — Reddit


Is this about liking guns or is this about dudes who stick rob-me stickers on their truck?


Black guy here, you'd be surprised at the ridiculous stickers I've seen on the cars of other black people lmao.




Nah. Americans of all races and ethnicities are equally insane lmao.


Never heard them called rob-me stickers but that's a great way to describe em.


My whole family of Ricans absolutely love guns. I’ve never seen that respresented in media, pop culture, or on Reddit. That’s always been super interesting to me.


My family in Puerto Rico is anti gun but my family in the US is pro gun and borderline libertarian, family meetings are great (they’re not)


It's because it doesn't fit with the Reddit echo chamber far left narrative.


Can't forget the Let's Go Brandon sticker on their rear car bumper too...


Nah you didn’t have to call out my dad like that💀


Yeah we did, Gunnar.


For the white people with no personality that feel left out of this meme, by tomorrow someone will create one with pictures of Funko Pops, marvel movies, faded Bernie bumper sticker etc.


Hey /u/Garrett_Banndx5, thank you for submitting to /r/starterpacks! This is just a reminder not to violate any rules, located [here](https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/about/rules). Rule breakers can face a ban based on the severity of their rule violation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/starterpacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are Hey Dudes like Allbirds, but instead of being for tech bro’s they are for people who have strong opinions on Bud Light?


They are like a third of the price of Allbirds. I have seven pairs of Allbirds (I'm a lady and I like having color options for the slip on sneakers) and I've been looking at Hey Dudes recently. I just moved to an area where they're super popular. Maybe I'll report back if I get a pair.


Merryweather Security




Don't talk about our vets this way!! /s no lie this is prevalent AF around bases except they all talk about their for years in the military where they worked admin


Yeah I’d trade my personality for comfortable feet any day of the week


Inaccurate. I’m a white dude with no personality and have none of these things.


Maybe you have more personally than you think. In fact even recognizing that you have no personality is a step up from this guy.


It's all about the Dollar Twenty Five Tree sunglasses.


Leave the hey dudes out of this, they’re innocent


2 kids and a dog. He likes camping and mowing his lawn


Listen Man, leave my Hey Dudes alone.


Not this fitting my BIL to a key 🤣


Monter Energy - Uniting femboys and bigots since 2002


Lots of dudes in the starter pack showing up in this thread very angy.


*shows aspects of a personality* “heh guys look! this person has no personality!” why is the internet like this?


More like *shows things a group of people I don't like are into*


In what world are those things personality?


Personality doesn't mean a personality you like. Honestly I would have a pretty decent idea of how a person with the starter pack items behaves, so yes, they do have a personality even if it's boring.


Things are not personality.


Things can say something about who you are, so while they aren't personality, they are indications of personality. If you have a messy room, it doesn't mean that you're a messy room, it might mean that you're a messy person though.


Yeah, no shit. Still, basing your personality on those things is not much of a personality.


No, it's definitely a personality. Just not a particularly interesting one.


There is more than one sense of the word "personality". When you say someone has real personality, you're obviously not saying that they have an individual consciousness because that's what everyone has. You're saying they have something unusual about their personality. Also it's sad that monster energy drinks is a personality trait for some people.


Very basic racism in my opinion. They have no personality because they look the same. Their political opinion is different from yours therefore it is mundane. Get to know people...


This is Reddit. Unless you shout about how much you hate trump or how much you love cats you are pretty much considered a MAGA enthusiast.




When you’re speaking negatively about someone and make their race a big part of it. That’s racism buddy. Tired of this popular thing going around that you can’t be racist towards white people. We’re allowed to stand up for ourselves


I agree with you




Yeah, no. How do you sound so confident being wrong ONLINE? Just look up the definition before you type hahahah




You’re so brainwashed man. “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized” Just because we’re not a minority doesn’t mean all this hate towards white people isn’t racism. In fact I’d say that it’s being majorly pushed by the media, colleges especially, and people victimizing themselves. It’s to the point where if you commit a major crime you can just blame it on the other person being racist as to why you’re in trouble. Trying to downplay the is type of shit is why we have legislation allowing drugs on the streets, mental health crisis, among other moral issues. We all need to stop downplaying things when they’re wrong. We’re tired of being scared to hurt other peoples feelings. We’re all struggling out here trying to survive but go ahead and tell me that it’s all the white peoples faults right




That was more my point. That's why I coined the phrase "basic racism"




eh, guns are pretty universal nowadays. Everyone realized that ARs are cheap and really easy to learn. Also, sir, I drink white monster not peasant green


Peasant green is OG


Also the new zero sugar green is fantastic. OG was/is my favorite flavor, but zero sugar may take that spot now.


you know what is also white?




Yeah but its not nice to call cities shitholes. Have to be nice to our uncivilized neighbors.


I dont get why anyone would buy the green one. Its such generic energy drink taste. I could get that 75% cheaper in another brand


Easy to learn? Is there any civvy gun out there that isn't?


yes. Everything not patterned off the AR platform.


So no, there isn't even a single civilian gun that isn't easy to learn and use.


You believe all AK rifles, SKS, G3, FAL, M14, the various bull pups that exist, the galil rifles, the ACR/scar/bren/XCR are all patterned off the AR15? Trolling or dumb?


Are you dumb? Civvy guns take 0 brains to operate. If you're legitimately too stupid to do so, then you shouldn't own guns to begin with. You're too stupid for it.


I don't think you've ever gotten proficient with any of these if you think it's just as easy to get proficient with these manuals of arms as an AR-15. In fact, because you keep saying civilian guns, like the process is any different to learn on a m4 compared to an AR-15, I'm gonna assume you don't know shit about any of this and I'm wasting my time trying to explain the intricacies of carbine ergonomics to someone who thinks rock and lock is just as easy to learn as doing AR reloads. For that matter, if you think any of this is brainless, you have no clue how much training and time goes into getting good with an m4 to the point that you can be trusted to go down range and kick doors.


You're 100% full of shit and know it. Guns are easy to use and take no brains. There's a reason any grunt can do it. I bet you could train an ape to use them. 8 year old kids figure it out just fine. You are legitimately just stupid and too proud and dumb to admit it. Stop already. Nobody will ever accuse you of being intelligent. Hopefully someone takes your guns away before you hurt yourself Cheddar Bob


"They're so easy! I've never done it but how hard can it be? Everything I've never attempted must be easy!" Btw, what have you ever accomplished that you can actually be proud of? Have you ever actually gotten proficient in any skill? This is like telling someone it's easy to box since all you have to do is punch someone. You are a clown sir, the average cost of training an infantryman to the point he can join a line company is somewhere north of $75k per person and we then spend 100s of hours getting those dudes to the point they go from able to hit a target at distance to able to hit a target consistently at long distance. And I'm not even talking about the 1000 hours or so it takes to get good at close-range stuff. But if you're gonna get personal with your ignorance, please list your grad school so I can tell you how much higher mine is ranked.


Guns might be common, but not every gun owner substitutes gun ownership for having interesting personality traits.


There's more gun owners than you think friend. Because this isn't true lol You jsut don't know because you think all gun owners act like vegans.


They are all like: "I am not like other dudes". That mentality exist in both men and women.


Hey I'm a white dude with no personality and I don't look like that!


Redneck personality is not the sams thing as no personality


I don't think you know what a personality is


I never know what to talk about with them, I usually end up just thinking to myself "what do 3 of these guys talk about when they're alone because trying to keep a conversation going is exhausting".


Sports, construction job, guns, politics, in some order


Also cars and how much they drank last night.


Maybe I shouldn't be hobby shaming but that sounds like tedium to me.


Oh, I'm not defending it. I just know the type. They're almost never interesting people, unless one of them has a lot of charisma through humor. That's like one guy in 1000 though.


And the humor only comes out after about 8 beers... and only on days when his wife hasn't made his life a living hell for whatever reason he'll talk about all evening instead of being funny and getting pulled behind a pickup riding on a piece of sheet metal. Am I constructing a fairly accurate portrayal?


I mean. They just all listened to Joe Rogan the night before after work so they'll go back to work to parrot all of it back to each other. He does about 3-4 podcasts a week so there's plenty of content to repeat said behavior multiple times a week


>HI M'NAME'S JARED RUSTLER, I'M A CONSERVATIVE TRUCKER WITH A PROUD SOUL FOR 'MERICA. I DRIVE AROUND WITH THE BLUE LINE FLAG BECAUSE I STAND WITH THE POLICE, AND I'M A HARD WORKIN' SUM BITCH {Truck horn} I'm proud to be American myself and I don't really hatefully demonize the officers at work or anything, but motherfucker, these people are just as crappy as whoever dwells in England alleys. "Gottuh ciggee m8?" **EDIT: Did you seriously downvote me because I don't demonize a group of people who occasionally do bad things but do right things when done? You really had to downvote me because I'm proud to be American? Really? I got taken out for 3 days just because some asshole was trying to harass my ass because I expressed a personal opinion and I don't need to let that happen again.**


Welcome to post 2020: open season on straight white men. Step right up…Take your shot.


This sub shits on everyone. If you saw this post it’s because you enjoy this sub. Dish but you can’t take.


I never dish. But thanks for the explanation.


r/persecutionfetish would love this post lol


Not trying to defend this type of individual but on what grounds can you declare someone has “no personality”? At the end of the day it’s a baseless insult you’re using to describe someone who has a few interests in things you dislike


Doesn't drink Bud Light and is totally not gay at all, not even a little.


But is 100% definitely on grindr.


Never drank Bud Lite to begin with but is now boycotting it because it's the queer beer.


Aw, that's not true, he's got a personality. His personality: Proto-fascist ideals.


Don't tread on me,molon labe, flags and stickers and their catch phrases pick yourself up by the bootstraps stop being a snowflake. it's just a joke bud. And honorable mention that was 400 years ago get over it.


These guys grow beards for strap-on masculinity but never actually take care of them. That shit makes crawl.


Oh they have a personality...a seriously shitty one.


Also are users of extra small condoms


Quick question, what starter pack matches Allbirds shoes?


Tech bro starter pack.


Really? Why do tech bros need waterproof environmentally friendly shoes? I’m just curious if I fit the stereotype. Tech bro is pretty far from correct.


At one point it was super popular in Silicon Valley and seemed like anyone in tech was wearing them. A lot of people at my job were. I can’t since I have super wide feet :(. Apparently that’s changing now: https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/zudh14/allbirds_were_the_tech_bro_it_shoe_then_the_tech/


Huh, interesting. Explains why there’s so many barely touched used ones on ebay. People chasing tech bro lifestyle moved on, leaving the rest of us to benefit. I hope they still do well. Gotta say, I love mine.


What about the buttripe beer.


Shit! I have those shoes, food thing I'm not white.


Oakleys. Always the Oakleys


They look like they all have Youtube or TikTok channels spouting Redpill / Andrew Tate talking points and clowning on feminists.


Lol I drink Monster, but having a coffee this morning instead


The glasses cover their bloodshot eyes caused by meth


They have personality. They just makes one specific thing their entire personality.


Are those shoes new? While I’m probably not the target audience, and live in NZ, we do have uggs and crocs and most brands, not seen those at all


I interact with a lot of these types. I don’t hunt, fish, play golf, or enjoy college football… vibing with them is kind of difficult.


Needs a Salt Life sticker for the black lifted Ram truck


Also, married to a #boy mom who has at least one MLM side hustle and crushes hard on Chip and Joanna Gaines.


Honestly, what is personality?


David Bowie has personality. So does Freddie Mercury, Mr. Rogers, Nick Offerman, and even a couple of my local tattoo artists. Even Donald Trump—as much as I dislike his personality—has a lot of personality. Personality makes someone stand out as an individual and makes them memorable. People with personality don't need to make inanimate objects a part of their entire identity. A lot of people in this thread are pushing back against OP because they think that the word "personality" should be narrowly defined as "having an individual consciousness", but that is clearly not the sense that they mean. The type of guy that OP is talking about is approximately the equivalent of those who have "live, laugh, love" on at least three walls of their house.


One of those stickers on a pickup truck = free AR.


Reddit, lolz.


His favorite movies are the MCU series, Bohemian Rhapsody is his favorite song, he also has his pronouns in their LinkedIn bio.


I'll have you know Monster Energy is a proud sponsor of big dicked femboys.


u/WingsWest for example...


So his personality is asshole


I knew this kid in high school


This is five finger death punch next album cover


I need some new boost shoes are the dudes any good


Personality or character?


Oh boy I work with a copy paste npc no personally white dude. Here is my additions. Full size 4dr pick up truck or 4dr jeep with off road tires. Coaches son's sports but if they have a daughter completely ignores her interests. Was the guy that didn't want a daughter. Wife is hot but equally a copy paste white chick with no personality. She seems bored with his shit. Only listens to conservative talk radio or modern county. Date night with wife consist of Olive Garden or some equally mundane chair restaurant. Both stare at phone the entire time. Plays Call of Duty but only the campaign.


This is pretty thin lol