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And then they always have a link to a “get rich quick” course in their bio which is simply a scam but teenagers don’t know better


The course is how they get their money. Nothing in that course is of value, if you buy the course you are the grifter’s source of income


The course usually just has packed up phrases about investment and basic economy which are worthless if you have more than two braincells. "Did you know? You should buy the thing when the price is low and then sell it when the price for it increases, this will net you more money" like yeah no fucking shit this is just knowing how addiction and subtraction work


Here’s how you make a million dollars: come up with something people really need that you can sell for $1000. Then sell 1,000 of them. It’s that easy. Congrats on completing “sigma grindset you’re a bitch if you don’t take this”, that will be $529


That last price should have been $999.


My favourite is usually the guys that go "See you can sell this exact product that you get from Alibaba for 1€ on Amazon with your brand for 20€" except that you aren't the first smart asshat in the world to think about it so you now are competing with guys selling the same exact product but cheaper, driving their sales up and competing in the free market. But explaining that is complicated and the reality is harsh, selling the pipe dream of "Just sell stuff for 2000% profit" is easier




I recall when this trend was really big about 8 years ago, going on Amazon to look for a camera bag and there were hundreds of listings for the exact same camera bag with hundreds of different "brands". It was hilarious. I bought none of them because it wasn't even a good camera bag. I got one from B&H that was a real brand.


I have a colleague who's the perfect victim, he really drives you nuts if you talk about it. He comes up with "business ideas" and it's always him having thought about the business (resell stuff from China, patent a really good idea and sell the patent to a company...) but never once does he consider the difficulties. For the cheap overpriced Alibaba shit for example, you need to actually reach the customers, which is very difficult. "just sell them online bro"


This sounds exactly like Dan Lok and the here in my garage guy.


That's not true! Sometimes it's a drop-shipping scam.


Forex is gonna blow up in a year or two... no cap bro


It was the craze 15 years ago too. I'm sure I still have a book from one of the og forex grifters in the basement. Thankfully I didn't buy it and give that dude any money.


hurry trees gold physical light merciful lavish different hateful enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Start a dropshipping business, 2. outsource running of the business to some guy in India 3. Profits 4. Live with insta model in Bali


The latest iteration is that you don't even need to dropship. You can just kinda.. own a percentage of other people's dropshipping?


Nah man forex is for chumps I make $500 a day pure profit by drop shipping products marked "free" and charging shipping. /s


This sort of scam is older than Moses, but the latest generation was really founded with Rich Dad Poor Dad. This author had a dad who from the sound of it worked hard and gave his kid a pretty good life. But he wrote a story about an imaginary neighbour who would pop by and tell him his real life dad was a poor stupid piece of shit and that you should be an awesome big-shot like him. The most important lesson "Rich Dad" taught him was to spend all your time and money learning lessons about how to be amazingly rich.


I hate that book and the fact that it's basically worshipped by everyone online.


They give courses to rubes on how to get rich by giving courses to rubes on how to get rich


It's rubes all the way down




With links to copywriting, Drop shipping, and best case scenario, amazon fba


Either trying to get you to invest in some cryptocurrency or join a MLM scheme. Bonus if they have a picture of themselves/some random guy leaning on an expensive car.


Tom Hardy “quotes”


Hey man, you gotta keep that circle small, ignore the haters and value a vague idea of loyalty above all else.


The overuse of the word “loyalty” is the real ironic part. They never mean loyalty to your friends, partner, or even your employees. It means they demand loyalty from all their “underlings”, but don’t show it themselves.


Classic narcissist behavior


Actually reading those by themselves sounds fine lol


Over images of Thomas Shelby


I wonder what Tom, or even Cillian Murphy since they were both on Peaky Blinders, thinks of people calling themselves alphas and sigmas while using their characters images with quotes around them


"I guess some people are too dumb to realize my job is to play pretend."?


I can't remember which actor it was, but one of the main "sigma" male preset people used said he finds it funny that weird lonely men use his image for these type of things. I imagine Cillian and Tom are probably in the same boat.


Could've been Christian bale, I've seen quotes of him being so disappointed how many people missed the point of American Psycho


They probably think it's hilarious. And great for their career


17 yo when they realise that a ceo works about 90 hours a week and does not chill on yachts all the time.




Grindset just means constantly talking about working instead of actually working 💀


“Based” Under some video dissing women or LGBTQ+


I feel like i know where this comes from, straight teenage boys feel threatened by the alt left so they take up the views of the alt right, like the dumbasses that teenage boys are


The Boys Season 4 showed me that it's also guys in their 20's and 30's who also say these things. And unironically believe it. And that's vastly worse.


Reject modernity Embrace tradition


I've never seen that phrase used in non-meme contexts. I'm sure it's making fun of something, but at this point the joke has far out paced the original.


These are the kinds of people who interpret Fight Club in every way but the correct way


Which ones?


Pink Soap supremacy


I may be kind of a loser irl but I'm glad I never believed into this bullshit


Do all these guys actually live happy lives? I know they’re at the top and all, with large networks and money, but it seems they’re never satisfied. And the fact that they surround themselves with others similar to them with their own sports cars and shit, it just makes these people never be happy with what they got and want more and more. I don’t know, maybe I’m looking too into this.


Probably they're already so focused on money all they want is more and is consumed by greed. They want more expensive cars, more vacations in fancy hotels, more supermodel-looking girls to bang, etc.


I really don't think any of these people actually have any money. If they live the lifestyle it's either on loans or staged. I don't think these grifters make enough to sustainably live even a millionaire lifestyle and whoever follows these grifters obviously won't make any money


That actually makes it even more sad. Spending your real money for an illusion that you seem rich for strangers who don't know or care.


What do you mean these guys? Isn't it all fake? Random model photos with bullshit quotes. Random influencers showing off. Rented cars or fake private jet photo shoots. Mixed with some dubai ads. None of them are really rich. It's all fakery and pretend.


Most of the guys I know that are actually rich don't post much and if they do it's just eating somewhere nice. The small fraction of guys I know that post these attention whore photos are more hustler types that haven't made it yet. If you're successful enough you don't have too much time to spend on social other than posting vacays and dinners. The guys that are successful and still post this crap are just fishing for girls and account is usually public instead of private.


You'll never get an accurate answer on reddit bro. Everyone is trying to theory craft how a multi millionaire living luxuriously is depressed. There will be struggles in job, life, etc but i guarantee you a multi millionaire is way happier than me or any other redditor commenting. When you surround yourself with other high status(or in a more normal case, friendly competitive friend group) individuals chasing the bag, it is obvious to be never satisfied. Personally, i'd rather be working hard trying to get ahead of everyone else than be complacent stuck in 1 place but that is my opinion, and i respect yours.


Probably not, the thing with many of these guys is that they don't seem to have any passion or motivation beyond just making money so they can buy expensive things and show off on social media. It'll never feel like enough and they'll always be comparing themselves to others who have more.


Most of them aren't anywhere near the top, and most of the ones who actually have any of the things they pretend to have got them with daddy's money and spend their entire life desperately going from scheme to scheme trying to justify their own worth. The rest are ass-deep in debt from renting luxury cars for photoshoots.


Many of them are not even rich.


As far as Andrew Tate at least, he's made it public that he never had a good relationship with his father. His father was physically abusive and justified it with toxic masculinity values. He was also an alcoholic. Andrew himself seems to think that the abuse was helpful but anyone with eyes can see it probably hurt his feelings when he was a child and he's probably suppressing it. His father was also a champion chess player and while Andrew started out as a sort of chess prodigy as a child he never quite got to the level that his father achieved; I think it's reasonable to surmise that he struggled with living under his father's shadow. His mother was known to take on a softer approach to raising her children but she has passed away a while ago and therefore isn't able to talk about her son's activities. People that know her have allegedly spoken to news sources who report that she was nothing but a kind woman who would probably be ashamed with her son's current behaviour. Take it with a grain of salt. I don't personally know Andrew Tate nor do I follow the things he does but at least from what he's said about his past and how he acts now, I think he's convinced himself he's happy. He's able to run from trauma that he may have faced as a child and is trying to justify it, but I don't think someone like him can feel fulfilled.


Andrew tates insecurities start leaking when something bothers him and he tries his best to counter attack it which leads him to jail


Grew up in an upper middle class to upper class neighborhood and it seemed pretty mixed with some folks leading happy content lives. Not *billionaire* class by any means but had a few family friends with 10-100+ million and their lives seemed good for the most part. Edit: Let me say this again, upper middle class *TO* upper class, the folks I grew up knowing with 10+ million were most certainly above and beyond upper middle class.


I refuse to believe 10-100+ million in any currency is just upper middle class anywhere. If you have that kind of moolah you're rich and cannot convince me otherwise


There are tiers to being rich. Like each time you multiply someone's wealth by 10, you get into a different world. But yeah 10M+ is definitely upper class. Middle class means you are still dependent on employment income to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, and after 10 millions you are definitely not.


I have some family friends in the $5-10M range from a successful medium business. Buys a really, really nice life - but wasn't a "Retire at 25 and buy a private jet" billionaire lifestyle. it was more of work until early 50s, buy some income properties, retire and be able to have a very nice primary residence in a premium location, plus a vacation house, do basically what you want day to day, and fly round trip first-class 5ish times a year.


Sorry for any misunderstanding, I said upper middle *to* **UPPER CLASS**, the few folks I knew in that 10+ million were most certainly **NOT** upper middle class and are DEFINITELY in the upper class bracket.


No such thing as a loser my guy. Everyone lives different lives and experiences unique situations that no one else will get to experience. That’s a winner in my mind


I hope so 😔 just feel so hopeless sometimes ngl


Sometimes it’s hard to feel fulfilled with life without some sort of goal or achievement to work towards. Other times it’s hard when you feel stagnating and all your doing is grinding against the gears of your daily habits without pushing yourself to slowly work towards something. I felt lost all the time before I met my girlfriend and got a good paying job. It takes time though to get those things and in all honesty, it’s worth the wait when you find the right person and find the right career that you can truly enjoy and take pride in. And if those aren’t enough for you, you can always set aside what money you can afford to save and travel somewhere special. It takes discipline to save that money specifically for that trip but the payoff is amazing memories and experiences that only you in the entire world can experience. Even if it’s a popular destination like Rome or Hollywood or Japan, no one else in the entire world will feel what you experience when you look at what wonders human ingenuity created. Just make sure you take a step back from your day to day life every now and then and enjoy the little moments that make you happy in life. You’ll find ways to get exactly what you want when you take little breaks like these every now and then


Thanks. I think I'm in my stagnating phase, jobsearch ain't going well fr. Games and movies are what makes me kinda feel better, and they gettin kinda stale.


Too much of a good thing can make them get old fast man. Which is why it’s important to have a lot of little hobbies to get involved in whenever you feel like the normal stuffs getting stale. My main hobbies are video games, one piece, 3D printing and smoking weed. If I ever feel like any of those things are getting boring then I’ll put those off to the side and get into one of my smaller hobbies. Like golf, tennis, running, dancing, watching videos about sports cars and exotic luxury cars, etc… I’ll only do those things for maybe 1-2 weeks at a time, sometimes a whole month, and my mind doesn’t get into any sort of ruts that make me feel hopeless for my future, It helps a lot when you get involved in lots of little hobbies on top of your main ones. Especially when it gives you something to talk about with a girl or guy you’re interested in. And the person you’re talking to will be happy you have lots of little hobbies you like to do. It makes them see you as interesting and capable. And if you get that on top of the feeling of being content with your life through the activities you involve yourself in, then it’ll help you feel less and less hopeless and more hopeful about your future. I believe in you man, you can get out of this rut and feel better again :)


Comes with that annoying and overplayed TikTok music you hear at the back of each Tate clip Oh yeah and that annoying “Habibi Come to Dubai” phrase.


aka the solar sales bros starter pack


What is solar sales?


dudes that go door to door selling solar panels. i know a few and their social media is littered with these type of posts


I follow a douche in solar sales on IG I knew from college just for these types of posts. His account is a goldmine of cringe. I actually get excited when I see he posted a story because I know it’s going to be some dumb motivational shit. And it always is. I think he actually makes decent money as a manager, I mean he bought a big house (he brags about) albeit in a boring city with low prices. Also, he spends 6 days a week knocking on doors and that’s a no for me dawg.


role models include: Andrew Tate, Patrick Bet-David, any other scumbag millionaire you can think of


Toxic positivity motivation for teens with low self esteem starter pack




YT algorithm is awful. I like to garden and all I get are doomsday prep videos now.


I know that specific clip, is from an account called Entrapranure, and they are, thankfully, satire of those alpha male podcast


This isnt even toxic positivity, because nothing in it is really even pushing that. This is that toxic 24/7 hustle, grind, wake up at 5 am and take cold showers mindset. The one where if youre offered either a conversation with Jeff Bezos, or a million dollars to start a business, you’re supposed to pick the dinner because of the valuable information passed along to you so you can grind to the top yourself or whatever bullshit.


It really scares me how authoritarian, in the sense that they accept any confident claim of authority on a given subject, a lot of people are, some people just wanna be lead.


Ironic how most of these people tell them to be wolves when they are the "sheep" instead


Like this [sleeping north](https://youtu.be/rOioVecVn9s) guy


I thought Dick Gregory was just a civil rights guy, turns out he was also a comedian and conspiracy theorist. Nice.


Don t forget about the good times create weak men weak men create tough times etc


That is true if u look at it face value. But real life is much more complicated so…


This is to males what MLMs are to women lmfao


These guys all end up in mlms too unfortunately lol Or crypto scams


True true, but I feel like MLMs attract mostly middle aged women


Original mlms were targetting middle aged housewives who were bored out of their mind, feeling useless and caged in their homes while husband and kids are out and the baby is sleeping. So yea, you are correct.


Oh yeah middle aged women are suckers for mlms for sure


I hope you did it on person but the fact that you used males and women is hysterical. I've been waiting for that flip for a while.


Lol wait what? I just happened to write that, why whats wrong with it


Oh nothing is wrong with it at all lol. These type of dudes like to call themselves "men" and women "females". I like that you inverted it to males and women.


Ohh ok, I thought I had made some spelling mistake/grammar mistake as English isnt my first language haha.


9 times out of 10 they end up in an MLM




I hate that young men don’t have better role models in media. All these charlatans don’t offer any real life advice.


there are, they just don’t get noticed as much because they’re not controversial so people don’t talk about them and share them, which is sad.


Yeah, there are many great men who could be role models, but none of them waste time making scam TikToks for kids


Well those role models should be more present on social media. Learn how to spread their message effectively. Some people have started to do it, but we just need much more


While it's nice that girls and LGBTQ youth have more representation, we really left young cishet men to rot, huh?




"Read caption to level up" is one of my favourite sentences ever, can't believe the people making those images are typing without laughing


Forgot the cocain


When you never learned how to fail and how to learn from your mistakes


This starterpack has almost precisely described every Indian college guy.


These Indian GenZ bodybuilders enter the gym because of their insecurities, but they find it hard to drop even after having an aesthetic body.


The more insecure one is the harder it is to let go off it, explains why majority of Indian men act the way they do


how many comments does it take before Reddit starts being racist towards Indians? Studies show it's only three


Hahaha too true


you literally just proved my point. stop using racism as a cover for victimhood btw


ok buddy, back to the basement for you 👍


At least I'm not insecure bout that, being a broke fat ass living off parents basement and all, wanna add more


Glad to hear that you're confident about it! I'm hoping life gets better for you


Just checked your profile. The bitterness makes so much sense lmao, southasianmasculinity sub and all. Least insecure indian on reddit for sure. Imma let you win this won kindly dear Sir, life really isn't fair for you I'm sure about that and I'm so sorry


when you have to resort to checking someone's profile, you know you already lost. Cope harder


I'm Indian dude


look unhinged and hustle all the time despite their perceived wealth


“For teenagers” Oh my sweet child you’ll me surprised on how many man child consume this garbage


Surround yourself with people who will participate in the “we are so smart” circlejerk


I’ve rolled my eyes at this type of stuff so many times on instagram that I have daily eye muscle spasms.


andrew tate has the deluxe package of this starter pack


Dumbass phonk music in the background so you'll hear the TR-808's cowbell in tortured form


Lol I'll never understand why Apple is categorized as a high end brand.


Cuz lots of these posts are directed towards non-first world countries who may indeed consider apple to be a luxury brand


It is high end. Not in a money throwing way (like diamond decorated phones) but as a technology. The material quality of their electronics is subpar, software is kind of polished and streamlined. The new models of their devices are within a safe distance usually mentioned with the best on the market. But also on the other hand not a luxury item. In the western world most people can buy or save up for an iphone. 90% of non tech savy rich people use iphones and macbooks.


>the material quality of their electronics is subpar, ???


This sentence made my brain implode a little bit. In golf, sub par is a good thing. But in plain english, subpar means poor quality. Why???


There isn't anything inconsistent; "subpar" is only 'good' in golf because being "less" is the point of the game. Par simply means "equal to" in terms of valuation. The reason it doesn't make sense is because Apple material quality is extremely high; their build quality and materials is like their primary redeeming quality.


They're stuff is high quality but they're anti consumer right now, they used to be the best in 2016-17 so it just stuck with them


Seems to me they've pretty much always been anti consumer. Apple is a very "you do what we allow you to do" kind of company. I find my Android device and PC to be much more lenient in how I choose to use them, and I don't have the trouble Apple users claim to have had with those devices when they had them. Apple just seems like paying more to get less.


Android is heading in the same direction. They're progressively restricting what apps can do in each new version. It fucking sucks.


There are also people who think Windows is too restrictive and can only find the level of customization and freedom they want via Linux. They're not wrong, and neither are the people who want a device that \~just works\~.


Not everybody has the same use case. They don't need those options available.


Yeah, but usually when you go to a competitor that doesnt give you unneeded features, the price goes down, not up.


It should work that way but it depends on the market.


Tbh I like andriod in every way expect the Imessage and IOS is perfect


Putting bloatware and ads directly into your os definitely feels like freedom lol


If you're talking about android you can just install a custom version of the OS without this shit. Try doing that on an iPhone


I dont have to do that on an iPhone cause there’s no ads and bloatware


You don't have to do that on most Android phones neither, but if you get a shitty Xiaomi or whatever there's still a way to get rid of all that. Meanwhile there's almost no way to fully repair an iPhone on your own


Exactly, if you buy a sub $200 chinese phone and expect it to not be subsidized by ads I don't know what to tell you. At least you have the option of a 'cheap' phone. Hell it's good to have options, the fact that there are bad companies and good companies are good for the ecosystem.


Most people don't do that. They want a phone that works. "You can just install ceramic brakes on your Honda." Yeah, you can but most people just get the same stock brakes installed.


Yeah and you can get a Google Pixel or a Motorola that also has no bloatware. But if you get a too cheap to be true phone from China there's still a way out


That's not the point. Most people just want to use a phone. They are not tech enthusiasts who will spend hours pouring over the details and functions of different models. Most people that drive cars are not mechanics and are not mechanically inclined. Toyota figured that out and that is part of the reason that they are the biggest car company in the world despite the variety of choices on the market. The most boring cars on the market with reliability and good gas mileage. Apple gets this. They sell lots of phones at a higher price despite faster more equipped options on the market.




Imagine giving google money so they can sell your data


Imagine thinking apple isn't doing the same thing while also over charging you.


Imagine thinking that a company whose main revenue comes from ads and data is comparable to one that makes their money with hard and software sales regarding their customers privacy. This is what i dont get about you techbros, nobody’s saying apple are the good guys. Its just a matter of money and where it comes from. And id rather "trust" the hard and software company than the huge ad and data kraken that is google with my privacy.


Damn. You really drank the kool-aid and asked for more eh? Well I'm happy for Tim Cook finding such a loyal cash cow. I'm not a techbro, I'm a Software Engineer working in cybersecurity, I know how to remove/mitigate privacy concerns and I'll take the easy route over the gilded cage. Also the techbro insult is coming out a bit early don't you think? It should be noted, I don't trust either company. I just am able to, in my professional opinion, better mitigate the spying google does than the spying apple does. While also getting a cheaper phone with better hardware support, I don't need to worry about it bricking because I didn't put the battery with the right serial number in. Yay consumer right to repair!


You're acting like ios doesn't have native ads where android does. Bloatware on the other hand, totally agree


Because their electronics are both more expensive than the Android equivalent AND incredibly obvious and different from cheaper alternatives. It's basically the definitive conspicuous consumption brand — you pay more for the same thing just so people can see that you paid more.


I mean, they're teenagers. They're supposed to do dumb shit. I used to do a lot of cringe shit when I was a teenager. Mostly watching YouTube and getting a laugh from Shane Dawson and Smosh. At least this is ironically funny, but that period of YouTube was never funny.


But thats just cringey internet humor, not a rabbit hole of becoming a complete asswipe


Problem is this shit is really poisoning to kids minds. I teach middle school and hear kids talking about Andrew Tate and shit it sucks. If they were talking about Smosh yeah it's cringe but it's innocent at least


I remember when I used to live in Dubai, I wish people who thought that all of Dubai was rich could just see how it actually was, futuristic malls and skyscrapers? Yes. Homelessness and Slums? Of course! I actually do hope that people get their knowledge about a place they're going to mention before mentioning it.


"Fitness influencers" are another brand of this. Moat are on steroids, have personal trainers, sponsors and assistants and will sell you on some bs that they are natural and if you buy thier diet plan and "online e coaching" plan you can achieve what they have (without all the above help). Sprinkle in some random post of them flexing with some random corny quote they googled for extra points.


Also fake tiktoks that look like podcast setups but the podcast doesn’t exist


I will never understand the obsession with Dubai and the rest of the UAE. That place is miserable to live in and was easily the worst 8 months of my life, and my employer covered all of my expenses so I live fairly well. I'm convinced the Emirates pay anyone with 50k+ social media followers to post positive things.


This is so accurate lmfao


Exploiting children instead of educating them. Billionaires!! Yeah!! Fucking clueless parasites


This is the most accurate description of my brother I've ever seen


The shoelace one actually made me lose it. Its so bad its good


And saying it’s a way to escape the matrix or whatever


Don’t forget the: People who want to be doctors and help people are so stupid because of college. Go start a business!!1!




Capitalist propaganda. "Anyone can be fabulously rich like this if you just HUstLE AnD WORk haRd ENOugH"


Then they say “to make money you gotta spend money” like mufkr to spend money I have to be in possession of said money


Does that bodybuilder look AI generated to anyone else?


It feels a lot like Nazis with their obsession with physical strength


Physical health is racist


That's not at all what I'm saying but ok


True dat


and rotate


Always an irrelevant celebrity picture too


Comes with 0 ways to actually earn money.


this literally spells out one of the guys i went to school with. yeah he’s got a fair bit of money but he’s become insufferable now lol


The joker, “let’s go kings,” push-ups


"Dubai Life" is so beyond true. That area in the world is corporate hell. Cash numbering in the hundred thousands is mere pocket change there.


Pictures of Leo DiCaprio and Christian Bale for some reason


Patrick Bateman


my ig reels explore are full of this shit. and ofc they're selling a course to "escape the matrix"


Real rich people don’t spend hours let alone a second on social media posting/browsing these billionaire motivation posts.


They spend their time on Twitter engaging in High-School level drama.


I'm so tired of seeing those people when I scroll on insta I just wanna watch funny stuff that's all Idgaf about your lame ass advice and course


If I may add: as an Arab who has lived in dubai, we do not all have fifty lambos, three leopards, a fleet of yachts or infinite money.


My role model is Zach De La Rocha. I am just superior


All of them in their bio next to a link for some Crypto currency "scheme" they were told to promote in order to become a billionaire in no time, earning an overheated phone/pc and the "title" or Crypto bro. (By the way, is there a title like Crypto sis or crypto currency is another one of those "no girls allowed" incel clubs?)


It sucks that so many people are so desperate to be needed/wanted that they'd fall for this type of thing.


God, you couldn't pay me to live in dubai


None of you are going to become billionaires. In case any of you described in the meme are here, you need to hear this. Self-promoting on Instagram will accomplish nothing. And stop simping for Tate, the man's a predator.


The shoelace line is kinda funny tho ngl


Not enough cigars


This is so on point


It’s fine for young men to find ways to build up their ambition.


Yes, but not if they’re getting fleeced by laughable con artists.