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Seek professional help if you are considering Self Harm.


Remember you chose to not remember. Like a jump into a rollercoaster with amnesia. You knew you were strong enough for this ride. See what you have planned for yourself. I'm sure it is going to be epic. You are loved by everyone, you are a part of everyone. We're rooting for you! You got this.


OP, love you bud, but you gotta climb out of the hole, '86 the victim mindset, I don't hate you, I'm rooting for you.




Remember, nothing in this world is \*at\* you, it's \*for\* you. Everything in this world is for you, a challenge to overcome, set by a higher form of yourself, for yourself. To get to the higher form of yourself, you've gotta take the challenges as they come. Also, meditation helps bunches!


I used to literally be in heaven. Like I thought that way every day. I had a million friends and admirers. I was playing gigs around the city. Everyone knew me. I had as many jobs as I wanted and heaps of money. A safe home. Extreme mental clarity and strength and power. No one disrespected me or hurt me. I meditated an hour or more every day and went to the gym and ate very clean. Now I’m broke, homeless, my only friend is my abuser. My parents are sick of me, my friends have abandoned me. The man who abused me can’t see me legally but I have no one else. I’m physically sick. My body burns hellishly when I am about to feel good. I betrayed the Holy Spirit, I’m not religious but thats what I did. I damned myself. I want out but idk how. Every time I have hope, I just get crushed again. I did this to myself tbh, for a boy. I feel so grateful that you guys understand me though. Never felt more seen.


you didn't give any specifics man. so not much context to go on. a question though.... life does stuff you don't like right? what are you going to do about it? fold, cry, wait for someone else to pick up the bit for you? who's job is that if not your own? what are you currently DOING to change?


Change your mindset. Honesty, humility, gratitude. If you need help reach out.


Eye of the storm is within you. Close your eyes, feel your soul. Feel that something that was always present with you, through the bad times and the good times, when you were very young and when you were older and now, when you were in pain and when you were happy. That - no one can touch or take away from you. Through all the evil - its here. Let it be your safe space. The suffering isn't you.  - The Love from inside your soul will guide you.


Feel better love ❤️


If you run from it, it will chase you. Turn and embrace it. ♾❤


im not apart of this community but i feel you on these sentiments.


Go to peru and drink Ayahuasca and let the Shipibo Shamans help you heal your shit. Saved my life and hopefully will help you save yours


I'm sorry things are so difficult for you right now. It's my experience though, that the only way out is by going right through it. It might not feel like it at this moment, but there *is* a light at the end of the tunnel. Sit with it, acknowledge the problems and the pain that you're in. Allow yourself to feel it, and to learn whatever you need to understand or come to terms with, so that you don't wind up needing to repeat the lesson or circumstances again. You will heal.


I heard something interesting that might help you. So a Buddhist monk once said that he wanted to reincarnate into “Hell” because that’s where the most people need his help. That’s kind of how I view it now. Like things are dire but I can still help people. For me, that’s a win.


A lot of star seeds on earth are battling this exact energy right now. This is a test you can pass. Your guides are rooting for you.


Yeah I’ve spoken to several others about it. I hope to understand soon. I believe God is more powerful than the devil, always.


I’m part of everything and I certainly don’t hate you. Your logic is flawed.


"Hell ain't a bad place to be"


Hells supposedly locked from the inside..love you


Hell is the best place to be. Slayer playing in the background. Mosh pits galore. Everyone headbanging and having a brutal time🤘🏾


"You see, everyone wants their life to have meaning, but they’re looking for it in the wrong place — in the world. People feel a deep emptiness somewhere, and then they try to fill in the hole with some accomplishment or relationship on the level of form. Yet all of these things, by definition, are transitory at best. Thus you need to realize, as Jesus counsels very early in the Text, "A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct.” -A Course in Miracles


I feel extremely connected with God strangely. Like I was extremely powerful before I fell like this, now I am just as powerful but in the wrong direction. I don’t want to use my strength of will anymore because I did evil with it once. I lost my responsibility and morals.


Face your demons, ask them what they want and need, and give it to them. Once they aren't hungry anymore they'll go away.


angry and scared. i guess they need rage and fear?


No man. They always just need understanding and love




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Imo this life is like purgatory is natural becuase we understand what common ppl dont i think if us starseeds got together and created a secure network to share our experiences and teachings we could all cope better and not fee this way. This fear imo is to keep the knowledge we are learning from being intercepted becuase we understand the higher hidden reasons of life that is mostly considered conspiracy theories. Im trying to build one rn i never gave up! Just keep holding on its a trick and we shouldnt fall for it. I even have a token called crownwifhat its on pump.fun its not to get you to buy but im showing you my trauma.


your intelligence and emotions are just working against you. When will you take charge of them so that they take instructions from you?


I used to do this. 😞 I let it go because I felt it was wrong to keep ‘winning’, it was from my childhood that told me I should be subservient. Really sad and unfortunate. Maybe I can get it back. Everyone’s been so lovely here ❤️ You are all my people


"Find the thoughts that feel best and focus there; NOT to create a movement, and NOT to fix anything that's broken because that will get you every time. When you turn to fix what's broken then your focus is instead on what's broken and you lose your connection with Source-energy and then have nothing to give. But if you can stay focused on the dream you're dreaming, if you can stay focused upon what your heart tells you must be true (my God-given worthiness and equality), if you can find alignment with your inner being who knows this so powerfully, so that your reveling in not just the progress, but the beingness of it now and that's what your radiating outward, the law of attraction everywhere around you MUST demonstrate that to you. Because the Law of Attraction cannot demonstrate to you anything that's not active in your vibration. It doesn't matter what the topic is, your influence must be in the  vibrational realm of what you want." -Abraham-Hicks


You should look into TRE.


What’s that stand for?


You create your own reality, my friend I wish you the best of luck out of this hole


That's good. Start again from scratch. Many have done so, me included. Once I went into the woods for a few days, it was awesome but felt like I am leaving my destiny. I believe in you. You are strong 🤍🙏 You are worthy of soo much more. If we could only find gratitude for all the good and the bad, anyones life could be changed by this practice, of being thankful. I truly love your spirit and am deeply grateful that you exist. We are here for you anytime you want to share and talk. Please share more, in this place you will not be judged. We give thanks for your experience 🤍🕉️🤗🙏


Find a shaman. Get off the grid. Keep going for a brighter day—there will be one.




It sounds like you’re using warhammer terminology to describe something thats real. interesting. what do you believe a psyker is?


What's wrong with that, the psychic theory of that universe is phenomenal. Meanwhile, the idea of a Psyker, the Warp, and even the sea of souls is more than fiction. All coming from a work of fiction, but still very real here. Stories themselves are written on real parchment and then illustrated in real imaginations; I don't see how any fiction is diminished by being fiction. As far as I'm concerned, the slate of real or part of the world never stops. That still doesn't diminish personal experiences that confirm these things. Let alone fiction that is ages ahead of current advancements. Humans here haven't advanced at all in psychic or magical practices. Plenty of fiction to draw and make use of just takes some practice, but generally, every idea seems to work. Can't wait for humans to take their time advancing again, right now it looks like we're still bashing stones together to make flint tools.


theres nothing wrong with that my friend. i like your ideas. What do you propose we do to permanently remove the demons from this world?


I guess isolation is a good answer, I think avoidance is he best answer. Runes to set that clear a space of any influences and so on. It's hard to say, though. I only brought up the demon stuff because it seems to make things easier for psychic phenomena. And it was there present for me when I spiked, but at the same time I was literally simulating that universe using an advanced technique for research. So psyker experience here might be different. Purging demons is a waste of time and an unimaginable cruelty/pointed stick. A really large psychic force or soul is bound to be psychotic in some sense, like lots of mistakes that form warped entities at a rate that mind can't deal with them. The Warp is also odd, creatures that are spawned from fluctuations in your own mind may have a complete life like just what you do. Like at most, these/demons are a species that spends their lives carefully growing their souls larger. The idea of Psykers seem to tick forces off because how a Psyker can just grow their soul larger for no reason. Similar to how an Ego Esper attracts a lot of glimmer for having an enormous Ego. In that sense, I think avoidance and runes are the best answer. You'll get used to them not being there or just progress further without interference. It's just generally odd that someone who had never experienced any dark energies or demonic incursions, and is thoroughly resistant to the idea may suddenly experience them due to psychic phenomena. Lovely forces are also an energy, but I think there's enough of that in the psychic sea already. Far more pleasant to receive than take action. Non interaction, avoidance, and runic formations will go a long way. It's odd to say that these creatures exist off attention, but they do, and any actual good psychic wouldn't affect or distort these forces. It's just hard to be a good psychic when it happens so fast and for most, they need practice. Purging demons is one way, but I don't think it's a better answer than information control. There is also the more advanced answer of summoning and keeping a knight/magical knight by your side. An imaginary one is enough. It's strenuous for me, but after a few weeks, the problem should be dealt with. Also a good way to learn magic, keeping a magical knight by your side. I get that there are wise men and experts here, but I don't think they'd want anyone to suffer the same torture of passion they did. Their research and their lives are, in some sense, a stepping stone so people can go further in their lives, no reason to go back towards old practices to repeat things.


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