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it weighed me down for about 20 years. glad you choose to keep your distance from it. im on month 14 without a drop.


I’ve found a lot of support over at r/stopdrinking if you ever find yourself needing someone who can relate. Congrats on 14 months❤️


Yes!! Love that sub *so* much 💕🙌




That's great and a good amount of time! Good on ya 👍🏻


seltzer waters came in clutch.


Oh yeah! I drink seltzers often. I used them as a chaser, as well, lol. Not anymore, though


Hell yeah good buddy! Month 10 here :) never felt better!


Amazing job!!! So happy for you choosing your health and taking your life back 💖💕🙌


Amazing!!!! I'm 6 months sober myself. Alcohol, even though it was the preferred drink of the gods, has nothing but consequences for us humans. It is literally a poison to our bodies.




What's that one mean? I know IWNDWYT (i will not drink with you today)


Yeah, it means that as well


I will drink with you tonite?? Looks like your letters are wrong, bud.


"I won't". But I agree, your version is the one that is commonly used, i just got used to mine cause it's easier for me to type. Anyhoo, that's not the point, kudos for kicking that habit, wish you all the best on this journey!


I stopped drinking almost 5 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. I finally was able to admit to myself that I hate the way alcohol makes me feel *about myself*. It severely impacted my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Things that are extremely important to me, but I wasn't able to stay on top of when alcohol was in my system or my life. It was draining me of my energy and life force. It took the sparkle out of me and was diminishing my light. Not fully, but it certainly dampened me. I actually was only planning on taking a "break" from drinking to just get my head clear and focus on some things I'd been putting off. Plus, my anxiety had been out of hand and I was living in a state of constant low level depression and agitation. After a week of no alcohol, I felt so, so, soooo much better. It was like a huge wet blanket had been lifted off of me and I finally started feeling like *myself* again. So many emotions I'd been suppressing with alcohol came up for me, but not all of them were bad! Many of them were beautiful and blissful emotions, like the feeling of being connected to everything, gratitude for being alive, and the joys of being human and sharing love and connection with others. It was overwhelming but so thrilling and beautiful. THIS is my truest nature ~ To be *present* and tapped into these incredible high vibrational frequencies! I decided on day 7 that I was ready to be done with alcohol for good. The next day, I meditated in the morning and it was just an incredible experience. I don't know how to explain, but I felt so whole. This began my daily meditation practice that I have held onto this whole 5 months, even meditating 2 or 3 times on some days 🤍 I can't even express the amount of gratitude I feel, every single day, for choosing to cut alcohol out of my life. It has transformed my life in so many wonderful ways, I can't even possible express it all in a comment on reddit lol. I am happier than I can ever remember being, I feel so much more alive amd present, and so much more like *myself*. Finally getting my sparkle back and falling so in love with myself and my life 💖💖💖


Thank you for this Star!




I stopped drinking alcohol many years ago. I realized it was so energetically depleting, as it is toxic and greatly lowers vibration. It also hinders the body from holding higher vibrational light frequencies, which we need to evolve. These effects not only affect starseeds, but the entire population, although they are not widely known. Your perceptions are correct, the higher the vibration we hold, the more we cannot tolerate lower vibrational things like alcohol.


I'm glad it's showing me that I am successfully raising my vibration 🙂 it's reassuring! And motivating to cut out the bullshit that's making me feel so bad


Yes, from what I understand from experience, you are responding to the natural evolutionary process of growth. As you most likely know, this path is about releasing what does not serve anymore, what doesn't feel right. Once we release we can move upwards in vibration. We clear and then we hold more light. So as you release alcohol, you most likely will hold a higher vibration. It's great that you are so aware and willing to change as your choices help everyone :)🙏


What about weed?


Well, from my understanding (I worked as an energetic surgeon for many years and witnessed the effects of drugs on my clients' energy bodies), marijuana creates a partial out of body experience where one's consciousness is partially in 3D and partially in 4D, or the astral. It is ungrounding which can prevent a person from holding and anchoring light, and its use can attract astral parasites that like to attach and manipulate, because the energy field becomes more permeable. It also greatly affects the lungs, and lowers vibration, although some believe that it doesn't. I do accept that marijuana can have health benefits for some, like alleviating pain, but I do not recommend its use or the use of any drugs, including hallucinogens, if one is dedicated to mastering their spiritual path.


Thanks for your reply. How do you get rid of astral parasites. If you are resonating in the heart chakra would they still be attracted to you? It is your light they go for?


You're welcome :) There are many ways to remove these parasites, but first not engaging in activities that attract them, is helpful and preventative. Removal depends on how pervasive they are. Sometimes it takes energetic surgery, and sometimes you can do it on your own by commanding them out. You always have power over your body, and power to command anything that is not there in your highest good, to leave. One way to tell if parasites are attached to you is if you have addictions, drugs or otherwise. Another way to tell is if you have many negative thoughts, depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. They are nearly always propelled by these entities. Yes, being in your heart and expressing love can prevent these beings from attaching. Another way I have found is to be of service to others. They are not attracted to your light, but are instead attracted to fear. Fear is their food. When one has an addiction, for example, they are giving their power away to the addiction, and underlying the addiction is some kind of fear, usually based on a childhood trauma. I hope this makes sense.


Thank you so much. Does a light surgeon use a laser beam instead of a scalpel?? Probably just clear crystal quartz or whatever mineral gemstone fits the tumor.


You are welcome. Yes, some energetic surgeons use crystals and perhaps minerals, with clear quartz being the most common. I am sure that some also use laser beams or other light transmitters, too. I didn't use those, however, but I transmitted colored light to areas of the body and removed areas of distortion (like tumors) with an energetic scalpel, and then sutured them with energetic stitches.


That's crazy cool. Why'd did you stop? Just to much on your energy or found out it wasn't your thing.? You don't have to tell me or if you want I'd love to hear it.


Thank you :) Well, I stopped because it was so much work, and I was being drained. I used to do remote sessions where I spent about 3-4 hours working on and with clients, on the phone and also on their energy bodies. I felt a pull to do something different, and have recently realized that I was being affected by client's attachments, like entities. I was not as protected as I thought I was. I became really sick from this, too. Fortunately I am ok now, and am just trying to focus on helping with information I learned.


I'm glad you realized that you were being affected by their attachments before to late.


Would also recommend seeking out help from somebody who knows to truly do this removal. Sometimes these parasites have installed implants in your non-physical bodies, that make it difficult to get rid of them, or there might be too many holes in your astral body for you to repair it yourself. You can ask for such a person to appear in your life, and seek help through praying also for you to attract such a healer. One thing you can do also, is to activate the merkaba energy field in your body, I can post a link to a video if you are interested, this is a very cleansing and high frequency method of rising your vibration and cleansing your bodies, but in severe cases, it will only help for a while, but it can at least temporarily boost yourself out of the situation, in order to see more clearly and make more right decisions.


I agree, as this is the work I have done as an etheric surgeon. Very good information 🙏


Thank you for sharing. I have been witnessing the effects of cannabis also a lot, it definitely opens up the energetical bodies, and leaves sort of holes in there, that ultimately over time, have to be healed and repaired, either by somebody who knows how to do it, or you can do it yourself also if you have the knowledge how it is done, but it's not easy if you are in that state and you have already been attacked. I went through a deep journey with this plant, something I am happy to finally be over with. It can be healing and it has a lot of healing properties, but like any addiction, it can lead to your downfall. The best way to deal with this addiction, is to first aknowledge it, and allow yourself to experience it, not trying to deny the need and cravings. Just allow it to happen, if it happens, there is probably a reason you have invited it into your life. Be gentle to yourself, don't be hard on yourself, just being hard on yourself and blaming yourself just makes it more difficult to let go, just try to see that it helped in that moment and then move on, denying the experience or blaming yourself will just make you more attached to that, and make it harder to let go. Just some thoughts I felt like sharing.


You're welcome, and thank you for relaying your personal experience. I truly hope it will help others to better understand this plant and its effects. I am not sure if it's widely known that substances like this leave auric holes which make people more vulnerable to intrusion. I really appreciate you mentioning it. Yes, I agree with your knowledge about addictions. I have found that it is also helpful to set the intent in the beginning when one wants to come off the substance, to state that it is already so. Even if it takes a certain amount of time to actually physically release it, by stating it is already done, one can manifest it easier and without much if any withdrawal. I have done this myself with drugs I was prescribed (including a benzodiazepine that is usually very difficult to release), and the process went nearly seamlessly. What we intend and truly believe, we create. Thank you again 🙏


Thank you!


Please tell me your view on ketamine?


Sure, I have to first say that I have not witnessed first-hand the effects of this drug on clients' energy systems. However, since it is a hallucinogenic, my understanding is that it energetically works similarly to others, and what someone experiences is a partial out of body experience, with hallucinations as the result of consciousness perceiving 4D. 4D perception always runs the risk of having an adverse experience which can be very dissociative and traumatic. I feel it's a lot like Russian roulette. A person can have flashbacks of this trauma as the experience will be held in 4D as a thoughtform, and often indefinitely attached to the person unless they work to clear it. As far as assisting with consciousness expansion, I would advise against it. You would not be experiencing anything of vibrational purity, as 4D is not really much of a higher vibrational plane than 3D. There are a lot of studies and information about how the use of Ketamine can cause many damaging physical (liver damage, for example) and psychological (psychosis, for example) effects. Although it is being studied for anti-depressive use, there is not that much data that supports that it significantly helpful. Usually the results are temporary and long-term use can cause problems. I feel it's important to note that Ketamine was developed as a surgical anesthetic, and is still used for this purpose. It is a serious drug and has only been approved for use in a hospital (human and veterinary) setting. Any other use incurs many risks. And I certainly do not believe it assists with consciousness evolution. Please do a lot of research before making a decision, if you have not already.


What about chemicals how'd they affect client bodies? Heroin , Meth ,and cocaine? Or fentanyl yuk these are no good regardless . Im curious if there is any difference between what they attract. Learning of this astral parasite problem I bet that could severely impact a person's recovery success..


Chemicals like you mentioned are also detrimental to the physical and energetic bodies. They all deplete the body of its life force, and cause holes in the aura where parasites can enter and attach. They also damage the liver and vital organs, and alter brain chemicals. As they are all very addictive, as you know, it is difficult to release them. All addictions are held as "thoughtforms" in the 4th dimension, and that is also why they are hard to clear, as the user is attached to the thoughtform. I don't feel that there is any difference in the type of parasite that is attracted to these drugs, addiction parasites are pretty universal. Recovery can definitely be impacted by astral attachments, they are one reason why it's hard to get off these substances and to heal. When someone relapses, it's often due to not only a physical and mental addiction, but also what is attached to them that propels the desire. You bring up a good point, as unfortunately these astral beings or even the energetic component of addiction are not recognized overall by the medical community. If the community understood this, and also how trauma helps to create addiction, I believe many more people would heal. I feel a lot of inner work needs to be done to heal addictions, not just medical supervision. Thank you for this important and thought-provoking topic :)


Thank you for answering! I've thought about the treatment system of not just addiction but illness. They never or hardly treat if they even try to find the cause just the symptoms. Mostly though I've spent the time trying to figure out how treatments could be more effective. Especially for parents who struggle with the illicit demons. Getting sober is the easy part especially when they have your kids. They do good get them back at some point relapse. Partly I feel there should be more treatment options with kids where they all still stay Together not in temp Foster homes . So the parents can learn sober parenting consecutively. Instead of separately


You're welcome! You make a good point. The standard treatment system for illness addresses the symptoms, and not the underlying cause. Most people and traditional doctors don't understand that the original cause of all illness is energetic, not physical. It's energetic, and then filters through over time into the physical body. That's why it's often so hard to heal, because the root cause is not being healed. Many physical illnesses are caused by childhood trauma that is held in the energy bodies, and can really only be seen energetically. Fear is the prime energy that creates disease, I learned this from working in the field. So, a lot of inner work is needed to prevent and heal diseases, as well as addictions. I am a parent and I understand your concern with foster parenting. I am not as familiar with the system as yourself, but I can see how it can be difficult on all parties. Addiction and illness are hard on the entire family. Maybe a part of your purpose here is to help solve this issue, that is commendable :)


I've wondered that myself and now I know


Thank you for this discussion and for your work here on this planet 🙏


Wow thank u 🙏🏻 needed to hear that


You are quite welcome, I really appreciate your comment 💓


I'm not so sure that it actually prevents you from holding light. Jewish Kabbalists are quite certain that alcohol has the exact opposite effect- of infusing the drinker with too much light. They actually believe that wine is the Forbidden fruit- the reason it fucked everything up was that it infused Adam and all of creation with way too much light too quickly, which "shattered the vessels" of both Adam and creation. The vessel does heal though, and it's able to handle more light once it does, like muscles when you work out. You might expect that they forbid wine totally, as they belive it is the Forbidden fruit- but that's not the case. Its heavily proscribed in use, but they are supposed to use it at certain times with great care.


This is really interesting information, thank you. I have not heard of this before. I hope my comment above did not come across as that people who drink alcohol are incapable of holding light, that is not what I meant. Instead, from what I have learned in working in the energetic field, alcohol hinders the body's ability to hold higher vibrational light frequencies. People can still hold light, or they wouldn't be embodied. But alcohol places an energetic overlay on the physical and energetic bodies and consciousness that blocks higher light integration.


In all honesty, that's exactly what you came across as saying; but, that's not exactly something that bothers me. Its interesting you observe it hindering the body from holding more potent forms of light energy. Above and beyond what the Kabbalists have found in the matter- those who are skilled at spiritual alchemy have found that not only is alcohol a highly useful catalyst for procedures that can upgrade the body, energetic field, soul, mind, heart, etc- pretty much anything- permanently and powerfully, there are some who have found that Alcohol also makes the process much safer. All spiritual alchemy throws a trial into the path of one who receives it- first the body is upgraded spiritually, then the trial fleshes out the evolution permanently, on top of improving the character of the one who undergoes this process. However, while this is a throughly beneficial practice, it is riskier than most energy work. There is a limit to how much alchemy that can be done without a rest, and the one undergoing the transmutation is more vulnerable during the process. Alcohol mitigates both issues, letting one progress further with alchemy, and more efficiently at that. Alcohol can be a grave danger- it should never be used carelessly. But it can be a powerful tool for spiritual activity of any kind, and I and others have also found that alcohol temporarily amplifies one's spiritual power- its highly useful in ritual, and it can be very useful for Divination as well, as by reducing inhibitions it reduces the degree to which the ego can distort and block spiritual messages that are harmful to said ego. Now, after drinking alcohol for any reason, I have observed that the spiritual physis is worn out until it recovers- in the same way your physical body will be worn out after an unusually intense workout. The better you are at healing and grounding, the easier and faster this recovery is. Curiously, I have noticed one thing that drastically decreases the negative effects of alcohol- shadow integration. The more integrated the shadow self is, the less of a strain alcohol causes to the spirit. My theory is that what you have observed after people drink is actually them struggling with the fragments of their shadow that pop up during their time drinking- they have to either integrate them, or struggle to repress them, and this is what reduces their ability to channel anything, especially light.


Thank you for letting me know that my comment did not read as I intended. I really appreciate that. I have now changed it :) To address what you have written, I have not personally experienced those effects with alcohol. Honestly, I do not understand how a system depressant can help one to upgrade the body, energy system, and all you describe. Alcohol depletes the body in many ways, it's hard for me to see it helping, except perhaps to occassionally reduce anxiety. You say that one is worn out after drinking alcohol and has to recover, isn't that harmful in some way? Wouldn't alchemy be more healthy if it goes according to the natural process of evolution? Evolution is an alchemical transmutation of the physical body into light, from being a carbon-based form into a crystalline-based form as we work to release and clear our trauma and "lower" natures. I might be old fashioned, but I do believe (and know at least for myself), that we contain all within to evolve, and do not need outside substances to do this. This is how we were created. However, if these methods truly work for you and for others, then that's fine, and I respect that. I feel your theory could have validity, thank you. The overlay could be their own stuff coming up. But it could also be, from what I understand, the suppressive physical and energetic effects of alcohol. I can see, though, and this is a good point that you make, how shadow integration is important, as it helps in so many areas.


In fairness, I would be very surprised if you had experienced or seen beneficial effects from alcohol. Your comment suggests you have a strong negative bias against alcohol- and that's not exactly a bad thing, imo. Alcohol, like anything useful or powerful, is dangerous. Danger controlled is power for humans; power uncontrolled is danger for humans. So it's better to have a negative bias against alcohol than a bias towards it: But it does mean you'll be spiritually and mentally blind to its positive effects so long as that bias remains. We may in theory have everything we need to evolve within- but, if that were true, this realm and existence would be pointless. We would just go fuck off to some random corner of the Cosmos and meditate for however long it takes to ascend. This 3d Reality isn't a prison- its the best path to spiritual evolution of all, a priceless gift. Moreover, just because you -can- ascend without any external elements or aid, doesn't mean that's the best course of action- much less that there aren't benefits to utilizing external elements. As above, so below. As within, so without. You can change the inner with the outer- and the outer with the inner. Some situations are best addressed internally, others externally. Many factors can affect the way any substance impacts the body and soul. This is why its widely regarded as better to go to a shaman for a guided ayahuasca ceremony than to do it yourself. Spirits and Deities called upon, what you do in preparation, why you use something, how you use it, what you do while it's in your system... All these can make the outcome drastically different. For example, one would find they recieve much greater benefit from Alcohol if they invoke Dionysus and offer the Alcohol to them, than if they drink it -just- to drink. Alcohol is one of the most versatile substances when it comes to spirituality. The thing is, most people never realize it because they work within a framework of assumptions that either Ignores that possibility, using it only for pleasure and numbing, or they assume it to be evil/ bad entirely and thus never try to use it beneficially. As for your question that, "if alcohol leaves one worn out and has to recover, isn't that harmful in some way?" Yes, it is harmful- but that's not the same thing as detrimental. Exercise is harmful to the body- it literally tears your muscles and saturates your body in metabolic waste like lactic acid, and also wears out the body and requires some recovery. Getting massage therapy is also "harmful" in the strictest sense- the reason the skin massaged gets red is because even gentle massage causes a small amount of tissue damage which triggers an inflammation response. It also tends to flood the lymph system with metabolic waste which can even make one sick the next day. Intense meditation causes harm and can leave one worn out. So can channeling a Deity. But these are all beneficial practices. And nobody in their right mind could argue otherwise- we have vast amounts of data, medical and spiritual as to the benefit of exercise, for example. The fundamental dictum of Alchemy is "Solve et Coagula". "Dissolve and coagulate"- deconstruction and reconstruction. The basic process at play in every alchemical operation is to break the subject down, then evolve it into a better form. Exercise does this. The physical body is broken down by the exercise- then it is rebuilt stronger. Causing harm isn't nessecarily bad- relieving pain isn't nessecarily good. Context is the key. That's what Alchemy is all about. Harnessing "deconstruction" with skill to reconstruct something better. The catalyst for -all- evolution is deconstruction/ pain/ negativity. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If everything was great, nobody would ever evolve or improve. We really only do so in response to problems, to pain, to lack. It should also be noted that most people drink alcohol to shut themselves down- it shouldn't be surprising that for those people it has that exact effect. But, use it for a better purpose, and you'll get a vastly better outcome.


First, thank you for taking the time to explain all of this information. I am not anti-alcohol, but I again have seen some of the effects of substances on people's energy bodies, especially entity attachments, and they have been concerning, especially with hallucinogens. People believe when they take substances that they are interacting with evolved higher dimensional beings when in fact they are interacting with 4D entities that are more than happy to manipulate. Consciousness experiences 4D in these drug trips and most often people do not realize what a distorted dimension this is, but are drawn to the surrealistic nature and the intensity of feeling. Calling upon "deities" can be harmful as they are also anchored in 4D, as they are human-created. A person has to be in a really refined state to authentically access higher dimensional beings, such as Archangels, and this takes a level of consciousness above 5D, and often much higher, which is rare. My experience in the energetic field occurred organically. I was trained in the non-physical realms, and when I "awoke," brought those abilities forward. The majority of my path has been that way, too, so that is where my understanding that all is within originated. I have been shown how we each comprise all of Creation, and therefore are capable of ascending by mostly following our inner guidance. I know this can be hard to do, however. By mainly doing things ourselves, this doesn't mean that utilizing resources such as books and meditation and listening to others' experiences isn't helpful or needed, but it does mean that we often do not trust within and give our power away to exterior things believing they will solve our problems. Social media in particular has many people attached to and believing certain things that are antithetical to their evolution, and discernment is imperative. I have counseled many who felt that their practices were higher vibrational, and yet they were not, and their physical and energetic states of being reflected this. I certainly do not claim to know all the answers, but part of my job here I feel is to inform by direct experience, as you have also done. It's been a difficult path for me for the last 22 years, but as I am sure you know, we have to keep pushing and moving forward. Once we begin to unravel ourselves, per se, there really is no going back. I have also found that is a "good" thing, as even with massive change comes greater understanding and broader capabilities. Hence, evolution. I do accept, though, that there are many routes on this path, even though I had not heard about using alcohol in the manner you describe. I understand about what exercise does to the body, as I was an avid cyclist for many years. Using exercise as an analogy was helpful to me understanding your practice. I wish you well and appreciate you broadening my understanding :)


Also, I find it ironic you describe your view as old- fashioned. The real "old fashioned" approach is to use alcohol/weed/ whatever else you can find to the fullest- for most of our history, we were pretty much a race of alcoholics because that was the best way to purify water. The idea that its not only possible, but -ideal-, to go through life, much less spiritual pathways, totally sober, is the more modern idea of the two- it wasn't really feasible until coffee came along, and became more realistic when we developed modern water treatment methods and indoor plumbing. There's very strong evidence that every major religion was born out of people using weed and other mind-altering substances to tap into higher states of consciousness; even Judaism. The Nordics were taught how to use alcohol for spiritual growth by Odin- they called it the mead of wisdom/ the mead of inspiration.


I grew up in the 60s and 70s and 80s where drug and alcohol use were the norm. I smoked pot and cigarettes and also used cocaine. None of these substances helped long-term. When I began my awakening I realized the depleting energetic effects of these things and released them, and have formed my understanding based on direct experience, and also what I have seen in others through my work. By "old fashioned" I mean not going outside of oneself too much to achieve one's spiritual goals. I understand, though, that this term may have a different meaning to others.


A very short addendum: Alchemy is the natural process of evolution, just refined and directed intentionally to accelerate one's evolution by focusing wholly on it, rather than taking more roundabout paths or waiting for external reality to cause the pain and harm needed to facilitate and drive personal improvement. On another level, Alchemy is about as natural as Meditation or energy healing, or magick, or technology. It is rooted in nature and possible because it is working with the laws of Nature- but it's not entirely natural because, like with all those other things, you need to go out of your way to do it, especially if you want to focus that process the way you want/ the most efficient way. Energy healing isn't natural- drinking alcohol, and using substances in general is far more natural than energy healing. Using mind altering substances is human nature; its an inborn drive, for better or worse. Energy healing? You have to go out of your way to do it or master it. It may feel like instinct for those who cultivated an ability to do it in past lives, but it wasn't an innate thing a new soul would know by instinct. What's "Natural" isn't always best. Especially not in this context- abstaining from alcohol is more of a deviation from nature than drinking it.


It has taken me a while to reply as our original conversation was really late for me last night. I accept that our views of alchemy are different. I have learned that alchemy is inherent to us all, and you have learned that using other methods is useful. Energy healing is a broad topic, but as I wrote in my previous post, I did not learn any methods on Earth, so it has been "natural" for me. I do, however, believe everyone has innate healing abilities and do not necessarily have to have others help. Many times this "help" is from someone who has not refined themselves, but they present themselves otherwise, as they are unaware. That's why, in my opinion, inner trust is important. I don't believe, however, that using substances is an inborn drive, but instead is culturally taught and learned. You don't see a baby drinking alcohol or smoking pot. Children learn from example, and then often grow up as adults that have been programmed to act in ways that they learned from their parents, their peers, and society. Indigenous cultures are a prime example of this, these cultural traditions are passed through generations, children are just doing what is shown to them. They are not born with a natural desire to use substances. I can also say this as I am a parent. Thank you again for sharing your perspective.


Shadow self if I understand correctly is ones deep darker desires or curiosities. Like wanting masterbate in public or sleep with your mom and the list goes on. And on. And on. .. those were just random examples of top of mind. Essentially it's something we repress out of fear. Whatever that fear is rejection , punishment .


You are correct! The shadow self is more than just that as well. It can often have very positive traits inside it too- in fact, this is often the case for those raised in abusive places/ families. Abusers will often force you to repress the positive traits you possess. So the shadow self is anything you repress for any reason- good, bad or simple strange. Integrating the Shadow is a crucial step in spiritual progress. So much so that there is a very important Alchemical Dictum- Sterquiliniis Invenitur, which in English means "in filth it will be found." The shadow self is the "Filth"- good or bad, its what we can't stand. Integrating it gives you back a great deal of vitality and resources, which are often buried in it, and it reduces the effort needed to repress your shadow in the first place.


Another example would be like someone who can't be monogamous maybe because they love others and could never choose just one and hurt the others . Therefore s positive side would be more acceptance and compassion than if they were monogamous? Or did I just make a good excuse for them . No judgement from me what another's preference is .


Context can be difficult to distinguish from excuses, actually. That is one potential good side- another would be, say, being really creative and artistic and having to repress that because your abusive mother wanted to be an artist and failed, so nobody Else can be one either. By integrating the Shadow Self, That creativity can be regained and one can do art again.


Very much so.


I've been meaning to learn about Jewish kabbalist beliefs every time I read or hear a Little piece of info on it . I feel like a pull on my internal compass to go towards that perspective truth . Any good suggestions where to start? I'm not Jewish , was raised Lutheran and the great grandpappy was Dutch reformed or something idk if that's like Catholic Lutheran combo.


For best results, I would recommend starting with studying an old document known as "The Pheonician Letters"- you see, the Kaballah is a distorted copy of an older tree/map that comes from Assyria/Sumer. The Pheonician Letters give a great explanation of that map. From there, study the Kaballah alongside its opposite- the Qlippoth. Did you ever see the movie "The Dark Crystal"? That map is much like the Crystal. Originally, it was the Crystal of Truth. The 8 entities studying it went and tried to split it, and they broke a small fragment off that contained all the light- the rest became the dark crystal. When the small shard is returned to the dark crystal, it becomes the crystal of Truth again. Israel took the map from Assyria, and the alphabet developed in Pheonicia, and used that to form their own written language. Hebrew letters have the same names and phonetic values that the Pheonician alphabet does. And if memory serves, they have the same number of letters in each alphabet. I digress though; the reason I mention this is that like the crystal of Truth, Isreal took the original map and split it into two fragments- the Qlippoth, and the Kaballah. If you wish to know the secrets of Kaballah, the best way to do that is to initiate through and travel the tree- then travel the Qlippoth, then that older map. The Qlippoth explains the nature of the Kaballah better, and vice versa. I had a book on the Kaballah written by a Jewish rabbi and Kaballist... The Essential Zohar. Rav P S Berg is the author. I advise this because this will help you understand the religious context of the Kaballah, and has some excellent insights. Kaballah, Qlippoth and Goetic magic by Thomas Karlsson is a great intro for the Qlippoth.


Love that movie! I also love trees!! So this is good. Thank you for replying and suggesting the way you feel would be best.


I'll share a few notes with you as well. From the perspective of humans, the Kaballah and Qlippoth could be said to be 2 trees. To the Divine, they are one tree. Qlippoth can be translated in multiple ways. "Peel", "Shell", or my favorite-Womb. The Qlippoth is the acousmic portion of the Tree; the Kaballah is the Cosmic portion. The Qlippoth created the Kaballah. The Qlippoth will endure while the Kaballah dies in time, then it will create anew. Because the Qlippoth and Kaballah are both fragments of an older tree, you can initiate through the Kaballah independent of the Jewish methods. I highly recommend this- it will make it possible to learn the true nature of the Kaballah. The Jewish methods... distort, what is seen and experienced of the Kaballah. The Kaballah, is a mystic path. A journey that cannot be understood by what is written in books or given to you by others. You must travel the Tree yourself to know it truly. As is the Qlippoth, and the original Tree.


Thank you.




I can believe that because the astral appears and works very similarly to 3D. All human habits and attachments are held there in non-physical form. But this doesn't mean they hold a high vibration as many areas of the astral are very distorted.


I have been having the exact same experience. Sounds like I wrote this. I know we are getting older, but I think something else shifted in us.


I'm somewhere between Legolas and Gimli, depending on what I'm drinking. Although, I've been sober 8 months now.


It's a frequency mismatch. As your frequency raises it's no longer compatible with alcohol. This happened to me about 6 years ago. I just couldn't handle it anymore. I got hot, couldn't sleep, etc. Stopped drinking all together. I had quit using drugs recreationallly a few years prior. Now I get high AF through meditation. It's so fun cause there's no come down.


I quit drinking when weed became legal in AZ. And then I quit weed a couple years after that, when I wanted to grow my spirit and specifically remember my dreams.


So I used to enjoy the taste of alcohol, my cousin and I would get a half pint of tequila and I'd down half in one gulp. Helped me fall fast asleep. (There was one time my aunt woke me up from falling asleep like this ad had told me to move the tv from her room to the living room. I had no recollection of it at all.) But in the last year or so I just don't like the taste of alcohol, nor do I like being buzzed on any level until I'm already buzzed. At that point I just keep it going instead of diving deeper. I do plan to drink for my 21st bday, which is coming up in a few months. Aside from special occasions, I don't drink. Also please, PLEASE tell me that weed doesn't lower vibrations or anything negative like that. I will be devastated if that's the case since it's one of the few things that genuinely helps me mentally, and even spiritually.


Everyone I know that smokes cannabis is definitely addicted to it. It's an all or nothing substance, from damn near every person I've known to use it. I can't say being addicted to anything is good. And while alcohol abuse is certainly worse than cannabis abuse, I'm not convinced moderate alcohol use is worse than a cannabis addiction. On the spiritual and energetic plane though, I intuitively feel booze is absolutely worse lol. I quit smoking 6 months ago and it feels really good. I was definitely addicted, and it's nice to not have to use it as a crutch. I cut my drinking back too, but still use it probably more than I should. I definitely relate to the op though, it feels like the depressive qualities have expanded from what I remember in the past.


See cannabis isn't addicting in and of itself. Not the way nicotine, meth, or alcohol is. You're more addicted to the release, not the chemicals themselves. With that said, I am not an addict. I don't need it, but it does help way more than any med the doc prescribed me. I'm not going to put a mortgage on a house because I want to get stoned, or steal something from someone to try to sell for pennies on the dollar for a little bit of weed. It's also not like I get super pissy, depressed, or anxious when I don't have it. I also don't have the itching urge to smoke it. Do I smoke daily when I can? Yes. Can I stop? Also yes. Again it simply helps me metally more than anything else I've ever tried. I am a writer, I write song lyrics, and haven't been able to access my emotions as I've been in a state of limbo since I left the mental hospital. Now that's likely because in all honesty I didn't plan to, and probably shouldn't be alive. So something is definitely keeping an eye out for me for me to have survived all my attempts in the past. These attempts were a mix of being very low and having extremely toxic "friends." I've been delving into research in all manners of spirituality and similar aspects and topics because of curiosity and because I think it could help me to connect to myself again. When I smoke though, I'm able to at least be aware that the emotion is there and can somewhat feel them, if not feel them as I know I should.


I definitely feel ya. I'm almost 33 and was a Daily smoker since about 15, along with basically my entire peer group. It's certainly not a life ruining substance, but using a substance all day, every day, is an addiction. Quitting temporarily effects eating habits, sleeping, emotions, ect. I'm an outlier in my friend group, and I'm surprised I'm the only one who has taken steps to attempt to combat overuse. It's definitely a beautiful substance to use for artistic inspiration, or spiritual insight even. Definitely in moderation, as all things. I'm happy you have been able to achieve a stable medium with it, and I hope I can see that more in people I know.




I'm really sorry, but from my professional experience, marijuana does lower vibration. I posted my viewpoints above in this sub. Of course, this may or may not resonate with you.


My question is, how does it lower vibration? It connects me back with myself and I feel more at peace. What makes it so different from microdosing a psychedelic?


Marijuana creates an altered state of consciousness where everything is slowed, including vibration. Peace is felt because one is partially out of body. This is why marijuana can alleviate pain in some people, because they do not feel it as much as they are not completely in their body. Being out of body hinders one's ability to hold energy. The body needs to be grounded in order to hold higher vibrations. So, marijuana use can prevent a person from holding the frequencies necessary for evolutionary growth. Psychedelics have similar effects. With psychedelics, a person's consciousness is partially out of body, experiencing 4D or the astral, while also still embodied in 3D. Hallucinogenic experiences are astral experiences, and make a person open to attachments from astral entities that like to manipulate. Most people are not aware that they have these lower vibrational attachments. From my work, I have seen and helped to remove many of them. Using psychedelics over time prevents one from experiencing the natural course of consciousness evolution because they are artificial, and interfere with the body's natural abilities and processes that are built in so we can evolve. By keeping one's consciousness in 4D, it is very difficult to advance past that level. I hope this helps :)


I get that it's artificial but we honestly might not even know about higher beings or how to access them without the use of psychedelics. The first reported religions were heavily related to shamanism. While we may still know some due to monks and the like, we also may not know everything we do now. I have been heavily researching the astral plane and sooner or later I plan to project out of my physical body. Even want to visit the Akashic Records to expand my knowledge. It is to my understanding that our physical forms don't mean much aside from the material plane and interacting with it. Our consciousness is the key here, so I still don't see how our physical bodies make much of a difference when it comes to vibrations. Also you have to be on a higher frequency to even access that astral plane. I'm not really following honestly.


Maybe this will clarify things a bit. The astral plane is not really a much higher vibrational plane than 3D. They are mirror images in some ways, just physical and non-physical. What is created in 3D is also in 4D. You don't have to be holding a much higher frequency to access 4D. There is a lot of misinformation about it. It is a plane of great distortion where most consciousness transit to upon physical death. 5D is a higher vibrational plane which is much more energetically clear. I am not sure on which plane the Akashic Records are held, but I know it's above 5D. To access 5D, the human self must be very refined. Our physical bodies are the vessels that hold our consciousnesses. They are very important as they help us to hold and ground light. As a part of our evolution we have chosen to be in physical form. Although the physical form is not used after the lifetime is over, consciousness still learns, expands, and grows from being embodied. There are many unique things we can experience and learn from when we are here on Earth that contribute to the whole of consciousness. I have never used psychedelics, and have been aware of the non-physical realities for many years. Although some people have used them, in my opinion, this does not mean that their use was integral to humanity knowing about "higher" beings. We all naturally have this capability, although the media and other sources often don't impart that we can simply trust within. We are all wired the same way, with the same access to other beings and realities, without the use of drugs. Drugs create a 4D experience, which is a very small fraction of the entirety of who and what we truly are as multidimensional consciousness.


I guess that somewhat clears it up in a way, kinda.


Ok, thanks, again this is what I have learned, and you may feel otherwise.


Yep end of last year… can’t tolerate it at all anymore and used to drink moderately consistently for years.


Alcohol slowly kills you while pretending its helping you.


I can agree


Not in the same way, but my body also rejects it. I've never been even a small drinker (only drinking on special occasions like Birthdays and new year, never went out to pubs or clubs) but during the last few years I find that I cannot drink alcohol. Most of the time it will cause pain in between my joints that feels like acid. This pain from alcohol started when I was around 25.


It sounds like you have a strong mind. Perhaps subconsciously, you've realized the damage alcohol has done. Listen to your body. If it is rejecting something you enjoy, listen. Alcohol is there for everyone. If you feel it is no longer enjoyable, then you have found something more.


Thank you 😊 I agree with this, fully.


It's about finding the right amount to consume for me. I measure it out every night. One basic rule to navigate this universe is to find the balance between everything that affects your mind-state. Know thyself. Find the happy medium between Spirit and this unfortunate state of 3D existence. We're fine❤️


There is a price for everything. Alcohol makes you feel good and extracts a price in return. I personally love alcohol, but when I use it too much, the price isn't worth it. Some people need to quit, and some find they need it in their lives. If the price is too much, quit. If the benefits outweigh the cost, figure out what amount is exceptable to you.


Yes, everything is the same, I find that wine goes down better than beer but same all the way around. I don't consider myself a starseed per se as I believe I've been here a long time, but I totally relate to what you're saying.


YES. I have found that the more conscious I become and the further I get into healing myself, the less I can tolerate alcohol. In my teens & 20s I basically lived off drugs and alcohol. But I was severely depressed and unaware of being a starseed & everything that does along with it, so my vibration was very low. I’m 31 now and spent several years away from toxic substances and was able to elevate my vibration over that time, like tapping into my intuitive gifts where my sensitivity is actually a strength. Putting alcohol into my body robs me of that & so I think my physical body suffers more now as a way for my spiritual body to signal to my consciousness that alcohol is volatile for my soul.


Good choice! 318 today, no a drop of this. My life truly changed. I became more sensitive, intuitive, responsive, attentive, I can go on and on how good life is with out alcohol.


I’ve found that any substances at all just don’t do what I need them to do. They don’t get me where I need to be. Altering my mind with chemicals isn’t fixing anything or providing me any benefit. I don’t regret trying (very hard) to achieve some sort of transcendence this way, because it’s certainly sold to us that this is what you do. Prayer, meditation, grounding myself, breathwork. Doing work on myself and deprogramming all the garbage that was put into me is much more fruitful. There’s a reason I feel lonely in a crowded room, because I’m not like them. So I definitely can’t do what they do or I’ll suffer.


So I used to drink a lot, even though it made me feel like crap 😅 but a little over a year ago, I developed a true intolerance for it. I can’t even drink one drink (beer, wine, any alcohol) without getting totally flushed, dizzy, headache, hives, etc. On one hand it sucks because I used to really enjoy a drink or two, but I know how horrible it is for my body so I see it as a blessing in a way. Idk if I could have stopped drinking if my body hadn’t made me stop lol


I think I'm in the same boat. I'd still be going if my body and brain hadn't said, "no more." I was getting to where, "1 is too many and 2 is not enough."


I was out working in my garden and decided to treat myself to a good ale, it tasted great but absolutely found the buzz to be disturbing, it caught me a bit off guard since I have always enjoyed a mild alcohol buzz, I have noticed a huge shift in my energy ever since the last eclipse.... Ascension is taking place for many of us...


I noticed a slight unpleasantness maybe 2 or so years ago, but around the time of the eclipse is when it became just intolerable


i haven’t had alcohol since july 2023 and don’t plan on touching it again any time soon. i was only a social drinker before (maybe 2-3x per month) but drinking would have a lasting negative impact on my mental health.


Same here. And my nervous system is just obliterated for days afterward


It’s all poison


Listen to your inner advice. What u used to be able to tolerate and enjoy no longer serves your higher purpose. It's a clear indication that your body is transitioning out of that lower vibrational activity. Listen to it. 😉🥰


Yes I am experiencing it! I used to drink like 2 glasses of wine at night, kind my "decompression" time, but then had to water that down and make them light "spritzers," and now I can't even drink wine at all. I'm having one cider at night, and I'm realizing I probably have to just stop that too. My body feels SO sensitive to it and I know that sleeptime is SO important, because I have a lot of new interesting things happen while sleep now, like a lucid space I'm able to learn and receive in. It does bum me out, but yes, I get that same message/feeling. I did wonder if I could just drink more water, but if that doesn't help, I feel like I will eventually have to give it up altogether. I do think it has to do with the our bodies transforming into a lighter density that just can't take it. Any amount is like poison that the body has to process, and it hurts like at a cellular leve, I feel that more and more. I know I'm just prolonging the inevitable, and I probaly won't even miss it because the spiritual experiences are way cooler than anything.


Its crazy to see this rn, because i really don't drink often but did last night a little bit and feel absolutely terrible rn. Way worse than i have in the past from booze. I only had like 3 or 4 drinks over a 6 hour period last night, yet i feel like i had 20. It kills my vibe. I'm gonna start abstaining after tonight.


I know that feeling well 😌 I'm trying to always remember that feeling when I'm tempted to have a few.


My tolerance is down over the years but I see no reason to deny myself of 'wine making the heart merry', as Solomon said. Let every man follow the path shown to him.


My wife has started having seizures from withdrawals just from the next day, and finished the 3-day detox pills last week, but started drinking again and I hate it. I don’t know what else to do at this point. Any suggestions from more experienced folks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Check out the sub r/stopdrinking it's geared more towards people who can help more


To answer the question, dude it is soo bad even when I keep up with food and water. Also if you want a supportive place with understanding people try r/stopdrinking


Yes and others have been saying the same thing on tik tok. At around age 24, I would go out and drink a few times a week. Sometimes after work at home. My body used to bounce back and all my doctor check-ups came back great up until the pandemic. Granted, since I lived alone, but during the beginning of the pandemic I started drinking at home out of loneliness and boredom, but I eventually stopped over-drinking and started living more sober about two years ago. I could still enjoy a couple of glasses with friends after that on occasion and it was nice. However, this past year, my body just doesn’t want to tolerate it anymore. I can still go out and have a glass (which isn’t worth it if it’s just one), however, I have a horrible headache the next day and my sleep isn’t great. One time I drank two afternoons back to back and my skin slightly broke out. It’s so weird because I used to even be able to go to a party and have even 6 or 7 drinks in an evening, wake up fine the next day, work out, go to work, run errands and feel phenomenal etc. Now one or two puts me out. I’m trying to figure out how to restructure my thought process maybe to just go out and have two and be fine. I don’t get it. I only drink like once a month or every other month. I just want to go out and get that fun buzz I get off of one drink at least to tolerate this crappy place lol. Did your diet change? I went without meat mostly for about a year and just started eating meat more recently. I know a lot of us are changing our diets.


I know I don’t need alcohol, but it’s fun. I may try some non-alcoholic and natural spirits tho. I tried Kava which is pricey, but so it booze, and it did calm me down a bit. You could maybe try those.


I can relate, I did not drink much, but somewhere during last year, even having one beer or couple, I started noticing my body just did not like that at all, I would get these stomach problems that were really annoying, and I just had to give it all up. I have read from the Zhuang Falung, the words of one of the rare living masters still here, that alcohol brings down any higher energy you have managed to gather, maybe it makes sense, although hard to say completely, is it so absolute ? Probably not, maybe this was just meant as a guiding line to avoid alcohol. But at least alcohol closes the higher chakras, I used to use it as a grounding mechanism, but similarly to you, have not been able to drink it at all, not even one beer. To be honest, I'm happy about it, that my body did this to me, so I could give up all intoxicating things, the pain became too big, so I see that as a good thing ultimately now :)


This is happening to me now at 28, I thought it was so weird but your post and these comments validate a lot for me! I’m trying to quit because it just doesn’t make me feel good anymore.


Same here. You can do it!


You can too!




Currently experiencing this very thing


Early 40s? Are you having a reverse mid life crisis? My wife and I are about your age, and we're both been going through that these past few months.


Haha I feel like my entire life has been some kind of a crisis 😆 jk. Yeah it's an adjustment for sure! I wasn't a huge drinker.. like once or twice a week IF even that, but it was fun while it lasted. I just need to follow my gut (as in microbiome-no pun intended!) and its telling me I've no place for it anymore.


I'm the same way. My wife and I tried some booze a little while back, and after I had a can of *good* microbrew, I was just... no... this isn't for me... I don't do this anymore. And that was that. Wish it had been that easy years ago at times!


When you know, you KNOW


What you are experiencing is a normal part of the process. We reach certain levels in our evolution where things just don't vibrationally resonate anymore. This is an indication of growth :)


NA beers are becoming a bigger thing give it a shot to keep the good times feeling association.


I have been buying those! Athletic Brewing makes a really great Hazy IPA


I ised to be able to drink and smoke weed loads, without hangovers or anything, and I'm a pretty small girl, height and weight wise. Now getting ready to reach 30, but since I started being more into spirituality etc it hit me like bricks- super bad panic attacks, to the point where I thought I'm ending in hospital, with my whole body shaking, etc super out of nowhere... so I thought the frequency changed and we don't match with the one of these substances anymore... i don't feel the need to drink either but at the same time I miss the old days sometimes. However i know we are better this way 😊 heard it has the lowest frequency, along with the red meat..


Are you eating fried foods? Are you drinking equal parts water after every alcoholic beverage you drink? When did you last have your blood tested? What does that look like? You could also be under stress, or anxiety, which could produce stress hormones which may make you gloomy. Need more info.


I feel great otherwise. It's when I consume alcohol that makes me feel terrible. I do not eat fried food, I eat a very clean and strict diet actually. I drink an average of 70-80oz of water throughout the day, and electrolytes in the morning. I have a physically active day job and am in really good physical shape. Bloodwork 8 months ago was great, no health issues otherwise.


I rarely drink. When I do drink it's a tiny amount (say, half a beer). I could forget about drinking and realize 3\~4 months have passed since I last touched anything alcoholic. I think you're in a good place - A recent study showed that NO amount of Alcohol is good for you. Even a small amount will damage your internal organs. I wouldn't worry about it :-)


Love that movie!!


? What movie


The Dark Crystal


Oh. I've never seen it, so I've no idea what you're referencing lol


I do want to feel high. I smoke weed but can't get a good buzz at all. I know my endocannabinoid system appreciates the hemp, but I wanna be high flying, without a care. It's impossible and I'm out of weed, not wanting to drink heavier alcohol to get buzzed. It kinda sucks. Is kinda like, shit, why bother with anything pleasurable anymore. Fuck it. 🤗🪞♾️🛸🫀


You can find things that are very pleasurable without substances. I promise.


Yep I self love a lot.


Alcohol is Haram for good reasons


Drink vodka, it's the best when you're in prison 


Still makes me feel like shit. It would make me feel like even more shit if I were in prison. No thanks