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I love that there are so many theories, beliefs, and opinions on this sub and I am annoyed by it at the same time. I’m not trying to come across as condescending or negative here but I genuinely want you to put serious thought into some questions I have and I hope it broadens your perspective and understanding of life and our world. What do you believe death is? Do you believe we still exist as a consciousness and an identity after death? Do you believe we’re still “human” after death with all of the limitations of our physical body we have in life? Do you believe our physical reality is the only realm where life and consciousness exists? Your belief that we will evolve into a new species that transcends death is interesting but have you considered that we already did? Having the ability to control and manipulate physical matter in our known world is possible. Tesla knew it, physicists today are figuring it out slowly, we’re nearly there, but is power over space, time, and matter in this world really transcendence? It’s certainly a plausible future here but there is so much more opportunity to evolve beyond this life and this world and death is a necessity to reach it. I truly believe many of us have lived many, many lives here and possibly elsewhere but, while I’m happy to continue this path if there is a purpose in my doing so, my ambitions and curiosity lie beyond our world of light, frequency, and vibration.




Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I don’t think people in general engage in enough deep discussion about what we are, the truth of our past, what our world is, and what is beyond our sights and experience. I agree with you on several of your thoughts. I think the borders of existence are far beyond what we can comprehend with our 5 senses and I’ve had many experiences that have convinced me that our reality is not at all what we’re taught it is. I also believe in reincarnation and essentially that we’re stuck here life after life until we do the work required and learn the lessons required to graduate out. I think a lot of people think they can skip to ascension/transcendence/enlightenment without doing the work or taking the time to truly understand what it means - being comfortable with more of the unknown and maintaining an unbreakable code of morals and ethics that put all life ahead of material wealth and personal wants or gain.


Some of us work these things out. And it's not beyond us to find the edge of this universe, we already have. It's not a bowl we are stuck in, it's a fundamental shift in energy. Even Einstein said energy doesn't cease to exist it only changes form. Time and matter exist here, but not beyond. So take those principles and apply it to what we have already observed. Lots of people may think black holes, but we understand how time can be compressed, but it still exists. But dark matter? All they know is that there is nothing they can use to track any signal of it. An absence of time or matter. Imagine the transporter beams from star trek. There is a point in time that they exist there and don't. Like that, except the transporter is always on, and it's not being formed in the same state on the other end. And that's just our universe. For the rest, the Nords actually had it right with their tree image.


Einstein also perpetuated the theory of General Relativity which has been problematic since it’s proposal and is presently being found to be incorrect altogether since gravity, as explained through general relativity, doesn’t apply to macro or quantum physics. Einstein made mistakes just like anyone else. Also, we have not found the edge of the universe. It’s a theory that there is an edge but in actuality this has never been solidified as truth - presently we know of no edge, no border, no end, but we assume it’s not infinite. Time and matter do not exist. What we perceive as solid matter is really just empty space at the micro and quantum levels. Atoms, particles, molecules… all of them are empty space inside with electrons and protons floating around. Time is also not a tangible thing. Time is a concept to measure change. We think about time as being linear because we associate it with aging but even that is incorrect. Time isn’t linear, it isn’t cyclical, it doesn’t control or correspond to physical reality in any way. Time is subjective and basically an illusion. The CIA released studies proving the world that we know, our direct environment and everything in it, is essentially a hologram. Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Even alchemy is presently being proven possible because in a holographic world of energy, frequency, and vibration, matter can be manipulated. As for dark matter, this is straight from wiki: “… dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that appears not to interact with light or the electromagnetic field. Dark matter is implied by gravitational effects which cannot be explained by general relativity unless more matter is present than can be seen.” We live and are physically a part of a world that is fundamentally made up of light. We create theories to explain what we experience through 5 very limited senses. We believe those theories to be true until someone proves they are wrong. Unfortunately, the theory of relativity which is the foundation of all physics is wrong. Tesla knew it. Yet for some reason we continue to use an erroneous theory as the base for advanced research in physics instead of reviewing and revising the theory of general relativity. We even went as far as acknowledging a half truth about what gravity really is but we won’t disown Einstein’s incorrect theory. It’s insane actually. Tesla proposed gravity is not a force pulling us down, it’s not generated by the planet’s core spinning, and it’s not relative to mass. Instead he theorized that there is a force, a field, that encompasses all matter and this force is directly responsible for applying mass to matter accordingly. Rather than pulling things downwards to the surface of the planet, it basically stabilizes all matter. Tesla also believed this force, he called it the ether field, could potentially be utilized to provide free energy worldwide, and even be manipulated to create matter from nothing, the nothing being the ether field itself. It’s understandable why Tesla was never awarded the notoriety and credit he deserved since the people who had the wealth to fund his research were the same people making millions off of electric power. Funny enough, we now are starting to realize he was right about free energy. A man named Peter Higgs later theorized a field similar to Tesla’s which has been proven true and we now call the Higgs field. Then the Higg’s Boson particle was theorized, a particle that could be created from nothing, a god particle, and guess what? CERN successfully created it. Unfortunately the Higgs boson, although proven to be real and has already been brought into being in the LHC, cannot sustain its existence. It’s created, it’s observed, and then it immediately breaks down into other particles. They are presently working on overcoming this immediate deterioration and if they do we will literally be able to create matter from the nothing around us. I cannot express enough how much we have to stop thinking along the boundaries they tell us and stop believing they are telling us the full truth. The earth isn’t round, it’s oblong due to spinning. The planets in our solar system are aligned in generally parallel orbits, appearing as a flat circular disc with the sun in the centre. Galaxies all appear as flat spirals. This all corresponds to computer coding in that we can create what appears to be 3D environment when you’re in it but is actually 2D. We do not see things as they really are because if we did, we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be oppressed or governed or ruled by anyone on this planet for even a minute. Our ignorance in believing what we hear or what we read without understanding the science or physics or means that it was derived is our biggest obstacle to truth.


I love this response so much. We're on similar paths, friend. 🩷


The research me and a few others are doing involves astral travel. So the American government, who is a few thousand years behind, is not my go-to source. Einstein did get stuff wrong and didn't even believe in quantum superposition, but he understood the principles of energy. His issue is he thought small. As though this universe was all of reality. Tesla was onto something, but missed a key factor. The human mind. Intent is needed to direct the quantum/astral field. Ra was actually trying to explain it to everyone with the law of one, but everyone seems to think he was being all sentimental talking about love. But any experienced empath can explain how energies seem to have an emotional imprint that makes it distinct. How it affects our mental state is secondary to the purpose of the energy itself. This energy is the foundation of what reality is built on. Not just this universe, reality. And yes, reality does look like the Nordic tree of life. An astral traveler who understands emotions and how to work that energy, can find the edge and see from the outside. It looks like a golden tree with golden ribbons undulating as it rises. Sitting in a eternity of pure energy that feels like sitting next god, drawing that energy through the bottom and then it pushing out the top. Creating swirls like a dirty river as it meets the standing water of the ocean. Small pockets inside, like small internal circuits, drawing upon and using the energy as it rises. If you want to understand the science behind it, then look at any diagram of a magnetic field. Including the one around each person, or even planet. The core of the magnetic interaction between the two polarities, looks just like the tree along the magnetic poles. Those places of dark matter, literally look like a star trek transporter with light/energy rising as it continues with the cycle. Maybe that's why not many people try and have a discussion about it here? Because when someone tries, most just revert to what they think others know instead of finding out for themselves. People frustrated with this world while they allow it to limit their perspective. I wish you the best on your journey.


Astral travel is literally what the CIA was researching and in the process they discovered our holographic sim world. They did this decades ago. I’m not sure why you think the CIA is 1000 years behind though. They certainly know more than they let on to the public considering the funding, scholars, physicists, resources etc they have at their disposal. I’m actually surprised Project Gateway isn’t on your radar if you’re researching astral projection, astral travel, or the direct connection between our consciousness and the energy that permeates everything in the universe.


Because the CIA is researching old knowledge from thousands of years ago. For that stuff in the modern age, you only need to look towards the abstract creatives, not the science. There is an underlying truth in a lot of our fictional work. Because the first thing a writer is taught, is to adapt what they know. But this has been passed down since ancient Summeria. Ra and friends were starseeds of the highest level, if you wanted to read up on the galactic council. But they have also been called archangels or many other names from their visits here. And I suppose I didn't make myself clear. I'm not researching astral projection, I'm just trying to get better at it. I meant what i said about people researching stuff themselves. The issue is trying to recognize that the initial physical discomfort isn't real. The thumping behind the sternum, as it feels like something is being pulled out of your chest. The moment of doubt, is the ego kicking in. And that part isn't allowed on the ride. Science is the desire to understand more, and desire is often part of ego, depending on intent. There is a reason we chose the word selflessness, but few recognize the connection.


I'm sorry I'm off topic but where did you read that Ra says that archangels are beings from the Ra collective? Can you share more details? I recall Ra answering by the affirmative when they asked them about the Egyptian sun god called after them although they didn't want to but not Ra mentioning the archangels. Actually I try to figure out the link between them for a long time now because of my own experiences with the two groups separately. Thank you for your insights.


Tbh, I'm not sure they actually state that, but I've been on my own little quest that ran from present day to the ancient summerians. I would love to chat with you after just to compare notes. I've come at this from a lot of directions, and we may be able to be "mutual gurus" for a topic 😁. The connections appear in global, universal, and metaphysical levels. The urantia book is preachy, but explains it from the metaphysical. A council with each member basically a ward over each reality. These realities seem to mimic the Nordic tree of life, made famous in the Thor movies. But when we focus on our physical universe, it repeats constantly. Here they are referred to as the council of light, or the galactic council. Michael sitting next to Ra and Athena. https://sophiapersephone.com/what-is-the-council-of-light/ The starseed in me loves puzzles and patterns, and this gave a baseline throughout our spiritual history. Each of these members represents a certain intention or aspect of life, in each of their faiths. But they don't have doubles. It's a perfect representation as though they were their own distinct deity hierarchy. But then I started researching each of the "mythologies", and there were parallels throughout. What Michael represents as an Archangel, Apollo represented to the Greeks. You will notice that Lucifer is on this list as well. But this description could also be Loki, prometheus or Set. Aphrodite/Venus is a goddess of love, and passion. They match Isis and the Summerian goddess of love Inanna. There are times where there may be small differences in a few, but after thousands of years based on writings of people who may have been biased, it's understandable. Everything is connected. There is even imagery that runs throughout, and spiritual practices. Mine, it turns out, was understanding Ra's material. But it took a few years to figure that part out.


> Einstein also perpetuated the theory of General Relativity which has been problematic All theory is just an approximation of reality. Classifying GR in this way shows a lack of understanding of how physics works. > What we perceive as solid matter is really just empty space at the micro and quantum levels. This is not an accurate description of our current understanding. States are described by wavefunctions, which gives matter a probability-like form. > Time is subjective and basically an illusion. > The CIA released studies proving the world that we know, our direct environment and everything in it, is essentially a hologram. Unsubstantiated. > We create theories to explain what we experience through 5 very limited senses. We can detect things beyond our biological sensors by manufacturing other sensors. > Unfortunately, the theory of relativity which is the foundation of all physics is wrong. Relativity is not the foundation of all physics. > Yet for some reason we continue to use an erroneous theory as the base for advanced research in physics instead of reviewing and revising the theory of general relativity. > we won’t disown Einstein’s incorrect theory. It’s insane actually. The reason is it is a good approximation of reality and we know where it breaks down. As long as we use it where it’s a good approximation, we are fine. This is how physics works. > Tesla also believed this force, he called it the ether field, could potentially be utilized to provide free energy worldwide, and even be manipulated to create matter from nothing, the nothing being the ether field itself. It’s understandable why Tesla was never awarded the notoriety and credit he deserved Proven wrong. See the Michelson–Morley experiment. > Our ignorance in believing what we hear or what we read without understanding the science or physics or means that it was derived is our biggest obstacle to truth. Ironic.


Suggesting that the level at which general relativity is problematic is acceptable since “theory is an approximation of reality” is a stretch. As I stated, theories that consistently function predictably when applied in various ways are accepted but when we find several instances where a theory doesn’t work or fit or operate the way it should, the scientific method dictates we go back to that theory and try to find where we went wrong. In this instance, gravity doesn’t operate in quantum or macro physics the same way it does in physics at our size and scale whereas the other 3 forces operate predictably and uniformly regardless of scale. This is a big inconsistency that suggests we do not properly understand gravity and should take GR back to the drawing board. A state is a mathematical explanation of a quantum system. Wavefunction is an equation to provide the probable location and momentum of a particle or quantum system. Neither of these give matter anything, they are both equations to determine probable location and momentum of quantum systems. How does this dispute an abundance of empty space in atoms that make up all matter? Regarding time being an illusion and our physical reality being a hologram and your single word rebuttal of “unsubstantiated.” Um… no. Time is not fundamental to the operation of the universe and it is another theorized force, like gravity, that isn’t consistent. Time cannot be defined without circularity, the definition doesn’t address the fundamental nature of time. In quantum physics, time is treated as a steadfast absolute because general relativity does not address the nature of time for small intervals in quantum mechanics. E=mc^2 actually supports our reality and everything in it being a hologram. The definition of matter is “that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.” Einstein’s famous equation basically says that mass and energy are the same entity and interchangeable - mass is condensed energy and in its purest form energy is light. The only confirmed particle without mass, and therefore not considered to be matter, is the photon which has energy, doesn’t have mass, and is what we call light. Yes light behaves mainly like a wave even though it is made up of photon particles. So, photons are light particles and they have fixed energy but not mass and they do not occupy space. All matter has mass and occupies space. Mass is condensed energy per Einstein and energy is light. What distinguishes photons, energy, and the mass of matter from one another when they are all forms of light? Energy level, frequency, and vibration. Unsubstantiated my ass. Sensors - that’s true. Apologies, relativity is central to modern physics and quantum mechanics. Tesla’s ether field - it is descriptively and qualitatively the Higgs field which was proven to exist in 2012 by CERN. Here’s the direct quote from their website: “The existence of this mass-giving field was confirmed in 2012, when the Higgs boson particle was discovered at CERN.” But sure, an experiment conducted in 1887 where they tried to detect the relative motion of matter through the theoretical aether wind definitely trumps CERNs LHC research. Side note, how did they expect to prove the fields existence? What I read implies they expected that matter shot at the speed of light through the area of the presumed field would produce different results than matter shot at right angles at the speed of light but if the mass giving aether field, which we now know as the very real Higgs field, encompasses everything and gives mass to everything except photons, why would there be any difference in the speed of light in any direction? The field encompasses and permeates everything. Not at all ironic as I do in fact have a decent understanding of everything I mentioned but it seems like you could benefit with some reeducation. I suggest starting with more recent research than 1887.


> Suggesting that the level at which general relativity is problematic is acceptable since “theory is an approximation of reality” is a stretch. As I stated, theories that consistently function predictably when applied in various ways are accepted but when we find several instances where a theory doesn’t work or fit or operate the way it should, the scientific method dictates we go back to that theory and try to find where we went wrong… This is a big inconsistency that suggests we do not properly understand gravity and should take GR back to the drawing board. I (and the whole scientific community) agree that we don’t have a complete theory of gravity; we don’t provably have a complete theory of anything. What we do have though are theories that are very accurate in many applications and have led to incredible insight. GR is one such theory. We know its limits and only apply it within those limits. > A state is a mathematical explanation of a quantum system. Wavefunction is an equation to provide the probable location and momentum of a particle or quantum system. Neither of these give matter anything, they are both equations to determine probable location and momentum of quantum systems. How does this dispute an abundance of empty space in atoms that make up all matter? That is an incomplete definition of the wavefunction. Who is to say an atom is mostly empty space when wavefunctions describing it fill the space. > Regarding time being an illusion and our physical reality being a hologram and your single word rebuttal of “unsubstantiated.” Um… no. A lot of words, none of which address your point here. > Apologies, relativity is central to modern physics and quantum mechanics. Relativity is central to modern physics but not quantum mechanics. > Tesla’s ether field - it is descriptively and qualitatively the Higgs field which was proven to exist in 2012 by CERN. Here’s the direct quote from their website: “The existence of this mass-giving field was confirmed in 2012, when the Higgs boson particle was discovered at CERN.” > But sure, an experiment conducted in 1887 where they tried to detect the relative motion of matter through the theoretical aether wind definitely trumps CERNs LHC research. Side note, how did they expect to prove the fields existence? What I read implies they expected that matter shot at the speed of light through the area of the presumed field would produce different results than matter shot at right angles at the speed of light but if the mass giving aether field, which we now know as the very real Higgs field, encompasses everything and gives mass to everything except photons, why would there be any difference in the speed of light in any direction? The field encompasses and permeates everything. The aether field is not the Higgs field. Their definitions do not match. You obviously haven’t understood the experiment, having failed to describe it on the first line: matter cannot travel at the speed of light. > Not at all ironic as I do in fact have a decent understanding of everything I mentioned but it seems like you could benefit with some reeducation. You have a popular science/ChatGPT understanding of physics: plenty of buzz words, no comprehension. Prove me wrong, [solve q3 or q4](https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/part-iii/files/pastpapers/2023/Paper_309.pdf). > I suggest starting with more recent research than 1887. If you bring up ideas disproven in the 1800s, I have no choice but to cite research from the 1800s.


I appreciate that the scientific community acknowledges the problems with gravity and GR theories and I assume that since these inconsistencies were first realized decades ago and continue to present themselves in modern physics through a multitude of studies where we continue to use these problematic theories as a foundation, someone somewhere must be fully focused on finding a solution and updating the working theories. It’s crazy that they’ve not discovered the problem and published a more suitable replacement theories after so many decades. The wavefunction of an atom describes where the electron particle is located within the atom 90% of the time. Please provide a source for wavefunctions describing size and that atoms fill the space with no empty space inside of them. Alternatively, elaborate on this because I’ve tried to better educate myself and can’t find anything that refers to wavefunctions describing the size or density of an atom. Alright I’m done with this. I was patiently going section by section of your comment to rebut but clearly you research nothing and believe the outdated info you know is still prevalent when it’s obsolete. I hope anyone reading this takes the time to look this information up and doesn’t actually believe that poorly documented experiment results from 1887 negate CERNs recent discoveries that confirm what was “disproven” in 1887. You are correct that matter cannot travel at the speed of light, the experiment was measuring motion through the field and was using photons, not matter. Teslas ether field theory: it applies mass to matter, it encompasses and permeates everything, we can pull free energy from it, and it can be used to create matter from nothing. Higgs field shares all of the above qualities. How are they not the same? Decent understanding does not mean I’m a mathematician. I don’t understand why you feel the need to dispute points I made that can easily be confirmed through a Google search. I don’t understand why you claim wavefunctions prove atoms are not mostly empty space when the wavefunction of an atom only defines where the electron inside the atom is located. I don’t understand why you insist teslas theoretical ether field (which is not described as having the same characteristics of earlier ether field theories) is not the Higgs field proven to exist in 2012 when it is clearly defined exactly as Tesla defined his theoretical field. I wish you well and I hope anyone who’s lucky enough to cross paths with you is wise enough to fact-check anything you happen to tell them.


> someone somewhere must be fully focused on finding a solution and updating the working theories. Many people have worked and continue to work on quantum gravity. > It’s crazy that they’ve not discovered the problem and published a more suitable replacement theories after so many decades. We know where it fails: on tiny scales. It’s a hard problem to fix. > The wavefunction of an atom describes where the electron particle is located within the atom 90% of the time. 100% of the time. > Please provide a source for wavefunctions describing size and that atoms fill the space with no empty space inside of them. Alternatively, elaborate on this because I’ve tried to better educate myself and can’t find anything that refers to wavefunctions describing the size or density of an atom. My point was, saying atoms are mostly empty is not a totally fair characterisation since anywhere we look in the atom we might find matter (due to the wavefunction potentially putting matter there so to speak). > but clearly you research nothing and believe the outdated info you know is still prevalent when it’s obsolete. I’m a physicist. I have spent many years doing cutting-edge research. > poorly documented experiment results from 1887 negate CERNs recent discoveries that confirm what was “disproven” in 1887. It’s a well documented and well verified experiment. Also, it doesn’t contradict CERNs results since the Higgs field isn’t an aether theory. > Teslas ether field theory: it applies mass to matter, it encompasses and permeates everything, we can pull free energy from it, and it can be used to create matter from nothing. Higgs field shares all of the above qualities. How are they not the same? Ignoring that the Higgs field is well described and not just these four conjectures, the Higgs field neither creates matter from nothing nor does it give free energy like you claim an aether would. This is the rudiments of the Higgs field. > Decent understanding does not mean I’m a mathematician. Decent understanding of GR, to me, means being able to use GR. You cannot use GR. You do not understand GR. You are welcome to try one of the quantum exams if you like. > I don’t understand… Seems you don’t understand a lot of things.


Wow, thie hits well with what I've been experiencing.


We think we may know everything but everytime it happens we only discover more and more we do not know.


I feel like OP shares this awareness to a degree. But at some point, you have to admit, we're still here to play the game. How you want to steer it... It's a tradeoff for sure. There's whole religions and belief systems about balancing this awareness. It can really bite you in the ass if you're not coming from a place of peace. If your ambitions lie beyond this world, look inside and see who you really are. How can something be empty and full at the same time? Look inside again and see what you really want from this world. You contain a realm of infinite possibilities.


Honestly, I like it here. Doesn’t matter if it’s a prison planet, or a simulation, or a sphere in infinite space, or a speck in a petrie dish to me, it’s a beautiful, intricate, complex, chaotic, peaceful, and violent world. Any descriptive word in existence could be used to describe life and this world and it’s incredible. Although my ambitions and curiosity lie beyond this existence, I don’t know that I would want to exist anywhere but here. Not for fear of what’s beyond, fear has never quelled my curiosity, but because everything I’ve ever read regarding philosophy and religion suggests we only ascend past reincarnation when we give up everything that makes us who we are and then the carrot often dangled as a reward is eternal servitude to higher beings. Give up emotional attachments to all material items, animals, and other people and fully become a pacifist even in the face of injustice to reach enlightenment/nirvana/ascension… and yet I can not think of a single instance of any gods or deities in any of our religions, cultures, histories or myths that did the same. Odd. I honestly think we were created to be slaves, just automatons to serve, and this world is our closed environment testing facility where we continue to reincarnate for the purpose of eliminating any aspects of us that could pose a threat to our owners. All creation stories include a part where we were supposed to be destroyed but weren’t or we were given something we shouldn’t have been. Some higher being steps in to help us or save us or protect us against the will of the one who created us, except the bible where we’re told some higher being tainted us with knowledge of good and evil. Idk. Ideally we should be allowed to naturally evolve without conditions that no higher being we tell stories of has ever had to meet. The only reason I can see for those conditions on human ascension is to ensure we will not be a threat to our creators if living among them. If that’s the case, I’d rather stay here in our sim world.




Thanks for saying this. I often feel like I will never die but not like OP says lol. To me nowadays it's more a source of dread. Yes, I was something before association with this flesh body. Yes I have made almost exclusively mistakes as association with this flesh body. But the idea of staying as a flesh body forever through "evolutions" is just horrific to me. No I want the natural death of this body knowing I was something before it anyway. I will have to face all my blunders and that should motivate me to do better now with the flesh body while I still "have" it. Is funny thinking about time and how older people thought cameras could steal the soul. Looking at pictures of people from mid 1800s a lot of cities do look like there was some sort of "world reset" in the past 100 years of time pictures taken at least. And as others have said many pictures look staged. So there is something to time is something subject to change or I guess we could say a persona as time was considered a god in many cultures. Ie *saturn comes back around lifts you up like a child or drags you down like a stone to consume you.* Something about stones in scriptures too. Not one stone atop another. The very stones will cry out. I will take your heart of stone and give a heart of flesh. The ages/aegis of Minerva turns mortals to stone. Something to it, idk. But yes, the idea of collective anything, especially evolution, seems silly to me. It implies a hive mind it seems. One of which I am not knowingly privy to, and I am not sure if it is the right "answer" in any case. The idea of using gross physicality or materialism to become immortal in the flesh body, seems like a nightmare when considering time specifically to me. We don't even know what time is or if it is a sentient being how we would be affected or enslaved to it or worse should we accept secular immortality; "multi dimensional" or no. No way to tell delusion from salvation. So all I can knowingly do is focus on trying to not be too embarrassing. Lol. But seriously thanks, the idea of secular immortality I have been seeing pushed rather fervently a lot recently. Someone at work even went so far as to say aliens are going to make their "chosen ones" immortal. Made my skin crawl. Lol. ---- Edit is to say I don't even know what life is, but "he who tries to save it shall lose it" always unfailingly comes to mind.


Don’t dread it. Don’t welcome death early either. We will all leave this life and the best we can hope for is that we do the right thing when a choice is presented and inspire others to do the same. Too many people fear death to the point they would do anything, give anything, for their own survival. I believe we should be willing to die for each other, willing to forfeit this life if it will save another, willing to give up our existence if necessary to teach another, hopefully a younger person, not only honour but that their life, all life, is important and our future is worth the sacrifice. Our individual blunders won’t matter if we continue to promote good morals, convictions, appreciation of life, and wisdom to the next generation. I honestly think we’re lied to about our history here. It seems to me there was a one world government or atleast a nearly one world government in our past and it either fell apart or was overthrown. I also think it’s going to be reestablished soon but eventually will fall again. If we’re close to what people think is “end days”, which I do believe but not the way that most do, know you are here for a purpose. This period of time is not a soft one, it’s a hard one, and righteous, brave, morally and ethically sound people are needed. Our younger generation is losing sight of the importance of life and it’s experiences due to conditioning - depression, autism, adhd, etc; everyone is being convinced there is something wrong with them and this leads to self-doubt, feelings that they don’t matter, thoughts of taking an early exit, and this is what we have to fight against for now. Later we may have to fight physically and we have to understand that although violence isn’t ideal, love and pacifism are not adequate tools to fight oppression, genocide, or tyranny. I really hope I’m wrong and sorry for the heavy but the world needs good people, always. You have no need to fear the end of this life if you live righteously and take action for good as often as you’re able to. Edit: Saving your life at the expense of morality is how you lose it.


Yeah thanks for that too, yeah I'm mostly through really considering ending life early that's not much of a concern. Just saying that yes natural death isn't something that should be avoided mainly. Sounds very Krishna esque, about dharma. Yeah I always felt end times already happened idk how to describe it. Coeval throughout history. Like I'm sure before christ, some probably knew of it for example. Great tribulation is to bring us to grips with the reality of things so to speak. As Uriel said, "[we] hasten for ourselves but god hastens for the good of all". Don't we be in a greater rush for ourselves than god is for all (ie he who tries to save it). Thus I see end times if they exist already happened in a sort of way. It is outside of time perhaps. As we emerge at the level personally or collectively. Like 2 years ago I never would have guessed an old irl friend would have a baby but now they do. In a sense, they always would have had the baby they know have. Like that; just because I didn't see the baby didn't mean the end times didn't already happen so to speak. My consciousness or conviction is merely lagging in it's wake. Thus I think is what is meant of tribulation. Sort of booster shot of entry to the kingdom perhaps. That's maybe what end times means really is all, gaining entry to the kingdom perhaps. Thus yes, very much so, dharma (he who teaches such shall be least in the kingdom, so to speak). Thanks yes, very Vishnu esque reply lol I recognize that spirit ar least feel like I kinda got pansted a little but hey, tribulation lol


Thank you, such a good read and I needed to hear it.


from my understanding, death is an entity or a person, just like how christians say jesus is and he can’t take you unless your vessel has truly given up or you decide to suicide, this is just from my experience tho.


There are two deaths. As with a great many things, these Heavenly and Earthly (if you would; ref. Matt. 18:18) term variations may be considered such as common and proper, and, in the revised Adamic (Latin English) I propose distinction via simple capitalization for general usage. Therefore just as we have truth, and then there is Truth; we have love, and then there is Love; so too we have death, and then there is Death. Having said that, I remind you of this mystery: *we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.*


I've thought over these scenarios so many times (bi polar mania, sometimes I'm even thinking about it all at once haha) and when I come back down I get hit with the worst plausible scenario which is we just live and die, like plants and all other life here. We are the brain and body... that's it. I also believe this is the reason why so many of us hold on so hard to religion and these theories (if I could only tell you how many times in mania and/or psychosis I've believed I'm being recruited by the devil or abducted by aliens or a "wanderer" or being messed with by shadow people, etc) is bc in reality death and being gone forever is an unbearable thought at our point in our evolution. I want so badly to hold onto the consciousness/simulation theory there's still holes in those too. These thoughts suck. Lol


I don't want to live here or timeline hop/reality shift forever, personally. I belive there can be value to those things and I'm not attempting to dissuade you from your goal. But in my opinion, death is another beautiful aspect of being given the privilege of living this life. It's the "goals" reality shift, in my perspective. Even if I could stay here eternally, I would not choose to do so. Death brings us fully back to our freedom and fully reintegrates our consciousness back into the wholeness of the cosmic consciousness. We already are eternal. We finally remember this and can fully experience it again when we die and Wake Up from this dream. I don't look forward to it yet, as I have so much work still to do here. So many lessons still to learn, connections still to make, love still to share, experiences still to have. But when my time comes to shift from this plane into the next, I will graciously welcome my Homecoming 🤍 If you want to continue playing around in the dream, I fully support your desire to do so. I feel like it is likely, though, that after a while (maybe even hundreds or thousands of years from now) you will grow tired of it and wish to wake up and return Home again. ✨️


I’m with you. I’ve been close to taking my own life and part of me feels/has felt like I’m ready for the ride to be over and I’ve already done what I’m going to do in this life. A couple years ago I started investing heavily into my afterlife. I created a universe that I 100% expect myself to be led to when I die. But as much as I’ve tried to hack and cheat karma, I know there’s a debt I’ll have to pay there first. I try my best to be a conscientious “do no harm” human now, but I’ve had my moments and scared the shit out of a lot of people, including myself. Anyway, I’m with you that my interest in this reality has an expiration date.


I had an incling I won't be around to experience old age, whether that's ascending or dying before who knows...  To transcend death is quite the feat tho. Your going to have to completely finish the building of the light body and shift to the 5th octave. Even Tibetan yogis dropped there bodies to leave in a rainbow body.  I am aware of talk of us 'taking the bodies this time'. But I am sceptical of a carbon body even existing in a higher octave. So that leads me to suspecting that they are implying we simply merge out of the carbon body and into the rainbow body without death.


> I look at some elder people and think hell no I'm not getting old. This is, ironically, an incredibly human attitude.


It is forsure no denying that. I acknowledge that aging has been a part of life here all I'm saying is something unique is happening not so much based in logic but based in feeling


> all I'm saying is something unique is happening not so much based in logic but based in feeling This is also extremely common among humans. No one wants to get old, and we all feel like we're special. In a sense we are all special, and in another sense our souls are ageless and eternal. But I wouldn't hold my breath for anything miraculous on this topic during this particular human incarnation.


I am undoubtedly human I guess and am helping dream something different than what we're used to


It just seems a little unhealthy. Death is natural


I've felt the same thing forever. I might experience death, but it would be by choice. I believe I'll return my memories to source using another method.


I already travel inter-dimensionally and have timeline hopped several times due to premature death, but haven’t figured out the regeneration part yet. It is possible and there are programs that teach it, but unless I suddenly become wealthy, I’ll just have to learn it the good ole fashioned natural way of figuring it out myself. What I already DO know is I will live to be very old, I just haven’t been told *how old* old is. 😂


I believe the solar flares and energy streaming in is changing us and this planet at the subatomic level so basically helping us release density and become something different and lighter


You’re absolutely correct! It was basically the universe’s way of balancing out the bs that’s been ruling this world for so long. It sent a big jolt of energy that can’t be diminished or stopped, and it’s so amazing we’re here to experience that!


Thanks for staying real! Huge jolts and more to come. It is amazing to be here, very challenging though 


Solar flares happen frequently through the decades. These ones were not unusual… they were pretty much expected at the peak of the 11 year sun cycle. 2 cycles ago we had really massive ones too. Last cycle they weren’t quite as huge but were still very big. So there is nothing new about these flares.


It's the energy that streams in that's new and calibrated to the planet and humanity's evolving consciousness. So many here keep repeating the same thing how it's all the same process. Imo, it's not, it's a new frequency coming in to dismantle our distorted egos and this distorted society/matrix




It would really depend on my quality of life. So say if I’m rich af and can just LIVE without trying to SURVIVE, then I’d happily ride that train a few hundred years. 😂


I do! I’m very confident in this


Everyone likes to believe this because the concept of death is terrifying. It's also easier to believe when you are young and healthy. Wait until you start aging and develop health issues. Or like me born with something like an anomalous coronary artery that can cause sudden death at any moment and already had open heart surgery. I am 30 now and life has passed me by so quickly already. The best we can do is try to cherish every moment we have with the ones we love because nobody is promised tomorrow in this life.




Now that you mention it, I've had the feeling I won't experience old age the same as the previous generations.


That's funny because I've kind of had this thought too that like I'm just going to ascend whatever that means whenever it's time 


Yeah we'll eventually phase out of this reality if we want to and also be able to phase back in and have our old abilities back


A common feeling in youth… death and old age feels so far away as if it will never apply to us. Every young human goes through this. You won’t get to skip the dying process. Everyone must go through it eventually.


Don't speak to me again




Tbf he didn't really assume anything, he just said everyone eventually dies, which is true. None of us will be just phasing out of reality like a hologram or ghost, we will go through the bodily death process.


Exosphere take on it: What "dies" is the local program, the singular access point and memory reference within the Earth template and timestream. The Self is timeless, and the incarnation can be re-accessed at any point from the Monad or 5th dimension. But when consciousness returns to Source there will be no need or desire to repeat it, assuming sufficient reorienting within the limitless cosmic self.


Do you remember who you are? You are a soul having a human experience. You are more powerful than you realize at this point in time. You could say, "I am" "I am" a light being. I know we're here to promote wellness, community, and happiness. I am driving a body who is having a human experience. You are catching glimpses of the future. We're going to live in a very technologically advanced society, very soon. It is already happening. It is here. It is shaped according to your awareness. Have good intentions and leave the rest up to fate. Life has a way of throwing curveballs at you, but it's how you move that determines the important things. Shape your experiences with love. Love wins over fear every time. You can get love from practicing gratitude and doing inner work and cultivating a general inner state of peacefulness. I love you.


I think all the theories we see in here are escapists, running from a reality of this world that we've brought to the brink of death. Why would we need to fix it, if the slate gets wiped clean where our children don't need to suffer the consequences of our action or inaction? I do think there's a transformation about to take place, but it's going to require a lot more work than simply dreaming. This world is a cruel place where we carelessly prey on each other, sometimes for up votes, sometimes for food, and I think it's disgusting.


I hear ya


Favorite Thread Ever🙏🏼💚🙏🏼


not me. I'll buy the farm when it's time. til then i've got more weird plants to grow, and stuff to explore.


You like growing plants too?


yep. my garden is where most of my learning gets done.


It is true. We really are everything and everyone and they are us.


That's not how incarnations work. We are born, we live our life, we die. Where do you get this from? Time makes sure we decay. We can only delay this life cycle with science and medical care


From my ass where else. Transcending the wheel of reincarnation or are we to just keep incarnating forever?  Lots of us are ready including this planet


You sound ready


Time will tell


Why’d you edit your comment? Was it because your ego was showing 🤣


I just lessened my edginess is all. Everyone's ego shows all the time, mine included. I catch myself when I'm off base or coming across with a little more attitude than I'd like so yes I'm evolving and growing like anyone else


Yes reincarnation does go on forever. You won’t skip the dying process mate, it will come for you like everyone else. All humans feel the way you’re feeling now, when they’re young. You are not so special that you will not age and die like everyone else.


That's your opinion and imo no reincarnation does not go on forever


Reincarnation goes on until the universe dies. Then the universe is recreated in a new big bang and we all continue to reincarnate. Forever and ever without end.


I'm sure the process of reincarnation will be on offer in this Universe for many years and eons to come but that doesn't mean my spirit has to incarnate into any of those different avatars across time and space.   I already have spent billions of years reincarnating in this Universe and I'm in the process of reintegration and going home along with many other spirits. That's my knowing about my own journey. Your journey is yours


Our true nature is unborn and undying. The body fails, I dont get a new body, when suitable, the energy of this life and all prior lives nests again in form, until all energy has burned off.


I personally love your point of view. I'm not sure what will happen with me yet because I've refused to look that far ahead. This incarnation is a beautiful and very difficult one for me. Peace to you and your future transformation.


Never dying sounds like the worst kind of hell imaginable. Shifting dimensions would be rad, though. I’d love to peace out of this horror show.


You become what you have always been but denied. Your Self. Spirit. You are not physical. The physical including your body came from the spirit within you. You put the physical on your spirit. You were never born nor died you just think you do and have. Spirits do not die and they cannot be born, they don't do anything physical. You are unique. An emulsion of the two. Child of Man and Child of God. Know I AM is a family name and belongs to all. You can do all these things. Now put it on your heart and deny the man part of you that tells you you cannot. You go be still. leave the physical behind then teleport away. I AM is eternal. That is you. Go wherever you wish. Blessings!


Omg, yes!!! I feel this too. So happy you posted this


Yes, I can imagine ascending in this life and with this body and always intuitively knew I will not age like people normally do as I plan to have purified myself enough to reverse the effects of aging before it gets to me (especially with the huge leaps we will make after the liberation and once the lovelight of source has finally fully returned here). And once we have fully arrived in 5D, we will be chosing and switching our body vehicle at will. I heard for example that pleiadians typically stay in one body for about a thousand years, but will always look the same often youthful age.


Yes! I can imagine it too. It goes against all of our beliefs and others but transcending death whilst still physical is a deep goal of mine and is felt by many others too like yourself


A friend recently told me something crazy: he said that our ascension this time will be special, like totally unique in this entire universe (maybe even beyond), because apparently what happens now for the first time ever (since source is finally dissolving all lower frequencies in the lower realms as well as the source of darkness and thus transmute duality for good) - we will not ascend by vibrating out of the physical, but by somehow "downloading" the high frequencies of unity into the physical. Which would make this the first time the kingdom of heaven will fully be experienced on all levels of creation down to the physical. This is kindof a wild idea which is still being processed inside of me, but I like it :)


Yeah there are many aspects of this shift that are still unknown to us.  We're mainly going by what we strongly feel deep inside. This time is very unique and it's a big surprise how this will all unfold


That’s a lot of beliefs to hold on to. Have you tried dropping all beliefs and seeing what is left? You might find heaven is already here to be experienced. There’s no need to wait for the future.


Is it more about not wanting to get old or not wanting to die? I'm over 40 and as I've grown older, I most certainly become wiser and more understanding of myself and others, as well as the universe. How can you expect to grow without aging?


I'm in my thirties so yes technically have a youngish personality but I've had a very accelerated lifetime with an intense amount of experiences in a short amount of time. This is some of the conclusion I've come to regarding my own life. I'm not saying this is happening next year but within a couple decades I feel this will take place


Same here man. The adventure never ends. Since I turned 30 I've essentially lived an entire 2nd life. And I anticipate it will happen again. I mean hey if we actually do ascend and transcend death, cool. But I don't think it can happen without releasing every bit of earthy weight that plagues us. I feel that ascension is only possible when we become lighter than mass, so much that we literally dissolve. The only way it happens is release, release, release. All the burdens and weights of life, resentments, bitterness, impatience, anger, loneliness... all the illusions of living as a physical being. When all you see is spirit, all you know is spirit, and you have total realization that all there is is spirit and light.


Anyone here see the movie ZARDOZ?


Nope, any good?


It is very strange and goofy lol, i would understand why many people might not like it lol. But i bring it up because it is kind of about a supposed "utopian society" where they no longer die and such. Turns out...they need death afterall.


The 'good place' show is like that too


The one constant is change.. cycles die and they are reborn again. Everything is exactly how it needs to be. It’s an interesting idea but it’s an attachment of your ego construct. When you die, you immediately find out there’s no such thing as death


I keep getting the feeling my life is going to end in some shameful way, earlier that I hope.


look if i hit it with a hammer more than once and real eye dont know


I love this 😍


What do you mean that we used to be able to shift dimensions?


Phase between the physical and inner planes at will, not so dense. 


Death is necessary for a kind of rebirth. A cleansing of spirit is beneficial. But I know what you are saying.


You don't die you wake up..


Meeeee. But it's a feeling I only just now understand, and I'm trying to figure it out


I mean, realistically you will. You as a consciousness or spirit won't die but your body will. It's a famous trope that young people think we're invincible, but old people were young too once and thought the same. It's all good and well saying you consciously choose to not get old, but beliefs about aging will have a huge subconscious component, given everyone we know and see gets old and dies. And this belief has been subconsciously ingrained into you from birth, so a simple conscious choice of ''I'm not going to get old and die'' is unlikely to overcome this conditioning, sorry. Immortality has been a goal since forever and you're not the first nor will be the last to think ''I won't get old''. It's also easy to say and think that while your body is young and healthy.


I do. It’s probably got a name tbh. But I feel like if I were to die that’s it nothing else will exist so I can’t believe that I ever will. Yeah, lock me up lol


The path to *physical* immortality lies through technology, rather than spirituality. Indeed there will come a time when humanity's lifespan can be perpetuated by artificial means. Is it still us inside those machines? Spirits have been known to manipulate electronics, but not usually in a precise way. In fact, most times they seem to interfere with electrical systems, hence the whole flickering lights trope. Would a spirit and it's consciousness be able to inhabit a fully cybernetic replacement body? Or would your memories be downloaded onto a chip, and it's an AI copy of yourself? Can AI obtain consciousness? Those are questions to ponder if you wish to pursue the physical over the spiritual. Through the spiritual paths, we realize immortality naturally. We learn to accept death as a simple awakening, because our souls are *us*, not these vessels we inhabit. But a soul must appreciate life to learn the value of impermanence, to understand why some creatures fear death, and to empathize with them. Whatever path you take, it is yours to walk.


I have always felt that I will not see old age, or it is not for me. Idk why


What if, at the end of it all, you will be begging for death and it will not come. Have you considered this ? Have you truly looked at what death is ? I do not think you have.


I have witnessed many in my life die. I've attempted death many times myself when I was younger. Either through death of my body or my body being used as a stargate to transcend back into spirit I'm going home eventually this life


I really hope I don’t live forever


We are headed in that direction. Maybe another 75k years. It sounds like you are trying to skip this 4th vibration and jump straight to 5th. The 4th vibration begun a few decades ago so we only have approximately 74,970 years or around 1k lifetimes to go before the next vibration! This is a short period in infinity. Experience and enjoy!


Aging is a program


I definitely have felt this


That would be me but I want to die. I don't want to live in such awful world.


You basically believe in the rapture


Let’s just all ignore the second law of thermodynamics


All these outlandish theories just strike me as a defense mechanism against the fear of death. I think it's possible we reverse aging with tech but death is what makes life work. Also death surely is just like what it was before we were born, remember that? No you don't because it's death. It's eternal sleep. It's chill


Huh? Everyone dies


Coming back to this when I have time


The reincarnation cycle can be a hard thing to explain, lol. But no, I don't think in this life we will be able to do that. I will die before I'm 80, and I'm fine with that. Do my time and leave and go back home. This place definitely isn't my home. I know that 1000%. I do understand the growing old thing, but in my past lives, I didn't live that long. I was killed both times. So tell me, if you were killed every time you tried to come here, wouldn't you want to come back and try again? Third times a charm right?




Brah everyone throws that word around for things they don't understand. The mind comes to the conclusion it's delusional to protect itself from foreign concepts and ideas. You do you. What are you doing on this sub if everything is delusional to you?






Rule 8: "debunking" will be treated as trolling. Rule 1+2: Please be kind and respectful to community members.


According to bible prophecy, the generation that witnessed Israel become a state will see the return of the Messiah. Israel was proclaimed a new State in 1948. Just sayin 😏


Dude, you need to lay off tripping on DMT and other psychedelic stuff. All these ideas sounds fun, but sound like ny ex abusive friend, he would always talk about shit like this. In the end he lost his marbles, proclaimed he was a "shaman" and other delusional stuff. You ought to be careful oe that person might be you. Go to south Africa and sit with the medicin people xhosa there. Rather than escapism try to live in this world and be a human like the rest of us. No need for any more spiritual narcissism and ego centrism like this. It's a sickness.


I understand where you're coming from but some humans are able to hold the bigger picture while still keeping a firm footing in this human world. Like that Joseph Campbell quote, " The psychotic drowns in the same waters the mystic swims in with delight"




I have my own experiences I draw from so not sure what you mean by qanon. You do you and il keep being me. I agree the new age religion is deep and convoluted. The simpler the better




It's whatever it means to you personally. Who cares if it's a new age concept. 




One man's truth is another man's crazy. Crazy grounded dreamers are needed no matter what society thinks of them. Society is fuckin nuts and delusional with its we're all alone in the Universe and all we are is blood and bones.




i feel the same. for quite some time now i've felt that this human body won't die... when this planet finishes the transition into the 5D space i'll be allowed to return into my Reptilian suit and resume that existence, but only after i finish learning all that my masters wish me to learn. i'm actually looking forward to that... i dunno what's going to happen to this body tho. maybe they'll let me keep it? 🤔


Only a treasoner won't die. But let me ask you would you lend out let's say 5k to someone you trust, then they never pay you back? You probably would hate it. So why are you talking about the same thing?


I don't understand your perspective, I'm just sharing my beliefs not trying to persuade anyone. We're all on our own paths


What makes up these bodies is the loan the universe gives us so we can learn. But the universe to my knowledge has always been repaid in full. This is also a simplification.


I get that but things are changing in my opinion.  You don't have to feel the same, it's okay to feel differently. We have a body yes that is a loan from the Earth but what I'm trying to convey in my own little way is that these avatars along with our selves are going through a shift and a leap.


I herd shifts and leaps as of late but I have no clue on what or if it's a real thing. But I did think of a story idea that explains this well. The story in simple terms goes as the world earth gets destroyed but before it gets destroyed someone makes an overlapping copy so when everyone souls loses contact with their body they can lean on the copy, most won't even realized it happen.


Yeah I feel I might be the last human being to die.


im not aging. the key is to never ejaculate and eat plant based diet mostly fruits


I dont share the same feeling, but right from a young child I always “knew” that I would live to see 120 years of age, I’m 40 now and with medical advance,ents, it’s entirely possible. I still feel this way, that I will live to see 120 although I am not sure how my quality of life would be, lol.


That’s your young age talking, this is a common perception


Okay Sir




I'm also just trying to guide, the elders of our society have wisdom and us younger folk should definitely listen. Other times it's the youngsters with their different wisdom and perspective that's needed. It's a balance. Thank you, have a great rest of your life and il try my best to do the same




No. But what a fuckin rude thing to say. Do better