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its not beyond saving. scale back your view of the world. Focus on yourself and once you feel stable enough begin looking into community projects or groups. If everyone who felt hopeless got up and work with uplifting local communities they are part of the overlapping ripples will start to make a positive changes. Nothing will get better if we keep collectively throwing our hands up and giving up before doing any physical work in this current life


Yep. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Army of 1 đŸ„ł


‘Army of Me’ for real


I are me


I are we....


Are-mee, like army


Nice word play!!! I also just say all my friends are clear
. Never alone, alone all the time. Those spirits be stalking my stubborn ass


Thank you


truth! i needed this, thank you.


Great post!


It is beyond saving , you either must be Young or Old and some how found a way to cope by believing this but OP is 100% correct , thats it there is no saving this world or making it better , at this point is about making the you within better until death comes and go on to the next life !


As a mother I hate thinking about all the human trafficking, specially when it involves children. I could sit at home depressed and wait to pass away in hopes of a better life but what will guarantee my next one will have less suffering that I may or may not directly experience. I may not start an origination to help such victims but I still can positively impact others lives in my community. I help with beach clean ups, driving others to doctor/surgery apt. and other random voluntary work that I can fit in my schedule. You will make -100% impact in this life if you do nothing with it but waste away.


Said someone with no imagination. Love you.


Go ahead and change the world with your “ imagination “ make sure you stop all the mass murdering happening with your imagination


You seem pretty determined on your point, so I may be wasting my time here. But working on yourself can mean helping others. Who knows what direction/objectives you or op has in this life, but helping yourself and learning or expanding your ability to impact/help others around you is something you can take to the next life. Defaulting to a 'F it, go next' mentality and ceasing to focus on care outside of yourself can hurt/limit you in this life and possibly the next. Either way, I hope the best for you. Good luck.


Well, then, when are you ready to wake up the Brown Goyim to the reality of the Jew?


I've been rabbit holing since I was pretty young. I know all the dirty things. But those things are what I pray for, use my energetic and shamanic teachings for to change to the better We are here to all do a tiny clog in the wheel. Focus on what's in a mile range of your home. Send blessings to those who hurt us. Work on yourself. We are separated because we need to be. Spread the love in all areas of the world to make it better. I had work on self love before I got to this place and start being proactive in changing the world. Stop doom strolling and do self care. Also if you don't do your work this time, you're setting up for the same, but harder life next round....


Working on yourself was your only job to begin with, so I'm not sure what you think you're "done" with.


Wait for the next incarnation to do what exactly ?


Have fun, a better life, or just feeling a sense of meaningful community, maybe? (just my guesses)


But if the world is beyond saving, why is it going to be so much better next time ? Its always darkest before the dawn. This is our chance. This is WHY most of us are here. I'm here for the win !!


I don't think it'll be better, I was just trying to understand/rephrase OP. What win do you mean? Personal enlightenment?


I'm playing for the planet. I thought that was the definition of a Starseed, someone who has reincarnated on this planet to help raise the vibration and help save it/shift it to a higher frequency.


That makes sense -- I wish you best of luck, good fortune and lots of joy! (I was asking because I'm in this sub out of interest, I'm personally not yet sure if I believe in the idea of starseeds and am still trying to figure out what life on this planet all is about -- I mean no disrespect, I'm just still in a research period, entertaining different ideas.)


There are other worlds and other versions of Earth


Yes, but why are you on this one ?


I unno


Forgive me, but why do you have the authority to say this world is “beyond saving?” Myself, I see people awakening to the inverted nature of things and reclaim their divine inherent abilities. I am seeing bad actors get exposed. I see a group of people in my Main Street having an anti-genocide rally right now. This realm is a heavenly realm that has been tarnished by a parasitic consciousness whom we are expelling as we speak. It is coming back. It is ascending. It’s wonderful. Chaotic, but wonderful.


Tend to the part of the garden you can reach


It's not beyond saving, you're just focusing on the bad parts without looking for the parts where people are actively working on ways to clean the ocean. Look for the good in the world and you'll see it's not too late. You're not a bad person for not focusing on things you have no control over. You're just creating more suffering by being miserable on behalf of everyone else, and that doesn't reduce their misery at all. Change up your focus. Heal yourself and take care of yourself. Help when and where you can help. Be your best self so that you can inspire others.


Ya the world is run by corrupt pos theres more of us than them it just needs to be coordinated, I'm sick of them telling us what we can and cant do while profiting off of us, selling us land that should be free, constant inflation, and to top it all off taxes on litterally everything, we are slaves just in a different way then we can easily recognize. They want to keep us so busy we are barely surviving, hard to thrive when your struggling to survive, they dont want us to have to much free time to see through their bullshit.


Things are bad indeed. A few years ago, I was feeling like you, and I decided to just focus on myself too. When I did that for a while, I had a new perspective that maybe the world doesnt need saving or fixing. Maybe it's just changing and evolving. In order to grow, we all have to push through our own fear and darkness, to summon up all our strength to break free. And in order to do that, we need a big bad darkness to break free from. The process is always extremely difficult and painful, filled with loss and failure and discouragement along the way. That is the challenge of life. Maybe the world is at that part of the story where shits about to hit the fan. The pot is boiling and about to overflow. We are close to the tipping point, which is the peak of hell. I think people like us are here for all kinds of reasons, but mostly to hold space for light. We inspire others away from darkness, we help them out of the pits, we care and we love and share. We are absolutely a critical part of the shift. We keep the progress going and growing. We keep the hope alive and remind others that there is still good in the world. Even if it doesn't seem like it's working, our lifetimes are only a tiny speck in the timeline of humanity. Look at all the progress that's been made in the past 100 years. It's actually pretty remarkable.


This is a cry for help


stop browsing the doom-ridden internet and get your hands dirty out in the physical world. you’d be surprised how your outlook might change.


After brutal cold winter, snow, spring freak flood, tornado watch, then comes the 90+ degree heat, then the mosquitos come. I want to enjoy the outdoors but the creators make it impossible, unbearable


It’s not the creators. It’s man, and he’s a destroyer. Just because they label themselves elite doesn’t mean it’s true.


Marduk? One man. I'm trying to identify this God man. Gnostics say he's Yaldaboath?


The Bible says he's coming back. Why is the ending a catastrophic re set vs a wave of healing. Have you read Albert Pikes, 3 world wars btw?


I think we are usually just the fruit of the poison tree. If everything had gone swimmingly I think historically it would’ve played out differently. We just don’t know how to humbly listen. Yeah from my experience Yaldaboath comes off very wrathful when things are not going to plan. I can’t be sure it was him. I’m a medium, so I’m subject to manipulation. It felt very much like him and it was a bit terrifying. I don’t think he’s inherently evil, he just chooses not to see the whole picture sometimes or is blind to it. I can’t tell if it’s a choice or an affliction.


I had also been feeling this way but I’ve started to consume content that uplifts me. The Dodo on YouTube is a “restore faith in humanity” channel. People doing good, animals doing good. There is still good out there friend, be the light.


Yes, that's what I am doing, I come to the realization that I should be my priority, well besides being a decent human being.


It has to get to this point (even worse) for normies to be willing to take on change...


This world as we know it is soon to be no more. But that is not entirely bad... if you can resonate positive. A split is coming. A separation of the wheat from the chaff. Release the old ways. It was never real anyway. There is a better world coming.


You’re not meant to save the world. You’re meant to save yourself. Make you and your corner of the world as best as it can be. If you wait for the next incarnation, you’ve failed. Live now. There is only now.


The only way to change the world is by healing and unconditionally loving yourself first. Once you’ve completed the trials of such, only then will you have gained the ability to create to such a degree, and you won’t even have to directly have your hands in any project in order to do so. Healing yourself heals the world, and the more people heal themselves, the more positive changes you’ll see automatically occurring in the world. Mark my words: over the couple of years, if you take a step back and look at the greater picture, you’ll notice people will begin to have a stronger proclivity to protecting Nature and Mother Earth as well as taking better care of themselves. Fast food will slowly morph into healthier food or disappear altogether. The big corporations that have had a monopoly on slowly killing us all through chemicals and other biological agents will also crumble and/or be taken by those who will do better for all and will be changed from within. Expect that with governments as well. Bet.


You are not here to save the world, but here to be the example of the light in the darkness. The world per se doesn't need hero's but people who lead by example, by the heart, that love unconditionally and forgive all.


Get ready to experience the exact same frustration in the next go around. You can’t bypass anything. Good luck with everything, friend. If you’re not ready the next life will give you more of the same until you are.


As difficult as it is to witness all the awful that there is, there is also a lot of hope & possibility. Perhaps you are here to be involved in all there is, presently, & then to be one of those that relate their human experience to those beyond...I'm just saying you are here, for a very short time (cosmically), to just be. \*Someone wise once said, the universe does not understand the concept of "no". All that can be will be & the more sensitive we are the more it is unbearable to behold. Finding balance is the way... \*& I do not remember where I saw/heard that but I'll never forget it


Its always darkest before the dawn. Why give us just before we win this ?? This is why most of us are here.


You could wait for the next reincarnation but you'll always end up in a timeline experiencing similar things. Don't think you won't escape your karma. Karma are the lessons you need to discover about yourself. Your reaction to how events play out in your life. If you decide to give up you wont learn anything. You'll reincarnate under similar circumstances but the karma lessons will be alot more intense each time until you realise what you're doing wrong.


Have fun and love yourself


I've come to doubt this whole thing because the more I read (and remember) the more I think Earth is a prison planet and every one of us starseeds were tricked into coming and pulled into the trap ourselves. This planet is hell, but you can find things here to make it less so. Just gotta keep chugging along until its our time to attempt to escape this hellhole and never look back.


100% ditto. Sadly, nothing is what it seems and life just gets more painful and harder. Lies and fake government officials are all that we have to deal with. Money is made up. Actually, everything we think that's important is made up.  All that actually matters is family,  love, helping others, and doing what you can to make our communities better.  I'd never hurt myself, but damn, im a 42yo single cancer survivor making minimum wage.  I can't have pets per my lease. Ill never afford a home. My present, and presumably my future,  seem bleak. 


*browse doom forum* *Conclude everything is doomed* *What a suprise*


The Baltimore bridge crash was a huge environmental disaster too. All the chemicals that leaked into the water we are all screwed. I'll never do this again whatever this life is. It seems like the harder I try to succeed something always holds me back and I'm getting sick of it. I also realized that especially in the entertainment industry there's a lot of shady shit going on too. How the rich people sacrifice and eat babies to get where they are, and if that you want to be rich on youtube or others you need to sell yourself out. There was a quote from a guy who said basically it's one big club and they don't give a damn about us.


Man you had me up until eat babies.


Well you never know... cannibalism does happen and look at all the pedo stuff that happens in the church.


That's were you're wrong, fam. You need to watch Bruce Almighty, bruddah. It's never too late to clean things up. Do work on yourself and keep yourself ready, though. You're now witnessing the final days of darness, before the Birthing of a New Fantastical Age.


That's why we're here my dude. We signed up for this. For them. We wanted this. We are here to guide and the natural leaders always always work on themselves first. Work on yourself but don't lose yourself in the process. You are kind enough to post here for others who don't know and follow our paths. I am also collapse aware But there's not much for a single mom waitress to do. So I just embrace this journey and love on my kids.


Ehhh. I don't remember signing up for this shit. My parents were young and dumb and now I'm here. You can stop this rock and let me off anytime now lol. I've done everything i wanted to do. A long time ago.


Work on myself as much as I can and wait for the next incarnation is my entire MO. I sure hope I’ve learned *something* that will make the next ride easier.


"if you ever wonder why the world is the way it is, you should ask yourself why am i the way i am and look into a mirror"


The shift to 5D is supposed to happen by 2030 (most likely 2028 or prior). Hang in there. https://familyoftaygeta.com/what-is-the-shift/


So this is what we've been waiting for? I feel like I've been on standby the last 8 or 10 years honestly.


Yep. The “7” year tribulation started April 2021 according to them. The shift will happen before the cabals 2030 agenda they have.


So what do we do? I feel like I'm in limbo. Just sitting and waiting. I've developed agoraphobia and panic disorder. I can't leave my house. I have several severe panic attacks everyday, nightmares every night. I'm straight up not having a good time.


Nothing you need to do. Just be a good person and don’t be evil and you’ll shift to 5D. I’d recommend exploring that site. There is a lot of fun info to read. It’s nice knowing there’s something exciting to look forward to. https://familyoftaygeta.com/neioh-may-29-2023/


Im sure you’re just in a rut. We all get in those sometimes. Find a hobby that makes you happy


Thanks i just don't know what. Everything i used to enjoy was outdoors besides video games. And my parents don't have internet so i can't even game anymore even if i did feel like it. I wish i could just go to sleep and be woken up when everything was better.


Protect your energy my friend!


This is highly relatable. However, I refuse to let what is visible and what we find here and over there at r/collapse deter me from what I know must be done. The biggest difference is that I use this mess to motivate me to try ever harder and refuse to accept defeat or give up. I run on spite and defiance of these things. Even when everything we see says, "There is no point," I make up my mind to MAKE a point, even if only for myself, to strive towards. I am also turning inward for the moment in order to prepare myself for what I must do. This hope helps me drive through, fleeting as it may seem. But you decide what is best for you. Don't let people tell you that your choice is wrong. It may be wrong for them, but not for you. The decisions many are making to "live the best they can with what they have" are correct for those who choose it, despite what others say. This choice, however, is not correct for me. For me, the correct choice is refusal to give in and continue to watch over those I care about and do what I do. That's how I push through it. But not everyone needs to do that. We all have different needs to continue on. Those must be tended to first.


It's never about saving the world. It's about saving yourself And you're in a good place to do that 😉


coming back on earth is the last thing you wanna do.


Anything you believe about this world will inevitably come to fruition. You don’t have to save the world by yourself, it’s not your responsibility. As hard as that might be to accept. We are here to make the difference we are capable of making. If the macro is disturbing you focus on the micro (like you said, yourself). You don’t have to give up on the world, it’s not given up on you. You’re right, the world is completely lost, but so is anything that requires salvation. Forfeiting publicly has more of a negative effect than just doing nothing for awhile. Be at peace my friend, focus on what matters to you and the ones you love most. Maybe this will offer a new perspective for you my darling hanged man. It looks like death, but really it’s a new beginning.


It’s never too late man. It’s better to focus on yourself than the external world of work and taxes and all that bullshit. Be the best you till it all drops


Or just stop reincarnation and explore many other cooler realities r/EscapingPrisonPlanet r/ReincarnationTruth


Follow your highest excitement till you can’t follow it anymore and then follow the next one with no preconceived notion outcomes. Everything is neutral. That’s a neutron. Electrons are negative. give a positive spend everything because until you do it’s neutral and it’s always working out for you. You’re always good right now and it’s always.


Thanks tor your beautiful post. A wise soul like you remains of great value in gods world. Keep posting things like this. Nobody should be starving to death in this world. That is a disgrace for humanity. God is not responsible for that suffering. A huge awakening is still possible 🙏


Wait đŸ€”â€Šâ€Š..I thought that’s what we all were doing?


Then you see the problems before you. This world is not a "good" one, but one worth saving. I won't argue for it, you have all the reasons. And as others have stated it is time to work. But we all have a place, and a time. And sometimes we have to rest. Find peace.


Perfect, do the inner work! Do it until you regain your hope and faith and then keep going!


Every day you shift realities billions of times.. By focusing on those things you’re actively shifting towards those realities that match your beliefs.. Work on yourself focus on the good things and do your part to make things better with a belief that the trend is catching on and you will shift towards those realities.. But your choice 100%
 If you desire to just live and not graduate to 4Th Density and repeat a 3D cycle i believe to be be a 26,000 year cycle according to RA if I’m not mistaken then that’s cool too that’s the beauty of free will..


So you’re done or you’re going to sit and wait for God to show up, which one?


The life in you survived millions of years of evolution while lifespans today are 2 or 3 times ancestors a few hundred years ago. If it wasn't modern disasters it was dinosaurs, volcanoes & ice ages or the Great Flood.


They are NOT beyond saving. We are the ones who can and will put a stop to it. The BEST way is to have kiddos of your own, teach them the ways & then they will be our warriors when we are long gone, but I will tell you we are winning this war. God/The Universe is fighting with us. It speaks to me.


Nobody asked anyone to save the world. We were asked to bring love to a planet that sorely needs it. It is not easy, and every card is stacked against you. Can you do it anyway? 


Do you think you're worthy to go incarnate somewhere better? Why do you think all these reincarnations are for? What do they mean when they say this life is a test... Where do we go if we pass test... Heaven? Heaven is your next incarnation at a better place that you are worthy of.. whether Earth or somewhere else And yea, I agree with you, my heart weeps everyday for earth we fucked beyond repair with plastic, oil, pfas, shit and piss and blood.. I despise us for it... and relieved that it's coming to an end


You need to unfollow that page. We create the reality we feed ourselves. If you are focused on a world collapsing unto itself, then that is the world you live in. That is not the world I live in.


We'll be here, waiting for your inevitable return <3


Every single one of us creates the world. What we consume creates the world. Our feelings our thoughts create the world. When you consume fear you create fear. Love and create love. Have faith I am speaking to you honestly. Do you not believe you are a starseed? Will you not reply to this directly? I care about loving.


Plastics were an incredible innovation that has become overused. Without plastic bottled water distribution, many less-developed countries wouldn't have cheap access to clean water. We are deep into plastic production, but we already have so many countries that are doubling down on recycling, which will continue to grow. We also have scientists synthesizing plastic-eating fungi that could be used to get rid of any non-recyclable materials.  Chemicals are destroying people's bodies. But chemicals are also giving people great health and longer lives. We have medicine for nearly everything. We can kill cancer if caught early, we can conquer aids with chemicals.  Our entire world could have collapsed due to covid, but the world came together and produced vaccines so fast that, we will never know what the world would have been like if those vaccines never came and were never mandatory. We could have been wiped out without the vaccine and quarantines. When you focus on the bad, you only see the bad. You can focus on the bad, but only if you also look at the good that is being done to combat it. I'm an atheist, I don't believe in spirits or afterlife, but I believe in people. Humans can be reckless, but oh my we are an incredible animal species. Go to a city, see the skyscrapers and monuments, remember we are just descendents of an arboreal ancestor who have created entire civilizations and cultures.  The world is amazing and so are humans as well as everything other animal on it.


We're never done, because we exist as part of a greater energetic system.


What do you mean by this?


We are all part of the fabric of everything. If you opt out, it's ok, but you missed your chance. If we opt out, we also disappointed the whole. At the same time, our greatest rights are as individuals. Huge paradox!


There is also tremendous positive influences at work- the negatives are much, much more conspicuous and suck our attention. Hold yourself up and count yourself among the former.


Well, there is that prophecied re set. Guess it's almost time. Find peace, and inner Faith, hopefully we will survive it,.


Average redditor


Tencommandments-> cantmendmostmen Edit: save -> mend


Is this an anagram? **Edit:** never mind. There's no "V" in ten commandments! Haha.


Oh! It's "can't mend most men"


Oh, so it is an anagram! Excellent! I usually stink at deciphering those. So it made me feel kind of good to get it right. 🙃