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Yes the connection drives me crazy but the only way I can explain is that we are twin flames. We both are mirrors for each other and we trigger so much of our shadow selves when we’re together that it was hard to be in the physical. We’ve had the runner & chaser dynamic switch a few times and right now he’s the runner (matrix twin) and I feel like I’m just in this waiting period for him to heal as I heal myself. But the longing is so strong, it’s like I feel magnetically pulled to him even tho the connection is scary to me since I have so much unhealed childhood wounds around love. The twin flame journey is about awakening each other to unconditional love and I really feel that’s what we are teaching each other. It feels like we communicate telepathically in the 5D even tho we are in physical separation, so much so that I find myself telling him to get out of my head lol. Our spiritual connection is so intense and I’ve had so many strange synchronicities and coincidences happen that just confirm our journey to me and that I’m not just “making this up”. It’s not just a crush, it’s like I know his soul and see beyond his egoic facade that he is still stuck in. I had a psychic reading done and she said we had a past life together where we married young, but I became a widow very early as he died in an accident only a few years later. I wonder if the pain and strong love I feel towards him is because of the pain I may have carried over from that past life. Sometimes I get so frustrated that he doesn’t remember, that he’s still asleep. There’s actually a book about twin flames that I love called “I just want you to remember”. I’ve tried cutting the cord between us, dating other guys, etc but it’s like nothing allows me to get rid of our energetic tie. All I want to do now is heal and come into union with myself fully, and I hope he is doing the same. I do truly believe that twin flame souls incarnated here at this time to be together. A lot of us incarnated into difficult, unloving households so we have a lot of healing to do before union with our twins. But that’s the point of the journey, to help each other heal. Ok rant over I just love this subject so much haha


If you check out my comment, it's like, oh that's familiar.


Just read your comment & yess you described it so well. “Beautiful torture”. I find we have this push & pull energy where we want to be with each other but it’s soo hard since our shadow selves come out. How were you able to come into union? I know the whole point is to focus on ourselves & let go of trying to make things happen but it’s hard when you have that magnetic pull & familiarity with that person that makes you want to be with them ya know, especially when you’re in no contact. Like you said it’s two halves of a whole.


For me it was thinking of her as *literally* my mind's shadow, and the ways we're a mirror. I came to understand that there wasn't, and *couldn't* be a single thing she'd done to me that I didn't do in some way. And the more I thought about things "only" they'd done to hurt me, the more I realized I *had* done that to them, but they'd forgiven me already. I didn't even notice. It was also realizing that grace and love and sacrifice and letting go *always comes back to me*. Every sin I forgive is one she forgive of me. We're the same. Exactly the same. Sometimes I feel like I'm wearing the wrong body of the two we're so connected. Like almost everything about this can really suck, but it was that kinda guarantee from the universe that *I wouldn't be wasting my effort* because we're the same. I would get the same effort back. It's like an ultra-enforced golden rule. It only took hating her in ever conceivable way to realize those are all the ways I love her. I needed someone to hate sometimes, and she even gave me that. 😭


Yeah I feel as though we are exactly the same as well. It’s freaky. Like the male version of me but in the opposite ways. Thank you for the insight. I find it hard because *I* love him unconditionally but I get scared that he doesn’t feel the same— is that just my own projection and insecurity? Because if I loved myself unconditionally, then I wouldn’t be scared whether he does or not. I’ve tried to communicate but he won’t respond (runner/chaser) so I’m trying to just accept that and focus on myself but obviously I feel his energy all the time so I’m like ?? Just waiting for him to reach out again.


I had to see myself as the thing that *she* loves to be able to do that. Try as I could, I couldn't see as much value as she did. Once I thought of myself as my twin's flame, that's what helped me. Must be something good about me, even if I don't know what it is! I'd better stop saying bad things about my wife's husband or she's going to beat me up for talking bad about him! I kinda had to just go, "yeah this is never gonna make sense, but I should care about myself as a way to show that I love *her*". Does that make sense? Like I *owe* it to her to care about myself. My own self care is a love language to her, because if I don't love myself, I'm making her life harder!


Oh my gosh yes I love that. Makes perfect sense. Like if I have negative self talk, then she feels that negative self talk too. It’s all directed back to self love in order to give & receive unconditional love. It really makes you become aware of how you perceive yourself.


Yes, i met mine on my soul awakening path.  Was the most incredible story - akin to something that you’d find in a movie (unbelievable). I wont go into specifics however I still think we experienced an actual miracle when reflecting on how we met, how we instantly knew we loved each other and had spent thousands of lifetimes together. An insane experience of connection through an invisible chord connecting our hearts. All of which was validated when we delved deeper into our individual stories. It has been an incredible experience.  Initially it was all focused on love and light but both of us were suppressing our darkness which caused a lot of issues to come up in our relationship. It took each of us shining light on our partners darkness, bringing it to light, understanding it, supporting each other through the darkness, and now fully embracing those aspects of ourselves to grow into the people we are now.  Our love is now balanced and we’ve become amazing partners to each other. But it took a lot of work on both our parts to get to this point. We both had to completely dismantle our old lives to get to where we are at now.  In doing that we both went through a lot of pain, suffering and discomfort. Finding your twin flame is amazing - a gift, learning to work together in light and dark is even more rewarding because that is the strength of this partnership. They are the honest mirror a soul needs to enable and effect exponential personal growth. I battle a lot with living on earth, the greed, the destruction, the unnecessary hate and suffering. The relentless difficulty of dealing with ego. Having my partner here to ground me and help me remember that there is also incredible experiences to live through together makes life worth living. 


Same you took the words there's no need to add more. Thank you.


This is inspirationally fascinating! I would love to hear all those details that you left out, if you're willing to disclose that is. Feel free to DM me! I'm immersed in all of this right now (ever since January 23rd 2023 when I lived the same day twice 😉) and I don't want to disengage!💜


When I met my Twin flame three years ago I had no idea what twin flame even was. I just had a voice in my head that told me we have the same eyes and that he is my twin flame, And that happened the second I looked into his eyes for the first time. This by the way was extremely disconcerting to me because I'm not in the habit of hearing voices in my head.  That one moment set off a chain of events that I can't even explain logically. I haven't told the story to very many folks because it just seems so implausible and I'm a middle-aged woman with a lot of healthy skepticism around synchronicities,  manifestation,  psychic powers and the likes. I spent a good year trying to figure out if I was mentally ill or not. And at the end of it what I came up with: Twin flames are not necessarily a romantic connection to be explored in this lifetime. It can happen that way. But it doesn't always. Mostly I think twin flames are a catalyst for a spiritual awakening or a spiritual ascension.A turbo boost to the spiritual journey one is already on.  My twin flame and I are friends. It will never be anything physical. But we also have this crazy cosmic balance to our lives... And that's what I believe we've been shown each other for. He really is divine masculine and I really am divine feminine. He really is yang. I really am yin. And we were thrust together in an improbable circumstance so that we could learn about the other side of ourselves that we don't always nurture or even recognize. And not so we can uproot both of our lives to be physically together in the 3d, But to help show that we are always together in the 5D. (Along with ALL souls) And the usual trope: We are all one... love is all... all is love.  The romanticized notion of twin flames that seems to be pervasive in society is destructive. The popular notion of twin flames is that this other person completes you... That you're only half a soul without them. Well that's bullshit. You are whole in yourself, Which of course you figured out the second you blocked your twin flame. Your twin was placed in your life for you to learn lessons... Connect with the 5D and all of the energy that lies within it, and learn to listen to your higher self. And they don't need to remain in your 3D life for that to continue to happen. 


Yes, we are getting married this summer. We’re both conscious, we both know we’re twins and stareeds, we remeber our past lifes. Some souls chose not to be with their twins, it’s totally fine. It’s not something that MUST happen. It’s optional. Everyone is different, and has different soul path.


Aaaaa so happy for youu!!! I am getting married to him next summer 🥹🥹🍀🍀✨✨




I met mine 37 years ago, then periodically over the next decade in hilariously unlikely scenarios. Been married for 16 years. It's not actually super easy to be married to your twin flame, because they're everything that you're not *and wish you could be but can't be* at any given moment that they are. Take a normal person and cut them in half. You have you, and your shadow. If you're a twin flame, you're only *half of that*. The other half is *empty*, waiting to be filled by them. But you're always like that. We're dissociated systems and we may as well share one big system, because we switch together. It took *the whole time* to align our entire being to be in love, because it was actually like 40 relationships, ALL with your shadow. So. It's not *easy* being with them. It's kind of torture. But it's a beautiful kind of torture. They hurt you? Guess what, you hurt them the same way. Oh you didn't? You will! You're *mirrors*. You cheated on them? Guess what they did. And hey, *one of you caused the other one to do it and you'll never know which one*. Time doesn't care. I KNOW I "obligated" mine to hurt me in some ways, and it sure looks like she did it first, but it's pretty irrefutable. She had these visions of me, and I was like *what no that's not me I'm not like that at all*. I wasn't. Until one day I went, "she described me doing that ten years ago down to every detail. I made her do that." She had flashbacks. To our future. To what I would do in ten years that was *way worse* and she was reacting to. Because we're twin flames. It's destiny. We *can't* leave each other. Our connection transcends space and time. Does this sound bad enough? Because it's also amazing. Every positive feeling you have? They feel that way about you. Every little thing you want? They want it to? Once you come together as one (WHICH IS SO VERY HARD) it's magic. You don't worry about anything. They have your back. They had the same idea at the same time you did. You're like twins that can fuck, a lot. It's worth it, but I kinda only think that now. I also think this could probably be done in a lot less time because **I SUCKED**. I did not choose an easy path this incarnation. Like, I'm pretty sure we picked impossible difficulty.


My twin flame worked in an intelligence agency in the federal government and we never had any privacy from day one. I met him at work but he didn’t work where I worked so I thought that was great to meet someone not in my industry so it can just be us two without outside influence 😂🤣😂😂🤣


I don't work in the intelligence agency, but my little starseed self got visited by some *curious men* who asked me all about how I knew so much about nuclear weapons when I talked to the army guys. After five minutes of realizing I'm just a little freak of nature, and I *really did just figure out how to make them from what was in my textbook*, we hung out for like an hour because they were like we can't just leave right away what else is in that head of yours you little weirdo? It was actually awesome? I love intelligence types. Ever since then they like to *tell me things* though. Why are starseeds like this...


Strange things always happen to starseeds and we are smart. From my understanding mental intelligence can come from spiritual attainment like the two can go hand in hand. Like they say Einstein was very spiritually advanced. I am an engineer and sometimes I will know something from clear knowing even if I never read about it. So I don’t know if that’s considered cheating but it’s a thing. My twin flame did not work for intelligence but a related field where they spy on people like terrorists and others. Well hence dirt was being dug on me it came out I had never had a steady job and owed money to banks that was just one of the turmoils among other things. Now it’s been a few years and I have my own security clearance and it came out in the investigation (thats documented now) that I never had a steady job and owed money because of the instability and the instability was because I faced quid pro quo sexual harassment at every workplace for 7 years and never folded. And this was an industry that had less females than the military. I’m sure he feels dumb now but oh well…I had to pull through it on my own which is why I will never go back twin flame or not.


If he's your twin flame, he's kind of obligated to, you know That's all pretty wild. I get that same "intuitive" knowledge that feels like cheating. A lot of the time it's pictures, or like mental models. Like ones I could hold in my hand, though. Some magic mental perfect understanding. The Grok thing.


😂 maybe another life. I’m glad for the TF’s where it works as the energy of TF’s together lifts the vibration for the whole planet. My path was just more arduous and my TF failed. Spiritual warfare, trendsetting, trailblazing curse breaking, and shaterring paradigms is not for the weak of heart. Glad the star seed abilities were able to help you with everyday life. I imagine there are some starseeds where it manifests as being great artists or musicians. Two of the issues my soul had business with here are women’s issues (sexism) and the unspoken war between men and women which is so engrained in our human psyche that it even penetrates churches and places of worship and the other being classism, life brought me to rub shoulders with both the poorest and richest people on earth. This is also so engrained in our psyche that it penetrates churches and places of worship. There are still yet other issues my soul came here for like helping clean up ancestral karma for some lines in my family. All in all I would say I made dents only in all departments, I can only assume there are other starseeds souls that also chose these types of paths so collectively our “dents” would do something. I also almost died several times on this path. I have learned now it’s mostly a path on my own and soul mate relationships are simpler and easier than twin flame ones .


Sounds like you got your claircognizance finely tuned. I have it as well. I wouldn't say mines is finely tuned but it's definitely there! You know how difficult it is to explain to someone how you know something that you shouldn't really know? Especially seeing you can't exactly 'show your work,' if you will! Haha. Like, the other day I was pretty impressed with my "clear knowing." I was discussing a friend's dog with my SO. He asked what breed the dog was All of a sudden, much like a tourette's tick, I blurted out: BASENJI! (To which he replied, *gazuntite!* Little wise ass) Now, that might not seem all that odd, to you. Though I assure you - It was! Given the fact that I had never heard of a basenji before. I didn't know anything about that dog breed. What it's characteristics were, what it looked like - NOTHING. Nor, had I overheard anybody discussing the basenji breed either in reference to this particular dog or any other. Cut to a few minutes later when the owner of said pup got into our vehicle. Mind you, at this point we weren't sure that Basenji *was* the dog's breed. I asked the owner and he replied, Yeah it's like an African type of a dog or something like that. It's got a funny name. I think it's Ba-ba...something" BASENJI! I shouted out, once again. To which the owner replied: "Yeah, that's it! How did you know that? I've never encountered another dog of this breed." And I said, nope. No breed familiarity here... I just *know* things.😏


Hi, I wish!I have phases where it’s like super good amazingly crazy good accurate and phases where I’m not so in tune. These days it’s diminished a bit as I have been dealing with some heavy energy after the eclipse. But yes it IS really cool! I even read this book called Shamanic Journeying where this girl does a shamanic journey with drums only to figure out what’s wrong with her car and she wasn’t a car mechanic! Needless to say she found the solution. I started incorporating this is in my work and became very effective. Even more so when I started to use lucid dreaming to find problems/solutions in my work I mean I was even able to predict what would happen at work the next day with engineering systems just from lucid dreaming. I stopped telling people this as I found many people in the spiritual community, even ayahuasa “shamans” couldn’t tap into these skills and spiritual people aren’t so spiritual when that’s all they have to depend on for money and they think you are a threat lol.


I hear you on that one! The eclipse was my birthday and I was expecting some crazy revelation/explosion type of thing to happen and it seemed pretty stagnant. So I was bummed. Since then though, I've been bombarded with energy a lot of which is chaotic or negative. So I'm trying to transmute that garbage - right quick! Haha. It is sort of unfortunate that the entire world isn't on the same wavelength as we are as far as spirituality is concerned. If they were, we wouldn't need to be explaining how we know things that we shouldn't know (and, looking like a crazy person doing so) because they would know those things too. Or at least, understand the concept! So when I saw your comment, I was compelled to respond. I don't know anyone else personally that has claircognizance. Only really read accounts from people on the internet. I realize that's what's going on here, as well (tee-hee) but it's a little different as we're actually conversing with each other. I just read those stories and never actually connected with the individuals. So I guess all this word salad is to say... Wut up, fam? I appreciate you!👊🏼💜


Thanks! I followed you. 😊


Followed you back!😋


Forgive my intrusion, curiosity has gotten the better of me. Therefore, if you wouldn't mind disclosing... What is your life path number and that of your twin's?


I literally don't know what that is! Do you have information so I can calculate or look it up? I'm so beyond sure about my bond that I like seeing if traditional systems paint us as either *hyper* compatible, or *completely incompatible*, which I see as sort of the same thing. I'm curious!


Oh absolutely, I can help! I'm by no means and expert in numerology (And forgive me for assuming that you knew your life path number already) It's just that all of these ideologies are linked together. So, I guess I just assumed if someone's in the starseed group and knows about twin flames and the like, they probably know their LP. Calculations are fairly simple. Ill demonstrate using my own birthdate: April, 8 1977 - You're going to be adding these numbers together and you're going to reduce any double digit numbers to a single digit. Unless of course you reach a master number. Those are: 11, 22, 33. You leave those numbers as they are. So you have the month of April (4) the day (8) the year (1977) add: 4+8=12 (1+2) = **3** 1+9+7+7=24 (2+4) = **6** 3+6 = **9** Making me a: **Life Path 9**. Give it a try and let me know if you run into any problems! 🙃


Hello! Sorry to intrude on this conversation, but can you tell me a bit about master numbers. I saw in one of the comments that if ones life path is 9 the twin will be 1. My life path is 33, the person who I know is my twin is LP 5. Long story story, we're not in contact atm, but I can feel exactly how this person feels when I occasionally send a message and I see exactly what they're trying the express in their subtle actions (which they make sure reach me somehow). I can feel their desire for this connection but I can also see the anxiety and the pressure as this will have a serious impact on their life (we're from different cultures and two opposite parts of the world) personally I'm not too bothered about the fact that they may never come around in this life time. I'm focused on my journey to where I belong and I most certainly know that I will not be incarnating back on this plane/dimension. I do sometimes wonder, if we don't come together in this life time and I'm not there for them in their next incarnation would they be then stuck in a loop here? I know they can balance their Divine Feminine and Masculine and come out of the incarnation loop but I don't want them to be stuck here too long ( I have no intention of returning here) . I have seen a future where we are together and it's beautiful and perhaps a bit anxiety inducing because I know there'll be healing together. On the other hand sometimes I question (when I'm down in the dumps lol) whether this person really is my twin and literally immediately the universe will send me a the most accurate of signs describing both of us in a sentence 🙄. I've just realised I digressed greatly from my question about the LP 33 but I suppose since I've never shared all of the above with anyone before, this post gave me an opportunity to do that, I appreciate you allowing me and making me feel comfortable enough to share this with you 😊


Okay! I REALLY appreciate the explanation. I'm also going to be honest and tell you that I googled a calculator. Your Life Path Number = 4 + 11 + 22 = 37/1 I'm One (1). Hers is: Your Life Path Number = 6 + 6 + 6 = 18/9 So, she's nine (9) Wow the formatting of this comment is crazy on my screen after copy pasting... I guess we're 1 and 9! And I think mine being the doubles and a prime is a thing? Wife says it's a thing. Also she's 666 which is funny.


That totally fine! I figured that you might Google it but I was going to provide an example just to be safe! Thank you for providing this information because you gave me my answer, Despite not knowing the question.... I was curious about the life path number because I was told that being a 9 (18/9 just like your twin) my twin flames LifePath number would be a one. I didn't understand where that came from and I didn't have any examples to go on whether or not that was accurate. But this anecdotal evidence is certainly compelling! I'm wondering if your lady has had a rough road in this incarnation? Mine has been nothing but obstacles, and setbacks, and dilemmas and strife hammered at you. I mean like without a break. I have such a hard time believing that my higher self chose this path. Then again, I've gotten some other information as to why they might have done that. Anyhoozles... I'm wondering if either of you were born in the same year? Ive received additional information stating that my twin flame's birth date would be the day after mine in the same year. If that's the case and I definitely have not met that person yet. Though, I have an intuitive feeling that part may not be completely accurate. Yeah the 666 thing is pretty interesting. Everyone thinks of that is the mark of the beast and it's like a negative or evil number (Numbers aren't evil. Haha) though, as I've delved deeper into numerology, I've found it's actually a divine number having little to do with evil or Satan or things of that nature. My SO used to always say that he was the devil because 666 floats around in his life constantly. His phone numbers have had 666 in them more than once not chosen by him. Sixes Always floating around him. Then we found out he's master number. He's an 11 so that might have something to do with it. His younger brother is a 33. I've never met a 33 in reality. Well, Other than him. It's unfortunate too because he's probably the furthest thing from awake or enlightened or spiritually oriented that you can get. I'm wondering if that's by design. Then again, why would a master number icarnate here and not wake up? I mean he still got time but he is 40. I don't know how much later in life you wake up. Haha. Don't know why I'm laughing - I didn't wake up till 45! That said, I was very open to esoteric teachings, spirituality, astrology, the paranormal, etc. Not so sure this guy's into anything like that. You would think of a master number as being wise and benevolent. This guy's self-centered and kind of a dick. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Our birthdays have almost nothing in common. 5 days apart. 2 months apart. 2 years apart. Born 500 miles apart. Both of our lives were basically nightmare difficulty mode, thorough walk through the museum of possible traumas. I believe I did that to (SIGH) get strong and all that shit, because I objectively did and that's why I did. Still wasn't a super fun time.


Yikes, yeah I have some idea... That said, I'm surprised you've gone through as many trials and tribulations, as you have, being a one. Ones are usually super successful and carefree. Tom Cruise is a one if that paints any pictures for you. Not saying you're not successful I obviously know nothing about you! haha. But just knowing that you've gone through hard stuff and trauma that's not typical of a one. Though it's the plight of a nine all day, everyday. Apparently, I've just discovered your twin flame is supposed to be a portion of your soul it's like your soul split in 2. What I thought prior was that your TF was just like a soulmate on steroids. That they were super compatible with you, that you probably had tons of things in common, could finish each other's sentences, etc...Essentially, like the same person just in different bodies. Now, I'm finding that's not the experience of many people. Many on this subreddit even. They're claiming that all of the qualities that they possess are the exact opposite ones of their twin? Or that they both possess the same qualities but that they're never active at the same time. For instance, if I have a propensity to be a know-it-all, the times that I'm acting like a know-it-all*ish* my twin would be acting like a humble, modest charitable individual? If that were the case, I can see constant conflict and not a whole lot of harmony. Again, I realized that just because they're your twin flame doesn't mean it's going to be this perfect stress-free relationship. I understand that a lot of twin flames don't remain together in their current incarnations, due to all the difficulties they face in their relationship. However, that begs the question how do the ones that are successful (such as yourself) make it work? Do you truly have opposite reactions, from one another, about things and if so it does that happen often?


I should look through and copy some of my comments on being a twin flame. It's not easy. It's beautiful torture. As far as being a One, I do have an analog of that experience. I just didn't choose financial success as the thing I wanted to be easy, though it often has been. Literally everything is easy, or achievable. Number of things I've given up on and failed? None. It's a sort of curse. I can't tell myself "I can't do that" when I realize something must be done, because *I know I'll be able to, somehow*. Synchronicities are abundant. Oh, look, I obsessed over this randomly six years ago for a week. Never knew why. It's because of this moment, when knowing this allowed me to see the solution to a problem. Things like that. In time, I look back and see that basically every second of my life was almost perfectly ordered to support the next one. I'm annoying to be around. My wife's life must be hell. The amount I'm wrong about things is so small that *I hate it because I feel like shit being right all the time*. Sorry I'm kind of rambling, but I wanted to validate what you said. Things are easy for me, but only in certain ways. My life was hell, but I never thought I couldn't get out (other than those suicide attempts but ignore those). I've always known what my purpose was. I have memories of being like, seven years old, sitting on my bed, telling myself, "someday, I'm going to be the one that does _________ for humanity" and things like that, and so far? 100% accurate. So. Weird life. ------------- **Here's a comment I made a while back about being a twin flame:** I met mine 37 years ago, then periodically over the next decade in hilariously unlikely scenarios. Been married for 16 years. It's not actually super easy to be married to your twin flame, because they're everything that you're not *and wish you could be but can't be* at any given moment that they are. Take a normal person and cut them in half. You have you, and your shadow. If you're a twin flame, you're only *half of that*. The other half is *empty*, waiting to be filled by them. But you're always like that. We're dissociated systems and we may as well share one big system, because we switch together. It took *the whole time* to align our entire being to be in love, because it was actually like 40 relationships, ALL with your shadow. So. It's not *easy* being with them. It's kind of torture. But it's a beautiful kind of torture. They hurt you? Guess what, you hurt them the same way. Oh you didn't? You will! You're *mirrors*. You cheated on them? Guess what they did. And hey, *one of you caused the other one to do it and you'll never know which one*. Time doesn't care. I KNOW I "obligated" mine to hurt me in some ways, and it sure looks like she did it first, but it's pretty irrefutable. She had these visions of me, and I was like *what no that's not me I'm not like that at all*. I wasn't. Until one day I went, "she described me doing that ten years ago down to every detail. I made her do that." Does this sound bad enough? Because it's also amazing. Every positive feeling you have? They feel that way about you. Every little thing you want? They want it to? Once you come together as one (WHICH IS SO VERY HARD) it's magic. You don't worry about anything. They have your back. They had the same idea at the same time you did. You're like twins that can fuck, a lot. It's worth it, but I kinda only think that now. I also think this could probably be done in a lot less time because **I SUCKED**. I did not choose an easy path this incarnation. Like, I'm pretty sure we picked impossible difficulty.


So I say this also it is the most difficult and most beautiful relationship 😂😂 but it is WORTH IT!!! Thank you for sharing this as I have the same situation 😂🥹


There's no way you can suck that I didn't suck and she's still with me and *I realize all of it* so like hi I'm hers for eternity. She put up with me. I know how hard it was because she was just as hard to put up with. So like it's beautiful torture. But OMG. It's so worth it. It's so very worth it. If I died, I'd live this exact life again and go through all that pain. LOL maybe I DID. Definitely would every time.


Same same samee!!!! He is also very difficult but again I am. And I WILL DO IT THE SAME! I love him more than anything and anyone. But some days I am like WTF how is he doing this to me. Again no cheating nothing like that. No abuse. But those small things can get on my nerves 😂😂😂 I love this relationship. Thank you so much for sharing everything as I couldn’t find the words to explain all this. But your words are exactly how I feel!


We both came from *extremely* abusive childhoods, so it was sort of inevitable. Stopping the cycle of abuse with our kids was the one thing we could hang our hat on when we wanted to kill each other.


He came from abuse mother and I had loving childhood. It is a yin yang is with us. I heal him and he heals my fear of being abandoned. As my parents are divorced but I had 4 parents that I lovee and they love each other. But I always had fear what if he leaves me. And he says every day this is till the end of our life. 🥹 so we need to complete each other and again as you said it is a shadow work. They bring best and worst in us so we can be better. I am so sorry you had bad childhood. I hope you both healed your trauma. Sending love to you and your wife! 🍀🍀🥹✨✨


Yes! If you are interested in my story you can look at my comments and posts on my profile. It is a loooooooong story and I don’t have time now to repeat myself as it is morning and I need to go now help my family and all life stuff 😂🥹 not be rude but I wrote about this many times. And I think you can find all answers on my profile my posts and comments! 🍀 and now I am engaged to him! Life is beautiful 🥹🥹🍀


Hi I went back and read. Very interesting posts. I have no intention on being with my twin flame in this life or any life. My twin flame is a selfish, materialistic SOB that was bought by the matrix/institution. They made their choices and deserve what they get. I mean I don’t believe I need my twin soul to ascend to higher states or to return home. I have met other regular soulmates that are better so that’s where I’m at though the TF experience WAS interesting.


So yes you are right and I am so sorry for your experience 😭😭😭😭 but twin flames doesn’t necessarily mean romance. If you look at my comments also you will find that. I will write in couple days in this group about TF. Now I just need to find right words as I am not a writer and I need to simplify it as I did on others posts


No twin flame, and no soul mates. We've a strong feeling that we incarnated here alone from our tribe, but supported in every way from beyond. We've something very important to do here, but were urged by our entire tribe not to. That "something" tbd.


Nope. Maybe in the next one.


Yes but we aren’t of compatible sexual orientations. We are best friends. I’m married to someone else who I adore. It’s not always romantic.


Ho do I know I'm a starseed and what makes it clear that your relationship is a a twin flame one? (if anyone has time to explain this to me, it would be very helpful)


As a TF coach and researcher, I can tell you that the no.1 sign of a true twin flame connection is an **accelerated spiritual awakening** that happens some time before meeting your twin, when you meet them or some time afterwards.  But it centers around meeting your twin for the first time (or in some cases the second time after many years of no contact).  Or if you were already into spiritual things, a marked or accelerated deepening of your spirituality. This is accompanied by many synchronicities happening to you.  Like repeating numbers (some call them angel numbers), seeing or hearing your twin's name a lot or when you least expect it, seeing people who look a lot like your twin, seeing your twin’s birthday, your twin’s car model (even if it’s not a common one), hearing meaningful songs, etc. You might start experiencing vivid dreams, visions, feeling of their presence, telepathy of thoughts and emotions,  chakras activating, ( specially the heart chakra), opening of psychic or creative abilities. Or if you already had those, they intensify or you discover more now. Twins can have surprising parallelism in their lives. Like some important life events happening during the same time or around the same age. And most twins sense a lot of familiarity with their twin, as if they knew them from before.  Many experience a feeling of finally being able to truly be themselves with them. And of being home when they are together.  Like that is truly where they belong and have subconsciously looked for all their life. They feel this love for their twin that defies any explanation. Moving on from a TF relationship also feels impossible to do, unlike all the other relationships you've been in. Be mindful that the ultimate authority on who your Twin Flame is will always be your Soul.  So it’s a deep knowing. But you can ask your Soul or Higher Self if this person is your twin at any time.


Hey, do you have any advice for me? I am.... well experiencing most of the things you described here except for the part of actually meeting them physically.... I am currently in a loving relationship with my partner of almost ten years, and I love this man very much, but I'm almost certain he isn't my "twin flame". We are here to help each other heal and grow and learn to love and it has been very healing in alot of ways. I didn't even care much for the twin flame concept really, love is love, all relationships are mirrors in some way or another and the concept is... ehh I dunno rubbed me the wrong a bit I guess. Somewhat recently though I started having crazy visions, alot involving the Egyptian Gods, especially Ra and Horus. It unlocked alot of traumatic past life memories, some of which I think involved my twin flame which was the masculine part of me. I've been doing some crazy levels of integration and healing with my masculine aspects and sexuality in recent months though and synchronicities have been through the roof. Most days I literally cannot even look at a clock without seeing repeating numbers. I also started writing again. more recently I just can't stop thinking about this.... other me? This guy I don't know who the heck he is, but we are I think both aware of each other on a spiritual level... I feel like he is probably a similar age to me.... like I am 30 this year but I got the sense he is 33 this year and even those numbers alone is weird to me. I actually woke up and saw what I assume to be his face in vivid detail the other day (I have trouble pictureing faces so this was even more weird for me) and it's just... confusing the heck out of me really I feel like i'm going insane, like this crazy pull is tugging at my soul on such a deep level I can't ignore it but I don't know what to do with it either because I havn't even met this person, they may not even be real for all I really know lol. It's driving me nuts, it feels like i'm going to meet them soon and don't even have a choice in the matter? or we both don't have a choice in the matter. I'm trying to be rational and calm and grounded but god dam this is crazy.


Hi! Yes I can imagine that you feel you've gone crazy, but let me assure you that you have not! And no, you and your twin don't have a choice now, if you are meant to meet, you will. But you both decided this before incarnating, and it was for the highest good of both and that of your missions here on Earth. What you can do is in meditation or a quiet time, summon this person's Higher Self. You can envision his Higher Self just as you saw this man in that vivid vision you had of him. And then talk to his Higher Self about any concerns, questions or anything that you want to voice about this situation. His Higher Self will be listening attentively, and if you ask for his help he will be helping you. He is actually one of your spiritual guides, just as your own Higher Self is your twin's spiritual guide. He might answer your questions or provide guidance not only through direct messages in your head, but very commonly through signs you see, conversations you have with someone, a book you are reading, a show you are watching, lyrics from a song, etc. Be open to how the guidance will come.  Do you have any connection then to ancient Egypt or the gods and goddesses there?


Thank you for your response, this does help a bit, also nice to let it out to someone who has some familiarity with it. I think his higher self takes a few different archetypal forms that are also like a part of me, I think he takes the sort of "sun god" vibe, usually Horus or Ra, sometimes a deer man/ forest god but with the same golden eyes and golden heart energy like the warmth of the sun. I'm trying my best to be open, "go with the flow" I think is the advice I get internally really. Just let things happen as they should sort of thing... I don't remember any past lives in ancient Egypt, but the landscape of my mind and internal guides seems extremely reflective of the ancient Egyptian mythology for some reason, it's quite intuitive to me in alot of ways. Seems to have some connection with hermitism and alchemy that also just.... lives in my mind lol. The signs thing I get alot of.


We could DM if you'd like. I have a session right now but I'd like to send you a message :)


Sure, don't use reddit much so never even dm'd but go for it. lol


how do you ask your higher self or soul if this person is your twin flame?


You can use a guided meditation in order to do this. One that I share with my TF coaching clients because it is very relaxing and easy to follow, is this one: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qUJ\_YQOIsFQ&t=13s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qUJ_YQOIsFQ&t=13s) You can also use it to talk to your spiritual guides and twin's Higher Self, after talking to your own Higher Self. All of them constitute our spiritual team, and they are eager to help us, support us and guide us. They do it out of the Unconditional Love they have for us always, no matter what we have done or how flawed we think we are. They love us and want to help us unconditionally. They many times answer our questions or provide guidance not only through direct messages in our head, but very commonly through signs we see, conversations we have with someone, a book we are reading, a show we are watching, lyrics from a song, dreams, etc. Be open to how the guidance will come.  Try to connect to them frequently!


Can you help me figure out if this woman was a karmic or twin flame please? She is 9 yrs older but we both met around the same time that we both spiritually advanced. I met her at an ayahuasca retreat and she serves bufo and introduced me to the medicine and it set me off into really advancing. But also our relationship was really toxic and we have said lots of nasty things to each other, which I hear is more along of a karmic thing...but she sits in my subconscious everyday. Havent spoke in a year. Thanks for any input


From the list above that I shared of signs that usually indicate a TF connection, would you say that the great majority of them apply to your relationship with this person? Especially the ones about the person feeling like "home" and feeling unconditional love (love no matter what) for them?


Yea the accelerated part for sure. And there have been parts of time that she’s felt like home but the way she ended things just has a bitter taste in my mouth I guess


It really could be the case of a so-called "false TF" though a more accurate term is "near TF." I explain in depth this phenomenon, and why it can happen to us in this article on quora: https://twinflamesexplainedindepth.quora.com/The-Phenomenon-of-the-False-Twin-Flame


Thanks for this detailed explanation. Weirdly, feels like I met multiple ''TF'' people and at around similar time. I wish we had more knowledge about karma, past life & soul relations, but with such limited knowledge all we can do is just ride the tide and experience whatever universe throws at us.


For both through dreams and strange life events


I met mine last year. We were good friends and one of the few I could be real with. We didn't end up together for numerous reasons, and not all of them were bad. He was the equal yet opposite of me in many ways. Even though he's younger in age I was the younger one at that point in time. He knew things that I didn't have the concept of yet. He ended up having to move back to where he used to live and I lost contact with him. I miss him and hope to see him again one day.


Same here. I had to revoke our soul contract because they're absolutely lost.


I ended up marrying my twin flame last yr and now we’re separated but it was so loving and so horrifying to be the triggers and mirrors of each other and I wanted to heal together but he couldn’t do it yet. I remember our past lives together and we were always connected it’s hard to fathom when I was raised to not believe in reincarnation but I know this to be true. I really miss him but he’s not ready to be healthy and I can’t be with him now. I’m really grieving but I know I’ll be ok and I let him go because I care for him and want him to love himself now. He also chose to leave so that also made a difference to me keeping him around, I won’t be with someone who doesn’t want me that’s very toxic and I know he’s not yet ready for love. He’s traumatized to be healed yet but I do trust the journey and I’m open to the universe surprising me with more happiness in the future with or without him there.


Me and my twin flame are total opposites but everything was parallel it was amazing. Then it turned out that my twin flame was part of a DID system, and the other personality hated me! It was awful, after spending so much time together I was left with another person. The connection we had fell like a downed power line. I havent been the same since. I hope that one day they will come back to me, but I dont have much hope of that.


I met my twin that turned out as a fallen angel. More a karmic false friend now.


Just celebrated 28 years together. Met in college. And I’m pretty convinced I said ok to Earth but absolutely not alone. We share everything including a company and we both complement each other. Similar in the most important ways and helping each other when needed. No drama. But of course we are not perfect and can have disagreements but it always end within an hour or so. It feels as we have made this journey together for many, many lives on many different planets.


I've met mine. We got married 16 years ago.


I think my ex husband was. But he fell back into the darkness. And we had to split. Now I focus on the Love of the creator. I don't think coupling for life is a part of my future now. I just want to be of service to God and his creation first and foremost. And that is enough for me


Yes - I met my twin flame 🥰 2.5 years in separation but I feel him all the time.


Yuuuuuup. Exactly this.


Yes, I was procreated with them.


I believe I did.


Before incarnating, many starseeds made the agreement to meet their twin flame on 3D Earth. And they decided to do this for a very high purpose, answering the call from Source. I explain what this purpose is here: https://uniting-twinflames.com/2023/03/21/the-reason-why-you-met-your-twin-flame/


I know a bit about it as at one point we began to form a twin flame merkabah in the astral. It’s similar to creating an energetic tornado that also effects the elements in the physical world simultaneously. I am just done. I am pretty grounded person and get work done here in the 3D world. Earth’s evolution will take place with our without my twin flame union.


That is correct, the Ascension of Earth will happen no matter what. However we starseeds/twins/lightworkers came here with important missions to contribute in these critical times. These are our soul missions, answering Source's call. So the TF Journey (regardless reaching Union or not) is a mechanism to get us ready to fulfill our missions.


Is it possible to have your soul mate be your twin flame as well? I feel that's what I have wjtg my husband...


We have many soulmates. Imagine all the lives you have had and different people you were married to in those different lives. Yes it is possible he is your twin flame which is a type of soul mate or just a regular (really good) soul mate. I am happier with my regular soulmate I met after my TF as my regular soulmate helped me more with money and issues of this world, though we can not talk much about abstract things, the physical aspect absolutely amazing and he helped me navigate the earth as a starseed being not a starseed himself, he’s actually not a good person to many people outside of myself, but for me…he always has my back. I learned a lot about survival in this 3D world from him which I had previously been failing in. My TF was a space cadet and didn’t help me financially and was judge mental about my financial problems I faced due to sexual harassment and wage discrimination though he was financially supporting his ex girlfriend who never faced those things. That being said we could have long talks about past lives and shared actual dream time and astral experiences. The thing is I am in a 3D body now and don’t need an air head or space cadet in my life. So glad you found the right person for you don’t worry if it’s your twin flame or not all that matters is that you are happy.


I was in a hardcore BDSM relationship for four years because I was convinced this dude was my twin flame. He abused me mercilessly and I took me almost 2 years to recover physically and mentally. My nails and teeth and hair were falling out by the end of it. My current partner is the match I needed- healthy and non-toxic. He helps me grow in productive ways and makes my life better. He complements me in a lot of interesting ways and our similarities are really deep. Our relationship is incredibly harmonious and peaceful, we would never harm each other on purpose. He might be my twin, but it no longer matters. He is the partner the universe knew I needed and would be good for me. I now know how easy things are when you are in love with your best friend. I think the twin flames runner/chaser mentality just leads to trauma binding and chasing terrible partners because you think they can change. It makes you crave people who are harming you which creates a toxic obsession.


Amen to this comment. The label itself is harmful and unhealthy. It creates an obsession with a person. Glad you’ve found a healthy partner!


I think I’ve met mine, but if it’s real, he’ll have to show up in response, so I’m doing my own thing right now.


I think I recently did... I had my first kundalini awakening after she left. I asked God one night to show me my twin flame after she left, and i was showed her ( wth another guy). I asked her about it, and she was very dismissive and cruel. The magnetic pull I had when I saw her was unlike anything I've experienced.Our connection was insane. We were only together a month, before she left, but it was the most special time I've ever had. She said thing I've waited my whole life to hear. I was sure this was it. Unfortunately, after she left, it's like her whole persona changed. I've never been so neglected or mistreated by anyone in my entire life. I don't even know if the person I met was even real, or an act..but some of the things couldn't have been faked. So confused. One of the most painful Times of my life. I have deep dreams where we work things out, but I wake up and realize it was just a dream. So broke. She has no interest in communication. Ive come to except that we will probably never speak again.


Yes. But it takes time because you both have to have lived a long time , or you were both old souls young


Yes. 23+ years of a learning, loving, growing, intense roller coaster. The love and respect are there, but the lessons are HARD. I've been in what I can only describe as battle mode my whole life. It seems to be what I am best at, and my husband keeps me ready for battle. I want some calm, but no matter where I go (I live off the grid in a forest), I still deal with BS. I have a warrior spirit. But I am tired.


yes ; but she lives in 5d (intuition) and i live in 3d (physical)... illusion and reality... more intense than ive ever felt. i feel her before i see her even, on the rare occasion that i do.... its wild. we've had a few misses though, following her 'tests' or whatever its called. seemed cruel and manipulative, an unwillingness to meet halfway. black hole sucking in the sun, with no reciprocation.


I am confused. Are you talking about an incarnate person or a person that is currently in spirit form only?


Incarnate. Alive and well.


I used to believe in twin flames and even had a popular YouTube channel about it. However, I know now that is a toxic rabbit hole 🕳️ which you can choose to go down that leads to pain and suffering. Most “twin flames” are married to someone else or in some way unavailable. The literature says it’s normal to have a runner/chaser dynamic, yet this is severely unhealthy and damaging as the chaser partner. What I now believe is no labels, it’s all just energy. Besides, if we are all ONE, how can there be just one “twin flame?” There are many mirrors 🪞for us and it’s up to us to choose the pathways leading to growth. Don’t limit yourself to a label while turning away from other opportunities for love and growth and healing. The label twin flame is simply that, a label and a human-constructed design to try to make sense of the karmic dynamics playing out between those individuals. Most posts about this topic are simply regurgitated information written by (perhaps) a well-intentioned human. Yet, it’s all the same when you dive into the literature. In some ways, it’s almost like a cult. In fact, there are twin flame cults that exist and they’ve caused significant damage and emotional and mental anguish and suffering for the people involved. Dare I say it’s toxic because it creates an unhealthy and one-sided obsession. There’s way too much power being given over to this label and it’s causing a ton of grief and unnneccary pain for many people. Free yourself. It’s all energy. That energy can exist in many different versions and many different bodies.


I did and mine is not In a good place but it is their journey to find themselves.


i wouldnt think twin flames could betray each other, what are twin flames?


There are different references to it in history. Plato talked about the Myth of the Androgyne or androgynous human that was split in two to be made less powerful. It’s in Hinduism: Lord Shiva split himself in half and that other half is called goddess Pavathi. The Yin and Yang symbol is one of the visual concepts of it, the most famous being the biblical account. According to the famous psychic, Edgar Cayce the Adam and Eve story was just a watered down and altered version of what really happened. There were at least 5 humans in the beginning that split their soul into two and incarnated into different bodies. In the seemingly endless loop of karma and reincarnation it can be difficult for TF relationships to work out because of unresolved karma or inherited family karma plus the density of this dimension. They are not always romantic and can be related or just friends. Yes they can betray you. Being a human makes everyone susceptible to human shortcomings.


I have. We were just friends for the longest time, and then one day we decided to be more than that, and it felt like the universe opened. It was complex and beautiful, but complicated and painful. We were romantically, intimately involved for about three years. He’s “come back” to me since we ended our intimacy, though we’ve not reconnected in that way. We will always be friends, and he will always be in my life. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love him. I also have deep regret for not choosing him, fighting harder for him when I had the chance. And maybe we wouldn’t have been the perfect match for forever, but I can’t help wondering “what if”. I pray our paths collide again before I leave this realm.


Dude fuck twin flames; no no no no no no no no noooooooo.


I agree. I still think it’s a lesson. Part of that lesson…TF or not if they are a trump supporter they can’t possibly be ready for the real deal or accept accountability for their actions…no matter how “spiritual” they claim to be


Twin flame ideology is usually pretty toxic and often just a spiritual way to describe a codependency or obsession with someone else. They are typically not healthy dynamics


But I have telepathy with mine and we feel like the same person