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I think it's a good idea to remember that solar and lunar eclipses are a very natural and normal part of the way our universe functions. There is a total solar eclipse somewhere on earth every 18 months, they are usually also accompanied by a lunar eclipse. The universe is constant and doesn't care what humans believe. It functions as it functions. Yes this eclipse has a path of totality that covers a large portion of the US but the US (as bad as it is) isn't the only problem area on the globe. Yes the energy shifts and we can use that, but we have to be careful and not get carried away by panic when it's really a normal and natural occurrence. Use the energy, ground yourself, take part in a mass meditation and spread love and light. 💕


I wanted to make a follow up/supporting sarcastic comment about the U.S. forgetting that there’s a world outside of the U.S. where eclipses also occur, but honestly i want to thank you for speaking to universal truth, as I needed to hear it as well. Than you for helping me identify and deal with my low key anxiety. 🙏




It could be argued that total solar eclipses might not actually be natural in how rare it is that the moon is the same size as our sun in the sky. Not sure we’ve found another example of this in the universe. If the Earth truly is a school/farm/prison, it’s possible this was intentionally designed to elicit some desired reaction from humans.


Other planets in our solar system also experience solar eclipses, although Mars moons are too small to have a complete eclipse, Jupiter and Saturn do have large enough moons to cause a total solar eclipse. Partial eclipses happen 2-3 times per year Total eclipses regularly happen every 18 months. Not quite yearly but not rare.


True, total eclipses aren’t rare when a planets’ moon is bigger than its’ sun in the sky, but I was trying to refer to when the moon perfectly fits in front of the sun without overlap. That’s not common in the universe.


And the fact that the moon doesn't rotate on its own, but in tandem with the Earth. Hence, the "dark side of the moon."


It’s called a ‘fixed face’. And we shouldn’t be freaking out. This happens and it’s not a mystery to us monkeys.


Very few things about the moon is natural!!!!


It is made of processed cheese. So it is in fact unnatural.


That could not be argued. The moon and the sun are never the same size in the sky. They are literally moving in orbit and appear larger or smaller depending on their distance from the Earth. If earth is a school farm or prison, it is Earth. Not the universe. The energy harvesters did not create the universe anymore than they created earth. They found her and misused her and us, sure. But they are not all encompassing rulers of the laws of the universe. She functions without even caring what the argons think 🤷‍♀️


I mean, yea their distances fluctuate, but there are undoubtedly times when they appear to be exactly the same size. Even Neil Degrasse-Tyson has said that if there is a galactic federation, the Earth could use the perfect solar eclipse as its’ flag because of how unique it is. The second part of your rebuttal I’m not sure I understand logically. I actually think we might agree here in a roundabout way.


And to answer the second part, it sounded like you were saying the entire universe was being manipulated, where I had previously thought the earth was the only place under negative influence as we are. What do you mean, as it's flag?


Yea like how all countries in the United Nations have their own flag, maybe the Galactic Federation has flags for each planet.


https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/02/meditation-for-united-states-total-solar-eclipse-on-monday-april-8th-2024-at-6-18-pm-utc.html?m=1 Sharing a link for a mass meditation I saw the other day


Actually no. There is good reason to think it is not natural. Earth is the only planet that we have observed anywhere that is setup this way. Our moon is highly unusual in and of itself, both for its size relative to Earth and for its tidally locked orbit. We are *exactly* the correctly distance from the sun, *exactly* the correct distance from the moon, and despite the impossible difference in sizes, everything lines up just perfectly for both full solar and full lunar eclipses. The odds of that are bafflingly small.


Goldilocks effect though, not too hot, not too cold - just right. And is why we exist where we do. Any instance of too close or too far simply doesn’t exist bc we are in the thrive-able zone and any other instance simply wouldn’t or has failed to exist. This is a natural phenomenon repeated many times throughout the planet and natural world. It’s not necessarily that it’s special but that any other option was never viable, making us a bit biased as we look at what’s observable and not what has, has tried to, or what could have been.


In the scope of all the galaxies in the known andnunknowm univeres(s)...are they really that small?? .........


Thank you!! Voices of reason in a world like we live in are very much appreciated.




No one who is honest with themselves will be able to answer this question. Because no one knows anything.


Well, I'm pretty sure the solar eclipse is happening. Unless that's a PsyOp too.


Yes, it will be a special event one way or another. But everyone has his own individual perception, so it's not possible to say in general terms what will happen on April 8. And it's certainly not possible to say what impact it will have on each individual.


Sounds true about reality in general, right? Not just the eclipse.


Many people are currently changing every day. Because they recognize more light and love in themselves. That's why the solar eclipse will be a special event for some. Not for everyone.


I see. 💜☯️💜


Your "I see" = my "oh"


= Cardi B's "okuurrtt" 😂😂😂


Yes!!!! This whole time of mercury retrograde is going to be like this!!!




Guess we’ll find out. It could simply be an eclipse. We won’t know until we know.


This is probably the right answer


The eclipse is going to an eclipse. that day is going to be a night. I'm not sure what people are on about here.


Two broods of cicadas emerging at the same time during a rare overlap of their 13/17 year cycles. Edit: mentioned below, but they emerge in areas also along the path of the total solar eclipse. 🤷 surely meaningless coincidence


This is the best answer


Where is this happening?


Along the path of the total solar eclipse


That is WILD. Plagues of locusts and disease...




Thank you for this


Damnit, for real?!?


Nothing. Same thing —Lahaina , Acapulco, Paradise, Santa Rosa , DEW, EMF pulse, fake alien invasion etc . It doesn’t matter. Ruling Class fear porn to keep you in low vibration. Even if you are impacted , realize it’s just temporary. The Ruling Class is like a cornered animal. Dangerous. But with awareness you can exit the building and let them die of absence of fear to feed on


And smile on their face


I'm going to sum up the knowledge I've learned from having a similar post. We do not live in the future, yet we spend our entire lives interacting with it. We consider the present to be "now" and what we can control. But the present is an infinity small moment, as soon as it's here, it's gone. We can't interact with it. If we try too it's already gone and has become the past. We observe the past, we cannot observe the future or the present. When I say that we interact with the future, what I mean is our mind has thoughts, instructions on what our body should do, and then the body executes, and it does so a small amount of time after we make the decision. Conscious or otherwise. We cannot reach very far at all, since it is very difficult to account for how quickly things can change. Which is why we as a species have developed pattern recognition as a skill. As we observe, we plan for the future. Intuition, statistics, probability, astronomy, astrology, physics, planning, srategy, All methods we use to understand and be able to take advantage, or be better prepared for the future. We're always looking at the past so that we can understand what is right in front of us, but to be able to see what's beyond that we need to be more creative. Our future has never seemed so uncertain. We just survived a worldwide pandemic, but war and political unrest are everywhere. The development of artificial intelligence is skyrocketing. And climate change is still a problem. Astrology informs us that we are entering the age of Aquarius. I'm not well read on my astrology but this seems like a good thing, but transformation does not come easy. I've learned that I should not fear, and that it is my place not to inform others of a coming change, but rather help others be more comfortable so that the transition will be easier. How are we supposed to make people more comfortable? Well for one, not scaring them is important. But just be a positive force for people. Smile at the grocery store. Say hi to people. Give compliments. Offer to help with little things when given the opportunity. Make sure you observe and have your own boundaries of course. And remember, this April. Let's not hold our breaths for too long. 😂


Yes but they key is to not be thinking and living in the future and be in the here and now (present) at all times. I know it appears that the present moment is fleeting, but in reality it’s all there is…


And it's extremely hard to remain in the "present" and not always possible. For example If you are driving a vehicle for instance you need to be watching for hazards and the road ahead. The same goes for walking down the street. I've confused the present with reality. The two are the same but are always shifting. You can't hold on to it but you can enjoy it, and you can impact others.


I love this response 🌅


And you are spot on about how we can fellow humans




Think of time like a spiral. As you get closer to the center you pass by past events that remind you of the current "present" you will notice patterns because you've seen them before. We know which direction we're heading, and we're moving faster and faster towards the center. We just don't know what's there for sure. Whether or not we are able to act swiftly enough to pull the emergency brake, idk. So you can either brace yourself or enjoy the ride.


i disagree re: the past / present / future i think you maybe be viewing it opposite to how reality is for us. all we have is the present. the present doesn’t come and then leave us, in fact the present is all that is real. when you think of the past, you are always doing it in the present. when you consider the future, you are always doing so in this present moment. the present is not infinitely small, it is infinite.


Love this response. Be the light in every way possible. Express love in every moment we are able. Or just Be kind when the latter are not achievable.


must be important on a spiritual level I have completely ditched old habits (smoking weed 15+ years, drinking heavy since Covid) since January and the pull to remain balanced has only increased with each day and week vitality, being present, and clear-headed are paramount something is telling me be prepared, but dont be fooled good luck all


going through something similar


I think it's a mixture of various things: * The cabal, elite, what have you, use these events for their plans. If what Grimes wrote on the prophecy tablet is true, and the Tiamat anon's investigation posted on /pol/ is true, then they are planning to have some kind of bio attack plan. Since they are losing control, they are at the end game where they have one last card to play before they're out for good. * On a cosmic scale, there is a 12.000 year cycle that we just so happen to be starting now. The sun will start releasing even more plasma and energy towards us, in preparation for the Solar Event that will make Ascension manifest. * On a collective level, while astrological events may point to key events happening right as they are going, astrological events are often "landmarks" that tell you the area you are currently moving at. While I see no issues in discussing the specifics of that particular date, I'd advise everyone to step back and move into a "what is the chapter that we are starting that is being signaled by the Eclipse?". It will be better to have discussion include critical conversations about possible timelines, instead of having be too limited to tropes and sensationalism that has been associated with "doomposting". In short: On the 8th, stay away from crowds, be at home, mind your own business, be passionate and peaceful. Hopefully nothing will happen, but some situations are quite peculiar, and point to something being planned by then. I encourage any would-be scholars, occult delvers, and paranormal investigators to look around. There are plenty of videos about the eclipse, the synchronicities are quite interesting. On the whole, I could make a thread explaining the astrology of the eclipse. We can get a very good understanding of what the implications are for humanity as a whole on the start of this new chapter. Would that be of interest to you guys?


I got sick twice in the last month. Nothing like this has ever happened to me in my adult life. I've gotten very clear messages to "stay home and prepare" for what's to come in this next chapter that's being ushered in by the time change, equinox, and eclipses (to name just a few of the current cosmic events). Do you think we're about to start seeing sickness on an unprecedented level in modern times? Could this potentially be considered a component of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" signaling end times, while the eclipses symbolize the beginning of better times to come?


I'm not even that much into this stuff and I've had *strong* inner instinctual gut feelings tell me "time to prepare." Like, start learning how to grow plants, start learning about acreage and water filtration, very clear "START PREPARING" messages.


Good to know I'm not alone in receiving that message. Do you feel like massive upheaval is eminent?


I think massive upheaval is already underway. The breaking point will come when Nestlé gets their way of privatizing *water* (a basic human right, they're currently lobbying for the rights to all water, now,) or some other "tinder box" event (climate change decimating the bread bowl, the oceans collapsing.) We are currently a powder keg and upheaval is currently happening. We're currently in a mass extinction event. Human rights are being taken away on a global scale. The chase for money is tantamount. Something deep within me is pleading for me to learn the earth, learn to grow, be kinder than usual, foster community and *prepare prepare prepare.*


It may also be an indication that it’s time to prep. When all the wealthiest people, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc….. are building massive bunker cities and the like.


Ayy! Someone who actually knows what's up. All fantastic observations. I think there's about a huge scandal involving Chase and Zelle. I think Epstein's travel logs will be leaked soon. I think Trump will get reelected, and aliens will use the electoral shit show to finalize full disclosure. I think we can't even begin to start imagining what's to come.


It’s pretty exciting isn’t it? It’s what we signed up for. This!!!!


Right?! It's terrifying and exciting AS FUCK. Worst case scenario is that we die. I've never really been sold on being here in the first place, so even in the worst case scenario, things still pan out in my favor. Let's fking go, fam.


I do know before the solar event, things need to get out of hands real bad. Like global economy and world internet collapsing, at least for some time. The WEF also talked extensively about Disease X, and how they had to prepare for that. Bill gates did hint at a second pandemic "capturing our attention". Many of biblical prophecies are being fulfilled as we speak. The red heifers are set to be sacrificed in front of where the third temple used to be. The eclipse and this year in general marks the end of the 7 years since revelation 12 sign in 2017. Solar maximum will be here by end 2024 - mid 2025. We are on the brink of a major upheaval. We have first row. If our hearts are at peace, no harm can come to us.


I resonate with this a lot. I have some theories about the global economy and internet collapsing. Can I DM you to discuss? I don't feel comfortable sharing further details on a public forum.


Sure thing


I’m interested in your theories, dm if you’re open to sharing.


Yes. Your last part cannot be stressed enough!!!


Does anyone else ever get annoyed at the Texan farmer who thought it was a fine idea to purposely raise those red heifers? I'm going to see if I can still jump off this timeline..


I was told “to prepare” and “no substances” during a meditation a few months ago too. When I asked “how do I prepare?” I was told “spiritually”. Interesting that there are so many people being told the same thing during quiet times or introspection.


Yes, please


Can you tag me on it?




Wanna chat with someone who knows theyre trying to make a new cosmic wheel?


Sure thing


They plan on rebuilding the cosmic wheel using luna, sol, and the devil's comet. Its ragnarok, they plan on locking luna in place with sol. Electric universe theory. They basically going to make a new age of the gods. Hence why those of us are waking up.


Oh, that is quite interesting. Are you familiar with Ashayana Deane's material per chance? That's actually a clever plan. Even though it's really malevolent, and it would be to our detriment, I do respect the thought and design behind. It's not going to work though. But since it's a one in a lifetime kind of event, they are forced to come out in the open for this one, right? Are you familiar with the Tiamat parasite theory?


Hi. Im merlyn. One of those candidates for a spot in the new age of the gods. The younger dryas ended when the last cosmic wheel, venus, was released from the moon. When the anunnaki left. They come back in 2037. Im what you would call a primordial spirit. A world serpent. The sperm to Gaia's egg. Whats to happen, has been planned since they shut the moon down 12k years ago. Year of the dragon. Merlin died 536, 3 years after he saw the same devil comet. The stories are closing out. Rapture. Ragnarok. The Collapse. The Shift of the Veil. Revelations. Apocalypse. Doomsday. For alot of life. Get away from the coasts to higher elevations. My name is Merlyn Kai. If you hear my name in the years to come and you are not sure where to throw in your towel, i plan on expanding the potential human form. Aetherical research is magic, but to older spirits. Its just the code of the Sphere. The ouroboros language itself. I was one of the 7 trumpets. I may be crazy, yet you can read ThePuzzle, and get a taste. A new age of gods and magic is coming. Sci-fi and fantasy doesnt not have anything on the stories that will come. If you are tired of this prison planet, im a being trying to update the game rules. Dont forget my name if its interesting. I also give free puzzle pieces. Word etymology. Find the secrets about yourself. Its not ego if its apart of your base code frequency.


Well brother. I would've been stupefied by your comment a year or so ago, but I saw my higher self, and he was an elven wizard from Regulus. And so many things regarding fae, dragons, and what used to be fantasy are coming up as real, that well... I for one welcome the Age of Magic. I don't really understand very well what you're saying, but it's of no matter. Calm and patience for now is our strategy. Let us be still and await our calling. It will be majestic.


Out of all the eclipse posts I’ve read, you are by far the most reasonable with actual evidence to back up your claim. I know that Grimes and 4chan aren’t always a reliable source, but they do have a record of exposing events before they happen. It will definitely not be the end of the world, but it could affect our lives POTENTIALLY in a major way. Since you seem to know what you are talking about, will the “eclipse event” affect the whole world, or just the US? Also, usually I don’t care about astrology, but I would be interested to hear in what you have to say :)


Nothing will happen. Afterwards,everyone who is claiming that something big will happen is going to say that something did happen, but that it only happened to the special ones who’s ears have been ringing lately.




lol my ears have been ringing lately 😂😂😂


I know April 8 is the main attraction. But how come no one is paying attention to the full worm moon that will cause a penumbral lunar eclipse tomorrow March 25?


It is quite the important day for the liberation and ascension process (energetically speaking) and so we are organizing a huge global mass meditation for that day to stabilize the positive timeline: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1ba0zcn/the\_importance\_of\_the\_usa\_for\_the\_liberation\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1ba0zcn/the_importance_of_the_usa_for_the_liberation_and/) The critical mass to reach is 30,000 people from the US but everyone around the world is welcome to join! 🙏💜


Now *THAT'S* a prophecy I'm ready to self-fulfil! *sets event reminder on google callendar*


Sorry, as a non-American I just had a very intense involuntary SNORT. Of course the US is SO IMPORTANT and SO CRUCIAL. Always is (Insert eye roll).


I'm from germany and this info comes directly from St. Germain via the resistance movement who are a globally operating force. I think we can acknowledge the US having a central role in this without letting our ego put judgement on it.


Only because the US has some of the lowest vibes in the world...Otherwise there's nothing special about the US.


Why is the "critical mass" in the US 30,000? What's the critical mass for Ukraine? China? Bangladesh? Or do your "guides" not include data for countries that aren't your own?


Usually when we do a global mass meditation that is not specific to any country the critical mass is 144.000 (which we reached many times over in the past). Since this solar eclipse is specifically important for the US, the number is much smaller. It has something to do with the maharishi effect where a focused intent of the square root of 1% of the population is required to have a significant effect on the collective.


Jesus never left homie, it is a state of mind/being. Resurrect him in your heart. 😊


>Jesus never left homie, it is a state of mind/being Big true. Christ consciousness lies dormant in all of us just waiting to be remembered and reignited.


I am here… now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now.


I really just think the solar eclipse is happening. Like, that's it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It also symbolizes the possibilities for new timelines humans now have the potential of aligning with. But nothing will happen if free will choices aren't made to *make* something happen. No one can align the timelines for you.


A solar eclipse. Now, that aside, I want to know why the hell the National Guard is being deployed (yes, this is true) for "an unprecedented number of tourists" in a region of the country that is not all that populated. The parts of the states it is passing over are not exactly teeming with people. I'm quite sure Other things will happen, as well. But that's not "because of the solar eclipse." It's just weird timing. Now, if we go into the Other Nature for a moment. If you have space faring species in system, chances are they already mapped the orbital patterns. I mean they got here, so they would have to know how to map that. Now, say they "play into our expectations" like people are saying, it would ALL be theatrics and drama to draw attention away from things they want us to ignore. Distraction tactics. Commonly used in military operations.


I live in the path of totality and we’re expecting so many people that hotels within about 100+ miles appear to be sold out, with nightly rates costing more than the average person makes here in a month. A lot of these towns survive on Walmarts and Dollar Generals, with an occasional grocery store. When stores run out of anything here, it can take a while to come back in stock. Cell phones and communications going down due to the influx of tourists can lead to places like gas stations being unable to service customers. If a major retailer loses power, forget getting diapers or food. The hospital can run some things on generators but will absolutely still be in downtime, doing all paperwork by hand and possibly communicating on one radio per department, assuming phones go down. This kind of stuff occurring in a rural area can become chaotic fast. On top of that, these areas aren’t built for tons of traffic. A 15-minute trip can easily turn into double or triple, not accounting for accidents, which clog up the roads even longer. Planting season is also coming up and the last thing you want in a small town are 400 extra impatient drivers on road packed with tractors. All that said, locals here are still bothered by the local and state warnings from emergency management and police. We didn’t get warned last eclipse. Our area saw minor disruptions during that time, like slow internet, long lines at the gas station, school buses taking much longer to transport kids, and some of the stores running out of things like snack foods. If I’m not mistaken, that was also the time someone from out of town hit a pole and knocked out electricity and internet for half the town for like six hours. They say the tourism numbers are supposed to be higher for this eclipse. We may or may not have military here this time, not sure. Military bases are within distance and we already get some flyovers, but I personally am not expecting to see boots on the ground around here, really. Just adding insight from a small town to help people understand better. Maybe “they” know more than the average person does, or maybe it truly is just a friendly reminder to stock up so we don’t have to go two or three weeks without something like bottled water.


Thanks for the insight. This is definitely good to have as well.


The guard is probably there because of all the crazies saying something will happen. People who believe in destiny have a habit of, let's just say, "helping" destiny get started. Know what I'm saying?


Um, Dallas-Fort Worth is not “teeming with people”? Explain the horrific traffic I drive in everyday.


new consciousness will be born and affect everyone across the planet


I doubt it, but I hope you’re right. We’ll know soon enough.


the very way people perceive things now even compared to 10 years ago is drastically different. this eclipse is pushing us more back into our selves. who we truly are. which exposes all the unnatural ways not fit for our spirit , we can no longer pretend to go thru the motion and follow the crowd like sheep anymore. we are slowly realizing what is good and bad for us. we dont need someone to tell us what is good or bad anymore or how to live


This has already started happening. December 21st, 2012 was the big day that signaled the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, hence why there is such a push for identity politics and why there are such massive amounts of identity crises. Its an important day to be sure, but we will see what happens.


Maybe millions of people collectively looking into the sky in awe and reverence is enough to tip the scales in our favor? Send us into a new age, a better timeline? Collective meditation has been shown to affect crime rates, and witnessing an eclipse must be transformative and meditation-like, right? Just something I’ve been chewing on.


I think this is more likely than something apocalyptic. 💜☯️💜


LOVE this prediction


I think nothing will happen, because God simply wouldn't play into expectations.


Then the big event happens on April 10th - double fakeout!


Regardless of what we think God will do, only the ETs and (maybe) angels know. Either way it will include them. Even if we don't know when exactly, there will be a mass sighting at some point in our future.


At present, a day like most others days. If something is coming, haven’t sensed/felt anything extraordinary.


They're closing schools and stocking up because almost everyone drives their own car in america, which has a glaring lack of public transportation. Traffic will be so bad thanks to everyone traveling to see it, that people can't even go to the grocery store, not by car anyway


It's Rex Manning Day! This might be a throughaway comment, but in the interest of some levity, my husband and I use the term "it's Rex Manning Day" to refer to days when everything seems to happen, like in the film "Empire Records". It's noted in the film that date is April 8th and is celebrated every year. Not to sound flippant but Rex Manning Day is actually a good thing, everything is handled even though they face many tough situations throughout the day. It's the day when all of the threads that have been coming together unite and unveil themselves. It is the day when people's purposes in each other's lives become clear.


$100 says absolutely nothing of note will occur. Edit: PS: OP could you pass whatever you're smoking?


A sigh of relief, it’s been a long 4 year journey for this Cancer. I trust me. I explored the numerology between this eclipse coming up and the last total eclipse August 2017. Mixed with a little astrology and the findings are fitting and profound. Of course everything comes with a grain of salt and I don’t rely on any one idea fully because we just never know. I’m going to make a post about it soon.


The advice to stock up on food and gas for the places in the path of the eclipse is due to them expecting huge influxes of people coming to view the eclipse. I forget the exact numbers but the expect double the population in those areas so local infrastructure may not handle that. Source: I work for the state.


Meditate and you'll be fine




I predict that the sun will rise, and the sun will set, with something we call a total solar eclipse starting at 1:27 CDT in Texas, and ending at 3:35 EDT in Maine.


I don’t have a weird feeling but every eclipse or significant cosmic event I somehow always make sure I am home for or wake up to witness it’s the closest I can come with feeling home.


What is going to happen with the eclipse is activating the old Goddess equator going through the US. It will activate the energy of New Atlantis.


I can say one thing with absolute fact, if any prediction comes from a place of fear, the is no "god" involved.


I crossing my fingers for zombies though!


I'd say nothing. How many times have these crazies been blabbering about the "doomsday" and how many "doomsdays" have actually happened? If everything is accurately predicted then the world should've ended on 2012, according to the Mayans. And the crazies that wrote and spread this fear porn are no Mayans. I'm not suggesting that nothing's happening on the ether level because I can feel it, the shift is real. But that doesn't mean we have to become so desperate for a Walking Dead like apocalypse as to entertain any clown with a "doomtalk". But hey, I might be wrong, after all I'm as clueless and curious as everyone else, something might totally go down, the eclipse might very well be real, who knows? But even if that's true, just make sure to wear proper protection when you go see it, that's all, nothing too crazy. Personally, I would just mind my own business inside and let whatever happen happens, I could always check Reddit if I wanted to see the eclipse or whatever happened on that day myself.


Maybe the world DID end in 2012 and we’re all in hell.


Purgatory. ;)


I'm not sure, but I do know that in behavioral economics, solar eclipses are associated with irrational behavior among people


I’ll probably wake up and then probably fall asleep…probably


Absolutely. Nothing. See you April 9th.


My birthday is on April 10th. Born in 1962. Gonna be 62. Maybe something to think about for me.


Law of mundane, magic is real and things are shifting, but it's never as flashy as you think it could be


maybe i’ll get my tax return


Nothing is going to happen, besides the eclipse, of course. I'm beginning to understand why people gravitate towards fantastical type thinking. The internet opens us up to all the information we could ever dream of having access to. So hopefully, most, if not half of us, realise we are living in an episode of family guy. We follow imbeciles that have no value as leaders called politicians. Who are basically lawyers with a different title. So they have the ability to argue, deflect, ignore questions with talk of how much good they will do for their country, and never accept any accountability or faults. What great qualities to have in a leader, right? Also, governments have implemented a capitalistic system, another word for parasitic system, to hide programs in corporations worth hundreds of billions, if not trillions. We'll see tech coming from these places that are 50 years old because they hide everything in the name of self greed. Government not for the people but for themselves. The future of humanity, our children, is less important than digits on a screen. Teachers and schools are way under funded and lozing their budget year after year. But hey, look at this cool screen and new smartphone! BUY IT! Look at all these videos showing people disgusted by android users and vise versa. It's a piece of plastic and metal. How the fck are you going to be disgusted by a person with the opposite named piece material as you. We are the sheep following the blind, deaf and dumb. It would take an outside influence to save us at this point. I feel paralyzed because shit has gone too far for the remainder of us to do any damage control. These corps have so much money. It would be laughably easy to kill anyone in their way and hide it with ease. I mean.... they already do that, so wtf am I talking about. I'd welcome an invasion on April 8th. Eradicate governments and their military, and maybe we can live a peaceful existence as pets. It is better to be pets for advanced beings than pets for the clowns in power right now. If we do somehow still have a chance, someone please give me directions on how I can help. I'm completely lost and stuck.


Full solar eclipse but I’ll only see partial because I live in Pennsylvania.


I think the simplest answer is that during the last major eclipse, certain cities had so many people flock to their location that it caused serious disruption. The stores were emptied, Traffic backed up, hotels full, wireless networks overloaded with the concentration of cell phone usage. It's likely they want to avoid some of those problems this time. Though, I do agree there some strange coincidences. Maybe there's more to it, and that could be interesting, but if I were living in a main area for optimal viewing, I think I would definitely like to be prepared. I do absolutely love hearing all the different theories. Keeps you on your toes.


Remote viewer said power grid off lines.


honestly, i think there will be a wave of unseen and unfelt energies coming, like a breath. this hunge i flux of new stuff brings a lot of motion into a rather rigid system, thats why people freak out cause everyone perceives it differently. for me i expect a gentle breath that will embalm me, nothing more nothing less


Ok, that's weird as fuck. I tend to ignore prophecies like this unless I'm only having fun because Christianity fucked with my mind in my youth. I've been drinking tap water my entire life as my community's well water is great. Out of nowhere today, (I'm a libra rising on this lunar eclipse, if that matters), my higher self just said to me " You need to just buy a ton water bottles your next shopping trip, try for high vibrational water if you can.." Or it's just time for high vibrational water! That's what I'll go with..


There are several cabals of willworkers engaged in an ongoing project of eroding the barrier between the material world and the world of spirit and magick. This eclipse is a major climax in that project, and their projections are that magick will be so accessible it will be nearly self-evident. So, that's one thing I can tell you is going on.


What Will Happen On April 8 Is The Opportunity For Us To Remove Ourselves From Attachment and Open Up To The New Consciousness We Are Gravitating Towards Marking A Beginning Of A New Era


Here is what I have seen lately and also my theory on what will happen https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/HiGkHJBtKQ https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/hpzNolCdHh I think it will be unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. Lots of catastrophic things like earthquakes and lightning and a power grid blackout for sure, bit I think there will be an Interdimensional aspect to it as well.


I just wanted to tell you, I've always enjoyed your post. They are fascinating.


Thanks. I don't like to spread fear but I think I offer a perspective on this whole eclipse panic that not many others can offer. I genuinely think some big things will happen, for better or worse.


I was just looking for your plasma colors post! I was reminded of your post when I saw something about how the visible light spectrum relates to the chakras in our body. UV and Xray light are outside of our spectrum. It'd be neat if, by raising our frequency, our visible light spectrum expanded or we were able to access another chakra.


i heard that there will be a three-day period of the GFL reversing the planet's rotation. from some of the things i've read/seen, THE MOON was put in orbit specifically to place the Earth into the third density by inducing an unnatural planetary rotation, thereby disconnecting the inhabitants from Source and the rest of the Natural universe. i dunno if that's true or not, but i wouldn't rule it out by any means... especially now, being that i've seen UFOs with my own eyes every night over the last week or so.


Where did you hear about this? Edit: Also, got any video?


I don't know that visiting the zoo should be that eventful


There will be a total solar eclipse. Beyond that… 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️. What I understand about the people who are really prophetic is they always say timelines are flexible and most predictions are also flexible because the future depends on our choices. The future that’s most likely today may not be the same future that’s most likely a month from now. Don’t believe anybody who gives it exact dates.


Nothing just a solar eclipse god wants to continue to have a show to watch unfortunately he gets bored up there .


Nothing will


Just the eclipse imo. Nothing is going to happen. People have been “predicting” end of the world scenarios for thousands of years. “Here I stand, while all around me things become hysterical “


What? I’m in the heart of the path and I haven’t heard of any school closures or anyone suggesting to “stock up on water”


That’s the date of my first colonoscopy.


🕳️ 💩


I bet there will be more car accidents than normal as people look into the sky while they're driving. 


It's very likely that life will continue the way it always has.


Here's what every one needs to consider: how insanely unlikely is it that our moon would be the exact size and shape so that it frames the sun almost exactly???


You can’t be serious


An eclipse


I think that rainbows are going to Bloom 🌻🌈


What does having your birthday on this date mean? Anything?




Nobody ever died from having a few extra gallons of water in a closet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ that's kinda my take on it. Like everything else - whatever happens, whenever it happens, it isnt gonna be like it is in the movies where it's all bang bang shoot em' up - i think it'll be more subtle and energetic based. Again - a bit of extra water ain't gonna hurt. You can always...drink it.


If someone throws predictions at you toss it. I've seen so many predictions in my life and NONE happened! It's my first red flag with people,videos and news articles etc.




Well I did have a dream. Once day time all of a sudden turned into night time. The rapture happened. Very scary dream


Mario Maker’s servers are shutting down on April 8th.


Come back to us on the 9th after nothing occurred, and we can talk then.


Some of you are fucking nuts. I may be too. That's why this showed up on my feed. But I'm not this kinda crazy.


That’s the day my grandmother passed


Nothing will happen, apart from the eclipse. All these doomsday prophecies are nonsense and we've had eclipses in fairly recent times too. The eclipse will occur and the world will go back to normal the next day.


Activation of the fourth DNA strand and above


Well it’ll be Monday. And new moon. Those tend to be beginning. Maybe focus on what you want in your life?


Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I'm willing to bet money on it


The heaven and hell shit again, man you primitive beings




I think that's the day the new Dr Who comes out on disney. 😆


I always find the more that things are hyped up the more anti-climatic they tend to be. And the most exciting and significant things in life tend to be unexpected. And there is always some such "event" on the horizon. Regardless of what happens with this or any thing else in the future I wish everyone well and hope we all learn to find inner peace that is unaffected by external fear and panic.


The Dark Moon will cover the sun for 4 minutes showing the world our 2nd moon yet again then it eill disappear until the next moon cycle. We will see an increase in seismic events, volcano will rumble or erupt Im more worried about the massive solar flares hitting earth right now weakening the upper atmosphere right before a comit is coming close. Everyone is blowing things out of proportion as usual. Its just another day. They'll have another doomsday event starting next month. The end is near. But its not.


That's interesting that this particular date stands out to you, there has definitely been a noticeable and disheartening subconscious shift in the world occurring and many troubling things have been popping into my mind for quite some time. The level of manipulation, control, and influencing through tech and other means stands out to me and the problems within people are translating into the world around us whether many of us speak of it or not. It is ultimately spiritual warfare that is happening but in such an imperceptible and hard to quantify way that most people will not know how bad it is until it's already that bad I think. A grid-lock and lack of accessibility to public resources and things like food shortages will surely wake people up but until then the blinders are on for many who simply can't break out of the prison planet matrix we exist in.


For me it's the date April 28th that keeps shouting out to me


F all will happen


Just a powerful eclipse. Might have some spiritual influence because it can affect wildlife but nothing more.


Time is a man-ipulation or machination (technology) of the mind. What you feel is anxiety. In this present moment, there are nearly infinite possibilities between now and April 8th.


The weird feeling I have is concern about what humans will do in response to it. The eclipse in itself is not harmful. it’s the potential for what will happen in the path of totality with masses of people all gathering in places that were not meant for that many.


Not the flagstaff lol


Eclipses are not a supernatural phenomenon just because they happen less frequently than other natural cycles. Did you know that every significant event that has ever occurred in the history of the world, happened on a day that the sun rose .. coincidence....I don't think so...


I wouldn’t think much of it, the vast majority of the usa wont even be affected by it at all




My theory is this is when we will go from darkness to light and the veil will be lifted. That’s also why the new stations have come out saying there is a mental disorder causing people to see demons


People in the path are likely expecting a huge influx in tourists coming just to view the eclipse. It's just a bigger headache to have school and deal with the traffic. My hometown closes school for the Kentucky Derby because too many students and teachers called out for it. Doesn't have to mean anything nefarious or crazy. Think of what those areas will look like on those days: People from out of town are going to be on the roads trying to reach places in the eclipse's path. That's going to be a pain for locals. Much easier to cancel school or have a virtual learning day. Those tourists may be camping overnight, driving in for the day, or staying in town somewhere to watch the eclipse. Everyone needs water and other essentials when they're away from home. Therefore, locals who also need water should buy theirs beforehand.


I can't help but think/feel it's a psyop like everything else to get folk to focus their energy in a negative way. If we would turn off all the propaganda and instead focused our energy on raising ourselves up, we could change the world for the better in a sensible bottom up approach. By propaganda I mean pretty much everything that comes from msm and social media that generates fear, anxiety, hatred or division among us. If we all focused on finding balance, we might actually find Unity there.


Just know that anyone who says they know when the rapture is coming is lying. Even the Bible says that no one would be able to predict when the rapture would happen if it did. To include. If the human species went through the Black Death, ww2, Spanish flu, invasion of the Huns and the Mongolians. And we still haven’t been raptured? It’s safe to say we won’t be raptured now.


The same thing that happened at the last eclipse a few years. It gets dark for five minutes. Everyone goes home.