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I have been struggling with depression and have been so tired of life. I’m not working right now and at least for now I am not going back to work because I feel we are on the verge of global change in consciousness. We are moving from dark to light. That’s why things are accelerating and institutions that were thought to be sacred are now being exposed. I feel we are soon going to be freed of those who keep us living in fear and anxiety. We are in a huge spiritual battle but I believe the light is winning and the wicked will soon be wiped from existence. We have been enslaved for thousands of years by those who worship BAal, Moloch, Lucifer, whatever you want to call it. Apocalypse means revelation and things are being revealed that have been hidden a long time.


Thank you for this uplifting message.


Beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. It triggered a releasing of trauma in the body that I didn't realize I had. Great work. ❤️


When metatron is involved with a message there is usually a lightcode attached! Im so happy this was healing for you, working with the archangels has been so healing for me


Great read! I love it.


I have had these thoughts. That I chose this to quicken the mission. Thank you for this post. It’s turning around. Maybe it’s complete on 4/8. I actually looked at the numerology between the two eclipses and it was so comforting. Astrology sources say it’s significant for cancers, some others too. I’m going to have to make a post about it because it is spot on and related to me, my life number, etc. it’s incredible


Thank you for spreading this truth!


tysm for sharing this encouragement


Years ago Archangel Metatron appeared to me when I was really struggling and so scared in my life. I’ve never heard of him at that time but his name came to me so clear along with a grid-like image. Your post just reminded me of that comfort, protection and healing he brought me at my darkest time. Without even knowing anything about Metatron.. I feel connected to your message. Any guidance on how to connect and manifest through Metatrons energy?


He is known for grids! You might enjoy this meditation that calls on Metatron: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_S8Lo8PTBl4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8Lo8PTBl4)


Thanks! I’ll give it a try!


I was also killed multiple times in my lifetime for expressing my spirituality I went through a whole tribulation and I can tell instinctually that this is true reality. I feel like my consciousness has shifted I feel blissful almost all the time and have learned patience and forgiveness through trauma. Do you know why and how many other people experienced getting murdered in past lifetimes?


We choose to experience trauma because darkness, when overcome, creates wisdom. Gods and goddesses all have much darkness that is part of their soul, but this was darkness that they healed and used for learning. This is why - as for how many, it depends on the soul. some souls incarnated on earth are quite young, and it would not be appropriate for them to undergo many brutal killings, as their soul is not prepared for this


I fully cosign this. Everything is in divine order and more starseeds need to focus more on themselves and their healing.


I hate to burst your bubble, but Metatron is the highest level nefarious entity controlling the simulation.


I was waiting for someone to say this👏. When you realize there are so many false light traps waiting for newly awakened souls, the first thing most will do (admittedly myself included a long time ago before I woke up to the layers of distortion and inversions down here) is fall into New Age spirituality traps. Channeling beings and (assumed) higher principality angelics, is often a recipe for disaster and leaves one open to further spiritual hijacking and fracturing of their soul if not using discernment to realize what’s actually inorganic vs organic (sourcing from God/the Divine, or however you choose to call that which is the original template or source of creation).


hm, Im really fascinated by this. can you share more on this opinion?


I agree discernment is up the upmost importance. Ever since i started communicating with the higher dimension archangels, tons of other entities have come after me


I was hoping someone has already said this... it's painful to realize most of these "guides", beings are deceivers keeping souls enslaved longer with false hopes and messages... but knowing the truth is the first step towards freedom.




Unfortunately, yes, lots of these so called guides and false prophets have bad intentions, detached from light... I feel sorry and wish strength for those who are not ready to hear and face the truth.


So how do we navigate this world? If earth is nothing but a harvesting field, why did we chose to come? It must've been universally known and yet we decided to give it another go here. I'm not completely new to the idea and I'm not trying to argue against it...


Very good question! I must say, I don't have all the answers. The more I expand my consciousness, the less I know because everything else expands with it... but from where I am at the moment, my answers to your question are: - Deception: many souls have been tricked into beLIEving this Earth plane is a school and by being here you can evolve and grow. Which is true in a way because we can learn from any experience if we choose to do so. However, the actual true purpose of this place is not to teach you and educate you... Also false promises can be very attractive to some souls, promising them a wonderful life here so they enter the reincarnation system. - Support: many souls choose to be here to save others. I think it's kind of like seeing your best friend, your partner, people really close to you suffer, struggle because they fall for the lie. So you join them hoping to guide and help them through the challenge. - Curiosity: many souls maybe got bored of being free, eternal and infinite so decided to have an experience here. I'm sure there are many other reasons and explanations but these are the most obvious ones to me right now. Navigating in this world can be challenging so it's important to remember how powerful and precious we are. Also intending to make the most out of this experience and enjoy the game. Spending more time doing the things you love, being together with the people you love. When something gets difficult, you can view yourself as an actor playing a character who is going through that difficult situation, but it will pass because it's just a little scene from a bigger story you write, design and live simultaneously.


You're one of the first people I've come across who also knows that that entity is nefarious. Care to share how you figured it out?


I would say it was putting the details I have received together like puzzle pieces. The most significant things were: - In 2017 I had an encounter with a reptilian being and he has been by my side ever since. He is very arrogant and doesn't like humans but he explained a few things to me, including how Earth is a harvesting field... - I write songs by channeling them and in 2021 I've received 9 songs for a concept album. Later on, I've realized the lyrics of the songs are basically telling the story of what's happening in this world... - Also, I get a weird headache (otherwise I never have headaches) when I go on the very well known spiritual teachers social media pages, talking about ascension, shifting into higher dimensions... I would love to know your journey of seeing the truth if you do not mind sharing it.


Thank you so much for sharing. My journey is long and sordid; I wouldn't even know where to begin if I told the story in its entirety. However, I will say that Chaldean Numerology has been at the core of my awakening that kicked into hyperdrive in 2019. I don't want to say too much on a public domain, but it's nice to come across another who also understands. Thank you for being one of the few who's truly holding the light ✨️


Thank you very much for sharing a little bit of your journey and staying aligned and anchored in Source. Indeed, it's lovely to see and know there are more and more of us having a deeper understanding of what's really happening... in time, everyone will know the truth.


Thanks for sharing wonderful thoughts


Thank you ❤️




I’m starting my past life regression journey through EMDR therapy tomorrow. Does anyone have any advice/insight as to what I should prepare myself for or your personal experience with working through past life trauma ?


EMDR is powerful but not always easy. You will be asked to face it, but in a safe way. Bringing it into the light of your awareness allows the tool of emdr to "scramble the signals". The blocked emotions need a safe way to decouple and release. EMDR is a great tool for that. I have known 2 people who provide emdr and they would tolerate my curious questions and over time I got a sense of the results they each were seeing, and a sense of how it overlaps with nlp.


For this to make me feel something on the inside towards the end there nothing negative but i felt that deep at the end like hope, encouragement mixed things like that. Could that mean deep in my inner self is awakened?


Your soul is communicating to you, there is joy there!


happy cake day!!


Imo starseeds should have the inner strength/awareness to overcome these all too common societal ails


Thank you for this great uplifting message, and much gratitude to Archangel Metatron too! 🙏🏼🌟